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2021-02-06 12:47 27904581 Anonymous My short has been liquidated (bobo7.jpg 217x232 8kB)
Fuck bitcoin
Fuck you all
And fuck this shithole of a board. Bye
0 min later 27904610 Anonymous
Why would you short right before scheduled pump
1 min later 27904628 Anonymous
Should have bought ETPs instead
2 min later 27904645 Anonymous
how about stop using leverage retard
2 min later 27904674 Anonymous (1612507495703.jpg 888x894 267kB)
>they never learned
2 min later 27904681 Anonymous
don't be dramatic and clean up those ketchup stains
2 min later 27904682 Anonymous
3 min later 27904698 Anonymous (btcover40k1.png 1800x1252 2208kB)
nothing personal bobocuck
3 min later 27904701 Anonymous
how about you shut the fuck up the sell wall was HUGE at 40k this is not organic all this market is manipulated fuck you all
4 min later 27904763 Anonymous
neh neh neh-neh neh
5 min later 27904775 Anonymous
and? you knew that damn well since 2016
5 min later 27904798 Anonymous
>babby's first scam wick
6 min later 27904809 Anonymous
lol the crypto motto is HODL and you literally sold in the HODL stage
6 min later 27904824 Anonymous (boboed.jpg 754x427 170kB)
6 min later 27904843 Anonymous
>>USDT is going to collapse
7 min later 27904853 Anonymous
What fucking leverage did you use to get liquidated by a 1% pump?
7 min later 27904881 Anonymous (ss+(2021-02-06+at+06.09.50).png 1207x528 95kB)
here try trading in log scale if you want to make it next time you FOMO in
https://www.blockchaincenter.net/bi tcoin-rainbow-chart/
8 min later 27904913 Anonymous
Yay, another fud that won't be shitting up the board with 'sell now it's over' Eat shit.
9 min later 27904938 Anonymous
No, fuck you, you lost haha. Where's ya money gone? Oopsy haha. Hoho ho he heh
9 min later 27904953 Anonymous (1603802184791-1.jpg 518x442 150kB)
>pink id
11 min later 27905012 Anonymous (holy kek.jpg 442x446 33kB)
11 min later 27905020 Anonymous
>shorting a bullmarket
12 min later 27905072 Anonymous
geet fucked bobo just 10x borrow bought at 39500
13 min later 27905090 Anonymous
Knew you were samefagging
13 min later 27905113 Anonymous
No shit lol. China mines half of it and what they dint mine they get from exchanges by bleeding btc from alts. Too bad it’s due to dump next week with their new year. You were a week early lmao. 2 year bear market ahead :)
14 min later 27905131 Anonymous
just tell me when, don't want to be left holding dust
14 min later 27905143 Anonymous
15 min later 27905166 Anonymous (aygvz.jpg 867x818 86kB)
15 min later 27905189 Anonymous
plz dont leave
the fun is just starting
15 min later 27905196 Anonymous
16 min later 27905205 Anonymous
Rule number 1 in timing a market.
Never short a Bull market
18 min later 27905288 Anonymous
Hope you are right. Chinese new year is my last hope
21 min later 27905394 Anonymous (index.png 252x200 9kB)
My alts are bleeding but kikes are getting liquidated. Can't really complain, a good day overall.
24 min later 27905515 Anonymous
https://www.coindesk.com/chinese-ne w-year-dump-not-this-year
31 min later 27905736 Anonymous
We warned them. China wants control over Bitcoin. Better off putting money into DeFi this year.
I feel so sorry for the retards who won’t let this shitcoin go. The tech is so old, and we all know what happens to old tech.
54 min later 27906586 Anonymous (1611878209527.jpg 960x951 58kB)
57 min later 27906732 Anonymous
Why did you short in a literal s2f planned market? Seriously? At least just hold and wait and see fuck
57 min later 27906735 Anonymous
Why did my thread end up as comment here wtf
1 hours later 27907365 Anonymous
probably x125
1 hours later 27907456 Anonymous (1611889388494.jpg 1125x1144 356kB)
I shorted btc with x50 leverage and made money just now, got lucky it scamwicked down to 39500 though
1 hours later 27907484 Anonymous (1600411669001.png 128x128 24kB)
>BOBO gets liquidated before BTC goes back to 39k
The irony...
1 hours later 27907514 Anonymous
39 900 I meant
1 hours later 27907564 Anonymous
he should have stepped his shorts, at a little every time the price goes up by a lot
would have gotten liquidated to if I hadn't done that
1 hours later 27907575 Anonymous
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck you bobo stay poor
1 hours later 27907578 Anonymous
is there anything funnier than bobo seethe posts after they lose it all lmao
1 hours later 27907738 Anonymous (1611873887350.jpg 770x766 119kB)
we got another one, boys
1 hours later 27907812 Anonymous
Did you put a stop loss at 10 cents?
1 hours later 27909195 Anonymous (1612370600504.jpg 200x200 24kB)
1 hours later 27909228 Anonymous
>he doesn't know about the 4 year cycle
1 hours later 27909271 Anonymous
>the sell wall was HUGE
retards still fall for this shit? lmao
2 hours later 27909625 Anonymous
pls explain im new
2 hours later 27909933 Anonymous
Why is Bobo such a duplicitous rat?
2 hours later 27910023 Anonymous
Buying 0.01 bitcoin. As soon as I press the buy button, price will drop fucking fast to 30k, its always like this when I put money into something, get ready to sell.
2 hours later 27910625 Anonymous
Feel sorry for yourself man. No one is regretting their BTC purchase. You just don't like it because you don't own enough of it.
2 hours later 27910767 Anonymous
The walls are often fake, to make it seem like there is resistance when they then just pull the wall at the last minute and then liquidate retarded bobos like OP.
2 hours later 27910844 Anonymous (1558343338175.jpg 600x477 357kB)
>Chinese new year is my last hope
2 hours later 27911078 Anonymous
>t. 20x leverage liquidated on satoshi fluctuation level
2 hours later 27911170 Anonymous
Oh no I'm happy for those who are profiting from this. I just don't personally believe BTC will be anything other than a catalyst for the official segue into peoples awareness of web 3.0. It isn't scalable, it consumes an enormous amount of energy, and the WEF are already talking about a 'great reset', which will mean a transition to environmentally friendly technologies. It is UNBELIEVABLY slow (remember what happened to dial-up?), and it has high transaction fees. LTC is actually unironically a superior coin to BTC, practically speaking.
Overall, I want BTC to pump because it will pump the rest of the market. I would rather invest my money in projects like Iota, Cardano, Hedera and Elastos, because I believe that they speak more for the future than BTC does.
2 hours later 27911234 Anonymous
Can you let the thread die already?
fucking idiots
2 hours later 27911314 Anonymous
This man is directly from wallstreetcucks.
Laugh at him.
2 hours later 27911319 Anonymous (crying bobo.jpg 1440x1416 67kB)
jesus fucking christ how new are you? EVERYONE KNOWS BUY/SELL WALLS ARE FAKE. The whales and exchanges just spoof that bullshit to fuck with retards like you.
2 hours later 27911338 Anonymous
Why are bears so pottymouthed and emotional when things don't go their way?
2 hours later 27911441 Anonymous
>First run to 40k happened on a weekend probably Elon dumping billions into Bitcoin
>he shorts on weekends, the time where IF institutional investors want in they will buy there
Absolutely fucking retarded
2 hours later 27911449 Anonymous (soyboy tulipmania.jpg 1139x900 124kB)
Because they feel so smug spending months on end spamming the generic market cycle meme picture, and then screaming all the meme terms like "falling knife! double top! dead cat bounce! return to normal! descending wedge!" and fail to delivery every fucking time.
I'd be pissed off too if I were a paper-handed faggot who got shaken out in early january by the weak-ass tether fud
2 hours later 27911487 Anonymous
>he shorted during bullmarket with x10 leverage
sorry for your loss anon, and hope you didn't lose what you couldn't afford to lose, but you got what you fucking deserve for being a retard
2 hours later 27911601 Anonymous
I will never understand the degenerate gamblers doing shit like x125 leverage trading. Why you go that far up, you're betting on microscopic price movements that are effectively just random brownian motion. You might as well just go play roulette at the casino. And that's without getting into the fact that CZ manipulates the fuck out of short-term moves to liquidate the leverage traders on his platform.
2 hours later 27911651 Anonymous
2 hours later 27911734 Anonymous (2CC182A3-24F2-4054-9F89-293B74A47DA8.jpg 2632x1967 226kB)
>this market is manipulated
2 hours later 27911781 Anonymous
2 hours later 27911905 Anonymous
can confirm it does not work, but putting 1$ on x125 for shits an giggles is fun
2 hours later 27912022 Anonymous
>The tech is so old, and we all know what happens to old tech.
It is bought in large quantities by the government and defined as standard?
2 hours later 27912074 Anonymous
can't do that
2 hours later 27912104 Anonymous
If people wanted to transact all of the time they would use lightning because despite the fud lightning actually works great and it costs just one sat to move coins on it. We should see more adoption of it this year with kraken and okcoin joining into support lightning in the next few months so that will help quite a bit. But since most people prefer to use it for wealth storage the slow speeds barely matter. Average transaction on chain is now $150k.
I like other coins that have more features, but for wealth storage who the hell needs features? You just need it to stay put and not have the economics work against you. All of this "new tech" has unproven economics. Even ETH isn't in its final economic state so it's a bit ridiculous to assume it's somehow got it all figured out.
2 hours later 27912153 Anonymous
>CZ manipulates the fuck out of short-term moves
That would be a big risk since it might promote real selling
2 hours later 27912169 Anonymous
Thanks for playing.
Please, place your bets
2 hours later 27912209 Anonymous
and yet it's exactly what they do. scamwicks, barts, etc
2 hours later 27912307 Anonymous
You faggots your bank account is centralized but there are many banks. It’s cheap as fuck, gives you a credit card, it allows you to buy shares, it is very fast. The only reason for Bitcoin and the likes is speculation and illegal payments (even if cash is still preferable for that)
3 hours later 27912446 Anonymous
Sorry bro I hate the government so I don't give a shit about banks, the government, and their fiat bullshit.
3 hours later 27912525 Anonymous
Thanks for your money, retard.
3 hours later 27912698 Anonymous (B6D1B3B2-5331-44DC-BF83-4DD04BBA5AFC.jpg 1936x2678 1287kB)
>I hate the government
Dude who do you think you are talking to? You do not hate the government, you hate one government ! You in pic
3 hours later 27912839 Anonymous
It's gonna be BSV.
3 hours later 27912868 Anonymous
I fully agree with what you have to say here however you are missing my fundamental point,
It might be a useful way to store wealth, but what happens when you want to exchange value for commodity or asset? these problems are inevitable. A. people will want to use their money and B. some of that use will end up being for investment. I’d rather skip the step of BTC being in the way of where I want to invest my money.
3 hours later 27912975 Anonymous
Did the government buy the internet?
3 hours later 27913043 Anonymous
Did you even read what I wrote?
3 hours later 27913048 Anonymous
>Fucking coindesk
>This time is different
jesus fucking christ anon
3 hours later 27913067 Anonymous (ab355a2b0effc3b26ae0bb00131582d330-6ix9ine.rsquare.w700.jpg 700x700 49kB)
3 hours later 27913072 Anonymous
No, because it isn't old tech
3 hours later 27913080 Anonymous
swingies and kikes get the rope
3 hours later 27913129 Anonymous
Mate, I used dial up as a very solid example. Old tech goes obsolete
3 hours later 27913133 Anonymous (296-2965267_pepe-and-wojak-laughing-hd-png-download.png 860x559 169kB)
He thought it was a bull trap when it was a bear trap
3 hours later 27913151 Anonymous
What you were shilling?
3 hours later 27913293 Anonymous
Why don't you use fax as an example? The government still uses it, but everyone else doesn't. At least in my country.
3 hours later 27913306 Anonymous
good time to buy some shitcoins at discounts
3 hours later 27913468 Anonymous
Fair enough. I don't think btc is right for everyone, but I think this narrative of BTC being old unusable tech that fits no purpose for anyone is way overblown. There is value in what BTC has built over the last 12 years and there is a reason that big money is now starting to recognize it and trust it.
3 hours later 27914167 Anonymous
Problem with leverage are roll over fees, general trading fees and on top of that the tax bullshit. It sounds attractive on paper to 5x the gains but in reality you have to pay so much just for the opportunity to do so, and then be at risk of constantly losing it all.
I just long Bitcoin, the simplest and most secure crypto gains to be had.
3 hours later 27914467 Anonymous
holding crypto seems to be absolutely nerve wracking. im just wetting my toes in this coming from stocks and seeing some of these coins get 10-30% daily moves is crazy. the highs are higher and the lows are definitely lowers, especially when the market never closes.
3 hours later 27914521 Anonymous
Hehe. Die.
3 hours later 27914539 Anonymous
Hoooly shit is this real?
3 hours later 27914698 Anonymous
Yeah the FUD is also way worse. You have to mentally steel yourself to it.
3 hours later 27915228 Anonymous
Shorters get what they deserve. Fuck you faggots.
3 hours later 27915508 Anonymous
Imagine shorting BTC into the microstrategy conference where 1400 companies now want to invest in BTC.
4 hours later 27915725 Anonymous
i was 400% up on a day and -50% on the next this shit will train you to stomach anything my dude
3.193 0.145