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2021-02-06 05:51 27885853 Anonymous 1 BITCOIN TRANSACTION USES OVER 4X AS MUCH ENERGY AS 100K VISA TRANSACTIONS (bitcoinenergy.png 1024x445 38kB)
How do we damage control this Bitcoinbros?

1 min later 27885948 Anonymous
It takes effort to transfer anything of value.

1 min later 27885960 Anonymous
That is why it costs so much. It’s literally a store of value (in the form of electricity)

1 min later 27885969 Anonymous
>>27885853 The security of decentralisation comes at a price

1 min later 27885983 Anonymous
bitcoin is real

2 min later 27886058 Anonymous (38C006977D794251899AFFB3465583CC.jpg 225x225 6kB)
Plus ridiculous fees. Bitcoin is so inefficient. Definitely not the currency of the future. Doge on the other hand...

4 min later 27886137 Anonymous
improve energy sources

4 min later 27886155 Anonymous
>>27885853 now do value of average bitcoin transaction vs value of average visa transaction, or even value/kwh for both

6 min later 27886271 Anonymous
>>27885853 What if that transaction is on a lightning channel? Pretty sure that uses negligible energy for as many transactions as you can throw at it. By the time people want to spend their BTC like they use their Visa cards, lightning and other second layers will be much more heavily adopted.

6 min later 27886305 Anonymous
Use xrp

17 min later 27886939 Anonymous
>>27885853 We embrace it. Cuck Visa lmao.

19 min later 27887109 Anonymous
>>27886155 You really think the average bitcoin transaction is even close to $400,000? Also, idiot, a visa transaction uses the same amount of energy no matter the number you dingus, they're completely different in how they work. Absolute waste of dubs my man

20 min later 27887172 Anonymous
>>27886271 >implying the Lightning Channel even works

21 min later 27887193 Anonymous
>>27887109 >The average Bitcoin transaction is now worth more than $150,000 https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitc oin-average-transaction-value-incre ases-500-since-july

22 min later 27887251 Anonymous
>>27887109 it's $200k now https://bitinfocharts.com/compariso n/bitcoin-transactionvalue.html

22 min later 27887272 Anonymous
>>27885853 Crypto is the paperclip maximizing ai that will convert the entire planet to solved block hashes

22 min later 27887292 Anonymous
noones going to visa transfer millions of dollars though and i hope people have stopped using bitcoin for sums under $1000

24 min later 27887371 Anonymous
>>27885960 Ok so I can convert the Bitcoin back into electricity?

24 min later 27887415 Anonymous
>>27885853 BTC is the biggest shitcoin there is.

26 min later 27887497 Anonymous
>>27887272 Fuck now I want to play that stupid idle browser game again

26 min later 27887541 Anonymous
>>27887371 Perhaps 6000000 humans can be burned to generate electricity to solve a block

27 min later 27887581 Anonymous
>>27885853 wow, who cares. let this stupid earth burn up

30 min later 27887753 Anonymous
>>27887193 >>27887251 >whales dumping on normies I apologize for that oversight. That doesn't change the overall point of my statement though really. A visa transaction is the same usage whether it's $6 or six gorillion. It would be nice if the graph compared lower amounts though, I'll admit.

32 min later 27887863 Anonymous
>>27885853 Stellar and XNS. One for day to day normal people stuff, one for financial infrastructure and institutions. Low cost, efficient, fast. At least until Mina is live. At that point, the game changes forever. Take your pick, or optimally all three, well two until Mina is live. Good luck and fat stacks, anons.

32 min later 27887874 Anonymous
>>27885853 If visa wasnt made on pre internet dinosaur tech that took 5 days to actually move money around it would probably cost a lot of energy too

34 min later 27887956 Anonymous
>>27887753 btc isn't for plebs, the transaction fees alone make that abundantly clear and they will only continue to go up. it's bad for the original vision of the whitepaper but good for our bags

34 min later 27887995 Anonymous
>>27885853 >How do we damage control this Bitcoinbros? You move to BSV

37 min later 27888161 Anonymous
who tf cares desu. thats the botttom line.

38 min later 27888235 Anonymous
>>27885853 how much energy does a gold transaction cost?

40 min later 27888318 Anonymous
>>27887172 It does. You may not believe it, but it does. I'm guessing you haven't tried it in a while?

41 min later 27888361 Anonymous
>>27888235 triple 888s you nigglets- bitcoin is a store of value, layers will be for transactions buy STX and stake for BTC return

43 min later 27888512 Anonymous
>>27888318 My buddy bought the meme device that plugs itself into its own ass. I'm not sure if he has it running or what but I think I'll ask him, actually.

44 min later 27888560 Anonymous
>>27885948 Based /thread

46 min later 27888628 Anonymous
>>27888512 lol yeah that shit was horribly designed. Just use breez wallet or strike app for something on lightning out of the box. If you want a node, use umbrel.

46 min later 27888665 Anonymous
lol so this is the angle that Jewish bankers are going for to shut crypto down pathetic

47 min later 27888699 Anonymous
>>27885853 Guess what "green" crypto soiboi That energy you complain about is where bitcoin's security comes from and the proof that it was not made out of thin air. LEARN TO CRYPTO.

48 min later 27888734 Anonymous
>>27885853 thats gotta be the whole block mined through the multiple confirmations.

48 min later 27888745 Anonymous
>>27888699 >what is proof of stake

48 min later 27888756 Anonymous
>>27885853 >>27885853 Every visa transaction charges a 3% fee. That fee goes to pay human visa employees who use energy and create polution. 3% is more than I ever pay on a Bitcoin transaction.

49 min later 27888776 Anonymous
>>27885853 Holy shit who the fuck cares!?

49 min later 27888805 Anonymous
>>27888745 >>what is proof of stake Complete centralization

51 min later 27888937 Anonymous
>>27887371 Yes. When you transfer, an equivalent or greater amount of energy will be released to facilitate this. Literally, read the white paper

55 min later 27889138 Anonymous
>>27885853 How much API3 does it use? Oh right.

57 min later 27889270 Anonymous
>>27885853 Climate Change is fake and gay

57 min later 27889319 Anonymous
>>27885853 Incentivizes energy production in places that don't have human presence (build a hydroelectric plant in middle of nowhere to farm btc for example), thus producing a greater amount of cheap clean energy and mitigating its impact

1 hours later 27889971 Anonymous
Chinks own 70% of mining capacity and jam up the blockchain any time they liked.

1 hours later 27890014 Anonymous
>>27885853 Oh yeah, and how about the entire worldwide redundant and immoral banking industry? Stupid faggot

1 hours later 27890111 Anonymous
>>27885853 >How do we damage control this Bitcoinbros? Easy. /biz/ just has to invent a stable and working thorium reactor.

1 hours later 27890212 Anonymous
>>27888937 No, he's asking how to get the electricity back to perform useful work for tasks besides transferring more bitcoin. "Store of value" is not the same as "costs resources."

1 hours later 27890296 Anonymous
>>27887371 uhhhhh

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