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2021-02-08 02:51 28088195 Anonymous (IMG_20210208_095030_538.jpg 705x1280 78kB)
As a poor anon from venezuela this is insane... I feel euphoric.
0 min later 28088250 Anonymous
How does it feel to make 10 years worth of medium salary anon? I feel the same.... Fucking lit.
1 min later 28088275 Anonymous
Cash out at some point anon
4 min later 28088560 Anonymous
Its crazy. I have relatives in bad situations and cant fully relate to them when they talk to me about their problems with money and stuff. Somehow I would like to help them but at the same time I know I cant disclose how much I have with anybody here.
Yes I have targets, the money in stablecoins is profits I am keeping, my initial was 400. Im not cashing out to local currency though and I dont have a foreign bank account. It will have to be stablecoins alone since I wont trust other centralized platforms like paypal or uphold.
9 min later 28088882 Anonymous
Be careful. Do not tell a lot of people you are in Crypto. Congrats anon, you're a smart cookie
10 min later 28088957 Anonymous
Thats like the 0.01% percent in Venezuela AMIR?
10 min later 28088975 Anonymous
30k is nothing. That’s my 2 month salary.
11 min later 28089041 Anonymous
How much is the rent in your town?
12 min later 28089082 Anonymous
In New York? 1500 per month for a nice studio
12 min later 28089099 Anonymous
Cant you buy a house in venezuela with that kind of money?
13 min later 28089133 Anonymous
13 min later 28089138 Anonymous
Smart. Don’t tell anyone. Nobody, not even people you trust. No good can ever come if it especially in a place like Venezuela.
13 min later 28089183 Anonymous
T. retard
14 min later 28089231 Anonymous
t. poorfag
Get a real job nigger
14 min later 28089236 Anonymous
Good folio mate
14 min later 28089248 Anonymous
T. retard
14 min later 28089261 Anonymous
>Do not tell a lot of people you are in Crypto
this anon knows what's up
15 min later 28089369 Anonymous
Congrats bro, no more rat soup for you :)
16 min later 28089421 Anonymous
you do realize your 2 month salary gets taxed and most of your purchase power goes to rent and food right?
17 min later 28089443 Anonymous
holy fuck u spam this allday
17 min later 28089445 Anonymous (13.png 300x294 227kB)
Good job. I love to hear poorfags coming up. Happy for you. You dealt with the literal hell that is 4chan AND grinding through your shithole country. And this is just the beginning your reward.
17 min later 28089474 Anonymous
t. Retard.
17 min later 28089499 Anonymous
Among the average joes, probably.
You can, or a comfy apartment. The one im living right now sells for like 20-25k
Thanks! The cake has me surprised since I bought at 44 cents to make like 150 on passive returns from their staking pool... And then it went crazy, and the returns are over 800 monthly at current rates/prices with that stack.
18 min later 28089535 Anonymous
Nigger I make 200k a year with my bonus AFTER taxes and I’m 24. Eat dick
18 min later 28089540 Anonymous
He lives in venezuela you retard
18 min later 28089553 Anonymous (3243B054-3D09-40E5-A2BB-410AF5A6178B.jpg 545x561 178kB)
Congrats anon
18 min later 28089571 Anonymous
Just wait until the commies are gone and private property is legal again.
On day 1 when everybody wants to get USD to buy a new TV and some food, you go and buy a house. Or maybe a full street. Or maybe the whole fucking city.
GG anon you made it. Just hide your money from the socialists and dont tell anyone
19 min later 28089620 Anonymous
Congrats. You helpless Venezuelan peasants deserve it.
19 min later 28089639 Anonymous
>15k grt (delegated)
>3 ETH
>200 LINK
>.5 btc
All long term holds obviously. I'm thinking about buying 5k cardano
20 min later 28089679 Anonymous
Keep your mouth shut.
21 min later 28089787 Anonymous
You should cash out and buy the country IMO
21 min later 28089812 Anonymous
You don't have enough money to really help your family though, and there will never be an end to how much they need. Be greedy or you'll end up just like them. Not saying you can't help out with $50-$100 once in a while when someone's in a pinch because that's what family is for but you're not going to change anyone's circumstances with $30k.
22 min later 28089883 Anonymous
Don't tell anyone.
23 min later 28089938 Eкaтepинa Mapтынeнкo
If you hold through the year you will be fine. If you're a flipper go fuck yourself
lol still use this rubbish and believe in this schiller's rubbish
don’t be so stubid dude, nft is new gem
want to see it by yourself? join fucking amazing playcent and forget about that stupid rubbish you use now
23 min later 28089979 Anonymous
When did you start and with how much
23 min later 28089996 Anonymous
24 min later 28090008 Anonymous
Vote Maduro
25 min later 28090163 Anonymous
What app is that?
26 min later 28090184 Anonymous
you're not impressing anyone here
try having sex you insecure loser
26 min later 28090191 Anonymous
What's the most used crypto in daily life in Venezuela? BTC, ETH, NANO, something else?
26 min later 28090224 Anonymous (1547686740467.png 646x700 173kB)
i'm glad you're making it venezuelabro, keep at it
27 min later 28090271 Anonymous
Yeah i have been selling 20-50 weekly for groceries and stuff. Also i carrying mom and my brother to medical appointments they couldnt afford previously. I know they suspect I have been doing good with crypto but im sure they think I have like 1k or something.
Yup read here >>28088560
27 min later 28090328 Anonymous
>t. retard
29 min later 28090433 Anonymous
29 min later 28090465 Anonymous
Blockfolio, latest version is pretty sweet looking.
BTC even with the high fees. Dash has a decent following. And through cryptobuyer you can pay with a few more crypto like bnb and stuff in lots of supported stores.
Hope we all make it frens
29 min later 28090473 Anonymous
Just curious how well this translates to purchasing power.
30 min later 28090541 Anonymous
comfy! grats venezuanon
31 min later 28090619 Anonymous
33 min later 28090785 Anonymous
t. retard
35 min later 28090978 Anonymous (IMG_20210208_102658_342.jpg 705x1280 41kB)
Not as well as you might think. There was a time where the usd was powerful here, between 2016-2018. But now a lot of stuff is as expensive as it is in a normal country.
So we have Dubai prices with Somalian quality of life.
Love you frens
I wont. Not even my mom knows the real amount, which would be the only person I would trust with this. She does know I have crypto though, and I have a spare portfolio for her lol
36 min later 28091068 Anonymous
Congrats bro, you have a higher net worth than most Americans at your age kek
38 min later 28091258 Anonymous
Congrats anon, I hope you make it big.
39 min later 28091352 Anonymous
good going anon, especially from 400 initial! i'm happy for you.
39 min later 28091374 Anonymous
Do you realize he lives in a third world shithole, and also a commie one?
40 min later 28091392 Anonymous
t. retard
41 min later 28091523 Anonymous (1602334271260.jpg 851x967 169kB)
congrats fren
41 min later 28091546 Anonymous
Are you thinking about going to Spain?
42 min later 28091588 Anonymous
>"living" in jew york
lol, nice meme
43 min later 28091681 Anonymous
yet you still choose to live in new york?
not smart enough.
43 min later 28091711 Anonymous (1612075589906.png 1017x1200 392kB)
based, thank you anon. I'll have to think about accumulating some DASH
50 min later 28092305 Anonymous
how old are you anon?
congrats! happy for you
51 min later 28092449 Anonymous
Congrats anon. Genuinely happy that you were able to turn 400 into a modest fortune.
52 min later 28092561 Anonymous
bank balance right now larping nigger
54 min later 28092675 Anonymous
t. retard
56 min later 28092815 Anonymous
Enjoy it fren.
1 hours later 28093186 Anonymous
>t. retard
1 hours later 28093448 Anonymous
I only tell other people who are in crypto
But never reveal your net worth/positions
1 hours later 28093539 Anonymous
You are the 1% in Venezuela, don't get top cocky.
t. Colombian
1 hours later 28093738 Anonymous
i’m sorry the faggot CIA is fucking up your country. portfolio looks good anon, i’m hoping to get there one day
1 hours later 28094114 Anonymous
Yo estoy en mexico me pagar on un trabajo en btc
Ando buscando en que moneda invertir cual es tu proximo plan? Y en que plataforma swinguea? Uniswap?
1 hours later 28094326 Anonymous
Maybe, im thinking about moving if this shithole never fixes itself.
Lived in bogota for a few months, have good memories there.
Pues hago swings en binance mas que todo. Y suelo entrar a holdear a largo plazo principalmente, a veces hago trades pequeños. Podrias intentar flipear shitcoins en uniswap pero no lo recomiendo, mucho scam.
Toca mejor a largo plazo, investiga proyectos nuevos que prometan y eso.
1 hours later 28094351 Anonymous (1527563419178.png 1920x1080 2380kB)
I want to make it too. Here is what I'm investing currently
Anything else I should get if I want to make it?
1 hours later 28094717 Anonymous
Good shit, anon, I wish you the best. Stay safe and don't ever let people know how much you have.
1 hours later 28094801 Anonymous
>>try to short sell it
stupid fucker, don’t shill on /biz/ with this shitty shitoptions u dumb
trading with best analytics and various bots is on Bot Ocean now
but still you can find an idiot who will buy your trashbot
1 hours later 28094868 Anonymous
> t. retard
1 hours later 28094947 Anonymous
congrats OP, just make sure you put more and more of it into btc or at worst stablecoins. Also, vote with your feet, move with or without your family somewhere else.
1 hours later 28094954 Anonymous
poor? what do you mean poor?
1 hours later 28095199 Anonymous
what did you start with anon? how did you learn to trade? where would you like your portfolio to be?
1 hours later 28095322 Sage
Grande pana
Get out of there
1 hours later 28095364 Anonymous
Felicitaciones anon, me hace muy feliz ver a alguien making it en Venezuela. Ojala puedas salir cuanto antes de esa mierda. Tienes algun plan para lograrlo? Estudias o tienes trabajo?
1 hours later 28095412 Anonymous
pick a defi project, it doesnt matter which but i'd say AAVE is probably the safest choice. I know it mooned this week but I think it's still far from the top
1 hours later 28095435 Anonymous
Nice move on cake. I'm in big at .72
1 hours later 28095590 Anonymous (1605276299472m.jpg 946x1024 109kB)
Holy fuck.
You must be the king of Venezuela now.
1 hours later 28095597 Anonymous
>poor venezuelan
If that's poor then you must be jew-poor.
Any nosebergs in your family?!
1 hours later 28095600 Anonymous
t. tread
1 hours later 28095691 Anonymous (1590275090290.jpg 640x521 53kB)
I dunno, it really does look like its soaring. Also, I want to get into BTC and ETH but I'm waiting for a crash and I think it might happen today
1 hours later 28095729 Anonymous
Dude the avg salary in venezuela is like $4 a month. Inflation is a bitch, op may be nominally middle class as in went to private school, his parents own their house and have a car but salaries and purchasing power has decreased from middle income economy to sub saharan africa levels in less than a decade
3.260 0.124