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2021-02-09 12:46 28141476 Anonymous (1612806585175.jpg 566x566 17kB)
1 min later 28141579 Anonymous
2 min later 28141634 Anonymous (1344577699165.jpg 251x242 29kB)
2 min later 28141678 Anonymous
Who cares. It's Doge. Get a grip
2 min later 28141685 Anonymous (4D24ECFE-BB85-4565-A0DC-78B0E6F6B505.png 828x1792 719kB)
App forced close auto updated then this pops up.... tuck these pieces of shit
2 min later 28141710 Anonymous
2 min later 28141718 Anonymous
whats the reason this time?
3 min later 28141820 Anonymous
Good, you retard are gonna get dumped on so fucking hard
4 min later 28141842 Anonymous
Man I wanted to buy at .03, and it went down to .0301, so I guess I gotta wait until it inevitably collapses
4 min later 28141880 Anonymous
What’s a good exchange to use I live in nys and currently have Robinhood I tried Binance but the United States wasn’t on the list of countries for me
5 min later 28141921 Anonymous
who the fuck buys crypto through robinhood anyway
5 min later 28141949 Anonymous
Mine stopped working on the desktop momentarily, but I could still buy on my phone.
5 min later 28141969 Anonymous
Oh god, Elon Musk was planting a bomb for the entire stock market. When regular stocks and crypto stocks both get targeted by the elite, the public accelerates by buying tons of physical metal, knowing it would kill the entire industry.
6 min later 28142002 Anonymous
>he is literally unironically still using robin hood
you people just enjoy suffering dont you
6 min later 28142048 Anonymous
So can bullets
7 min later 28142111 Anonymous
Can confirm I tried buying and after an hour the transaction “failed”
7 min later 28142129 Anonymous
exit scam
7 min later 28142132 Anonymous
9 min later 28142239 Anonymous
Server is kill by retards.
9 min later 28142257 Anonymous
dogecoin buyers
I know at least three people who bought it there
9 min later 28142284 Anonymous
open a fucking bittrex, kraken and coinbase accounts you pathetic slow-to-learn morons. sweet fuck it is not hard
9 min later 28142304 Anonymous
>using Robin Hood
Redditors out.
10 min later 28142401 Anonymous
>paying commission to buy a fucking meme currency
If you're gonna speculate on horseshit don't pay an extra $2
11 min later 28142442 Anonymous (images (39).jpg 482x636 22kB)
What's wrong with buying crypto from a broker? It's convenient to have stocks and crypto in one place
11 min later 28142467 Anonymous
>still using jewhood
12 min later 28142530 Anonymous
>using 3 app to pay fees to buy the same shit
13 min later 28142643 Anonymous
>What's wrong with buying crypto from a broker? It's convenient to have stocks and crypto in one place
Nothing if it's just a normal broker. Robinhood isn't normal. They work for the elites and prevents the poor from trading whenever they want meanwhile rich elites can keep buying or selling at any time.
Look at GME for example. What they did was pure bullshit.
14 min later 28142731 Anonymous
Nothing, only rh
15 min later 28142786 Anonymous
Doge to increase massively.
16 min later 28142839 Anonymous
tell us how then?
16 min later 28142845 Anonymous
Get the fuck off RH you tards
16 min later 28142858 Anonymous
I remember applying for kraken like 4 years ago. Those fuckers never got back to me.
Oddly binance.com was the only one that let me in for whatever reason. Tho they kicked me out recently saying they can't support US customers anymore. And binance.us doesn't support the state I live in.
I do have coinbase, but they don't support like 99% of all the altcoins out there.
16 min later 28142907 Anonymous
We don't care
16 min later 28142909 Anonymous
buying doge on robinhood is literally the most retard normie thing imaginable
17 min later 28142925 Anonymous
The cost of your free trading is this kind of bullshit, so enjoy
18 min later 28143013 Anonymous
Binance.US is the US version, have to use that one specifically.
18 min later 28143031 Anonymous
>poorfags can't afford to spend 1 cent in fees on hundreds of dollars in gains
18 min later 28143050 what happens next
19 min later 28143077 Anonymous (download (3).jpg 225x225 7kB)
19 min later 28143088 Anonymous
If you're still using RH, you're a fucking retard.
19 min later 28143132 Anonymous
Robinhood has 0 fees so you can swing is why
20 min later 28143209 Anonymous
Anyone who swings is a retard anyway, enjoy your 5k tax bill newfag
21 min later 28143228 Anonymous
They literally just ran out of coins. That’s it
21 min later 28143239 Anonymous
Anyone wants a binance ref? 10%fornyou 10%for me
22 min later 28143360 Anonymous
It says i cant but when I try it it works wtf
22 min later 28143367 Anonymous
Why do you post retard shit like this?
23 min later 28143419 Anonymous
Good thing I just swapped over to Blockfolio. Though I don't own much Doge so it doesn't really matter. But at least they won't cuck me out of sales.
23 min later 28143438 Anonymous
What about Binance
23 min later 28143458 Anonymous
Coinbase doesnt support Doge, Binance has a 2 week approval period. Eveything else is fucked or doesn't work in America
24 min later 28143515 Anonymous
imagine being a poor nigger crying about $5 fee, ngmi
25 min later 28143591 Anonymous
25 min later 28143633 Anonymous (1612818035883.png 535x388 19kB)
I literally set up a binance account with a vpn and immediately added eth to it, what the fuck are you on about?
26 min later 28143670 Anonymous
Lil doge stock finna doin smth
27 min later 28143723 Anonymous
Look I understand the irony. it's fucked. Getting rich off of capital trading is so cucked in the usa it's not even funny
27 min later 28143762 Anonymous
I'm waiting on binance, kraken site is always down and I have coinbase
28 min later 28143822 Anonymous
They wont let me add cash from ACH for 2 weeks. I dont have any other crypto to trade with
28 min later 28143868 Anonymous
Binance.us fren. Have a referral code 53232687
29 min later 28143910 Anonymous
>buying dogecoin from a baby broker that doesn't actually own any
>get fucked when you try to cash out
29 min later 28143924 Anonymous
just use binance unless you are in the US then you are fucked
29 min later 28143962 Anonymous
>first GME, now this
holy shit robinhood is gonna tank the market
30 min later 28144047 Anonymous
So robinhood is not operating a crypto exchange its kind of a clearing house
Basically you retards bought all the coins in the spreadsheet and Susie already went home for the night
31 min later 28144108 Anonymous
>he still has a robinhood
How dumb do you have to be? I bet you still have a twitter too.
31 min later 28144128 Anonymous (F8BB6EAF-7725-4A80-B3BD-5420C961F6DF.jpg 828x1379 318kB)
32 min later 28144160 Anonymous
Imagine being a virgin and giving money to goybase. I don’t even buy the garbage I’m just saying
32 min later 28144162 Anonymous
Hey niggers check this out
If you have a Coinbase acct already do this:
>buy btc/eth/whatever
>use vpn to sign up for GOOD binance, not amerimutt version
>no kyc required
>send ur btc or whatever u bought from coinbase to ur new binance acct
Its how I buy doge and nkn and I live in Iowa lmao
32 min later 28144225 Anonymous
fuck off jannie
33 min later 28144261 Anonymous
Even after all the shit 0 fees is pretty nice
33 min later 28144310 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-185000_Robinhood.jpg 720x1280 197kB)
It's all cryptos. First they said it was "scheduled maintenance" and was back at 5:50pm then a few minutes later it said this.
33 min later 28144330 Anonymous (1579048446137.jpg 785x1000 264kB)
34 min later 28144375 Anonymous
Ut yeah
34 min later 28144395 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-181946_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2316 477kB)
Robinhood is literally displaying this message for every crypto on the platform.
34 min later 28144421 Anonymous
ofc I will, I pay the $40 gas fees on uni as well, tongue my anus now
35 min later 28144459 Anonymous
Do you not need a street address? That seems pretty sketchy.
35 min later 28144465 Anonymous
35 min later 28144466 Anonymous
This. My account is only a few days old, but bought all my doge buying LTC on Gemini (I'm sure there's something more efficient but idc) and transferring to Binance, selling for USDT.
36 min later 28144523 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-192153_Robinhood.jpg 1070x159 44kB)
That's it for me with RH bro
36 min later 28144532 Anonymous (file.png 1204x667 59kB)
36 min later 28144540 Anonymous
Bittrex for Us. Also crypto.com. Don’t pay income taxes why do we owe the government our coins? Just say no to spying.
36 min later 28144542 Anonymous
I was just providing the requested pic
36 min later 28144545 Anonymous
They probably don't have the supply to backup any of the trades and are scrambling to come up with actual sats.
38 min later 28144661 Anonymous
nobody pays tax on crypto
38 min later 28144662 Anonymous
Nope. All you need is an email and youre set to start trading
38 min later 28144679 Anonymous
I tried this and couldn't verify my identity. DOesn't work for me. Or am I missing something.
38 min later 28144714 Anonymous
To everyone trying to trade DOGE right now:
Just set up a Voyager account. It only took me a few minutes, and they let you do instant deposits.
38 min later 28144724 Anonymous (IShouldBeAlive.png 309x267 79kB)
I just sold all my RH bitcoin successfully despite the message. (Leaving the app though, enough of this stuff)
39 min later 28144802 Anonymous
m8 are you trying binance.us?
Sign up for the uncucked one, it doesnt make you verify shit besides email
39 min later 28144810 Anonymous (C0285141-0A82-4D78-B53E-3C2F5940728D.png 1242x2688 2260kB)
has anybody used the exodus wallet to buy bitcoin then swap for doge?
they dont ask for ID verification
40 min later 28144842 Anonymous
its seemingly holding steady.
40 min later 28144849 Anonymous
40 min later 28144893 Anonymous
Janet found the cumbox
40 min later 28144898 Anonymous (1612826283294.png 626x626 49kB)
41 min later 28144962 Anonymous
Robinhood is a MESS. It had some "scheduled maintenance" during hours earlier.
41 min later 28144981 Anonymous
I bought 150$ of it last night... I understand meme magic. I want it.
43 min later 28145078 Anonymous
good, you don't own doge that you buy on RH, they hold it and you can't transfer it to another wallet. its pointless unless you own it and can move it to your own wallet.
43 min later 28145140 Anonymous
exchanges are worse than rabihood it seems. I have a Kraken account from way back when but it shits itself multiple times a day. Not to mention all of the exit scams, it makes sense that normies would be hesitant to open an account on an exchange they don't recognize
44 min later 28145183 Anonymous
bought some doge on rh just to test this and op is fake and gay
46 min later 28145336 Anonymous
Buy btc on coinex, convert to doge, send to binance while you wait for verification
46 min later 28145351 Anonymous
dont' care
already have over 2k in my poverty stack from the weekend
46 min later 28145353 Anonymous (7865434790-0.webm 854x480 684kB)
Why are you retards still using Robinhood? Didn't you learn anything from the GME thing?
47 min later 28145412 Anonymous
you can't move crypto off robinhood. if you can't put it in a wallet it's not yours.
48 min later 28145461 Anonymous
Teach me the best way to do this then as an Amerimutt
48 min later 28145465 Anonymous
i only have what i bought when i was new in there. just gonna hold it until they make a transfer option. buying it on other platforms now
49 min later 28145523 Anonymous
I dont know what the fuck you're talking about, i literally just purchased some for 10$
49 min later 28145592 Anonymous (1612229177076.gif 368x368 2012kB)
Anything wrong with Kraken? Its what I have my CheemsBux in
49 min later 28145597 Anonymous (9084230732.jpg 719x404 41kB)
50 min later 28145608 Anonymous
50 min later 28145644 Anonymous
Good thing I’m HODLing
50 min later 28145656 Anonymous
doubt this is even real
51 min later 28145704 Anonymous
51 min later 28145734 Anonymous (1609068420180.jpg 1324x779 298kB)
How deep can we go?
52 min later 28145775 Anonymous
kraken got much much better nigger, I recall in 2017 it crashed at least 5times before order got placed
52 min later 28145804 Anonymous (1602080972448.jpg 497x614 29kB)
2.1 rating and everyone saying it's buggy and slow. Am I missing something here?
53 min later 28145915 Anonymous
HODLING 3000 coins. plan to add hundred more next month
53 min later 28145924 Anonymous
It may be defaulting to that, I'll try again. Thanks bro.
54 min later 28145979 Anonymous
It's called Coinbase, Metamask, and a fucking debit card. Use Uniswap. I solved all of your problems for myself in less than a week and I've gone 3x waiting for higher.
55 min later 28146016 Anonymous (chaddler.png 1080x1246 767kB)
>>>using 3 app to pay fees to buy the same shit
trust, you really, REALLY don't want your crypto in general to be locked up in any one exchange or wallet.
I unironically have 5 different places to hold my crypto. This is both for security reasons as well as for stuff like this. It's worth the effort, and it gives you peace of mind.
Remember Mt. Gox
56 min later 28146078 Anonymous
There will be people stuck on Robinhood for years, because its an app they used before. Its gambling / addiction behavior.
56 min later 28146111 Anonymous
Imagine continuing to use Robinhood after they've shown that they'll instantly (((shut it down))) the moment too many goyim start making money
57 min later 28146168 Anonymous
Think about it. No buy fees, no sell fees for millions in crypto. Why the fuck wouldnt you? Aside from yea, them fucking you like this during volatility.
57 min later 28146217 Anonymous
It's all cryptos retards. still, don't use RH.
58 min later 28146287 Anonymous
I hate this particular cat. Its obviously not aware of how its affecting others.
58 min later 28146295 Anonymous
its not blocked , only a delay of a few seconds if at all, i was able to swing 300 +10 .
58 min later 28146319 Anonymous
Is there a QUICK way to get ETH to a Metamask wallet?
Coinbase is too fucking slow and doesn't let me transfer ETH for a week on top of charging fees.
Can't buy them directly on Metamask because I'm "lucky" enough to be in a state that's not supported for their ACH client.
59 min later 28146366 Anonymous
They're back, They probably had to get another billion dollar loan to keep up with the volume of trading going on right now
59 min later 28146378 Anonymous
Im min maxing my sheks right now and the 75 its cost to transfer out of RH is sheks I could be putting towards stonks. I dont have time to save the fucking world right now, I just want to make money. Besides, damn near all the brokers pulled the same shit, why this dogpiling of Robinhood?
59 min later 28146395 Anonymous
Patience, faggot.
59 min later 28146402 Anonymous (AF4ECA56-7094-4FA6-97A0-0AD0D594FA77.png 828x1792 443kB)
Works on my machine unironically wtf are you guys on about
1 hours later 28146425 Anonymous
Ya they MAY not execute right now. That's because so many people are trading it. They're not blocking it, just overwhelmed again because their shit sucks. You might have to do manual buys and sells multiple times for them to go through. That's all.
Or just don't buy with RH.
1 hours later 28146495 Anonymous
>Besides, damn near all the brokers pulled the same shit, why this dogpiling of Robinhood?
Because they are the worst about it. They do it more than any of the other brokerage, for much longer periods of time, and do not give any explanations or time periods
1 hours later 28146557 Anonymous
Maybe not if your profit is <$500...
1 hours later 28146621 Anonymous
>What's wrong with buying crypto from a broker?
You're literally fucking seeing what's wrong with it right fucking now you dumb piece of shit. When you buy crypto on a broker you aren't buying crypto, you're buying an IOU for crypto.
1 hours later 28146662 Anonymous
Blockfolio's good right? It's selection of cryptos seem limited though.
1 hours later 28146675 Anonymous
Retard alert
Even Redditors know better
1 hours later 28146869 Anonymous
My limit buy got blocked. don/t know why, I dont think Doge dipped down to my buy price which was $.075 but I got a faggoty email from faggot RobinHood telling me that my Doge order failed.
1 hours later 28146892 Anonymous
I've missed out on too many opportunities because I can't invest in a shitton of coins that have blown the fuck up over the past few days.
I'm NGMI if I can't make moves at the right time.
1 hours later 28147165 Anonymous
>stocks and crypto in one place
Except your crypto isn't there. Its in robinhoods wallet. If you can't move it then you don't own it.
1 hours later 28147212 Anonymous
What crpyto platform do you recommend? I normally use Coinbase for Crypto but there's no Doge on there.
1 hours later 28147250 Anonymous
>you're buying an IOU for crypto
it's worse than that on RH, because you aren't even buying an IOU. You cannot redeem your crypto holdings for actual crypto from Robinhood. It's more like a cash settled perp.
1 hours later 28147329 Anonymous (88E99D47-C12E-4DCB-ACD2-0AA3FDFFB831.png 750x1334 348kB)
Mine doesn’t say that. We’re all gonna be ok
1 hours later 28147393 Anonymous
as soon as binance gets my shit verified i'm off rh for good. taking fucking forever.
1 hours later 28147442 Anonymous
1 hours later 28147493 Anonymous
1 hours later 28147507 Anonymous
This would PUMP doge. Image GME bag holding fucks dumping and moving to DOGE to "fuck the wall street hood" or w/e.
1 hours later 28147665 Anonymous
>he bought the top
kek, watching you guys lose everything has been and will continue to be, hilarious
1 hours later 28147686 Anonymous (c0gttj74kr0tivbdsj60-kraken-dogeusd[1].png 1279x566 100kB)
i bought because it looks like a whale or a discord did
im hoping to swing this buy
1.940 0.149