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2021-02-06 09:18 27934532 Anonymous Today I lost a fren (a38.jpg 1024x962 68kB)
I had a friend die from suicide today. I'm not sure who to talk to since I'm kinda isolated at home so I'm posting here. We would talk investing and crypto. He was always telling me how bitcoin was doomed to fail, even as it kept going up over the years. I guess with Covid lockdowns, a dying economy, and a couple of bad trades he just couldn't take the pressure anymore. So long fren. I'm going to miss you Bobo.

1 min later 27934691 Anonymous
>BTC drops below 40k again I don't think you could possibly have timed this worse, Anon

3 min later 27934848 Anonymous
>>27934532 don’t know if this is bait or not but if not I deeply sympathize with you anon, I’m sorry

4 min later 27934932 Anonymous
>>27934532 sorry to hear that anon (if genuinely not larp), it's going to hurt for a while but youll get through it sure. I don't think your friend's sentiment was true either. It's very easy to reject the idea of btc becoming a tangible currency.

4 min later 27934960 Anonymous (1601303096031.jpg 500x343 19kB)
>>27934532 Sorry fren

5 min later 27935018 Anonymous (bitcoin-crash-comic1.png 800x255 146kB)
>>27934691 Sorry but I had to.

5 min later 27935023 Anonymous
>>27934532 Let this be a wake up call to you OP. Get your shit together or die alone.

5 min later 27935028 Anonymous
i understand your friend and hope for the courage to rope myself sometime soon. lost 200k over a period of 8 years due to no knowledge of investments now know about investments and realized life could have been very comfy for a long time just know your friend is at least out of their misery anon

6 min later 27935086 Anonymous (2493jon2gtk01.jpg 400x400 27kB)

7 min later 27935160 Anonymous
>>27934532 Based.

7 min later 27935162 Anonymous
>>27934848 I could've saved a life if I only only invested in btc yesterday, bobo can't resist me

8 min later 27935267 Anonymous
>>27935028 Dont be such a faggot anon. Think of all the people who made it and lost it, you can be like them and still make it. And if you dont, dont worry. Life is about striving. If you are too scared to play the game, then your legacy will be one of a worthless faggot. Dont let that be you.

8 min later 27935280 Anonymous (672917483.jpg 1573x1200 105kB)

10 min later 27935360 Anonymous
>>27934532 I'm very sorry anon

10 min later 27935382 Anonymous
>>27934532 Sorry friend, get your selenium, needed for healthy neurotransmitters.

11 min later 27935495 Anonymous (f.jpg 785x847 61kB)
Sorry for your loss OP

11 min later 27935502 Anonymous
>>27934532 Sorry to hear that fren

13 min later 27935578 Anonymous
>>27935018 Kek the pink wojak

13 min later 27935605 Anonymous (1606747642973.jpg 983x694 289kB)

14 min later 27935647 Anonymous
>>27935028 Don’t invest in $ROPE it has such shitty returns and no way to recoup lost gains, it’s literally the shittiest pump and dump. $LIVE is honestly the better alternative, sure gains go up and down but you can have chances to recoup losses too, honestly look at the fundamentals of living, it has strong support, honestly just go Long but honestly shorting life in a bear headed reality is not the way to go.

14 min later 27935649 Anonymous
May he rest in pepperonis

14 min later 27935661 Anonymous (1610919836353.png 231x218 6kB)
Im sorry to hear about your loss fren. You still have us...

15 min later 27935766 Anonymous (1611364183117.png 987x702 1112kB)

15 min later 27935774 Anonymous
>>27934532 I almost did last night, not for finance reasons but health ones. Frens here cheered me up.

16 min later 27935792 Anonymous
>>27934532 Sorry OP. Losing someone to suicide is tough. Shitposting aside, nothing in your life is ever so bad you should remove the chance of it getting better. Take, for example, people who hold link.

16 min later 27935856 Anonymous

16 min later 27935867 𝅶 𝅶
>>27934532 thats really sad to hear >>27934691 pathetic, this is why im a bear now >>27934848 me too >>27934932 yeah but no >>27934960 *friend >>27935018 people still posting stonetoss in 2021? >>27935023 this is true >>27935028 dont do it bro >>27935086 yeah its really sad isn't it >>27935160 not really that based actually >>27935162 dont be so hard on yourself >>27935267 I agree with this sentiment >>27935280 not really >>27935360 yeah >>27935382 this >>27935495 sorry for your loss OP >>27935502 *friend >>27935578 rock throws cartoons are so bad >>27935605 hope not >>27935647 agreed (funny copypasta) >>27935649 kind of uncalled for >>27935661 *friend >>27935766 always happens >>27935774 sorry for your loss >>27935792 :( you just made me cry and pee a little

17 min later 27935872 Anonymous
>>27934532 I'm sorry to hear that, anon, hope you're holding up

17 min later 27935912 Anonymous
>>27934532 I'm glad your friend died; I hope you die too. The weak should fear the strong.

17 min later 27935930 Anonymous
>>27935867 why did you reply to every single person in this thread

20 min later 27936109 Anonymous
Suicide is the easy way out, sorry to say but your friend was a coward, you will find better friends Real friends don't leave your side on purpose in this hard game called life.

21 min later 27936162 Anonymous
>>27935930 Why not

21 min later 27936202 Anonymous
>>27934532 rip in peace anon, sorry to hear :( stay strong, shitpost aside, love u

22 min later 27936235 Anonymous
>>27935867 If it helps, OP, go out more. Step away from the computer and just shut out the /biz/ world for a while. Fucking around with crypto can get stressful at times, or maybe not stressful but just really time consuming. The market will still be here tomorrow. About to turn 30 and I'm reflecting a lot on what I've done with my life so far, and where I want it to go. I've made good gains with crypto. I've studied hard and I've got an amazing career. Aaaalll of this was worth the work and time, but my personal life needs work now. Don't make the same mistake I did. Balance your /biz/ and your personal life. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the company of those around you.

23 min later 27936294 Anonymous (1200px-Ethereum-icon-purple.svg.png 1200x1200 45kB)
Bro ive lost so many friends in the past 5 years, had my very best friend die a few weeks ago. His mom texted me and told me the news... still no idea how he died. It sucks but after a while you just get numb to the news of your friends dying. Not to sound shallow but its happened so many time's to me its my only defense mechanism to keep from slipping into another depression. Just be happy for every day you are above ground

23 min later 27936346 Anonymous
>>27934532 >>27935028 >>27935774 First of all OP I'm sorry for your loss. Mourning friends is always difficult. If you need someone to talk to, just to vent, I'm here. Same for you other two.

25 min later 27936467 Anonymous
>>27936109 everytime i feel like a shit and being depressed I remember that i could to be born like an Rajeesh and I'm glad I live at once. (hope OP isnt brownnigga)

29 min later 27936769 Anonymous
>>27935605 >>27935766 Haha who makes this bear images they are so funny.

32 min later 27936940 Anonymous (crying.png 656x755 58kB)
>>27935267 i'll think about it anon. i'm giving myself at least the year, i think. living frugally and investing. if things are still shit in 2022 though, rope.exe

33 min later 27937059 Anonymous
>>27935028 >lost 200k over a period of 8 years due to no knowledge of investments >now know about investments It sounds like now is your time to shine anon. The best time to buy crypto was before the pump. The second best time is now.

36 min later 27937261 Anonymous
>>27936346 Appreciate the sincere gesture, My problems stem from health and struggles to get to the doctor. I talk on here sometimes.

37 min later 27937331 Anonymous
>>27934532 BOBO ARE YOU OK

38 min later 27937433 Anonymous
>>27935867 you have to go back... or at least stay in the GME redditard containment thread

39 min later 27937488 Anonymous (9FE4A61C-6E39-43FB-815E-EC2BFAC915BF.jpg 1920x886 135kB)
I had a friend commit suicide two years ago fren. Hang in there.

41 min later 27937674 Anonymous
>>27936940 Give it a year things may change, I don't tell many people this due to fear of being "stopped" but I plan on going out here next month or two, I want to spend some time outside in the nice weather first.

44 min later 27937914 Anonymous
>>27934532 Anon, I'm very sorry to hear you lost your friend. Please take care of yourself. Some unsolicited advice, but I don't think you should look for comfort here. This website is full of clowns and people looking to take advantage of you. Stay safe, and ignore the trolls.

45 min later 27937980 Anonymous
>>27937488 >hang kek

45 min later 27937982 Anonymous
>>27937674 i am also waiting on the weather anon. working at home and living a lonely life in the winter with no sunshine has gotten to me. but i am giving spring some time to work its magic.

46 min later 27938032 Anonymous
>>27937914 There are good people here, few edgelords but two randoms gave me 300 each to get to my doctor to get antibiotics. there are lurkers here with some big hearts.

47 min later 27938113 Anonymous
>>27937982 Vitamin D is a big help with mood during these winter months. Even at my sickest Vit D helped balance my mental from being stuck at home 24/7

47 min later 27938138 Anonymous (we.jpg 882x624 73kB)
>>27935867 >>27935930 >>27936162

47 min later 27938156 Anonymous (1612478548247.jpg 1936x1772 381kB)
>All those fags replying seriously

48 min later 27938193 Anonymous
>>27938032 That's good to hear.

48 min later 27938216 Anonymous (1584069985155.png 298x300 72kB)
> I had a friend die from suicide today. > He was always telling me how bitcoin was doomed to fail

50 min later 27938335 Anonymous (1610677251737.gif 498x498 472kB)
>>27934532 I'm sorry, anon. If it makes you feel better, he has seen the beginning and the end of everything before moving on with his own personal tasks. He surely has laughed at all our losses at one point, so we can take solice in that.

50 min later 27938339 Anonymous (6.png 860x602 156kB)
>>27934532 sorry to hear that man i dont go much friens either they ignore me these day but ill find new ones

50 min later 27938359 Anonymous
BOBO was a selfish prick anyway. You don't need frens like that. Rot in hell BOBO

51 min later 27938405 Anonymous (7170561509f15fd2554a57581657746c.jpg 363x530 65kB)
>>27935028 Please dont. Im telling you money can hide a LOT of problems. But it wont make you happy. I went from being able to spend 1k a Day to broke as a dog. Many Times because of self destructive behavior. I've lost all friends and contact with my family. I've got more debt right now than I can make at my current job in 10years. But I've been there many times and I know I'll make it again. Money is just a tool. Not a recepie for a happy life. Stop thinking about money and start thinking about what's good for you. Eat healthy, sleep healthy, work out and learn. Once you clear your body and mind you'll make better decisions and money will start flowing into your life. But you got to let go of blaming yourself for the past. If you are alone then be thankful that you got all the time for yourself so you can become who you want to be! You can read more. You can work out more. Nobody became rich by thinking about what they lost but by learning and looking for new opportunities to come. Make a picture in your head of what you'd like to become and make a list of what you need to do to become that person. And start now! Step by step. Others made it and you'll make it. I count on you anon. Don't let me down.

51 min later 27938439 Anonymous (tenor.gif 490x498 242kB)
>>27934532 BOBO, come on guys he's using the fucking meme character

51 min later 27938441 Anonymous
>>27934532 Was it a "fren" or someone you actually know?

51 min later 27938450 Anonymous
lllmmmmaaaaaaooooo did you see this shit on /biz/ who allowed them to shill this shitcoin? I have already participated in bot ocean pre-sale and wait for launch better use bots for trading with great algo than believe in fortune or smart investment

52 min later 27938496 Anonymous
>>27934532 This lockdown shit has literally killed more people than the actual virus. I don't know anybody since last February who has died from the virus, but I know at least one who killed themselves, and everyone I speak to seems to have the same experience

53 min later 27938579 Anonymous (1535226157904.jpg 964x1027 69kB)
Bobo, we hardly knew ye.

54 min later 27938603 Anonymous (1605338851028.jpg 3024x4032 2127kB)
It's okay fren. We are here for you

54 min later 27938608 Anonymous
Death is something no amount of money can stop and no amount of money can Trump. Think about it we all as kids wanted to sleep forever right? Death is that dream, it's what we go back to. Even the 10 figure "Hell" some people experience never makes death easier, and I know many people consider it something to look forward to. It shouldn't be seen as sad as much as graduating.

54 min later 27938645 Anonymous (1610638846259.jpg 1280x1280 193kB)
>>27934532 sorry to hear that buddy. I never understood people who commit suicide. None of us will be here in 100 years. Might as well stick around the little time we get.

55 min later 27938685 Anonymous (1608763800705.jpg 929x1175 51kB)
>>27934532 Probably invested all his gf's boyfriend's life savings into GME. KEK

58 min later 27938962 Anonymous
>>27938405 Not him, but this hit hard. Thanks man.

1 hours later 27939295 Anonymous
Never give up...death is for losers....suicide is an easy escape....this is a simulation enjoy it.....

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