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2021-02-05 07:07 27839203 Anonymous (0524335E-9F52-4A8F-8138-A8D63CDF87B8.jpg 559x1123 479kB)
>bitcoin and ethereum are racist Wtf I didn’t know this

2 min later 27839386 Anonymous
>>27839203 Do people really think the American right is this coordinated and capable?

3 min later 27839527 Anonymous
>>27839203 >let's debank this nazis >no wtf these nazis all got rich off bitcoin progressivism is literally just chasing the consequences of your own bad decisions

4 min later 27839580 Anonymous
>>27839203 >bitcoin and ethereum are racist >both require literacy and forward thinking Yep, definitely biased against blacks

5 min later 27839708 Anonymous
>>27839203 Why the fuck would you ever cross this gentleman's name out? Are you perhaps him or one of his (((colleagues)))?

5 min later 27839716 Anonymous
>>27839203 >we got these people's banks and payment systems frozen >why are they moving to decentralized systems of currency and payment

7 min later 27839864 Anonymous (CNCG_Technical_Cameo.png 122x98 30kB)
>>27839580 Kek'd. Even pajeets do better than blacks

8 min later 27839913 Anonymous
The hilarious outcome of this will be they run the economy into the ground and destroy the USD... Crypto explodes and they all flee to it making people like Julian Assange who were forced to become early adopters because they were barred from the banking system rich as fuck

9 min later 27839989 Anonymous
>>27839203 >whites are based based

9 min later 27840020 Anonymous
>>27839203 >1 Like Twitter-screencap-niggers are mentally retarded

10 min later 27840126 Anonymous
>>27839864 They do better than whites and yellows too. Highest earning demographic in the U.S.

11 min later 27840171 Anonymous (1598541682195.jpg 810x900 242kB)
Haven't you heard? YOU aren't allowed to escape GloboHomo's™ system -- (((they))) need to maintain their trendril-like grip over your finances by any means necessary. Remember if you aren't a shabbos goy begging at the feet of Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan, then its ANTI-SEMITIC and LITERALLY another SHOAH!

11 min later 27840192 Anonymous (1612522315527.jpg 1024x777 109kB)
>>27839203 @ADL topkek this guy is a fucking rat

14 min later 27840410 Anonymous
>>27839527 Good phrase. Im stealing it.

15 min later 27840531 Anonymous
>>27839386 nazis are

15 min later 27840542 Anonymous
>>27839203 this is clearly bullish for crypto

17 min later 27840688 Anonymous
>>27839203 Is this person retarded >build your own >builds own We have to stop them!

18 min later 27840787 Anonymous
>>27839708 3lprof3 Yw

23 min later 27841162 Anonymous
>>27839203 Obviously if you let everybody use something, some of those people are going to be racist nutjobs, some will be career criminals, some will be rapists, etc. Like, I dont agree with there views, but you cant just block people from markets because of their opinions on stuff. Even prisons have a commissary, which corporations indirectly profit off of. This is like stopping someone at a walmart and then pulling up their twitter account as a reason for kicking them out, its ridiculous. Also, do this idiots not realize that deplatforming, silencing and basically try to cancel people from society just breeds exponentially more contempt than just trying to identify immediate threats from people are actually dangerous and extremist? A bunch of memers calling each other niggers in a chatroom isn't exactly an immediate irl threat

26 min later 27841417 Anonymous
>>27839203 Basicly he admits to whites being smarter. Nice.

31 min later 27841890 Anonymous (1492906429704.jpg 1200x900 222kB)
>>27841162 Remember, these people are so detached from reality that they believe that someone saying that the American government should prioritize the wellbeing of its own citizens is racist and therefore an act of violence. They live in a progressive bubble to which even the slightest agitation represents a existential threat to their narcissistic moral self-conception.

32 min later 27841962 Anonymous
>>27839203 I mean, nothing is stopping anyone from buying BTC. So what if people you don't like bought in earlier? The longer you wait the bigger the sucker you become.

34 min later 27842154 Anonymous
>>27839203 wow, so innovation and being early with new tech is anti-Semitic now...

37 min later 27842436 Anonymous
>>27839203 FUCKING BASED. Blessed be that anon, for larping those faggots out of BTC, ETH, and Link , we're more than happy to let plebbitors buy Doge, and XRP, tho. Doing Kek's work, there !

46 min later 27843193 Anonymous
We need a better Tor network (usable bandwidth) with trustless cloud hosting.

1 hours later 27844775 Anonymous
what the fuck? I'm gonna sell my bitcoin stock rn. I don't wanna support racist companies.

1 hours later 27845052 Anonymous
>>27844775 Do it, poorfag

1 hours later 27845055 Anonymous
>>27839203 Okay i fucking LOVE BTC and ETH now. My local wizard literally funds his klan with beet-coins

1 hours later 27845229 Anonymous
>>27839203 holy based, just bought 32 more eth

1 hours later 27845330 Anonymous
>>27839203 >holding crypto will mean you're a terrorist soon holy shit, nocoiners can't stop seething

1 hours later 27846339 Anonymous (38CAD499-72CF-4E9C-906F-11189F094553.png 600x947 247kB)
>>27839203 The Neoliberals are coming. Get ready for regulation after man children and furry baby moms burn down another city because racist.

1 hours later 27846749 Anonymous (595110627.0.jpg 1200x800 95kB)
Keep the racist rhetoric in /pol/. As much as I agree about 13% makes 50% thing. Racism will kill our crypto image, and ultimately kill our profits. and I don't care who you are, if you fuck with my gainz, I WILL SKULL FUCK YOU. Be smart you stupid faggots.

1 hours later 27846906 Anonymous
>>27839203 You ever pay a drug dealer with a check or credit card? Bitcoin is digital cash for my weed man and no banks can fuck

1 hours later 27847023 Anonymous (1606774000088.jpg 357x500 24kB)
>>27839203 um sweaty bitcoin is literally Hitler

1 hours later 27847129 Anonymous
>>27846339 dafuq? binance too?

1 hours later 27847157 Anonymous

1 hours later 27847208 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-144001_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 338kB)
>>27839203 Kikes and niggers

1 hours later 27847256 Anonymous
>>27846749 Who the fuck cares fuck niggers

1 hours later 27847295 Anonymous
I’m not racist. I just pretend to be one on the internet. Fucking kike nigger.

1 hours later 27847298 Anonymous (1588463011608.png 439x368 30kB)
>>27839203 I fucking KNEW it. RBC is a Nazi scheme after all.

1 hours later 27847339 Anonymous
>>27847256 racism is bad for business. Always has been. We are the kikes of 4chan, don't you forget.

1 hours later 27847450 Anonymous
>>27839203 >implying ADL isn’t the real terror org

1 hours later 27847511 Anonymous
>>27847339 Niggers are bad for business Now let's get 0x to $14.88

1 hours later 27847570 Anonymous
>>27840126 You don't have to earn much money if you already own 500 acres in Wyoming, dumbass.

1 hours later 27847580 Anonymous
>>27839203 You know I could type this word for word and find them through the twitter search. Why bother scratching their names out?

1 hours later 27847624 Anonymous
Now trump is out of office, the media needs a new boogyman. Right wing extremism/nationalism fits that bill

1 hours later 27847653 Anonymous (CD9DF1BB-14B2-40FA-82B6-AFB70B189566.png 256x256 24kB)
>>27847023 >Golumbia

1 hours later 27847783 Anonymous
>>27847653 fug

1 hours later 27847825 Anonymous
>>27839203 Fucking stupid. I am not even white.

1 hours later 27847833 Anonymous
>no likes >only reply is themselves Why would you post this shit? Better question how did you even find this shit?

1 hours later 27847965 Anonymous
>>27839203 That makes no sense. Everyone knows racists love Rubic.

1 hours later 27848002 Anonymous
>>27839527 I thought it was blaming those you dislike for the consequences of your own bad decisions

1 hours later 27848032 Anonymous
>>27847965 Indians love rubics.

1 hours later 27848087 Anonymous
>>27847833 Searching @adl on twitter for any comedy that erupts?

1 hours later 27848933 Anonymous (1609985283434.png 1080x1442 1947kB)

1 hours later 27849138 Anonymous (Capture.png 1162x516 61kB)

2 hours later 27849297 Anonymous
>>27839203 bullish, very bullish

2 hours later 27849341 Anonymous (6,000,000 4.jpg 701x1024 168kB)
Bitcoin is racist and anti-Semitic goy! Abolish whiteness by killing whity fellow white. No I ain't white fellow oppressed groups people.

2 hours later 27849347 Anonymous
>>27839580 Third post best post.

2 hours later 27849470 Anonymous
>>27839527 supremely based and redpilled >the virgin victim vs the chad personal responsibility

2 hours later 27849619 Anonymous (654.jpg 900x900 111kB)
no one thinks that irl now fuck off back to /pol)

2 hours later 27849685 Anonymous
>>27839913 balance is always achieved

2 hours later 27849794 Anonymous
>>27839386 >Do people really think No.

2 hours later 27850104 Anonymous (Hansel and Grettel antisemetic.png 1342x1226 3204kB)

2 hours later 27850155 Anonymous
>>27841162 They realize exactly what deplatforming does, they do not care though because they think you deserve it for being a horrible person. They want you to submit to their group-enforced morality, plain and simple.

2 hours later 27850336 Anonymous (Cash crops.jpg 760x245 65kB)

2 hours later 27850521 Anonymous
>>27850155 checked

2 hours later 27850551 Anonymous (Nazi don't give a shit.gif 500x281 1216kB)

2 hours later 27850877 Anonymous
>>27850155 It's an extremely dangerous game. Decentralized platforms are extremely accessible now. From a practical standpoint, if they continue to aggressive deplatform, they could cause a massive adoption of decentralized services and lose all of their power.

2 hours later 27850884 Anonymous
>>27846749 >Literally selling out the truth Why get gains if we lose our liberty? Why be rich if we're shackled?

2 hours later 27850892 Anonymous (BLM Virture signaling.jpg 249x244 10kB)
A meme is worth 1000 words.

2 hours later 27850985 Anonymous
>>27850551 Not giving a fuck is unironically the only way to defeat them. The evangelical right pulled the same shit in the 90s til people stopped going to church. Unfortunately leftists now have a stranglehold on tech that the christcucks could only dream of.

2 hours later 27851088 Anonymous (Diversity is their strength.jpg 1588x1455 473kB)

2 hours later 27851114 Anonymous
>>27850877 That is a good thing lol. The evangelical right had a ton of power too, then people replaced church groups with Internet forums and they lost all their power.

2 hours later 27851251 Anonymous
>>27839203 >sharing tweets from 6 days ago with 0 (zero) likes kys

2 hours later 27851474 Anonymous
>>27839913 >canceling student debt >bailing out failing businesses >reparations >funding new war on "Brazil’s" enemies Money printer is going to be working overtime. 300 IQ move is to get as much debt as you possibly can and buy BTC. Pay back the loans at a fraction of the price with your immense gains.

2 hours later 27851582 Anonymous (Freemason blood stain.png 783x203 39kB)
>>27851114 I am just an internet troll. The moment they close my bank account becoming a career criminal is justifiable as long as I only go after rich far leftists. I will never be homeless that way.

2 hours later 27851589 Anonymous
>>27851114 I agree it's a good thing. It's just interesting to think about the strategy from their perspective.

2 hours later 27852556 Anonymous (1574219405736.png 1816x1462 2987kB)
>>27839203 >(((David Brezler))) >wanting to shut the goyim down in goyims persuit for a decentralized currency a jew doing what he does best: subverting the west

2 hours later 27852984 Anonymous
>>27846749 >N

2 hours later 27853990 Anonymous (shouldveusedmonero.png 420x420 143kB)
>>27839203 >bitcoin and ethereum should've used monero for crowdfunding anyway

3 hours later 27854605 Anonymous
>>27851589 The people pushing it don’t think about the consequences of their actions, anon.

3 hours later 27855065 Anonymous
>>27839203 >Bitcoin is racist. Yeah. We know. Bitcoin actually stands for: Baboons In the Trap Can’t Own It, Nigger.

3 hours later 27855473 Anonymous
If we only can get them to think usury is systemically racist.

3 hours later 27855759 Anonymous
>>27847653 kek

3 hours later 27856282 Anonymous (goebbels.jpg 728x494 256kB)
>>27841162 the real war is people who arent retarded vs people are. You cannot reason with retarded people as it is a facility they lack. These people would all be dead in days if there wasnt a system that provides every comfort and nee for them. The Jews love to breed retards to feed off of. Their ultimate goal is a brown mass of cultureless, history-less, mindless golem consumers and worker bee tax payers

3 hours later 27856374 Anonymous
>>27840531 Kek that's bullshit

3 hours later 27856485 Anonymous
>>27848032 India is the most racist country on the planet

3 hours later 27857032 Anonymous
>>27840126 stop pretending like whites dont basically hoard all the wealth from veryone else I knew this place was a white supremacist shithole but honestly I wasnt expecting this

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