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2021-02-06 02:20 27873007 Anonymous Portfolio rate (C74A33A2-076B-4089-975B-682BA2E7B2FF.png 1125x2436 485kB)
I’m 21
2 min later 27873183 Anonymous
if you could double your stack, but in doing so, age 2 years, would you do it at all? if so, how many times?
3 min later 27873268 Anonymous (E20617DF-A83E-457B-8776-E72FD5EED658.jpg 1118x1882 545kB)
Here’s double. Worth it for 2 years of aging
4 min later 27873333 Anonymous
based and link-pilled.
4 min later 27873342 Anonymous
Sure, and you had 40k to invest when you were what, 17?
Why dont you go jerk off to tranny porn m8
5 min later 27873362 Anonymous
no it'll be double within a couple months
5 min later 27873374 Anonymous
Paul Allen is that you
6 min later 27873432 Anonymous
6 min later 27873461 Anonymous
Take out enough for a house downpayment and buy a 2-4plex
9 min later 27873691 Anonymous
I was actually 19
12 min later 27873850 Anonymous (78C89464-109C-440C-B289-151FEE4ADDBC.jpg 1125x1301 192kB)
getting balls deep in seven figure hell
13 min later 27873920 Anonymous
Pretty fucking bad, considering it's a larp
15 min later 27874041 Anonymous
lol cash out retard
16 min later 27874101 Anonymous
I’m already a millionaire without crypto, retard
21 min later 27874453 Anonymous (20210206_013415.jpg 1440x1171 139kB)
> 19 yo
Big portfolios in this board inspire me, I'm ultimately aiming to be up there with you guys someday.
I'd appreciate any advice regarding my allocation, I'm still averaging into LINK, though, I sometimes have concerns I'm being far too convervative. What do you think Biz?
22 min later 27874542 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-184210_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2400 428kB)
Tfw not going to make it
24 min later 27874634 Anonymous
hell? you made it. congrats
32 min later 27875243 Anonymous
Good for you you’re starting young, btc eth dot link are good bets, you can use some of your eth to speculate in shitcoins but 80% of your portfolio you don’t touch or trade
44 min later 27876167 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-06-02-59-37-90_eed5b0832b6d3214b2857563e3e4f738.jpg 720x1600 276kB)
20, poor and in uni, I just want a new comfy chair, and a new monitor since they are almost 8 years old now. You guys think this will make enough until summer?
53 min later 27876737 Anonymous
Retard here. What app is that?
53 min later 27876743 Anonymous
Thank you anon, I'll certainly keep that in mind
54 min later 27876812 Anonymous
1 hours later 27877422 Anonymous
Thanks. I'm slightly less retard now, and it's all thanks to you
1 hours later 27878765 Anonymous
Nice larp retard
1 hours later 27879026 Anonymous
i'm 32. 23 and 21 are virtually no different. Its worth it to do it just one time and get his stack over 1mill
1 hours later 27879155 Anonymous
FYI, if you have a metamask wallet try out Delta. I use it and liked it way better since Blockfolio won't connect to eth wallets, it's kinda normie friendly.
1 hours later 27879226 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-215437_Delta.jpg 1080x2280 244kB)
I'm 18, had 10k link in early 2019 sold it all at .93 then after watching it pump to 4 dollars decided to gamble all my eth on fortune jack, this is all I have left
1 hours later 27879250 Anonymous
Very nice diversity!
1 hours later 27879318 Anonymous
>4 million, uses a meme term 7-figure hell
fuck out of here
1 hours later 27879387 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-215849_Blockfolio.jpg 1440x3040 668kB)
Tell me I'm gonna make it senpais
1 hours later 27879681 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210206-040224_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2220 489kB)
Rough time estimate when I will crack 6 and 7 figures, frens?
1 hours later 27879817 Anonymous
Started out with 20k.
5-6 figures: 33 months
6-7 figures: 6 months
1 hours later 27880236 Anonymous
1: How old are you?
2: do you come from a wealthy family?
3: how much did you start with before crypto?
2 hours later 27880778 Anonymous
Can someone tell me straight up which website people on here use for a wallet and what app are you all using? Please, I've been trying for ages to get into this and I can't get straight information.
2 hours later 27881120 Anonymous
Pro tip to the shitload of larpers in here: a low res screenshot basically exposes you because it means you can't even afford a proper phone.
2 hours later 27881293 Anonymous
Do you trade on an exchange as well as through your wallet?
T. new to crypto.
2 hours later 27881375 Anonymous (Capture1.png 364x442 17kB)
Just started, opinions on these as long/short-term investments?
2 hours later 27881392 Anonymous
delta and just keep your shitcoins on the exchange.
2 hours later 27881419 Anonymous (9B393465-61ED-498F-AC08-F1D97A9D2C80.jpg 1258x2778 411kB)
I’m 19, worked hard summer jobs to get all my link. Am I going to make it?
2 hours later 27881518 Anonymous (1604188888539.jpg 242x207 13kB)
Seven figure hell is a you problem, not a money problem
2 hours later 27881669 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210206-043854_Revolut.jpg 1080x2340 351kB)
Am I gonna make it?
2 hours later 27881670 Anonymous
I'm 21 and poor. I'm ngmi, right?
2 hours later 27881673 Anonymous
anon, put it all into grt now and then transfer to btc when grt hits a dollar this weekend. your stuff is too spread out for as little money as youre investing
2 hours later 27881682 Anonymous
Started yesterday, starting with $1k divided in the following way.
35% ETH
35% ADA
15% GRT
15% ENJ
Will distribute 20% of monthly earns and won't get into nothing else until i make at least a $10k profit.
2 hours later 27881710 Anonymous
>averaging into shitcoins
>too conservative
2 hours later 27881776 Anonymous
why do the same retards post in these threads everyday and reply to eachother like it's the first time you've seen anons' wallet?
2 hours later 27881834 Anonymous
I could double that stack by the end of the month
2 hours later 27881876 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-194201.png 1440x2560 348kB)
No, seven figure hell is a real place. People joke about six figure hell but seven figure hell is the real valley of the shadow of death. You can't understand until you've been there.
2 hours later 27882125 Anonymous
Your 21 n fcked if the SEC sniffs LINKS asshole. Ive got 205. Unironically ill by pass your port soon. I also have link. A mere 2700k. That aside congrats for being prudent enough to see the future and "make it"
2 hours later 27882242 Anonymous
I use Binance for large buys/sells because its smooth af and doesn't require KYC, Brave browser's crypto wallet (basically metamask) for DEXes and other DeFi shit, Exodus with Trezor T for long term holds. For injecting new fiat I was mainly using Crypto.com app because there used to be no fees for depositing directly from visa/mastercard, but their exchange is pretty shit though. If you're a total retard you can start with Coinbase I guess if you don't mind their kike fees.
2 hours later 27882421 Anonymous (F784B2FC-6EF3-4805-A0E2-D7F0165A81E9.png 1125x2436 437kB)
I’m not going to make it. I’m too dumb for this shit
2 hours later 27882438 Anonymous
NGL I don’t see many McDonald’s coins in these wallets...
2 hours later 27882446 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-225204_Blockfolio.jpg 720x1520 230kB)
Trying to be realistic, I think ADA can carry me to multi 5 figures, from there I'm not sure where i'm gonna allocate.
2 hours later 27882581 Anonymous
LINK is the only decent thing there, rest are shit
2 hours later 27882702 Anonymous
Explain. Haven't you made it lol
2 hours later 27882778 Anonymous
What coin can I buy with 20k now that will give me such a return in a year? Real answers only, I'm already too late for RBC, it might x10 but it won't 30x.
2 hours later 27882811 Anonymous
Glass cannon. I'd develop a nice stack of btc and/or eth first.
2 hours later 27882833 Anonymous
start seeking validation from offline sources, anon. this is like your 5th thread.
2 hours later 27882892 Anonymous (iykyk.png 230x446 12kB)
2 hours later 27882906 Anonymous
2 hours later 27882910 Anonymous (F2489050-64AB-4C53-976E-85F5420CAB9C.jpg 1125x826 296kB)
> 23
> gonna kms if I don’t hit 7 figs soon
2 hours later 27882959 Anonymous
so you were underage when you bought it?
2 hours later 27882997 Anonymous
As I said above I was 19
2 hours later 27883016 Anonymous
Fuck you nigger
2 hours later 27883040 Anonymous
i suppose that's the lowest point
checks out i guess
2 hours later 27883091 Anonymous
Thanks for the FYI. I did my research on them and I thought both ADA and ARK were good bets, since ADA in particular has a dedicated leader so I thought he'd lead the coin on to big places. ARK too seems to have grand plans... Are you able to share why you think they're shit?
2 hours later 27883127 Anonymous
I just scrolled through CoinMarketCap and found it
I was attracted to the hexagon due to autism
2 hours later 27883152 Anonymous
What app is this?
2 hours later 27883236 Anonymous
youre gunna be holding them eth bags asap nigger
2 hours later 27883281 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-02-05 at 21.52.14.jpg 1284x2778 276kB)
I'm 34
2 hours later 27883305 Anonymous (1584190121317.jpg 220x229 5kB)
2 hours later 27883333 Anonymous
I'm nearing 10k coins, all my currency is in Binance, how safe is this and when should I start swapping to a wallet?
2 hours later 27883398 Anonymous
We’ve now gotten these quads twice now
2 hours later 27883419 Anonymous (1602283000873.png 691x646 33kB)
I hate being a fucking linklet.
2 hours later 27883423 Anonymous
Then start looking at anonymous donations or donations through legal rep that keeps your anonymity to local schools, grants, or something else you believe in.
2 hours later 27883427 Anonymous
thanks for making everyone else feel better about themselves
2 hours later 27883646 Anonymous
>didn't even keep a suicide stack
you fool
1k link would be like 26k now
2 hours later 27883755 Anonymous (F8166E32-61B2-4C69-BF88-24B2C6EDFE4F.jpg 869x1024 130kB)
Put them all in aave and earn interest
2 hours later 27883862 Anonymous
>has 300k
>still complaining
money won't make you any happier anon.
2 hours later 27883916 Anonymous
I feel like I have an amount where I will get my hopes up of making it but never actually get there. Anons with average stacks are already in the millions. A 2x and they're out of the game, and that's where I should be.
3 hours later 27884155 Anonymous
You are finnish kid who invested his student loan to a thing you saw on finnish frog forum. You only invested to that because you read about it in finnish frog forum and it had good memes. I bet that you dont even know what blockchain is. Vitun jonne oot mun takia rikas.
3 hours later 27884176 Anonymous
coinstats is decent too
3 hours later 27884458 Anonymous
too much spread. dump the XLM and AAVE into GRT and accoomulate. buy some link too while its dipping.
3 hours later 27884474 Anonymous
Meh. I'm not doing that bad. I make like $27 an hour. I just don't throw a lot at crypto.
3 hours later 27884580 Anonymous (ZY2wC12.png 378x415 187kB)
Link makers must be flooding this board, every thread is basically a link shill fest.
3 hours later 27884583 Anonymous
money won't make you happier anon
3 hours later 27884616 Anonymous
Thank you for this non larp
3 hours later 27884626 Anonymous (ONEANDAHALFMILLION.png 2343x694 69kB)
bitcoin just had to ruin the pump lol. 7 figure hell is a real thing.
3 hours later 27884691 Anonymous (ok....jpg 638x1142 130kB)
3 hours later 27884711 Anonymous
Wtf Binance earn has chainlink?!
What’s the APY
3 hours later 27884746 Anonymous
can you fags just be happy instead of calling it "hell". seriously
3 hours later 27884805 Anonymous
Why do people always post their age along their portfolio? Is this supposed me be a big e-dick contest or somethibmng? I'm 23 y-o with a 8-mil crypo folio and I never bother saying I'm 23
3 hours later 27884822 Anonymous
I too am super confused by this. They can probably retire, but they are being greedy fucks.
3 hours later 27884852 Anonymous
I know that
3 hours later 27884871 Anonymous
it's just a gay meme. i have about 300k in chainlink and it's quite awesome. i don't consider it "hell".
3 hours later 27884941 Anonymous
you just did
3 hours later 27884972 Anonymous
it amazes me what poorfags think retirement money really is... and also, you are trapped in this hell for all time. when you become a millionaire you dont all the sudden just stop wanting to stack up money. there is not end to the game until you die. you are here forever
3 hours later 27885011 Anonymous
You unironically need 5m to retire in a non shit hole
It's not enough to make it but on the cusp of making it which is why it's hell. When I had 300k worth of link I didn't even give it a second look
3 hours later 27885024 Anonymous
3 hours later 27885040 Anonymous
I won't judge what a person desires, as long as it doesn't impact me negatively. That said, I am curious why "7 figure hell"? My own goal is to hit around 5 mil. I don't really have a lot of expensive wants. 5 mil diversified in reasonably stable stocks can get me a dividend income of around 4% or 200K a year, which I could be perfectly happy with.
Is it just a desire for more? (Not judging, Rock the fuck on). A specific goal that requires, say, 8 figures?
3 hours later 27885169 Anonymous
this is retarded, you need 5m only if you plan to live a rich lifestyle. Don't forget just earning 6% a year on your 5m is 300k, ETFs do better than that after taxes. Let alone fucking crypto.
You can literally retire off 1.5m if you live off 50-90k a year.
3 hours later 27885226 Anonymous
Never really planned on retiring.
I would if I had a million dollars though. That'd pay for pretty much everything. Biggest thing I want is to pay my house off. Once it's paid for, I'm good.
3 hours later 27885247 Anonymous
100% this I'm never selling my link if I can help it the passive gains from staking is just fine
It's decent but I'm sure when I get to 5m I'd want 10m since my life doesn't change all that much since I don't cash out. Really really want to get escorts though
3 hours later 27885284 Anonymous
wah wah wah
3 hours later 27885345 Anonymous
If not a larp yes
3 hours later 27885408 Anonymous
they're just stupid kids with more money than sense.
3 hours later 27885423 Anonymous
Fuck yeah, I won't lie, a high dollar whore every now and then would be nice. My main goal is a boat. I've got one in mind around 1.5 mil. 50 footer. Big enough to be comfortable, but small enough to not feel like I'm operating a supertanker.
3 hours later 27885430 Anonymous
3 hours later 27885496 Anonymous
Um no? 6% a year is 300k but half of it needs to be reinvested for inflation so it's only 150k a year. Taxes will shave off 20/ so 120k a year. That's moderate middle class for life. Even San Fran this is considered low income and eligible for financial assistance. You also have other taxes in daily life to account for
3 hours later 27885532 Anonymous
about the same amount and 32. were you to busy partying your ass off fucking hot bitches in your 20s too think about investing money too? These nerds wont even know what to spend their money on.
3 hours later 27885587 Anonymous
No. You're the retarded boomer thinking living on poverty wages is considered retirement. I'd bet you'd even work part time with a 1.5m portfolio becuase you'd be bored
3 hours later 27885718 Anonymous (DA3D8293-C77B-4F6F-9739-37E515573D8A.png 828x1792 382kB)
How do I get to 10k?
3 hours later 27885768 Anonymous (A8F58B1B-82F8-47C1-8A30-13EA85B8D5FD.png 1125x2436 728kB)
I wouldn’t say we’re in hell, but a nice 4-5x from here and call it game over. I reckon 15 mill post tax is enough that I could retire forever without fucking it up. I need a plan here though
3 hours later 27885775 Anonymous (A9D82640-CE22-4B6E-AC99-3777E8E23551.png 1242x2208 2003kB)
Turn 26 in a couple weeks and started dipping into buying crypto in early December. I’m probably spread way to much. Want to grab a few grand in BTC but scared to buy at ath. Hoping it possibly goes down to 34k and under
3 hours later 27885797 Anonymous
Felt like shit until I saw I have more GRT. WAGMI
3 hours later 27885816 Anonymous (pepe4.jpg 618x597 65kB)
3 hours later 27885839 Anonymous
DCA and buy better coins.
3 hours later 27885904 Anonymous
If you have patience, just wait until end of bull market. Possibly will end in Sept/Oct timeframe.
3 hours later 27886294 Anonymous (4113B165-4EEC-481C-BD88-7510F9820B1D.jpg 445x600 116kB)
Desu, the hell here is that I refuse to sell all my Link just live off boomer etf’s and dividends when the dollar will be a thing of the past. Link will have staking and continue to go up every year. I always thought I’d just stop around this point, but the sky is the limit. Generational wealth is coming and these kind of stacks will be worth $30million+ within a matter of years. Knowing that and having to wait is another level
3 hours later 27886479 Anonymous
paying off your home is a meme. why would you dump liquid cash into something the bank is willing to give you such a low APR on borrowing? idk your rate, but for me i gladly pay 2.5% on a mortgage, I can pull 10% with ease with boomer investment strategies if i want to be safe, or multiple hundred percent gains on crypto. fuck owning the house, we're in a boomer housing bubble anyway. let the bank take the risk on the house's future value. make money with your liquid cash in the meantime.
3 hours later 27886556 Anonymous (83C541DC-2F94-4CA8-AD81-B96D0F3F79E1.png 1125x2436 493kB)
Not sure how I feel about reef. I think aleph is a really good project but the lead dev is a French sperg who can’t handle questions.
3 hours later 27887103 Anonymous
Pick a number. 1200 or something. Every time you go over that number, peel off 10% of your bag, and either save it to reinvest later, or just fucking spend it. Make your mistakes now, cheaply, so as you get older and you have more money to invest, you won't piss it all away. That's the best way to capitalize on where you're at rn.
3 hours later 27887177 Anonymous (batepeep.jpg 1080x615 76kB)
you absolute fucking mongoloid, its a miracle you have the amount of money you do or you're lying.
you dont put money back to counteract inflation, you calculate return AFTER inflation. the 6% of return I was giving is a very conservative estimate, just googling online gives you 20 year figures of 8%+ after inflation. taxes shouldn't be high since you won't have primary income from a job and your capital gains shouldn't be taxed at income levels, also you shouldn't be living in a high-tax state as you're literally going to lose millions over the long term, basic time value of money shit you tard
3 hours later 27887222 Anonymous
How about you get your mom to give you validation? Shit's getting ridiculous.
3 hours later 27887288 Anonymous
kinda makes me glad I didn't waste my life chasing money, least I'll die knowing I wasn't a slave to tree pulp.
3 hours later 27887356 Anonymous
You know BTC will go up eventually, anon. Would you rather buy in now and eat a dip for a few months, or FOMO in later when the current price is the dip?
3 hours later 27887433 Anonymous
actually that's fucking retarded nevermind
3 hours later 27887450 Anonymous (1605694666934.png 251x352 76kB)
>Only 13k link
Probably should just kys
3 hours later 27887576 Anonymous (33441244.jpg 976x850 90kB)
Do you think I care about how much money you have? Your mom didn't give you enough validation?
3 hours later 27887592 Anonymous
Dude most of my money in my 20's went up my nose, or in a shot glass. Yeah it was fun. I don't regret it one bit.
Once I turned like 29 I decided to start investing in silver. Only been into crypto for like 6-7 months.
A lot of my cash is also tied up in my house/motorcycles/truck. Internet money isn't my first priority.
3 hours later 27887638 Anonymous
Mine's 2.65% Not much higher than yours.
4 hours later 27887687 Anonymous
now try to buy groceries with link
i'll wait
4 hours later 27887879 Anonymous (1494170415367.jpg 1000x1430 106kB)
Why am I so poor ...
4 hours later 27887898 Anonymous
I have another 1.5k swing stack but yeah its hell
4 hours later 27887944 Anonymous (1600254977574.jpg 215x234 8kB)
>were you to busy partying your ass off fucking hot bitches in your 20s too think about investing money too?
4 hours later 27887955 Anonymous
I'm poor too fren, but hopefully you got your health.
4 hours later 27887984 Anonymous
4 hours later 27888021 Anonymous
So edgy....
4 hours later 27888083 Anonymous
I've got ~$1k in GRT and nothing else right now, and that's a significant amount of the money I own. Don't compare yourself to others, just be lucky you can profit off this stuff at all. You have the opportunity to multiply a large chunk of your money several times right now if you pay attention and play your cards right, don't lose hope.
4 hours later 27888128 Anonymous
Cope fucking boomer faggot
4 hours later 27888172 Anonymous
4 hours later 27888236 Anonymous
how do you buy grt im on coinbase and its not letting me do it?
4 hours later 27888277 Anonymous
should i go all in in ROSE? it looks like a really good project but the complete lack of hype is weird and kind of worries me. makes it sound too good to be true
4 hours later 27888284 Anonymous
I got a rare form of cancer that uncurable and already years deep into it, no hope for me fren.
But I enjoy talking to people while I still can.
4 hours later 27888298 Anonymous
OK, honch.
4 hours later 27888364 Anonymous
I cannot and never will ever relate to zoomer faggots. Never even experienced an NES. Has only grown up with smartphones. What a complete trashy generation. All the worst degenerate things of a broken and failing society and you were raised by it. Press S to spit on a zoomer no matter how much Link they have
4 hours later 27888581 Anonymous
Sorry fren. Have you looked into rick Simpson oil or bitter almonds? You should always have hope when western medicine can just give up on you
4 hours later 27888622 Anonymous (1517987502738.jpg 746x512 34kB)
I'm so sorry anon
4 hours later 27888656 Anonymous (1611689022818.jpg 680x383 79kB)
Shit man I'm sorry to hear that. Puts things in perspective though, relative deprivation is a bitch. I wish you all the best.
4 hours later 27888710 Anonymous
I actually experienced a few years before the iPhone dropped (2002), and yes my entire generation has been destroyed with social media and zog'd marketing garbage. I'm gradually escaping video game addiction (which means cutting friends off) so I can read more though.
4 hours later 27888746 Anonymous
too many meme coins
should be all in doge
4 hours later 27888754 Anonymous
>never grew up with an NES
Faggit retard boom boom I had one at my nana's house when I was a little shit and I mostly played PS2 games until I was like 11. I got my first phone at 13.
4 hours later 27888765 Anonymous
i don't believe this is your portfolio but I would also say you could have done a hell of a lot better over the past 6 months. suter alone has out performed
4 hours later 27888819 Anonymous
so you had around 30k you could dump into crypto when you were 19ish
aka trust fund baby
4 hours later 27888834 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-223900.png 796x608 96kB)
Guys, college student about to graduate in a few months. I have a scholarship to work within my state but I hope to at least have the 40k to pay the loan if I decide to work elsewhere. Not sure about make it stack but I have about 8k in the bank and I kinda want to funnel more and more into it.
How long do you think we have in this cycle still? How many cycles are left on general? I want to be able to start working and dumping more money into it and make it but that's a year or so along the road.
4 hours later 27888835 Anonymous (1598462369996m.jpg 1024x568 131kB)
>>too many meme coins
>should all be in doge
4 hours later 27888944 Anonymous
When Rubic hits $10 you'll have 10k but that could take a while
4 hours later 27888986 Anonymous
GTFO of LINK desu it's literally 250x ICO prices where do you think its gonna go lol
4 hours later 27889232 Anonymous
well you're in Rubic which is undervalued regardless. Even if we have no more bull market Rubic will keep going up for a while. I doubt you'll be getting $40k from that alone any time soon. Maybe 10k this year though.
Dk about grt or asko. I'm all in rubic and rsr for the foreseeable future
4 hours later 27889355 Anonymous (8A85B9BA-FE30-4A18-B15B-43CB904A516E.png 750x1334 208kB)
How should I distribute some of the bitcoin? I’ve only just started to diversify in the last month.
4 hours later 27889406 Anonymous
Thanks frens, na I'm broker than a 9 year old pajeet so even getting normal treatment isn't really an option.
It's okay though been dealing with it for years you accept death when your wounds smell like rotting animals lol
4 hours later 27890015 Anonymous
>how do you buy grt im on coinbase and its not letting me do it?
just...buy it? The Graph is what its called look that up I guess.
4 hours later 27890786 Anonymous
If you unironically think ETH and LINK are shitcoins, that's very concerning. Go back
4 hours later 27890788 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210206-011632_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x2280 284kB)
Nice to see other millionaires on /biz/
5 hours later 27891074 Anonymous
hey dumb fuck; you could be making 200k a year doing nothing for the rest of your life if you knew how to manage money.
5 hours later 27891132 Anonymous
try cashing out 10m of sc lmao
5 hours later 27891169 Anonymous
not until he sells, presumably
5 hours later 27891323 Anonymous
To be honest, it should be the norm to post age alongside your portfolio. It's incredibly helpful to decipher a general consensus around a certain age-range in this board, it gives you something to aim towards.
5 hours later 27891501 Anonymous
OPs the headliner at LARPallooza.
5 hours later 27891903 Anonymous
It's easily done.
5 hours later 27892404 Anonymous (port.jpg 1080x777 53kB)
This is all I got. Spent $300 birthday money when I was 19.
3.636 0.162