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2021-02-05 10:02 27853812 Anonymous /cng/ - Crypto Newfag General (pi4san4ii6b11.png 1024x681 330kB)
I'm creating this general thread for newfags. Why? Because /biz/ is under attack by shills. If you are new to crypto or need information, ask your questions here.
General advice:
- Do not buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ such as Rubic, Bao, or whatever coin of the month it is. More on this below.*
- Only use fiat exchanges (Coinbase Pro has the lowest fees). They feature only the safest coins, and crypto exchanges require ETH for most coins and you will be murdered with fees.
- Always transfer your coins to a digital wallet when able. (Coinbase's wallet app is fine for a start.)
- Safest coins to invest into: BTC/ETH
- Safer coins to invest into: AAVE/UNI/LINK/GRT (BUT DYOR FAGGOT)
- Pick an investment strategy and stick to it. (Ex. Dollar cost average (DCA) or "always buy the dip").
- Diversify your portfolio. At least 2 coins, one of which should be BTC or ETH. Never all-in one coin. Never more than 4 coins sub-$10k.
- Never buy green or all time high, always buy red, unless you're DCAing.
- Don't day/swing trade crypto. Invest with intent to hold for years. Timing the crypto market is nigh-impossible.
- Never sell at a loss.
- Never "panic sell". If you DYOR, you should be confident your investment will eventually be profitable, regardless of dips.
- Never let FUD dictate your actions.
- Never let FOMO dictate your actions.
- Never let your emotions dictate your actions.
*Heavily shilled coins fall under the category of "shitcoins", "scamcoins", "discordcoins", or whatever you want to call them. Rubic, for instance, is using a Discord server to coordinate pump and dumps by generating hype on /biz/. There are hundreds of these coins. If you can't find any information on a coin outside of /biz/, if the developers have essentially no presence outside of their project, or if their website ends in ".finance", avoid it like the plague. Just buying these coins and converting them to and from ETH incurs extremely high fees anyway.
6 min later 27854259 Anonymous
7 min later 27854372 Anonymous (Ethereum-e1545900837119.jpg 735x572 112kB)
And for the love of all possible gods... BUY ETH
8 min later 27854428 Anonymous
Is a meme. Seriously, don't fucking buy DOGE.
10 min later 27854585 Anonymous (1611534596664.png 600x600 351kB)
11 min later 27854695 Anonymous
How do al of these anons have millions in their portfolio from crypto? I want to be like that some day. I’m starting with 1000. Any tips?
12 min later 27854742 Anonymous
>Do not buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ such as Rubic, Bao, or whatever coin of the month it is.
Eh. Don't buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ without the understanding that you can and probably will lose your shirt. There were heavily shilled coins on /biz/ (Link and Antshares aka Neo) that returned massive profits and became successful - although they were the exception.
12 min later 27854791 Anonymous (tea_leaves.png 1920x909 763kB)
bobo is going to eat good
12 min later 27854804 Anonymous
$mcdc, get with it wagie, we are the next elite
14 min later 27854917 Anonymous
They started with significantly more money than $1000, or those pictures are shopped. Read the OP.
16 min later 27855054 Anonymous
There's a difference between blatant shilling (ex shitloads of pepe memes suddenly created over a week) and people just being hyped about a project. LINK had a lot of hype around it because it was just a damn good project. If you DYOR you can easily find what's a shill and what's worth investing into.
20 min later 27855400 Anonymous
do what op says, play it safe and be eternally priced out.
21 min later 27855469 Anonymous
nice subtle rubic fud
23 min later 27855614 Anonymous
YWNBAW, discord trannoid
25 min later 27855788 Anonymous
Curious about your answer to his question. Do you recommend he throw his $1k into a random shitcoin /biz/ happens to be shilling with hundreds of pepe memes? Half of which might be gone simply due to gas and transaction fees? Please answer.
34 min later 27856429 Anonymous
Most of them are shooped
35 min later 27856541 Anonymous
oh god I want to buy something so BAD but I don't want to get wrecked by this.
35 min later 27856563 Anonymous
>Do not buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ such as Rubic
>Never let FUD dictate your action
36 min later 27856639 Anonymous
Do not FOMO and wait for a dip
37 min later 27856662 Anonymous
No, i would not recommend anyone ton invest unwillingly into an obvious scam. By scam i mean half-assed shitcoin copy/pasted smart contract, anon team and template website.
That said, if you're a poogfag your best bet is to flip shitcoins, get a feel for it and ride the wave.
I started at 1k too, so i know how it feels.
I didn't mean to piss on what you said OP, most are decent advice, but they won't make you money if you start with a small capital. That said flipping shitcoins is a risky bet, and you better know when to take profit and when to jump ship.
39 min later 27856872 Anonymous
and know how to take a loss, don't be that faggot that baghold doge for 3 years and missed on all the 100x shitcoins.
40 min later 27856969 Anonymous
very elaborate rubic fud
49 min later 27857716 Anonymous
Decent beginner advice. The strategy of dca into "digital gold and silver" btc/eth is a bit meh. Probably be more helpful, but infinitely more complex, to steer newfags into learning about interest bearing assets and services right away, rather than prom be them with buy and hold strategies from yesteryear.
59 min later 27858513 Anonymous
I never really paid any attention to crypto, but what happened to LiteCoin? I thought it was supposed to be the 3rd stablecoin but I haven't heard anything about it in a long time.
1 hours later 27858717 Anonymous
It's like expensive doge. Does nothing but sit on the exchange, and btc is the only one that's allowed to do only that and still exist.
1 hours later 27859959 Anonymous (Screenshot_2021-02-06-09-18-20-673_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.jpg 1080x2280 452kB)
What should I be DCAing into?
1 hours later 27861228 Anonymous
What does being priced out mean
1 hours later 27862084 Anonymous
1 hours later 27862726 Anonymous
What software / site is this?
1 hours later 27862932 Anonymous (algo.png 200x200 7kB)
Hold this, enjoy the APY, and be happy
1 hours later 27863009 Anonymous
>- Do not buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ such as Rubic, Bao, or whatever coin of the month it is. More on this below.*
wrong and cope. Don't buy meme coins and scam coins. Rubic and BAO are legit projects
>(Coinbase Pro has the lowest fees)
also wrong
>Safest coins to invest into: BTC/ETH
There are much better options that are comparatively as safe but with much higher chance for high returns
- Safer coins to invest into: AAVE/UNI/LINK/GRT (BUT DYOR FAGGOT)
Wrong, don't buy LINK
>Never sell at a loss.
generally true but highly situational
You are a retard OP
1 hours later 27863024 Anonymous
what does DYOR mean?
1 hours later 27863106 Anonymous
What do you think? Also lurk moar
1 hours later 27863107 Anonymous
it means DYOR
1 hours later 27863118 Anonymous
>FOMO'd and sold at loss twice in a row on BAO
2 hours later 27863405 Anonymous
First time on this thread, but I would guess it means 'Do your own research'.
2 hours later 27863800 Anonymous (1343787355606.jpg 364x478 118kB)
>imagine thinking that's what DYOR stands for
2 hours later 27864008 Anonymous
or bought btc, eth, link super early + sold tops and bought dips
2 hours later 27864168 Anonymous
bought in very early with saved earnings from wageslaving, inheritance, loans, luck, lying.
2 hours later 27864169 Anonymous
I agree but they won't listen to you bro
2 hours later 27865406 Anonymous
Whats up with ETC?
2 hours later 27865591 Anonymous
>There are much better options that are comparatively as safe but with much higher chance for high returns
And this coins are?
2 hours later 27865733 Anonymous
I think I have a solid understanding of proof of work but am now learning about proof of stake and have some questions:
What goes into validating a block (i.e., how does a validator know it's ok to sign off on a block)? And what if a validator is asked to validate a block that contains a transaction including the validator? Couldn't that be an avenue for fraud?
2 hours later 27865864 Anonymous
>Don't day/swing trade crypto. Invest with intent to hold for years. Timing the crypto market is nigh-impossible.
With proper risk management how is this not possible?
2 hours later 27865976 Anonymous
What is a good Ratio for Coins?
25% BTC
25% ETH
25%Shitcoin 1
25% Shitcoin 2?
2 hours later 27866053 Anonymous
>decide to finally buy a shitcoin
>pick EXRD
>its been doing nothing all week
>hasn't even broken past its ATH
2 hours later 27866059 Anonymous
>or if their website ends in ".finance", avoid it like the plague.
why? whats wrong with it. Cant find anything about when when i search it up.
2 hours later 27866191 Anonymous
Your capital isn't large enough to make the investment worth it
2 hours later 27866462 Anonymous
More like 50% ETH
20% BTC
20% LINK/Other Stablecoins
10% Any volatile unproven newer crypto.
Don't gamble your money away on stupid shit.
2 hours later 27866519 Anonymous
I'm resisting the urge to buy an ethereal now at an ath.
2 hours later 27866680 Anonymous
Okay I have a question what should I do when I see bear poster.
2 hours later 27866900 Anonymous
>Invest with intent to hold for years.
Inaugurating a bunch of bagholders to suffer during the next crash, huh? Investing like that (traditionally) might make sense if you already have capital, but then you're going to miss out on riskier movers and shakers to actually multiply wealth, whether they're lowcaps or midcaps. Maybe if you can't be assed to DYOR or learn about new projects it might be wise to go with BTC/ETH and save yourself the stress, since both are comparatively stable (except for the inevitable crash where everything loses 90% of its value). But you know what's also decently stable? Stocks and bonds.
tl;dr if you want to invest in crypto and have little capital, invest riskily or don't bother.
2 hours later 27867204 Anonymous
Im using CoinMetroSmart, how do i transfer my coins into a wallet? And what wallet should i use? Living in EU btw
2 hours later 27867342 Anonymous
Except the returns for stocks and bonds is hilariously low compared to something like ETH. It is a good basis of your long term investment strategy.
For investing in risky crypto, I agree that going riskier when you have a lot less capital to work with is a good call. Getting that first 10k to do some real shit with is worth the risk. Outside of that, if you just constantly chase the next pajeet shitcoin pump and dump, you're going to lose all of it eventually. Biz is fucking notorious for this.
2 hours later 27867478 Anonymous
>That said, if you're a poogfag your best bet is to flip shitcoins, get a feel for it and ride the wave.
>I started at 1k too, so i know how it feels.
How viable is this? I mean it legit is gambling at that point, but for a poorfag trying to get into crypto, just throwing money for a pnd to get money to invest in legit coin sounds like an good idea that could go horribly wrong. Im not talking about flipping shitcoins constantly in the long term, but just to get enough capital to start investing into more legit projects
3 hours later 27867655 Anonymous
For a total newfag when do you anons think ETH will dip down to a price where I should buy.
3 hours later 27867741 Anonymous
How do I remove the smell of burnt popcorn from my microwave?
3 hours later 27867761 Anonymous
Thank for you posting this, anon. Bought coins for the first time a week ago so this definitely helps. I want to throw in a couple hundred bucks into either Bitcoin or Ethereum, goal is long term growth. When is the right time to do that? From my newfag perspective, it looks like crypto is historically rising, specifically in the past 30 days. There’s been a few dips, but nothing remotely similar to what happened in March 2020. Buy now or standby for a 10-15% drop in ETH/BTC?
3 hours later 27867770 Anonymous
i'm thinking about finally getting into stinky linky
3 hours later 27868147 Anonymous
The single Dior by artist Pop Smoke.
3 hours later 27868176 Anonymous
Do your own research.
>Rubic and BAO are legit projects
The best time to buy is now. Don't let dips or fears of "crashing", in other words FUD, deter you. ETH is only going to go up, for instance. Don't try to time the market.
3 hours later 27868244 Anonymous
3 hours later 27868490 Anonymous
See last comment on >>27868176
Buy now. If you wait for a drop, it might go the opposite way. Timing the market can be counterproductive if you're DCAing.
3 hours later 27868505 Anonymous
I'll bite. Thoughts on GRT? Usually hold Link BTC ETH. Started like a year ago I'm making 3x of what I would be on stocks. Went 50% on GRT up like 3x.
3 hours later 27868537 Anonymous
Wait for a dip?
Your graph indicates a multi year bear market. You are full of shit and scaring newfags from getting in at the beginning of a bull market.
You are a genuine piece of shit.
3 hours later 27868586 Anonymous
Don't fucking do this. Unless you're a poorfag and need to get some starting capital, it is absolutely gambling. Almost certain you'll lose it if you're new to market mechanics, but eventually you might get lucky after several failures. If you do, then you have a starting point.
Personally, I think it's a lot better to set aside a portion of your paycheck you'd normally spend on dumb shit and put all of that into ETH regardless of the current market price. ETH 2.0 and the DeFi boom that is happening is guaranteed money no matter how you cut it. From there start to dabble in volatile crypto. It'll take longer, but you're a lot less likely to lose your shit.
3 hours later 27868826 Anonymous (1612471286563.jpg 683x1024 118kB)
Newfag who was gunna invest in something new like BAO or Sake, but think I'm just gunna do ETH and Chainlink.
I got $100 in both about 2 weeks ago and they've gone up a decent amount, especially ETH. Should I wait for a major dip to buy a bunch more or just do it now in case the price keeps going up?
3 hours later 27868840 Anonymous (1607713781030.gif 450x337 1954kB)
Poorfag starting with $500 as a neet bumming off parents, I have 2 strategies from browsing the past week to get to 5 digits which one would /biz/ recommend?
>invest 100-200 into shitcoins that go up and down 20% keeping all profits in ETH/non-shit coin while. rinse repeat with 100-200
>try to gain 3-10% on trades weekly by buying low selling high, again bank all profits for less risk
3 hours later 27868946 Anonymous
realistically what would have the greater return, investing into shitcoins or just going to a physical casino and putting 1k into the slots or some other game of chance?
3 hours later 27868955 Anonymous
GRT is very promising. There is something to be said with how quickly it was listed on fiat exchanges.
I agree with this person.
3 hours later 27868995 Anonymous
>literally shills shitcoins in the OP
Do you really believe anyone but underage will fall for your method pajeet?
Bitcoin and Monero are the only coins used on the black market, end of story. Bye Bye
3 hours later 27869027 Anonymous
flipping shitcoin is not the same as going all in in shib. you need to do research, about the project itself, the team, marketing, meme potential, what value it offers etc. you need to make yourself FUD proof and shill proof, and be patient.
3 hours later 27869151 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-192242_Chrome.jpg 720x938 92kB)
>- Do not buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ such as Rubic, Bao, or whatever coin of the month it is. More on this below.*
great job on keeping newfags poor
3 hours later 27869244 Anonymous
Grt will make insane gains
3 hours later 27869313 Anonymous
Read the white papers you absolute retard
3 hours later 27869491 Anonymous
thats whats wrong with it
3 hours later 27869639 Anonymous
I also have this question
3 hours later 27869662 Anonymous
Thanks for this anon... Europoor Eurofag here so I’d like to invest in crypto and hopefully make a better life for myself
3 hours later 27869833 Anonymous
I’m gonna go with ETH and GRT... €1k each... what do you think? Good choices?
3 hours later 27869944 Anonymous
get out and take your profits
3 hours later 27870015 Anonymous
Well I’m doing now you told me not to
3 hours later 27870033 Anonymous
I just sold. Did I fuck up?
3 hours later 27870068 Anonymous (1585197854480.png 1080x1082 1552kB)
Finally, a good thread. Here are some scam/manipulated coins to avoid
>Whatever the McDonalds one is
>Anything with a Dog/Cat on it
>no seriously, ANYTHING with a dog/cat on it
Basically if something has 4+ threads all day full of 1000s of forced memes, its a scam. Stay safe
3 hours later 27870191 Anonymous
thanks for this thread OP.
poor/newfag here with 2k in crypto. its up about 10% already. If I did want to gamble on some shit coins, whats the best way to trade in the USA? coinbase doesn't exchange in like any altcoins and neither does binance.us. is binance.com through a vpn the best bet?
3 hours later 27870253 Anonymous
Physical casino is easily the most certain way to lose your money, even more than shit tokens. If you're set on one, look for a relatively new (not 2 days old, anything after Feb 1st is almost a guaranteed scam right now) coin or token. Research into the idea behind it, determine if it seems like a sound concept. Check to see if the dev is active in his normal channels, see if there are any glaring faults or regulatory problems that would get in the way of the theory. If everything checks out, feel free to dump it into that.
It needs to be said though, you're approaching this wrong. You are making the mistake most normies do looking for a pump to get rich quick. It will 100% burn you in the end, just be warned.
3 hours later 27870404 Anonymous
>The best time to buy is now. Don't let dips or fears of "crashing", in other words FUD, deter you.
I'm not afraid of crashing (sort of) I just wanna buy low and ETH seems really high right now
3 hours later 27870405 Anonymous (382.jpg 1366x768 120kB)
How high you thing it'll go? Ive already more x2 what I put in
3 hours later 27870489 Anonymous
I'd just DCA into good projects.
Gambling seems silly and a good way to lose your initial capital.
The only way I see it working is jumping into known scams at the beginning of their shill pump and bailing early. Massive risk and way too much time needed to cover your ass. You are better off with a job at that point.
Low market cap coins do massive movements, but timing them is near impossible. If we could, 6 digit hell wouldn't be a thing.
You either buy good projects and wait, or gamble on literal scams.
3 hours later 27870928 Anonymous
This guy gets it. The timing is the real key here. If you're a small fry, you can absolutely never predict when a whale is going to dump and murder the original pump. You are playing with fire every time.
3 hours later 27871036 Anonymous
3 hours later 27871350 Anonymous
ETH isn't going to be much lower than it is now.
3 hours later 27871702 Anonymous
By not buying in the red, do you mean by the 24 hours?
3 hours later 27871711 Anonymous
Can you set a stop loss / trailing stop loss on Coinbase in case ETH tanks??
3 hours later 27871723 Anonymous
Just remember that people have repeated this line a million times over the life of BTC and ETH. It's easy to watch weekly charts and try to time it. It's easier to say "I believe in the longevity and success of this project" and buy it right away and forget about it.
3 hours later 27871807 Anonymous
And what’s the best way to buy anonymously... I’d prefer to buy under the radar as I don’t want to pay taxes to the kikes in government...
4 hours later 27871974 Anonymous
>Wrong, don't buy LINK
4 hours later 27872079 Anonymous
Yeah sure but the thing people never fucking mention is that you'll be fucked by GAS. I put in $60, sitting at $100 atm, and it wants $100 in fees to withdraw...
4 hours later 27872120 Anonymous
Yo. Im gonna be that new guy but I put $133 into btc yesterday on robinhood for memes and I'm up 6 bucks today. how do I put on my big boy pants and get into crypto for real? Also what's a defi and why are there so many coins? Do I get a ledger wallet?
4 hours later 27872190 Anonymous
oh yeah and whats gas fee? I'm guessing to stop crypto day traders? How prevalent is it
4 hours later 27872354 Anonymous
Newfag here as well... I got duped by those fuckin Redditfags on the GME pump and dump... didn’t lose much, but fucking hell I hate those cunts on Reddit... I’m only learning about crypto, but the gains seem much better than the stock market!
I’m interested to learn more anons, thanks for the thread!
4 hours later 27872449 Anonymous (1611951495118.jpg 248x203 7kB)
We take them by surprise... do not blow the cover
4 hours later 27872512 Anonymous
Lurk for a while and don't let shit sounding too good to be true fuck you over. There is a LOT of pump and dump shit floating around biz right now. If the coin is only a few days old, avoid it like the plague. You won't leave with your money.
4 hours later 27872656 Anonymous
why are people so paranoid about binance and keeping your coins there? i think the chances of it getting hacked are about the same as me losing a wallet seed pharse.
change my mind
4 hours later 27872755 Anonymous
only buy doge if you do it when its worth less than dirt ($0.001/doge or less), then funnel it directly into better coins during these normie awareness bubbles that pump it
4 hours later 27872786 Anonymous
Newfag here who made $3000 off doge on RH recently. I want to put my returns into something more safe and leave the platform. have a couple of questions though. What's the best app to use? Coinbase, Blockfolio, or Binance? How does a 50/50 split in ETH/GRT sound?
4 hours later 27872833 Anonymous
You clearly haven't been around the crypto space for long enough if you trust centralized exchanges. It's not about hacks, it's about people within the organization stealing the shit and dipping. It has happened to most major exchanges over the course of crypto history, save for a few.
4 hours later 27872884 Anonymous
thanks you anon
4 hours later 27872961 Anonymous
My biggest tips. This is real shit that is almost never told to newfags unironically. This is 100% unironic. Never FOMO, research before going in ALWAYS. NEVER EVER EVER FUCKING PANIC SELL. FUD posted to /biz/ is almost certainly some retard trying to fill their bags. ZOOM OUT. I got rekt when I started trading because I did not do these things, literally lost 1/2 of my initial investment when if I had just held I would have been way up. Buying and then not checking the charts is unironically good advice, you will not panic sell if a flash crash happens. Flash crashes are almost never permanent in our current bull market.
4 hours later 27872972 Anonymous
Thanks, I’ll do my research,.. definitely looks interesting alright
4 hours later 27873038 Anonymous
>retard who can't do his own research or read white papers
4 hours later 27873041 Anonymous (1612290695565.png 775x577 433kB)
Alright, finally finished my first investment into crypto (5k budget). Here's what I did
>GRT 1k
>one ETH (will cash out at 2k and wait for a giant dip)
Also, make this a recurring general OP. Lots of newfags ask questions like these and having a general for newfags is great whether its for info dump or containment. Benefits both parties
4 hours later 27873048 Anonymous
This. Also if you keep your shit on a wallet it will prevent panic selling or trying to swing.
4 hours later 27873104 Anonymous (1611979080698s.jpg 107x125 2kB)
This is good advice.
Like the other anon said do not buy into the shill threads with pajeets pumping some absolute terrible coin. I would suggest watching videos on youtube to understand what things like DeFi are. Take some time to understand what these things are. Do not take investing advice without DYOR though. Then you should start looking into the projects and the developers behind them and what they offer. You can find genuine information on here but you need a good filter.
Finematics makes nice videos IMO.
4 hours later 27873140 Anonymous
Thanks for all the tips fellow anons... some great advice... this is a good example of why I prefer 4chan over Reddit!!
4 hours later 27873220 Anonymous
Funny how you say RBC is a scam and provide no actual fucking concrete evidence that it is.
You’re a FUDing coping faggot and that’s all you’ll ever be. Cope more.
Remember when people said LINK was a scam then made a 180 turn on their opinion once they had accumulated enough? Yeah, me too.
4 hours later 27873315 Anonymous
4 hours later 27873398 Anonymous
Should maybe post something to help people with taxes. A lot of newfags might get raped by the IRS.
4 hours later 27873463 Anonymous
Genuine question for experienced investors... if I invested €50k into ETH and GRT rn, what sort of return would I be looking at in 2 years’ time?
4 hours later 27873469 Anonymous
ms paint and yahoo finance, cutting edge i know
4 hours later 27873487 Anonymous
Thanks, anon. I need this general.
4 hours later 27873506 Anonymous
It means the same thing as DYDD, I presume.
4 hours later 27873558 Anonymous (IMG_20210205_025144_705.jpg 640x640 54kB)
>Do not buy heavily shilled coins on /biz/ such as Rubic, Bao, or whatever coin of the month it is. More on this below.*
Hi I'm op and I hate money.
4 hours later 27873574 Anonymous
any answer to these?
4 hours later 27873597 Anonymous
You are one of the good newfags desu. 4chan is so much better than reddit because it's smaller and less infested with midwits. I switched about 3 years ago, and 4chan is just so comfy. It's so much more tightknit than reddit here. you should lurk /s4s/, /mu/, or /g/ to learn the chan culture.
4 hours later 27873598 Anonymous
Yeah, I’d like to hear this... is there a way to invest completely anonymously... sick of paying high taxes in my shithole Europoor country!
4 hours later 27873631 Anonymous (1611681766325.png 872x1020 442kB)
imagine not holding rubic. You've said it was a scam every day as the price goes up and up, I've never seen such blatant shilling. Just buy it, we're tired of seeing you cry.
4 hours later 27873725 Anonymous
That board is great to get away from the madness of /pol/
4 hours later 27873785 Anonymous (photo_2021-01-18_18-32-59.jpg 989x1280 165kB)
I've been here since 2015 mostly a /pol/ fag but I have never even lurked those boards desu. /lit/ is based though.
4 hours later 27873880 Anonymous
You're probably better off googling those laws on the proper site
4 hours later 27873983 Anonymous
God I fuckin hate reddit... redditors are just unironically retarded beyond belief!!
4 hours later 27874157 Anonymous
>I prefer leftist circlejerk instead of rightwing circlejerk!
It's still madness there too faggot, plus the music they shill is fucking awful 99% of the time.
4 hours later 27874350 Anonymous
Wasn’t really what I was asking... more so what fellow anons do to sort out taxes... do you buy anonymously or do you declare gains and pay taxes??
4 hours later 27874442 Anonymous
Is Coinbase Pro safe?
4 hours later 27874450 Anonymous
It’s garbage don’t buy it.
It literally only exists for ETH hodlers to get their money back from a hack, they forked the chain before the hack and airdropped everybody the ETC tokens.
4 hours later 27874455 Anonymous
Great advice but why never all in on a single coin? If you all in on a safe bet like GRT you'll get the most long term gains. I'd say always go all in between 1 and 3 coins that are all safe bets so one will carry the other in case it fails. But, again, only go with safe bets and try to swing the FOTM coins if you really want to spend the time.
4 hours later 27874475 Anonymous
What about ADA? I'm thinking to buy at least 1k.
I'm a third world poorfag so I want something cheap and safe.
4 hours later 27874548 Anonymous (1612316717094.jpg 552x414 45kB)
>doing god's work
I can't believe my eyes. your efforts will be praised
4 hours later 27874586 Anonymous
ETH should at least double and GRT is looking like the next LINK which went from $1 to $25 within a year, so, I'd guess GRT will at least 20x in 2 years. Both great long term holds.
4 hours later 27874622 Anonymous
Lol check back in a week from now and rope yourself retard.
4 hours later 27874669 Anonymous
question for the oldfags, what situation can cause the majority of alts to dump like they are doing right now? btc breaking resistance?
4 hours later 27874679 Anonymous (1612496513736.jpg 814x768 81kB)
Decentralized Finance
>Why so many?
Different coins have different applications
Cost of performing a transaction on a network
4 hours later 27874684 Anonymous
Sounds smart and easy 2x returns this year and probably much higher.
4 hours later 27874693 Anonymous
You are far more likely to get constructive advice on reddit. 'Tight knit'? Everyone on this board treats everyone else like their worst enemy. You're more likely to get people telling you to kill yourself than actually engage in a conversation. How is that comfy? Redditors are cringe but they're not malicious. Right now reddit finance subs are unusable due the doge/GME spam so /biz/ is temporarily better, but not by much.
>inb4 go back
4 hours later 27874854 Anonymous
what wallet is that
4 hours later 27874961 Anonymous (1536601110921.png 255x390 83kB)
what should be number 4?:
33% ETH
33% RBC
17% GRT
17% ???
4 hours later 27874962 Anonymous
Koinly, it does all the shit for you.
4 hours later 27875027 Anonymous (JESUS-TEMPLE-BU-bar-10oz_850-01.jpg 850x850 365kB)
There's great advice constantly stfu.
>sprays inb4 repellent
Go back
4 hours later 27875038 Anonymous
>33% RBC
read the OP and try ADA
4 hours later 27875065 Anonymous
Yep I feel sorry for all the new fags who will miss out on rubic because of all the fudding. I remember when it was at .18 and there was a guy fudding so hard he had 20-40 posts in every rubic thread.
4 hours later 27875152 Anonymous
LINK, ATOM, maybe ZRX those are decent. Read up on them. Prob just put 4th in BTC tho
4 hours later 27875154 Anonymous
Absolute crypto newfag, here. What are the preferred US trading platforms? I have coinbase and now pro, but they don't have a lot.
4 hours later 27875247 Anonymous
Depends on what coin you're trading. Binance is good, fast, and easy to use. Have a referral if you plan to make one: 73960396
4 hours later 27875272 Anonymous
I'd buy that and frame it!
4 hours later 27875282 Anonymous (1605550010507.jpg 750x1000 195kB)
And I fell for it...
4 hours later 27875316 Anonymous
Coinbase is easiest but only has big safe coins. Kraken and Binance have a lot more but are harder to setup. They have lower fees too.
4 hours later 27875325 Anonymous
Binance has a lot of coins but they are chinks. I still use them lol.
I would like to hear what others have to say as well. I tried opening a kraken account but the verification kept fucking up,
4 hours later 27875377 Anonymous
Binance's verification was too intrusive.
4 hours later 27875607 Anonymous
Sorry man but it was pretty obvious to me when they were saying things that are blatantly untrue about this project just to try to knock it for seemingly no reason.
4 hours later 27875650 Anonymous
Not really. For me I just sent my ID picture and it got approved in less than 10 minutes. Never had any problem with it. I got rejected by Coinbase over and over though. They never can confirm my ID picture.
4 hours later 27875660 Anonymous
I've heard kraken mentioned a few times on this board. I'll check it out. Thanks
4 hours later 27875756 Anonymous
>small expense of around $250 comes up
>wait for a (tiny) dip
>buy BTC and ETH
>wait a few days
>take out $250 in profit
this is so fucking addictive
4 hours later 27875837 Anonymous
i eat my own POOP
4 hours later 27875839 Anonymous
Coinbase Pro, Binance, or Blockfolio?
4 hours later 27875920 Anonymous
4 hours later 27875923 Anonymous
Is there a comprehensive guide to setting up metamask or whatever else to buy altcoins that aren't on coinbase? i'm scared
4 hours later 27875948 Anonymous
Coinbase didn't ask for my picture, but binance did and said it was for biometric data. Too much for me.
5 hours later 27876044 Anonymous
Blockfolio does NOT allow withdraw yet. Do not but with them yet. You literally cannot transfer your money back to fiat yet. They have invisible fees too but give free shit coins with every $10 transaction.
5 hours later 27876140 Anonymous
Just starting out, when's the best time to buy ETH? Seems like it just keeps growing
5 hours later 27876293 Anonymous
If sending your ID for a crypto exchange app is too much for your privacy then this isn't the activity for you
5 hours later 27876327 Anonymous
It just pumped hard to like $1700 so I'd wait to see if it stops below at least $1650 if not lower. Hard to tell anymore though since everything has been rocketing hard lately.
5 hours later 27876448 Anonymous
5 hours later 27876502 Anonymous
newfag here. how does one put coins in a wallet like im using coinbase right now are my coins automatically in a wallet
5 hours later 27876514 Anonymous
I greatly appreciate all this advice. Thank you.
5 hours later 27876561 Anonymous
Usually other exchanges like kraken, Poloniex, binance US, etc will have many more options.
Metamask is a wallet app, coinbase is an exchange WITH a wallet app.
To get the super low market cap altcoins you’ll need UniSwap, 1inch or some other DEX (decentralized exchange)
5 hours later 27876616 Anonymous
You make a wallet in a wallet app like Metamask. Then just send your coins to your wallet address. Watch Metamask tutorial on youtube for guidance.
5 hours later 27876619 Anonymous
what a reasonable amount of cash to start of with eth ?
5 hours later 27876631 Anonymous (1515276405676.jpg 720x540 59kB)
good advice but I recommend spelling out what all those acronyms mean for the next time this thread is made.
5 hours later 27876665 Anonymous
It was the webcam pic that was too much.
5 hours later 27876683 Anonymous
Can someone explain to a newfag with one braincell, what delegating means in The Graph?
5 hours later 27876707 Anonymous
cant go wrong with eth anon
5 hours later 27876755 Anonymous
What new and exciting uses for blockchain technology are there? I followed bitcoin in 2010 on /g/ and then lost interest when it when to $600 and thought I missed the boat. Last time I dug into crypto the big thing was Eth with smart contracts and dApps. Literally saw it on the news after not using a computer for years because The DAO was getting massive funding, went and read about Eth, and then a few weeks later saw that it got hacked, and then the whole forking episode. Haven't been following crypto since. Any new innovations?
5 hours later 27876762 Anonymous
You are loaning your coins and earning a return for doing so.
5 hours later 27876874 Anonymous
yes. don't do the fucking pajeet shit.
5 hours later 27876914 Anonymous (1468185018031.jpg 720x720 82kB)
>Blockfolio does NOT allow withdraw yet. Do not but with them yet.
5 hours later 27876973 Anonymous (1611954651225.jpg 1125x1500 291kB)
I like this general. have a bump and some cunny
5 hours later 27876989 Anonymous
you are an actual retard, enjoy being left behind
5 hours later 27877192 Anonymous
can you exchange for cardano on uni?
5 hours later 27877222 Anonymous
is metamask safe for grt? also arent there high fees with meta?
5 hours later 27877268 Anonymous
RSR has $371M of MC, how this shit is manipulated?
5 hours later 27877296 Anonymous
Coins can only ever be in a wallet, they’re either there or they’re not. Coinbase just provides you wallets for each crypto they list, but you can make your own using other wallets. This is actually highly advised, exchanges are far more secure now than they used to be, but things can still go wrong.
5 hours later 27877336 Anonymous
I just started this month. I have ETH and GRT. For a third I'm still thinking. Is it too late for LINK?
5 hours later 27877438 Anonymous
Bros if I have a shit coin in metamask that is on its peak, where would I go to sell it?
5 hours later 27877443 Anonymous
Its fake, you can change the amounts via the app. There isnt anything that lists your total value directly because people buy from multiple sites
5 hours later 27877669 Anonymous (1612533772651.jpg 799x798 73kB)
>Personally, I think it's a lot better to set aside a portion of your paycheck
Based. Just started doing this. I will start focusing on ETH, though. Currently have like ~$300 worth of Link, GRT, and Stellar. A-am I gonna make it bros?
5 hours later 27877682 Anonymous
buy reef and expect $1 EoY newfags
5 hours later 27877693 Anonymous
Depends on how many coins you have. For me I just keep mine in Binance since I swing trade. Only move coins to Meatamask if it's a long hold like a year or something because the purpose is that it's safer there.
5 hours later 27877774 Anonymous
If I "add funds" to coinbase but its the wrong routing number, what happens if I lose all the money before I can pay them back?
I actually made profit and I have the money but not enough time to transfer funds. Just wondering.
5 hours later 27877788 Anonymous
I have 5 coins that will 100x, I will not tell you goys which coins they are
5 hours later 27877872 Anonymous
Good. I don't want to be tempted.
5 hours later 27878181 Anonymous
is it too late to become a stinky linkie? i bought 4 today
5 hours later 27878242 Anonymous
LINK is okay but don't expect huge returns. It probably won't go above $200 this year.
5 hours later 27878300 Anonymous
Imagine missing 25xs like Rubic because you wanted to not buy something shilled....
Little tip, next one is McDonald’scoin
5 hours later 27878351 Anonymous (1585763843267.jpg 1440x720 215kB)
To all the newbies ITT
I was you 5 years ago
This cycle I will breach 7 digits
Never lose hope
5 hours later 27878378 Anonymous
You stink like curry and feces sir
5 hours later 27878430 Anonymous
I bought rubic yesterday and it more than doubled my portfolio. How did you know about the discord shill post thing ?
5 hours later 27878479 Anonymous
It's already at a high value so even if you buy $10k worth you prob won't more than x2 your investment unless ETH goes crazy this year. All estimates I've seen are maybe x5 the highest which I don't believe. It's a solid stable coin though.
Big gains you gotta buy cheap coins that have good value as projects like GRT and go all in hoping for x10. You can get 1000 of them for $1000 so easy $10k profit if they take off like LINK did.
I'd use ETH like a savings account and leave it until I need the money. Buy cheap coins with $1k hoping for a x10 and do $100 in something dumb and really cheap like DOGE for swinging if you want to. All depends on how much you can afford to invest.
5 hours later 27878491 Anonymous
What'd you start with
5 hours later 27878503 Anonymous (20210205_204303.jpg 1440x2131 346kB)
you're fucking retarded
5 hours later 27878538 Anonymous
Where are you doing your trading?
5 hours later 27878550 Anonymous
Same. I contacted support and they gave an answer that sounded like they are adding withdraw ability this month but who knows. How retarded is it that you can deposit but not withdraw though. I would have never thought it was a possibility.
5 hours later 27878576 Anonymous
Try dropping more than 10 ETH into RBC and watch it dump. I don't buy into a token for under 100 ETH, waste of gas
5 hours later 27878623 Anonymous
I'd put more in ETH before LINK
5 hours later 27878780 Anonymous
Honestly I don't think ETH will go above $15k this year
5 hours later 27878888 Anonymous (1609102587261.jpg 720x502 39kB)
5 hours later 27878935 Anonymous
And how do you want us to do this with the current gas prices? Binance and CB in my area don't have these coins.
5 hours later 27879039 Anonymous
I dont own any kyber, just using the graph as a demo
also, czechoslovakiad
5 hours later 27879076 Anonymous
To be clearer - I'd love to invest in GRT and AAVE (already ate gas fees to get rubic, not doing it again).
5 hours later 27879136 Anonymous
I don't even think it'll hit $5k this year but I also doubt LINK will hit $50. Cheaper coins have more growth potential but ETH is more popular. It's anyone's guess really but at least they will both very likely be in the green EOY.
5 hours later 27879242 Anonymous
It'll definitely breach at least $8k
Crypto has only just begun, ETH will have minimum $10T marketcap EOY
5 hours later 27879392 Anonymous
Is that a hunch or based on something more? It has crabbed between pumps quite a bit the past 6 months but it's also x5 so based on that I can see it over $5k but I also feel like it's easier to x5 when you start at $100 ad opposed to $1000 just psychologically.
I hope I'm wrong and it moons to $10k+ though of course.
6 hours later 27879759 Anonymous
>what does DYOR mean?
It's a new type of crypto currency.
6 hours later 27879867 Anonymous
Just bought an Ethereum at basically ath and I don’t even feel bad about it
6 hours later 27879899 Anonymous
>How do I remove the smell of burnt popcorn from my microwave?
Stop heating popcorn in your microwave
6 hours later 27879919 Anonymous
My intuition based on global economy
The rich are losing faith in stocks and real estate
6 hours later 27880099 Anonymous
Do Your Own Research. Basically don't take anyone's word for it.
6 hours later 27880115 Anonymous
You sell everything
6 hours later 27880212 Anonymous
Ya and the recent GME fiasco only seems to exacerbate it and helps crypto grow. I'm all for it.
6 hours later 27880622 Anonymous (picoin.jpg 1024x1024 44kB)
I just heard that you can mine on your phone with Pi Network, but it seems like a ponzi/pyramid scheme since you need referrals to enter, and it's free. I'm skeptical about it, but I know someone who could get me started.
>Keep your money! Pi is free. All you need is an invitation from an existing trusted member on the network. If you have an invitation you can download the mobile app below.
>Users log in every day and click a button to get digital currency.
>Users level up by inviting more users to the platform. This makes them gain more digital currency per day.
Is it a trap? Does any anon here have prior experience with using it?
6 hours later 27880855 Anonymous (120292451_417599725893169_106944629891748308_n.png 684x684 479kB)
>algo 1k
>ada 1k
you already made it broheim, see you in 2 years
6 hours later 27881322 Anonymous (1569109125138.png 319x271 107kB)
Thanks fren, you too!
6 hours later 27881561 Anonymous
Can someone explain something to me. What's the long term plan for daily uusage of crypto, right now they are like gold bars that people keep as a way to keep wealth or an expensive painting, but what's the plan for daily usage, when is it gonna be the time when you buy your morning cup of cofee with cryto, and which crypto would it be. People say eth, but the you can't have a situation whete it cost more in gas fees to buy a cup of cofee than the cofee itself.
6 hours later 27881809 Anonymous
6 hours later 27881881 Anonymous
The most probably solution is... Banks and credit card companies issuing crypto back credit and debit cards.
6 hours later 27882059 Anonymous
Coinbase is already doing that
6 hours later 27882160 Anonymous
coinbase takes 7 days for me to be able to withdraw crypto to an external after deposting money.
which other brokerages can i get faster than that so i can withdraw to an external account quicker in the future.
>inb4 binance
I live in texas so no
6 hours later 27882258 Anonymous (1612570995150.jpg 1536x1008 325kB)
all this just to fud rubic? suck my dick nigger
6 hours later 27882373 Anonymous
6 hours later 27882869 Anonymous
suck my nigger dick*
7 hours later 27884068 Anonymous
As someone who lived through the 2017-2018 crash FUCK THIS ADVICE. Look at the attached picture, how can you call that safe?
There will be another crash again, i'm sorry but it is just the nature of crypto it is inherent risky. Because at this point crypto is so far detached from any sort of tangible value. Its fiat price is just based on purely speculation.
Why invest in something like BTC/ETH that has maybe 2x time upward potential this cycle, but has 10x downward potential.
At this point, shitcoins/mid cap coins are the place to make money. If you learn to navigate these coins you can x20 your money.
Shit man if your going to invest your money in something EXTREMLY volatile/risky that has huge downward potential. It just makes sense to go with coins that have equally large upside potential.
7 hours later 27884140 Anonymous (eth chart.png 1281x731 66kB)
Oops forgot to attach the picture
7 hours later 27884241 Anonymous
Do you have to buy a mine in order to get into crypto? Or can you buy a certain amount and watch it fluctuate over time?
7 hours later 27884258 Anonymous (3000.jpg 1200x1200 123kB)
Can anybody tell me the best marketplace for suckers living in this pozzed state?
7 hours later 27884404 Anonymous
what do you guys do regarding wallets
7 hours later 27884732 Anonymous (O7msLvqI[1].png 1274x650 144kB)
those crashes are extremely easy to forecast
7 hours later 27884821 Anonymous (how-the-most-popular-bitcoin-price-prediction-models-fared-in-2020-1000x505[1].png 1000x505 65kB)
7 hours later 27884886 Anonymous
Thoughts on MKR? Seems like the best DeFi bluechip for your money. Most dominance in DeFi market. Could see 4k this week.
7 hours later 27885050 Anonymous (red.jpg 469x478 37kB)
can't even get started with coinbase because the 2-step authentication code never gets sent to my phone
7 hours later 27886160 Anonymous
can you explain to me what I'm seeing?
7 hours later 27886184 Anonymous (gas fees.png 557x821 50kB)
can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on with these Ethereum gas fees?
I'm just a cryptominer with an rtx 3080 trying to diversify my ""portfolio""
7 hours later 27886334 Anonymous
Same, I have seen these charts before and I cant fully grasp what it means.
8 hours later 27887504 Anonymous
No but you can on coinbase pro. It's free and you can just transfer everything for free
8 hours later 27887651 Anonymous
What are best practices for tracking crypto trades, for the purposes of taxes? It seems that every action taken with crypto is taxable (in the USA).
8 hours later 27887727 Anonymous
Can you please redpill me on Ether 2.0, and can you explain the difference if any between Compound, 1inch and Surf
Thank you sir
8 hours later 27887991 Anonymous
Why are most cryptos down today? Is it indicative of a larger dump or is it just a short term dip?
8 hours later 27888084 Anonymous (0456BC6C-9A14-4B38-828A-ABCF6E1F94C0.jpg 720x1280 110kB)
8 hours later 27888230 Anonymous
Koinly. Connect your wallet and it does everything for you
8 hours later 27888257 Anonymous
Possibly transfers into BTC?
I'm seeing the TOTALs going in opposite directions. That is, the Total Market Cap of cryptos is going up (or holding) while the TMC of crypto ex-BTC are going down.
8 hours later 27888369 Anonymous
Want a hard wallet setup, what do I need? Complete retard version pls
8 hours later 27888389 Anonymous
We just had a massive altcoin market rally and its now correcting. Good time to invest.
8 hours later 27888479 Anonymous
As in, a ledger, a metal plate with phrase and what else? What exchanges are good with low fees?
8 hours later 27888627 Anonymous
Cook for less time, faggot. The inside of the bag is hot enough to keep popping kernels even after the microwave is off, so you'll get the exact same amount either way, just less burnt.
8 hours later 27888803 Anonymous
what's with the OPEN BAO shilling going on?
its low cap rn so i might just buy in and try to grab a 5x before the rugpull
8 hours later 27888847 Anonymous
Shitcoins. At least with shitcoins, the pajeets make their money even if you make some off their back. Some other faggot WILL hold the bag, so they're not out to fuck you specifically. Casinos are designed to fuck everyone who walks in, no exceptions and no prejudices. If you have enter the casino door, you are a target and they'll do everything they can to take all you have before you leave again.
8 hours later 27888926 Anonymous (1491303922791.jpg 569x506 44kB)
I've bought 5 cryptos so far.
Every single one immediately plunged the minute I bought it.
And the very moment I paid with my Bitcoin, Bitcoin surged through the roof
Very demoralized right now
8 hours later 27889007 Anonymous
how do you cut out on shitcoins that can only get uniswapped?
is there some market for US bros that we can use to collar our shitcoins/
8 hours later 27889038 Anonymous
>Rubic discord server
Do you have proof of this?
8 hours later 27889122 Anonymous
>Coinbase Pro has the lowest fees
But online it says that Binance has the lowest fees
8 hours later 27889197 Anonymous
What's with the spamming of OPEN in so many threads? I won't buy it now because I can feel the dump coming.
8 hours later 27889242 Anonymous
using coinbase pro, they want ID verification. am i going to get my identity stolen uploading a pic of my drivers/passport?
8 hours later 27889243 Anonymous
Disagree with that. Most people with 7 figures bought bitcoin when it was sub 1000 and just road the wave in 2017 with that initial investment with Eth,neo,link etc. that’s why they feel nothing. Their initial real investment is probably less than 2k so it’s just numbers on a screen.
8 hours later 27889309 Anonymous
dont use your passport use your driver's license
that way the worst thing that can happen is someone tries to put your license # into a traffic ticket
8 hours later 27889375 Anonymous
why doesn't anyone help a newfag. I just want a basic cold wallet setup
8 hours later 27889515 Anonymous
>he thinks telling someone kys is genuinely malicious
Sorry you didn't have friends growing up, Anon, but people who like each other talk a lot of shit.
8 hours later 27889596 Anonymous
this seems super sketch why the fuck do they need ID verification. I thought the entire point of crypto is that its off grid and not connected to the jewish control system
8 hours later 27889610 Anonymous
was just about to post this same thing they have claim to have 12 million users but they havent finished their mainnet yet. i have some coins but i have no idea what the true value of it will be when they finally launch.
8 hours later 27889697 Anonymous
those days are gone unless you want to send someone stacks of gift cards or wire transfer
8 hours later 27889810 Anonymous
It was overpriced at $400 wasn’t long ago.
8 hours later 27889851 Anonymous
split your initial investment into thirds - bitcoin, something mid tier like monero and then whatever shitcoin you feel like gambling on
8 hours later 27889852 Anonymous (based.png 600x675 525kB)
I love you anon, thanks a bunch.
8 hours later 27889911 Anonymous
Ive never seen a truer statement
8 hours later 27889999 Anonymous
Why the hell are y’all signaling buy for ETH/ BTC when they’re at an ATH?
Does nobody think there’s going to be a major correction?
9 hours later 27890069 Anonymous
so there is some measure of government regulation and security with coinbase pro?
im not US citizen so what protect or security do I have? is coinbase regulated in some way?
9 hours later 27890219 Anonymous
coinbase is pretty much the closest thing you'll get to a secure market because they're more than willing to play nice with the us govt
9 hours later 27890226 Anonymous
This is extremely normal. You buy with the intent to turn a profit later. Ignore short term dips. Paper hands are what destroy gains and make people lose money. You have to have faith in your investment choices.
9 hours later 27890247 Anonymous
Wait, doesn't the Exodus wallet let you trade between coins? Can't you use that as your "exchange" to make trades without doing any identity verification nonsense?
9 hours later 27890275 Anonymous
9 hours later 27890349 Anonymous
I would add - if you know you're not high IQ, don't trade. Stick to BTC and ETH and HODL.
Trading is not for people under 120 IQ
9 hours later 27890353 Anonymous
Siegecoin when?
9 hours later 27890412 Anonymous (b5b7cbff-ec0a-4fd1-a691-235c638eb8f3.jfif.jpg 640x640 48kB)
9 hours later 27890576 Anonymous
9 hours later 27890677 Anonymous
There's no intrinsic value to correct to. It can be worth whatever we want unlike stock
9 hours later 27890690 Anonymous
When eth and btc go to shit. will all the alt's dump harder? Like I'm in prq and lto, will they dump harder even with fundamentals? Should I cash out before it all dumps or just hold forever.
9 hours later 27890712 Anonymous (1612498143322.gif 498x373 678kB)
40% ETH
40% GRT
20% XRP as my shitcoin of choice
does this seem like a good split? about to start working again so i can stash up some more
9 hours later 27890852 Anonymous
Change GRT to Link
9 hours later 27890914 Anonymous
9 hours later 27890950 Anonymous (Capture8.png 570x665 647kB)
i mean this dude isnt wrong but to explain have plans for every purchase, open a spreadsheet enter your buy in price vs eth / btc / link and then set thresholds to swap between/cash out some and let them a bit ride
9 hours later 27890951 Anonymous
Is ripple a scam
9 hours later 27890967 Anonymous
I don’t understand crypto. You can still barely use it for anything. All these crypto “millionaires” still live in shitty apartments and drive shitty cars
9 hours later 27890989 Anonymous
>- Don't day/swing trade crypto. Invest with intent to hold for years. Timing the crypto market is nigh-impossible.
what's wrong with daytrading crypto?
9 hours later 27891059 Anonymous
my picks
9 hours later 27891062 Anonymous
Am i doing ok?
30% Link
30% LTO, injective protocol and 1 x aave.
10% rubic
Started with $100 in link in 2018. Came back to see it was now near 4k added a 3 eth at $800 late last year. Then used 0.5 eth to buy inj late December. Added another 2k and grabbed $1500 LTO.
used the other 500 to fuck around.
$200 Rubic now = close to $1700
And ive been making extra playing this doge pump bullshit. Used gains to buy an aave and added another $400 to lto stack.
9 hours later 27891155 Anonymous
60% LINK
30% GRT
10% XRP in case the schizos are right
9 hours later 27891197 hassan
I have a tip for you
don’t follow this scam that they try to discuss on this thread
if you want to use top tools and algorithms for trading you should check Bot Ocean
Thank me after, boi
9 hours later 27891363 Anonymous (1588106252842.jpg 623x702 181kB)
I believe in XLM!
9 hours later 27891689 Anonymous
you can easily manage risk "gambling" on shitcoins. the first step is to not think of it as gambling. if you are quite literally just buying without thinking like at a slot machine you will get burned undoubtedly. the key is to trade, not invest. get in and get back out as soon as u make a decent profit. with me, a 2-3x and I'm out. if that. learned the hard way in the 2020 defi summer to now HODL shitcoins. yeah they may go 20x or more but many low cap coins quite literally go to zero. but yeah, buy dips on low cap, but solid looking projects that are in an uptrend. put the profits into your blue chips like BTC and ETH. never go all in. rinse, repeat. harder these days with a small sum considering gas fees, but even exchanges like ftx and binance have decent low-mid cap coins that you can swing.
9 hours later 27891697 Anonymous
>living in shitty apartments and driving shitty cars
astoundingly based and business savvy
9 hours later 27891745 Anonymous
How do I find new projects outside of this place?
9 hours later 27891781 Anonymous (926e764c0c9cf8d91e401c2e2aa41c1a.jpg 290x368 29kB)
Microwave a bowl of white vinegar. Bring to a boil and then scrub/wipe the condensation on your microwave's walls. Let open for about an hour to get rid of the vinegar smell. If this doesn't work, try baking soda scrub, and if that doesn't work, it's lost, get a new one.
> t. housewife
9 hours later 27891954 Anonymous
get on a proper exchange like binance or coinbase (if ur US) and start building a position in btc and eth. start by putting a good chunk in just to get some exposure and then DCA or buy when you see blood red on the charts. learn about other coins after. only worry about getting hardware wallet if it's worth the transfer fees and cost of the wallet to be worth it for ur stack size.
9 hours later 27892300 Anonymous
eth 5k+ by winter 2022 imo. so a 3x from here.
9 hours later 27892338 Anonymous
Where do you people even come from
9 hours later 27892529 Anonymous
binance. best selection of coins
9 hours later 27892772 Anonymous
this week's resistance is next week's support
9 hours later 27893001 Anonymous
BTC teasing a breakout so people rotated alt profits into btc it seems
9 hours later 27893020 Anonymous
anyone have any resources for crypto trading or getting started in trading in general
10 hours later 27893205 Anonymous
shitcoin will dump harder than eth. and eth will dump harder than btc. put shitcoin profits into eth and btc. i regret taking profits into bitcoin in the 2020 defi summer
10 hours later 27893255 Anonymous
kinda interested in doing some trading and have no idea where to start
10 hours later 27893449 Anonymous
Great Thread hope it continues moving forward.
3.712 0.283