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2021-02-06 08:29 27930770 Anonymous (1612417667101.png 1920x1200 2856kB)
Why do people say GRT can't reach $1,000 by the end of this year? Tons of other coins are at the $1,000 per coin phase, why can't GRT do the same?

0 min later 27930834 Anonymous
>>27930770 Cause it has no value... who the fuck would use it to google crypto when nobody understands or needs to understand what it does.

1 min later 27930895 Anonymous
>>27930770 because they are accumulating lol they want to keep buying

2 min later 27930923 Anonymous
>>27930834 it’s so simple to understand retard

2 min later 27930947 Anonymous
>>27930770 $1000/GRT means $10 000 000 000 000 valuation you dumbass

2 min later 27930967 Anonymous (GRT.png 1152x439 50kB)
Would love to see that, but I think $10 is more likely for this year. Either way it's still a huge profit potential.

3 min later 27930998 Anonymous
>>27930834 >>27930895 So what you're saying is that the people who DON'T believe it will reach those heights.... are accumulating GRT themselves? That makes a lot of sense actually >>27930947 You're just accumulating, retard

3 min later 27931017 Anonymous (9876543.png 657x527 15kB)
>>27930770 Can you poorfags shut the fuck up and go back to plebbit. Your 200 dollar invesment won't put you into six figures hell in one year.

4 min later 27931101 Anonymous
>>27930834 a fake mcdonalds coin has goine from .0001 to to like .01 over night. The website even says its a joke https://mcdcoin.finance/ I dont want to hear it faggot

6 min later 27931222 Anonymous
>>27930947 There is coin burn, but yeah I'd be surprised if it ever goes that high. I'd also be a multimillionaire. I see it in the $10-20 range.

7 min later 27931305 Anonymous
>>27931101 Guys do you understand token value ? a 1k$ token can be cheaper than a 0.5$ token...

7 min later 27931350 Anonymous
>>27930770 Do some math. $1B supply at $1000 each is $1T market cap. Are you just dumb?

8 min later 27931429 Anonymous
>>27930770 Too much supply, not enough use for it (yet). Everyone advocating for it says it’s a long term hold, and the tokenomics will keep it stupid cheap for years because of rampant supply issues. t.1.8k stacklet here.

8 min later 27931435 Anonymous
>>27931350 do you think 100 is possible?

9 min later 27931462 Anonymous
>>27931305 They are too retarded to understand market cap.

10 min later 27931577 Anonymous
>>27931435 It's possible if the Crypto market in general does a 10x.

10 min later 27931583 Anonymous
>>27931435 I'd be happy to see $3.00 by year end. The supply is just too much. No doubt this is great technology.......

13 min later 27931792 Anonymous
>>27930770 Because at 1000 per that would mean the market cap would be $10 trillion. Bitcoin isn't even a trillion yet.

14 min later 27931842 Anonymous
It can't reach 1k because of the 3% hourly inflation DYOR

16 min later 27932008 Anonymous
>>27930770 There's a shitload of them, and billions more will be added. There's so many of them because you're supposed to tie it up by delegating it, that's where the real draw of GRT is. You won't get rich quick but if you have a lot of GRT you'll have a steady passive income.

17 min later 27932081 Anonymous (wtf niggers.jpg 1406x742 96kB)

18 min later 27932156 Anonymous (1596861959218.jpg 250x241 9kB)
>>27930770 Because $1000 a token puts the market cap at 10,000,000,000,000, which puts above BTC by a factor of 100

18 min later 27932193 Anonymous (Yaniv_the_mummy.png 720x480 367kB)
>>27930770 Based, we will make it

24 min later 27932573 Anonymous
>>27932081 that is interesting, I just checked and p2p-eth has negative incoming reward cut, that is why it shows as 0%

24 min later 27932609 Anonymous
>>27930770 >Why can't that rabbit over there become and airplane by the end of the year? Mirror time... go look in the mirror. Do you like what you see? Do you even understand what you see? >>27930834 It has negative value. The Graph sucks people into thinking about it, wasting their time. It's one of the worst, most inhumane non-existent inventions of all time. >>27930895 Let them. This will be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history where all those with the least amount of money intentionally incinerate it and then feel good about doing so. >>27930923 Correct, because there's nothing to understand. >>27930947 >numbers lol >>27930967 >more numbers COME ON >>27931017 >You haven't incinerated enough money in this scam yet, go away now immediately scram >>27931101 McDonald's coin is actually not too bad if you know the project. It fuels the AI machinery that's replacing the McDonald's tellers. >>27931222 >It's other coins that are burning, not mine Every GRT gets burned immediately because GRT doesn't exist. Believing that the burn rate isn't applied @ 100% to your coins is just fantasy at this point. Your coins are gone, you did this. You. >>27931429 How can there possibly be too much of nothing? >>27931435 As an integer, yes. As a valuation for a Trumpian scam? No. Folx will wake up to what's going on here eventually. >>27931577 The crypto market is about to do a 1/10X while my interest payments accumulate inside my FDIC-insured checking account. I also own a treasury bill that will be paying out soon. >>27931583 You should first understand how this "technology" came to be. In mid-2017, just after Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election and overthrow our democracy he realized he needed to pay back THE KREMLIN lest they "pay him back" first. So he developed The Graph Protocol as a way to scam the middle class into donating their hard earned dollars straight to Putin. When you buy GRT, Putin gets a check and Trump's debt decreases.

26 min later 27932769 Anonymous (Yaniv_Talmud.png 626x417 219kB)
>>27932609 Didn't read, never fucking selling.

27 min later 27932796 Anonymous
>>27932609 >In mid-2017, just after Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election Post completely discarded. Bad FUD/10

27 min later 27932841 Anonymous
>>27932573 Is it a bug? If I undelegate now it'll be frozen for 28 days right? Did I just financially ruin myself? Was GRT just a scam all along?

28 min later 27932903 Anonymous
>>27932609 Please get a tripcode so we can easily follow the schizophrenia

29 min later 27932954 Anonymous
>>27932081 dont jump ship on them yet. it was an update error on their eth node. set to zero until delegators are compensated. they pay out every day. there is a mention of this in the discord this morning.

29 min later 27932960 Anonymous
>>27932609 this autist again...take your meds faggot

29 min later 27932993 Anonymous
>>27932841 nah dont worry anon, I also have in p2p-eth, and actually the 0% means that you receive more - but i really think it is just temporary, and note that p2p-eth has been the most trusted and stable indexer

30 min later 27933074 Anonymous
>>27932609 I believe you mixed up GRT with IOTA. Get REKT boomer.

30 min later 27933079 Anonymous (1528484898724.jpg 540x720 33kB)
>>27932609 >McDonald's coin is actually not too bad You blew it

31 min later 27933169 Anonymous
>>27932841 go to the discord under indexer/delegator it's being taken care of. pissed off a lot of people but they are making things right. hardware and software updated.

31 min later 27933175 Anonymous
>>27932993 Thanks Anon, I just bought 1000 more GRT.

32 min later 27933233 Anonymous
>>27932960 that's not autism. that's a big nosed boomer.

33 min later 27933277 Anonymous
Get Rekt Trannies

34 min later 27933345 Anonymous
>>27933277 Just bought 100 more GRT, thanks for the reminder

36 min later 27933447 Anonymous
>>27933345 based

39 min later 27933684 Anonymous
>>27933175 based. btd

40 min later 27933768 Anonymous
>>27933277 czeched. that's what I tell all the fud fuckers.

45 min later 27934195 Anonymous
I have 1575 grt but I was thinking of spending my other couple or few thousand on some other cheap tokens, or eth/btc? what you guys think?

47 min later 27934334 Anonymous
>>27934195 civic looks like its doing pretty good from what I seen. Look into it.

47 min later 27934401 Anonymous
Redpill me on $20 EOY

49 min later 27934521 Anonymous (D9084D58-275C-4413-B1CB-2B6B5B0EC275.jpg 1024x432 31kB)

51 min later 27934733 Anonymous (file.png 900x900 32kB)

52 min later 27934770 Anonymous
>>27934521 >this fud again

53 min later 27934915 Anonymous
>>27930770 sounds like complete delusion are you holding 1000-2500? and thats what u need for a couple mill

54 min later 27934945 Anonymous
>>27934770 it’s completely legitimate when someone is asking why it can’t be $20 EOY

55 min later 27935031 Anonymous
>>27934945 Yeah but tokens are getting burnt and most people are delegating

55 min later 27935073 Anonymous
>>27934770 I know it's been probably said a hundred times over, but how doesn't that limit GRTs potential value? I know that most of the supply will be busy in some way, shape, or form, but that's still a fuckton of tokens to go around. Asking because that's legitimately the only FUD that worries me somewhat.

56 min later 27935172 Anonymous
>>27930770 Because it has no value Xrp is the true $1000 once the lawsuit is over

57 min later 27935219 Anonymous
I have grt but I feel this is a shill thread

57 min later 27935235 Anonymous
>>27935031 Alright, let’s say it makes absolutely no difference (it will) GRT will need a market cap larger than bitcoins to reach $20 which isn’t going to happen

58 min later 27935258 Anonymous
>>27935235 What about $10

58 min later 27935328 Anonymous
GRT only has a value of $2-3 max on paper (just calculating off current token release amount). That obviously goes down by any more that they decide to release to the market. It doesn't have a positive expectation for the long term, it has a negative one.

1 hours later 27935442 Anonymous
>>27935328 >$2-3 max What’s the freaking point?

1 hours later 27935588 Anonymous
>>27935258 see >>27935328 GRT is a decent project, but they really fucked up with the tokenomicks If you got in at .20/.30 then keep holding, but if you only recently got in then a 2x is the best you can hope for EOY.

1 hours later 27935919 Anonymous
>>27935235 You don’t know what is or isn’t going to happen dipshit.

1 hours later 27935986 Anonymous (2billiongrt.png 457x289 98kB)
>>27934945 this will be the trend.

1 hours later 27936075 Anonymous
>>27935219 welcome to /biz... you are here forever. >>27935328 retard, go back to red ittt

1 hours later 27936154 Anonymous
>>27935588 checked, you're retarded. it's a product, not a project. token distribution is brilliant.

1 hours later 27936231 Anonymous
>>27935986 What does this mean?

1 hours later 27936338 Anonymous
>>27932609 How does an infinity harem of big titty emo girls dabbing on your benis while big milky mommy gf’s clean your room and cook for you and feed you milk straight from their udders to wash down the apple slice and peanut butter they made before your padthai uber eats shows up to your sandstone villa while you level up your slayer in old school RuneScape sound?

1 hours later 27936409 Anonymous (grtSTAKED.png 664x730 206kB)
>>27935986 Shit, old data from a few days ago. Here is the neigh.

1 hours later 27936465 Anonymous
>>27935919 >GRT will need a market cap larger than bitcoins >You don’t know what is or isn’t going to happen dipshit imagine being this delusional

1 hours later 27936525 Anonymous
>>27932841 If you are on p2p, just stay: you didn’t get rewards yesterday due to a bug so today they are compensating delegators by giving them 100% of rewards (p2p takes 0%, which is the zero you see in the screenshot) for I think a day or two. If you are not on p2p, do not undelegate in a bid to jump to p2p for their 0% cut since it won’t last for the 28 days it takes your GRT to thaw from undelegation.

1 hours later 27936537 Anonymous
>>27932609 I liked you, I really did. And then you come out as a faghot liberal >JUST

1 hours later 27936538 Anonymous
>>27936231 cant pump and dump this shit. it's all locked up. takes 28 days when you pull out. undelegate, wait 28 days then you can sell it. same with indexers. tokens sent to founders are locked. they will contract them and be staked as well. niggers can't dump grt as easily. it protects the net. all the whales are not interested in selling. take a look on etherscan.

1 hours later 27936597 Anonymous
this shitcoin isn't moving

1 hours later 27936616 Anonymous
>>27936338 based

1 hours later 27936690 Anonymous
>>27936597 zoom out nigger

1 hours later 27936886 Anonymous
>>27930967 10 if things continued as they are. What happens when the subgraphs are added? It's going to explode, that's what. What happens when there is a pink unicorn in the subgraph symbols?

1 hours later 27936972 Anonymous
>>27936538 this is what will reduce the severity of dip and also reduce the supply which means we will be rich af

1 hours later 27937102 Anonymous
>>27932609 this guy again.

1 hours later 27937173 Anonymous
>>27936972 yee

1 hours later 27937204 Anonymous
>>27933404 >Global Data Marketplace

1 hours later 27937271 Anonymous
>>27936886 shit will explode. hope it's algo or uni. did you vote? avalanche bots infiltrated. who knows what will be chosen.

1 hours later 27937355 Anonymous
>>27937204 was it on block 13 or block 23425? better ramp up your fucking server and find out newfag.

1 hours later 27937411 Anonymous (1611435936315.jpg 612x408 21kB)
>>27931017 This. People are so desperate to "make it" and turn their $200 into $200k that they get emotionally attached to a coin, which in the ends leads to them bagholding for a long time even when in profit and that way they end up missing on a ton of gains from other coins. Opportunity cost. I do think GRT will do well but it will not go to $3, $5 or anything like that. $1.20-1.50 seems reasonable and will the top. If anyone is planning to buy now, it's too late. You were supposed to do it at $0.20-0.50 so you can at least 2-3x your money.

1 hours later 27937495 Anonymous
>>27937411 >being THIS retarded ngmi

1 hours later 27937509 Anonymous
>>27932008 My 10,000 delegated will bring in $7,000 in rewards yearly if it goes to $5. Not to mention whatever the fee rewards bring in. Not that much really. But if you have 50,000, It's like having a normie job you don't have to go to.

1 hours later 27937609 Anonymous
>>27935031 scarcity on the exchanges means what?

1 hours later 27937634 Anonymous
>>27932609 How much do they pay you to fud all day? I hope it's enough to get you out of your mom's basement.

1 hours later 27937661 Anonymous
>>27937411 checked, poorfag confirmed.

1 hours later 27937664 Anonymous
>>27930770 What do you guys recon is the suicide stack on this shitcoin?

1 hours later 27937793 Anonymous
>>27937634 pretty sure he (zi) makes 2BAT per post and is behind on the bills from transitional surgery due to an increase in air freshener costs.

1 hours later 27937878 Anonymous
>>27935328 incorrect it could go over 20

1 hours later 27937988 Anonymous (1611433063242.jpg 900x1057 123kB)
>>27937495 >>27937661 Not sure why the anger and cope, friends. I know you want to make it but getting emotional over a coin will bring you nothing in the end. I'm already in 7 figures and I do hold GRT myself. The difference is that I'm in the game for years while you started a day ago with your lunch money. I've seen it all already, GRT is nothing different. The team and the whitepaper are not even public.

1 hours later 27938080 Anonymous
>>27937988 >The team and the whitepaper are not even public. >>27937495 >>being THIS retarded

1 hours later 27938279 Anonymous (1610947348830.jpg 1080x1620 225kB)
>>27938080 >getting emotional >>27937661 >18 posts by this ID >emotional You, my friends, are the definition of "dumb money". I wish you luck and hope you make enough to at least buy yourselves some books.

1 hours later 27938423 Anonymous
>>27938279 who is Yaniv Tal?

1 hours later 27938446 Anonymous
>>27935073 >The hosted service query volume increased 100x in 2020 from 100 Million queries in the month of January 2020 to over 11 Billion in the month of January 2021 alone. https://thegraph.com/blog/defi-dece ntralized-snowball not sure how much of that is burned

1 hours later 27938486 Anonymous
>>27930770 is that a fucking league of legends character

1 hours later 27938571 Anonymous (grt_the_standard.png 640x640 615kB)
>>27938486 Yup, I made that meme. That's Astronautilus skin.

1 hours later 27938796 Anonymous
>>27938080 The white paper isn't public currently. The only thing out there for GRT's white paper is an older one. They state on their website that they're updating it.

1 hours later 27938917 Anonymous
>>27938571 Hey so youre in the disc. Any chance you can talk to the mods about helping me get around having a VoIP phone for verifying?

1 hours later 27938918 Anonymous
many of the same crowd talking shit about GRT are all in on LINK...which is a joke. Sergey is using you all to fund his lavish lifestyle. LINK is the defination of a dead project

1 hours later 27939309 Anonymous
>>27937793 Why did you make me recall images from /b/

1 hours later 27939467 Anonymous
If it ever reaches $10 then crypto must be developed to a point that the burn will start to be significant and then the sky is the limit.

2 hours later 27939873 Anonymous (1605057513647.jpg 1056x1087 76kB)
>>27935328 how much "max value" does ETH have on paper? BECAUSE ETH HAS NO MAX SUPPLY AND IS STILL >1000$. every fuckin thread no one can answer this. your tokenomics fud is beyond retarded if someone pays attention to the number 2 coin for half a split fucking second

2 hours later 27940053 Anonymous
>>27936525 Thanks for the info. I was wondering why I didn’t see any rewards. Love it when biz is actually helpful.

2 hours later 27940074 Anonymous
>>27939873 Doge same dame

2 hours later 27940082 Anonymous
>>27938917 Sorry anon, I'm not in disc. Probz someone reposted my memes there

2 hours later 27940635 Anonymous
>>27940082 Ah no worries. I wanted to ask that group if they knew of the exact date the next supply was supposed to dump. I'm only seeing 6 months after mainnet went live which i believe puts the time period in June but i've seen anons here say march

2 hours later 27940938 Anonymous
OK, I missed the link train. I listened to shills and bought ENG and FUN years ago and went bankrupt. but still, I'll trust you guys. do I go all in on this? I only have $1000 in my portfolio and will never make it by diversifying. is this my moonshot /biz/?

2 hours later 27941111 Anonymous
>>27940938 >moonshot No, but it's a safe investment for the next 2-5 years.

2 hours later 27941223 Anonymous
>>27940938 I'm guessing its 3-5 eoy

2 hours later 27941579 Anonymous
>>27940938 >moonshot no but you might get 1.5 or 2x and you know you wont lose your money

2 hours later 27941992 Anonymous
>>27941579 >you know you won't lose your money how is that? won't there be far more tokens in circulation in a few months?

2 hours later 27942108 Anonymous
>>27941992 Graph is like my uncle, its gonna have its finger in everything

2 hours later 27942215 Anonymous (Yaniv_the_Graph_Johnson.png 577x433 316kB)
>>27941992 Maybe, but I know for sure there are 2B tokens delegated right now, and when more tokens are unlocked they will more likely delegate as well rather than just dump on the open market.

2 hours later 27942936 Anonymous
>>27930770 >Why do people say GRT can't reach $1,000 by the end of this year? Because we know how math works. We knos what marketcap is.

2 hours later 27943226 Anonymous
>tfw poorfag and only have 20 GRT so far it hurts, I want more but I just have to wait until I get more money Hopefully the price havent skyrocketed by then :(

2 hours later 27943400 Anonymous (testnetstake.png 1508x820 165kB)
>>27936538 total value locked is including tons of early adopter stakers and is not part of the "circulating supply"

2 hours later 27943648 Anonymous
>>27939309 you're here forever! :)

2 hours later 27943724 Anonymous
>>27943400 underlined the important part for illiterate retards how else could the amount staked (2b) be more than the current circulating supply (1.2b)? Not fudding GRT just don't take the current amount staked as meaning anything at all

2 hours later 27943749 Anonymous
>>27930770 It fucking better.

2 hours later 27943808 Anonymous (testnetstake.png 1508x820 208kB)
>>27943724 fuuuuuuuuuuucking pic

2 hours later 27943956 Anonymous
>>27943724 I think it includes coins that were on the testnet possibly

2 hours later 27944054 Anonymous
I have 10k GRT, what’s my eoy portfolio gonna be bros. Bobos can fuck off

2 hours later 27944247 Anonymous
>>27944054 how does 1 million USD sound?

2 hours later 27944352 Anonymous
>>27944054 How does 25k-45k sound for doing fuck all?

3 hours later 27945519 Anonymous
>>27937509 Yeah but you have to pay $50k for this normie job to do so...

3.098 0.123