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2021-02-05 08:26 27846066 Anonymous women only make up 15% of bitcoin traders (Screenshot_20210205-192543_Twitter.jpg 1080x1300 475kB)
this is a problem
0 min later 27846136 Anonymous
0 min later 27846137 Anonymous
By problem you mean based, right?
0 min later 27846140 Anonymous
0 min later 27846143 Anonymous
Who gives a fuck, seriously? I don't lol
1 min later 27846161 Anonymous
Will contact the SEC and my local legislators to see what can be done about this.
This can't go on any further :(
1 min later 27846166 Anonymous
It should be 0
1 min later 27846188 Anonymous
Women are trash with money without a man guiding them but I guess it's our fault
1 min later 27846191 Anonymous
That's too high.
Just sold my stack.
1 min later 27846201 Anonymous
You can lead a horse to water
1 min later 27846204 Anonymous
This is a problem, should be 0%. 15% is a sell sign
1 min later 27846224 Anonymous
real question is how many trannies?
2 min later 27846231 Anonymous
Very bullish, will sell when this number reaches 20%
2 min later 27846232 Anonymous
2 min later 27846254 Anonymous
Women are terrible with money, so this would only inflate the pump and dump shitcoins.
2 min later 27846284 Anonymous
checked and based
3 min later 27846349 Anonymous
4 min later 27846382 Anonymous
Meme all you like, but that's a huge untapped market of new bagholders
4 min later 27846436 Anonymous
You’re right. How the fuck will any of us get a qt crypto girlfriend at this rate
4 min later 27846443 Anonymous
That's a serious problem, anons, Women are way more emotional, they're just perfect wojacks . Fomo and Fud on steroids. Loose with cash, no emotional control, i need to get my hands on that big pile of cash.
4 min later 27846466 Anonymous
Lmao this
6 min later 27846563 Anonymous (1611424565205.jpg 900x1326 261kB)
To the question is where can I find a based Bitcoin babe? Not interested in the 85% latecomer mop up crew. Only OG bitches
6 min later 27846591 Anonymous
6 min later 27846662 Anonymous
Guaranteed 12% of that 15 are trannies
7 min later 27846669 Anonymous
>Mandate all wallets publish holdings
>50% of every wallet will be siphoned to fund a newly established woman's wallet
>I identify as a woman now
7 min later 27846697 Anonymous
Michael Saylor frantically deleting tweets about the stability of bitcoin as the percentage passes the 25% mark
7 min later 27846717 Anonymous
yes, women are the problem.
7 min later 27846735 Anonymous (1419039399366.png 297x237 97kB)
>wife looked at me like a degenerate gambler when I told her I wanted to put $10k into crypto
I love her but fuck I can see where the wife bad boomer mindset comes from
7 min later 27846743 Anonymous (988.jpg 680x510 52kB)
women are children, they will do what we tell them to
8 min later 27846756 Anonymous
8 min later 27846769 Anonymous
We need more women to hold our bags.
8 min later 27846792 Anonymous
That's good, considering women come up with less than 15% of any useful ideas. Imagine a group of women developing block chain tech.
8 min later 27846804 Anonymous
Agreed, how can we get this to 0%?
9 min later 27846823 Anonymous
15% is way too high
9 min later 27846867 Anonymous
excellent problem to have.
9 min later 27846875 Anonymous (1608587880635.jpg 1920x1080 196kB)
It should be more so they buy my bags
10 min later 27846898 Anonymous
I hope women become 50% of traders so I can dump my bags on them
10 min later 27846905 Anonymous
10 min later 27846907 Anonymous
No this is a solution to another problem
10 min later 27846931 Anonymous
In DeFi it gotta be sub 1%, we need that only fans capital. Someone suave go shill the ladies
11 min later 27846989 Anonymous
portfolio went up 3% and mine frantically told me to ‘sell now while we still have the money’
leave the low time preference activities to the lads
11 min later 27847018 Anonymous
Great! This is what happens on the way to success. When the leeches try to attach themselves you know you’re on the right path. I should buy more.
12 min later 27847068 Anonymous
maybe w*mens are just not interested in crypto cause they're stupid?
12 min later 27847095 Anonymous
Imagine all those golddiggers once we made it.
12 min later 27847106 Anonymous (1612284506397.png 987x702 1112kB)
What in the actual fuck
12 min later 27847112 Anonymous
>getting married or having sex ever
12 min later 27847133 Anonymous
That's way too much, sell signal
12 min later 27847136 Anonymous (1612465764161s.jpg 125x117 1kB)
literal bagholders
13 min later 27847179 Anonymous
funfact: half of those so called 'woman' are trans too.
13 min later 27847183 Anonymous
to who?
13 min later 27847201 Anonymous
We NEED more women in crypto so they can never sell or at least buy high sell low.
Imagine the breakdowns they get when they fail
13 min later 27847225 Anonymous
based mongols, sad they died in a tornado, twice.
14 min later 27847294 Anonymous
15 min later 27847302 Anonymous
Women have insane risk aversion, probably because most of them are guaranteed to reproduce anyway if they want to. Men have a far lower chance historically and have to prove themselves by taking risks and are more disposable in general since 1 man can impregnate 100 women.
15 min later 27847316 Anonymous
Hoe Coin
15 min later 27847319 Anonymous
Imagine how much money we would make if like 40% of Bitcoin trades came from women hahaha
16 min later 27847382 Anonymous
>Women make up only 15% of Bitcoin traders and that's not okay
>Pinkcoin the feminist bitcoin alternative has been released and we are so ready
>This woman turned her $15,000 in Pinkcoin profits into a Cryptocurrency themed Nail Salon and it's everything
>This new dating app just released on the Block Chain™ and it's genius
16 min later 27847400 Anonymous
Women should be in the kitchen not trading shitcoins
17 min later 27847498 Anonymous
>15% of bitcoin traders are roasties
sell signal
17 min later 27847500 Anonymous (womenz.png 1583x565 245kB)
17 min later 27847543 Anonymous
That's why I come here, learning all sorts of shit everyday.
18 min later 27847556 Anonymous
I saw, years ago, an article where they proposed to redistribute btc to women and minorities to make it more inclusive. I've never keked so hard in my life. If someone has the article, please post it.
18 min later 27847559 Anonymous
But how many are brown people? Or black?
Though I assume the percentage of trannies and other "gender non-confirming non-binary" fuckups are overrepresented by a lot.
18 min later 27847571 Anonymous
If they can channel their energy into promoting crypto why the hell not
18 min later 27847575 Anonymous
18 min later 27847603 Anonymous
If you actually care about crypto you would want more woman to invest. They are mindless consumers and many have high paying jobs now.
18 min later 27847609 Anonymous
I saw something awhile back that said something similar about crypto in general that is was 80% white men.
19 min later 27847642 Anonymous
>"Bagholders" is the newest sexist term in Bitcoin and it's NOT okay
19 min later 27847654 Anonymous (165475654.jpg 225x225 8kB)
19 min later 27847660 Anonymous
>be woman
>be irrational and emotional as shit
>shitcoin her sistahz said will go up because grrl powah dumps
>fires up twitter and makeup
We all know women are a money drain, bitches spend more than us in skincare and fuckin tampons and pads, and expensive clothes that they'll wear once a month then forget it for eternity.
>inb4 have sex
19 min later 27847674 Anonymous
>women own bitcoins at all
Yes this is a problem. Men should own 100%.
19 min later 27847683 Anonymous
Nothing stopping women from getting in if they want to. My mom is in her 60s and she has a crypto portfolio.
20 min later 27847718 Anonymous (1611285404927.jpg 800x600 388kB)
Fuck me man stop posting these mega chad pcitures.
Imagine having two trad wifes, that look at you like living embodiment of god. While you just do caveman shit and are fulfilled. The simple life, i hat this soi buf life shit i haven't left my house in months ahhhhhhhhhh
20 min later 27847725 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7 wtNOkuHo
20 min later 27847732 Anonymous
21 min later 27847818 Anonymous
Is this like the whole STEM thing?
>le there are no women in STEM, its mens fault that women aren't interested in STEM
I don't give a fuck they can all get back in the kitchen anyway
21 min later 27847842 Anonymous (jackie chan contemplates switching professions.jpg 1920x1080 285kB)
I'm basically resigned to keeping my stack away from her eyes untilI I decide to cash out years down the road. Keeps it safe in case she decides to take half of me wiith her one day
23 min later 27847953 Anonymous
the funny thing is that surveys show they aren't happier now that they were before. they fell for the wagecuck meme and finally see it doesn't bring happiness
25 min later 27848135 Anonymous
Women can use their bodies to make money, men have to invest to make money. The difference is obvious
25 min later 27848144 Anonymous
26 min later 27848181 Anonymous
yeah and now they all have onlyfans accounts
women are a meme gender
26 min later 27848202 Anonymous
No anon, we're supposed to let them in because on average they're too handicapped to make investments.
Just like they're too handicapped to make games and movies by themselves.
26 min later 27848220 Anonymous
I have been donating my Chainlink to single mothers
26 min later 27848231 Anonymous
The problem is that there are too many women in crypto
27 min later 27848272 Anonymous (1612497355355.png 1125x1144 3033kB)
ultra based
27 min later 27848284 Anonymous
I'm a STEMfag and women (and their gay friends and orbiters), are the sole reason of any controversies in my department. One time we had a major test leak because bitches love to cheat, whole batch had to retake that exam. You'd also see them have higher grades but they look and act like they don't know jack shit about anything they've learned because of cheats and test leaks.
Women are the worst, they're better managers but fuck me if I had to hire a woman to do an engineer's job.
27 min later 27848291 Anonymous
They only made up 15% of GME traders too so there is a balance to the universe. I would say women prefer to think of their money like an egg they sit on and make grow. Men think of it as a tool to build with. Men need to hunt and provide, so they need to find those big gains.
27 min later 27848306 Anonymous
No it’s a problem. It should be 0%.
28 min later 27848323 Anonymous
Not surprised by the 15% figure. It would explain why so many were fooled by Desire Finance! The marketing for that shit looked like it geared towards women.
28 min later 27848373 Anonymous
29 min later 27848381 Anonymous (1512673810656.png 1500x805 659kB)
29 min later 27848414 Anonymous
Incredibly based
29 min later 27848448 Anonymous
how much of the stock market do they make up?
29 min later 27848453 Anonymous
womeme are retarded
30 min later 27848468 Anonymous (1550529759592.jpg 1080x1070 142kB)
fuck i'm so proud of my heritage
30 min later 27848473 Anonymous
>If you actually care about crypto you would want more woman to invest.
No, women ruin everything
30 min later 27848482 Anonymous
30 min later 27848516 Anonymous
women go with the heard so the more women in BTC can be a proxy for more public adoption. Imagine how much crypto would go up if basic becky makes up such a larger percentage of consumer spending
31 min later 27848549 Anonymous
31 min later 27848575 Anonymous (gf-G3Kt-CpAZ-xmU6_homer-iliada-streszczenie-opracowanie-bohaterowie-podcast-664x442-nocrop.jpg 664x442 44kB)
tfw the gender pay gap is an example of Zeno's paradox
32 min later 27848608 Anonymous (311D28CB-DAAB-4A53-8508-1B082A9FBA4F.jpg 400x400 18kB)
32 min later 27848628 Anonymous (D542732E-1A00-494A-88A2-F5655A7ECB80.png 640x640 190kB)
32 min later 27848630 Anonymous
women are more risk averse. they rarely understand technology, but they can have to ability to know how to use it. not surprising they haven't jumped in; they will when it's popular.
32 min later 27848634 Anonymous
and now bitcoin/crypto will be ruined by the government
get ready for the new articles
>women lose more money on crypto compared to me, is crypto sexist?
>New crypto regulations inbound to keep it from being sexist/racist. This is no longer your game, straight white men.
you guys need to learn, it doesnt matter where you go, they will follow and take control or just flat out ruin it
32 min later 27848649 Anonymous
>this is a problem
Indeed, way too high, should be 0% or less.
32 min later 27848651 Anonymous (1450477413408.jpg 487x487 69kB)
And 99% of these are mentally ill trannies that identify as women.
Women will never take risks.
32 min later 27848657 Anonymous
Women are trash and their only use is for fucking and making kids
34 min later 27848769 Anonymous
uhhhhh based?
34 min later 27848813 Anonymous
34 min later 27848819 Anonymous
surprised they didn't add the classic mainstream media "and this is a problem" to the end of that because you know... they can't expect the cattle to come to a logical conclusion themselves.
34 min later 27848829 Anonymous (1441967185648.jpg 3000x3000 1588kB)
the only chainlink they deserve is the one Tyrone left them with
36 min later 27848909 Anonymous
38 min later 27849076 Anonymous
its cuz women are too stupid to see the future, they can only piggyback off of mens ideas, and then demand a fair share or equal spot with furthering them.
39 min later 27849196 Anonymous (1536919327033.gif 531x359 102kB)
40 min later 27849263 Anonymous
stop posting trannies
48 min later 27849830 Anonymous
48 min later 27849885 Anonymous
If they're too retarded to sign up for Coinbase then more money for me I guess.
48 min later 27849902 Anonymous
Ew a man
49 min later 27849983 Anonymous
I unironically think it should be illegal for women to engage in any activity that could result in them earning money
50 min later 27850048 Anonymous
and 14.5% of those are troons.
57 min later 27850663 Anonymous (OIP.jpg 450x253 13kB)
Well this one trades and does a little more if you know what I mean, guffaw guffaw fellow gentleman
1 hours later 27851464 Anonymous
fuck this whore
1 hours later 27851963 Anonymous (1572661078144.jpg 683x1024 80kB)
Got my mother into crypto and I totally understand why. I told her to get in in early December, promised to help etc... but she does nothing and only FOMOs in now after everything 2xes.
Everything is too complicated for her, 2-step authentification and so on. Refuses to do any reading, so I just tell her to buy BTC, ETH and LINK. The whole thing is such a struggle too, it's as though she's determined to make everything complicated when it's not. Even navigating ultra-normie UI is an ordeal.
1 hours later 27852083 Anonymous
Femanon here, been here since 2017 and probably have made more than you :)
1 hours later 27852146 Anonymous
> :)
post tits
1 hours later 27852163 Anonymous
Post tits
1 hours later 27852209 Anonymous
1 hours later 27852219 Anonymous
thats 15% too much
1 hours later 27852222 Anonymous
That's their fault.
1 hours later 27852239 Anonymous
tits or GTFO
1 hours later 27852267 Anonymous
Jesus do they want their arse wiped on demand as well???
1 hours later 27852283 Anonymous
This is a man.
1 hours later 27852286 Anonymous (1610700724998.png 792x691 531kB)
>fem anon here
1 hours later 27852359 Anonymous
>create some shitcoin and name it FEMCOIN
>hype it up to the media as the first womyn run cryptocurrency
1 hours later 27852485 Anonymous (1476375805498.jpg 816x816 76kB)
1 hours later 27852511 Anonymous (1608711841026.jpg 801x814 39kB)
>femanon here
1 hours later 27852636 Anonymous
What if I told you it was 0 and most the women are boys using their mom's name to buy btc.
1 hours later 27852639 Anonymous
We have already seen what brainlets (aka women) do to make money in the digital age. They resort to e-prostitution because it’s the only thing they can think of. Selling their dignity. Too bad dignity is a finite resource
1 hours later 27852671 Anonymous
Checked and redpilled
1 hours later 27852973 Anonymous
Why dont they do the same article for wall st brokers/traders
1 hours later 27853082 Anonymous (Gimli1.jpg 1280x720 59kB)
Yeah, we all know that 15% of bitcoin traders are trannies. Those aren't women, and they never will be.
1 hours later 27853290 Anonymous
It is indeed a problem. We need to make crypto harder for wamen. The poorer they are the better for us.
1 hours later 27853351 Anonymous
good, the other 85% can pump our bags
1 hours later 27854631 Anonymous
1 hours later 27854751 Anonymous
>men are interested in something
>women aren’t
1 hours later 27855330 Anonymous (based department calling.png 521x937 229kB)
1 hours later 27855395 Anonymous
>ask 100 woman, who are bitching about it, if they own btc
>100 % say no
other somewhat normal woman just go on with their crypto stuff and not make a fuss about it.
2 hours later 27856228 Anonymous
Satoshi Nakamoto is a female... We need BTC to hit 1 million USD so that little girls everywhere can look up to her example as a brilliant inventor and be inspired.. If you're against bitcoin you're a sexist patriarchal scumbag.
2 hours later 27856332 Anonymous
2 hours later 27856408 Anonymous (1538534529705.jpg 334x1000 63kB)
2 hours later 27856568 Anonymous
My mom just DCAs a set amount into BTC and ETH every week. Sometimes she looks at it and sends me a screenshot to show me her gains. She's also been a long holder of tech stocks and she does pretty well. If my boomer mom can do it then anyone can.
2 hours later 27856745 Anonymous
I think this comes from generations of most women not handling much money, or it being their husbands money.
Either way, if all women are bad with money, that means OUR wives and daughters are also bad with money and we have only ourselves to blame for this.
2 hours later 27856797 Anonymous
Investing is one of those things that women can't even pretend to be interested in
with sports and video games they'll at least fake it
2 hours later 27857127 Anonymous (F11549ED-3215-4C8E-9954-7A0A8B960965.jpg 396x382 41kB)
It’s not a problem, women are stupid and illogical.
Crypto is inherently beyond their comprehension.
Stop with the SWJ threads, if cunts wanted in they can easily download Coinbase or whatever shitty app they want and buy.
Again women take zero responsibility and just want whore hand outs.
2 hours later 27857654 Anonymous
this is why it has real value otherwise it would be useless like an overpriced givenchy bag
2 hours later 27857847 Anonymous
exchanges will be forced to to offer btc at 50% market value for the sake of equality in the market.
2 hours later 27858298 Anonymous
2 hours later 27858497 Anonymous (c22.png 559x676 63kB)
my gf has more crypto than me
1.705 0.157