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2021-02-08 04:57 28099045 Anonymous (IMG_20210208_165635.jpg 1080x1577 532kB)
How hard are nocoiners coping right now?
4 min later 28099427 Anonymous
They are dilating as we speak
5 min later 28099568 Anonymous
They deserve to be left behind. They had 10 years.
6 min later 28099628 Anonymous
I'm predicting we're going to get shilled with a million inorganic tether fud threads very soon, just like during the last parabolic pump
7 min later 28099764 Anonymous
Can someone explain to me why this fucking currency is so valuable i understand how it works with the ledgers blah blah blah. Honestly its way to fucking late to get into bitcoin anyways
9 min later 28099922 Anonymous
10 min later 28099938 Anonymous
these faggots dont know how the world works because their upvote system makes them a blind echo chamber, being under the blanket while farting fuck them.
they also dont realize buying BTC under 100k is a good buy retards
10 min later 28099983 Anonymous
Imagine its 4000 BC and you're one of the first people to realize gold's value
11 min later 28100074 Anonymous
Lmao imagine how these guys feel who have spent years of their life posting on a reddit forum for guys who hate Bitcoin just watching the price go up
11 min later 28100083 Anonymous
11 min later 28100110 Anonymous
who fucking knows desu
12 min later 28100157 Anonymous
>yfw you get EXTRA taxed for holding crypto because of muhh environment.
13 min later 28100277 Anonymous
Dont be a faggot and zoomout.
Do you think 10 years is a long time compared to human's history ?
This is STILL early.
Sure, you could've been in earlier if you weren't such a retarded faggot (that still doesn't get bitcoin in 2021) but its NOT too late to get in.
t. I was a newfag in 2017 and felt it was too late then already.
13 min later 28100282 Anonymous
Explain it to me then mr.zyzz when did you get into the crypto game and why?
15 min later 28100385 Anonymous
>too much retarded money floating around
Lol the average person is so fucking stupid they answer their own question and are incapable of understanding it.
Just wait to see how much retarded money is floating around after student loan forgiveness, reparation payments, and "stimulus" paying out 10k to shaniqua for each of her 8 kids. You won't be able to get a double cheeseburger from McDonald's for less than $10.
16 min later 28100511 Anonymous
I mean how much more can it really fucking go up??? Do you really think this thing is going to break into the 6 figures. I know you can buy fractions of bitcoin but what in the living fuck. I understand that crypto is the future but what the fuck man, how do other cryptocurrencies even compete with bitcoin??? What would even be the purpose of investing in etherium and not some fucking meme coin like dogecoin
16 min later 28100531 Anonymous
>its way to fucking late to get into bitcoin
brainlet take
17 min later 28100568 Anonymous
It was first
17 min later 28100606 Anonymous
lmao imagine being the poor pathetic fuck who caps their posts and brings them here
18 min later 28100647 Anonymous (aaf.png 680x709 246kB)
Bitcoin is not a rocket to the moon, its a life best on the FIAT TITANIC
some people just notice the (((iceberg))) early
19 min later 28100753 Anonymous
BTC will very likely break 100k, yeah. Although its not particularly my main asset, I do own a bit.
If you wanna be a technical fag, think of bitcoin has a store of value, not a currency. By default you need a second coin as a currency, but thats if you're fall for the technical memes.
Personally I don't give a single fuck about adoption and real life uses, I'm in it to make cash and crypto's runs far from over.
Pick your champs and ride them for years, keep 10/15% to gamble on random pajeet scams and try to outtime the pajeets.
20 min later 28100816 Anonymous
Then tell me how its not to late what the fuck are you talking about? Why the hell shouldn't I just invest in etherium instead of bitcoin? I'm not a fucking moron with my money and I'm not going to drop 40 grand on one fucking currency with the hope that it will go up to fucking 6 figures in who knows how long. Why should I just invest in other coins? Also i don't mean to be an asshole about this I'm just tired of all of the pompous dick heads who boast about how stupid people are for not knowing the value on cryptos
20 min later 28100884 Anonymous
because niggers are retarded. sold out of my bitcoin a year ago because i know faggots will pay retard prices. bitcoin is worthless compared to the green i use to pay for the shit i buy or the gold i have in my vault. dont buy into the memecoin shitcoin garbage, if you do, pray you find some retard to sell it to.
21 min later 28100893 Anonymous
They were trying to make Elon buy their fucking GME bags.
23 min later 28101093 Anonymous
bitcoin is needed for the off-planet economy and here's why:
there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin. for every bitcoin that is mined the computation time increases for each successive bitcoin that is mined.
they will not find more bitcoin in space. there is a functionally infinite amount of resources in our local solar system alone, enough to crash the entire world economy several times over (for a historical parallel look at what happened to gold when the spanish started mining it en masse in the new world).
do you understand yet?
25 min later 28101239 Anonymous
but you can't find racks of fiat just lying around on comets, why not use the $ for off-planet trading?
25 min later 28101240 Anonymous
>How hard are nocoiners coping right now?
nocoiner here
zero, nada, zilch. all power to everyone who made gains though, but crypto isn't something that my heart can take, risk is just too high.
27 min later 28101395 Anonymous
that's why you came to /biz/ today?
27 min later 28101417 Anonymous
>*crash electrical grid*
>*assume control of hash rate*
heh nothing personnel
28 min later 28101479 Anonymous
29 min later 28101573 Anonymous
I doubt very much the person that does that is poor
29 min later 28101574 Anonymous
I understand all of that, I get how there is an infinite amount of resources in the universe that deflates the value of tangible assets. But fucking still man, that is still all theory, and also fucking thousands of years from now. This is still a intangible currency and yes I understand that the United States dollar is fiat and only backed by what the fed says its worth.
29 min later 28101605 Anonymous
fiat can be printed at an infinite rate. mmt supports this, but mmt will be prolapsed by crypto.
as of today, assume bitcoin is "digital gold". even a modest low orbit economy will eclipse terrestrial industries. to give this new sector stability there must be a hard store of value. the men behind these space concerns have decided that bitcoin is that hard store.
32 min later 28101821 Anonymous
According to JP Morgan it's an inflationary hedge that competes with gold, and will most likely steal half of golds marketcap at the least.
According to BlackRock it could eventually replace the USD as the world reserve currency.
BTC has value for the same arbitrary reason that gold has value.
34 min later 28101946 Anonymous
this particular specie of fud is dead.
try again.
>thousands of years from now
no, this decade. you can bet on that. the world is going to be completely unrecognizable by the 30s.
furthermore, bitcoin is not intangible. you only perceive it to be that way because of your prejudices. you have no vision and that is why you cannot accept that this is the future of money.
34 min later 28102018 Anonymous
>40 grand on one fucking currency
buy a fraction of a bitcoin. 0.3 if you wanna be a one percenter.
35 min later 28102112 Anonymous
this is still early
36 min later 28102203 Anonymous
lol, this post sort of touches on it, but not quite.
The pump that got us to 40k in the first place was due to Elon buying in...
As if these companies only go public as they're doing it. When they announce it, they bought in MONTHS ago.
37 min later 28102236 Anonymous
Its' value correlates with the madness of "traditional" monetary policy, therefore limitless moon
46 min later 28103119 Anonymous
you are poor now retard
51 min later 28103534 Anonymous
>Lmao imagine how these guys feel who have spent years of their life posting on a reddit forum for guys who hate Bitcoin just watching the price go up
Typical faggitors.
54 min later 28103742 Anonymous
>that's why you came to /biz/ today?
To let everyone know how much he's coping with his poverty and cowardice and stupidity.
1 hours later 28104957 Anonymous
>arbitrary reason
money isnt really arbitrary. according to mike maloney it needs to be
>store value
>a medium of exchange
>unit of account
gold coinage meets the above too, but we like digital asset transfers in the modern world so BTC is gaining prevalence
1 hours later 28105118 Anonymous
Everything he says is 100% true, yet 99% of my. net worth is in crypto.
Some people just can't get themselves to realise that memes are more important than fundamentals.
1 hours later 28105234 Anonymous
what make you so sure its been decided whats the hard store ?
maybe its something else, maybe its undetermined ?
either way its fluid not solid
1 hours later 28105496 Anonymous
>memes are more important than fundamentals
only in this clown world not a real world
1 hours later 28105570 Anonymous
>Dont be a faggot and zoomout.
>Do you think 10 years is a long time compared to human's history ?
Shit changes really quick these days lol.
1 hours later 28105640 Anonymous
>there is a functionally infinite amount of resources in our local solar system alone
Priced in
1 hours later 28105704 Anonymous
This right here. This is all it needs.
1 hours later 28105887 Anonymous
You are going to make life changing money with crypto, if you're smart about it. You are going to create generational wealth.
1 hours later 28106050 Anonymous
because they need one now. for the foreseeable future this is it.
1 hours later 28106058 Anonymous
we ran the numbers many times anon, bitcoin at $2,000,000 is easily attainable
1 hours later 28106116 Anonymous
>4000bc realizing the value of gold
You clearly are a american
1 hours later 28106410 Anonymous
>What would even be the purpose of investing in etherium and not some fucking meme coin like dogecoin
ETH has a use. DOGE is just a woodchipper that retards happily jump into because of memes.
this sentiment indicates you have absolutely no understanding of crypto. if you want to make it, you should educate yourself.
1 hours later 28106434 Anonymous
it can change anytime
watch out just wait and find out
1 hours later 28106435 Anonymous
I'm not a moron it will never jump into something without understanding the technology behind it. There are plenty of people who probably make more money off scamming suckered all the time. What made you realize its potential?
1 hours later 28106603 Anonymous
you are a moron
1 hours later 28106697 Anonymous
I was being facetious with that apology of comparing a retard coin with etherium. Ok ill put in big boy terms for you, what use does etherium have over bitcoin then?? Both obviously have their uses, don't act like a pompous cunt about it
1 hours later 28106716 Anonymous
and a nigger
1 hours later 28106851 Anonymous
bitcoin is a store of value, a currency. etherium is a platform.
how fucking dense are you? do you know anything at all?
1 hours later 28106915 Anonymous
Ok and you are a chad with a 15 inch massive cock who owns 5 lambos
1 hours later 28106917 Anonymous
Not here to spoonfeed you faggot
1 hours later 28106949 Anonymous
I get that you can buy a Tesla with BTC now but why did they bought some ?
1 hours later 28106964 Anonymous
dumbass nigger
1 hours later 28107046 Anonymous
I have absolutely no fucking clue about these things, never once have a read about how these things work besides the basics of it. You're like a god dude....
1 hours later 28107114 Anonymous
For the cash till, duh. Gotta make change...
1 hours later 28107193 Anonymous
I dont get it sorry
1 hours later 28107248 Anonymous
they are holding it instead of USD because of inflation
1 hours later 28107314 Anonymous (goldasteroids.png 1333x745 273kB)
wrong retard, Bitcoin and fiat is what killed the space age
gold used to be what pushed us out into the frontier, just look at gold rushes into the new world (as you mentioned), California, Australia, Africa, etc. Think that would've happened if there was no gold there? think that would've happened if gold was not money? NO.
now that we have Bitcoin and fiat all that people are doing is sitting at home, collecting fiat welfare and putting it into the crypto casino to get their dopamine rush while the world around them stagnates and fades
and NO, there is not a "functionally infinite amount of resources in our local solar system", do you have any idea how few asteroids there actually are in our solar system? the total mass of all asteroids in our solar system is ONLY 3% OF THE MASS OF THE FUCKING MOON
there is HUNDREDS of times more gold on earth than there is in space, and the deposits we have on earth have higher gold density than asteroids in space
the most common asteroid type are carbonaceous chondrites and they have a gold ppm och 0.1 - 0.23, gold mines on earth have a gold density of 6 ppm, that's 26 TIMES HIGHER GOLD DENSITY ON EARTH THAN 75% OF ALL ASTEROIDS
going into space only becomes valuable when the price of gold goes astronomical ($100,000+/ounce), which it should
then going into space for lucky strikes will be viable but it won't crash the price of gold, not even fucking close
1 hours later 28107386 Anonymous
I want to apologize to all of those, I clearly do not understand how any of this really works. Don't mean to lash out, I'm just fascinated with it all
1 hours later 28107432 Anonymous
Ngmi nigger
1 hours later 28107508 Anonymous
>noooooo you can’t just use BTC as a currency you said it was a store of value!!!!1!1!!
1 hours later 28107535 Anonymous
>You're like a god dude....
this is how pajeet and nigger talks lol too funny :)))))))
1 hours later 28107544 Anonymous
So gold is the best investment, ever?
1 hours later 28107686 Anonymous
Like sheep to slaughter.
Hundreds of trillions in leverage and you choose to own nothing? Sorry guys, btc is a zero. You are like an underwater cave diver. Taking extraordinary risk. But when the leverage unwinds, you’ll find that crypto is a false chimney and when you desperately swim to the surface for air there will be no way out. Real goods and assets will be bought up and claimed and bad paper assets will blow up in your face. Btc included. You will dump money in, but will not be able to extract value out. People will want hard assets when the leverage unwinds, and those with hard assets will not be letting them go for fiat money or digital nothing stores of value. Just something to think about. Make the money while you can when the cash is sloshing around. But your air supply is quickly running out.
1 hours later 28107750 Anonymous
Hey man I wish you luck with your investments. I hope you make a lot of gains dude. You obviously know what you are doing. I'm ignorant on the subject so you're the real winner man.
1 hours later 28107780 Anonymous
>Bitcoin and fiat is what killed the space age
stopped reading there.
1 hours later 28107884 Anonymous
he did buy btc before the gme happening
1 hours later 28107955 Anonymous
Bruh what
1 hours later 28107970 Anonymous
you missed the ground floor but anything sub 100k is early.
1 hours later 28107979 Anonymous (220px-Trollface_non-free.png 6024x4880 3569kB)
>mfw selling my TSLA to buy more BTC
1 hours later 28108000 Anonymous
passive aggressive bitch
1 hours later 28108069 Anonymous
great argument
1 hours later 28108075 Anonymous
It's not wrong.
1 hours later 28108078 Anonymous
>when the price of gold goes astononmical
1 hours later 28108145 Anonymous
got to be a pajeet nigger and a woman
1 hours later 28108147 Anonymous
just look at their r/cryptocurrency board and how hard they're seething about doge
1 hours later 28108159 Anonymous
Nocoiners are the jews of coinmanity.
1 hours later 28108182 Anonymous
too bad yours wasn't.
1 hours later 28108195 Anonymous (FederalReserveNote.png 735x70 21kB)
1 hours later 28108200 Anonymous
Go to bed Peter. We can create these incentives much easier with Bitcoin.
Mr. Beast is sending 1 Million worth of Bitcoin to the moon. When that Bitcoin becomes worth 10 Billion, people will race to get there because suddenly the cost of going to the moon is lower than the reward for going there. We can incentivize lots of human growth like that
1 hours later 28108238 Anonymous
Elon boosted the value of DOGE and then dumped it all for BTC, didn't he?
1 hours later 28108252 Anonymous
Because you can store your their life savings in your head and nobody can take it from you. And it has enough liquidity for even billionaires to do it too unlike alt coins. That is the real killer app, its not smart contracts or TPS, its protecting your wealth without getting caught at the border with gold bars shoved up your ass or paying maintenance and property taxes on real estate you don't live in
1 hours later 28108270 Anonymous
Society is prolapsing.
1 hours later 28108382 Anonymous
this. musk wanted the blood of short sellers on his meat rocket, he doesn't give a fuck about near-term gains
1 hours later 28108403 Anonymous
where is this pasta from?
1 hours later 28108502 Anonymous
sounds like another jew talk
your fiat days are closed to end
1 hours later 28108617 Anonymous
yep thats a biaaaaaaaatch
1 hours later 28108734 Anonymous
how about coinlet
1 hours later 28108805 Anonymous
Great project, I love the dev team! Will ape 1 ETH into it! To the moon!
1 hours later 28108838 Anonymous
that zipperhead sure did
1 hours later 28108935 Anonymous
ur pussy is prolapsing cope harder
1 hours later 28109001 Anonymous
1 hours later 28109011 Anonymous
Wait, why is he bringing up doge?
I made about 25% off it that last day and a half just setting buy and sell limits while it crabbed between 7 and 9 cents.
1 hours later 28109053 Anonymous
I was laughing about the pun, not shitting on your squeeze meme
1 hours later 28109125 Anonymous
Ok thanks !
Will other companies do that ?
1 hours later 28109139 Anonymous
if you are really interested in learning, I suggest you start by asking yourself the question, what is money? Then once a definition is established use it against known assets. Are bananas money? Are towels money? Is uranium money? As retarded as it sounds it will make the point abundantly clear once you place the things we currently consider money (fiat/gold/silver,etc) under the microscope in comparison to bitcoin.
1 hours later 28109508 Anonymous
Thanks, I mean I do have an understanding how basic economics works. It just fascinates me how humans put value on tangible and intangible things how that value fluctuates.
1 hours later 28109657 Anonymous
they're mad as fuck that he memed doge and then this news breaks today. they unironically thought fucking doge would make them rich simply because musk was shitposting about it.
these same people also thought musk would buy their gamestop bags.
2 hours later 28110102 Anonymous
All the refined gold on the planet put together would be a cube that could fit inside of a baseball diamond. One beefy gold asteroid could cut gold prices by 10x or more.
Yeah, what this guy said. Capitalism demands scarce resources to maintain class structure. Humans will invent that scarce resource when material conditions don't create it. Unless we get world wide revolution to establish fully automated luxury space communism (so unlikely its not really worth contemplating) then we should bet on bitcoin or something like it to exist. It's needed for the capital class to reproduce its power structure every generation. I remember years ago someone here linked a scientific paper about the ways a blockchain could deal with the latency of light speed over huge distances in the solar system and even interstellar.
2 hours later 28110214 Anonymous
I just typed it up now
2 hours later 28110222 Anonymous (343434.jpg 225x225 10kB)
>to fucking late to get into bitcoin anyways
lmfao this sentence has been writen every single year bitcoin has existed and yet here we are at an ATH. i feel really bad for you to have such a low IQ brain. good luck tho!
2 hours later 28110384 Anonymous (1610645066497.jpg 382x640 46kB)
>can it really break to double digits?
>can it really break to triple digits?
>can it really break to quad digits?
>can it really break to quintuple digits?
>can it really break to six figures?
2 hours later 28110822 Anonymous (MinersClimbGoldenStaircase.jpg 2536x1994 1153kB)
the problem with cryptocurrencies is that they require constant work input in the form of electricity and hash power to stay secure/useable and someone has to pay for that work input, those who use the currency and ideally the cost should be spread out over as many users as possible to make the pain for individual parties as low as possible, preventing capital flight
this is best done through inflating the currency and having a small transaction fee
the freshly minted coins which the miners receive are dumped on the market to finance their operations and the security/useability of the network, this however causes downward pressure on the purchasing power on all who hold the crypto (and by holding it making use of its security) while the transaction fees adds another layer of mining funding from those who make further use of the network through transactions
Bitcoin is currently using this model of inflation and small transaction fees to fund mining operations but once it reaches its hard cap inflation will stop and all of a sudden all mining operation costs will have to come out of the pockets of those who transact, those who simply hold the coin, using its network as a place to store wealth, pay nothing (which is unfair)
problem is that Bitcoin can only handle 7 transactions per second which means the transaction fee will have to be astronomical to provide enough resources for miners to keep the network secure but with astronomical fees, who will transact? no one will transact/very few individuals
so miners will be forced to shut down, causing the hash rate to plummet and making the network susceptible to 51% attacks
as the network becomes more insecure capital will flee leading to a death spiral
2 hours later 28110903 Anonymous
You already knew this
People are buying Pokemon cards for hundreds or thousands of dollars yet they're printed on worthless cardboard
Bitcoins are just values on an arbitrary distributed public ledger
But it can be used as truly borderless currency, a store of value, and money that you truly own (a number in your head [private key]) and not something a government can seize at customs, tell your bank to freeze, or take from your house at any time (like anything other asset)
something with the same properties as Bitcoin could over take it one day, but it was first and right now it's the most widespread and secure, and its adoption is still growing
2 hours later 28111611 Anonymous
It really is a baby brain take. The internet as we know it has existed for like 30 years. The internet is going to change the history of humanity in ways we can't imagine for millennia. As long as we're online, and the encryption holds, people will always want bitcoin, for centuries. It is a wierd historically important piece of the early internet. It will always have value. Even if it's not used as a currency, hundreds of years from now rich collectors will still be showing off balances and public keys as status symbols like they buy famous art and historical artifacts. Imagine living 30 years after the invention of the printing press and being like "well, guess I shouldnt buy books, nobody is going to want books anymore because they printed too many of them."
2 hours later 28111622 Anonymous (cryptotard.jpg 326x294 18kB)
>One beefy gold asteroid could cut gold prices by 10x or more
dear lord you are fucking retarded, did you even read anything that I wrote?
2 hours later 28111734 Anonymous
Musk is actually retarded though
2 hours later 28111803 Anonymous
just wait for the price to go ASTRONOMICAL
2 hours later 28111865 Anonymous
Which will happen after 100 years. I'd say thats plenty of time to come up with something.
2 hours later 28112015 Anonymous
Bros, precious metals have an unknown scarcity and can easily be manipulated in the markets. People can forge the stuff, lie about how much they have in their vault and so on...
If you don't understand why Bitcoin is a better form of money then you're going to stay poor. I'm not saying gold shouldn't be valuable either, it should be, but it's a shitty store of value and an inadequate form of money.
2 hours later 28112054 Anonymous
sounds like reddit GME cult shit
we're at the top
2 hours later 28112067 Anonymous
You don't think humans will figure out how to remotely refine metals in the solar system? Zoom your timeline out 500 years. All that shit is going to be done with robots.
2 hours later 28112306 Anonymous
peter, it's time to stop.
2 hours later 28112518 Anonymous
I'm just in it for the puns
2 hours later 28112727 Anonymous
>The richest man in the world knows nothing about making money
t. redditor
2 hours later 28113139 Anonymous (FederalReserveNote.png 712x70 21kB)
what do you think will happen when confidence in the dollar drops? have you dumb niggers ever even asked yourself that?
do you think the US government will just roll over and that we will live in some kind of 'anarcho-capitalist utopia'?
when confidence wanes they will mobilize their gold and use it to collateralize the dollar, AS THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT SAYS
">Federal Reserve notes issued to any such bank shall, upon delivery, together with such notes of such Federal Reserve bank as may be issued under section 18 of this Act upon security of United States 2 per centum Government bonds, become a first and paramount lien on all the assets of such bank."
>a first and paramount lien on all the assets of such bank
>lien on all the assets of such bank
>happen after 100 years
no, it's gradual and no one knows the breaking point
oh holy shit you really are retarded and don't understand that mining low density ore in space is more expensive than mining high density ore in space
if mining gold on earth with much higher density ore, great infrastructure and proximity to customers hasn't caused the gold price to "cut gold prices by 10x or more" then how the fuck would mining in space do that?
also 500 years from now, how much do you think the economy will have grown? any gold you find will be insignificant compared to the size of the economy
2 hours later 28113238 Anonymous (0_T5TBfSlMVJYsWUZa.png 1600x717 315kB)
>no, it's gradual and no one knows the breaking point
2 hours later 28113414 Anonymous
You can still buy Satoshi bitch ass
2 hours later 28113587 Anonymous
>sounds like reddit GME cult shit
S&P500 companies are converting sizeable portions of their liquid cash reserves into BTC. This is nothing like the GME pump and dump.
2 hours later 28113862 Anonymous
>Can someone explain to me why this fucking currency is so valuable
Supply and demand for sci-fi digital gold that is increasingly getting backed by respectable investment firms and mega-corporations.
2 hours later 28113887 Anonymous
haha underrated
2 hours later 28113898 Anonymous
You are simplifying history for your dumb argument that bitcoin has anything to do with the space age.
Humans explore for the sake of exploring and adventure and for other benefits, like other resources and trade routes.
They still would have gone to California, Australia, Africa if there was no gold, the first explorers had no idea what to expect and what they were going to find but they did it anyway.
Also I don't know why you are taking a table about the gold composition of meteorites and renaming it as if it were about asteroids
2 hours later 28113990 Anonymous (wearly.jpg 587x310 46kB)
Tesla’s SEC filing doesn’t include the price they bought Bitcoin at, or the date.
People are just assuming they bought it at all time highs, but they got in much lower, and need exit liquidity.
2 hours later 28114123 Anonymous
Useless. The government already knows what you bought at the exchange.
>I lost it
They will tax you on fiat ammounts.
2 hours later 28114141 Anonymous
Scared money never made money
2 hours later 28114562 Anonymous
What kind of larp is that? Are you a billionaire or what?
2 hours later 28114707 Anonymous
>He thinks tesla announced the change this morning, then proceeded to go out and buy 1.5B of btc on the open market.
These people are fucking stupid.
2 hours later 28114751 Anonymous
>Have far more information available to you at your fingertips than any other time in human history
>Explain this fucking thing to me that's been talked about for years
2 hours later 28114793 Anonymous (ether-to-btc.jpg 1610x966 239kB)
>I mean how much more can it really fucking go up???
$100K by August, $400K by 2024, $1M by 2030.
>Do you really think this thing is going to break into the 6 figures.
Yes, unless the U.S. markets and economy implode (which will happen in the not distant future), it's not even a guess at this point. Bitcoin is an exit from the failing U.S. financial system.
>how do other cryptocurrencies even compete with bitcoin???
They don't. Even ETH was created as a way to apply smart contracts to BTC, until the market said "no, let's meme it into its own money!" See picrelated, this was the front page of the Ethereum website when Vitalik was first working on it.
2 hours later 28114855 Anonymous
>muh gold gold gold
ok boomer
2 hours later 28114906 Anonymous
>load ze flippening threads
2 hours later 28115007 Anonymous
BTC won’t be used as the world currency but it will be used to back it.
2 hours later 28115029 Anonymous
>they will mobilize their gold
you're a real dumb fuck if you think they have any gold. let's see the audit.
oh wait.
2 hours later 28115075 Anonymous (Gold_diggings,_Ararat,_1854.jpg 1376x820 556kB)
>the first explorers had no idea what to expect
yes, just like with the moon and how did that end?
explorers break the frontier, gold rushes domesticizes it
>Hundreds of thousands of new settlers descended on Australia during the 1850s. Many of the immigrants who'd originally come to try their hand at gold-digging, chose to stay on and settle in the colonies, ultimately quadrupling the population of Australia between 1851 (430,000) and 1871 (1.7 million).
>meteorites and renaming it as if it were about asteroids
because meteorites are debris (ore samples) from asteroids, where the fuck did you think meteorites came from? santas workshop?
3 hours later 28115389 Anonymous
Gold will survive the time cycles. Bitcoin won't, I don't think. or maybe it will. idk
3 hours later 28115630 Anonymous
>Hundreds of trillions in leverage and you choose to own nothing? Sorry guys, btc is a zero. You are like an underwater cave diver. Taking extraordinary risk. But when the leverage unwinds, you’ll find that crypto is a false chimney and when you desperately swim to the surface for air there will be no way out.
You dumbfuck, my maximum loss is the $3000 I put into it. My gain so far is mid-six-figures. I fully expect it to reach seven figures this year. And all I've done is sit back and watch and sometimes cry a bit when it crashed, like last March and the March a year earlier. Even for those, I was still up 10X, just no longer 20X or 50X.
>Also i don't mean to be an asshole about this I'm just tired of all of the pompous dick heads who boast about how stupid people are for not knowing the value on cryptos
You either get it or you don't. We don't have to waste time explaining it to you if you haven't been able to figure it out yourself in the last twelve years.
>The pump that got us to 40k in the first place was due to Elon buying in...
No it wasn't. 40K the first time was long before his tweets, much less the SEC 10K filing. First time around was just the ongoing GBTC/PayPig buying, with some FOMO from other retail realizing it was going to keep going up.
3 hours later 28115722 Anonymous (copium.png 506x365 47kB)
this hard
3 hours later 28115823 Anonymous (1437126904421.gif 284x200 1079kB)
3 hours later 28116094 Anonymous
It is pure LARP, but LARPs can work. Look at the USD. People have been born and died never experiencing sound money in their lives. If paper fiat van work as long as it has, digital currency can work much longer.
3 hours later 28116555 Anonymous
based retard
3 hours later 28116615 Anonymous
3 hours later 28116793 Anonymous
based kyleposter
>The government already knows what you bought at the exchange.
Imagine being so stupid that you didn't buy from a non-KYC exchange or a Bitcoin teller machine or even in person at a Bitcoin meetup.
About 80% of my BTC could conceivably be traced to me, although it's unlikely. The other 20% cannot be traced unless they can find the security camera footage from a store that went out of business a few years ago, and watch through it for the half dozen times I walked in and then do facial recognition to figure out who put the money in the BTM. Oy vey!
Yawn. Lightning Network scales to millions of TPS. Sidechains can offload as much volume as anyone wants. The only reason sidechains aren't dominant is because there's no way to run one without a central authority right now; the mathematics for a permissionless sidechain still haven't been worked out -- but with Fully Homomorphic Encryption it's now doable as a distributed network, just HARD.
3 hours later 28116848 Anonymous
they are having sex right now
3 hours later 28116903 Anonymous (1605804173659.gif 300x212 2706kB)
3 hours later 28117757 Anonymous
You’re not going to have a global currency that is more valuable to hold than spend. It will back up CBDCs and have a role in the blockchain economy but you’re absolutely retarded if you think BTC is going to be a world currency.
3 hours later 28117860 Anonymous
Tesla buying BTC should be THE biggest signal, that a collapse is coming.
3 hours later 28117933 Anonymous (1542769629648.jpg 250x242 10kB)
Is it too late to buy in? I have a terminal case of fomo over Bitcoin.
3 hours later 28117959 Anonymous
Yet, elastic supply currencies exist now, that are both valuable to hold, but are also valuable to spend.
3 hours later 28118029 Anonymous
Fuck amerilards and fuck polcels
3 hours later 28118043 Anonymous
I think it’s pretty high specifically now since Tesla announced the news just today
3 hours later 28118096 Anonymous (1598624079440.jpg 637x573 122kB)
3 hours later 28118116 Anonymous
If you read this entire thread you can clearly see people telling you that it is not at all
3 hours later 28118236 Anonymous
short-term: maybe. I think it'll drop a bit sometime, but who the fuck knows
"long"-term (looking out 1+ year): no way, Tesla didn't drop a billion on BTC because they thought it'd stay the same
3 hours later 28118238 Anonymous
I hold 1BTC and I would buy Bitcoin pretty much for as long as I can, granted it actually moves to 500k per coin, it will double.
3 hours later 28118311 Anonymous
The us government and the current world order will crash at any second now.
3 hours later 28118438 Anonymous
When publicly traded companies start taking unnecessary risks with large amounts of money, they are doing it out of need, not greed.
3 hours later 28118507 Anonymous
New economy will be backed up by BTC. There will be a universal medium of exchange backed up by BTC. You’ll have an on/off ramp to it using LTC. Maybe Doge will be on the network too for an easy normie on-ramp too. Find a project that’s trying to do this and you win.
3 hours later 28118596 Anonymous
>not a currency
It's future as a currency is in the back end.
If you learned about how Robinhood and all the other exchanges failed over the WSB frenzy, you'd understand how blockchain makes delivery and settlement more efficient.
Every time you swipe your credit card there's a clearinghouse on the other end, liquidating assets to advance the money to a tab for the merchant and it's settled up weeks later with a grip of fees attached, from every party involved in that transaction.
Bitcoin is much cheaper, faster and flexible than the traditional system.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bO o3zLFhEk
3 hours later 28118640 Anonymous
so tesla might fail, who cares? how does this make btc drop to 4k meme?
3 hours later 28118773 Anonymous
I'm not talking about Tesla failing. I am talking about the collapse of our economies. They are trying to preserve purchasing power.
3 hours later 28118832 Anonymous
And it’s also inferior at scale due to the insane energy cost. It will be the reserve currency of the digital world like gold is the reserve currency of the physical world.
3 hours later 28118907 Anonymous
Ampleforth is trying to do this, which is what I was talking about.
3 hours later 28119081 Anonymous
So what happens once all the btc is mined?
3 hours later 28119294 Anonymous
Paper degrades.
3 hours later 28120051 Anonymous (vkgrr.jpg 410x220 21kB)
3 hours later 28120295 Anonymous
There are ways to batch mass transactions through segwit. That's why exchanges don't charge fees to move your coins off the exchange.
3 hours later 28120509 Anonymous
Is it even a good book?
3 hours later 28120634 Anonymous
nice b8
3 hours later 28120900 Anonymous
Calm down and ok I will
3 hours later 28120912 Anonymous (1584673821580.png 625x605 64kB)
>tfw watching that entire subreddit of mitwits starve to death in the wastes from inside my comfy sandy cheeks dome property
4 hours later 28121417 Anonymous
The annoying this is they REFUSE to respond to coiners.
4 hours later 28122137 Anonymous
they bought anytime from january to the filing of the document. the open market dumps to 29k and 30k had a lot of volume so maybe they got in on at that level.
4 hours later 28122291 Anonymous
Fuuck me why the fuck did Elon pump this shit just as I got into crypto
Do any Canadian anons know the best way to buy thousands of Bitcoin $ at once? Coinbase is only letting me buy $300 a week and I want to get in and take advantage of this boost as much as I can right now. Already sent my verification photo's to MyBTC too, but they'll probably have limits too I'm guessing
4 hours later 28122399 Anonymous
The seething that’s been going on since Elon pumped it is great, they are finally losing their shit
4 hours later 28122935 Anonymous
it's very likely to be the best performing asset over the next decade
4 hours later 28123051 Anonymous
I'm not a digital currency downer by any means but I'd just like to point out that btc isn't fungible
4 hours later 28123281 Anonymous
i don’t think that op in the pic is right but i think elon understood something that other people will understand later on: bitcoin will become an investment instrument every single company will be in this being earlier than them he can take advance of the better price, even if that price is bigger than what it was a year ago
he just saw bitcoin being adopted in the mainstream and got in earlier with a relatively low risk
last year the institutional panorama was completely different
4 hours later 28123322 Anonymous
4 hours later 28123367 Anonymous
You suffer the midwit curse. Take the short path,start eating crayons and buy link because the memes are funny. It's too late for you for the other path.
This is the only genuine advice you are going to get here
4 hours later 28123858 Anonymous
I'm smarter than you
4 hours later 28123915 Anonymous
hahaha salty af, eat nigger ass you fucking faggot
4 hours later 28123985 Anonymous
He means you cant grow fungi on Bitcoin like you can on gold because gold is a physical asset. That means you can use gold to create different things that you can grow fungi in, thus providing a fungiable asset and adding value because of all of fungis uses. With a digital asset like Bitcoin you cant grow fungi and it cant be used for other things like physical assets can
4 hours later 28124026 Anonymous
Stupid money never made money
4 hours later 28124122 Anonymous
I hope you stay poor forever, dumb shit
4 hours later 28124169 Anonymous
I 100% guarantee Musk owned bitcoin privately years ago.
4 hours later 28124207 Anonymous
Yes they literally did you absolute fucktard
4 hours later 28124217 Anonymous
No one here knows anything but number go up
4 hours later 28124271 Anonymous
Why do you wish bad things on people? I know its fun and all to vent frustrations on ignorant people but dude you have some serious pyshcological issues. You need to put in a mental institution
4 hours later 28124289 Anonymous
Funny thing, Tesla is on the ASA list for Algo. So theres that. Might as well get with the program. I will be buying stocks that are tokenized on Algo. BTC is just another piece of the pie
4 hours later 28124322 Anonymous
Because you're a fucking idiot and your money would better help society if it was in the hands of someone actually worth a fuck.
4 hours later 28124439 Anonymous
>They still would have gone to California, Australia, Africa if there was no gold, the first explorers had no idea what to expect and what they were going to find but they did it anyway.
gold is a dumb boomer rock but you're demonstrably wrong on that one. any historian could tell you these trips were funded by promising kings untold riches. to be sure the motivations of the explorers themselves may have gone beyond the financial, but without a warchest your chances to put together numerous talented people and their different motivations for the sake of building a spaceship and explore space is much much harder. money is a tool for cooperation first and foremost
4 hours later 28124451 Anonymous
You might as well put your money on fucking 0 in roulette you fucking pig. Its fucking STUPID. Go huff some some petrol you degenerate
4 hours later 28124474 Anonymous
you wanna DCA into ethereum, much less risky at this point
4 hours later 28124553 Anonymous
Here whats your PayPal dude ill send it right over to you, im sure you're the fucking oracle of Somali
4 hours later 28124561 Anonymous
>says something clearly false that was disproven again very very recently
>point this out
>hurr durr might as well roulette!
I didn't buy any fucking DOGE, but every single thing you say is fucking wrong and you need to open a fucking book and look at charts
4 hours later 28124685 Anonymous
I kneel.
4 hours later 28124793 Anonymous (dumpit.jpg 1080x1064 241kB)
Which means dump is due.
4 hours later 28124814 Anonymous
this guy is right, everyone should have a plan to convert their chuck e cheese tokens to hard assets like land or livestock
4 hours later 28124871 Anonymous
This dude is a coiner and browses biz.
4 hours later 28125232 Anonymous
Just when you thought you’d see. The funniest reddit had to offer you find out about this.
4 hours later 28125321 Anonymous
ngmi nigger
4 hours later 28125447 Anonymous
How is BTC risky?
4 hours later 28125685 Anonymous
>never once have a read about how these things work besides the basics of it
There it is. You brainlet nigger, nobody who joined /biz/ immediately knew about this shit either because we were all bitched at when asked if we asked. Do you own research
4 hours later 28125857 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-174640.png 720x878 91kB)
I doubt it.
Nice b8
4 hours later 28126068 Anonymous (disdain for the mentally retarded.jpg 1024x923 166kB)
GOD DAMN you're a retard
4 hours later 28126345 Anonymous
I have been trying to do my own research before posting but I am a brainlet I guess.
A buddy sent me around 30 bucks in BTC and ETH last week. Then told me to turn most of my BTC (satoshis) into 0x and XLM.
Now I have mostly ETH, 0x, and XLM, but it seems like BTC is the move. I'm not looking for a quick return.
So, I humbly ask for your advice /biz/.
Should I just put it all back into BTC? I realize its literally only 30 dollars so like who gives a fuck but this exercise is somewhat useful in deepening my understanding of crypto.
4 hours later 28126509 Anonymous
I wish you luck and I hope you continue to make more gains in your investments. Thank you for humbling me and I will take it as a learning experience.
5 hours later 28127009 Anonymous
fiat is actually just backed by the trust of the people
5 hours later 28127156 Anonymous
This is literally a symptom of the midwit curse
smart people know what they don't know; smart enough to know crypto is a sure thing, but know they can't time markets
dumb people fomo and are lucky to catch the beginning of bullruns or make a 5x on jokes like dogecoin like someone else point out
somewhere in the middle are people like you 'playing it safe', so safe that you're scared of investing/taking risk
no investments, a little savings, but probably not too far from living paycheck to paycheck
5 hours later 28127692 Anonymous
Shakepay or newton
5 hours later 28127706 Anonymous
Doesnt matter at that point. Keep them diversified. Observe, that of all those trades you made, most were dogshit and you'd have been better off not buying/selling the thing in the first place.
Buy $50 or whatever you can afford every month and just chuck it into crypto.
5 hours later 28127975 Anonymous
I appreciate your response
5 hours later 28128269 Anonymous
>Can someone explain to me why this fucking currency is so valuable
>i understand how it works
You don't because if you did then you would know why it is so valuable.
5 hours later 28128581 Anonymous (EoREPLpVQAAShVV.jpg 622x769 40kB)
5 hours later 28129128 Anonymous
>I'm smarter than you
dunning kruger on full display.
I understand you though. You are exactly like normalfags. They believe themselves to be the smartest person in the room and will listen to no one. I honestly hope the great reset genocides everyone under 110 IQ at least.
5 hours later 28129307 Anonymous
This what 0 pussy does to a mfer
5 hours later 28129410 Anonymous
>I do have an understanding how basic economics works
Do you REALLY though?
5 hours later 28129689 Anonymous
Yah I think so, I use to make a bit of money here and there on the grand exchange in osrs
5 hours later 28129712 Anonymous
>Why do you wish bad things on people?
Because they are bad people. The world would be better without 90% of them inhabiting it. That includes you.
5 hours later 28129898 Anonymous
I don't think you do, because if you understood the basics then you would understand why Bitcoin is extremely valuable.
The reason why Africa stayed poor is because they are low IQ. I wonder why you stay poor.
5 hours later 28130010 Anonymous
I'm not such a bad guy once you get to know me ;)
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