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2021-02-08 04:46 28056519 Anonymous /doge/ Doge (1612747459045.png 350x350 151kB)

1 min later 28056653 Anonymous (hand_puppet.jpg 400x246 41kB)

1 min later 28056668 Anonymous
finna buy new clothes to launch my findom career thank u doge!

3 min later 28056730 Anonymous
Bought at .075 Please tell me it will go back up...

3 min later 28056736 Anonymous
Slow but steadily we're going up.

4 min later 28056783 Anonymous
>>28056730 gonna be hard the whales are selling at .07

4 min later 28056794 Anonymous
>>28056736 Green id confirms >>28056730 Yes

4 min later 28056810 Anonymous
>>28056653 >>28056668 >>28056519 someone make a real general this is embarrassing

4 min later 28056817 Anonymous
my investments for today look like a capital h, on the graph

5 min later 28056873 Anonymous
>>28056810 No.

5 min later 28056883 Anonymous
>>28056810 i wouldn't fuck yo mama with your own dick

6 min later 28056919 Anonymous
>>28056730 About .01 per day

6 min later 28056954 Anonymous
Elon has tweeted about this piece of shit over a dozen times in the past week. Nothing has been able to replicate the speed and size of that first big pump that got everyones attention. What do you all think is going to push this up to the numbers that you all keep parroting? 1, 5, 10? Im not trying to Fud here, I actually own doge myself. I just dont see the normies coming to give this the capital it needs to push to those numbers. Its been in the news for over a week now and the price is barely up to what it was after that first pump. Help me out here guys what am i missing

6 min later 28056963 Anonymous (1612741934863.gif 500x281 2036kB)
Remember to thank the good boi for giving you profits.

7 min later 28056983 Anonymous

7 min later 28057021 Anonymous
>>28056963 Thank you good boi !

8 min later 28057035 Anonymous

8 min later 28057040 Anonymous

8 min later 28057087 Anonymous
>>28056954 the new floor is .06 do you need to be spoonfed even harder?

8 min later 28057092 Anonymous
>>28056954 >he thinks Elon is the soul reason this is mooning. Elon hopped on a train that already left the station.

9 min later 28057129 Anonymous
sole plane was the best

10 min later 28057187 Anonymous
>>28056730 I bought at .083...

10 min later 28057205 Anonymous
>>28056730 Same here im not feeling so good fren

11 min later 28057250 Anonymous
>>28057035 based

12 min later 28057300 Anonymous
>>28057035 based

12 min later 28057318 Anonymous
Its just not going to be worth anything unless they come up with uses for it which they cant because its too unstable.

14 min later 28057459 Anonymous
bought 60k at .085. I definitely belong here

14 min later 28057471 Anonymous
Normies are flooding in the videos on doge. It has uses kek. It’s been accepted to a lot for how new this spot light is.

15 min later 28057505 Anonymous (hodl (2).jpg 527x489 46kB)
>>28056519 140k Dogelet reporting

15 min later 28057518 Anonymous
does mans actually use that dr squatch shiet they seem too lazy to use anytging but 6 in 1 from cvs

18 min later 28057671 Anonymous
I'm looking to get some doge should I use bitfineon or coinbase?

18 min later 28057700 Anonymous
>>28057035 based

19 min later 28057725 Anonymous
>>28057671 binance

19 min later 28057756 Anonymous
>>28057671 coinbase doesn't let you buy doge

19 min later 28057773 Anonymous
>>28057505 one on the left?

20 min later 28057814 Anonymous
>>28057035 Holy fucking based

21 min later 28057883 Anonymous
>>28057318 Name one thing more commonly occuring than neets masturbating I'll wait

23 min later 28058029 Anonymous
it's over

23 min later 28058030 Anonymous
Stop fucking making threads without the OP info

23 min later 28058033 Anonymous
i went all in at .073 should i sell at .150 for a 50% or wait till it hits 0.5 i dont want to be greedy..

23 min later 28058046 Anonymous (19BAA7DA-34D0-40CA-AF17-D8875203D157.png 728x546 451kB)
Jesus anon if you’re going to bake at least try to keep the OP links

24 min later 28058064 Anonymous
>>28057756 thanks you are correct I'm a retard

24 min later 28058095 Anonymous
i almost got filtered out by that drop to 0.06. only lost 500 doge though.

24 min later 28058112 Anonymous
Post pump music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUs u1R3bOvY

25 min later 28058176 Anonymous (leviathan 4.jpg 400x400 43kB)

25 min later 28058185 Anonymous
>>28057087 >the new floor is .06 until it becomes .01 overnight

26 min later 28058213 Anonymous (1611861510942.jpg 1124x1091 123kB)
>>28058112 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTE scgVDnAU

26 min later 28058234 Anonymous
>>28058112 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqb zNtcxcDE

26 min later 28058236 Anonymous
>>28056519 based

26 min later 28058244 Anonymous
>>28058112 Nice.

26 min later 28058250 Anonymous
>>28058185 Good. Let's me buy even more in.

27 min later 28058281 Anonymous
>>28057035 based

27 min later 28058289 Anonymous
>>28057250 >>28057300 Am I missing something?

27 min later 28058293 Anonymous
>>28056954 Look at the bigger picture. This is just a way to bring mainstream into the cryptospace. What I want to know is why is that mrbeast jackoff being such a dingleberry on musk?

28 min later 28058316 Anonymous (file.png 606x1186 620kB)

28 min later 28058319 Anonymous
>>28057087 >Floor How do you have a floor when you can literally make infinity of these coins? It's essentially the same as our current currency only everyone alive has the ability to counterfeit

28 min later 28058342 Anonymous
>>28058289 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svu 7kXQDtRw

28 min later 28058344 Anonymous (1403026328758.jpg 1224x552 495kB)
>>28058185 >sitting at .025 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .035 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .045 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .055 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .065 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .075 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .085 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .095 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .25 >the floor is .01! >sitting at .50 >the floor is .01! >sitting at $1 >the floor is .01!

28 min later 28058349 Anonymous
>>28058250 Then you hodl for 5 years until Elon tweets about it again

28 min later 28058374 Brooklyn (to8.jpg 1180x663 485kB)

29 min later 28058396 Anonymous (1595053007213.jpg 960x960 50kB)

29 min later 28058404 Anonymous
>>28058319 are you stupid? you can't make infinity. there will always be a finite amount. there's a cap on how many can be made each year.

29 min later 28058409 Anonymous
>neet with no id yet >bought <$20 worth btc via coinbase >want to send it to another wallet since you can't buy doge with coinbase >verify your id please I just got memed, will I even be able to sell&withdraw without an ID? whats the best wallet that will let me buy, sell & trade with no ID? I have a phone number and address

29 min later 28058427 Anonymous
held all day btw

29 min later 28058429 Anonymous (b37.png 440x448 156kB)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

30 min later 28058451 Anonymous
>>28058316 I've said it before, this is our inroad. Coomers and degenerates.

31 min later 28058508 Anonymous
>>28058319 the floor is created by the top wallets that have billions of doge and never sell them. it is however much lower than 6 cents, right now it’s closer to 2

31 min later 28058512 Anonymous (1612143291447.png 689x428 253kB)
>>28058404 >there's a cap on how many can be made each year. kek, thanks anon.

31 min later 28058527 Anonymous (1594524668840.jpg 480x792 28kB)
>>28058259 >>28058259 >>28058259 REAL THREAD

31 min later 28058531 Anonymous (Etk4EzXWgAIoxMV.jpg 680x495 37kB)

32 min later 28058575 Anonymous
>>28058427 well that was a poor decision, probably should sell while you still can

32 min later 28058582 Anonymous
>>28058349 I play the long game.

32 min later 28058606 Anonymous (1.png 1221x610 72kB)
Get ready for the dump. Remember to zoom out. It's looking good. DON'T PAPER HANDS FAGGOTS, WHALE DUMP INCOMING!

32 min later 28058619 Anonymous
>>28058316 based

33 min later 28058669 Anonymous (glib.png 770x513 246kB)
>>28058451 It worked for VHS vs. Beta; Porn was a major force for VHS format.

34 min later 28058714 Anonymous
Does anyone here mine Doge? Is it worth it?

34 min later 28058740 Anonymous
Fuck I sold thinking it was going to dump now what??? I really don't want to risk buying this high

34 min later 28058741 Anonymous
>>28058606 what site is this

35 min later 28058793 Anonymous
>>28058606 God i fucking hope theres a dump to push it to at least .06

36 min later 28058819 Anonymous
>>28058527 based

36 min later 28058841 Anonymous
>>28058714 I feel like I haven't heard of anyone mining anything in such a long time.

36 min later 28058847 Anonymous

36 min later 28058848 Anonymous
>>28058741 binance or kraken

36 min later 28058851 Anonymous
>>28056730 just forget you bought it and hodl, youll thank me later

36 min later 28058877 Anonymous
>>28058740 Bounce to 0.72-0.73 then back down

37 min later 28058896 Anonymous
>>28058847 based, kek

37 min later 28058916 Anonymous (IMG_1450.png 1233x863 134kB)
How much did you make before the dump?

37 min later 28058924 Anonymous
The people who got in before .6 aren't gonna be leaving, the only people dumping are the ones who expected easy money from the super bowl then dumped when they figured a commercial wasn't coming.

38 min later 28058938 Anonymous
>>28058877 0.73 would be a good price to open a short

38 min later 28058950 Anonymous
>>28058714 It's not worth it because Litecoin miners contribute, and they have way more horsepower than you ever will. Mining dogecoin fir yourself has been dead for years. The only coiin worth mining alone is monero

38 min later 28058970 Anonymous
>>28058793 30 mins ago it was at .063 or .064. Shoulda bought anon.

38 min later 28058991 Anonymous
Doge is on the same algo as Litecoin which is smothered with ASICS. Its not really worth it, Its better to mine other coins then sell and buy doge than mine the doge directly

39 min later 28059012 Anonymous
>>28058938 screenshot this

39 min later 28059048 Anonymous (file.png 436x84 3kB)

39 min later 28059051 Anonymous
>>28058527 cringe

40 min later 28059072 Anonymous
>>28058112 https://youtu.be/b9ZGscuVC8I

40 min later 28059078 Anonymous
>>28058851 Literally what I did 3 days ago at .04, went in for $100 and I checked today to see I’ve made like $300. Hell yeah.

40 min later 28059103 Anonymous
>>28058938 Faggot

41 min later 28059127 Anonymous (6CE97485-961A-4106-96F5-AB31ADBA91D4.jpg 602x750 93kB)
>>28059012 >screenshot this

41 min later 28059133 Anonymous
>>28059072 Good movie that.

41 min later 28059170 Anonymous (Untitled.png 602x216 26kB)

42 min later 28059202 Anonymous
>>28056730 Well let’s see it only takes... half a billion and you can break even. Good luck.

42 min later 28059234 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-07 biz - doge Doge - Business Finance - 4chan.png 647x307 28kB)

43 min later 28059267 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210207-231836.png 2560x1440 1826kB)
>>28059133 Hell yeah

43 min later 28059269 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210207-232904_Chrome.jpg 1080x746 113kB)

43 min later 28059311 Anonymous
>>28056730 Maybe. Hopefully you don't need that money any time soon.

44 min later 28059333 Anonymous (file.png 1133x830 455kB)

44 min later 28059344 Anonymous (1398141237454.jpg 1864x1048 319kB)
>>28059267 Based

44 min later 28059356 Anonymous (1606793278695.jpg 500x590 119kB)
>>28058669 So, you're suggesting I should invest in VHS tapes. Got it!

44 min later 28059365 Anonymous (IMG_20200207_204811.jpg 747x900 106kB)
>back above 7¢

44 min later 28059372 Anonymous
>>28058409 do you have a passport? um are you 18? go to the dmv it won’t take as long as you think to answer your question, no platform will let you without at least a passport, id or drivers license, they’re all bound by the same law

45 min later 28059393 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 18.31.43.png 1200x934 432kB)

45 min later 28059401 Anonymous (file.png 911x633 327kB)

45 min later 28059409 Anonymous (1557974635653.png 840x854 453kB)
Give it to me straight, when is the next time to buy in. I'm on hard times man. Bet the house. The wife will probably leave me if I don't make it back. Help.

46 min later 28059453 Anonymous (Habbening.png 874x698 62kB)
>Next high will be 8 >drops to 7 >We will settle back in at around 7.3 Ids habbening

46 min later 28059468 Anonymous
>>28059401 FUUU

47 min later 28059491 Anonymous (1586130519107.jpg 832x1000 48kB)
>>28059409 I'll tell you if you go to the real thread >>28058259 >>28058259 >>28058259

47 min later 28059510 Anonymous (1612484301172.png 430x345 178kB)
>>28059365 >dips below back to 6.9 again Fucking whales

47 min later 28059513 Anonymous
yo when should I buy in?

47 min later 28059554 Anonymous
>>28056954 it was up to .13 CDN today at peak, every run ends with a higher floor, buy more.

48 min later 28059564 Anonymous
>>28059453 Nice TA lol

48 min later 28059588 Anonymous
>>28059513 now 0.07 is new floor

48 min later 28059613 Anonymous
>>28058033 wait until it hits $100

49 min later 28059620 Anonymous
>>28059491 >>28059409 STAY AND i'LL UPLOAD CUTE GIRLS

49 min later 28059628 Anonymous
>>28059393 I love you autists

50 min later 28059693 Anonymous
is it going to dump lower tonight or was the 0.061 dump the as low as its gonna get?

50 min later 28059715 Anonymous
>>28059393 We did it Reddit!

51 min later 28059738 Anonymous
>>28059613 >2070 and theres already an established mars colony >currency is dogecoin fuck..

51 min later 28059750 Anonymous (kraken-dogeusd-Feb-07-2021-21-1-43.png 1279x566 113kB)
>>28058606 looks to be right on track for the break points to dip then go back up .075 looks like the wall

51 min later 28059751 Anonymous
60k at .085. Tell me I’m at least going to recover anon

51 min later 28059753 Anonymous
>>28059613 It's literally impossible for it to get that high.

51 min later 28059755 Anonymous (1532977700402.jpg 819x1024 129kB)

51 min later 28059762 Anonymous
i smell shit

51 min later 28059769 Anonymous
>went to .089 and back down to .064 while I was sleeping Scary stuff

51 min later 28059782 Anonymous
>>28059693 The american chaos is almost over for the day. Euro hours are usually quiet. Slow gains and small dips. I'd buy now but I'm not you.

52 min later 28059824 Anonymous (1611721528433.jpg 640x800 80kB)
As promised

52 min later 28059846 Anonymous
>>28059782 ya I got very lucky and bought back in at 0.062 I just hope it doesnt get lower than that

53 min later 28059878 Anonymous
Haha doge is so based and redpilled.

53 min later 28059908 Anonymous (1553910309204.jpg 682x846 94kB)

53 min later 28059923 Anonymous (C575AD51-D088-4B1D-9E3C-F9A4D6872E52.png 600x265 33kB)
>>28056954 You are an unbelievably large faggot. The large pump you speak of was ten days ago that went to .045. The floor has constantly moved up after each smaller pump. Stay mad, Greg

54 min later 28059933 Anonymous
>>28056519 >buy back in at .01 and hold for three years.

54 min later 28059948 Anonymous
>>28059824 This is the ideal woman.

54 min later 28059955 Anonymous
>>28059908 Damn.

54 min later 28059967 Anonymous
>>28059878 based and cringepilled

55 min later 28060028 Anonymous
>>28056963 thank you good boi!

55 min later 28060031 Anonymous
>>28059753 would only need to have like what, 10 trillion dollar market cap? totally possible.

56 min later 28060042 Anonymous (1611102577811.gif 257x388 3065kB)

57 min later 28060100 Anonymous
wow these threads have really lost some steam...

57 min later 28060102 Anonymous (1589071610326.jpg 340x512 48kB)

57 min later 28060140 Anonymous
Sold at .081 back in now.

58 min later 28060148 Anonymous
>>28059923 There's much less supply of Bitcoin than Doge. This coin is never going to reach Bitcoin numbers, it's simply impossible. It would have to have the market cap of all other coins combined.

59 min later 28060236 Anonymous
>>28059967 I’ll straight eat the back half a goat while the front half still breathin motherfucker you skinny faggots wanna talk food lets fuckin talk food you pussy bitches Got my teeth cut the fuck out and replaced with teflon coated titanium bitch I got a thirteen million dollar artificial intelligence bionic swallow muscle designed by nasa that can straight push an unplucked turkey down my fuckin throat fuckin feet and all you fuckin busters sometimes i order like three four double quarter pounders and walk out into the parking lot and just start cold whippin em at passing police cars i don’t give a shit the cops know i eat taser electricity like a german nigger eat mustard that shits like fucking parsley to me The sun don’t set bitch I just get hungry at dusk.

59 min later 28060240 Anonymous (1533320826384.jpg 614x767 81kB)
>>28060100 what the fuck even is there to talk about no planning ever goes on in these threads the onlything useful is seeing general market sentiment I saw some anons were starting to take things really seriously, so I decided to take the piss out of them by making this thread. Also, I love confusing people, I find it very funny to see people react to me as if I'm retarded, maybe I am, but I really don't care.

1 hours later 28060308 Anonymous
>>28060148 based remember to sell all doge before the normies realise it's a pump and dump and dump it all into the ground

1 hours later 28060335 Anonymous (chessqt.jpg 1487x2048 293kB)

1 hours later 28060407 Anonymous
>>28056730 Yes. This pretty much happened to all of us. We bought, it dropped by a cent, stabilized, and came back up.

1 hours later 28060450 Anonymous
>>28059393 >Revolver Ocelot (Revolver Ocelot)

1 hours later 28060465 Anonymous
>>28060407 >This pretty much happened to all of us. It LITERALLY happened to all of us.

1 hours later 28060505 Anonymous (1611885768886.jpg 768x768 87kB)

1 hours later 28060550 Anonymous
>>28058429 Buy now wait for $1

1 hours later 28060555 Anonymous (1611920219844.jpg 930x482 107kB)
How much is Elon buying tomorrow? Asking for a friend.

1 hours later 28060574 Anonymous
>>28060240 Thanks for the cute girls 3d girls OP. This all makes me sick to my stomach. If you're not in doge to make money off of retards, you are the retard. In all seriousness though elon musk probably fuck us up good. I hope I'm wrong.

1 hours later 28060589 Anonymous
>>28058669 I think the same happened with Blu-ray vs HD DVD. Porn went with Blu-ray

1 hours later 28060658 Anonymous (2b.png 380x602 269kB)
>>28060505 hot

1 hours later 28060704 Anonymous
>>28056730 I bought at .05 last night. But then I bought more at .08 tonight and lost my gains from last night plus more

1 hours later 28060731 Anonymous
>>28057035 based

1 hours later 28060732 Anonymous (1556191344122.jpg 803x1024 139kB)

1 hours later 28060734 Anonymous
>>28060465 checked

1 hours later 28060804 Anonymous
>>28060704 Bought at ..058 and .066 and averaged .0619. Just sold at a profit and about to buy the fuck back in on this dip

1 hours later 28060813 Anonymous
do you honestly believe this coin is going to pump past 10c? like honestly?

1 hours later 28060818 Anonymous (bobotost.jpg 833x849 158kB)
>he did it? >yes >he bought? >he went all in >DUMP EET

1 hours later 28060824 Anonymous (1610598712568.png 1080x1080 1373kB)

1 hours later 28060896 Anonymous
>>28060813 yes.

1 hours later 28060902 Anonymous
>>28060555 Checked

1 hours later 28060930 Anonymous
>>28060896 then i will believe

1 hours later 28060960 Anonymous
>>28060813 Why wouldn't it? It got to 8.5 cents hours ago, each day it's floor is growing. In a couple of weeks max. it will go past 10c.

1 hours later 28060993 Anonymous
>>28060732 Absolutely lovely curvy feet

1 hours later 28061027 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210207-235843_Twitter.jpg 1080x701 86kB)

1 hours later 28061096 Anonymous
>>28060555 Trips confirms he’s going big

1 hours later 28061184 Anonymous
>>28061027 Adult swim were always based.

1 hours later 28061221 Anonymous
>>28056730 LOL

1 hours later 28061373 Anonymous
>>28060555 he's gonna big dick it

1 hours later 28061383 Anonymous
>>28061184 except when they cancelled World Peace. I'll never forgive them for that.

1 hours later 28061392 Anonymous (1612313222958.jpg 1080x1081 236kB)

1 hours later 28061418 Anonymous
>>28061383 im still pissed about that gonna go watch it though thanks for brining it up

1 hours later 28061426 Anonymous
>>28060335 why post the uglier sister

1 hours later 28061446 Anonymous (bobby fley.jpg 300x300 12kB)
>>28060818 Nah pump it b

1 hours later 28061449 Anonymous (1611104196365.jpg 570x768 130kB)

1 hours later 28061498 Anonymous
>>28061418 yeah i just rewatched the grand six (6) episodes they got to make before they nuked it last night.

1 hours later 28061518 Anonymous
>>28057035 based

1 hours later 28061522 Anonymous
>>28061426 there's a better one? name pls

1 hours later 28061762 Anonymous (ElSiGytVgAEpgDH.jpg 1200x900 199kB)
>>28061522 Andrea

1 hours later 28061846 Anonymous (1609676809075.jpg 1440x1457 538kB)
>>28061762 Cute!

1 hours later 28061917 Anonymous (bed85cb313084639e6dd4b6900860458.png 640x797 1018kB)
>>28061846 can't believe you sleepin on the Better Botez(TM)

1 hours later 28061971 Anonymous
>>28060236 Have sex, incel

1 hours later 28062070 Anonymous (1611842193522.jpg 750x937 77kB)
>>28061917 not much into chess lol, just found her in a chess cuties thread a while ago

1 hours later 28062159 Anonymous
>>28056730 i bought 12000 at 0.075 so you're in good company. do not panic sell. HODL TO THE MOON

1 hours later 28062325 Anonymous
>>28059923 this. there was no floor to speak of with the initial pump, thats why so many people dumped. but the floor keeps going up. it hasnt even touched 0.02 since then

1 hours later 28062482 Anonymous (1612306033050.webm 480x480 3108kB)

1 hours later 28062511 Anonymous
>>28061971 I have a gf but no sex drive.

1 hours later 28062747 Anonymous
>>28062511 do some squats bro

1 hours later 28062753 Anonymous
>>28062511 Someone else will be fucking your gf if you're not

1 hours later 28062904 Anonymous
>>28062511 You're secretly gay lol

1 hours later 28062914 Anonymous
Dude I just hope this shit can go back up to 0.76 so I can break even and get out of this hell hole.

1 hours later 28062976 Anonymous
>>28062914 kek i bought at 200 sats what i get fro being a swingie just wait it out anon

1 hours later 28062977 Anonymous
>>28062753 And he will be sitting in the corner watching and crying. While filming it Anyways, buy doge you faggots

1 hours later 28063091 Anonymous (1612154567071.png 1032x1122 2059kB)

1 hours later 28063244 Anonymous
>>28062753 It's cool, I still suck her dick once or twice a week.

1 hours later 28063457 Anonymous (1612748108333.png 950x633 650kB)
>>28063244 nice

2 hours later 28063864 Anonymous
>>28063457 Bogdanog

2 hours later 28063918 Anonymous
Newfag here. I bought doge on RH before they started pulling shady shit, so I was stuck with it. I ended up selling, and it says that it was filled, but I can't see anything about withdrawing from my portfolio and putting it into my bank account. Am I just a newfag and missing something? Sorry if I sound stupid, I'm genuinely concerned.

2 hours later 28064027 Anonymous
>>28063918 lmao you let RH steal all your money

2 hours later 28064030 Anonymous
>>28063918 >but I can't see anything about withdrawing from my portfolio and putting it into my bank account anon...

2 hours later 28064031 Anonymous
>>28063918 By the way, it says the order was filled. That's the main thing that came up when I tried googling this

2 hours later 28064068 Anonymous
>>28056730 all you have to do is hold man

2 hours later 28064074 Anonymous
>>28063918 It's gone mate. Cut your losses and move on

2 hours later 28064165 Anonymous
>>28064027 >>28064030 >>28064068 >>28064074 wut? rh just steals your money? kek

2 hours later 28064322 Anonymous (hollow.png 264x261 31kB)
>>28064027 >>28064030 >>28064074 This is a joke, right?

2 hours later 28064384 Anonymous
Alright fags, be honest with me. Is it going to get better this week?

2 hours later 28064454 Anonymous
>>28064384 nope

2 hours later 28064466 Anonymous
>>28064322 Anon, I... Yeah, RH can't just don't something like that, but I'm pretty new too, try checking your order history, should be in cash tab, and try to figure out whats up, otherwise I'm not too sure.

2 hours later 28064482 Anonymous
>>28063918 Go to your transfer fund section and transfer to a verified account. Probably shouldn't be trading until you understand the platform bro.

2 hours later 28064486 Anonymous
>>28063918 Call Citadel I'm sure they'll help Lmao u r fuk

2 hours later 28064499 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210208-010025_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 347kB)
>>28056519 Long CLF https://stocktwits.com/symbol/CLF $CLF 02/04/2021 >"New orders for manufactured goods in December, up eight consecutive months, increased $5.2 billion or 1.1 percent to $493.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today." https://www.census.gov/manufacturin g/m3/prel/pdf/s-i-o.pdf --------- $CLF 02/04/2021 >"US trade court dismisses challenge to Section 232 steel tariff" https://agmetalminer.com/2021/02/04 /this-morning-in-metals-us-trade-co urt-dismisses-challenge-to-section- 232-steel-tariff/

2 hours later 28064512 Anonymous
Elon wants us to invest in Tesla as a thank you

2 hours later 28064527 Anonymous
>>28064384 yes and then no >>28063918 Are you sure the funds cleared your bank? If they haven't cleared yet then anything you sold is stuck in the "buying power" limbo until it clears and you can transfer to your bank account.

2 hours later 28064554 Anonymous
>>28063918 3 full trading days

2 hours later 28064579 Anonymous
>>28064384 Better than 70% gains? How greedy are you? But yes

2 hours later 28064585 Anonymous
>>28064384 No, this was the top where all the fools that bought in at .07 and above needed to exit their positions. Price will slowly travel down over the next few days.

2 hours later 28064659 Anonymous
>>28064466 I sent an email about it, and I checked my history. There's nothing in regards to cash or a portfolio outside of unrelated orders. >>28064527 >>28064554 I'll hold on until Tuesday afternoon until I start really worrying, as this trade was done on Thursday. Thanks, anons.

2 hours later 28064754 Anonymous (1494322180352.gif 366x360 2064kB)
>>28056730 just hodl anon t. bought at .046

2 hours later 28064862 Anonymous
>>28063918 You have to wait for 3 days in order to transfer it to your bank. It's T+ 2 meaning trading day plus 2 days after that. It's all good.

3.404 0.142