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2021-02-06 12:47 27866534 Anonymous I can't do this shit anymore. Which are the best long-term holds to forget about? (tumblr_pjgnfjbAN31uzb8loo1_1280.jpg 960x960 87kB)
I've been "trading" crypto for a month now and this is the most soul-crushing thing I've ever done. I mean absolutely devoid of any soul or enjoyment. I would unironically kill myself if I had to keep on doing this. Even if I do well. So I've decided to just buy some shit, forget about it for a few years, and just go back to /lit/. What should I get?

1 min later 27866603 Anonymous
>>27866534 bitcoin and ethereum if you want sanity just buy it and do not check more than once a month

2 min later 27866670 Anonymous
GME, AMC, dogecoin, and silver certificates :^]

3 min later 27866741 Anonymous
>>27866534 BTC, ETH, LINK, XMR Anything else is pure speculation with no certain future

4 min later 27866814 Anonymous
>>27866534 MCDC, TOSA, DOGE, and AMC gl bro

6 min later 27866972 Anonymous
>>27866534 How many BTC for this man?

9 min later 27867185 Anonymous
>he hasn't fried his brain with drugs making him immune to emotion

11 min later 27867341 Anonymous
>>27866534 IOTA, unironically. Check in again in 2025, this will be the only DLT around, implemented in real world applications like http today. Long gone will be the stupid p&d coins, nobody will be talking about "crypto" anymore, atleast in the traditional way. IOTA will be a day-to-day term like Google or PayPal nowadays. Feels good to know that I will make it, whats about you?

13 min later 27867474 Anonymous
>>27866534 buy avax, stake for a year for 10% APY. Literally a buy and forget while you make passive money >>27850145

21 min later 27868031 Anonymous
>>27866534 ETH and BTC, just trade into them and forget it. Or you could look into converting your gains into stablecoin like DAI or USDC and parking them in a money market like Aave.

22 min later 27868110 Anonymous
1/6, spin to win and pull. Just pull the trigger, nigger. Get stocks. Look at the best performing ones. Crypto is 5/6, spin to win. Most crypto is pump and dump, especially on this board of homosexual transvestites.

23 min later 27868223 Anonymous
OP dont be a fag. Dont invest GME and AMC, they just got the biggest pump and dump in human history. Fuck this board. The condomsuckers here are dumber than the Reddit mongos. Regards, you silly excrementeater.

28 min later 27868577 Anonymous
ZCN (0chain) is not only incredibly safe long hold but the upside is still ridiculous. There's way too many announcements due soon to think it's not an easy 5x within the next 30 or so days

30 min later 27868721 Anonymous
>>27868223 MMM, I love condoms.

36 min later 27869066 Anonymous
>>27866534 BTC, ETH, AVAX, ALGO, BAT

45 min later 27869743 Anonymous (1542989562187.gif 244x244 47kB)
btc eth aave snx comp uni sushi

45 min later 27869788 Anonymous
>>27866603 >>27866741 >>27868031 >>27869066 >>27869743 >btc fuck off retards

49 min later 27870059 Anonymous (1612456160856.gif 463x283 1143kB)
>>27868223 This, in the past few weeks its obvious SPCE has the most squeeze potential out of all the shorted stocks but plebs ignore it because it's not a shitty brick and mortar

58 min later 27870669 Anonymous
>>27866534 welcome to the club. You are here forever

59 min later 27870732 Anonymous
>>27866534 Unironically BTC and ETH.

59 min later 27870766 Anonymous
ALGO obviously.

1 hours later 27871798 Anonymous

1 hours later 27871920 Anonymous
>>27866603 >>27866741 >>27868031 This, with heavy emphasis on ETH. LINK is a bit more risk but has a ton of promise. BTC is perfect for normies and isn't going anywhere, even if it is largely useless as a currency. XMR can/will be valuable if the world falls apart or we start dealing with crazy censorship. Either way ETH is probably the safest bet while still doubling your money in a year, minimum.

1 hours later 27871979 Anonymous (1612573504574.jpg 1000x672 120kB)
GRT man

1 hours later 27872029 Anonymous
>>27866534 Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple

1 hours later 27872063 Anonymous

1 hours later 27872189 Anonymous
>>27866534 GRT. Eth and Btc obviously.

1 hours later 27872264 Anonymous
>>27870059 Squeezing a fresh spac just sounds risky and retarded.

1 hours later 27872350 Anonymous
>>27866534 >this is the most soul-crushing thing I've ever done Every skilled trader went through frustration and agonizing losses. What makes you special?

1 hours later 27872453 Anonymous (A5382048-148D-4A0A-AE93-8177162187AD.jpg 330x370 29kB)

1 hours later 27873427 Anonymous
>>27872350 He might just find the actual work to be boring

1 hours later 27873543 Anonymous
>>27866534 LTO

1 hours later 27873696 Anonymous (9238492849.png 1434x595 108kB)
>>27872264 it's one of the most shorted stocks out there and has insane bullruns

1 hours later 27873716 Anonymous (here brother.png 800x800 626kB)
>>27866534 rubic

1 hours later 27873760 Anonymous
>>27866603 UNI

1 hours later 27873895 Anonymous
>>27866534 The usual Btc, Ltc, and Eth if you just want to hold and forget.

1 hours later 27873995 Anonymous
>>27873895 Ltc will die...

1 hours later 27874211 Anonymous (15456768794.jpg 1415x663 73kB)
>>27873995 They've been saying that forever.

1 hours later 27874296 Anonymous
>>27866534 BNT

1 hours later 27874388 Anonymous
>>27873995 ltc is the only one that's actually worth as a medium of exchange

1 hours later 27874460 Anonymous
>>27866534 Best long term hold is probably Bitcoin, Ethereum, BAT tokens, and maybe XLM

1 hours later 27874472 Anonymous
>>27866534 This is why swinging is stupid. Swingies get ze rope. Stack and accumulate and hodl you dumb faggot.

1 hours later 27874514 Anonymous
>>27866534 Literally just BTC and ETH you tard. Buy and afk for 3-10 years.

1 hours later 27874570 Anonymous
>>27866534 man she's super hot but her nails are fucked up. also, $AAPL

1 hours later 27874591 Anonymous
>>27866534 If elon pumps up the dogecoin to a decent stable price it will be the world currency and all other platforms that support it will be the best investments youll ever make.

1 hours later 27874600 Anonymous
>>27873696 I bought in when SPCE was at 9 bucks because I believed in the dream. If you guys run that up to 400 bucks a share I can retire.

1 hours later 27874755 Anonymous
The holy trinity - ETH, UNI, GRT.

2 hours later 27874859 Anonymous
>>27866534 Fuck you faggot The month since I've got into crypto and lurked on /biz/ has been my favorite month since kungflu so far

2 hours later 27874938 Anonymous
>>27867341 you fucking IOTA-niggers are so delusional no one will know what the fuck IOTA is even if all tech will use it (which I actually think it will tbf) >IOTA will be a day-to-day term like Google or PayPal HAHAHAHHA IOTA will be more comparable to something like IPv4, now go ask your grandma if she knows what that is you stupid fuck enjoy your eternal bag full of token shit

2 hours later 27874958 Anonymous
>>27866814 TOSA really? I own a stack of 20 billion and it’s done fuck all. Can’t even track it on coingecko or anywhere really

2 hours later 27875205 Anonymous

2 hours later 27875336 Anonymous
>>27874591 billionaire fucking pumps one or two times but fails to beat ATH, genuinely retarded

2 hours later 27875363 Anonymous

2.731 0.078