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2021-02-09 02:40 28150625 Anonymous (1563813549-26156.jpg 1080x1080 119kB)
Imagine that utter shit like DOGE beats LINK by a long shit. Nothing matters. It’s all a joke, a cruel one. A sadist perverts wet day dream our reality is. This is a clowns world, everything burns and remains increasingly perverted. This world is an abomination consuming itself.

0 min later 28150662 Anonymous
Give it some time anon

2 min later 28150785 Anonymous
>>28150625 That's just human nature, anon. Holders in other threads are holding onto conspiracy theories that it's being suppressed. Like, it's not three years ago. Move on

2 min later 28150806 Anonymous (asuka pathetic irl.jpg 720x720 86kB)
>>28150625 >not simply comfortably holding 5% of your net worth in LINK How is this so complicated

5 min later 28151064 Anonymous
>>28150806 My portfolio is 90% LINK, sweety. I'm so fucking jaded by crypto these days that I no longer care about anything.

11 min later 28151500 Anonymous (csj64dtkbmkdj.png 1091x674 1252kB)
DOGE is driven by dumbass retail normies and will be a hyperwave just like GME. virtually none of them will come out of it in the green. regardless of what happens in the short term during this deluge of dumb money the underlying fundamentals of cryptos like LINK, BTC, ETH, and bluechip defi tokens will remain. if you own any substantial amount of these you will outperform the market by orders of magnitude long term. maybe give yourself a break from the relentless fud and manipulation on biz.

14 min later 28151729 Anonymous
>>28150625 I can explain why Link is a bad investment if you'd like. If you're genuinely interested let me know. Even reply with lashing out (a meme or snarky reply). Just lemme know.

20 min later 28152223 Anonymous
>>28151729 I would like to know

27 min later 28152679 Anonymous
>>28151500 Nobody has any clue when the rug gets pulled out, middle of the night 4AM and you're stuck holding bags with WSBtards

31 min later 28152991 Anonymous
>>28150625 Only investing in coins listed on robin hood is my new strategy. Fundamentals don't matter in Clown World.

32 min later 28153067 Anonymous
>>28152223 Okay so First off, I created a bunch of threads back when Bitcoin was at 12k, this was when PTJ and institutions were starting to dip their toes - at this point it was a no brainer - but not everyone was pricing this. Along with the fact that the "store of value" play made a whole lot of sense back then. I know how much this sounds like I'm tooting my own horn, but I didn't expect (not even remotely) the parabolic growth Bitcoin would see. So Bitcoin is the play right now and will be for the foreseeable future. I can go on and on about Bitcoin if you want, but you should have a 100% position. I'm saying this because I know you're young, so you can afford the risk/reward profile. LINK is a cool idea. However it's many years and an immense amount of infrastructure away from being profitable. Having a LINK position now is pure speculation on the grounds that it will pull something out of its ass very soon. It's had 5 years or so with next to no profitability/utility. Therefore, you shouldn't necessarily have a zero position, but logically it makes no sense to be heavily invested. There are chinks to LINK's armor. Oracles are only as truthful as the SOURCE of the data (even aggregated). The implications of this are astounding. In a sense, it defeats a purpose. If code is law, then code (software) can (and does - astonishingly well) provide solutions to data flow. I understand the LINK prophecy and what people understand and expect from it, but it's a boutique product mostly regulated to the crypto-sphere.

33 min later 28153102 Anonymous
>>28151729 shoot

34 min later 28153181 Anonymous
>>28150625 Incorrect. At present link is just a price feed. An important one yes. But that’s all it is. Future is interesting but a far far from proven one. It’s about to get hammered Bc after 3 years that’s all it is.

35 min later 28153294 Anonymous
>>28153102 I know how I sound. But I've been astonishingly right not only in crypto but stocks lately so I can't help it. If you want to fight me let me know as I'd love to be proven wrong.

36 min later 28153312 Anonymous
>>28153067 Idiot it’s only been around for 3.5 years but yes I agree w everything else. Link is well over valued for what it is right now, just a price feed.

37 min later 28153409 Anonymous
>>28153067 >the year of Our Lord 2021 >LINK is $25 >i’m still on /biz/ reading “muh data source” fud honestly what the fuck am I doing with my life lmao I have a million dollars why the fuck am I still here

37 min later 28153429 Anonymous
>>28153067 >>Having a LINK position now is pure speculation BTC is also pure speculation. Tell me how is BTC better than LINK right now.

38 min later 28153475 Anonymous
Anybody who has held more than 10% LINK thru the bullrun is fucking retarded

39 min later 28153531 Anonymous
>>28153312 Sorry thought it was 5. But yeah. It's not that philosophically/theoretically LINK can't work in this astounding way. The problem is there's no market for it. It just doesn't make enough sense.

41 min later 28153655 Anonymous
>>28151064 My networth is like 95% link.

42 min later 28153743 Anonymous (1544923292729.jpg 507x499 49kB)
>>28153475 seethe more, poorfag

42 min later 28153746 Anonymous
>>28151500 sooner the better. Doge rugpulling would result in all that liquidity flowing out into the rest of the crypto market. But knowing the faggots who chase after dogecoin pumps, hwo the fuck knows what they'd even put their money into. They'd probably just look down the list on binance and pick the first coin they see with a cute logo

43 min later 28153759 Anonymous (1612542371243.jpg 1279x1279 82kB)
>>28150625 does anyone else fucking love these threads? there is so much passion behind them, i love the energy. i totally fucking agree, this goddamn snail needs to moooooooooveeee.

44 min later 28153828 Anonymous (1612105080867.jpg 1080x1079 69kB)
>>28151064 oh sweaty, why isnt it 100%?

44 min later 28153859 Anonymous
>>28153429 Elon fucking musk just bought 1.5B of btc what do you mean. It’s literally a no lose proposition now. Next week Apple then msft then etc etc. get it

45 min later 28153899 Anonymous (qJmO4VO[1].gif 218x228 1048kB)
>>28153475 i dont think i like your tone

45 min later 28153902 Anonymous
>>28153294 If no one can solve the oracle problem crypto can't have any value besides currencies such as BTC,XMR or moving tokens like on ETH. A lot of the speculated value comes from utilizing smart contracts in streamlining automation etc. Solving the oracle problem isn't something binary since you can't really quantify what it means to be decentralized or secure. Link today is sufficient enough in providing price feeds to DeFi and one would have to assume that they will become more sufficient in providing value to other means of smart contract applications. If no one manages to solve the oracle problem as defined above then why should you ever ANYTHING other than Bitcoin and if that is what you are saying then I agree with you if we follow that train of logic.

45 min later 28153904 Anonymous
Why do people doom Link so fucking hard, its obnoxious t. Held from sub $2 and have always seen this attitude

45 min later 28153919 Anonymous
>>28153746 Doge is way more special than link. Easy to laugh it go ahead but elon chose doge not link

47 min later 28154011 Anonymous
>>28153759 Neat.

49 min later 28154125 Anonymous
It went from $4 to $25 over a year, that's not bad for a JSON parser.

49 min later 28154179 Anonymous
>>28153429 That's too easy anon. It's all about how you price inflation. The Fed feeds you 1-2% metrics (CPI). Leh'l. Okay. Well what about the price of everything that actually matters in the world (real estate, bonds {i.e. retirement}, education, food). Check the Burrito Index. "True" inflation is ~7%/yr. By keeping money in fiat, you're getting bled out by that number. Even though the money you have in the bank stays the same, your *purchasing power* dwindles - this is a really hard concept for people to grasp. But the aforementioned assets continue to rise in value whether you understand it or not. This is also extremely relevant to the wealth inequality in the US, which is unprecedented. In any case, the recent monetary shenanigans (QE), as well as bonds (which people on 4chan don't understand the importance of, as in it's in the hundreds of trillions, can easily price in the current value of BTC. Bonds are negative yielding in Europe and close to zero in the US, with many experts saying will see zero this year in the US. If you understand bonds, you'll understand Bitcoin. Negative yielding bonds means you're investing in something that will lose value.

50 min later 28154241 Anonymous (doomers.jpg 1920x1080 296kB)
hey anon, thanks for the inspiration for my poorly made OC.

51 min later 28154265 Anonymous
>>28153904 because they want you to sell and miss the moon mission. People fucking suck.

51 min later 28154272 Anonymous
>>28153902 The "Oracle problem" is a buzzword. If you can articulate the problem, and who is having that problem right now, let me know.

51 min later 28154318 Vitalij
I go all in nft on playcent After I make it people will ask me how I got a billionaire… I will tell you to get your brains off and show some respect for my portfolio

51 min later 28154320 Anonymous
>>28153904 >>28154241 oops this pic was for you, anon.

52 min later 28154394 Anonymous (1597506177495.jpg 620x574 44kB)

53 min later 28154417 Anonymous (075[1].jpg 680x383 29kB)
>>28153655 checked.

54 min later 28154504 Anonymous
>>28154394 oh hes so goddamn cute, thanks anon

55 min later 28154566 Anonymous (1598295638792.jpg 1125x1125 399kB)
>>28154504 no problem bro fuck LINK tho. it's going to 0 shortly.

56 min later 28154599 Anonymous
>>28153919 Elon just chose doge because of the rediculous price increase to $.07. He did it after the fact. Probably what made him decide to take Tesla into Bitcoin. Imagine if Elon were to simply mention LINK

56 min later 28154615 Anonymous (1612838022301.jpg 620x574 43kB)
>>28154566 checked nooooo whyyyy not my linkerinossss

59 min later 28154760 Anonymous (1609399243598.png 1710x914 1328kB)
>>28150625 I only have 13,500 link. Will this buy me enough niggers to run my plantation?

59 min later 28154769 Anonymous
>>28154272 There is no reason to use a decentralized system as long as you can't ensure that the data on the decentralized system always is true. If you can't guarantee that, then a centralized system is always better ( like the ones that exist today ). This would mean that crypto has nothing to disrupt and that its future is useless. If the oracle problem , connectivity problem, w/e how you wanna call it can be solved to guarantee the truthfulness of data then maybe decentralized applications maybe can be disruptive

1 hours later 28154832 Anonymous
>>28154272 Agree I bought into the hype and made 7 figs. But now I get it, it’s just a price feed after 3 years nothing else has materialized. We’re like years away from anything interesting.

1 hours later 28154873 Anonymous
>>28154179 no one under the age of 10 has trouble grasping the concept of inflation you pseud

1 hours later 28154923 Anonymous
>>28154832 The market simply can’t price link higher than it is now, it literally isn’t possible. This is the top for a while at least in sats.

1 hours later 28154947 Anonymous
>>28153181 Take away that “price feed” and shit like AAVE doesnt exist. All that utility AAVE provides, literally gone. All the money flowing through it, the ability to lend and borrow. Gone. Why is it logical that LINK under performs this much. Look at ETH. No app on eth has come close to passing eth itself yet. One day plenty will, like the internet has companies worth more than ISPs themselves. But if it hasnt even happened to ETH yet, why LINK? Possibly because normies are dumb. Link pumped without any of them, and they are too poor to buy link and still don’t understand it, which, woulds technically make it undervalued still.

1 hours later 28154970 Anonymous
>>28154769 link doesn't guarantee truth you tard. it literally just brings data into a blockchain environment

1 hours later 28154976 Anonymous
>>28150625 Hahaha what a dramatic faggot.

1 hours later 28154992 Anonymous
Yeah I've held this for the past year and seeing all these pajeet shitcoins mooning is just depressing. Thinking about converting my Link stack to ETH so at least I can get something out of it.

1 hours later 28155031 Anonymous
>>28151064 80%link 20%linkpool chad reporting in

1 hours later 28155099 Anonymous
>>28150625 I would FUD but no one is interested in your 10 LINK bags faggot

1 hours later 28155115 Anonymous
>>28150625 Have you ever heard of something called communism? I’m not saying it works but if you hate everyone here and anyone like them it’s the best way to get revenge. People here contribute to manufactured demand because they know they can profit off the less fortunate.

1 hours later 28155250 Anonymous
>>28154599 DOGE has the advantage of being meta. This fuels his love for irony. DOGE is in a way an ingenious way of investing in crypto. Besides Bitcoin (and very arguably ETH per borrowing/lending), "cryptocurrencies" have no utility or adoption - it's purely speculative. What earnings reports are there exactly? It's a roulette wheel, and has been for 10 years. How long have you been on this forum? A year? It's been constantly burying unsophisticated investors in altcoins for 10 years. There is a crypto graveyard that is astounding, check historical market cap metrics - it will blow your mind. DOGE (and DeFi) are in a way, an acceptance of this fact, that you mustn't rely on partnerships and roadmaps (which have NEVER done ANYTHING for ANY crypto), that investing in crypto means you're investing in and of the crypto itself, not reliant on externalities. In that sense, DeFi is all about the "decentralized" borrowing and lending network, where price is determined by the crypto product and nothing else, and DOGE is determined by the crypto product (irony, meta) and nothing else.

1 hours later 28155251 Anonymous
>>28154265 What moon mission negro its done fuck all while everything else is popping off. It did its 100x if you havent made it then you werent going to make it anyway

1 hours later 28155326 Anonymous
>>28153409 I think this everyday I come here. Its hard to quit. Price feeds are FUD now when they are clearly the most profitable and valuable data as they allow derivative smart contracts a literal quadrillion dollar value market.

1 hours later 28155431 Anonymous
>>28154970 Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Do you want me to caveat everything?

1 hours later 28155442 Anonymous
>>28153409 You have a million dollars unrealized value in assets, not a million dollars. You stay here hoping to read something that will make you feel in control while you greedily let it ride in the hope that you will have 5 million when you finally take some profit. You realize there is a risk that the entire market will shit itself 2018 style before you've seen a dollar, or you'd be doing other things instead of stressing. Welcome to LINKer hell.

1 hours later 28155551 Anonymous
>>28155431 >There is no reason to use a decentralized system as long as you can't ensure that the data on the decentralized system always is true you said it not me

1 hours later 28155798 Anonymous
>>28154873 The overwhelming majority of people don't understand it at all. That's not to say smart money doesn't understand it, and profits from it (obviously, the rich get richer). However, there is a paradigm shift occurring, right now, where people are starting to grasp this idea, GameStop is a symptom. Millennials only hold 5% of the wealth today. Grasp that. The future isn't even investing in Bitcoin yet. We are going to see real parabolic growth from here, and ironically, the further the price goes up, the more institutions feel comfortable coming in - this exists with no other investment.

1 hours later 28155819 Anonymous
>>28154318 kill thy self

1 hours later 28156319 Anonymous
>>28153409 actually never seen any data source fud, i thought i was being original no offense, but tone vays is proof you can be a retard and make a lot of money

1 hours later 28156702 Anonymous
>>28156319 no, you aren't original. It's the same mantra we've heard repeated since 2017. Chainlink isn't a god oracle your idea of a god oracle is a pipe dream Now please leave my board

1 hours later 28156739 Anonymous
imagine thinking the markets are going to be rational in a bull cycle. you guys are ungrateful for the returns we have had so far on link just because investors are investing in hype assets like they ALWAYS DO. how new are you fucking retards?

1 hours later 28156767 Anonymous
>>28154947 There is justlend on TRON and Venus on Binance smart chain. Over 1bil value locked. How do these even work without chainlink? maybe the oracle problem is not as difficult to solve as we thought three years ago

1 hours later 28157135 Anonymous
>>28156702 Not a god oracle, the god oracle

1 hours later 28157147 Anonymous
>>28156767 you can make in house oracles but they aren't as secure as decentralized ones. They're cheaper to maintain, but your protocol is less secure and at higher risk of a malicious actor gaming your oracle.

1 hours later 28157348 Anonymous
>>28150625 wow what an organic concern trolling / demoralization thread i just sold 100k

1 hours later 28157437 Anonymous
>>28156767 Would YOU trust lending and borrowing 6 figures or even 5 figures on them? Because in wouldnt. I barely have courage to trust systems that use LINK(not bc of links solution, but because the platform may have bugs). Link is the only real answer

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