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2021-02-08 02:33 28086882 Anonymous (1206292068.jpg.jpg 1400x1400 155kB)
Fuck this fucking faggot for killing the alt season before it even began S

1 min later 28086973 Anonymous
One step closer to make crypto regulated. Fuck him.

6 min later 28087366 Anonymous
>>28086882 He literally saved the bull market you fucking retard. Alt season cannot exist if bitcoin does not keep making new highs every so often

7 min later 28087429 Anonymous
>>28087366 BTC is a shitcoin and it will die good alts are not even correlated with it anymore

7 min later 28087451 Anonymous
>>28086882 What impact will this realistically have on the market? Do I need to accumulate bitcoin as much as possible?

9 min later 28087605 Anonymous
>>28086882 That chart was printing a classic double top, he single handedly corrected it. Hopefully it just delays alt season doesn’t cancel it.

10 min later 28087663 Anonymous
S I hope faggot dies

11 min later 28087729 Anonymous
>>28087366 this, a rising tide will lift all boats unironically

11 min later 28087731 Anonymous
>>28087605 man i love musk (no homo) and the things he's doing, but i hope the whales dump in him cause i really need the alts market to start doing things right about now

12 min later 28087796 Anonymous
>>28087731 >in well that was homo AF. meant ON obv

19 min later 28088263 Anonymous
>>28086973 This I don't care if you made or lost money from Elons shilling but the government is going to see it as market manipulation and will bring in regulation to stop the "poor investors" (retarded FOMOing normies) from losing their investments. This is the last year of unregulated crypto so enjoy it while it lasts (spoiler: it's over)

21 min later 28088425 Anonymous
>>28087429 you have no fucking clue what you are talking about, stop showing everyone how ignorant and new you are BTC is king. It started out as p2p digital cash but quickly became the dominant store of value asset outside of the traditional assets, i.e. digital gold BTC has the best liquidity, the best security, the longest track record, the most institutional interest, and together with eth a real use-case. There are NO "good" alts, except for ETH.

22 min later 28088518 Anonymous
>>28088425 Lol I hope this is bait

24 min later 28088656 Anonymous
>>28088425 Spoken like a true crypto boomer who stopped paying attention in 2017

25 min later 28088665 Anonymous
>>28087366 this desu

26 min later 28088746 Anonymous
>>28088518 bait? keep holding your worthless shitcoins and remember my post when they bleed out to death after the bullmarket. I have seen it 2 times already, you just got started so that is why you are so smug and ignorant

27 min later 28088823 Anonymous
>>28087796 Kek You homosexual

27 min later 28088837 Anonymous (1612691857627.jpg 1125x1145 260kB)
>>28088425 BTC is not even bitcoin. its segwit coin. eht is a complete scam. this is roastie tier bait.

27 min later 28088854 Anonymous
>>28088746 stop acting like you know shit just because you bought some bitcorns in 2016 boomer maxipad

28 min later 28088878 Anonymous
>>28086882 Its just the cycle has started over. Give it a week then ETH, Link and so on will pumpt, and then another week and then your shitcoins will pump. Relax

28 min later 28088915 Anonymous
>>28088425 >he doesn't know

28 min later 28088941 Anonymous
>>28087366 Shut the fuck up you absolute mdwit

29 min later 28088947 Anonymous
No matter what happens, BTC will never go below a certain price as it is tied to Tesla now. Let that sink in.

29 min later 28088961 Anonymous
>>28087366 Correct, short term alt tanking is crucial for bitcoin to rise and then flow into alts.

29 min later 28089014 Anonymous
>>28088656 No I didn't stop paying attention. I can tell you almost everything about every single DeFi protocol there is. I do agree that DeFi is great and here to stay. However, in their current form the governance tokens are overvalued. As of right now, their only use is governance. If and when they start sharing revenue to the tokenholders, then it will be a different story. So maybe I should add that also the following are decent coins. AAVE, MAKER, COMP, UNI

29 min later 28089017 Anonymous (368DC091-D6D2-45DE-BDC0-CAF3BCCA86FC.png 310x315 391kB)

30 min later 28089033 Anonymous
>>28088263 >the government is going to see it as market manipulation They are not wrong, this is the most blatant market manipulation I've ever seen

31 min later 28089131 Anonymous
>>28088854 >>28088915 then debate me you fucking faggots instead of writing empty bullshit.

32 min later 28089198 Anonymous
What did he do ? Last I heard was the tweeted about doge ?

32 min later 28089225 Anonymous
>>28088837 >unironically being a dogefag And ETH is the only coin which has any short of even approaching BTC in the next ten years. You'd have to be an absolute retard not to invest in it.

32 min later 28089233 Anonymous
>>28088425 Low-Q bait >There are NO "good" alts, except for ETH What purpose does ETH serve without dapps and an economy to run on it?

33 min later 28089303 Anonymous
>>28089014 most governance tokens are overvalued thats right. but other blockchain infrastructures and some few dapps have their worth.

34 min later 28089334 Anonymous
>>28086882 Revolution has begun crypto broke to normie world

35 min later 28089415 Anonymous
>>28089131 Ok i saw your other post, I'm trying to double triple my btc and am holding aave and snx. Bitcoin is literally a monolith, it's the last to implement any update in the space because getting miners and the community to agree on changes takes forever. New projects fill these gaps and are the real innovation happening in crypto, bitcoin is the liquidity but the alts have the most useful services.

35 min later 28089418 Anonymous (eloncuck.jpg 750x437 22kB)
He is fucked, and so we are.

36 min later 28089483 Anonymous
Should I sell GRT?

36 min later 28089500 Anonymous (1297645642917.jpg 221x232 14kB)
>>28086882 >he thinks bitcoin rising is bad for alts

36 min later 28089530 Anonymous
>>28089418 How? He's essentially just saying that Bitcoin is scarcely different than fiat. He's not shitting on BTC, he's shitting on fiat.

36 min later 28089552 Anonymous
>>28089483 if there is anything you should hold its grt

37 min later 28089642 Anonymous
>>28086882 elon pumped dogecoin several times just to benefit you poors.

38 min later 28089709 Anonymous
>>28089225 ur an idiot. t. elon

40 min later 28089864 Anonymous
>>28089303 >other blockchain infrastructures and some few dapps have their worth. the problem with the other blockchains are that their value proposition basically relies on ETH not getting its shit together. Or do you disagree? >>28089415 well I agree with you here, and Synthetix is also a clear market leader in its niche. The point that I am trying to make is that bitcoin does not need to have useful services or even do anything differently than what it is currently doing for it to be the most valuable crypto now and also in the future.

40 min later 28089872 Anonymous

41 min later 28089904 Anonymous
>>28087429 >good alts btw why don't you name them

41 min later 28089950 Anonymous
>>28089709 >elon tits or gtfo

42 min later 28089973 Anonymous
>>28089500 it is if it goes right to a wallet and doesnt trickle down to alts. We all just lost sats.

42 min later 28089987 Anonymous
is GRT still good? got half my portfolio in it

43 min later 28090057 Anonymous
NKN is at a fucking 500% and you think alt seasons is over? Are you high?

45 min later 28090231 Anonymous (Cardano.jpg 800x533 148kB)
>>28088425 *Ahem* Leave Bitcoin to me

53 min later 28090920 Anonymous
>>28090231 ADA will be huge this year

54 min later 28090996 Anonymous
>>28089987 sell it to me plz

54 min later 28091077 Anonymous
>>28089950 oh, he's lurking. believe that shit.

58 min later 28091370 Anonymous
>>28091077 he shouldn't post if he won't show his tits

1 hours later 28091585 Anonymous
>>28088425 is this bait?

1 hours later 28091670 Anonymous
>>28089014 Dexg is a small cap governance token that will pay holders fees in Eth and allow holders to put forth and vote on proposals for protocol changes. Supply capped at 55k and fully circulating too. Alot are doing it wrong, but few are doing it right.

1 hours later 28091724 Anonymous (Laughing_Golden_Reddit_Face.jpg 800x800 140kB)
>>28086882 lmao you didnt think they were going to let you get rich too, did you? LMAO

1 hours later 28091797 Anonymous
bump. Certified faggot

1 hours later 28091849 Anonymous
>>28086882 BTC needs to reach at least 6 figures before normies fomo in this time. Nobody cares about alts if BTC is just sitting at $40k.

1 hours later 28092013 Anonymous
>>28086882 >killing the alt season He single handedly has been pumping DOGE to the moon. This is a mega alt shitcoin. It's been in the basement for a decade, amd he brought it back to life.

1 hours later 28092059 Anonymous
>>28088947 Tesla is a massive fucking ponzi scheme, but one that can run and run for a long time

1 hours later 28092221 Anonymous
>>28087796 IN musk ON musk Mmmmmm, it's so musky in here!

1 hours later 28092308 Anonymous
Elon buy some WAVES too pls

1 hours later 28092354 Anonymous
>>28090231 faggot

1 hours later 28092365 Anonymous (s-l400.jpg 300x400 18kB)
Hey guys hows it going? What happen

1 hours later 28092474 Anonymous
>>28091585 Not bait, but maybe I was a bit extreme to really emphasize my point >>28091670 I know anon. DEXG is unironically a great choice for a low cap DeFi. I love that it is not only a governance token but instead a profit sharing token. But I can't include it as a good alt before it has really proven itself after launch

1 hours later 28092520 Anonymous
>>28087796 kek

1 hours later 28092576 Anonymous
>>28089418 I think this is his way of shitting on people who say BTC is a bad investement. He is laughing, and saying, "ohh yeah, it's almost as bad as the current system.".... so, in reality, he is saying it is better than the current system, and mocking the person who is defending the fiat currency.

1 hours later 28092612 Anonymous
>>28090057 i shit myselff when i woke up

1 hours later 28092671 Anonymous
>>28087366 It already reached a new high faggot, it would've dumped and ran to 250k on it's own by summer There was no need for this

1 hours later 28092780 Anonymous (5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png 1092x1037 27kB)
I'm ok with Musk backing a crypto, but at least back something that is quality. BTC inferior to many altcoins in terms of transaction capabilities.

1 hours later 28092822 Anonymous
>>28092671 I cannot understand how you think what happened was anything but great news

1 hours later 28092905 Anonymous
>>28086882 S Fuck him and his retarded worshipers

1 hours later 28092925 Anonymous (1598059769694.jpg 225x224 5kB)

1 hours later 28093056 Anonymous
>>28089483 GRT is the only worthwhile hold.

1 hours later 28093114 Anonymous
>>28089987 No sell immediately

1 hours later 28093194 Anonymous
Xi must be happy.

1 hours later 28093265 Anonymous (1612211703845.jpg 500x375 34kB)
How does it make you feel that a privileged few knew Friday that Tesla would be accepting BTC as payment, but you and I and the rest of the world found out this morning? That mysterious bump on Friday is looking a little suspect

1 hours later 28093329 Anonymous
>>28093265 better call the sec oh wait

1 hours later 28093627 Anonymous
>>28087366 >>28086882 Nah that just means alt season is gonna be insane, the likes of which has never been seen before

1 hours later 28093713 Anonymous
>>28093627 green id confirms

1 hours later 28093762 Anonymous (1612673798475.jpg 480x360 34kB)
>>28092822 >flooding market with paper hand retards >roping in major social attention during a time where there was already talk of potential government regulation of the crypto market You can't be serious

1 hours later 28093995 Anonymous
>>28088425 pick up your tendies on the floor altlet.

1 hours later 28094346 Anonymous
>>28092013 oh wow dogecoin got pumped for a couple of days by retards who sold their gme bags at the top he may not have killed the alt season but he defo delayed it.

1 hours later 28094495 Anonymous
>>28089014 SUSHI can be staked, UNI cannot.

1 hours later 28094504 Anonymous (1446839625352.jpg 345x383 50kB)
>>28089904 inb4 >$HOGE

1 hours later 28094534 Anonymous
>>28086882 i love the guy no homo

1 hours later 28094602 Anonymous
>>28086882 he only did that to avoid the big dump that Nigeria was going to make this week and manipulate pnj to avoid loss on the other crypto he own

1 hours later 28094678 Anonymous (1602702829504.jpg 667x415 24kB)
>>28086882 yes i fucking hate that he prolongs this fucking bubble, fuck this motherfucker redshit son of a bitch.

1 hours later 28094687 Anonymous
>>28089642 So should I take my dogecoin profits and put them into Bitcoin rn?

1 hours later 28095365 Anonymous
>>28094687 DG is a literal PND of course you should

1 hours later 28095539 Anonymous
>>28094495 SUSHI has certainly made great progress, but I don't want to support a project that literally started as a scam

1 hours later 28095632 Anonymous
>>28086882 S I can't even put into words how much I hate this cunt.

1 hours later 28095748 Anonymous (wtff.jpg 125x348 21kB)
>>28086882 I don't know what's going on, but this is extremely bullish for all of crypto. The usual bloodbath that even preceeds an attempt at an ATH by BTC is just not happening. I was prepared to tether up, but instead everything is mooning. This is insane. Is this - dare I say it - a new paradigm?

1 hours later 28095755 Anonymous
>>28086882 >alt season shitcoin gamblers get the rope

1 hours later 28095822 Anonymous
>he didn't shill my shitcoin i am emotionally invested in get fucked

1 hours later 28096007 Anonymous
>>28095748 it will crash anyways but no it is impossible to predict when, if he did not manipulate the market so much with all this normies bitcoin bubble would finally crash so smart people could make more money.

1 hours later 28096033 Anonymous
>>28095755 >>28095822 based, was about to say the same thing gambling memecoiners expecting x100 from a worthless product can go fuck themselves

1 hours later 28096084 Anonymous
wow, who told you about these alts? This is shit man, don’t believe these assholes if you wanna get pump use your IQ and follow yield farming I took part in metalex and they made a new model, a guarantee of x3 APY

1 hours later 28096177 Anonymous
>>28096033 who are you to decide what's worthless or not

1 hours later 28096321 Anonymous
>>28086882 *buys BTC at high* What does he know we don't? Surely he isn't that retarded, right? The charts don't lie, BTC is gonna go back down to 30k very soon.

1 hours later 28096387 Anonymous
>>28095822 No you're just wrong. When btc pulls back, the profits are reinvested into smaller altcoins. This faggot just ruined that market timing.

1 hours later 28096434 Anonymous
>>28096007 Nigeria ( second market in the world) made crypto illegal last friday, he only did that so he can still make profit and sale billiards before the massive nigerian dump

1 hours later 28096472 Anonymous
>>28096321 he needs it if he wants to accept crypto as payment for tesla

1 hours later 28096613 Anonymous
>>28092059 he makes a profit off of his energy credits lol. Might make decent tech but lives off gibs.

1 hours later 28096667 Anonymous
>>28096321 not anymore retard

1 hours later 28096685 Anonymous
>>28087451 yes buy the top

1 hours later 28096787 Anonymous (1611274219181.jpg 909x859 89kB)
>>28087451 Anon your retarded read the filing he bought at 10k not the top.

1 hours later 28096815 Anonymous
>>28096321 Normies will rush to buy BTC and it will rise hard, then he will sell his entire stake and profit billions. Musk is a genius.

1 hours later 28096821 Anonymous
>>28087366 >saves maxis >makes shitcoins cheap again literally nothing wrong with this, you should be sucking dick

2 hours later 28096881 Anonymous
he just legitimized the whole crypto market WAGMI

2 hours later 28096904 Anonymous
I hate Elon Musk so fucking much.

2 hours later 28096935 Anonymous
>>28088425 Ripple is the standard though

2 hours later 28097035 Anonymous
>>28096935 >cripple >standard kek that shit is worthless

2 hours later 28097054 Anonymous
>>28096007 if he did nothing BTC would've rallied anyways faggot. and you'd be sitting on the sidelines regardless.

2 hours later 28097099 Anonymous
>>28096815 yes, he was afraid of the Nigerian forced dump https://news.yahoo.com/nigeria-orde rs-banks-close-accounts-143312551.h tml

2 hours later 28097139 Anonymous
>>28097035 Take your meds buttcoiner

2 hours later 28097141 Anonymous
>>28087429 Seething gullible idiots that have been purchasing shit coins for 5 years because they didn’t get into BTC when they should’ve sure are mad...

2 hours later 28097159 Anonymous
How so? All the coins I'm tracking are pumping What do you mean alt season cancelled?

2 hours later 28097201 Anonymous
>>28093627 This desu

2 hours later 28097219 Anonymous
He literally saved bitcoin and crypto by generating a positive break out at the double top meme position

2 hours later 28097288 Anonymous (bearfuneral.png 1000x853 1080kB)
All these fucking bears on suicide watch, I love it. Hope you all got liq'd

2 hours later 28097318 Anonymous
>>28088854 Uhhhh, buying some bitcoin in 2016 was a good fucking idea, as proven by the current price of BTC. Which part are you struggling to cope with?

2 hours later 28097350 Anonymous
>>28097139 its the original premined scamcoin that shit is worthless

2 hours later 28097520 Anonymous
>>28088425 BTC was highjacked by a bunch of sniveling cucks that sold out to the kikes. I blame satoshi for not setting things up better before leaving the project at the hands of another cuck that was kicked out of the project like a bitch. Bitcoin progress is unironically ogre. The store of value meme if what's keeping it going, but scalability will be up to more competent technology boomercoin can piggyback off of.

2 hours later 28097670 Anonymous
>market gets manipulated by a billionaire autist >I'm sooo smart for buying I knew this was going to happen :^) Fuck off retards

2 hours later 28097801 Anonymous
>>28097670 nocoiner coper SEETHE

2 hours later 28097826 Anonymous
>>28097350 It's literally the only crypto that can win in the end because all the others are getting regulated/banned seethe harder faggot

2 hours later 28097829 Anonymous
Shitcoin gamblers on suicide watch!

2 hours later 28097855 Anonymous
>>28088425 Look up rubic sir.

2 hours later 28097967 Anonymous
This asshole needs to get put into jail for actively manipulating the market. Imagine if it was stocks. The jews wouldn't let him live for a second

2 hours later 28098080 Anonymous (doki.png 1608x152 16kB)
>>28086882 next time buy good alts

2 hours later 28098128 Anonymous
- bitcoin, 21 million, scarce, store of value - altcoins, hundreds of trillions of coins, thousands of individual blockchains, tech products something in category 2 can NEVER become category 1, even ethereum can never be a store of value because they fucked up their premined launch and rolled back their entire chain for a non-bug insider issue. if bitcoin isn't a store of value, crypto will never have one, and like gold where 10% is utility 90% is speculation, you can expect valuations to drop accordingly as speculative money leaves the space. its incredible how much late adopters have turned into sniveling bitches. even eth holders can't stop crying like little bitches about bitcoin at every turn, despite having one of the only blockchains with actual real utility, they seem to think they're entitled to be considered a store of value despite everything about ether itself pointing against it.

2 hours later 28098296 Anonymous
>>28087366 this

2 hours later 28098329 Anonymous
omg, my $5 worth of free Bitcoin I got from Coinbase is worth $6.16 now. I'm gonna make it!!

2 hours later 28098441 Anonymous
>>28088263 They don't care about market regulation. They only care when it isn't them doing it.

2 hours later 28098607 Anonymous (beanie111.jpg 794x1059 59kB)
Boomers remember beanie babies

2 hours later 28098791 Anonymous (13123111231.png 965x566 609kB)

2 hours later 28098840 Anonymous
>>28088854 >maxi ironic when bitcoin maximalist is the only form of maximalism that makes sense, yet this space is full of altcoin maximalists arguing over which alt will "kill" ethereum like they're little sects arguing which religion is "real" the only boomers are those that missed out on early crypto. if you wern't such a financial and tech atrophied dweeb you might have seen what bitcoin actually is, and bought some. now crypto-boomers like you are forced to spend countless hours searching and shilling random altcoins desperately trying to catch up to early adopters.

2 hours later 28098849 Anonymous
>>28097967 I know it's bait, but I hope no one thinks that making such a large purchase of something that the price spikes counts as manipulation. What should he do, dump an average wagie check in every week? Guy has the money to put billions in all at once, so why not?

2 hours later 28098889 Anonymous
patience is a fucking virtue you retards

2 hours later 28098955 Anonymous
>>28088263 America isn't the whole world

2 hours later 28099417 Anonymous
>>28089709 Post feet as proof.

2 hours later 28099441 Anonymous
>>28098955 just the first BTC market in the world, follow by Nigeria( but niger ban BTC last friday)

2 hours later 28099536 Anonymous
>>28087429 t. newfag This is every newfags thought process. >BTC is a boomer shitcoin with no value, there are way better alternatives >ETH is a slow high-fee settlement protocol, there are way better alternatives aka ETH-killers ..what youll learn is that the network effect in crypto is absolute king and the people will wait for scaling solutions rather than migrating platforms

2 hours later 28099685 Anonymous
>>28089233 >what purpose does ETH serve without its primary purpose this is premium bait

2 hours later 28099715 Anonymous (Bitcoin.png 864x467 78kB)
>>28099536 there isn't any logic , it's just Hype, people can NOW buy BTC and altcoin using shitty but users friendly exchange. And the Whole planet know about BTC

2 hours later 28099847 Anonymous
>>28092780 It can be improved.

2 hours later 28099870 Anonymous (A2E0478C-9238-4421-9624-EBC651569115.jpg 1170x1780 536kB)
>>28086882 Just don’t buy shitcoins like $mcds. My alts are going up.

2 hours later 28099955 Anonymous
>>28087731 I didn’t used to be gay but I love Musk now (homo)

2 hours later 28100597 Anonymous
>>28098791 This stellar is way better than BTC we are early

2 hours later 28101172 Anonymous
>>28089530 Nah, it's market manipulation. He is also permapumping doge. He is insane.

2 hours later 28101306 Anonymous
>>28097054 Nah BTC was on a descending bearish triangle, broken both times because of Elon's manipulation. He is invested and doesn't want his money to dump. Let's see how much it takes for the SEC to jump in.

2 hours later 28101365 Anonymous
Guys guys do you go for top 50 mcap alts or you go for completely unknown shit?

2 hours later 28101450 Anonymous (1612442438754.png 497x369 32kB)
>>28088425 BTC being the best store of value is a meme anon, all cryptos are based on a distributed proof of scarcity. The coin that will win in the end is the one having features that directly protect user's assets (such as KYC on Cardano, or parametrized sybil resistance on Avalanche). Generations of hacks and wallet losses/forgotten will eventually filter out the insecure platforms while people will seek the most robust ones. BTC is currently centralized which is why it gets pushed so hard into mainstream adoption, but this is just temporary.

2 hours later 28101474 Anonymous
BASED Elon. Loved the pump. Please do it more. Feels so good to be a BTC maxi. All-in the BOOMER TRAIN.

2 hours later 28101503 Anonymous (1611771548944.jpg 640x640 121kB)
>>28101365 for retard meme season i put money into absolute dogshit memes as SOON as i see them because they go at least x4 and depending on the meme traction ill either cashout or hold and see what happens. worked for donut, shiba, working so far with hoge. im holding mcdc because im up like x30 and it has developed a schizoid community so i think it has more life in it.

2 hours later 28101628 Anonymous
>>28086882 Mr. Musk Sir that was not very needful of you bitch lasagna think of my son sir pls

2 hours later 28101849 Anonymous
>>28101306 > muh triangle top fucking kek yeah bro also crypto dawg said we are not going above 37000 ever again true inside info

2 hours later 28101972 Do better (937ABC29-B656-4725-B9F4-F130FB435E41.jpg 1089x600 60kB)
>>28088425 Look at how hard gamblers and pajeets are seething at this post LOL Press S to spit on: >>28088518 >>28088656 >>28088837 >>28088915 >>28089233 >>28090231 >>28091585 >>28093995 >>28096935 >>28097520 >>28097855 >>28101450 Do better!

3 hours later 28103703 Anonymous
>>28101849 The 2 scam pumps that broke the triangle were literally both Elon Pump events retard. TA works until faggotry like this goes against it.

3 hours later 28103731 Anonymous
>>28101972 Explain with arguments instead of reputation-based social pressure and parroting, please.

3 hours later 28103962 Anonymous
Sorry I can't hear you over my ADA gains

3 hours later 28104901 Anonymous
>>28103731 you first cupcake ;)

3 hours later 28105795 Anonymous
>>28101972 S

3 hours later 28106718 Anonymous
>>28086882 Well, look at all you assholes so ANGRY at ELON, but you couldn't wait to pump his shitty stock, which is worthless btw, Tesla is only making profits on Credits, not from actiual car sales. Your couch potato day trading generation puts money into vaporware any way, that's exactly what crypto is. TLDR: YOU DESERVE THIS FUCKTARDS

3.567 0.208