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2021-02-07 10:03 27983753 Anonymous (squalor.jpg 1600x900 863kB)
Who has the shittiest living situation on /biz/ right now? Doesn't have to be absolute squalor, could be something like having to share a room with your sister while she sees Johns. Post em.

1 min later 27983802 Anonymous
>>27983753 looks comfy

1 min later 27983816 Anonymous
no sister, what is the point of living :(

2 min later 27983823 Anonymous
i don't have a home. i rent someone's garage and i'm allowed to use the shower at night only. all i can afford. hoping i can hit it big with crypto.

2 min later 27983846 Anonymous
>>27983823 Got any pics of your garage palace?

3 min later 27983853 Anonymous
>>27983823 good luck, wish you big rich soon

4 min later 27983895 Anonymous (I...+I+don+t+know+how+to+react+to+this+_b24428c32c84bdf7b81f10cc1a0847be.jpg 223x200 10kB)
>>27983753 Why do people live like this, clean up your shit and stop living like an animal. Wait a sec animals can keep their nest clean your even lower then that.

4 min later 27983907 Anonymous (0EDC03CE-3646-419B-AAE7-F28BAFA2501B.jpg 442x442 40kB)
>>27983753 ignore me in the center it’s the only pic i had haha

4 min later 27983913 Anonymous
>>27983753 I have to share a room with my brother while he sees Johns.

5 min later 27983955 Anonymous
>>27983753 I have broken sewage pipes in my apartment building. It smells like porta-potty and the snot drips into my mouth and tastes likes urine.

5 min later 27983967 Anonymous
>>27983753 Right now I'm okay but I used to live in this shitty rat/roach infested(and I mean INFESTED) building in Queens. One roommate ended up in bellevue after accusing another roommate of using a mind control device on him and started sleeping in the bathroom. The police were in the building all the time, sometimes overnight for days straight because of some drug dealers on the first floor

6 min later 27983983 Anonymous
>>27983907 I want to fuck your ass so hard, for the fallen brothers you have killed, scum

7 min later 27984031 Anonymous
>>27983907 Was Osama a jew?

8 min later 27984074 Anonymous
>>27983846 my laptop is 11 years old and has no camera and my phone is an lg 300g. i can't take pictures. it's one of those single car garages where the door has to swing up to open. i wrap a chain around it at night to lock it in case someone tries to come in, it's not a safe neighborhood.

8 min later 27984092 Anonymous
>>27984031 Doubt it, pro nationalism a good sign. In fact i think he mightve name dropped the j word in his letters maybe not sure

9 min later 27984117 Anonymous
>>27983907 I thought you was dead

9 min later 27984142 Anonymous
Prices fell in London because of corona so I kind of upgraded for the same price to a new build 1-bed and it’s alright. Pretty small but that’s London for you. Previous flat I lived in was a fucking hole though. The landlord messaged me last week asking if I could explain how to use the heating to the new tenants. Boiler’s probably fucked but she refuses to take care of it glad I got out.

12 min later 27984234 Anonymous
>>27984074 Is there any way at all for me to confirm that what you're saying is true?

13 min later 27984304 Anonymous
>>27983753 what is shitty about having a room this big? The only thing I see here is that you're a disgusting piece of shit, nothing to do with "shitty living conditions".

14 min later 27984323 Anonymous
>>27984092 >name dropped the j word Jews do that tho

14 min later 27984340 Anonymous
>>27984234 can you think of anything? i'd be willing to show you but i really don't have a camera.

14 min later 27984357 Anonymous
>>27984074 How about this, can you take a full screen screenshot of this thread that will show you're on an 11 year old laptop?

15 min later 27984375 Anonymous
>>27984234 request pee bottle pics

15 min later 27984385 Anonymous
>>27983753 ME >live in broken down 300 year old house with parents >every time i find a way to move out everything goes wrong >no busses no subway no taxis no uber no car >house is broken down i think theres mold in my room and i cant even stay in there because the wind makes it so cold >have to sleep in a tiny storage closet on the floor >no energy to clean anymore i just scream at lines to move up >entire room is covered in trash not even enough room to stand >too tired to do literally anything >have ptsd and have nightmares every night and miserable and cant sleep >everyone near me is a schizophrenic maniac and i got more ptsd hanging out with them >freezing cold fucking winters cant even go outside for 20 minutes thats just the surface its all much much worse

17 min later 27984454 Anonymous
>>27984385 Can you provide photographic proof of any of this anon? A pic of your room?

19 min later 27984550 Anonymous
>>27984454 >>27984454 id rather not.

20 min later 27984599 Anonymous
>>27983753 imagine the smell

20 min later 27984606 Anonymous
>>27984385 do you live in like a castle in russia

20 min later 27984610 Anonymous
>>27984340 >>27984550 Alright, fuck it. Both of you post an ERC20 address below.

22 min later 27984669 Anonymous
>>27984357 How do I do that?

23 min later 27984747 Anonymous
>>27984720 Only those two IDs.

24 min later 27984793 Anonymous
>>27983753 Won't be surprised if are crypto millionaires here who live like this

25 min later 27984800 Anonymous
>>27984727 You have no transactions?

26 min later 27984843 Anonymous
>>27984800 dont be a saint it wont help them can speak from experience

26 min later 27984857 Anonymous
>>27984142 What did you tell her?

26 min later 27984861 Anonymous (2021-02-07-112842_1366x768_scrot.png 1366x768 225kB)

26 min later 27984864 Anonymous
>>27984800 that eth address? its my address off coinbase i just sent $30 off it yesterday to try and buy a shit coin but i didnt have enough for a mining fee

27 min later 27984904 Anonymous
>>27984861 I'm on windows XP

27 min later 27984916 Anonymous
>>27984843 I'm not actually getting the right vibes from anyone in this thread. No proof. No poorfag wallet with a long history of transactions. I'll probably just try again another day but with a totally different angle so the scammers don't sniff it out straight away. I did a thread like this back in 2017 and the dude who got money was raving about it for days afterwards saying it made a huge difference, that's what I was going for but I don't think this thread is the one.

28 min later 27984931 Anonymous
>>27984720 kek nice try

29 min later 27984978 Anonymous
I literally have a 2-month supply of food leftovers from every possible fast food restaurant right next to me. When I'm done with eating I just throw it on the big pile of rotting food that's already there. I know it's disgusting but I honestly don't really care anymore.

29 min later 27985003 Anonymous
>>27984916 good decision anon

30 min later 27985029 Anonymous
>>27984978 at least throw it out the window

31 min later 27985080 Anonymous
33, suffering from a genetic condition that causes mild infections to become major ones. Lost my house in 08 after losing my father, able to get a new place to live but it's got a cracked foundation, moldy basement that leaks. Trying to save enough to get a vehicle to get to the doctor so I'm not in constant pain, also needing to fix my leaking basement because the mold is contributing to my disorder. Amongest of other problems, also it's in a terrible neighborhood wear I've been shot at multiple times and assaulted by 3 kids lol. I'm gonna make it though, somehow I swear.

32 min later 27985090 Anonymous
>>27985029 I don't want anyone to know though. I'm disgusted by it myself, but at least nobody knows but me.

32 min later 27985093 Anonymous
>>27984793 I have low 6 figures and live like that.

32 min later 27985107 Anonymous
>live with parents in shitty apartment >rains >room floods due to broken wall >fungus growing on my book cabinet from a huge rain recently which flooded what i thought are safe zones >take a shit >water pipes leak on me from the ceiling yeah man im not sure if im going to make it

32 min later 27985109 Anonymous
>>27984916 Post portfolio. Should i start sub 500k?

32 min later 27985114 Anonymous
>>27983753 looks fine, youre just a dirty nigger

33 min later 27985134 Anonymous (94F9B9C8-1ABC-4CEF-9AE2-9AFE39959D1D.jpg 3024x3450 1662kB)
My cat ran away so the mice are back

33 min later 27985136 Anonymous
>>27984916 And be more than happy to prove this all, could really make a huge fucking difference, my email is poorsickanon@protonmail.com Rather provide you evidence if you were wanting to help.

33 min later 27985156 Anonymous
>>27984904 press prnt screen on keyboard open paint press ctrl-v save post to thread to prove it's windows xp and that's enough to prove i think

34 min later 27985198 Anonymous
>>27985136 Tell you what dude. Take a photo of your hand giving the thumbs down in front of the mold in your basement within the next 5 minutes, and you will win the thread. 5 minutes. If you don't follow through thread closed and I'll try again in a month or two.

35 min later 27985206 Anonymous
>>27985090 Clean your room up today anon, not tomorrow. Close 4chan and come back only when your room is clean.

35 min later 27985244 Anonymous

37 min later 27985328 Anonymous (IMG_4186.jpg 2592x1936 1990kB)
>>27985198 sorry hearts pounding lol

37 min later 27985329 Anonymous
>>27984978 Anon i know 4channers are self hating and we are hard on each other but don't be a faggot. You deserve a clean room and I know because you're cool enough to be here. Clean it up friendo. Just get some trash bags it will take 5 mins. Take it out when no one is around

37 min later 27985333 Anonymous
>>27985206 I don't have any trashbags though and it's sunday. I actually let it go like this because I'm too lazy to go shopping. I actually haven't bought anything but fast food in the last few months.

37 min later 27985334 Anonymous
>>27984916 i just came here to complain because i have no one to talk to i thought there would be fellow poorfags and i never see anyone else suffering too so its nice to vent. i have a small amount of crypto and stocks but im saving most of it to try and get out of this hell hole

38 min later 27985345 Anonymous
>>27984385 Give me your btc addrese

38 min later 27985368 Anonymous (IMG_4188.jpg 2592x1936 1209kB)
>>27985206 sorry photos are sideways was racing to get the pictures lol and my hearts about to explode.

39 min later 27985378 Anonymous
>>27985328 You followed through. Post ERC20 address. I'd prefer if it had been used before, but w/e.

39 min later 27985396 Anonymous (1610678853674.jpg 583x416 54kB)

39 min later 27985404 Anonymous
>>27985368 wonder what that yellow stuff tastes like

39 min later 27985407 Anonymous
>>27985368 fuck me that is disgusting. is that mold?

40 min later 27985430 Anonymous
>>27985407 Looks like expanding foam used to fill cracks.

40 min later 27985432 Anonymous
>>27985378 godspeed anon

40 min later 27985433 Anonymous
>>27985328 Take a screen shot of everything you post first next time anon.

40 min later 27985443 Anonymous (IMG_20210207_104130248.jpg 4160x3120 3164kB)

40 min later 27985448 Anonymous
>>27985378 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478 DBa1Fbe I think this one has been sorry first one I grabbed I know I have one that has if this hasnt, you would be doing me a huge favor anything really helps dude.

40 min later 27985450 Anonymous
>>27985345 0xe087DC815418648586262A3B67Db2F83b a5fdB70 just so you know im not TOTALLY poor just living with parents that are really poor and its really difficult trying to get ahead with the money i have saved up. i only really want a handout if its from someone whos rich and its just pocket change to them or something

41 min later 27985471 Anonymous
>>27983753 What are you doing in my room Anon?

41 min later 27985482 Anonymous
>>27985430 >>> >Anonymous (ID: iBY7dam1) 02/07/21(Sun)03:43:23 No.27985 Yeah but tons of water poors through and i have to mop it up 7x a year.

41 min later 27985491 Anonymous
>>27985378 he just went to the shittiest spot in his house dont fall for it

42 min later 27985502 Anonymous
>>27985443 severely depressed NEET.

42 min later 27985515 Anonymous (61E5E820-CEE0-42E1-BA57-D0A78654ADDE.jpg 750x995 579kB)
lition car anon here

42 min later 27985521 Anonymous
>>27985368 christ what the hell is that? an attic you sleep in or your house?

43 min later 27985549 Anonymous
>>27985333 Start cooking pasta. Nothing but spaghetti. Do every kinds of noodles. Get really good at it.

43 min later 27985556 Anonymous (IMG_4187.jpg 2592x1936 2464kB)
>>27985491 actually It gets worse I just wanted to get it fast.

43 min later 27985572 Anonymous
all the richfags itt living in their first world countries, they just dont know how to clean up but they're not poor. Try living in argentina fuckers

44 min later 27985588 Anonymous
>>27985521 It's my basement it's horrible but also a roof over my head so it's better than others have in some places.

44 min later 27985589 Anonymous (screenshot.jpg 1024x768 100kB)
>>27985156 that took me like 5 minutes because paint was so slow to load. i never upload files because of this.

44 min later 27985600 Anonymous
>>27984916 How much were you gonna gib the poor biztard?

45 min later 27985617 Anonymous
>>27985448 Sent you something, anon. God bless you and I hope it gives you some reprieve.

45 min later 27985628 Anonymous
>>27985482 Seems like a gutter from the roof is pooling next to the house. If you get bored look outside and see if there's a hole from a spout in the ground and try and get the water to wash away from the house not sit next to it. I know you're a kid but fuck beats mopping shit up everytime it rains

45 min later 27985633 Anonymous (EGfM0dDXoAM_p5Y.png 645x773 386kB)
>>27985572 im in the usa but my roof leaks and its all brown and shit and everything is wreck. i used to clean the fuck out of my room before depression hit but my house is fucked it literally looks worse than anything ive seen in thrid world countries

45 min later 27985638 Anonymous
Kek holy shit he actually transferred a few thousand $ of graph

46 min later 27985651 Anonymous
>>27985556 Post face and if you look fucked up enough then expect some BTC. I'm not sold.

46 min later 27985658 Anonymous (1612680204105.jpg 233x217 13kB)
>>27985589 >ATI icon in the bottom right

46 min later 27985665 Anonymous
>>27985633 imagine being poor in the USA nigger wtf are you doing

46 min later 27985666 Anonymous
>>27985617 Dude you have no fucking idea how much you just helped me...... I hope you have my email please save it, I don't want this to go without some sort of update. I mean it you may have just fucking saved my life. I'm crying dude thank you so fucking much.

46 min later 27985675 Anonymous

47 min later 27985695 Anonymous
I literally live with no running water. I WISH I could have your basement apartment retarded fuckers. At least I'm saving money... haha.

47 min later 27985696 Anonymous
>>27985443 I know that feel. You can pull yourself out of it and be the man you want to be. I did.

47 min later 27985699 Anonymous
>>27985617 based as fuck for helping out a poor anon

47 min later 27985711 Anonymous
>>27985589 jesus christ

47 min later 27985714 Anonymous
>>27984385 Why do you accept this? You must struggle and work for something better. Don’t give up. The harder you work the luckier you will be.

48 min later 27985736 Anonymous (based.png 600x400 89kB)
>>27985638 >>27985617 sunday funday

48 min later 27985742 Anonymous
>>27985665 its my parents. their debt slaves and spent their whole life consooming in the middle of nowhere ive just been saving up every penny and watching youtube videos about stocks and crypto 24/7

48 min later 27985751 Anonymous
>>27985675 I mean it I'll stfu I don't want to spam but thank you so fucking much dude I can't express how much you have helped me.

48 min later 27985753 Anonymous
>>27985666 Oh no OP just helped satan

49 min later 27985773 Anonymous (pep.jpg 271x186 9kB)
>>27985666 checked

49 min later 27985792 Anonymous
jesus christ i would of posted my rotting room for that much grt ;_;

49 min later 27985793 Anonymous
>>27985638 he actually sent him $4k holy shit that would change my life so bad

50 min later 27985807 Anonymous
>>27985556 I’m not seeing any mold in any of these pictures

50 min later 27985819 Anonymous
>>27984978 Dude you will feel better if you clean that shit up. The smell alone is probably giving you depression.

50 min later 27985837 Anonymous
>>27983967 what part of queens? my buddy ended up in bellevue for a month around 5 years ago. what a shitty fucking psych ward

51 min later 27985842 Anonymous
>>27985807 Give me a second Ill post better ones now that I'm calmer.

51 min later 27985862 Anonymous (1554107931609.jpg 1080x1080 177kB)
>>27985589 Comfy

51 min later 27985869 Anonymous
Alright OP, you are a very based link marine, hope the tranny jannies dont nuke this though

52 min later 27985877 Anonymous
>>27985837 Flushing

53 min later 27985945 Anonymous
>>27985589 This pains me

53 min later 27985952 Anonymous
>>27985842 Please don’t, I think we got the point

54 min later 27985992 Anonymous
>>27985589 Anon, I.....

55 min later 27986001 Anonymous
>>27985443 >literally me but without the peepee bottles

56 min later 27986058 Anonymous (load.png 421x338 312kB)
>>27985589 just buy link and xsn and you will make it

56 min later 27986072 Anonymous (1568123702302.jpg 695x695 79kB)
>>27983753 AT least you have natural light

56 min later 27986078 Anonymous (CC4443C6-9E6A-488A-A6ED-972F9AB18808.jpg 750x1334 124kB)
This is my fucking ceiling. The worst part is I lived here my entire life grew up here. It’s been so fucking long

57 min later 27986099 Anonymous
>>27985589 nice VM fren

57 min later 27986102 Anonymous
>>27985718 top fucking kek, its cause i wanted op to help me but i dont have rotten walls cause im not a degen even though im a poorfag living in a dystopia full of corruption. Oh well i hope he makes good use of the 4k

57 min later 27986126 Anonymous
>>27985589 How does this happen to someone.

57 min later 27986132 Anonymous
>>27985589 This man might need money more than anyone in here

58 min later 27986166 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210207-050357.png 697x924 600kB)
>>27985368 >TinEye searched over 45.8 billion images but didn't find any matches for your search image what the flying fuck is this.

58 min later 27986168 Anonymous
>>27985742 Go to school and get a job

59 min later 27986189 Anonymous (WIN_20210207_04_02_04_Pro.jpg 1920x1080 207kB)
i would say mine is pretty neat

59 min later 27986192 Anonymous (IMG_0469.jpg 3264x2448 2366kB)
My basements dry cause its winter so not a lot of mold visible but on the wood in the basement its pretty evident. Also Thank you again Anon I found a water leak in my pipes while I was taking pictures, just saved me money ontop of helping me. Thank you again dude.

1 hours later 27986208 Anonymous
>>27985666 Pay it forward you miserable prick. You don’t have to give anyone money but just do some nice things for people.

1 hours later 27986231 Anonymous (desktop.jpg 1024x768 28kB)
>>27986099 not a VM, I don't know how to prove it though. it's not that bad. i only ever use it for simple tasks and 4chan so it works out. good thing the site is still running like 2003 so i can still use it.

1 hours later 27986233 Anonymous
>>27985368 looks comfy desu

1 hours later 27986235 Anonymous
>>27986078 Alright, bro, you get runner up. That's it from me.

1 hours later 27986245 Anonymous
>>27985877 oh god that sounds like hell how are the asian qts though?

1 hours later 27986251 Anonymous (1571119050717.png 900x722 202kB)
>>27986189 Damn, i need this flag. Where did you get this beauty fren?

1 hours later 27986255 Anonymous
>>27986168 ive been saving up for awhile and i just started putting it in coins and stocks this year. had 2 wins so far but its not getting me too far because its just not a lot of money. im saving a lot of it to try and move

1 hours later 27986288 Anonymous
>>27986208 Oh believe me It's my 67 year old widowed mothers birthday today, gonna buy her something nice but nothing crazy this money is gonna go get me a car so I can get to my doctor and also help fix my basement. I can make this stretch, he really is an angel in a man who has had a shit life, didn't wanna spam my details but I've posted here before.

1 hours later 27986296 Anonymous (1611763635843.gif 600x275 1490kB)
>>27986189 >discord

1 hours later 27986310 Anonymous (WIN_20210207_04_04_08_Pro.jpg 1920x1080 184kB)
another photo - this is from a webcam as i'm too lazy to charge my phone - i know i'm a faggot for having flags and string lights etc

1 hours later 27986345 Anonymous
>>27986251 i got the german naval from the WWI museum in kansas city and the kansas flag i just ordered off of amazon

1 hours later 27986350 Anonymous
>>27985589 I was lurking, got to say never thought it was real

1 hours later 27986363 Anonymous
>>27986310 >one piece hat kys

1 hours later 27986376 Anonymous
>>27986192 OP gave this anon 5000 GRT lol

1 hours later 27986392 Anonymous
>>27986350 It's not lol. That's definitely a VM. Anon is a larping faggot.

1 hours later 27986412 Anonymous
>>27986363 ok beretnigger dont come crying to me when you get sunburn and look like a redskin

1 hours later 27986421 Anonymous
>>27986231 shit, actually looks legit anon.

1 hours later 27986422 Anonymous
The room I rent is only 8 square meters. I can touch either side of the room if I extend my arms. I could move, but its cheap and close to the train station. I already have to get up super early so I don't want to move further away.

1 hours later 27986446 Anonymous
>>27986392 Not a VM, I don't know how to prove it's real though

1 hours later 27986459 Anonymous
>>27986255 Check your wallet.

1 hours later 27986464 Anonymous (mould - Copy.jpg 4032x3024 3075kB)
Anyway here's my entry to the thread's mould contest

1 hours later 27986470 Anonymous
>>27983753 Is that your room? Fucking clean it you fag, a few hours and work = infinitely better mental wellbeing

1 hours later 27986471 Anonymous
>>27985617 bless anon

1 hours later 27986526 Anonymous
>>27985666 Based satan trips Stuff like this really gives me hopes, anons.

1 hours later 27986542 Anonymous
>>27983983 Fuck off, zogbot. Osama dindu nuffin wrong.

1 hours later 27986547 Anonymous
>>27986464 >mould wtf is with that ceiling?

1 hours later 27986598 Anonymous
>>27986470 Nvm OP is helping people, I take it back My living situation is ok, trying to get a downpayment together but not living in my car or anything like these frens

1 hours later 27986604 Anonymous (file.png 508x677 775kB)

1 hours later 27986609 Anonymous
>>27984385 probation anon is that you?

1 hours later 27986644 Anonymous (1612464816556.jpg 770x766 72kB)

1 hours later 27986648 Anonymous
>>27986072 I.. Iwata san....

1 hours later 27986651 Anonymous
>>27985515 What state are you parked in anon?

1 hours later 27986691 Anonymous
I live in a semi truck and spend every paycheck on stock market and shitcoins

1 hours later 27986692 Anonymous
>>27986072 goin a little overboard with the chainlink fren

1 hours later 27986703 Anonymous
>>27986651 im in new zealand

1 hours later 27986705 Anonymous
This nigger really just gave out $7000 in gibs to anons on 4chan. Anon why not throw the rest of us a bone too. I noticed you’ve been giving out GRT - did you get in on the presale? If so, how’d you find out about it? Is it the next link? This information won’t cost you anything but could help a bunch of us out

1 hours later 27986736 Anonymous
>>27985572 ??? I’ve live in Argentina before, are you in Buenos Aires like half of the population? And if so why no find a job in another province?

1 hours later 27986775 Anonymous (file.png 1200x899 2636kB)
>>27986604 That's actually an old picture, but here's about what it looks like now.

1 hours later 27986808 Anonymous
>>27986459 help me pls i dont live in the US these people are poor cause they want to, minimum wage here is like $200 a month 0xa7b950Bb7AF5FF5Ff16275B1fb3014134 131e568

1 hours later 27986843 Anonymous
>>27986775 why don't any of you keep tidy. you could do it right now but instead you keep posting.

1 hours later 27986855 Anonymous
>>27986736 yea im in Bs As province, other provinces are even worse except maybe neuquen where there is oil. My dad works there i may move with him in the coming months but i dont even own a fucking vehicle

1 hours later 27986865 Anonymous
>>27986288 op just did it to feel better about himself. youre clearly missing the point of the person you responded to. giving 10% of what you were gifted to another stranger would be paying it forward. meanwhile the poor stay poor because they take a windfall and use it to buy their mother a present, buy a piece of shit used car that they cannot possibly maintain, and have some retarded dream of "repairing" the cracks in their foundation, as though its not a physical allegory for their own broken premise

1 hours later 27986867 Anonymous
>>27986811 He sent 2500 GRT to your eth Wallet

1 hours later 27986876 Anonymous
>>27986547 Look like constant water damage to paint

1 hours later 27986911 Anonymous (1612347526129.jpg 255x220 7kB)
>>27986775 and im suppose to take peoples advice from this shithole. still gonna hold that gme

1 hours later 27986922 Anonymous
OP is based. I might do one of these threads tomorrow. Reading this shit made me feel good.

1 hours later 27986991 Anonymous
35 and live with parents. Parents are old, complain about illness and death all the time which is a constant cloud of negativity and depressing. Women obviously don't want to know me. Feel shame when people I knew from back in school walk past with their wife and kids and then there is me still in the same house, bed, life that I was in as a teenager. Can't afford a mortgage by myself, refuse to get stuck in the rent game. Need to make enough from crypto and stonks to be able to buy a house in full. A starter home is £200k here.

1 hours later 27987000 Anonymous
>>27984861 >youtube >not using invidious To the rest of you: Being poor is not an excuse for being dirty. Start cleaning and have some discipline ffs.

1 hours later 27987022 Anonymous
>>27983753 Op your pretty nice, do you have a reason you are doing this?(just curious)

1 hours later 27987053 Anonymous
>>27986705 Didn't get into the presale but there were one or two threads here the day before. Found out about GRT on /biz/ straight after the presale, before mainnet launch. Looked into it and realized it was huge. We all agreed launch price would be $0.20-$0.30. I'm the anon who gambled 5k LINK on a shady asian exchange buying GRT presale at $0.11 (some might remember that, I posted a few times). They wouldn't even pay me out in GRT when it went live, I had to cash out in USDT and then rebuy GRT on proper exchanges after launch. Put an extra 2k LINK in at $0.10, couldn't believe my eyes. Have since bought back the 7k LINK, with 400k GRT delegating and the rest as easy spending money as I feel like I got it for free. It's not the next LINK because LINK is the next LINK. LINK hasn't even started. LINK will literally be thousands of dollars, nobody outside the deluded few can get their heads around it, but there is no question. GRT with it's high launch cap doesn't have the same start to finish growth potential as LINK, but is a crucial piece of baseline infrastructure that will be worth 10s of dollars once the smart contract stack is mature. An excellent buy and a rock solid project but I don't see it as going 100x or more from here.

1 hours later 27987054 Anonymous
>>27986991 you're a product of your own complacency anon

1 hours later 27987114 Anonymous
>>27987053 Thank you again dude, know you really did give it to a good cause and to the anons here yes I am gonna pay it forward, to those who have helped me. And hopefully I can help others here find help as well now that I'll have more time to be able to see others struggling rather than myself.

1 hours later 27987135 Anonymous
>>27986855 Oof, yeah I’m glad I left when cristina first got elected.

1 hours later 27987141 Anonymous
>>27985589 Are you in the US? You're making me feel bad dude, I'd give you a spare Android if you're anywhere near TN

1 hours later 27987156 Anonymous
>>27987053 you sound like you know what you're talking about. i'm gonna buy some LINK.

1 hours later 27987157 Anonymous
>>27987053 i was here during sibos conference, toilet room jokes etc but i couldnt afford to put even $100 into it thats how bad i have it

1 hours later 27987193 Anonymous
>>27987053 How do you feel about LTO?

1 hours later 27987197 Anonymous
>>27986705 As much as I would like free shit I don't hold and jealousy some of the anons in this thread seem miserable. I think it would be better if the richfag have out like 250 to 10 poorfags and spread it out personally, seems like that would benefit more and lesson the chance of it going to the wrong person. I ain't giving shit away though so I hope it helped someone.

1 hours later 27987213 Anonymous
>>27987135 you did well anon, its a major shithole now

1 hours later 27987259 Anonymous
>>27983983 Can't spell Usama without USA

1 hours later 27987306 Anonymous
>>27987053 >400k GRT delegating and the rest as easy spending money as I feel like I got it for free Ah yes, I do vaguely remember an anon saying this. Interesting how it’s a small world even here on biz

1 hours later 27987366 Anonymous
>>27987197 >I don't hold and jealousy some of the anons in this thread seem miserable What?

1 hours later 27987401 Anonymous
>>27987366 I'm saying I'm not mad at other people getting money, in sure some would be jealous. I'm phone posting at 4am.

1 hours later 27987423 Anonymous
>>27987141 california. rent for a single bedroom apartment is like $1,500. trying to make some money with crypto so i can move. if i save the money and just use it to move instead of investing it i'll be >broke again >my situation could be just as bad after i move >i will have been worse off than if i had just traded crypto because i'll be broke if i trade right, i can have financial freedom and not worry about being so broke. so I just need to work on delayed gratification and i'll make it.

1 hours later 27987443 Anonymous
>shithole >work for 250$ a month, maybe 400$ if I bust my ass off and optimize literally everything best way I can >that means 150-300$ a month for savings, crypto, everything to make it >start two small side hustles, but everyone around is also poor, so maybe another 30-50$ a month >eating well means I have even less money for crypto, so I just eat same slop that anons itt would be ashamed to feed even to animals >seriously consider starting collecting metal cans and plastic bottles just to make 10-20$ more a month, but would have to compete with old people and they will have even less >highlight of past week - old lady at grocery store looked at me like I'm total subhuman, and gave me two packs of frozen dumplings - best food I fucking had in a long time, ate it in small portions to increase my enjoyment, maybe 6 days or so However, what else can you do? We start at different places in life, it aint good, it aint bad, lucky or unlucky, it just is so. This is my path of samurai, I have to eat shit to hopefully not eat shit later in life. Tough, but we're gonna make it, hopefully.

1 hours later 27987483 Anonymous
>>27987401 id make a statue of op and post it here every day for even half of what these guys got

1 hours later 27987511 Anonymous
>>27987213 Half of my extende family lives in Argentina though(direct family lives in US) a know it got really bad like 1 year ago, since my mom contacted me about my sisters friend(who wanted to marry for citizenship) but I’d rather focus on my life(in military for free college(3years left till I regain my freedom))

1 hours later 27987513 Anonymous
>>27985589 lol if this is actually windows XP stop fucking using it, especially if you are fucking around with bitcoin wallets and shit loooool dumb fuck

1 hours later 27987515 Anonymous
>>27987401 >>27987483 You two are pathetic

1 hours later 27987517 Anonymous
>>27983753 Im sharing an apartment with my dad and some ukranian dude. At the moment im sleeping in the room where both of them are drying theyre clothes. I hope that in 2-3 months i will be able to move in at my cousins house. Its 300€ a month for a shitty 6 square meter room for me but still better than to live with an alkoholic and a ukrainian who left shit in the fucking bathtub for the 2 time today. One day we all gonna make it frens

1 hours later 27987570 Anonymous
>>27986231 Anyone who is even aware what a VM would have enough common sense to not use Windows XP especially while connected to the internet. You are full of shit, trying to beg for money or something

1 hours later 27987577 Anonymous
>>27987513 >lol if this is actually windows XP stop fucking using it yeah stop using the only thing i have to manage crypto and browse 4chan, got it.

1 hours later 27987593 Anonymous
>>27987401 Oh yeah for sure, especially after seeing some of the fuckery in this thread. I finally got to 5 figure hell today and the faggots who got the money definitely needed it more than me kek. That being said I think the 2 big sums is better than giving crumbs to a bunch of people.

1 hours later 27987613 Anonymous
>>27987577 you're full of shit anyways

1 hours later 27987645 Anonymous
>>27987515 says the guy living in a country where every one is getting thousands in stimulus money, you would suck dick for $500 if you were living here fucker

1 hours later 27987662 Anonymous
>>27985134 cute

1 hours later 27987664 Anonymous
>>27987511 if you're not married you're making an insane amount of money compared to your expenses anon. nows the time to save all that pay and not fuck around buying dumb shit.

1 hours later 27987665 Anonymous
>>27983907 is that jesus?

1 hours later 27987723 Anonymous
>>27985134 anon i'm pretty sure that's a rat

1 hours later 27987761 Anonymous
>>27987577 virtualbox exposes your actual cpu to the guest OS. go to control panel or device manager, screenshot the results and post em. bet you wont cause you're a larping faggot that probably lives with his parents and is looking for free cash. please kys.

1 hours later 27987775 Anonymous
>>27987716 go to bed eric

1 hours later 27987793 Anonymous
>>27987775 who the fuck is eric

1 hours later 27987841 Anonymous
>>27987716 >the fuckin gun and tapatio bottle kek but I've been there brother, hope you get on your feet.

1 hours later 27987864 Anonymous
It's not the greatest advice but XLM is going up and down constantly like .35 to .40, you can make some money just buying and selling. It's not a ton but it's what I was doing before coming to the thread.

1 hours later 27987873 Anonymous (peterson.jpg 1200x800 169kB)

1 hours later 27987881 Anonymous
>>27987873 Wash your penis

1 hours later 27987906 Anonymous
>>27987664 Yeah no shit. All my money is invested or giving to my mom( she’s a single mother(dad died of stomach cancer in Argentina)) she slaved away for my siblings and I to have a good life, and I just want to pay it back somehow. Joining the army was part of that( even though she cried and told me to stay(especially since I’m an infantryman)), but this way she doesn’t have to pay for my expenses and I can help her out. Also to OP this isn’t a submission to this contest, I live in a good barracks and as anon said I have no expenses.

1 hours later 27987935 Anonymous
>live in old caravan with 80 year old dad who is slowly losing his mind >rats in the kitchen that i had to kill recently >slugs seem to find their way in everywhere >at night i hear the death's head beetles banging their head against the wood in the walls >black mould all over my room, wallpaper peeled back it would be nice to live like a normal fucking person for a change. it is absolute squalor. i'd be so ashamed if anyone ever saw. i do worry about what this hellhole has done to my health. ten years i've endured this shit while i try to work and save money. i could go my own way but i don't want to leave my dad alone.

1 hours later 27987941 Anonymous
>>27985589 kek what’s your eth wallet caveman

1 hours later 27987953 Anonymous
>>27987761 see? total larp.

1 hours later 27987970 Anonymous (IMG_4018.jpg 2016x1512 669kB)
Bros im running out of room for my paintings...its hard here in america.

1 hours later 27988004 Anonymous
>>27983753 Just clean it and its absolutely fine.

1 hours later 27988008 Anonymous
>>27987935 kill the mold with vinegar. don't breathe the spores in it will kill you

1 hours later 27988034 Anonymous
>>27987970 Can you give me a shout out when you murder your next victim?

1 hours later 27988040 Anonymous
>>27988008 Mold grows through walls, kills surface mold actually does nothing man, dont get your advice from that one episode of king of the hill

1 hours later 27988063 Anonymous
I'm in the squalor camp. It looks like a Ukrainian krokodil den. I stopped paying rent back in April 2020. There's holes in the walls from fighting with my ex fiance. I don't even have gas, it got turned off so I take 3rd world cold af showers. I've been transitioning for a couple years and am just trying to make enough for FFS and a boob job so I can find a real man.

1 hours later 27988095 Anonymous
>>27987053 >LINK will literally be thousands of dollars this cycle? no way...

1 hours later 27988103 Anonymous
>>27987054 No

1 hours later 27988117 Anonymous
>>27985443 Sloth and entropy

1 hours later 27988137 Anonymous
>>27987053 I wanna swallow your cum anon.

1 hours later 27988149 Anonymous
>>27988040 there's some stuff It might be mold armour, I need to spray my walls with vinegar, bleach, mold armor then kills the walls but I need to build a french drain outside to keep water from coming back and patch the walls from the outside. Which is very doable now, I'm sickly but I can do a little at a time and my brother can help me.

1 hours later 27988151 Anonymous
>>27984916 God bless you, anon

1 hours later 27988153 Anonymous
>>27985572 I want to live like a King in your country snorting coke and fucking hot latinos every night Is that cool? Happy to live there

1 hours later 27988171 Anonymous
>>27987841 thanks its a real gun. fun to shoot. too bad ammo is so fuckin expensive, probably won't be able to go shooting again for a while.

1 hours later 27988191 Anonymous
Kek i gave the wrong address and it sent his coins back. God damn it I hate being a retard at least he got his shit back

1 hours later 27988229 Anonymous
>>27983983 Imagine the smell off his dirty hole.

1 hours later 27988242 Anonymous
Also need to remove some wood in my basement but I can do all the labor myself and materials aren't terribly expensive, but having no vehicle has kept me from gaining any ground. Anon has changed that problem for me, and I really do owe him a great deal of gratitude.

1 hours later 27988256 Anonymous
>>27988063 Post pic of self I’ll tell you if you’ll pass with either face or stomach. Because if you don’t pass the boob job is a bad investment

1 hours later 27988257 Anonymous
>top decile income >top decile (at least) cash (investments/savings) >can't afford half-way decent apartment in my area fucking grim living in London

1 hours later 27988301 Anonymous
>>27985333 There are probably many like you anon. Order some black bags or something. Get it cleared. You will feel slightly better when you do.

1 hours later 27988311 Anonymous
>>27984978 >>27985090 >>27985333 Post picture of trash mound senpai

1 hours later 27988315 Anonymous
>>27985396 what NES games he plays?

1 hours later 27988328 Anonymous (hardware.jpg 1024x768 128kB)
>>27987761 >>27987953 my computer is slow so it takes a while

1 hours later 27988338 Anonymous
>>27988153 yeah all non niggers are welcome here, in fact we need you to help us fix this shithole even if all you do is party

1 hours later 27988340 Anonymous
most of the pictures on here are not squalor. they are just mildly messy rooms. the paint on the walls are pristine, the carpets look fresh. i see one photograph of a damp basement, boohoo, a fucking basement. you guys don't know what pain is.

1 hours later 27988364 Anonymous
>disgusting filthy neets pretending to live in poverty when all they need to do is clean their room we can literally see all your expensive consumer goods mixed in with the piles of garbage you heathens, you arent poor just fucking lazy

1 hours later 27988367 Anonymous (sporty.jpg 3468x4624 2732kB)
>>27988256 That's why I want the FFS. My jawline is not good. What you don't see here is that I'm only 5' 5". I know I have potential I just want to find someone that sees it too. Honestly my tits grew to an almost B, they aren't that bad

1 hours later 27988373 Anonymous (gfddfgdfgdf.png 616x602 320kB)

1 hours later 27988380 Anonymous
>>27984074 >This is your average /biz/ user you take investment advice from

1 hours later 27988391 Anonymous
>>27985134 Google says that's a brown rat.

1 hours later 27988444 Anonymous (JBP.jpg 259x194 8kB)

1 hours later 27988456 Anonymous (1597942863391.jpg 1467x970 251kB)
welcome to the command center

1 hours later 27988470 Anonymous
>>27984916 You are a good person Anon, I love you

2 hours later 27988550 Anonymous (1612140397210.gif 190x200 2688kB)
>>27988328 faaaaake. nice photoshop skills faggot. you're a fucking larper man. just give up, everyone itt knows that's a VM. just like >>27987570 said, if you know what a VM is you know to not use XP and you probably know how to set up a VM. gtfo nigger. get a job if you want money so bad, stop pretending to be broke, NO ONE is using fucking windows xp in 2021. such a bad and pathetic larp. truly pathetic.

2 hours later 27988562 Anonymous (1567429708587.gif 480x257 2582kB)
>>27988338 As soon as Link hits triple digits I'll be there with bells on bro

2 hours later 27988578 Anonymous
>>27987970 Where can I buy your paintings?

2 hours later 27988588 Anonymous
>>27984610 >ERC20 Not them but also in the shit 0xF29691E30Fb0d301E00D2A297A73f1E01 B75B7e6

2 hours later 27988617 Anonymous
>>27988380 kek >>27988367 get a piece of paper that says /biz’s/ little bimbo bitch, hold it up with your tongue sticking out and post your wallet so we know you’re not full of shit

2 hours later 27988652 Anonymous
>>27988550 well i give up then. i posted my hardware and you still won't believe me. not much else i can do.

2 hours later 27988663 Anonymous
>>27985589 Incredible

2 hours later 27988751 Anonymous
>>27988652 >not much else i can do. That's because you have no proof. You don't want to admit that you're lying so you choose to make shit up instead. please just kill yourself already.

2 hours later 27988832 Anonymous
>>27983753 is there a reason why you cant just prop the fising rods against the corner of the wall, and organize your shit so the boxes are on the empty shelves

2 hours later 27988846 Anonymous
>>27988367 That photo is not doing your face any justice. You look like a crack hoe. You’re probably not that bad IRL but Jesus Christ that’s the photo you choose to represent yourself? Also, start hitting the gym and working on a booty because nobody wants a chick with nice tits and an ass as flat as yours

2 hours later 27988867 Anonymous
>>27986775 >"buy xrp!"

2 hours later 27988886 Anonymous (20210207_221311.jpg 2560x1440 1404kB)
my room is just messy desu don't want to pick my clothes up because lizards sneak into my room they prob hiding under shit

2 hours later 27988901 Anonymous
>>27984074 >banks hate him >learn the secrets to 0% down, 0% interest non-mortgage annuity fees

2 hours later 27988943 Anonymous
>>27988456 Cum-in-hand centre

2 hours later 27988957 Anonymous (Pepe+and+wojak_6d42a6_5425540.jpg 780x1095 91kB)

2 hours later 27988987 Anonymous (131303CD-8C89-4CC0-A315-71B33A7FDC41.jpg 3088x2316 1590kB)
0x0EC29DDde15C41A55B42570191D08149f 6C44203 Anyone want to help out a poorfag with a musculoskeletal problem? Can’t get on disability because fucking politicians in my city

2 hours later 27988995 Anonymous
>>27988943 cope

2 hours later 27989037 Anonymous
>>27988886 Kek what in the actual fuck. Take care of your dog faggot. He’s literally staring into the camera and screaming >please help me

2 hours later 27989047 Anonymous
>>27984978 lol based rat poster

2 hours later 27989058 Anonymous
>>27985515 I hope you’re warm anon. I don’t know about the us but there’s a scary cold snap here in Canada it’s -42 (the same in freedom units) I wish you all the best anon, good luck and god bless you

2 hours later 27989064 Anonymous
>>27988886 lol the face the dog is giving you

2 hours later 27989087 Anonymous

2 hours later 27989092 Anonymous (74415F57-EFF0-453F-845F-5AFC33E7F4C6.jpg 4032x3024 3331kB)
>>27988987 Hand around back, I can put my finger in my bellybutton by dislocating my shoulder

2 hours later 27989101 Anonymous
>>27988617 It's tits or gtfo right? I don't wanna get banned, Just jump on my snap @EVEiscerator

2 hours later 27989102 Anonymous (3D9F0924-1773-4F9F-9677-866F19B35763.jpg 124x120 2kB)
>>27988886 >your dogs face

2 hours later 27989114 Anonymous
>>27988886 even your dog looks depressed feels bad man

2 hours later 27989127 Anonymous
>>27989037 nah I'm just eating chocolate and she wants it

2 hours later 27989134 Anonymous

2 hours later 27989208 Anonymous (external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg 1200x800 160kB)
>>27985404 >>27985407 >>27986166 While mushrooms would be theoretically possible it looks more like someone just filled the cracks with some spray-foam and didn't remove the stuff that pushed out .. gets yellow with age. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tma WC7ZkVi8 I see biz does not invest in real-estate..

2 hours later 27989214 Anonymous (D2DCDA97-4D1F-4397-A470-7799861CBE1F.jpg 2316x2618 1828kB)
>>27989092 Here’s one I encourage you to do, here’s me dislocating my jaw, you should be able to open about 3 fingers wide. This isn’t even my widest, for the skeptical >>27989134 Fuck you, I’m in pain and can’t work

2 hours later 27989231 Anonymous
>>27985080 holy shit anon, post your wallet address I'll send you a few bucks of crypto

2 hours later 27989234 Anonymous (20210128_194433(2).jpg 4624x3468 2740kB)
>>27988846 That was constructive and not brutal at all, legit ty! I'm just tired and grabbed the first pic I could find, that was at 4am after a party. Here's a better one

2 hours later 27989255 Anonymous
>>27988456 Is that.. Open piss bottles?

2 hours later 27989268 Anonymous
>>27985198 i dont live in squalor but my house is pretty disgusting because it needs basic upkeep but the landlord is a cheap shithead but we are stuck and cant leave because bad credit, carpets need to be replaced wallpaper is fallling off fittings on lights are rusty. its a rental been here with my mom for like 20 years we have like 50k in cc debt between the 2 of us because my uncle got cancer a couple years back nd my sister got an immune disease i also had to drop 8k on my card last yera for my dogs surgery to remove tumors. i wont post my address because i dont do crypto never have and i dont want anyones money anyway. im taking programing classe for free and im gonna get out of this shithole eventually and buy my mom a house

2 hours later 27989308 Anonymous
>>27988562 based, together we can save this nation

2 hours later 27989316 Anonymous
>>27985368 lol wtf is that foam insulation? i did the same shit to plug patches where the wood rotted by my windowsills

2 hours later 27989330 Anonymous
>>27989231 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478 DBa1Fbe I appreciate it anon, although I know others here may need it.

2 hours later 27989354 Anonymous
>>27987970 i hope you are selling those as nft art anon, theres a lot of retards with more money than taste so you could profit.

2 hours later 27989363 Anonymous
>>27989234 you will never be a woman

2 hours later 27989373 Anonymous (1559329919774.png 800x448 650kB)
>>27989214 seek help

2 hours later 27989382 Anonymous
>>27989316 Yeah it was to keep the bugs from coming it, the foundation cracked in like 7 spots, i've gotta do some major work but I worked in concrete when I was a younger man so I can get it done with time.

2 hours later 27989391 Anonymous
just clean it up you degenerate, it's so easy

2 hours later 27989394 Anonymous
>>27989316 i had to use foam insulation too when the floors gave way and rats made their way in.

2 hours later 27989414 Anonymous
>>27985589 hahahah this looks like my old computer now i want to try seting it up to see if it still works

2 hours later 27989416 Anonymous
>>27989373 Fuck you tranny

2 hours later 27989429 Anonymous
>>27985448 is that an ETH address?

2 hours later 27989446 Anonymous
>>27989101 Nice roller skates.

2 hours later 27989452 Anonymous
>>27989234 Yeah I honestly figured it was just the photo based on the fact that I can look like Shrek and Prince Charming on the same day depending on when photo is taken. I’d smash desu, build up a thicc booty and ur a solid 8/10

2 hours later 27989465 Anonymous
>>27989429 Yes 3GGUBdvEPhUtXCxbENQnRgUxt7zUXaEp99 That's BTC if you don't use ETH. You really don't have too, OP was very generous from before but anything helps.

2 hours later 27989501 Anonymous
>>27988063 You should just kys and get it over with.

2 hours later 27989511 Anonymous (1509193739211.jpg 748x724 75kB)
Spent the last 8 years in a 3x5 metre-ish bedsit, narrows to less than 2m in the middle. Bit like a neet prison cell. Except I'm not neet. Don't have to live like this. I'm just saving a few hundred a month doing so... every month... for 8 years. Adds up. Deep in the market now thanks to it, last few months almost doubled those savings. All this chance cost me was my 20s. A year more and I think I'll be free.

2 hours later 27989516 Anonymous
>>27984385 House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, 'alf the floor was missing, and we were all 'uddled together in one corner for fear of falling

2 hours later 27989517 Anonymous
>>27989429 You’re offering him crypto and don’t even know what an eth address looks like or how check it? How does one stupid have so much that he can afford to gib to an anon?

2 hours later 27989532 Anonymous
>>27983753 your room is actually decently sized i used to live in a cold and humid, small room and sleep on an air mattress it was pretty trash becausevi always woke up with congestion and the air mattress got annoying tl sleep on.

2 hours later 27989549 Anonymous (20210207_062433.jpg 4624x3468 3662kB)
This is that squalor I was talking about earlier. I know it's bad but as soon as the boomer Ethiopian investment firm that bought this place sues to get me out I'll live middle class again. I just don't care anymore rn

2 hours later 27989593 Anonymous

2 hours later 27989604 Anonymous
>>27988987 did u shave ur legs?

2 hours later 27989624 Anonymous
>>27989549 anon that's a fucking palace. the walls are clean and bright, the wood looks fresh. all you've done is left a few bits and pieces out like a pig.

2 hours later 27989625 Anonymous
>>27986703 Pretty temperament, at least you got reddits favorite leader so you can post for free reddit points

2 hours later 27989638 Anonymous
>>27988391 It’s way too small to be a rat.

2 hours later 27989666 Anonymous
And if anyone was curious I have x-linked lymphoproliferative disease not sure if it's XLP1 or XLP2 both are usually fatal. Instead of antibodies attacking infections they attack my healthy cells and allow infections to gather until i go into sepsis.

2 hours later 27989674 Anonymous
>>27988652 If not a LARP check: https://itsfoss.com/lightweight-lin ux-beginners/ Get the fuck out of Windows XP ASAP!

2 hours later 27989681 Anonymous
>>27989604 My hair grows in weird, I don’t make the right kind collagen. Look up “velvety skin eds” one presentation is light hair

2 hours later 27989692 Anonymous
>>27989666 why should anyone give you crypto if ur going to fucking die anyway fuck you satan

2 hours later 27989694 Anonymous
>>27989624 It was more an abusive ex who trashed it and I'm just over it but I like the whole not paying rent thing.

2 hours later 27989707 Anonymous
>>27983895 this. People who cannot even do the very minimum to keep their house clean are subhuman.

2 hours later 27989715 Anonymous
>>27989234 you’re decent you’d be better with bigger tits and like the other anon said go squat and ditch the pants that shits masculine, where’s your wallet I’ll chip in

2 hours later 27989724 Anonymous
>>27989214 Kek just tried

2 hours later 27989753 Anonymous
>>27989681 what are your symptoms? does your spine get pinched from compression if you lift stuff? do your joints crack a lot

2 hours later 27989755 Anonymous
>>27985589 Jesus

2 hours later 27989775 Anonymous
>>27989707 Or they’re depressed jackass

2 hours later 27989778 Anonymous
This thread made me feel dirty, I will come back after cleaning my flat, cheers

2 hours later 27989808 Anonymous
>>27986876 That's not water damage they do it that way on purpose its meant to look nice.

2 hours later 27989809 Anonymous
>>27989666 is that something u born with or did u get it over time?

2 hours later 27989816 Anonymous (proxy-image.gif 364x273 996kB)
I live in a van down by the river

2 hours later 27989837 Anonymous
>>27986991 Yeah dude, you only have yourself to blame for these conditions. Move the fuck out even if it's a single bedroom apt. You might even find a girlfriend that way. Hurr durr I'm a 35yo NEET, I blame the renting-kikes for my shitty lifestyle

2 hours later 27989847 Anonymous
>>27989674 Alright thanks, I'll take a look

2 hours later 27989856 Anonymous
>>27989809 Born with but I didn't goto school and was a virgin till 21 so I didn't get many infections till in my 20's. It's actually passed from Mothers to Sons it almost never actually effects women, it's called Duncan's syndrome it's pretty damn rare, Doctor's had a hell of a time figuring out wtf was wrong.

2 hours later 27989878 Anonymous
>>27986072 Is this real?

2 hours later 27989892 Anonymous
>>27989753 Frequent dislocations, subluxations are the most common ones, and about 40% of my kind has IBS and chronic fatigue. Which are my biggest problems. I can dislocate any joint much easier then you can. Google slipped rib, not fun, especially if it happens in the back. I’ve pinched nerves before but that’s not the biggest concern. Other things include exercise intolerance, and fibromyalgia

2 hours later 27989903 Anonymous
0xMR 0xMonero.com

2 hours later 27989926 Anonymous
>>27983907 cute anon. always be proud of your faith in a higher being.

2 hours later 27989971 Anonymous (1605679052397(1).jpg 980x1308 57kB)
>>27989715 0x02cD20DdD768339655E280bB1f275615e EaC5e46 I'll do 1000 squats while thinking of you anon

2 hours later 27990005 Anonymous
>>27989903 nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit just like the last hundred times you spammed it stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoon Shots/comments/i27fhk/0xmonero_summ ary_of_findings/ https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2475 0658#p24755504

2 hours later 27990020 Anonymous
>>27989808 That looks like what happen to my bathroom roof once( almost exactly). And your saying people pay for that, and they think it looks nice? What a fucking clown world we live in.

2 hours later 27990073 Anonymous (B1085833-294A-451B-915B-52F66D4C19AC.jpg 828x1130 249kB)
>>27989971 tfw no time stamp

2 hours later 27990084 Anonymous
>>27989330 >0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b35747 8DBa1Fbe I sent from my BlockFi account so it might take some time to come thru.

2 hours later 27990121 Anonymous
>>27989429 If you do anon I will put anything to good use, it's gonna go towards getting a vehicle and repairing my home and will put me on a path of hopefully living better than I have in awhile. Just having the ability to get to my appointments will make a world of difference. Thank you OP and anyone else here, I hope any bad fortune turns around for you and we all make it out of this suffering together.

2 hours later 27990132 Anonymous
>>27989465 yea I can't afford to be as generous as he probably was but I can spare a lil bit. >>27989517 Yea I looked it up after

2 hours later 27990137 Anonymous
Have to live in fucking hotels constantly because i travel for work. Its been 4 years of living out of a suitcase. Just 3 more months and ill be settled in one place. Cant wait.

2 hours later 27990166 Anonymous
>>27990084 Thank you dude, I love you and the OP and you all I really mean it, I know this place is edgy but there are truly kind hearted people here that have made this cynical sick fucks heart soften. I really hope this year turns out amazing for you Anon.

2 hours later 27990187 Anonymous
>>27989092 >>27988987 >>27989214 you will never be a woman

2 hours later 27990221 Anonymous
>>27987941 I have $0.23 worth of ETH in it.

2 hours later 27990246 Anonymous
>>27990132 It's shit, I'll feel fine somedays then random things happen to me like lost the ability to move my right leg, eyes will bounce around till I vomit, had to remove 4 lbs of infected necrotic tissue. lymph nodes swollen to my neck down to my dick. But I'm not giving up and you guys breathed fresh life into me tonight I really mean it.

2 hours later 27990267 Anonymous
>>27990132 No I’m asking how someone as retarded as yourself could possibly afford to give away free money to strangers

2 hours later 27990361 Anonymous
2020 I was able to clear my debt and UI gave me the ability to get surgery and recover. These donations helped push me into the green and I'm frugal af so this will carry a long ass way especially with the stimulus coming. Thank you guys so damn much I can't say it enough.

2 hours later 27990366 Anonymous
>>27990267 2020/21 BTC bullrun

2 hours later 27990389 Anonymous
>>27990166 You're welcome anon! How fare away are you from being able to afford the car?

2 hours later 27990415 Anonymous
>>27989892 whats your disease called? do you ever get fatigue after eating, or randomly feel slightly short of breath

2 hours later 27990441 Anonymous
>>27990389 Tonight made it happen honestly, I had 900 in my account, I've got about 1200 in utility bills but another week of UI coming and the stimulus so I grew up in the car world and was a car salesman I know how to get a good deal. OP's donation in reality pushed me to that point.

2 hours later 27990463 Anonymous (7C69766B-8905-4380-BFF7-D23DFD5DB8A4.jpg 240x320 25kB)
Oh yeah here’s me dislocating my jaw and doing my signature caveman face.

2 hours later 27990524 Anonymous
>>27989694 Cleaning the fucking house you slob.

2 hours later 27990538 Anonymous
>>27989971 uhoh i didnt realize u wer etrans until i read the posts up the chain. am i gay now for thinking that booty was hot

2 hours later 27990556 Anonymous
>>27988550 Leave him alone you fat cunt you’re obviously too autistic to realise he’s not even begging and started in this thread before it was a pan handle thread

2 hours later 27990565 Anonymous
>>27990389 I have to go grab an hour of sleep and pretend I wasn't awake all night, it's my moms birthday and one of our teams is in the superbowl so she would not be thrilled if I slept through it lol. But I'm also not tired at all...

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