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2021-02-07 04:51 28002951 Anonymous
Wow. Tell me more about your shitcoins. Too much nonsense on here with GME and Rubix and GRT and Doge of late. Doesn't anyone care about coins with value? Or are you all in a rush to be the last one holding the bags when the rug gets pulled?

6 min later 28003406 Anonymous
>>28002951 >Doesn't anyone care about coins with value? prove you do and I'll share my research

7 min later 28003491 Anonymous
>>28002951 >coins with value Lmao none of them have value

8 min later 28003552 Anonymous (1603339485929.jpg 575x620 97kB)
>>28002951 Seek help or ngmi https://easypeasymethod.org/ https://yourbrainonporn.com/ https://nofap.com

10 min later 28003729 Anonymous
COTI https://coinmarketcap.com/currencie s/coti/ price: $0.07483 (up 5.57%) market cap: $50,274,439 (up 6.31%) web page: http://coti.io/ 2021 roadmap: https://cotinetwork.medium.com/coti s-roadmap-2021-s-first-half-ae8f2d8 f08fe

17 min later 28004221 Anonymous
>>28003729 https://youtu.be/CXo7i_gdNR0 jesus christ..

22 min later 28004643 Anonymous
>>28003552 This Literally the best advice you're going to find on /biz/

25 min later 28004819 Anonymous
>>28004221 take a shot every time they say a buzzword, you'll be dead before finishing the video

25 min later 28004885 Anonymous
>>28002951 DFT. Mainnet coming out next week and working anystake for all coins. 1m marketcap similar to asko

29 min later 28005215 Anonymous
>>28004885 >meme defi >anon devs >Clean up the DeFi ecosystem by introducing 2ND Chance, the token designed to give your rugged tokens new life FUCK OFF

30 min later 28005275 Anonymous
>>28002951 that's a man

31 min later 28005328 Anonymous
>>28005275 best post itt

32 min later 28005423 Anonymous
>>28003552 have sex incel!!!

32 min later 28005454 Anonymous (20210207_132607.jpg 620x630 85kB)
>>28002951 I am a simple man, I see a dog based shitcoin, I x10 my investment.

34 min later 28005560 Anonymous
>>28005454 op >Too much nonsense on here (you) >shilling a shitcoin fuck off you dumb fucking nigger

34 min later 28005578 Anonymous
I like the memecoin

35 min later 28005670 Anonymous

35 min later 28005681 Anonymous (FEG5.jpg 782x782 136kB)
Elon's next target. You hold and every transaction burns the current supply and send some to your wallet. Exponential passive income. It's free money. https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inpu tCurrency=0x389999216860ab8e0175387 a0c90e5c52522c945

35 min later 28005682 Anonymous
>>28002951 crypto are just a means of money transfer/laundering. not useless at all.

36 min later 28005713 Anonymous
>>28002951 nano, has been working perfectly for years now. It probably just didn't moon because the first exchange it was listed on was ""hacked""(you could make double withdrawals, but you could do so with all coins, it was 100% shit exchange code) which fucked the brand name. It's still 1/10th of the ATH

37 min later 28005759 Anonymous
>>28005681 fuck off >>28005682 fuck off >>28005713 fuck off

38 min later 28005870 Anonymous
>>28002951 smartcredit.io

40 min later 28006023 Anonymous (avalanche.jpg 764x500 99kB)
avalanche will gonna make diamond hands rich, just stick to it

40 min later 28006067 Anonymous
>>28005682 braindead

42 min later 28006183 Anonymous
>>28002951 Not to brag but you should really check out Pangolin on Avalanche, it's literally the faster and cheaper version of Uniswap on Ethereum

42 min later 28006194 Anonymous
Avax will save us all from shitty tech around

43 min later 28006276 Anonymous
>>28002951 ive been all in on atom for about a week now

43 min later 28006336 Anonymous
>>28006194 >>28006183 >>28006023 >avax shills have entered the chat dont get me wrong i also wish for an eth alternative but shilling it without stating the obvious risks that come from betting against eth is irresponsible >>28006276 same goes for you

44 min later 28006345 Anonymous
Avalanche has shown us that "It's possible The sky is not a limit. The next barrier AVAX will break will be the barrier to the true "Internet of finance", and we will be here to see it happen

44 min later 28006393 Anonymous
>>28002951 Legit coins? My picks. Keep in mind none of these will likely 10x overnight but will show steady consistent growth over the next year: XLM XNS (not xsn) wCres Algo Aave And when it’s available, Mina Get a stack of each, screenshot this and see where they all are on 12/31/21

45 min later 28006417 Anonymous
Avax new eth

45 min later 28006469 Anonymous
>>28003552 Thank you for your service

45 min later 28006471 Anonymous
Since you've asked shitcoins i can give you all layer 1 projects except Avalanche because the tech behind it is the best there is avaliable right now, just wait for eth avax flip by eoy and you will be just fine

46 min later 28006542 Anonymous
Go avax it is good investment

47 min later 28006590 Anonymous
>>28006336 brainlet detected

47 min later 28006643 Anonymous
>>28002951 PRQ

47 min later 28006647 Anonymous
>>28006336 it is not irresponsible, nothing can go wrong, i have been hodling since 2 usd and i will hodl until 100 usd and shill it all the time!

52 min later 28007000 Anonymous (stakeinmynet.png 504x396 258kB)
>>28002951 xsn

53 min later 28007125 Anonymous
>>28006590 It's funny when people who know jack shit try to discredit what I'm saying make a point or fuck off >>28006647 it is, and things CAN always go wrong, I like avax, dont hold any and probably wont until real adoption begins, which it might just never happen, and then what, you'll be left with useless coins. like i said i have high hopes but one needs to be a realist in crypto. >>28006643 astronomically based >>28006393 >XNS >wCres >Mina doesnt look too bad but still a lot of vaporware, what makes you think those projects wont end as one of the 99% of failed projects >XLM good medium to short term

56 min later 28007334 Anonymous
>>28007000 eh >>28003715

57 min later 28007480 Anonymous
>>28005560 So you missed doge and shib, huh? ngmi.

58 min later 28007555 Anonymous
>>28007480 I made more investing in real projects than you made with doge and shib combined

1 hours later 28007750 Anonymous
>>28007555 You made over 2000% returns in the last couple months?

1 hours later 28007773 Anonymous
>>28007750 16000%

1 hours later 28007827 Anonymous
>>28002951 >Doesn't anyone care about coins with value? We only care about making money.

1 hours later 28008176 Anonymous
>>28007827 you can make more with legit project you absolute caveman

1 hours later 28009080 Anonymous
>>28008176 I made over 100x on a pajeet rugpull in 5 days, even if I put money in BTC 5 years ago I wouldn't have made gains even as close. Add to the fact that these 100x shitcoins happen every week and you're going to make some serious money. Fundamentals mean nothing in a bubble anon, I hope you understand this.

1 hours later 28009259 Anonymous
>>28009080 another anon here where do you spot these potentially good / new coins early on? everything shilled on biz on leddit are already up like 8000% in a month

1 hours later 28009347 Anonymous
>>28009080 no i do dont worry, but short in and out's are not really favorable for people like me, and evern normies to an extent see where i live i dont have to pax tax on crypto that i hold for more than a year so i started to maximize that by ivesting in legit projects one of them is/was >>28006643 it did a 150x and is about to do another 50x in the coming years, best case scenario for me is just holding good projects if you make money with that and don't care about tax, do it, but don't tell newfags to do the same, because they WILL lose money - which WILL hurt everyone because they won’t buy crypto again and call it a scam

1 hours later 28009964 Anonymous
>>28009259 https://dyor.net/ also watch what's being shrilled on here. LINK is a good example of this.

1 hours later 28010068 Anonymous
>>28009347 "Legitimate projects" are already dead, especially stocks. It was already only held up by increasing the money supply by 50+% in a year, and now when new money finally came in they committed the most blatant market manipulation seem in generations and now everyone under 40 is investing entirely on memes.

1 hours later 28010212 Anonymous
>>28010068 You think that because you made money on memes I don't think that because I made money on legitimate projects

2.818 0.091