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2021-02-06 01:32 27906222 Anonymous /cng/ - Crypto Newfag General (1612516344162.jpg 940x1024 114kB)
I'm creating this general thread for newfags. Why? Because /biz/ is under attack by shills. If you are new to crypto or need information, ask your questions here.
General advice:
- Do not buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ such as Rubic, Bao, or whatever coin of the month it is. More on this below.*
- Only use fiat exchanges (Coinbase Pro has the lowest fees). They feature only the safest coins, and crypto exchanges require ETH for most coins and you will be murdered with fees.
- Always transfer your coins to a digital wallet when able. (Coinbase's wallet app is fine for a start.)
- Safest coins to invest into: BTC/ETH
- Safer coins to invest into: AAVE/UNI/LINK/GRT (BUT DYOR FAGGOT)
- Pick an investment strategy and stick to it. (Ex. Dollar cost average (DCA) or "always buy the dip").
- Diversify your portfolio. At least 2 coins, one of which should be BTC or ETH. Never all-in one coin. Never more than 4 coins sub-$10k.
- Never buy green or all time high, always buy red, unless you're DCAing.
- Don't day/swing trade crypto. Invest with intent to hold for years. Timing the crypto market is nigh-impossible.
- Never sell at a loss.
- Never "panic sell". If you DYOR, you should be confident your investment will eventually be profitable, regardless of dips.
- Never let FUD dictate your actions.
- Never let FOMO dictate your actions.
- Never let your emotions dictate your actions.
*Heavily shilled coins fall under the category of "shitcoins", "scamcoins", "discordcoins", or whatever you want to call them. Rubic, for instance, is using a Discord server to coordinate pump and dumps by generating hype on /biz/. There are hundreds of these coins. If you can't find any information on a coin outside of /biz/, if the developers have essentially no presence outside of their project, or if their website ends in ".finance", avoid it like the plague. Just buying these coins and converting them to and from ETH incurs extremely high fees anyway.
1 min later 27906283 Anonymous
>- Always transfer your coins to a digital wallet when able. (Coinbase's wallet app is fine for a start.)
Why? Is this something I should do if I long hold a BTC for several years?
3 min later 27906357 Anonymous
ngmi general
4 min later 27906395 Anonymous
kek, this
ngmi op lurk more
7 min later 27906493 Anonymous
Reminder if you're a newfags and haven't realized it by now, 80% of threads and posts are made by shills promoting their crappy ponzicoins.
8 min later 27906526 Anonymous
8 min later 27906567 Anonymous
>Safest coins to invest into: BTC/ETH/AAVE/UNI/LINK
Shit advice btw.
10 min later 27906634 Anonymous
Newfag here, how do you tell which shitcoins are pajeet scam and which ones are moonshots? Are there ways to tell them apart?
11 min later 27906680 Anonymous
lose money
13 min later 27906741 Anonymous
What are your thoughts about distributions? I've seen people advise that you once your initial coin investment reaches 2x, you should sell 50%. Or alternatively, you take a 20% profit off the gains you make each month. But what are you supposed to do with this money? I don't need it to pay rent or anything because I've got all living expense covered, am I supposed to put it in ETFs and mutual funds? Why would I even sell or take profit in the first place?
14 min later 27906773 Anonymous
>Always transfer your coins to a digital wallet when able. (Coinbase's wallet app is fine for a start.)
I'm trying to move my measly 5 LINK to metamask but I fucking CAN NOT. Is it binance that is retarded or me?
I did this but still no luck.
https://academy.binance.com/en/arti cles/connecting-metamask-to-binance -smart-chain
14 min later 27906808 Anonymous
But that still doesn't answer why, why shouldn't I just keep my BTC on Coinbase, why should I move it into a wallet?
15 min later 27906835 Anonymous
So, you just follow your gut and gamble on what you think will work? I don't know where to look outside of /biz/ to find good info.
17 min later 27906932 Anonymous
So far, every shit coin trend is that anons buy coin, shill the fuck out of it in /biz/, newfags that got into crypto think they are missing out on the next big thing so they buy, anons cash out, newfags left holding the bag.
18 min later 27906969 Anonymous (safu.jpg 512x512 35kB)
Think about keeping your money in a bank versus under a mattress, except the bank is not backed by the government (exchange hack = go fuck yourself) and your mattress is decentralised and cannot be destroyed
20 min later 27907049 Anonymous (1366669591685.jpg 839x627 70kB)
ok makes sense
22 min later 27907133 Anonymous
unfortunately it's like being able to tell which number of the roulette is going to win. You'd have research a lot each one of them and since there are SO many, you might as well not be able to
26 min later 27907279 Anonymous
This is all reasonable advice.
There's a couple more relatively safe in the Defi category SNX being one. But the points relating to FUD and panic selling are very true.
You can find some gems down the ranks if you are very careful, check the team is legit etc.
26 min later 27907304 Anonymous (1612281442066.gif 368x450 358kB)
if you are new you will just get overwhelmed. it takes a good bit of experience to be half in tune with this chaotic rat fuck and experience takes time. experience will give you intuition on the state of the market, its important to remember that nobody has the full picture of wtf is happening at anytime so take ANY info with a grain of salt. there really is no good info for something that is changing within a matter of minutes. my advice is sit this bull market out and pay attention for a year or two, maybe buying a little bit of shitcoin every now and then aswell.
27 min later 27907346 Anonymous
Just read up on the coin for their utility. Do they fill an important role in the market? Are they contributing anything to society as a whole? That's what you need to be looking out for, otherwise coins might as well be a meme
28 min later 27907369 Anonymous (1612575770740.png 679x391 129kB)
28 min later 27907392 Anonymous
This is great advice also. Whilst there are opportunities make no mistake on Biz we were accumulating the large caps last year. You may want to enter on dips but we don't know when the bull run will end exactly.
29 min later 27907408 Anonymous
dumbfaggot general
30 min later 27907478 Anonymous
10% in growth/ dividend products that are already doing real work and throwing off passive income
Btc is useless; it just anchors the market and sits on coin base waiting for highs and lows. Let retirees play here.
Eth is for using. Don't sit on it. Make it work.
1% in promising shitcoins in defi space. Check teams, backlinks, and venture backing.
31 min later 27907517 Anonymous (1604737277685.png 853x1025 246kB)
If you don't get burnt, you will never learn.
32 min later 27907538 Anonymous
buy USDC with it and lend it somewhere for around 10~15% a year
33 min later 27907573 Anonymous
You can lend stablecoins?
33 min later 27907585 Anonymous
lmao, mattresses are safu
34 min later 27907609 Anonymous
If you have more than 11% of your network in crypto, you're either a pro who's been here since 2014 with a lot of success under your belt, or a degenerate gambler.
If you don't have a network because you were just nuked from orbit by a hedge fund. Focus on getting promoted at work or strong a business in the short term, come back to investing in a few years.
34 min later 27907636 Anonymous
alternatively there is Curve
35 min later 27907655 Anonymous
43 min later 27907963 Anonymous
I've got Coinbase, Coinbase Pro, Binance.us, and Metamask apps on my phone trying to figure out a combination that works for me.
Can I just do a paper wallet for BTC?
51 min later 27908318 Anonymous
Why is www.4chan.org obsessed with Jews? We have done nothing and mind our own business?!
56 min later 27908507 Anonymous (-3o67qu.jpg 228x227 29kB)
i know what your thinking, "i was born a jew and im not bad plz dont gas me." well i got some good news. jews suck but its the rich ones that are the problem. if you arent a rich jew who owns a msm company or some shit you are probably not worth gassing.
57 min later 27908557 Anonymous
this, my grandmother died in the holocaust and now this!!!
57 min later 27908565 Anonymous
Yeah they almost got me the first day, then I realized what was happening.
Anyone hear from SHIBA lately?
go look at their amazing numbers lawl.
58 min later 27908608 Anonymous
how do i make eth work
59 min later 27908675 Anonymous
I can't believe I may have to go through the same thing as our ancestors just because some incels can't get laid.
1 hours later 27908706 Anonymous
buy it?
1 hours later 27908744 Anonymous
I buy crypto to fight inflation against my local currency (Colombian peso). I've moving 70% of my salary to Crypto regardless if the price is high or not. Is a good approach or am I just beign retarded?
1 hours later 27908827 Anonymous
USD begged crypto in DeFi platforms for collecting interest rate is a good idea.
1 hours later 27908860 Anonymous
>I can't believe I may have to go through the same thing as our ancestors
OY VEY da goyim know about our financial scams. Its like anudda shoah.
1 hours later 27908990 Anonymous
And yet you can still at least 2-3x even with obvious p+ds
1 hours later 27909038 Anonymous
DYOR? Is that a perfume?
1 hours later 27909067 Anonymous (481A8F31-3CDB-4BCC-B5D6-FC4730C968BA.jpg 500x332 91kB)
Your grandma didn’t die in the holocaust, there was no such thing. She probably died of some shitty genetic disease that all of you seem to have from being so inbred.
1 hours later 27909139 Anonymous
This is extremely anti-Semitic!!1!!!!
Do you feel no shame?!
1 hours later 27909163 Anonymous
do your own research
1 hours later 27909198 Anonymous
Gas to power on chain work.
I guess there's nothing inherently wrong with keeping drums of light sweet crude in your garage, but there's better options for newfag crypto investors.
Op's advice was solid in 2018. Now crypto does stuff.
1 hours later 27909281 Anonymous (26681252-579C-4AF6-BD4F-C899E1E37E9D.jpg 518x749 71kB)
1 hours later 27909325 Anonymous
Is Gilad Atzmon popular among your people?
1 hours later 27909355 Anonymous (1590101464975.png 507x423 253kB)
im a complete crypto noob. im thinking of throwing $500 into it. got any advice or tips?
how do you evaluate coins? should i try swing trading coins or should I just buy and hold, what is more effective?
1 hours later 27909503 Anonymous
If you try to swing trade as a noob you will fail and you will hate yourself
Just buy some link, btc, eth, grt and hodl it for at least a couple of months
1 hours later 27909675 Anonymous
There's too many coins out there
1 hours later 27909739 Anonymous
If you are new, it's better to hold. It will take time to recognise patterns, opportunities, scams, etc - you'll need to be familiar to know when it's the right time to swing. You can't go wrong with Rubic and the various DeFi platforms like AVAX and FTM this year. Remember, it's the market cap size of the coin that matters how well you'll profit.
1 hours later 27909868 Anonymous
I don't think there is an universal approach. I can't speak about recursive market prediction patterns (prediction on predictions) and counter-intuitively sometimes, centralization is a strong incentive for self-promoting systems (happened to dollar, now to BTC). But I assume the value of a coin is eventually decided by how useful it is for the people, which means it needs to be a good store of value (people who create valuable things want to be protected, i.e. how the dollar associate your worth with your identity which discourage thief) and it should be able to sustain a large ecosystem of products (people want to do stuff and create tradable assets for the highest number of users, i.e. identity-binding legal contracts or smart-contracts with little financial gatekeeping and low tx time/fees). So having some technical understandings of crypto is detrimental in long term holds, it allows you to predict where creators of value will move next.
If you don't want to be scammed, just be honest with yourself. Stay open-minded to the idea everything you believe in is fundamentally wrong, and don't FOMO into anything. For instance, if the team behind a token isn't self-aware of the scam environment it's in, they are either stupid or dishonest. Every bit of information they provide should be clear and easily understood. Also, to begin with you could legitimately ask yourself if the project is even useful to someone like you or close to you. If you don't see the point of it other than avoiding overcoming the fear of losing your bag, you're probably on the wrong side of the hype.
1 hours later 27909914 Anonymous
If you're not day trading, what is the period of your DCA?
1 hours later 27910240 Anonymous
>You can't go wrong with Rubic and the various DeFi platforms like AVAX and FTM this year. Remember, it's the market cap size of the coin that matters how well you'll profit.
can you explain further?
1 hours later 27910454 Anonymous
https://unhashed.com/cryptocurrency -terms-faq/market-cap/
If a coin costs $100,000 or $0.01 doesn't matter. What matters is how much gains you get. You'll make more money from a coin going from a market cap of $10 million to $100 million than you will from a coin with a $1 billion market cap going to $2 billion.
1 hours later 27910494 Anonymous
I am new as well, but market cap is number of coins X value of each coin. The smaller the market cap, the easier it is to profit
Say you have X dollars in a coin with a market cap of $1 million. You hold for a month and the market cap is now $2 million. Congrats, your coins have now doubled in value.
1 hours later 27910512 Anonymous
where will bitcoin be in 5 years?
1 hours later 27910608 Anonymous
if you are a poorfag (less than 5k startup capital) following these advices will grant you 2x-5x on your initial investment over a 2year period (ie ngmi). you can do way better in crypto.
if you are a poorfag your best bet to make money is flip DeFi shitcoins on Uniswap.
1 hours later 27910683 Anonymous
3 weeks ago it was a token supply scam; today, top 4 most recommended safe coin in like every fucking thread.
This is why op's advice fails. The approach to what crypto is and does is different now. More projects are becoming only loosely coupled with btc price. Gas prices are having more dramatic impact on movement and price than news does. A hack gets fixed in a day and we're back to collateralized lending.
1 hours later 27910703 Anonymous
Lmao as if poorfags can afford the Eth gas fees to flip shitcoins.
1 hours later 27910750 Anonymous
That's what I've been getting into but the gas fees are fucking ridiculous
1 hours later 27910996 Anonymous (1200x0.jpg 1200x799 73kB)
What are gas fees?
1 hours later 27911039 Anonymous
Use your brain and critical thinking to research the coin, or don't and just treat uniswap like a casino
1 hours later 27911104 Anonymous
Is 10k grt enough to delegate if I plan on long terming?
1 hours later 27911154 Anonymous
if i put 2000 euros in BTC and wait 5 years, i'll be a rich /biz/nessman or what
1 hours later 27911298 Anonymous
Most blockchains charge you a fee to perform a transaction, and this fee is usually used to pay the validators nodes. On the Etherurm network the fees are extremely high because Ethereum doesn't scale well, too many people trying to use it more than it can handle thus pushing fees up because supply and demand.
1 hours later 27911315 Anonymous
The amount of eth it takes to process a transaction, or perform a function, on money skeleton's blockchain.
1 hours later 27911551 Anonymous
Zero'd, unless it evolves to PoS. Most pool operators will go against it though.
2 hours later 27911615 Anonymous
yeah i get market cap, i was referring to;
>You can't go wrong with Rubic and the various DeFi platforms like AVAX and FTM this year.
2 hours later 27911800 Anonymous
I can't even see how you transfer coins to a wallet using binance.us
2 hours later 27912220 Anonymous
No, because bitcoin can't go up enough to turn €2000 into millions. In fact, it'll probably go down because there are so many better cyptos than bitcoin.
Rubic will solve the very high gas fee problem when exchanging coins. DeFi, or decentralised finance, is the future. The current centralised financial system sucks for many reasons:
>Fiat inflation steals your savings.
>Shit interest rates on bank's savings accounts while banks make billions. Meanwhile 3% interest is considered low on DeFi currently.
>9:30 am to 4pm trading times for retail investors, whereas big firms who can trade out of hours. DeFi is 24/7.
>manipulation of stock prices and fraud rampant as seen by GME fiasco
>Retail stockbrokers and money wire companies charge far more than DeFi platforms will do, if not already.
>DeFi allows people in countries with shitty economic management to keep their money safe, the Colombian in this thread is an example.
2 hours later 27912300 Anonymous
Is mining still worth it for shitcoins? Had some extra cash and was considering throwing together a 5k mining rig with 6 GPUs
2 hours later 27912811 Anonymous
Would you agree to the analogy that Bitcoin will always be the gold of the crypto realm? Whereas DeFi is Banking 2.0.
>DeFi allows people in countries with shitty economic management to keep their money safe
This prediction rings true to me. I visited Kenya in 2013 and was blown away by the simplicity and robustness of their mobile banking. They skipped right over land lines and went straight to a cell phone money transfer system that worked great.
2 hours later 27913278 Anonymous
>Would you agree to the analogy that Bitcoin will always be the gold of the crypto realm?
No. Bitcoin was originally promoted as the new global currency, but the narrative has changed to "store of value" since it's transaction per second limitations have come clear. It's a cope for an obsolete system. If people want a store of value they'll use stable coins. Currently the stable coins we have are tied to fiat, but projects like DAI plan to create stable coins backed by a wide variety of assets algorithmically, and these will be neither inflationary or deflationary- truly stable. There are also people who really want to keep their "store of value" private, which is where privacy coins like Monero come in, since bitcoin is not actually private.
>Whereas DeFi is Banking 2.0
Yes, for sure. It won't completely replace them, but current banks will have far less power than they do now and will be forced to be more competitive if they wish to survive.
2 hours later 27913856 Anonymous
Newfag here.
I've done some research and learned to stay away from ConBase.
So should I go with Gemini or Kraken?
Also should I use the exchange wallet (Gemini/Kraken) or a hardware wallet?
2 hours later 27913969 Anonymous
I think all but the most gutter first gen shit coins have moved on to ASICs. You could join a mining pool?
I never play with that stuff, so hopefully someone can give better answers.
2 hours later 27913977 Anonymous
>It's a cope for an obsolete system
But it's the only one that has mainstream acceptance. Yesterday I watched a lady at the grocery store trying to use a Coinstar machine to send $600USD worth of Bitcoin. Are you saying it's just a bubble? How do you account for the fact that institutions and normies will keep it relevant perhaps forever?
2 hours later 27914031 Anonymous
>I've done some research and learned to stay away from ConBase.
Why do you say that? I'm trying to pick an exchange too.
2 hours later 27914069 Anonymous
>I watched a lady at the grocery store trying to use a Coinstar machine to send $600USD worth of Bitcoin
Fuck... are we crashing already?
2 hours later 27914248 Anonymous
Use Binance
Currently Bitcoin is the face of crypto therefore it's the current go-to currency, but as adoption of crypto increases people will become aware of and move to better coins. It'll go like MySpace.
2 hours later 27914273 Anonymous (975881E1-3D72-40DE-B99F-A98BEAAF6FFD.png 1619x1080 3596kB)
Invest in chink owned AMC frens, crypto is over because Biden and libs. Invest in a good old fashioned chinese owned american stock like
2 hours later 27914406 Anonymous
I made a thread on this the other day. My theory is that the Robinhood IPO will be worth paying attention to because of the publicity they get from the GME debacle. It's "bad press" but PT Barnum was right. Trump was right. All publicity is good publicity. And I'm seeing it work.
If you look at normie instagram and facebook, you will see people you never imagined being engaged in cryptos and PnDs. I was seeing HODL memes and dogecoin memes from complete absolute normie retards. I'm seeing people shill GRT on facebook to people who clearly have zero context.
2 hours later 27914461 Anonymous
Goybase is good but it WILL go down at crucial moments. But you can setup an autobuy on it to DCA into Bitcoin which is what I always recommend any newfags. So don’t try to buy in during massive pumps and dont capitulate during dumps which are the two times goybase usually goes down.
2 hours later 27914605 Anonymous
>Use Binance
Why tho? Lower fees?
>It'll go like MySpace
The bitcoiners on /biz/ are saying it's the only one that isn't central banking 2.0. That it's the only one that is truly noninflationary and decentralized. Who is wrong?
Thank you for your advice. This stuff has a steep learning curve.
2 hours later 27914707 Anonymous
If you want easy money just go with the flow and shit up your str- nevermind that last part. But jokes aside just follow what the poojeets are shilling invest and pull out at 25% profit, they usually go for 100-150%+ and pull out, but keep telling people to buy in so that it doesn't go down to fast. But really you just have to invest small amount, wait to earn some small amount back, pull out and search for next poo coin. I did this and wen from $100 to $2312 in a month, it was obviously not worth my time because I have a full time job and make six figures, but if you are a neet and don't mind risking and starting with say 1k or even 10k, you can make it big, just don't be greedy and pull out even when it seems like the coin will moon.
3 hours later 27914835 Anonymous
And lastly, don't do this if you value your nerves and sleep schedule, it was particularity damaging for me, I can't even imagine what would have happened if I had gone and used 10k as I initial intended to.
3 hours later 27914841 Anonymous
I have very low tolerance for outages and bad execution. Just fucking around on Robinhood I missed out on a 2% BTC run I had meticulously charted because it refused to fill my buy and sell orders that were well within the bid/ask ranges for over 15 minutes. So here I am.
3 hours later 27914944 Anonymous
I feel that lmao all my setups have been going off between midnight and 6 am. Last night I had to just let it ride, put my phone in another room and just check this morning.
3 hours later 27915030 Anonymous
>Why tho? Lower fees?
Low fees, reliable, and a wide range of coins on their exchange. But more importantly for DeFi investing it supports the Binance Chain. I use it for moving my FTM from my Binance account to my Fanton wallet for very low fees.
3 hours later 27915085 Just bought my first Crypto. Maybe I goofed?
Quick question.
I notice .finance is warned about. Any reason?
I just saw @WHITE aka whiteheart on coin gecko and it had a 30m market cap and it dipped. Seems like a logical time to buy, but the .finace adds hesitation.
3 hours later 27915165 Anonymous
Also for OP, I currently have 50DOT and 1000ADA that I stake, I don't play to invest further in crypto any time soon. The market will crash mid March of early April, when that happens it will be in your best interest to get in and buy any promising, but boring coins. The likes of DOT, ADA, ETH, LINK, maybe also one or two meme coins and just wait for the next big crypto craze, it shouldn't take more than 2-3 years to happen again, but sell at a 10-15x, don't wait for an impossible 100x, sometimes it will happen, but Binance and similar services will "slow down" and prevent people from cashing in.
3 hours later 27915182 Anonymous
So I should just hold like 10% of my deposit in the binance chain to pay for the fees at a lower rate?
3 hours later 27915260 Anonymous
Auto correct sucks.
3 hours later 27915283 Anonymous
>Why do you say that? I'm trying to pick an exchange too.
High fees, terrible customer service, random account lockdowns, outages during major market moves.
The only reason to use Conbase is bc its super easy to use for retards and newfags.
3 hours later 27915305 Anonymous
Bitcoin is the only shit that matters, ignore the retard and DYOR.
Rest of the coins are speculative assets, that doesn’t make them bad, but just know what you’re investing into. Most fags have a shitcoin bag they want to peddle you.
Binance will fill your orders even during the times it goes down which is usually way less and its one of the bigger exchanges. If you’re a yank you can also try Voyager.
3 hours later 27915316 Anonymous
But what if the binance listing of my shitcoin will make the price go up so I want to buy in before that
3 hours later 27915441 Anonymous
>>27906222 great post
anon please do your take on defi
3 hours later 27915457 Anonymous
Three years ago .io was SCAM STAY OUT. Now you need to have half your crypto in them or you're losing money.
Indicators like that are voodoo bullshit.
You're not going to like this, because you're not from here. WHITE TEAM. Period.
3 hours later 27915588 Anonymous
>If you’re a yank you can also try Voyager.
I am and I will, thank you.
The difference between Binance and Binance.us escapes me but I'm still looking into it. Good to hear it's a good service, and I believe USD holdings are federally insured.
3 hours later 27915723 Anonymous
So just put money in BTC and maybe Cosmo?
3 hours later 27915854 Anonymous (quote-who-in-their-right-mind-would-ever-need-more-than-640k-of-ram-bill-gates-55-87-89.jpg 850x400 64kB)
>The bitcoiners on /biz/ are saying it's the only one that isn't central banking 2.0. That it's the only one that is truly noninflationary and decentralized. Who is wrong?
They are bagholders who want it's value to go up so they can sell for profit. People on here will FUD about just about anything for their own gain.
No. Just use the Binance chain for moving crypto to/from the exchange to DeFi platforms. Fees are low enough anyway.
I don't understand your question. If your goal is to make money off shit coins then yes buying before it gets listed on Binance is a good idea.
>Bitcoin is the only shit that matters.
Pic rel is you.
3 hours later 27916098 Anonymous
To all the people saying DYOR, where are reputable places to look at facts?
For stocks I can look at all sorts of concrete info like SEC filings, institutional holdings, and of course market news and product announcements.
What are the "SEC filings" of the crypto market?
3 hours later 27916170 Anonymous
Really hard to "make it work" with these retarded gwei prices.
Might as well invest in Polka or Cardano so they might replace ETH faster.
3 hours later 27916213 Anonymous
But then I can't use binance to buy it. What's a good platform to buy shitcoins with?
3 hours later 27916237 Anonymous
Kinda the wild west bro. That's why there's actual money to be made. Within 10years you'll have to be an accredited investor just to buy at ico. Enjoy the sun while it shines.
3 hours later 27916277 Anonymous
>He hasn’t been keeping up with Bitcoins transactional layer developments lately
Bitcoin is nowhere my top holdings but I am merely using alts to stack sats. I am not delusional.
3 hours later 27916279 Anonymous
I've been looking at this. Wish I moved a month ago though...
3 hours later 27916343 Anonymous
Coinmetro has the lowest fees and only lists gems. The founder does a weekly Q&A.
3 hours later 27916442 Anonymous
Don’t go with Binance if you’re merican, you’ll have to use the dead Binance.Us, it’s good for non-US fags.
Stick to voyager, gemini, kraken.
3 hours later 27916519 Anonymous
I always knew how crypto works from a technical standpoint but until I started buying coins and looking into the developers I realised that essentially you're buying into either a business application and/or someone's belief they can solve a technical problem in a better way than everyone else can. What do you all normally exchange to when you want to "cash out"? I'm on binance btw
3 hours later 27916613 Anonymous
after reading some of these comments I feel a lot more confused. now I REALLY dont know what to do. what is crypto wealth? there are so many coins, tokens, apps, a whole lot of SHIT that i really dont care about.
what i want to know is simple. how do you create tangible wealth and gains using crypto. how do you hedge from fiat losing value? how do you use this technology to pay the rent. how do you use it to feed yourself?
can anyone even answer this?
3 hours later 27917224 Anonymous (uniswap horror.jpg 358x617 19kB)
Too fucking much.
3 hours later 27917337 Anonymous
How do you do any of those things with other units of value that aren't super liquid? Basically the same principles. You don't refinance your house to buy a sandwich; similarly, you wouldn't use eth to buy a captain America funco pop.
Investments (whether they be in future profits like stocks or future work like crypto) generally don't get you through the day to day.
3 hours later 27917866 Anonymous
You buy from Binance (usually Eth) and use exchanges like 1inch and uniswap to get your shitcoins.
>Lightning Network
Even if it solves the scaling problem, it does not solve the volatility problem.
Once gas fees for exchanging currencies is solved and you can store your wealth in any coin you want, and then seamlessly convert it into whatever the payee wants, why store in anything but a stablecoin?
4 hours later 27918321 Anonymous
what if my goal is wealth? what if my investment goal is getting through the day to day? what is the purpose in buying crypto with fiat?
4 hours later 27918354 Anonymous
The thing about Bitcoin is that it's not more gold than any other crypto. All of them have parametrized scarcity. The safest coins are the ones with inevitable usage and talented developers, such as avalanche, cardano, tezos, etc.
4 hours later 27918662 Anonymous
Oldfag, newfag here. Thanks, dude.
4 hours later 27918713 Anonymous (1612291790489.jpg 613x752 33kB)
Invested 5k into my first portfolio. Tell me if I did well. This is all for long term gains
>$1k on GRT
>$1k on ADA
>$1k on ALGO
>one ETH but will cash out when it reaches 2k out of fear of crashing
>$1k on FTM
I dont have BTC and LINK because I want a good price to buy myself in.
4 hours later 27918904 Anonymous
>eth killers that aren't FTM
Complete shit. Imagine diversifying 5k. Put 4k into a Defi bluechip and 1k into a moonshot faggot
4 hours later 27919047 Anonymous
That's strange, I got a complete opposite reaction yesterday. Also, tell me more about Defi Bluechip and I dont want to do short-term stuff like Rubic right now cause I'm too poor for those gas fees
4 hours later 27919091 Anonymous
>Complete shit. Imagine diversifying 5k. Put 4k into a Defi bluechip and 1k into a moonshot faggot
Algo is shit?
4 hours later 27919128 Anonymous
Why you chose those coins?
4 hours later 27919131 Anonymous
>what if my goal is wealth
Line go up?
Idk. I guess I don't understand your question. I can live with that.
4 hours later 27919242 Anonymous
Stake your FTM for 14% interest.
Convert your ADA and ALGO to RBC and AVAX. Not sure about GRT myself.
>short-term stuff like Rubic
Holding for at least a year is not short-term.
4 hours later 27919249 Anonymous
It's my opinion you tards. DYOR. You're gonna find one anon that says its shit and one that says it good. I think ADA might have a good run but eating Eths marketshare but ETH WILL NOT BE REPLACED so I don't pay attention to Eth killers except FTM. I'm not invested in FTM but it looks promising and I'm keeping my eye on it. GRT is fine.
If you diversify 5k you are a retard. DYOR. DYOR. DYOR. I would put 4k into SNX/AAVE/some other defi bluechip and 1k into FTM. YOUR COINS ARE GOING TO BLEED FOR A WHILE THOUGH, WHEN BITCOIN GOES UP ALTS GO DOWN. ITS BITCOIN SEASON SOON. Goodluck
4 hours later 27919431 Anonymous (1566249790836.jpg 458x486 14kB)
after doing some research, GRT, despite being new, got into fiat exchange quickly and gained at a ridiculous rate to the point it reached $1 yesterday so I think that will give me 2-3x profits EOY. As for ADA, similar reason but it was recommended by a bunch of six figure holders so I'm following that. FTM is touted as the biggest ETH killer so I'm following that, and as for ALGO, I went in after a few days of checking its charting.
>Stake your FTM for 14% interest.
I'm still new to this, what do you mean? also again, even if I want to go for RBC, it only takes ETH and the fees are beyond fucked
4 hours later 27919477 Anonymous
I feel like the staking reward on ALGO will help it keep some type of floor but who knows.
4 hours later 27919521 Anonymous (1610937818800.png 1059x595 224kB)
>ETH reaches 10k ATH at peak of bull market
>bear market begins
Where does ETH bottom out at before the next bull market? Are we talking about from $10k to $5k? Are we talking about $10k to $1k? How big of a drop are you expecting for the bear market? When do you think it will begin?
4 hours later 27919587 Anonymous
https://www.fantom.foundation/ftm-s taking/
4 hours later 27919629 Anonymous
You know it’s newfag season when we have generals like this lol
/Biz/ has no sticky for a reason
4 hours later 27919719 Anonymous
I believe that they are trying to get their user base up to a max before finishing their net & decentralizing. Should I just bite the bullet and try it?
4 hours later 27919750 Anonymous
I you bought GRT, why no LINK?
Why ADA and not DOT or other "ETH killers" beyong FTM?
You FOMO'd ALGO? DOGE pumped hard too just like other shitcoins . Are you going to buy anything that goes big green number?
Those are questions that you need to answer to yourself if you're planning to invest in crypto beyond the average /biz/ retard
4 hours later 27919768 Anonymous
thanks fren!
4 hours later 27919809 Anonymous
>find old laptop from 2012
>was browsing /g/ around that time, first heard about bitcoin
>laptop is just full of porn and anime and linux config shit
fuck sake
4 hours later 27919824 Anonymous
Is this financial advice?
4 hours later 27919940 Anonymous
>I you bought GRT, why no LINK?
because its too late for me to get into LINK. I'm hoping GRT becomes like LINK where it goes from under a dollar to 15+. I actually didnt do any research on DOT.
Remember, I only got 5k, there's only so much I could buy
4 hours later 27920013 Anonymous (1612556465770.jpg 461x578 35kB)
thank you fren for making this thread, it has been very hard to navigate the shilling and counter shilling
i feel like pajeet scams grow stronger and smarter by the day
4 hours later 27920078 Anonymous
Nothing wrong with investing only 100 dollars in some coin if you think it's a good project
4 hours later 27920146 Anonymous
fuck you faggot ive been browsing 4chan since 2005, no one gives a shit what you think. neck
4 hours later 27920179 Anonymous
I gotcha. Thanks fren
I really do want a fat stack of linkies but the dream is long gone. Maybe when it dips below $20 I'll buy some. For now I have to get into some early projects and just hold
4 hours later 27920226 Anonymous
I have 75% of my networth in crypto. 160k. I’ll adjust that down to 25% all btc when we get closer to the bear market. Not missing the train
4 hours later 27920306 Anonymous
Of the crypto available on Revolut which one should I buy? I'll probably forget I bought it immediately and check back in three years.
4 hours later 27920395 Anonymous
Are the memes actually funny?
Yes: Legit
No: Scam
4 hours later 27920578 Anonymous
At what point should I move my coins off binance and into a different Wallet? I have some. Jtcoin which I plan to hold Long term and have moved into a Trezor one, but that doesn’t support other new coins. E.g. my GRT, do I just keep on binance/exchange?
4 hours later 27920598 Anonymous
Newfag here, just put 50$ in eth, do you think the price will go up to a similar price to bitcoin? It's the second most used currency and almost every other shitcoin is backed up by it.
4 hours later 27920841 Anonymous
No, eth makes little sense at the current price, thought that may change when eth 2.0 drops.
Also, considering the supply and market cap of both tokens, its literally impossible for eth to ever reach the highs of btc
4 hours later 27921464 Anonymous (1612226753332.jpg 1241x1544 141kB)
i got some links from a previous thread
apparently these ones can help you research coins and see if they are good:
i havent looked too much into these yet but they seem to provide a lot of details
tokensniffer.com this one i think is to see if its a scam coin
4 hours later 27921556 Anonymous (1612626558125.jpg 866x600 38kB)
Lowest rates of military service, highest rates of nepotism/in group preference, highly visible ones are often promoting policies detrimental to anyone not in a protected class/race, their religion refers to others races as cattle
Hmm I wonder why these people are hated as a group...
4 hours later 27921688 Anonymous
Is PiNetwork a scam?
4 hours later 27921772 Anonymous
4 hours later 27922251 Anonymous
Look up what "market cap" is. Then look at the circulating supply of the two.
4 hours later 27922311 Anonymous
What are good trading sites? I've seen coinbase thrown around, so what would be another credible one? Also, complete newfag so what exactly is a Crypto Wallet, why is it important, and where do you create one?
5 hours later 27922448 Anonymous
Why is Monero not in Coinbase?
There are coins that were listed on Coinbase that popped up, and disappeared, and yet Monero still exists and hasn't been a giant pump and dump.
5 hours later 27922704 Anonymous
What do you guys think about PayPal selling crypto? They just started selling BTC, ETH and LTC. You can't do shit with it except let it sit there but it's painless to buy if you already have an account and are just generally clueless.
5 hours later 27922999 Anonymous (wallhaven-oxpr35.jpg 2508x3541 1301kB)
Both Coinbase and Paypal want to be the new Visa, but they need to lure normies into crappiest shitcoins since actual platforms btfo their entire business model.
5 hours later 27923579 Anonymous
is technical analysis useful with crypto?
5 hours later 27923590 Anonymous
>Safer coins to invest into: AAVE/UNI/LINK/GRT
Literal shill thread disguised as newbie advice. How devilish.
5 hours later 27923818 Anonymous (1592268863337.png 440x661 592kB)
Is there some way to borrow or short a shitty obscure erc20 token?
5 hours later 27924898 Anonymous
5 hours later 27925326 Anonymous
What is the benefit of having a wallet? I have all my crypto assets on CoinbasePro.
5 hours later 27925348 Anonymous
That is a very nice picture. Can I have it?
5 hours later 27925825 Anonymous
If the exchange goes under, so do your funds - perhaps now the situation is different, but historically a lot of shady stuff has happened with exchanges scamming, or getting hacked (i.e. MtGox). If you have a wallet, have several hardware copies of it, then you control it, not someone else.
5 hours later 27926040 Anonymous
5 hours later 27926067 Anonymous
The last couple of weeks I got about $600 gains in BTC/ETH. I put them in a Ledger. What is my gameplan now? I am long time holder.
5 hours later 27926294 Anonymous
How badly will I get scammed if I buy into the $MCDC shilling?
5 hours later 27926406 Anonymous
You can't transfer Revolut crypto outside. So it's stuck there.
6 hours later 27927203 Anonymous
What wallet would you recommend? I know there is a bunch of them.
6 hours later 27928199 Anonymous
Depends on the crypto you hold and where you want to keep it - as an app on your PC, or this and stake coins (in case of ADA, afaik), or as hardware - and probably will depend on your investment strategy.
DYOR applies here, as ultimately it will be both what you think you want to do (even if it is of limited knowledge and foresight) and your own responsibility for its implementation (i.e. good spot for where you would keep your external wallets).
One piece of advice, be patient and don't rush - take a week to explore wallets, understand what you need, how they work, cases of use, etc. Write them down and ponder a little. Then decide.
6 hours later 27928590 Anonymous
hello mister anon this no problem for we.
i thanking you for the comments and having an nice day sir
6 hours later 27928641 Anonymous
Got some research to do. Thank you man.
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