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2021-02-06 02:28 27908506 Anonymous (9D51626A-F492-4B18-8AF8-E33BA08232EE.jpg 416x416 17kB)
Why does this autist keep tweeting about doge?
in reality this shit is never go past 10 cents and thats pushing it, it will forever be .03-.05 cents.
I dont knkwnwho js more retarded, him or his followers
hindo tk
9 min later 27908910 Anonymous
He is unironically making retarded normies go broke
11 min later 27908993 Anonymous
He's having a "fellow kids" moment
13 min later 27909117 Anonymous
he's more retarded because he's over 18 and should know better
17 min later 27909290 Anonymous
This guy is legit mentally ill. He's always seeking the next paradigm because he's afraid of being left behind.
If only he was as this much concerned with actually making money from selling cars. His business only makes money from selling credit apparently, they're the Sony of the car industry.
18 min later 27909324 Anonymous
Fucking shill Elon
18 min later 27909353 Anonymous
In order to consolidate Binance as a competitor of political central banks.
18 min later 27909357 Anonymous (HAHAHAHAHAHAH.png 833x280 26kB)
hahahahhahahHHAHHAA, he doesn't even care, he's doubling down
I'm starting to think he's a 4chan user on a secret mission to financially ruin redditors
20 min later 27909415 Anonymous
I think he is just gauging how much he can sway the market by himself
20 min later 27909425 Anonymous
>he's changing the world
>posts normie level memes, spaghetti code electric cars, can't even send a rocket into outter space
20 min later 27909441 Anonymous
he has more money than anyone else in the world to make it happen
21 min later 27909475 Anonymous
This lol. His brand is now associated with his companies, and all the silly memeing and being """peoples richfag""" is going on for quite a while. Wouldn't be surprised if it got to his head. He's not getting younger each year.
22 min later 27909533 Anonymous
I'm starting to think it's his kids who are in charge of his Twitter account.
22 min later 27909559 Anonymous
If Elon was a mammoth he would be named Elon TUSK :^)
23 min later 27909563 Anonymous
The day his rocket launch failed he got high at 5am just before saying he's off twitter then posted bunch of stuff about doge. Really wild stuff.
23 min later 27909597 Anonymous
It is pretty based, and I could see it, because there's no way he isn't smart enough to fully understand bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general, and there's no way he doesn't have at least small crypto bags (small relative to his networth). He's basically just shitposting and fudding his own holdings, which is about as /biz/ as it gets.
I've even seen him shitposting in the wsb discord before, and it wouldn't surprise me if he's active on telegram as well
24 min later 27909623 Anonymous (1612584580904.jpg 453x203 21kB)
https://rumble.com/vcrz4z-chicken-t endies-ftw.html
Cryptocurrencies are fake and gay, just like our current monetary system...
In many ways Cryptocurrencies are inferior.
There's no logical reason to believe dogecoin WON'T go the moon
25 min later 27909688 Anonymous (1604457539446.jpg 284x277 77kB)
Honestly, thanks to Musk my doge has been on profit on this new floor. Just holding it in case it goes higher again
26 min later 27909710 Anonymous
He’s holding the largest bags of anything we have ever called bags on this website before. Dude is totally fucked. Gonna lose hundreds of millions on a fucking joke coin. That’s why he is feverishly tweeting.
26 min later 27909723 Anonymous
He had a threesome with Amber heard. I don't know if she shit in his bed though.
26 min later 27909730 Anonymous
He got too late into Bitcoin, that's the only reason he's trying to pump Doge this much.
26 min later 27909732 Anonymous
So gay I bought Doge during the memes last week when it was only 0.007 and ended up selling at 2 cents literally no profit
27 min later 27909767 Anonymous
>He has more money than anyone else
Please go the fuck back
27 min later 27909770 Anonymous
Wait he is on the WSB discord?
I’ve never seen him on there :(
27 min later 27909771 Anonymous
28 min later 27909782 Anonymous
>There's no logical reason to believe dogecoin WON'T go the moon
I can give you a bunch of logical reasons
>no active devs
>original 127bil supply cap removed (ie, infinite supply)
>linear block rate of 10k doge mined per minute; no halvenings
>low mining difficulty
>built on an ancient fork of bitcoin, that will suffer the same problems at scale as bitcoin if it ever does get popular
It has none of the things that make bitcoin great, and none of the tech that makes altcoins great. Its a shitcoin, jim
28 min later 27909816 Anonymous
I heard he posted on their discord before GME went to the moon
29 min later 27909842 Anonymous (232713DE-B5C2-4DF9-B1F1-392D120A3982.jpg 583x547 130kB)
This fucking bitch grimes has a spell on him I fucking guarantee it
29 min later 27909850 Anonymous
this was a long ass time ago, before it got member capped and deleted
29 min later 27909854 Anonymous
This. Neither him or his cultist have any idea of what crypto is, but Doge trends on reddit
29 min later 27909865 Anonymous
He had a threesome with Amber heard.
29 min later 27909872 Anonymous
Did you only buy one
30 min later 27909882 Anonymous
he needs to put the dogecoin logo on his rockets
30 min later 27909911 Anonymous
he has $1.6b worth of doge
30 min later 27909917 Anonymous
He enjoyed a threesome with Amber heard and Cara Dev.
30 min later 27909925 Anonymous
I bought like 1000 of them
31 min later 27909931 Anonymous
>no way he isn't smart enough to fully understand bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general
FFS. I will never understand why people think he's some kind of science genius. The man is a nerdier Steve Jobs
31 min later 27909966 Anonymous
Is there some secret jew with a trillion that we don’t know about?
31 min later 27909970 Anonymous
Ah yes, the most prominently known shitposter who is also the richest man on earth.... needing money from a pump and dump.
I genuinely love how he makes so many people seethe so hard.
32 min later 27910013 Anonymous
He had sex with Amber Heard.
33 min later 27910077 Anonymous
And for those sins the LORD will repay him in full. Unless he repents.
34 min later 27910092 Anonymous
Guy is an engineer, you absolute mongoloid. And yes, he's fairly intelligent on top of being very, very industrious.
34 min later 27910099 Anonymous
> Gonna lose hundreds of millions on a fucking joke coin.
Anon have you seen what telsa stock is worth? Do you think he gives a single FUCK about hundreds of millions? This is fucking charity. He could let his bank account go down to $1 and you fuckin' think that Tesla would let him eat Instant Ramen or lose his house? Come on nigga
34 min later 27910104 Anonymous
>3x up (0.007->0.021)
>Literally no profit
>If you held until now you'd be x7
35 min later 27910185 Anonymous
Elon owns over a $billion of DOGE (27% of the supply). He wants it to become a world reserve currency so he will be the first trillionaire.
37 min later 27910262 Anonymous
would be hilarious if true.
He was one of the original paypal devs lol, he was building financial services on the internet before most of his zoomer fanbase was even born. Saying that also doesn't really hold much weight when steve jobs new board level circuitry and board level programming... He literally knew how to build a computer from scratch. He wasn't just a soiboi talking head like a lot of people think; he had extensive electrical engineering knowledge (especially for the time)
37 min later 27910281 Anonymous
he picked a dumb fucking currency and what's worse he could've paid the developers to update the coin
41 min later 27910433 Anonymous
Hi Elon.
42 min later 27910479 Anonymous
My dream is for Doge coin to go up to at least 1 dollar and we can all cash out
42 min later 27910506 Anonymous
Elon's a fake messiah! Lets get this trending!
44 min later 27910572 Anonymous (QmQTb5J5oYq9pTdjuNaxKmZCpiNXiKhoYwDQg3eFUqefCe.png 618x618 93kB)
We need to have Elon put this on his rocket
44 min later 27910595 Anonymous
Becauae he owns 1 billion dollars of it
45 min later 27910623 Anonymous
he really lost my respect for these tweets what a fucking retard he's shedding some bad light on crypto
45 min later 27910650 Anonymous
Thats not how markets work you dumb cunt
46 min later 27910678 Anonymous
>he's shedding some bad light on crypto
please be LARPing
48 min later 27910764 Anonymous
Cheap harbor of stable in a pajeet world, emp. Xi
48 min later 27910766 Anonymous
he still could
48 min later 27910801 Anonymous
I'd rather it just keep poomping and reach LINK levels. If it did that and I bought a 100k stack i'd be fucking rich
49 min later 27910820 Anonymous (EthIZzUWQAITm8m.jpg 828x1028 150kB)
52 min later 27910975 Anonymous
What in Gods name is that pic?
52 min later 27910999 Anonymous
Daddy Elon and Doge
55 min later 27911151 Anonymous
Why did someone spend that much time drawing his bulge?
Much kek, very gay
55 min later 27911165 Anonymous
Hes gonna drop 100 mil soon
57 min later 27911264 Anonymous (EthJGv6VgAAWob4.jpg 590x859 93kB)
58 min later 27911277 Anonymous (elon musk.png 837x1141 407kB)
1 hours later 27911419 Anonymous
All you retards trying to decipher this autists tweets. He is probably just just trying to make a joke like a funny redditor he is.
1 hours later 27911469 Anonymous
Someone on the DOGE general thread posted an update on the coin from one of the devs so it's not dead or abandoned. Plus you can get an infinite amount of it so people owning a lot isn't too bad.
1 hours later 27911511 Anonymous
We need to convert him into a /biz/raeli
1 hours later 27911522 Anonymous (b2mwd6wybsf61.jpg 608x608 54kB)
Believe in Doge
1 hours later 27911627 Anonymous
Anon that is 3d
1 hours later 27911681 Anonymous
How can someone hold a percentage of infinite coins?
1 hours later 27911843 Anonymous
lol nice
1 hours later 27911966 Anonymous (pumpit.jpg 1280x720 128kB)
we need a musk x sminem collab
1 hours later 27911970 Anonymous
Market manipulation : he is selling to normies
>inb4based this is illegal in any healthy Republic this guy would be in prison he is a disgrace to USA economy and society
1 hours later 27912027 Anonymous
1 hours later 27912092 Anonymous
1 hours later 27913253 Anonymous
1 hours later 27913406 Anonymous
Hi Elon hows it going?
1 hours later 27913567 Anonymous
Now THAT’S a kek!
1 hours later 27913882 Anonymous
>He literally knew how to build a computer from scratch
2.807 0.111