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2021-02-07 11:33 28033957 Anonymous (1612363800364s.jpg 250x250 6kB)
>tfw actual black female who bought 3 whole bitcoin stocks during the crash in march of last year
how do I escape six figure hell
0 min later 28034012 Anonymous
give it all to me
0 min later 28034059 Anonymous
bounce on my BWC and i'll tell you
1 min later 28034107 Anonymous
1 min later 28034117 Anonymous (1612478015493.jpg 1015x1024 86kB)
Can i see your feet pls
1 min later 28034131 Anonymous
Post tits
1 min later 28034147 Anonymous
2 min later 28034182 Anonymous (1612155760411.webm 960x540 3093kB)
2 min later 28034188 Anonymous
Post hand or larp
2 min later 28034197 Anonymous
no you're not. Get back to your discord
2 min later 28034203 Anonymous (1612573945541.png 1000x1000 368kB)
now buy some shake stocks
2 min later 28034213 Anonymous
2 min later 28034215 Anonymous (1607372366677.jpg 1536x2048 238kB)
Marry Me
2 min later 28034216 Anonymous
ITT: "White" Men flirt with Mutt pretending to be nog
2 min later 28034220 Anonymous
>>staying only in BTC
>>typical African behavior
Is diversity not your strength?
2 min later 28034260 Anonymous (9717303475f2ba94d35f1a98a50c1ab0.png 680x702 291kB)
Mhhm ma gurl you finna be buyin dem effirium stocks like Tanisha said ya kno wat i am sayin sis
3 min later 28034306 Anonymous (pajeetscourting.jpg 999x915 117kB)
>t, pajeet
3 min later 28034337 Anonymous
>1 post by this ID
3 min later 28034356 Anonymous
Don't make me face reality
4 min later 28034433 Anonymous
>How do I escape 6 figure hell?
>How do I escape 7 figure hell?
>How do I escape 20 figure purgatory?
>How do I-
4 min later 28034451 Anonymous
based black woman, smarter than 80% of most of the newfags here currently buying the top. Best advice– take your gains and go before everything collapses.
5 min later 28034460 Anonymous
I'm going to but I don't know what I want to invest in. Don't have the time or inclination to get really good a uniswap shitcoin roulette so I think I will just put a lot in defi/eth.
6 min later 28034544 Anonymous
Mutt? My dad is white so I guess that's accurate. In America people like me are just seen as black.
6 min later 28034545 Anonymous (580AA54D-48E1-4C6D-8D87-76538934EB99.jpg 1200x1920 535kB)
6 min later 28034625 Anonymous
I want a black gf so bad:( she can sit on my face all day while she looks on her phone
7 min later 28034655 Anonymous
KYS you disgusting shitskin sheboon
https://www.bitchute.com/video/fj33 aayaAIab/
7 min later 28034684 Anonymous
men are so disgusting holy shit
7 min later 28034702 Anonymous
The racists from /pol/ need to leave. The only thing that matters in /biz/ is money. If you have it you are my equal. If you don't you are my slave. I don't care what color you are or how many dicks you have. All that matters is property.
8 min later 28034785 Anonymous
Meh. I probably will since most of my bfs have been white. I just never got along with black men. I like Asian guys too but they aren't into black girls.
you need to stop simping. go to a dating site
8 min later 28034797 Anonymous
Glad you got your bag, keep going girl.
8 min later 28034826 Anonymous (1611798989645.jpg 500x667 73kB)
tits (with timestamp) or gtfo
10 min later 28034990 Anonymous
>bitcoin stocks
sorry but you are officially the dumbest person on this board
11 min later 28035031 Anonymous (pinesollady.png 606x899 590kB)
11 min later 28035070 Anonymous
Post tits or gtfo, cunt
12 min later 28035169 Anonymous
Ayo my bitcoin price just did a lil pump whiteboi
12 min later 28035177 Anonymous
Post tits.
You announced that you had them, now post them
13 min later 28035255 Anonymous
post tits nigress
14 min later 28035353 Anonymous
The only person to ever tell me that I could one day make a million dollars was an African girl.
I think she's wrong.
15 min later 28035451 Anonymous (1611601302843.png 1200x1319 526kB)
>tfw no nubian queen to breed mulatto daughters with
why even live?
16 min later 28035512 Anonymous
It would be great if WOC started coming to biz to learn more about crypto, may be you could tell all your friends to start coming here. Then may be I could find a beautiful Nubian qveen gf
16 min later 28035520 Anonymous (sdsds.png 225x225 7kB)
Post tits.
You announced that you had them, now post them
16 min later 28035538 Anonymous
You will never pass
16 min later 28035562 Anonymous
tits or gtfo
17 min later 28035639 Anonymous
tits or gtfo
18 min later 28035665 Anonymous
>referring to yourself as a “female”
This is how I know you’re a man larping
18 min later 28035728 Anonymous (1571778675465.png 796x398 84kB)
how does this self hating hoe think that situation can be helped? lmao
19 min later 28035784 Anonymous
>how do I escape six figure hell
Post tits and feet and gains will be yours. Neglect this and face ruin.
19 min later 28035787 Anonymous
Of course. Black "culture" is absolutely self-destructive.
>has ethnic blocks forming in his country
>will eventually have his possessions expropriated because he is not one of them
>but muh individualism
21 min later 28035897 Anonymous (1612462157543.jpg 600x571 25kB)
i would sell my entire portfolio to have a black womxn (female) sit on my face for 5 minutes
22 min later 28036008 Anonymous
The duality of man.
You should just hold BTC then, sell to cash or stable coin if you fear a market crash. BTC on average will increase in value.
Then if you want to play gambling games take other money and buy ETH-killer like DOT, ADA or ZIL
22 min later 28036012 Anonymous
go all in in $XRP, taytay
22 min later 28036033 Anonymous
What does that have to do with what I said?
23 min later 28036109 Anonymous
You've outperformed 99% of people here. Good job.
Here's my opinion:
Stratistically, the more trades you make, the worse you will do. Selling BTC and trying to buy the bottom increases your chances of fucking up. If you do this, don't do it with all your BTC.
I would keep my BTC (Or maybe buy an ETH node) and continue to wage slave. Dollar cost averaging into crypto (BTC, ETH, 10% good alts, not 4chan shitcoins).
Dollar cost averaging in is mathematically your best bet. And you do not have to think about it (ie it stops you from gambling).
Keep going until you have enough to retire forever. It might be 5 years away but it will mean generational wealth.
As for altcoins- institutional investors have not gotten in on them yet. This is prime time to invest. Look at the ones Grayscale is checking out and do your research to see what you like.
Good luck
24 min later 28036191 Anonymous
PLEASE post bagina with timestamp
25 min later 28036263 Anonymous
Please go back to your discord virgins
25 min later 28036274 Anonymous
Because the chance of a negro that grew up in a fully black ghetto household investing into something as abstract as crypto would be abysmally small.
25 min later 28036280 Anonymous
Six Figure Hell is the only one that's real
25 min later 28036308 Anonymous (1597009594765.jpg 343x375 27kB)
checked, nigger
26 min later 28036315 Anonymous
What the fuck is a bitcoin stock
26 min later 28036362 Anonymous
have you seen this trash on /biz/
who allowed them to shill this trashcoin?
I have already taken part in bot ocean pre-sale and wait for launch
better use algorithms for trading with great algo
than believe in fortune or smart facility
27 min later 28036454 Anonymous
3 full share of bitcoin. Robinhood offers fractional shares and most normalfags dont even have one.
27 min later 28036475 Anonymous (we-wuz-hedgehogs-and-shiet-pol.png 691x675 354kB)
what kind of animal is this
28 min later 28036501 Anonymous (1596265809061.jpg 655x527 52kB)
Do you get asspained about being called a nigger here or do you embrace the culture?
28 min later 28036522 Anonymous
yall no dat beetkoin be doin a lil summin sumin mmmmmmmmhhhhmmmmm
28 min later 28036557 Anonymous
thanks for telling us you're black and that you're a female that is very pertinent to finance
29 min later 28036584 Anonymous
What does the color of your skin or gender have to do anything with it? Either keep holding on and profit in the future or exchange it and invest in other solid projects.
29 min later 28036627 Anonymous
>dad is white
No wonder, of the mulattos I've met in my life, the ones with white dads are pretty based, come from decent stable families and do well in life.
The black dad / white mom combo usually leads to single motherhood and fucked up kids
29 min later 28036641 Anonymous
Hang yourself.
30 min later 28036738 Anonymous (1611793402595.jpg 477x600 42kB)
see, this bait is effective because they're emulating women and niggers.
>craving attention
>bitcoin stocks
but still, if you don't post tits with a timestamp, all you're going to get is a bunch of people calling you a nigger
31 min later 28036780 Anonymous
Grayscale dumped a shitload into BNT recently, and that shit is undervalued as fuck. Use it to escape six figure hell queen
32 min later 28036863 Anonymous
I will call them a nigger regardless.
33 min later 28036919 Anonymous
don't care really i've been on 4chan for years
34 min later 28037013 Anonymous
Even worse. Neither side wants to claim you. Abomination
34 min later 28037014 Anonymous
I would gladly trade places with you if you really think it's as bad as 5 figure hell.
34 min later 28037037 Anonymous (05F5C469-84CC-4A3B-B862-E2ACF2531DF6.jpg 800x900 152kB)
Bringing up your skin color proves how inferior your kind is
34 min later 28037050 Anonymous (1612727529456.jpg 567x523 74kB)
you know the rules then tits or gtfo faggot
35 min later 28037141 Anonymous (10306261_281719581989411_3177696566682748663_n.jpg 500x586 24kB)
dont listen to these pickle chin head ahhh boi my black queen show booba
buy ADA
35 min later 28037142 Anonymous
Buy the DOGE
36 min later 28037220 Anonymous (1449189494956.jpg 480x360 22kB)
>dat pic
fucking jeets man
39 min later 28037434 Anonymous
wait 4-5 years and you'll be a millionaire shaniqua, congratz. 800k in 3 years. be ready to move out from your block or you'll end up murdered for those coins if the hood rats know about it
43 min later 28037840 Anonymous
race unrealists get the rope
44 min later 28037865 Anonymous (1611091749754.png 1220x670 327kB)
>I would gladly have more money for free
Of course you would, but when you get to Six Figure Hell through your own efforts, you'll see
Having made 5 figures in investing is not yet so much that you have spent /too/ much time and energy on it and yet is still I nice sum that you can brag about
And obviously while you still worry about losing it, it's not life changing money that would crush you if lost like $100k+ is
After $100k money becomes /yourthing/ especially especially if you're younger than 29
You're now having to look behind you to make sure you don't lose what headway you've made with a bad decision, but also having to look forward to get to real levels of life changing wealth, which you find are actually much higher than you thought as a poorfag, due to all kinds of unforeseen risks and drains on your capital
52 min later 28038496 Anonymous
>>your surposed to use the maymay arrows
54 min later 28038641 Anonymous
Can you post your feet pls I wanna see if youre really negro
54 min later 28038665 Anonymous
found the jew
56 min later 28038792 Anonymous
literally just hold for a few more years
remember to take profits but ALWAYS keep at least one BTC
57 min later 28038894 Anonymous (1414712170931.png 669x927 1415kB)
post booba
59 min later 28039062 Anonymous
tits or gtfo
1 hours later 28039198 Anonymous
Put it all into LTO and turn it into $10 million by EOY.
1 hours later 28039201 Anonymous (hqdefault.jpg 480x360 16kB)
Why aren't you posting your tits you fucking nigger?
1 hours later 28039257 Anonymous
Let me be your white chocolate daddy girl
1 hours later 28039274 Anonymous
glad im not the only one
1 hours later 28039454 Anonymous
ETH is an absolute shitshow. do you want to lose money?
1 hours later 28039533 Anonymous (1612483767165.png 1033x670 946kB)
Hand me yo efferium stock bitch or il' nife ya
1 hours later 28039567 Anonymous
You sold right
Crash right around rhe corner
1 hours later 28039586 Anonymous
then you shold know >>28037050
tits of gtfo
1 hours later 28039739 Anonymous (1508972477591.jpg 456x402 31kB)
For 0.01 BTC I will stiff you so hard with my big white cockz it will give you flashbacks from the 1800s
1 hours later 28039785 Anonymous (9521B99A-4005-428B-98E5-3AF2B26655BE.jpg 252x200 11kB)
>buy an ETH node
1 hours later 28039998 Anonymous
Anon if I wanted I could get you to stiff me with your BWC for free why would I pay for it
1 hours later 28040020 Anonymous
I'm not OP, but you guys do realize that there are entire dating sites filled to the brim with black girls looking for white guys, right?
You just have to figure out how many of them have an insufferable ghetto mentality, how many of them have daddy issues, and how many of them you could actually see as being able to raise a child without serious problems.
1 hours later 28040054 Anonymous
Serious real 100% genuine advice, put it ALL into AVAX. You'll kys if you don't I'm not even joking.
1 hours later 28040120 Anonymous
No, she's marrying me
1 hours later 28040179 Anonymous (1611574738670.jpg 398x387 26kB)
There are ways to escape 6 figure hell, but there are no ways to escape being a nigger.
1 hours later 28040292 Anonymous
lemme see your dsl please
1 hours later 28040303 Anonymous
>actual black female
>8 posts by this ID
and so begins another thread trek in the no doubt forlorn hope that anon has asked for tits & timestamp and I'll at last get to see them
1 hours later 28040320 Anonymous
Why the fuck are pajeets such COOMERS?
1 hours later 28040345 Anonymous
for 3 btc i will euthanize you
very cheap, consider it
1 hours later 28040705 Anonymous
>how do I escape six figure hell
you can't
thats why its called 6 figure hell
it's over
1 hours later 28040728 Anonymous
Do you long for a BWC. Have you ever sat on a black cock? Which one did you like better. Be honest. The brute or the gentleman?
1 hours later 28040788 Anonymous
you'll get to a million in like 5 years tops just by holding honestly. if this is real please embrace the MUH LIL BITCONE STOK DOIN SUM meme and do it in real life whenever possible
1 hours later 28040799 Anonymous
I mostly click with white guys and have never had a black bf
1 hours later 28041022 Anonymous
Listen you stupid bitch
It is fucking MOONING and will go further do you want to make it or not?
1 hours later 28041128 Anonymous
your grammar is too good to be that of a nigger
1 hours later 28041212 Anonymous (BuyIt.png 460x652 294kB)
Buy $HNY
1 hours later 28041295 Anonymous
It has already mooned a lot though. I wouldn't buy any until it has cooled off if I wanted to buy in.
1 hours later 28041680 Anonymous
White cocks it is then?
1 hours later 28041832 Anonymous
>actual black female
what's the point of this?
is being black your entire personality?
1 hours later 28041861 Anonymous
If you had to choose between
>a highrise in Manhatten
>a beach condo
>a suburban home
>a farmhouse in the middle of no where
which would you choose?
1 hours later 28041910 Anonymous (3A0DD67E-3D9F-4F83-81F3-D975D63B862F.jpg 927x647 97kB)
10 rupers have been deposited in your shill account
1 hours later 28041973 Anonymous
beach condo I love the ocean
1 hours later 28042185 Anonymous
>Please sirs, wun hundrid puhcent jenwin adwice my friend,
do me the needful and buy coin!
20.514 0.157