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2021-02-07 03:55 27964433 Anonymous how do I steal my friends crypto (366CA8C8-F458-4338-8C02-7C2255D3A6AD.jpg 880x738 129kB)
Im a newfag but just found out all my normie fag friends all have a secret group chat without me and have been talking about crypto for months. And one of my closer friends in the group has done multiple 10x’s and has never brought it up to me once despite seeing him multiple times Is this a betrayal? I never thought I would be jealous seeing others succeed but when I found this out I instantly started punching my bed

1 min later 27964548 Anonymous
>>27964433 just buy the fucking coin nigger

1 min later 27964570 Anonymous (1612207857345.png 638x359 321kB)
>>27964433 Lol they think you are retarded. I can see it.

3 min later 27964684 Anonymous
You'd feel the same way if they told you to buy and the price went down. Take responsibility for your own financial life, nigger.

3 min later 27964685 Anonymous
>>27964433 >how do I steal my friends crypto This is why they have a chat without you nigger

3 min later 27964699 Anonymous (honk.jpg 1080x908 105kB)
sorry anon they think you are stupid desu. just make your own money and realize those are not your "friends" it may not be profit financially but invaluable lesson learned

4 min later 27964730 Anonymous
>>27964433 lol how did you find out if it's a secret huh? maybe they kept you out because you're a jealous greedy bastard

4 min later 27964764 Anonymous (5F192125-90FE-4768-A35A-AE7B9E5D7A03.jpg 750x946 315kB)
>>27964433 oh yeah remember that advice post when that dude said your friends and your friends this is what he meant

5 min later 27964802 Anonymous (1611241507073.jpg 701x1024 91kB)
>>27964433 >send friends keylogger >take passwords >transfer funds >xmr it >offer them condolences when they tell you about their loss >screem with happiness inside

5 min later 27964819 Anonymous
>>27964433 >when I found this out I instantly started punching my bed This is why they have a chat without you, only a retarded sperg would react this way.

5 min later 27964837 Anonymous
>>27964433 Make more money than them in crypto. Its the best vengeance. Lurk here some more.

5 min later 27964843 Anonymous
>>27964433 Serious question, are you old enough for this website?

5 min later 27964846 Anonymous
>>27964433 Just say you're into crypto and buy some bitcoins and they'll let you in you sperg. If not, then they aren't really your friends. They probably just talked about it while drunk or something and vowed to keep it between themselves.

6 min later 27964880 Anonymous (1591001511761.jpg 1080x1698 411kB)
if they are normies there is no way they have a hardware wallet or anything secure just steal the laptop when they are out one day and find the keys return it then remove the crypto

6 min later 27964899 Anonymous
>>27964433 Are you in fucking Highschool? get your own thing and mind your own wallet

6 min later 27964901 Anonymous (1604904688974.jpg 255x247 14kB)

6 min later 27964916 Anonymous
>buy gun >?????? >profit

7 min later 27964983 Anonymous
>>27964433 >and has never brought it up to me once despite seeing him multiple times he did that one time and you told him to stfu

8 min later 27964989 Anonymous
Offer to suck their dicks 1 sucky for 0.1 ETH

8 min later 27964994 Anonymous
>>27964819 I am 22

8 min later 27965006 Anonymous (1611160898550.jpg 461x461 29kB)
>>27964901 Were we the normies this whole time?

9 min later 27965067 Anonymous
They say the n word and talk about schlomo and they think you'd screencap them and rat them out

9 min later 27965087 Anonymous
>>27964802 I wish I could do this but I’m a boomer with tech. My exit strategy would be to steal all their crypto and move abroad

10 min later 27965182 Anonymous
>>27964570 I’m actually the most clever one, but I am socially retarded so yeah kinda

12 min later 27965295 Anonymous
>>27964570 >>27964685 >>27964684 >>27964730 >>27964819 >>27964843 >>27964899 leave the faggot alone faggots. we're all trying to make it too you know jesus christ

12 min later 27965326 Anonymous
>>27964837 They all have the jumpstart on me the fucking niggers. My plan is to jump ape ADA and let it sit there for 5 years. But they also have this plan too.

22 min later 27966066 Anonymous
>>27964433 have you expressed interest in crypto to them, at all? Your friends are allowed to succeed. >My exit strategy would be to steal all their crypto and move abroad >I’m actually the most clever one, but I am socially retarded Go to therapy you fucking sociopath.

23 min later 27966136 Anonymous
>>27966066 well maybe you are maybe you're not, i dont know you, but this line of thought aint fucking okay.

24 min later 27966238 Anonymous
>>27965006 Im tellin ya OP is getting ghosted by his "friends" who he thinks of as normies but he's the one missing out on crapto man this is a+ comedy. Also your friend talking about 10x etc, if he's truly a normie hes a fucking larp and there's no fucking way he ever went 10x. And if he did he went 10x and sold at -50%. God they didn't want you to make it that must hurt dude that must hurt. I'm actually doing the same to my lefty friends, I'm telling all my based bros what to buy and the lefty friends that crypto is a scam and that I've only lost money so far.

28 min later 27966427 Anonymous (1608542293201.png 656x527 19kB)
>>27964433 How about be cool and ask them to let you in and give you advice? You wanna steal crypto? From your friends? I would knock your teeth you if you said that in front of my you little bitch. You would deserve it, faggot. I 100% guarantee they've brought up crypto in front of you and you made some stupid fuck smart ass remark, and THAT is why they didn't let you in. But now that you hear they are making money, you're pissing and screaming? Fucking pussy. Anyway, tell them you are interested in investing and they will help you. Although tbqh your friends are probably retards and you're better off just browsing /biz/.

28 min later 27966435 Anonymous
>>27965182 you're not clever if you're not in crypto yet, in fact you seem to be an absolute midwit seething who truly doesnt know how others see him. There's a reason why they excluded you, you proably suck. Let me guess you correct them on small pedantic things and then think to yourself that you're smarter than them because of that. Meanwhile they have girlfriends and careers.

29 min later 27966546 Anonymous
>>27966427 they think ada is a long term hodl, says enough about them. All the normies I know think that aswell, where the fuck are they getting that idea from lel, any influencer shilling ada? Let me guess OP your friends hold steller and ripple, to the moon!!!

31 min later 27966635 Anonymous
>>27966238 Ffs what is happening to me is the inverse of what you’re doing. They’re all lefty anti trump fags and I’m proudly MAGA (since 2015)

31 min later 27966643 Anonymous
>>27964433 >instantly started punching my bed thankyou bro i needed this laugh my apologies if u are being serious, i am laugh lol

34 min later 27966854 Anonymous
>>27964433 >being this bothered by what your "friends" do on their own time yea, you know, if you weren't such a fucking /r9k/ psycho, maybe they'd be actual friends with you instead of just taking pity on you. stop acting like a fucking autist, be genuine, and then you'll actually get invited to shit. normal people can sniff out retards like you a mile away.

35 min later 27966857 Anonymous
>>27966427 Yes you are right I was smug to them once, but because they were HUGE FAGGOT NORMIES when first talking about it. In 2017 bull run they fucking bought BTC at like 12k then cried when it plummeted. They would only talk about bitcoin. They bought in at like 7k and sold at 7.5k after a month because they didn’t have the patience. I obviously mocked them slightly for this. But now, they have actively schemes AGAINST me to purposefully never mention their Jew schemes to multiply their wealth, without telling their good friend of over 10 heads about it. Fucking cunts, they’re fucking faggots

35 min later 27966894 Anonymous
>>27966238 >>27966546 I have about 4 close friends. I brought up crypto years ago and 1 was already involved so we became investing butt buddies, and we ended up getting the two who showed interest into it as well. But the 1, the one who was JUST SO ABOVE IT ALL, who said "hurr what if the internet gets shut down?" and "i herd ppl lost to much money. seems like a scam blah blah i don't do research blah blah." And guess how that turned out? We left him behind, we are all in 6-figure hell and he's still a broke bitch. I love him but don't ridicule my investments and expect me to force you to invest for your own good, it's out of my hands at that point. And I'm sure this is the exact type of person OP was at some point, an uneducated FUD monkey who smugly flaunts their own ignorance.

36 min later 27966987 Anonymous
>>27964433 looks like your friends aren't your friends.

36 min later 27966996 Anonymous (Inverted-Hammer-Sample-1.png 315x456 2kB)
>>27964433 Just buy CLF dude https://stocktwits.com/symbol/CLF

36 min later 27966998 Anonymous
>>27966635 well there you go man I'm actually gonna give you advice and you should absolutely IGNORE everything else on this board. Go to the stakenet discord, ask about how to buy and set up an MN (and what it is etc) and you will never have to work in your life again, it's the ultimate normie deterrent. You're lucky I feel bad for you. Also, never ever tell one of those lefty neocommie homos what you bought, they will report you straight to aoc. And really just follow this advice and never come back to the board. This board is 3 years of hell before it's profitable, too many opportunities too neck. I just gave you the shortcut, you will see that I was right in 3 years when your friends hold useless shit that they trade on stakenet. you need approx 6k to make it.

38 min later 27967082 Anonymous
>>27965182 >I’m actually the most clever one Then why is your friend kicking your ass in crypto retard

38 min later 27967084 Anonymous
>>27966894 I'm trying to save a based normie friend of mine of binance xrp xlm insertnormiecoin hell but he wont listen.

38 min later 27967099 Anonymous
>>27966854 Honestly I can relate to this. Just pretend to be ignorant of it all and make your own money and never mention it.

38 min later 27967100 Anonymous (1508823379743.jpg 225x225 4kB)
>>27964433 Your friends are jealous of your huge dick. If they are rich and you're not, they feel better. If you and your dick get rich they will be miserable. Buy biz pajeet scams and destroy their happiness.

38 min later 27967107 Anonymous
>>27964802 Stop helping jews with your autism! Just because someone asks a question you dont need to give the best answer retard.

39 min later 27967141 Anonymous
>>27964433 I send my closest friends little shit every once in a while reminding them that crypto exists so they can't get mad later on

39 min later 27967196 Anonymous
>>27965087 this is not rocketscience those tools are available online for free. if you have acces to their pc while it is on just plug in an usb drive and you are almost done.

40 min later 27967209 Anonymous
>>27967107 they probably trade on a cex with 2 factor auth. This will just get him socially excluded forever.

40 min later 27967213 Anonymous
>>27964433 You’re fucking stupid.

42 min later 27967360 Anonymous
>>27966857 LARP or KYS

42 min later 27967390 Anonymous
>>27964433 Maybe it’s cause your emotionally unstable and they don’t want to feel responsible for your financial destiny cause you might go an kill them. P.S. maybe you should have looked into crypto instead of dismissing it all these years. I mean Craig your such an ignorant fuck. Why would I want to spoon feed you

42 min later 27967393 Anonymous
>>27966635 KEK trump lost

43 min later 27967408 Anonymous
>>27967141 This is actually perfect, because when they review the messages, they will only have themselves to blame. Yet if these cunts notified me getting on ETH sub 300 I would have jumped on that shit after 2017 bull run, but I got caught up at university.

44 min later 27967489 Anonymous
>>27967209 remote acces trojan hijack their session withdraw funds burn coins for extra kek

44 min later 27967492 Anonymous
>>27967390 >>27966857

44 min later 27967496 Anonymous
People aren’t gonna tell you what they think of you anon.. They’ll show you

45 min later 27967566 Anonymous
>>27966857 please refer to >>27966435 >>27964901

47 min later 27967677 Anonymous
>>27964433 How did you find out?

48 min later 27967714 Anonymous
>>27964433 100% this is black anon who posted yesterday

48 min later 27967721 Anonymous
>>27966435 I used to be that way. It's a horrible way to live. Anon if this describes you (be honest with yourself) then take this piece of advice. It will never hurt you to say nothing with very few exceptions. You will know when these exceptions occur if you are not completely retarded. This has genuinely helped me immensely to not be a massive faggot who spergs out at stupid shit. Red pill: PEOPLE DO NOT FUCKING CARE IF YOU ARE CORRECT. YOU SOUND LIKE A MASSIVE UNLIEKABLE FAGGOT WHEN YOU CORRECT PEOPLE.

49 min later 27967772 Anonymous
>>27964433 Fuck off, nigger. Buy your own crypto.

49 min later 27967798 Anonymous
>>27966546 Don’t dismiss stellar. Stellar is Jew coin and you should always bet on the Jew winning

51 min later 27967888 Anonymous
>>27967677 I was talking to one of the group members, and obviously with this bull market shitcoins are making crazy gains and I think he was guilty that I wasn’t in the group chat with everyone sharing their portfolios and what they’re looking at etc. He added me to the group, I can’t fully read the whole chat, only since about 5 days ago. They’re all rimming eachother over the ADA pump. I bet the chat is fucking silent now I’m in it, as they now have to reflect on how they obstructed me from making it

52 min later 27967940 Anonymous
>>27967714 This is my first post ever, I have been a lurker on other forums and this recently. I am getting a lot of dopamine with each comment

53 min later 27968017 Anonymous
>>27964433 stop being in highschool stop being a newfag stop thinking you aren't a loser in the world's eyes stop thinking you have friends stop thinking you don't need to improve stop seeking approval and then start seeking more balanced, healthy, and honest relationships

55 min later 27968088 Anonymous
>>27967888 Whatever man, take out your rage but not on them, just release it by posting here or do a workout, don't punch pillows or anyone. You got some money? The bull market is on and it's here to stay, and even without it you can still make money in crypto when you start with a decent base. See what they talked about, acquire info, try to speak to them without correcting their shit like a prick, do your own research, you can still make your money.

58 min later 27968275 Anonymous
>>27967489 do you buy these off the dnm?

59 min later 27968347 Anonymous
>>27964433 Don't be a loser, make your own wealth, this is a good place to start. You say you are smarter than your friends, you have to prove it, otherwise you are just a whining moron here

1 hours later 27968463 Anonymous (1530848614620.png 1000x1000 18kB)
>>27964433 ok now draw the rest of the owl. what's wrong with you? there's more to the story. >>27966635 >they're left-wing faggot midwits >into the crypto meme what a surprise. why do you even want to follow them on this? they're going to roll snake eyes one of these days.

1 hours later 27968559 Anonymous
>>27968017 i am 40. this is the best advice here. just completely fucking ghost these people. disappear to them entirely. and mind your own knitting from now on.

1 hours later 27968602 Anonymous
>>27967496 take my reddit gold kek no but honestly, this is actually good life advice, solid piece anon. >>27967940 never say comment, its post and it's not forum it's board, you need to lurk more, but as I said i gave you the only golden advice you need in another post and all these pnd schemes on biz will make you off yourself because you have WAY too much catching up to do. Can someone remind me why we are helping this absolute newfag again?

1 hours later 27968697 Anonymous
>>27968463 >>27968559 go back to your containment thread >>27966769

1 hours later 27968781 Anonymous
>>27968463 I suppose the essence of it is that we have all been friends for a long time, 10-11years, and we were a very tight group until we all dispersed for university. But I just feel like this one time they consciously made the decision to exclude me, which in my opinion is unforgivable, given that it is associated with increasing your wealth and hence your opportunity. Obviously I am going slightly over the top previously in this thread, we are actually all quite normal, but I don’t think I can forgive this one incident. Imagine making 10x, seeing your close friend, and never mentioning it? That’s fucking disgusting desu. I’m going to slowly withdraw from the group and work abroad anyway I think.

1 hours later 27968870 Anonymous
>>27964433 these people are not your friends

1 hours later 27968914 Anonymous
>>27964433 >normie fag friends yet you're the one who didn't have crypto. who's the real normie here faggot? it helps to look in the mirror sometimes

1 hours later 27969096 Anonymous (EA3925D2-C830-4CD5-AFEC-6A306FDB8508.jpg 1033x670 90kB)
>>27964433 Lmao jealous poorfag idiot >how can I steal Maybe get a job?

1 hours later 27969178 Anonymous
>>27968559 agree with this

1 hours later 27969211 Thatsa Mann
>>27964433 step one: go to jail step two: pepper your angus

1 hours later 27969297 Anonymous
>>27964433 Did you show interest? Did YOU ASK? If not then fuck you than that is your own fault for having no interest in the things available to you. I been trying to let my bro know and he just is into guns..keeps scrimpin to buy guns and parts for guns..I told him dude, you can get all the money you want to buy your toys.. but he can't shift his focus..on him not me.

1 hours later 27969318 Anonymous (1458404508995.jpg 634x634 34kB)
>>27964433 dont be a nigger

1 hours later 27969385 Anonymous
>>27968781 >consciously made the decision to exclude me, which in my opinion is unforgivable I've been in this exact situation. Good pals for a long time until they activity decided to ostracize me (in my case, for their first whiff of pussy). Just ghost them. They are faggots anyway and the only reason I was friends with them is so I wasn't a complete loner.

1 hours later 27969425 Anonymous
>>27969297 >>27966857

1 hours later 27969544 Anonymous
>>27964433 Shut up nigger

1 hours later 27969645 Anonymous
>>27969385 This also happened with us a few years ago, a small faction of the group because obsessed with trying to pick up women, scrolling tinder constantly, their sole purpose in life was to talk to the other sex, but it was very desperate and very sex-obsessed. I had the same thoughts of withdrawing then, just because of how fucking gay they were being, but that phase ended when they finally fucked 4 different girls

1 hours later 27969690 Anonymous (Chad boomer.png 722x675 396kB)
>>27964764 Advice to live by.

1 hours later 27969747 Anonymous
>>27964433 kek based autist in 4chan fashion. DO EET.

1 hours later 27969781 Anonymous
>>27969645 lol virgin

1 hours later 27969808 Anonymous
>>27964433 post hand?

1 hours later 27969830 Anonymous
They probably didn't tell you because they knew you would have that attitude.

1 hours later 27969844 Anonymous
>>27964433 You’re the problem kiddo. Take a deep hard look.

1 hours later 27969926 Anonymous
>>27969781 lol i was one of the first to lose it and have a girlfriend, I was over it by the time they started getting obsessed, that’s why it seemed pathetic to me

1 hours later 27969945 Anonymous
>>27966635 >>27965182 >>27966857 and yet you wonder why they left you out. I'm surprised they are still friends with you. They've already hopped to another groupchat and are chiding the person who invited you in the first place. Sad!

1 hours later 27969961 Anonymous
death wish? they will cut your face off anon. niggers will kill for over a hundred bucks. start hanging out with your own jewish culture.

1 hours later 27970015 Anonymous
>>27969926 >have a girlfriend No you don't.

1 hours later 27970061 Anonymous
>>27968275 you can but i would recomend metasploit to learn how this stuff works and how protect yourself against it. also you could check if friends run any antivirus on their pc. check if your tools get identified by that av before going in.

1 hours later 27970091 Anonymous
>>27970015 To have doesn’t imply that I currently have you fucking sub 80 IQ cretin

1 hours later 27970105 Anonymous
>>27969645 Ironically in my case I started getting laid when they ostracized me and they didn't get anything. Anyway dude if you feel the betrayal is really bad then you know what to do.

1 hours later 27970306 Anonymous
>>27969945 >>27968781

1 hours later 27970330 Anonymous
>>27970091 Oh, sorry. What I meant to say was, you have never had a girlfriend or had sex. Ever. And you never will.

1 hours later 27970390 Anonymous
>>27970091 have you considered that they hate you and that maybe you should find new friends? i am guessing you can't and have a psychotic bipolar disorder probably why they didn't include you because they knew you would freak the fuck out and be dangerous if they made a call and it ended up losing you money

1 hours later 27970584 Anonymous
>>27967408 You just learned about crypto now, you are the normie. I hope they catch you stealing and beat you dead.

1 hours later 27970864 Anonymous
>>27970584 Do you have basic comprehension skills? I obviously knew about crypto, I knew about it just about 2017 bull run. But obviously I switched off post this because all coins are down loads and I’m busy at a top 5 world university, I didn’t have the time to fucking neet all day

1 hours later 27971016 Anonymous
>>27964433 p99? good choice

1 hours later 27971148 Anonymous
>>27970061 windows defender does most of the work that other AVs do. Also I'm not the one trying to scam my "friends" I just wanna learn about this stuff.

1 hours later 27971574 Anonymous
>>27964433 They aren't your friend. We are your friends. Don't leave the house anymore.

1 hours later 27971763 Anonymous
>>27971148 well still metasploit is cool to play around and to learn. even better when your intention is learning and not scams

2 hours later 27972229 Anonymous
>>27964433 nah u probly that dumb friend in the group where nobody wants to spend the extra time to not only educate what crypto is but convince you to take the risk on something that ud prolly not understand... did u ever ask them about crypto?

2 hours later 27972322 Anonymous
>>27972229 Wow shut up nigger

2 hours later 27972417 Anonymous
it's not your friends if you hate them

2 hours later 27972453 Anonymous
>>27966998 >Go to the stakenet discord, ask about how to buy and set up an MN (and what it is etc) not him you quote, but what is MN?

2 hours later 27972773 Anonymous
>>27972322 well at least we all know u a piece of shit friend who would steal out of jealousy... grow up git good and gets some shitcoins and start from there...

2 hours later 27972838 Anonymous
>>27964433 Drop a few thousand in rubic while it's down and hold until this bull run ends. Just remember to take out your principle at 2x or 3x just in case. Easy 10x

2 hours later 27972869 Anonymous
>>27972773 Bad bait

2 hours later 27972947 Anonymous
>>27972322 still im impressed with your digits tho

2 hours later 27973046 Anonymous
>>27964433 You get what you give anon. You sound like an inwardly angry and jealous person, and no matter how good you think your "mask" is, you probably project that outwardly. Try giving them your love, anon, it is free.

2 hours later 27973092 Anonymous
>>27964764 Gospel

2 hours later 27973185 Anonymous
>>27966894 Kek are you me anon? Same story with highschool friend of 15+ years, basically told me to get a real job when I tried telling him about it in 2017 I don't talk to him anymore for obvious reasons

2 hours later 27973487 Anonymous
>>27966635 holy fuck kys lmao

2 hours later 27973527 Anonymous
>>27972453 it means post your hand

2 hours later 27973753 Anonymous
>>27973527 Care to elaborate?

2 hours later 27973862 Anonymous
>>27973487 ahahaha dementia loving <70 IQ mongoloid faggot has joined the thread

2 hours later 27974313 Anonymous
>>27969297 At least your bro is still making a pretty damn good investment

2 hours later 27974329 Anonymous
>>27965182 >I’m actually the most clever one

2 hours later 27974339 Anonymous (1605931838600.gif 220x220 65kB)
>>27966894 I know all about this. I want my friends to make it but they are too risk adverse and too scared. I told them to buy eth and chainlink but they just didn't listen. I would pester them to do it but stopped as soon as I could see it was annoying them. It hurts me to see that they are really lost and depressed with the thought they might very well have to wage slave for the rest of their lives. But I tried bros and now I need to accept that I will out grow them.

2 hours later 27975038 Anonymous
>>27966998 Take your meds tommy

2 hours later 27975448 Anonymous
>>27964433 Talk to them 1 by 1. Ask them what they recommend for protecting a crypto wallet or what they use. Their answers will let you know who's the weakest link to target. If you're lucky enough that one of them does everything on their phone, get them blackout drunk and steal their phone while they're passed out. Maybe they use their thumbprint for logging into all their shit.Then trade through as many wallets and cryptos as possible to make it a nightmare to try to track down. Then jizz in their underpants to convince them they had a wet dream when they eventually wake up.

3 hours later 27975571 Anonymous
>>27965182 >I’m actually the most clever one Highlight post right here ^ kek Good thread, had some laughs. OP you don't have friends, stop referring to them as such Man up and out trade them if you're so fucking clever. Your acquaintances sound like fucking turbo normies buying ADA. You have the upper hand just by being on this board. But don't for a second think you're hot shit. Stay in your lane kiddo.

3 hours later 27975994 Anonymous
this thread is gold. OP sounds like you're the actual fag with a superiority complex that can't take criticism, deflects blame and subtly shits on other people's opinions/tastes. Everyone can see this and it's fucking annoying. A lot of my friends went through this stage in high school/early 20's get over yourself or own up to being a friendless loser.

3 hours later 27976114 Anonymous
>>27964433 Have you ever considered that maybe youre the normie, you dumb cunt? Kys

3 hours later 27976208 Anonymous
>>27964433 >I instantly started punching my bed Maybe they didn't include you because you're a worthless autistic fucking faggot who should be culled with the jews and niggers

3 hours later 27977464 Anonymous
>>27966998 wtf dude easy

3 hours later 27977550 Anonymous (wojak_smart.jpg 1420x946 91kB)
>>27965006 you normie is my anon

3 hours later 27977717 Anonymous
>>27976208 Ding ding ding, winner. OP is the friend everyone secretly hates. The "Brian" of the group > oh fuck Brian's coming, shhhh

3 hours later 27977937 Anonymous
>>27964433 Wait until you find out they have another group where they don't even talk about bitcoin and they only use it to talk shit about you

3 hours later 27978202 Anonymous
>>27965182 >I’m actually the most clever one you are truly a pathetic loser anon, you deserve no friends

4 hours later 27979471 Anonymous
>>27969690 >Supports war in middle east and supports Israel? Never nigger

4 hours later 27980855 Anonymous (1612240539911.jpg 720x720 41kB)
>>27964433 Come at me motherfucker! Don't think I wont use any means necessary to deal with your stupid ass.

5 hours later 27981048 Anonymous
>>27964433 serves you right you tight pussy bitch

3.498 0.278