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2021-02-06 08:15 27929628 Anonymous /DOGE/ Entertainment's Coin (dogecoin.png 361x358 140kB)
>Current value in USD https://dogevalue.com/ >Current value in sats https://www.binance.com/en/trade/DO GE_BTC >Does Dogecoin have an infinite supply? https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/c omments/8dcoa8/dogecoin_does_not_ha ve_an_inflationary_model_we/ • NEWS: >Robinhood unblocks Instant trades >KuCoin soon to adopt DOGE https://twitter.com/KuCoinModerator /status/1356518137236086784 (embed) (embed) (embed) >Crunchyroll accepts DOGE payments now https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/c omments/lb8wme/its_true_you_can_now _pay_for_crunchyroll_with_doge/ >PornHub and Chaturbate accepts DOGE now too https://www.unilad.co.uk/technology /pornhub-now-accepting-dogecoin-aft er-card-payment-ban/ • EXCHANGES Binance Binance.us Bittrex Kraken Probit Poloniex Uphold Exodus • BROKERAGES None, avoid Robinhood like yo mom. • WALLETS Exodus Ledger Trezor Atomic Wallet Guarda Wallet https://dogecoin.com/getting-starte d/ • ENDORSEMENTS Elon Musk >https://twitter.com/elonmusk/statu s/1357241340313141249 Snoop Dogg >https://www.instagram.com/p/CK8Cjj 7D2qy/ Mia Khalifa >https://twitter.com/miakhalifa/sta tus/1355027076118499329 Gene Simmons >https://twitter.com/genesimmons/st atus/1357873901758390272 Previous bread: >>27924645

0 min later 27929681 Anonymous

0 min later 27929685 Anonymous

0 min later 27929698 Anonymous

0 min later 27929703 Anonymous
27.5k reporting in

1 min later 27929708 Anonymous
>>27929628 Based and red(dit)pilled.

1 min later 27929713 Anonymous (tumblr_l3u34c49Vl1qcoz2mo1_500.jpg 600x434 41kB)

1 min later 27929718 Anonymous (▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg 500x500 82kB)
WHERE ARE MY /g/ DOGEBOOMERS AT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3o iThw2RxE

1 min later 27929755 Anonymous (1596283449320.jpg 767x1024 218kB)
>see my gains increasing >suddenly gone >forgot that I had a sell limit at .054 cause I wanted to buy the dip back when it was .04

1 min later 27929757 Anonymous
Did we— did we jump over the wall? Are the whales dead?

1 min later 27929767 Anonymous
Will not reach 0.6 today will we?

1 min later 27929769 Anonymous
If this goes below 5 again, I'll buy more

1 min later 27929772 Anonymous (ser7dy.gif 220x124 62kB)

2 min later 27929779 Anonymous
www.precizn.com www.kumaknives.com Watches and Kitchen knives Shilling for these small companies because they adopted Dogecoin as payment early

2 min later 27929784 Anonymous

2 min later 27929804 Anonymous (1609621255912.png 1920x1080 2288kB)
>this steady increase >the fact that Elon will 100% post on his twitter tonight to comment on his polls results Dear god...

2 min later 27929808 Anonymous

2 min later 27929815 Anonymous (Crazyfrog.png 588x688 606kB)
.06 unbreakable.

2 min later 27929821 Anonymous
>bought in at .058

3 min later 27929878 Anonymous (1612489711031.jpg 824x790 489kB)
>>27929779 I like your attitude anon support small businesses

3 min later 27929885 Anonymous
>>27929804 I'm worried about a dump about 2 hours before

3 min later 27929886 Anonymous (mami-01.jpg 960x720 133kB)
https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status /1357914696645414913 VOTE

3 min later 27929903 Anonymous
Cashapp/Doge anon here, smarter anons than I need to figure out if we can set up something like cashapp for doge.

3 min later 27929922 Anonymous (DOGEdonate.png 469x167 39kB)
Are you requesting your favorite Twitch star or tiddy streamer to open up dogecoin donations? You should be!

3 min later 27929930 Anonymous
>>27929885 what dump?

3 min later 27929932 Anonymous
Why wasn't BTC hyped like Dogecoin is right now?

4 min later 27929950 Anonymous (1611945325073.gif 635x640 3442kB)
will hit .32 tomorrow settles around .24

4 min later 27929958 Anonymous
How true is the massive dump at .55-6.0?

4 min later 27929963 Anonymous (adachismile.jpg 400x400 22kB)

4 min later 27930017 Anonymous (1545358036306.jpg 222x245 7kB)
>>27929804 >>27929886 >HE PINNED THE POLL

5 min later 27930022 Anonymous
>>27929932 BTC got popular because it was the first and the most known of its kind back in the early days. Dogecoin is popular because reddit wanted a the GME of Crypto and they chose Dogecoin They failed cause GME's fucked lol

5 min later 27930026 Anonymous
>>27929885 Anon if it dumps just buy more

5 min later 27930041 Anonymous
>>27929932 people were more skeptic back then about crypto since you know the whole silk road thing

5 min later 27930044 Anonymous
>>27929755 OH NO NO NO

5 min later 27930046 Anonymous (dogecoin-logo.png 290x300 82kB)
I need to make a good thumbnail for a video I'm making. Post your doge memes please. More specifically, does anyone have the doge marines image?

5 min later 27930067 Anonymous
>>27929757 the whales are just less predictable now, we could get a random dump at any time instead of after every pump like before

5 min later 27930069 Anonymous (1611896797724.webm 854x480 285kB)
mrw 5.4 cents now

5 min later 27930075 Anonymous
>>27929930 I imagine after all this buying today many will sell a couple of hours before the end of the poll since it's so obvious he will tweet and drive the price up

5 min later 27930098 Anonymous
>>27929779 >www.precizn.com >www.kumaknives.com Thanks anon, if I bake the next bread I'll try and remember to add that to the OP.

5 min later 27930100 Anonymous (1603474429169.jpg 640x625 56kB)
>>27929963 now

5 min later 27930104 Anonymous
>>27929963 buy if it goes back down to 0.05. that's when i bought it

6 min later 27930107 Anonymous
>>27929958 looks like we have some resetera bros in here... all the normans are all in doge. this doggie has rocket shoes.

6 min later 27930122 Anonymous
>>27929878 They deserve it desu, I think its already been like 4-5 days since I saw those post about it. They got balls and deserve some reward for contributing to the spread of doge as legitimate payment

6 min later 27930126 Anonymous (s48.gif 320x240 1994kB)
Doge 0.65 eod!

6 min later 27930128 Anonymous
Feels like a run up for a massive pump

6 min later 27930134 Anonymous
>>27930075 Good point, i'm buying the dip then

6 min later 27930141 Anonymous
Chart looking juicy now.

6 min later 27930175 Anonymous

6 min later 27930176 Anonymous
Is 30k DOGEs good enough to make it?!?!?

6 min later 27930177 Anonymous
400k big doge here

7 min later 27930206 Anonymous
>>27930104 it's not coming back. nothing personal, kid.

7 min later 27930207 Anonymous
>>27929932 Yes, and because Bitcoin is so expensive rn this is the next best thing for normies to afford to buy into early.

7 min later 27930222 Anonymous
is 10000 coins bought at 3 cents going to be enough to make it?

7 min later 27930225 Anonymous (POMPCOIN.png 384x240 4kB)

7 min later 27930262 Anonymous (DOGEminer.gif 500x500 167kB)
I like this gif

7 min later 27930263 Anonymous
>>27930222 how does $10000 sound?

7 min later 27930267 Anonymous (1612417337196.png 262x260 106kB)
>bitcoin bubble explodes >doge stands solid

7 min later 27930272 Anonymous (1512556072578.jpg 1536x992 357kB)

8 min later 27930278 Anonymous
>>27930176 you need 10MM to be a citizen on Mars. Elon said.

8 min later 27930283 Anonymous
>>27930176 You need to suck more dicks for more doge. Whatever it takes.

8 min later 27930284 Anonymous (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg 755x687 193kB)

8 min later 27930301 Anonymous
>>27929932 It was when it went to like 100 or something like that I forget, what prices it was.

8 min later 27930303 Anonymous
0.055 oh fuck nigga its going to slam that 0.06 wall any moment now

8 min later 27930306 Anonymous
>>27929932 less social media imo, now twitter just blasts it and celebrities start talking about. they weren't as bold with social media when btc was coming around but it was definitely flooding 4chan. /biz/ was created to siphon all the crypto talk off other boards because it was getting talked about so much.

8 min later 27930307 Anonymous
>>27930222 trips have dawned on you for good fortune

8 min later 27930311 Anonymous
My prediction for the poll. He tweets that dogecoin apparently won. Price goes up as it has the last few times. No surprise there. Then he announces because of the data collected, due to popular demand, Tesla will now be accepting dogecoin. Shit hits the fucking fan.

8 min later 27930315 Anonymous

8 min later 27930336 Anonymous
>>27930263 that's honestly more money than i've ever had but i hope i can do better than that. if not i'll just invest it into something else after this.

8 min later 27930339 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210206-112048.png 720x528 56kB)
>>27929869 it's pretty neat desu

8 min later 27930346 Anonymous
>>27930222 Even if this goes to $1 (which won't happen) you have $10,000... Maybe if you live in a 3rd world country?

8 min later 27930357 Anonymous

9 min later 27930368 Anonymous (1589310489518.png 700x709 439kB)
>>27929718 Fa/g/ here, WAGMI anon!

9 min later 27930370 Anonymous
>>27929757 I think a lot of them shrunk their bags battling with Elon last night

9 min later 27930377 Anonymous
>>27930177 same, got in at 0.012 for 5k. I sold at the peak of 0.0530 though. now i can use my space bucks on bills

9 min later 27930383 Anonymous (1463881505411.jpg 589x669 58kB)
>>27930311 Can you imagine owning a tesla because of a fucking memecoin?

9 min later 27930389 Anonymous
>that bitch selling like 18m doge

9 min later 27930390 Anonymous
>>27929922 >>27929922 >>27929922 >>27929922 >>27929922

9 min later 27930402 Anonymous
wait i put a sell limit at 0.055? why didn't it sell?

9 min later 27930416 Anonymous
>>27929757 prob not. many whales

9 min later 27930418 Anonymous
>>27930339 Big brain energy

9 min later 27930433 Anonymous
>>27930311 dubs speak, i completely agree. >dogecoin wins >announces "The Doge Card" accepted for Tesla

10 min later 27930481 Anonymous (leo01.png 374x418 118kB)
Plaease someone post the Dicaprio "I'm not selling" image. I need it.

10 min later 27930483 Anonymous (1612439598122.jpg 480x480 31kB)
7k at 0.04 will I make it?

10 min later 27930495 Anonymous
>>27930433 dubs doubly speak

10 min later 27930498 Anonymous
>>27929963 buy 1k more and chill

10 min later 27930502 Anonymous
Is Kraken a good place to buy? I don't want gas fees taking half my eth.

11 min later 27930505 Anonymous
>>27930311 I can 100% guarantee he'll announce dogecoin as new currency to buy Tesla's

11 min later 27930514 Anonymous

11 min later 27930534 Anonymous
>bought the peak I know it'll climb back above but that never ceases to be a bad feel

11 min later 27930544 Anonymous (Doge.jpg 768x768 166kB)
>>27930098 Sounds good

11 min later 27930549 Anonymous
>elon musk gets on Joe Rogan Podcast again >they start talking about doge >millions of normies start buying doge poomping the price out of the stratosphere 100% this will happen, calling it

11 min later 27930558 Anonymous (1611908387234.jpg 749x500 115kB)

11 min later 27930574 Anonymous
>>27930534 Don't feel bad, there are people out there that bought at fucking .08

12 min later 27930598 Anonymous (1457378512724.jpg 500x489 38kB)
why are we pumping?

12 min later 27930599 Anonymous
>>27930505 >Only*

12 min later 27930617 Anonymous
Holy shit. I blinked and I missed it. It blew past .054

12 min later 27930648 Anonymous
>>27930549 Ab. So. Lutely. Will probably smoke another j on air to celebrate. Elon gives no fucks rn. This is a middle finger to wall street and all of his haters.

12 min later 27930653 Anonymous (HODLING_4EVER.png 769x709 66kB)
Diamond hands boys.

12 min later 27930663 Anonymous (h5hsa322.gif 300x300 1020kB)
>>27930483 wagmi

13 min later 27930684 Anonymous (44444.jpg 1073x705 77kB)

13 min later 27930685 Anonymous
>>27930574 they're going to kick themselves when they don't wait for it to go past .30

13 min later 27930697 Anonymous (1611797306008.webm 720x1280 2162kB)
meme economy is pretty comfy bros

13 min later 27930706 Anonymous
Where is this pump coming from?

13 min later 27930730 Anonymous
>>27929703 get ready for the .06 wall you'll be able to get close to 30k on the immediate dump

13 min later 27930735 Anonymous

13 min later 27930736 Anonymous (Wq6NmI35GroEd-S53TozMor0AYJ8lJIEFq1zX8NreSc.jpg 357x520 53kB)
>>27930346 Believe in the heart of the normies to reach 1 dollar.

13 min later 27930750 Anonymous (1415597389530.png 256x256 127kB)
>>27930574 My first mistake was selling most of my doge to break even on the big dip on the 4th. I needed sleep and wanted to not have to think about it. Ah well, like you said, at least I didn't buy at 8 cents kek

13 min later 27930762 Anonymous (IM_NOT_SELLING.jpg 1278x719 152kB)

13 min later 27930764 Anonymous (guts 7.png 717x593 490kB)

13 min later 27930765 Anonymous
>>27929821 >bought 25,496 at $.0099 Feels good bros.

13 min later 27930767 Anonymous (Elon's wallet.png 688x240 20kB)
>>27930311 Just according to keikaku.

14 min later 27930780 Anonymous
>>27930558 >>27930684 Thanks boyos

14 min later 27930781 Anonymous
>>27930598 because Mars is a lot further than the Moon. we've got 4x to go.

14 min later 27930784 Anonymous
>>27930653 Diamond dick.

14 min later 27930788 Anonymous

14 min later 27930792 Anonymous
>>27930706 socal bros waking up at 11:30

14 min later 27930801 Anonymous
>>27929628 20 mil chad reporting in

14 min later 27930802 Anonymous
>>27930653 I'm selling at 0.59 like on all the other pumps, fuck you guys lmao

14 min later 27930804 Anonymous
>>27930706 Celebrities shilling dogecoin to normies

14 min later 27930806 Anonymous (IMG_20200505_085124.jpg 690x920 69kB)
This pump is relentless. Dip when???

14 min later 27930810 Anonymous
>>27930706 Normies

14 min later 27930814 Anonymous

14 min later 27930831 Anonymous
Walls keep getting broken They in panic mode

15 min later 27930847 Anonymous (Wall-Titans-in-Attack-on-Titan-header.jpg 960x500 98kB)

15 min later 27930854 Anonymous
>>27930697 based cute froggo

15 min later 27930871 Anonymous

15 min later 27930873 Anonymous (smcdoge.jpg 500x281 51kB)

15 min later 27930875 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210206-113019_Binance.jpg 156x156 7kB)
Every time I see this N I yell NIGGER and hold.

15 min later 27930883 Anonymous
>>27930801 Based

15 min later 27930891 Anonymous
>>27930802 lol short-sighted faggot

15 min later 27930896 Anonymous (dog_023.jpg 1016x1024 75kB)
>>27930802 weak

15 min later 27930900 Anonymous
>>27930765 >Feelsfuckingbad.jpg I came in the game about a month late.

15 min later 27930908 Anonymous
>>27930222 Checked

16 min later 27930927 Anonymous (hs9e44s.png 1200x801 1989kB)
>>27930806 NEVER

16 min later 27930958 Anonymous
The biggest wall is probably going to be 0.07 and 0.08 as people who got in at the big spike try to cash out their losses. Do you think the doge is a bad enough dude to get over that?

16 min later 27930964 Anonymous (1612562454906.gif 500x278 1022kB)

16 min later 27930983 Anonymous
>>27930311 This gets me hard.

16 min later 27930986 Anonymous
>>27930802 >implying you're a whale Ok anon, lets see the bag

16 min later 27930996 Anonymous
>>27930891 nothing shortsighted about it when you look at the pattern. See you at 0.042 tomorrow

17 min later 27931005 Anonymous
>saw pajeet saying doge is the biggest scam ever >an hour before he posted that he made a 20x long future on doge and got mad gains Kek

17 min later 27931025 Anonymous
>>27930402 Because it only got to exactly .055 and theres tons of other sell orders placed before you did

17 min later 27931036 Anonymous
biden needs to drop that stimmy so I can get more doge

17 min later 27931037 Anonymous (10517957_1496964487289749_1730182189_n.jpg 480x480 24kB)
Someone just bought 11m doge.

17 min later 27931054 Anonymous
i want to sell a % so i can make more in the next dip but i'm just too afraid bogda will POMP ET if i do so

18 min later 27931080 Anonymous (1609560809083.gif 112x112 334kB)
Looking at the 1 month chart...I can smell...I can TASTE A BULL FLAG.

18 min later 27931091 Anonymous
What are the chances dogecoin becomes the everyday usage coin.

18 min later 27931097 Anonymous
>>27931037 How much does that cost?

18 min later 27931110 Anonymous
>>27930311 Fuck it, I’m gonna deposit more money into my account, but won’t buy anymore till I see what his tweet is. If it’s anything about Tesla taking doge, then I’m smashing that buy button.

18 min later 27931114 Anonymous (1612603014817.jpg 750x1061 145kB)
>>27930875 Dont bring in negativity friend

18 min later 27931115 Anonymous (Screenshot_124.png 1142x524 32kB)
That's one hell of a wall.

18 min later 27931119 Anonymous
>>27931091 0

18 min later 27931121 Anonymous
>>27930996 ur pattern is shit and u dont know what ur talking about we will slice through 0.059 like butter check my digits fag

18 min later 27931142 Anonymous
>>27931091 depends how high it goes

18 min later 27931147 Anonymous (ps.png 272x185 7kB)

19 min later 27931156 Anonymous (exrc8.gif 400x205 3543kB)
This shit gonna skyrocket again once it hits .055

19 min later 27931169 Anonymous
Currently hold 200k from mining it on my laptop when it launched years ago. Been holding ever since hoping it'll pay for college and a house. Let's take it to the moon, boys.

19 min later 27931171 Anonymous
>>27930986 I never implied that. Unlike you I know how to ride the wave though

19 min later 27931186 Anonymous
>>27931036 >this This coin will take off to the $1 mark in a few weeks. Guarantefuckingteed DOGEDOLLARS

19 min later 27931195 Anonymous
>>27931091 It already is anon. Go buy yourself an e-whore from pornhub

19 min later 27931204 Anonymous
>>27931114 fuck you reddit nigger kike

19 min later 27931212 Anonymous
>>27931005 Pajeet do pajeet, nothing new. Muh talk, weak ass.

20 min later 27931239 Anonymous (deserve.gif 498x269 2914kB)
>>27931147 >not holding

20 min later 27931247 Anonymous
>>27930801 Post wallet brother so I can pat you on your back

20 min later 27931248 Anonymous

20 min later 27931261 Anonymous
>>27931156 Gotta dry out the whales first. But its gonna happen

20 min later 27931274 Anonymous
>>27931114 Back to r eddit, faggot

20 min later 27931292 Anonymous
>>27931054 I sold a few hundred just now at .0549, hoping it dips back down to 50c at some point so i can increase my stack. Either way, I bought at .017 so this has almost covered my initial investment even if if goes back down to .01

21 min later 27931306 Anonymous
>>27931025 ah okay.

21 min later 27931308 Anonymous
>>27931097 >How much does that cost? 11000000 x 0.054, Anon.

21 min later 27931313 Anonymous (1612636321558.jpg 442x446 33kB)

21 min later 27931325 Anonymous (1611942465822.jpg 1125x858 62kB)
>have to go wagie for a few hours pls elon make me rich, i'll buy a tesla

21 min later 27931332 Anonymous (1599501422897.jpg 640x628 45kB)
>>27931186 Doge is basically the least controversial currency, everybody can relate to a cute doggo. It seems immature but isn't it narcissistic to demand humans be on the face of the bill? i think dogs are the unsung heroes of everyone's life.

21 min later 27931338 Anonymous
>>27931121 It'll dump back to 0.04 where it belongs. Check 'em

21 min later 27931342 Anonymous
>>27931248 You still can, see >>27931156

21 min later 27931361 Anonymous (1598491291483.png 1440x1504 1233kB)
Post yfw making money off a meme

21 min later 27931370 Anonymous
>>27930383 And not to mention the Tesla Model D (For Doge) coming soon, will run, not off of electricity, but the salty tears of doubters, swingers, pajeets, and joos

22 min later 27931378 Anonymous
>>27930802 If you are swinging to increase coinbag volume then that is based.

22 min later 27931383 Anonymous
>>27931308 Fuck, man. I don't wanna do math.

22 min later 27931386 Anonymous
I recovered my losses from FOMOing in at top of the last Elon pump. I'll but at the dip.

22 min later 27931389 Anonymous
>>27930802 My nigga.

22 min later 27931401 Anonymous
>>27930958 If it gets to that and people try to cash out their losses, that will be a dumber move than when they bought at .07 last week. So, I can see that happening.

22 min later 27931406 Anonymous
If you buy doge coin you are a fucking idiot. Just mine it yourself, there's no cap on it.

22 min later 27931430 Anonymous (get-fukt.jpg 400x400 63kB)
>>27931338 FUCK YOU U C K Y O U

22 min later 27931439 Anonymous (kulttuuri.jpg 310x364 37kB)

23 min later 27931458 Anonymous
>>27930996 I will use that opportunity to buy again.

23 min later 27931461 Anonymous
>>27931378 I am, it's what I've been doing all week

23 min later 27931473 Anonymous (1606833330308m.jpg 1024x644 30kB)
>>27931204 Never posted on reddit once. Just dont act like a psycho you have dogefrens all over the world. No reason to be mean to them

23 min later 27931478 Anonymous (EtYLzUJVIAEyBhp.jpg 1080x1080 465kB)

23 min later 27931480 Anonymous (original.jpg 400x457 52kB)
Hodl! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRA u4kvpmEs

23 min later 27931485 Anonymous
>>27931406 I heard it's difficult and getting moreso.

23 min later 27931494 Anonymous
>>27931383 594000 dollaroos sank into doggeroos

23 min later 27931508 Anonymous
>>27931147 > >>279 There's your doomp, be QUICK and get back in fren!

23 min later 27931525 Anonymous (1548551142012.jpg 250x249 30kB)

24 min later 27931536 Anonymous
E bocht? Domp eet

24 min later 27931547 Anonymous (0e9.jpg 600x600 39kB)
I'm not holding.

24 min later 27931548 Anonymous (DogeMemePNGPicture.png 820x923 364kB)

24 min later 27931552 Anonymous
>>27931239 >>27931313 I'm ok it's dumping now :^)

24 min later 27931555 Anonymous
>>27931406 lmao, sell your PC and direct invest in it. It earns you much more because the pump moment.

24 min later 27931568 Anonymous
>>27931383 around 600 000k

24 min later 27931570 Anonymous (leonardo-dicaprio-laughing-and-mocking-meme-32fe0f916dc31d24159d62525b0a4496.jpg 940x940 112kB)

24 min later 27931580 Anonymous
>>27931478 that doggo looks sad you should buy him food

24 min later 27931590 Anonymous
Doge is the next XRP

24 min later 27931599 Anonymous (ghfghfgh.gif 260x302 351kB)
>>27931361 It's the clown timeline for sure.

25 min later 27931612 Anonymous (1611885884088.jpg 640x520 30kB)

25 min later 27931615 Anonymous
>>27931548 Just use RH, newfag

25 min later 27931624 Anonymous (1610692988038.jpg 1116x940 131kB)
>>27931114 Does that word make you uncomfortable anon?

25 min later 27931629 Anonymous (4jo.gif 320x398 817kB)
>>27931548 One day anon

25 min later 27931634 Anonymous (IMG_20190710_231425.jpg 315x315 15kB)

25 min later 27931640 Anonymous (1612491727791.jpg 1280x960 210kB)
Thank God, I needed to buy back in.

25 min later 27931658 Anonymous
>>27931590 xrp minus the scummy kike devs

25 min later 27931662 Anonymous
I used to have millions of doge, now I barely have 450k. Now I’m priced out from owning a single million.

25 min later 27931663 Anonymous
>>27931548 Uphold Binance

25 min later 27931672 Anonymous (1612601347364.jpg 500x500 34kB)
>>27931332 Coins have the faces of deified rulers on them. They are ritual objects that demand loyalty with every transaction. Doge depicts the one thing that is loyal to us.

26 min later 27931687 Anonymous
>>27931548 binance...?

26 min later 27931697 Anonymous
>>27931406 It hasn't been profitable to mine since 2014, I mined a few tens of thousand on an old R270 and traded for BTC.

26 min later 27931716 Anonymous (moondoge0g.gif 350x350 3763kB)
>I'm stepping through the door >And I'm floating in a most peculiar way >And the stars look very different today >For here >Am I sitting in a tin can >Far above the world >Planet Earth is blue >And there's nothing I can do

26 min later 27931738 Anonymous
You should have learned by now that all Musk pumps end with a huge stinky dump.

27 min later 27931772 Anonymous

27 min later 27931795 Anonymous
>>27931738 That didn't happen last night, his tweets pumped it and it stayed, this dog cannot be put down anymore

27 min later 27931797 Anonymous
>>27931738 im ready to buying the dip tho.

27 min later 27931808 Anonymous (WG8eUnE.png 360x400 256kB)

28 min later 27931828 Anonymous
>>27931738 Did he tweet? I thought this pump was organic.

28 min later 27931836 Anonymous
>>27931738 Yes, but every time that happens the floor is raised

28 min later 27931841 Anonymous
wew, that was quite the dip... comparatively today might be the lowest we get for awhile so bought another 2k coins

28 min later 27931876 Anonymous (1625810.gif 400x300 2095kB)
Pumping again boys get comfy

28 min later 27931878 Anonymous (1596986019924.jpg 1242x1188 888kB)

28 min later 27931883 Anonymous
>>27931797 Yeah, same. I made the mistake of FOMOing in at the top of the previous Elon pump. I made my money back now. I'll buy at the dip.

29 min later 27931888 Anonymous

29 min later 27931892 Anonymous
Should Dogecoin be cap to hit 1 dollar quicker or it wouldn't matter?

29 min later 27931906 Anonymous
>>27931738 Shoo, Sanjay, shoo.

29 min later 27931925 Anonymous (I+can+understand+integrated+google+maps+but+cars+that+wont+_a9e87d97d9ff7d308480e1865f587109.jpg 309x326 17kB)
>buy a bit at 0,0549 to sell a bit alter seeing that its pumping. >as soon as it transfers, it dumps ask me about the future, and do the contrary I tell you

29 min later 27931930 Anonymous (1606331701789.jpg 515x936 138kB)
>probit limiting btc/doge trading again

29 min later 27931937 Anonymous
>>27931662 Thanks anon now I don't feel so bad for selling 50,000 at $0.006 and using it to make CDs of some album I made when I was 18 because I thought I was going to be a famous rock star if I grew up.

29 min later 27931939 Anonymous (Smoov-e.jpg 1920x1080 304kB)

29 min later 27931950 Anonymous
>>27931738 >a huge stinky dump. Take a look at the week chart not the 5 min one.

29 min later 27931971 Anonymous (CheeseFace.jpg 642x976 55kB)

30 min later 27931975 Anonymous
How the fuck do I actually buy Doge on Binance? I linked my bank but everytime i try to set a limit order it says Insufficient balance.

30 min later 27931986 Anonymous
>>27931738 That would be nice if it dipped back to .04. Id buy that dip instantly.

30 min later 27931990 Anonymous (dompeet.jpg 600x600 28kB)

30 min later 27931991 Anonymous
>>27929963 I also want to buy more but half of my buying power on RH is missing, 150$ deposit but only 70$ buying power, why?

30 min later 27931994 Anonymous (Pugilist.jpg 1354x2048 547kB)

30 min later 27931997 Anonymous
>>27931738 So just a quicker riskier version of the market. We got it. We want to play with the dog. Some people might get bit, you're not dropping knowledge on anyone.

30 min later 27932006 Anonymous (1561172092711.jpg 632x560 51kB)

30 min later 27932007 Anonymous (63c.png 1280x960 1148kB)
Doge will shepherd us to the future. It has been prophesied that Dogecoin will usher in a new currency filled with prosperity and insurmountable power to those who remained true to our savior, Doge. Wrong will be right when Doge takes over. And when Doge is sitting there, over the horizon, greeting the faithful, they will look upon Doge with glee and they'll cry, "Long live the king."

30 min later 27932010 Anonymous
>>27931975 NGMI

30 min later 27932011 Anonymous
>>27931888 I assume you meant .1?

30 min later 27932014 Anonymous (made it.png 912x761 562kB)

30 min later 27932019 Anonymous (LosingIsFun.png 250x269 77kB)
>>27931925 But not listening to /biz/ is exactly what /biz/ does.

30 min later 27932030 Anonymous
ANONS WHAT THE FUCK it keeps going up by 0.001 like every 30 minutes and it's not going back down how is this possible? whales must be going crazy i wonder if that boomer Gene got other celebs to buy in and now we have a bunch of celebs buying up millions of doge absolutely czrb stumping whales pathetic attempts to dump

30 min later 27932048 Anonymous (AAAAA.gif 512x512 644kB)
>>27931361 >tfw could've went all in 2000 @ .02 and made a 5x return in a week

31 min later 27932060 Anonymous
>>27931937 >if

31 min later 27932068 Anonymous
>>27931925 WHY would you buy right before a massive sell wall?

31 min later 27932079 Anonymous
>>27931975 Buy BTC, swap it for doges.

31 min later 27932082 Anonymous
>>27932011 yes fren im drunk thanks

31 min later 27932083 Anonymous
>>27932030 Purging the whales is the key to making Doge a viable stablecoin.

31 min later 27932097 Anonymous
>>27932030 The whales are sold out already friend only up from here

31 min later 27932106 Anonymous (adachiwalk.gif 292x418 72kB)
>>27932048 Hindsight is 20/20. If you're in now, that's all that matters.

31 min later 27932108 Anonymous
>>27932030 I think there are counter whales. That and people aren't being paperhanded like before. If we fall it's not for long.

31 min later 27932114 Anonymous (045F2886-1455-4B6A-AC34-86D5752C4948.jpg 1170x1066 142kB)
>mfw I’ve always thought this was nothing more than a meme coin >bought 2800 coins last night so I can shit post about doge >already up $20 Am I gonna become a gorillianare guys?

32 min later 27932134 Anonymous (2021-02-06-1612640833_54x61_.png 54x61 1kB)

32 min later 27932141 Anonymous
>>27932030 That 0.0528 dip was the last dip you're going to see for awhile, chum

32 min later 27932164 Anonymous
>>27931950 It's like beautifull stairs

32 min later 27932171 Anonymous (imagem_2021-02-06_164755.png 442x489 254kB)

32 min later 27932180 Anonymous
I've been milking doge for 2 weeks. I dumped 10k that I bought at .01 when it hit .07. Bought back in at .036 and dumped again at .058. This turned out to be a powerful memecoin. Wish I kept adding at the dips and never dumped.

32 min later 27932181 Anonymous (di74id44yg.gif 220x312 128kB)
>>27932048 this is still the right time to invest long term into doge unironically, it's still just at 5 cents a coin faggot you might not make bilions or millions but you can still make a very nice return on doge in the future just buy and let doge do what doge do man, chill out n get comfy

32 min later 27932188 Anonymous (1419984304221.jpg 224x224 11kB)
>>27932082 Drink on, brother.

33 min later 27932222 Anonymous
>>27931548 Binance Crypto.com RH

33 min later 27932231 Anonymous
>>27931975 you need to swap your fiat for usdt first

33 min later 27932262 Anonymous (2021-02-06-1612640894_269x72_.png 1173x200 91kB)
oh shii

33 min later 27932264 Anonymous
So are we a stablecoin at 5 now?

33 min later 27932276 Anonymous (1610844945076.jpg 513x510 31kB)

33 min later 27932278 Anonymous
>>27932114 I hope so fucker I got 2400 coins and cant afford anymore I'm fuckin all in lmfao

34 min later 27932282 Anonymous
>>27932114 no but you might be able to buy a couple nice lunches if you're not retarded

34 min later 27932303 Anonymous (11564582.375000002_image.png 428x320 330kB)

34 min later 27932315 Anonymous
>>27932262 What site?

34 min later 27932318 Anonymous
>>27932097 maybe the whales temporarily withdrew and will sit on the coin to let it raise to 0.1 and then start dumping again and the problem the more the coin costs the harded will it be for the leviathan to buy up the supply, if doge claims to $1 the leviathan can no longer buy 2 billion doge per day like he does now

34 min later 27932326 Anonymous
>>27932264 No

34 min later 27932331 Anonymous
Everyone who owns Doge is a paper-handed retard who panic sells at the first sign of trouble.

34 min later 27932334 Anonymous
>>27930346 If we all switch to fudding doge and keep repeating ''it will never reach a dollar'' elon will pump it to a dollar just to prove us wrong.

35 min later 27932340 Anonymous (1605544998396.gif 360x270 1907kB)

35 min later 27932348 Anonymous
>>27932262 Hmmmm

35 min later 27932362 Anonymous
regretting the fact i didnt put my initial RH deposit back in now, but o well im making a good amount off of my earlier profit

35 min later 27932381 Anonymous

35 min later 27932382 Anonymous
>>27932331 use that to your advantage and buy the dip

35 min later 27932389 Anonymous (1612487404550.jpg 325x371 26kB)
beautiful is the dogecoin, for it overfloweth with milk and honey

35 min later 27932403 Anonymous (a5d4hT1Ibjk.jpg 482x427 140kB)
Please doomp eet to at least .045

35 min later 27932414 Anonymous (HODL_FACE_MATTYBOI.jpg 421x526 52kB)

35 min later 27932418 Anonymous
>>27932331 Holding doge for long gains. Adamantium paws.

36 min later 27932444 Anonymous
>>27932382 I will.

36 min later 27932450 Anonymous (22ezgduyj6f61.jpg 554x279 14kB)
>>27931552 Good, now get back in and don't make the same mistake again.

36 min later 27932453 Anonymous (1612388194268.jpg 690x1181 161kB)

36 min later 27932475 Anonymous
>>27932381 Now, retard, now. It won't go below .053 in some time.

36 min later 27932483 Anonymous
>>27932181 I believe in the doge now that I'm past the break even point and see nothing but modest gains in the foreseeable future, but I'm unfortunately only in @ .049. Even when it doubles, I only stand to make a measly $100. Besides all that, I'm a poorfag that's down $600 thanks to AMC being a shit buy.

36 min later 27932485 Anonymous
>>27932318 If you want to see how many whales there are you can. it's not like it's a big secret that you have to speculate about. ffs there are bots which track whales in every crypto and update everyone on their movements and transactions

37 min later 27932508 Anonymous
>>27932331 I’m holding even my normie family are investing in doge. TOO THE MOON FAGGOTS.

37 min later 27932514 Anonymous

37 min later 27932515 Anonymous
Imagine selling now and not when it hits $1

37 min later 27932525 Anonymous (1612487738673.jpg 600x600 20kB)

37 min later 27932538 Anonymous (187952.jpg 800x600 205kB)
I'm scared guys. Are we truly going to make it??

37 min later 27932543 Anonymous (00026.jpg 1920x1080 1241kB)

37 min later 27932551 Anonymous
Was considering selling at .059 for the inevitable dump after, but I have a feeling ill probably get cut off by people dumping at .058 Seems the dumps have been getting smaller and smaller though. Might not be worth it for the possibly <5% gains.

37 min later 27932554 Anonymous
Why does Elon talk about Dodge? Didn't he invent Tesla?

37 min later 27932557 Anonymous
2021 is the year we make gains, 2022 is the year we hit the clubs and brag to the club women about our doge wallet, they will think it's cute too. BTC is the nerdy brag, doge is the cute brag.

37 min later 27932562 Anonymous (hodl.jpg 1000x665 100kB)
>>27932414 HODLING

38 min later 27932581 Anonymous
>>27932264 I would say not yet. Give it some more time.

38 min later 27932583 Anonymous (1609454689036.png 583x789 598kB)
>>27932515 imagine not selling and rebuying the dips

38 min later 27932585 Anonymous
>>27932483 you're a poorfag because you bought reddit stock smooth brain. you literally just advertised your newfagness to the whole board.

38 min later 27932608 Anonymous (ED884506-F907-4D02-ABD5-D014645745A7.jpg 1024x865 98kB)
>>27932282 The more I read about the more I like the coin. Will throw more money at it on the next diyup

38 min later 27932621 Anonymous
>>27932318 Holy fuck 2 billion a day? Who the heckin is this.

38 min later 27932635 Anonymous (q6tg8y.gif 220x124 692kB)
>>27932483 diversify your portfolio

39 min later 27932662 Anonymous
>>27932475 Maybe yes, maybe no. its fucking meme, no one know for sure how long it will last.

39 min later 27932667 Anonymous (1606681478446.jpg 456x502 163kB)

39 min later 27932670 Anonymous
>>27932543 yes somewhat, 0.05 is very unstable ground for DOGE atm, but we don't know if Elon will meme again and make us get past .06 at some point.

39 min later 27932674 Anonymous (2021-02-06-1612641250_265x43_.png 265x43 4kB)

39 min later 27932675 Anonymous (hubris.jpg 607x563 23kB)

39 min later 27932686 Anonymous
>>27932583 People have been trying that, and have started seething when it isn't dipping as low as they hoped. Swingers are losing their shit.

39 min later 27932697 Anonymous
>>27932583 No More Dips

39 min later 27932710 Anonymous

39 min later 27932711 Anonymous (1612632813276.jpg 640x640 37kB)
>>27932538 AHEM *tap tap tap* Yes.

39 min later 27932714 Anonymous
>>27932538 >floor went from 3c to 5c yeah, im thinking we're gonna make it

40 min later 27932722 Anonymous (Apu chair.jpg 600x600 29kB)

40 min later 27932743 Anonymous
BAKER MAN BAKE NEW BREAD >>27932315 binance

40 min later 27932744 Anonymous (2021_02_06_14_13_28_.png 1455x969 136kB)
Who was the anon sending messages to the leviathan in code?

40 min later 27932748 Anonymous
>>27932515 I'm selling half when it hit 09 to get my investment back and I'm holding the rest all the way to the moooooooon

40 min later 27932754 Anonymous
>>27931672 This is actually a great point

40 min later 27932765 Anonymous (886FAFD6-D604-4F1E-BF76-22B521A9434A.png 1125x2436 530kB)
Am I gonna make it?

40 min later 27932768 Anonymous (388.gif 255x191 2165kB)
>>27932414 >mfw wanna buy the dip but it keeps rising

40 min later 27932782 Anonymous
okay I finally sold my RH. I want to move to whatever you guys or Elon is using now

40 min later 27932793 Anonymous
>>27932475 nahh, i am gonna hodl dogecoin too but it will definitely go back to 0.04 temporarily at some point

41 min later 27932801 Anonymous
>>27932662 >no one know for sure how long it will last. nigger youre ahead of the curve, its safe

41 min later 27932802 Anonymous
>>27932557 Just think in 10 years when all paper hands have sold and it's people with 10 doge they painstakingly saved for wishing that their gonna make it. Then you tell them you're holding tens of thousands of it from 2021.

41 min later 27932803 Anonymous (eg968w5.gif 498x266 1230kB)
>>27932714 the volume has gone up massively also

41 min later 27932809 Anonymous

41 min later 27932832 Anonymous
>>27932710 I’m not a panicky faggot like the wagies that need the money for their E-thot subscription. You should be in it to win it at this point.

41 min later 27932840 Anonymous
>>27932318 That whale barely sells.

41 min later 27932845 Anonymous
>>27932621 possibly elon musk

41 min later 27932847 Anonymous
>>27932583 Have been doing that, learned my lesson. I became a hodler and doing much better since then.

41 min later 27932855 Anonymous
>>27932538 >scared you aren't worth the doge you hold

41 min later 27932858 Anonymous
>>27932514 Take my apologies

41 min later 27932861 Anonymous
>tfw everyone has more doge than me because I'm a poorfag I just want to make a little money with my 2k coins. Will buy a little more if it goes below 5c again though.

42 min later 27932881 Anonymous
>>27932686 The dips are pretty shallow. You'd have to time it pretty well to actually earn anything after fees. I'm not that good and aware of it.

42 min later 27932936 Anonymous
>>27932840 >whale he isn't a whale, he is so far apart from them it's an inslut he is THE leviathan also he is a good boy he always buys and never sells he just vacuums the coins up like crazy and HODLS

42 min later 27932939 Anonymous
NEW BREAD >>27932916 >>27932916 >>27932916 >>27932916 >>27932916

43 min later 27932956 Anonymous
>>27932079 >>27932231 Thanks, i figured it out. But why cant you just buy using USD or BTC?

43 min later 27932970 Anonymous (wtf.png 299x40 3kB)
>>27932262 WHAT THE FUCK

43 min later 27932980 Anonymous
>>27932744 holy shit

43 min later 27932982 Anonymous
>>27931672 BASED and GMI. This is actually a big brain take.

43 min later 27932985 Anonymous
>>27932847 that's just bad luck, been making some nice microgains riding these waves along the whales. You just need to keep an eye on both the buy and sell walls and set your buy/sell intervals in between.

43 min later 27933009 Anonymous
>>27932662 >dogecoin is one of the oldest cryptos in existence >'no one knows how long it will last...' literal autism

44 min later 27933041 Anonymous
>>27932936 >also he is a good boy he always buys and never sells he just vacuums the coins up like crazy and HODLS Until the day he dumps to get his money back. That day you will see /biz/ burn

44 min later 27933054 Anonymous (kneel.jpg 97x168 10kB)

44 min later 27933085 Anonymous
>>27932956 BUSD and USDT are essentially just USD anyway.

44 min later 27933091 Anonymous
>>27932802 No matter when i cash out i'll keep at least a few k doge, if only as thanks for the entertainment.

45 min later 27933133 Anonymous
>>27932744 Lmao

45 min later 27933155 Anonymous
>>27933041 we will likely enter 1000PWP/S mode (pink wojaks posted per second)

46 min later 27933206 Anonymous (1938667890.jpg 1110x1239 155kB)
>>27931332 >>27931672 Extremerely good points I've said it once and i'll say it again, this will absolutely be forever known as the one Coin that got normies into Crypto Every single fucking star is being aligned for this coin

46 min later 27933214 Anonymous
>>27933041 serious question is there any way to like, be notified if they sell? or would it just happen all at once and be over? that whale is the main reason i feel uncomfortable investing more than 1k USD long term

46 min later 27933221 Anonymous (1587960653541.gif 220x219 295kB)
>>27930765 >Got in with 40k at 0.010 >Sold my entire stack at 0.025 thinking it wouldn't go much higher than that >It pumped up to 0.0875 >Now it's stable at 0.045-50 Fucking JUST

47 min later 27933263 Anonymous
>>27932662 It was alive for 7 years, it won't die now.

47 min later 27933271 Anonymous (1598572420321.jpg 352x504 45kB)
>>27932414 i stopped paying as much attention the past several days, pleasantly surprised to see the floor rise everyday. I am HODLING!

3.702 0.316