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2021-02-05 07:45 27842537 Anonymous $60m worth of BTC lost (ntcuhoh.png 624x430 329kB)
That password will prob go with him to his grave.

1 min later 27842657 Anonymous
>>27842537 Correction, he's already served his time. It's a matter of if he can remember his keys.

1 min later 27842660 Anonymous
>>27842537 Just give the kikes an ultimatum like they love to give us. >you wont get jack shit unless you give me 50% and set me free

1 min later 27842690 Anonymous
Criminally based

1 min later 27842709 Anonymous
I already had my will arranged such that on death my coins are fired to a burn address, you get nothing Taxman, you fucking lose.

2 min later 27842742 Anonymous

2 min later 27842762 Anonymous

3 min later 27842843 Anonymous
He should be able to cash out and have this money.

4 min later 27842978 Anonymous
>>27842537 I wonder how many coins are out of circulation because of shit like this People say you need 21 to have more than 99% of everyone else, but it could be more like 10

5 min later 27843067 Anonymous
>>27842978 You only need around 0.2 or even less to have more than 99% of people.

7 min later 27843176 Anonymous
>>27843067 I think he meant 99% of BTC (or maybe even crypto) owner.

7 min later 27843205 Anonymous (1583207043160.png 535x74 5kB)
>>27842709 what did this faggot mean by this

7 min later 27843207 Anonymous
>>27842660 Based

8 min later 27843268 Anonymous
>>27842978 i have 10 coins in an old miner from 2012. the hard drive took a shit so i have no idea whats my waller address

8 min later 27843299 Anonymous (1591670789941.jpg 827x1024 122kB)
Unfathomably based. Dude has lapped Chad status and is now closing in on Godhood.

9 min later 27843389 Anonymous
>>27842660 he's dealing with a gov, they'll renege and size funds the second he unlocks it.

10 min later 27843432 Anonymous
>>27842537 The password is >14881488HailHitler14881488

10 min later 27843511 Anonymous
>>27843389 We're not living in a completely globalist world (yet). He can just move to another country.

10 min later 27843514 Anonymous
>>27842537 This is pretty boolish for decen cyrpto

11 min later 27843611 Anonymous
>>27843389 That's why you secure your exit first, ask for half of the cash in foreign funds and transport to another country.

12 min later 27843682 Anonymous

12 min later 27843688 Anonymous
>>27842537 based password keeper

13 min later 27843713 Anonymous (my treasure is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first.png 1034x709 1008kB)
>>27842537 >because he won't give them the password based, he should bury it somewhere and turn it into a treasure hunt for people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSe 8D2wfGKI

13 min later 27843773 Anonymous
>>27843511 >>27843611 that's why they won't bargain. 30m is chump change to government but huge to an individual they would rather him be poor than themselves 30m richer.

13 min later 27843775 Anonymous (eddy squint.jpg 285x249 9kB)
>>27842537 How do you "confiscate" someone's bitcoin if you don't know the private keys?

14 min later 27843818 Anonymous
>>27842537 Why hasn't he already left Germany with that much money?

15 min later 27843913 Anonymous
>>27842537 dangerously based, excellent for bitcoin

15 min later 27843929 Anonymous
pretty sure germany has laws that forces you to disclose your password, you get like 5years jail if you don't comply.

16 min later 27843984 Anonymous
https://www.reuters.com/article/cry pto-currency-germany-password/polic e-seize-60-million-of-bitcoin-now-w heres-the-password-idUSL1N2KB0QK He already served his term. He can just leave the country now and no one can stop him. Nice work Feds LOLLLL

17 min later 27844070 Anonymous

17 min later 27844081 Anonymous
>>27843775 its LEO zogbot cope to try and look good for normie taxpayers

18 min later 27844201 Anonymous
am actually loving the seeds and stuff in crypto >put away tons of BTC and various other coins >like 3 years ago, life goes on, forget everything but had seeds and stuff stored >one day check news and apparently I have money all the sudden woah >am super nervous my seeds and recoveries dont work anymore >amazingly they do thank you cryptography

19 min later 27844313 Anonymous
>>27842762 this, more proof the feds can't seize your money if it's in crypto

20 min later 27844393 Anonymous (1610128969716.png 845x925 468kB)
How have they confiscated his Bitcoin if they don't know the password/seedphrase and he does????? I don't get it

21 min later 27844424 Anonymous
>>27843268 do you still have the drive and are you going to sell it to me?

21 min later 27844463 Anonymous
>>27842657 >It's a matter of if he can remember his keys. If he’s savvy enough to swipe that much BTC, he’s got his seed saved somewhere secure.

21 min later 27844464 Anonymous (1607805231954.jpg 800x450 161kB)
>>27842537 >detectives >damn this guy is good

21 min later 27844471 Anonymous
But seriously, World War III is probably going to be Bitcoin vs. Nation States Sooner or later they're just gonna flip the fuck out and ban crypto

22 min later 27844493 Anonymous
>>27842978 >>27843067 >>27843176 oh wait I had that wrong, the thing was if you own 21 bitcoins, only a million other people on earth can own more than you do. But since there could potentially be way less in circulation, that number would be way less too. There's something like 190,040 tons of gold in the world. So it would be like owning 0.19004 tons of gold, or about 6000 ounces. So that would make you worth $10870800

22 min later 27844555 Anonymous
>>27844393 Probably have the HDDs it’s “saved on” >we have his computer, we have the BTC

23 min later 27844577 Anonymous
>>27844393 they obviously didn't. article is just written by a doofus

23 min later 27844621 Anonymous
>>27844471 unironically a good thing and bullish af overall. Outright banning crypto would lead to accelerated development of crypto technologies and the development of a parallel economy.

24 min later 27844658 Anonymous
>>27843984 So they didn't really 'seize' anything at all, did they? What, did they take his computer or something?

24 min later 27844694 Anonymous (1477941054184.jpg 500x616 79kB)
actually know a guy that had 50+ btc in his wallet from waaaaaay back and SWAT knocked his door down and held him headfirst into the snow untill he confessed his password they kept his account until they could prove that he was a drugdealer or something, don't know how it turned out, the corrupt officials probably siphoned his precious e-moneys away, while the accounts were taken.last time i spoke to him was august of 2019 this was the balkans btw

24 min later 27844711 Anonymous
>>27842537 Based.

24 min later 27844719 Anonymous
>>27842537 Kek. I lost 3.5 BTC back in 2010 because I lost my password. I didn't care much (at the time). How do I get back into Bitcoin now? What service and wallet does everyone use nowadays?

26 min later 27844821 Anonymous
>>27842657 If I had that much money is have that thing blazed into my memory and would recite it 100 times per day while locked up.

26 min later 27844880 Anonymous
>>27844719 btc is boomer shit now we are all on XMR download getmonero GUI

27 min later 27844893 Anonymous
>>27844821 lmaoo, youre not lying bro. Pull a "numbers mason"

27 min later 27844915 Anonymous
>>27843268 You can send those old drives off to special labs and get the data off the platters moron. I did it before cost $500

28 min later 27844981 Anonymous
>>27842537 >2075 >Criminal seizes 60 million in bitcoin >Refuses to give password. Never wrote it down, all in his brain >AI govt induces techno-hypnosis to retrieve password through a series of dream state hacking. Hope you’ve been training your astral state.

28 min later 27844992 Anonymous
>>27842657 You try remembering a random string of 256 bits.

28 min later 27845002 Anonymous
>>27844393 when people say they confiscated bitcoin or they really mean they have the device or drive with the private key on it. If the private key is encrypted and they don't have the password then they actually didn't confiscate anything but a bunch of scrambled data. If the guy has a backup of his key or seedphrase and they can't access his key then they literally took nothing from him

28 min later 27845012 Anonymous
>>27844694 how did they find him?

28 min later 27845027 Anonymous (703AB536-35FD-48EB-9B8C-B73262DBE6A4.jpg 883x1024 132kB)
>>27842537 Drug him with scopolamine

28 min later 27845032 Anonymous
>>27844719 bitcoincore dummy. >>27844694 I would've just kept my mouth shut and when they pulled me up ask for a lawyer. Frostbite on the face is quite visible, fixable with plastic surgery, and easy evidence of police brutality. Yeah its the balkans but if they're just doing pussy torture like that they're probably not going to kill me or cut off my fingers or anything.

28 min later 27845050 Anonymous
>>27844880 >XMR Lmao, monero is just another boomer stablecoin. We're all in on DEFI and DEX shit now nigga

28 min later 27845062 Anonymous
He made THAT much shilling haircombs on here!?

29 min later 27845091 Anonymous
>>27843929 >you get like 5years jail if you don't comply. 5 years in jail for 60m, so what?

30 min later 27845208 Anonymous
Reuters did a shitty job with the article. It doesn't even say what they took, but presumably it's some sort of ledger. Keep your keys somewhere (((they))) can't get them

32 min later 27845367 Anonymous
>>27844880 I find the amount of Cryptocurrencies to be dizzying and nauseating to think about. One coin that's hot today will be stale by the next. I don't get how you can keep up with it. Why is Bitcoin boomer tier anyway?

33 min later 27845440 Anonymous (52aac7f1c0fce7dbc6112fad0c15095b.jpg 458x562 38kB)
I've burned my address seed onto a ham and stored it in the freezer, hopefully if I die the you know who's won't want to touch the non-kosher ham, the electricity will be turned off, and the ham will decompose. Unlucky Schlomo

33 min later 27845448 Anonymous
>>27844821 >write seed phrase on velum >laminate >roll up >put in PVC pipe with capped and sealed ends >bury in ground in a rarely traveled location don’t store the location anywhere but your mind, you’ve evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to remember where the good berry bush is at, you’ll be able to remember where your life savings are.

33 min later 27845455 Anonymous
>>27845032 >bitcoincore I've never heard of this but I'll look into it. Thanks, friend.

33 min later 27845459 Anonymous
>encrypted HD >encrypted HD with encrypted containr >passwords are "lolfeds" and "2rad4tax" >gets out of jail >enjoys his money

33 min later 27845460 Anonymous
Cryptography and encryption in general is wonderful. Nobody should be able to get to or read any of any of your shit without torturing the passphrases out of you. I also have a kind of dead man's switch and when I die all the stuff on my drives goes with me, just how I want it.

35 min later 27845609 Anonymous
>>27845460 How do you make it go with you? Swallow it, shit it out, reswallow? I dun get it anon

37 min later 27845801 Anonymous
>>27845609 Metaphorically speaking, it will all be purged and gone forever, like me.

38 min later 27845888 Anonymous
>>27845012 idk, maybe he made withdrawals from his exchange to his bank account, and it was a red flag for the goverment, thats what id put my money on >>27845032 he was relatively very young and inexperienced, but that is the exact same thing i was thinking

38 min later 27845916 Anonymous
>>27843775 >We have his wallet, he can't use it! >restores wallet from secure seed The follow up is going to be incredibly embarrassing if he had secure backups.

42 min later 27846245 Anonymous
>>27845916 I’m a newfag with crypto and bought a ledger nano s. If I ever lose it or it breaks will I be able to access my crypto if I remember the 12 letter seed phrase? Or is the hardware dongle needed for that

44 min later 27846347 Anonymous
>>27846245 You just need the seed.

44 min later 27846370 Anonymous
>>27844621 You have a standing army, you mong? Cause that's what you're gonna need to be a safe alternative to the dollar.

44 min later 27846387 Anonymous
>>27846245 >Accounts generated by a Ledger Nano S device can be recovered on any (third-party) hardware or software wallet that supports the same standards as Ledger (BIP32/BIP39/BIP44). you can restore it to any software that supports the standard, which is pretty much all of them these days

46 min later 27846555 Anonymous
>>27842537 I love this. Everytime someone dies or loses their password our coins get scarcer.

52 min later 27847074 Anonymous
does it make sense for me to use electrum if I only have like 5k grt on coinbase?

1 hours later 27847796 Anonymous
>>27845916 kek, my thoughts exactly. Unless he went full-retard and kept a single copy of his encrypted keys, there's zero issue here. These dumb fucking boomers think a crypto wallet works like a literall wallet, like they have his physical wallet but it's just padlock'd

1 hours later 27848024 Anonymous
>>27845916 if he cashes out tho they will see it since they probably monitor the wallet. he needs to get into another country (probably has travel ban lol) and cash out there

1 hours later 27848402 Anonymous
>>27845916 Incredibly based, I wish him the best of luck.

3.101 0.118