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2021-02-05 04:48 27826808 Anonymous Cardano Staking (Cardano.jpg 848x565 124kB)
How much can you make per epoch (5 days) while staking cardano? I have about 1.5k in Cardano ADA. How much could I potentially make on average. What is a good pool to join?

1 min later 27826945 Anonymous (images.jpg 200x200 5kB)
>>27826808 i am staking about 130k and get 100 ADA every 5 days. >tfw stacklet

2 min later 27826993 Anonymous
Download pool app Use calculator Prices vary

3 min later 27827174 Anonymous
>>27826945 So the stake rewards are in crypto not straight fiat?

4 min later 27827281 Anonymous
>>27826808 ADA is a comfy long hodl for me

5 min later 27827348 Anonymous
>>27826945 130k ADA? That's $300 a month at current price, not bad at all.

5 min later 27827366 Anonymous
>>27827174 Yes Crypto

5 min later 27827375 Anonymous
>>27826945 tfw only 160k, i get you man

6 min later 27827399 Anonymous
>>27827174 i had a great week and wont insult the newfag today. yes staking rewards are paid in the native coin

7 min later 27827510 Anonymous
>>27827281 Why not stake? Is there any risk associated with staking?

7 min later 27827522 Anonymous
>>27826945 No you don't faggot. >t. 140k ADA, 96+ every 5 days

7 min later 27827546 Anonymous (1612526924195.jpg 701x1024 91kB)
>mfw only 8.8k staked At least I am helping community r-right?

8 min later 27827608 Anonymous
>>27827399 I never staked before, I hold ADA since 2018.

9 min later 27827649 Anonymous
>>27826945 Yes I'm a poorfag. I might buy another 1k of it. I just wanna know if it's worth it or if there's any drawbacks.

10 min later 27827745 Anonymous
>>27827608 Why not stake? Any drawbacks?

10 min later 27827779 Anonymous
>>27827522 depends on the pool, brainlet. also 96 is the same as 100.

10 min later 27827797 Anonymous
>>27827546 sorry bro but you have the same impact as someone fucking a loose slut with super tiny dick

11 min later 27827863 Anonymous
How do people have the patience to hold ADA when retard pajeet shit like Rubic does a 50x in a month I held 10k ADA and the price did not move for months and I just bought BTC and DOT instead

13 min later 27828069 Anonymous
>>27827863 Because putting money in some shitcoins is all or nothing therefore too risky. ADA is basically guaranteed income.

14 min later 27828165 Anonymous
>>27827745 I don't know how to deal with taxes for staking. It technically adds crypto for free, meaning you have a passive income payed in crypto. How will I prove from where I got the coins when I cash out? In fact, should you not declare that income even before you cash out? Since you technically are earning money, basically a wage while staking. The current tax institutions are outdated and being a broke 40K stacklet college student doesn't make it any better.

15 min later 27828282 Anonymous
>>27828165 As of now, as long as you don't cash out you don't have to declare these coins as income.

20 min later 27828676 Anonymous
>>27828165 Depends on where you live, but usually you just assume 0 cost basis and calculate taxes on realization normally. But yeah, there can be some implications when you're earning passively like that. In my country they basically say that if the scale of the earnings gained from it is sufficiently large, it counts as being self-employed, at which point tax rates change.

22 min later 27828889 Anonymous
>>27827649 it's worth it, you will turn your 500 to 3k in 2 months.

23 min later 27828946 Anonymous
>>27828282 thats wrong at least for europoors. in germany you pay 25%.

25 min later 27829164 Anonymous
>>27828946 Seriously? even if u dont cash out? how do they know you made that much? isn't crypto anonymous?

28 min later 27829502 Anonymous
>>27828889 seriously? thats a huge rate of return, sounds too good to be true. Especially when the guy who claims to stake 140k gets only 100 a week

31 min later 27829727 Anonymous
>>27829502 Seriously?

32 min later 27829831 Anonymous
>>27827510 no risk. ada doesn't even leave your wallet.

32 min later 27829838 Anonymous
>>27829727 >>27826945 Thats what this guy claims

34 min later 27830079 Anonymous
>>27826945 I only have 20k. Wanted to accoomulate more but completely forget about it with all the uniswap shitcoins

35 min later 27830121 Anonymous
>>27829502 ADA $3 before end of April, I don't know when exactly, but I do know it will. This is the least risk, most normie proof, mission masses can get behind to, founder knows to promo crypto in the galaxy right now. It will go bonkers in the next 3 years as Voltaire release approaches, ADA is just unfuddable and the spirits have spoken to me. I have asked about GRT/AVAX/DOT/BTC/ETH/ADA. I'm all into ADA, they will change the world, this is the google of crypto.

38 min later 27830416 Anonymous
>>27829164 They will, the moment your coins drop from your staking pool to an exchange. If you cash out, the questions they will ask you will be like this, regardless of where you live: >Anon, from where did you get that income? >You sold your crypto? >Oh okay, but can you show us your buy and sell history? >You don't have it? Why? Ask the exchange? Oh you haven't bought those coins, but earned them for free? >So you you are earning passive income? Interesting. >We see that you earned 5K of ADA for free, why did you not declare this income? >We currently have calculated that last year on the day of tax filing your coins were words 5000$ (1$/1ADA) >You haven't payed taxes on them, yes even if didn't cash out, it is treated as potential income So in the end you will have to pay in fiat (since the tax institution will not accept crypto as payment). 30-40% capital gains and on top of that you have to pay 30-40% capital gains when you cash out into fiat.

40 min later 27830606 Anonymous
>>27830416 Wow even if you don't cash out you gotta pay? What an absolute shithole of a country, full offence. Literally deters people from investing and staying as a wage slave.

46 min later 27831194 Anonymous (6f2b8bbc86302b9378c4193134e6ced8ea09f3f3f1e7d2a722259e23d7c695d4.gif 204x255 1888kB)
>>27830606 What do you expect from a country that tried and failed to expel (((them)))

48 min later 27831384 Anonymous
>>27831194 At least they can't freeze your crypto assets. If you get lucky and Cardano somehow skyrockets you can leave that shithole and cash out elsewhere.

49 min later 27831488 Anonymous
I think Iwill pump some more into this coin and stake. Poorfag uni graduate. getting paid $3 over minimum wage as a full time ELE engineer. Fuck wages.

49 min later 27831497 Anonymous
>>27830416 Why would they ask you? Why would anyone come to you? If in doubt, just open an account somewhere safe and transfer your gains there to cash out. Assuming you only cash out after you made it.

54 min later 27831951 Anonymous
>>27831497 >If in doubt, just open an account somewhere safe How and where?

57 min later 27832156 Anonymous
>>27830416 i plan on paying 25% for the staking rewards, hodl for one year and cash out taxfree.

59 min later 27832350 Anonymous
>t. comfy swissfag with no capital gains get fucked kikes, see you in another life

1 hours later 27832396 Anonymous
>>27832156 It's kind off a pain in the ass calculating all of this shit. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w nkqogNG-w I'm 100% sure my euroshithole will ask questions.

1 hours later 27832474 Anonymous
>>27832350 give back our nazi gold, fucking mountain jews

1 hours later 27832741 Anonymous
>>27832156 A country with much less tax. Assuming you really make it big with crypto. Doesn't Somehwere like Luxembourg have very low tax? Not too far from Germany. Not worth doing this if you make $10000.

1 hours later 27833090 Anonymous
>>27832350 What are the taxes like in Switzerland? Much less than Germanistan I assume?

1 hours later 27833096 Anonymous
>>27832474 kek no. Thanks for playing tho. There's a reason nobody tried to invade us. Literally no capital gains tax and postcard country

1 hours later 27833197 Anonymous
>>27833096 Sounds amazing. Everything there is expensive no?

1 hours later 27833214 Anonymous (ss+(2015-11-03+at+11.15.52).jpg 989x906 182kB)
Is there any point in moving to one of these staking wallets if you're a <10k stacklet? My exchange charges 20 ADA to transfer and judging by the numbers in this thread I'll be lucky to see that back in a year >t. brainlet who just bought into this shit

1 hours later 27833225 Anonymous
>>27827522 lol 100k ada, I get 86 each epoch. get a better pool retard

1 hours later 27833231 Anonymous
>>27833090 less than 30% effective tax rate on 200k+ salary and no capital gains tax.

1 hours later 27833339 Anonymous
>>27833225 Will do fren. Which pool you on? I plan to buy another 10k when next wageslave check comes in and just hold till it's fully developed

1 hours later 27833429 Anonymous
>>27833214 What if you move stuff onto a hardware wallet like ledger? They have there own exchange too no? Would this cut fees by a bit?

1 hours later 27833536 Anonymous
>>27833231 Wow amazing. Really considering moving there or Austria. Only reason why I'd go to Austria is for their free Uni. I wanna become a data scientist.

1 hours later 27833800 Anonymous
>>27833197 It depends on how you live, services are expensive af but stuff is cheap due to 7.7% VAT. We get tech cheaper than US. Food is expensive, but if you're frugal you can go to germany and load up on cheap and quality stuff saving 1000+/month for a family of four. Private healthcare with mandatory insurance, generally very good though, some employers pay that for you as a perk. tl;dr; it's about how you live. If you have a well paying job it's the best place to be, otherwise can be a struggle to save but some people just enjoy the scenery, mountains, bike and ski every weekend and don't give a fuck. Depends on which type you are.

1 hours later 27833884 Anonymous
>>27833339 stake

1 hours later 27834064 Anonymous
staking is a meme, this shitcoin is the GME of crypto.

1 hours later 27834344 Anonymous
>>27834064 Missed the boat, how sad see you at 3.00

1 hours later 27835002 Anonymous
>>27826808 ~5% APY

1 hours later 27835091 Anonymous
>>27826808 endo of march $3 EOY $5!!!

1 hours later 27835440 Anonymous
>>27833429 Flat rate withdrawal fee, doesn't matter where it's going to unfortunately.

1 hours later 27835957 Anonymous
>>27828165 The way I see it I get staked on my hardware wallet.... Meanwhile convert to euro in my bank account somewhere in one of a handful of crypto friendly countries.

1 hours later 27836518 Anonymous
>>27826808 Brainlet here. How to stack ADA, Got a 5k tiny bag.

1 hours later 27837219 Anonymous
>>27836518 Just Google it mate. Use wallet Adalite or Daedalus etc Go to pool tool.io select a pool based on metrics Copy pool deets Press delegate button in wallet. Having hardware wallet makes it super quick via adalite.

2 hours later 27837652 Anonymous
>>27833800 You live in the german parts or French?

2 hours later 27837758 Anonymous
>>27835440 Can you trade it on the ledger platform? As in completely avoiding binance kraken and other platforms?

2 hours later 27837939 Anonymous
>>27827510 Well you can't use it for something else like as a collateral on Cream

2 hours later 27837953 Anonymous
>>27826808 So I can stake with 17k ada? How do I guarentee i dont lose it? my shitty computer cant run the Daedalus wallet So could I just throw my coins in a staking pool and forget about it?

2 hours later 27838056 Anonymous
>>27837953 Cardano is famous for being secure and staked ADA doesn't leave your wallet at all.

2 hours later 27838078 Anonymous
What are good pools to go into with 1k-2k of ADA?

2 hours later 27838268 Anonymous
>>27830416 if you had no source of income but get some ada thorugh staking would you still need to pay taxes? isnt there some amount you can take taxfree?

2 hours later 27838287 Anonymous
>>27838056 ok what pool you recommend?

2 hours later 27838457 Anonymous
>>27838268 I have no idea, but western EU tax laws are fucked up. They will probably consider staking as income and self-employment.

2 hours later 27838547 Anonymous
>>27838457 I still don't get how they would know you made any crypto in the first place. I thought crypto has no metadata and platforms don't have to publicly reveal who buys what.

2 hours later 27838920 Anonymous
>>27838547 Indeed, but one day you will cash out right? You can hide it from them, until you convert it into fiat.

2 hours later 27839047 Anonymous
>>27838920 Unless you do so in a crypto friendly country.

2 hours later 27839105 Anonymous
>>27838078 Rewards would be very small, why bother

2 hours later 27839112 Anonymous
Dudes I am the newest of newfags, I have been researching/studying cryptocurrency for the first time, all week (2hrs/day). I have bought ADA on an exchange platform, but what's this shit about staking?? I read it briefly on their website but I thought it was just some blockchain-technicalities..

2 hours later 27839146 Anonymous
>>27838920 Exactly, just don't cash out. If you do make it big with some crypto like cardano, can you not move to another country with less shit tax laws? or lower taxes? Big change I know moving from one country to another but it might be worth it if you strike gold with crypto.

2 hours later 27839361 Anonymous
>>27839112 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3E Fi_POhps instead of a bunch of people competing against each other to solve a hash, people who stake the most ada will get selected to do this.

2 hours later 27839721 Anonymous
>>27839146 >https://www.stakingrewards.com/ear n/cardano/calculate Maybe, let's calculate. My 40K stack will bring every year 1211 ADA If ADA moons in the next 5 years, I will have 6055 ADA. This amount is not worth it to run from the taxman. It is pointless to stake for me, I don't have enough ADA to make big returns.

2 hours later 27839781 Anonymous
>>27839361 Thanks a lot, good vid...

2 hours later 27839887 Anonymous
>>27838056 Just use Exodus bro

2 hours later 27840013 Anonymous
>>27826808 4.27% a year using exodus

2 hours later 27840234 Anonymous
>>27839721 Will that amount result in huge tax rates for you?

2 hours later 27840316 Anonymous
>>27839781 Basically instead of spending lots of money on an expensive computer and electric and internet bills. Just spend money on the currency itself and leave it in a stake pool.

2 hours later 27841030 Anonymous
>>27838547 the exchanges would rat u out... require social security number upon joining...

2 hours later 27841084 Anonymous
>>27840234 No, but I don't want to go through all the bullshit reporting it.

2 hours later 27841154 Anonymous
LMAO you can this big rising? go for shitcoins thread wanna see a real gem? check fucking best xsn with 1m daily volume that’s what you should hold and forget about this shit that you try to discuss

2 hours later 27841225 Anonymous
>>27841030 Then I genuinely feel bad for anyone trying to escape wage cuck culture trying to make a few extra bucks for a living.

2 hours later 27841378 Anonymous
>>27841154 English please Despacito

2 hours later 27841765 Anonymous (uggliest.jpg 416x365 14kB)
>>27839112 Dude go to cardano website. They've put a lot of effort into explaining it in simple terms for retards like you. Don't worry I was retarded once too.

3 hours later 27842958 Anonymous
>>27826945 In a few months that will be like 1200-2000 USD a month. So not bad at all.

3 hours later 27844504 Anonymous
>>27842958 That's really good for passive income. Reinvest it to make even more.

3 hours later 27845226 Anonymous
>>27841030 >>27841225 the thing is, i wouldnt mind too much if its reasonable my (would be) situation: im a kinda-poorfag student in germany with small savings that i wont touch atm but i dont want to get cucked by 0% interest on saving accounts so i start staking and i have never filed tax before due to no/small income. as i understood it: when im staking every time coins are distributed its considered a swap/trade and i need to tax every single on of these "trades"(?). So a year goes by and i need to file tax (if total staking gains are above 256€-ish) on them even though i didnt cash out yet. (?) i feel like a retard and probably am so if im wrong, please correct me gerfags.

3 hours later 27845499 Anonymous
>>27826808 >500 on EToro I have no idea what I'm doing

3 hours later 27845547 Anonymous
>>27845226 its income from interest, taxed with 25%, then hold for one year and cashout tax free

3 hours later 27845728 Anonymous
>>27845226 its not income because its not really money the only time you really get income is when you do cash out mach dir keinen kopf brudi

3 hours later 27846025 Anonymous
>>27845226 That sounds about right from what they are saying.

3 hours later 27846914 Anonymous
>>27845728 So it's like every other cucked western country basically.

3 hours later 27847169 Anonymous (retard moe.png 500x645 532kB)
pls stop with the ADA threads At this point I won't be able to accumulate 50k before coinbase. On a different note, I have about 11k ADA in the wallet, which pool would be alright for staking? I have no idea how everything is calculated

3 hours later 27847265 Anonymous
>>27847169 This is a legit thread about passive income potential with ADA. Not some gay "IS THIS THE ETHEREUM KILLER?!?!" ***Insert Girl With Tits Pic****

3 hours later 27847320 Anonymous
>>27829831 go on

3 hours later 27847379 Anonymous
>>27847169 deadalus wallet lists the stakepools from most profitable to least, you just have to adjust the slider to your staking amount

3 hours later 27847390 Anonymous
>>27827863 >get rich quick NGMI gambling nigger

3 hours later 27847441 Anonymous
>>27830416 no, if you cash out just your staking rewards, immediately, you don't then have to pay capital gains on it as well, only the 25% on the passive income

3 hours later 27847523 Anonymous
>>27830416 >So in the end you will have to pay in fiat (since the tax institution will not accept crypto as payment). >30-40% capital gains and on top of that you have to pay 30-40% capital gains when you cash out into fiat. lol nigger youre stupid. 60-80% taxes kys moron

3 hours later 27847555 Anonymous
>>27846914 i could cope with that, so tired of crypto regulation bs they should just tell me i got to tax 18-45% of my realized profits show them trading history/proof and then fuck off for a year again

3 hours later 27847641 Anonymous
>>27847379 Thank you. Been waiting for this.

3 hours later 27847715 Anonymous (BRRRRAAAAAAAP.jpg 1280x720 98kB)
>>27828069 ADA is a shit coin that hasn't done anything for years while BNT and LRC are stepping up to the plate. I can't invest in future tech, if I don't make money and sucking off Charles isn't go

4 hours later 27847879 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-05 13-46-36.png 263x342 23kB)
>>27847265 It's a decent thread for sure. >>27847379 Alright, I'll just go to any of the first nodes. Poor biz. Lads, do you think Cardano will be top 3 EOY?

4 hours later 27848361 Anonymous
>>27829502 >meeeeh too good to be truuuue then go invest in apple retard.

4 hours later 27848837 Anonymous
>>27848361 Go play the lottery and pay your retard taxes goyim. Rabbi Schlomstein will be proud.

4 hours later 27848974 Anonymous
>>27847879 I think it will be $2 for sure EOY. I don't wanna be too optimistic. Only reason I don't predict higher EOY for now is because the market cap is already pretty high. But who knows. Hopefully it moons.

4 hours later 27849307 Anonymous (1611329940712.jpg 1080x1175 463kB)
>>27837953 You are basically me anon except I have a good computer, but that doesn't matter. I have my 17k in a pool that on average pays 5-6% (15 ADA) and the last 2 epocs paid 8% (20 ADA), and that might not even be good, I've only done basic bitch research. adatools.org is a good resource. You need to look for a pool that >doesn't have many delegators >produces blocks consistently (check the block trend) >isn't too saturated. Run Daedalus long enough to choose the pool, delegate, and close the app, you don't need it always on and don't need to micromanage anything. That's what's great about Cardano. May I asked what you bought in at? I came in at 0.11 so I'm pretty fucking stoked with the results so far.

4 hours later 27849366 Anonymous
>>27838457 Malta? Eastern block?

4 hours later 27849389 Anonymous
>>27826808 what's the fastest way to buy it? not on goybase so I bought BTC on goybase and traded BTC/ADA on kraken. huge fees. would just buy ADA on kraken but fuck paying wire fees.

4 hours later 27849875 Anonymous
>>27849389 Binance allows etransfer I believe. I use coinberry to buy bitcoin then sent bitcoin to binance. from there i buy ada with bitcoin

17.395 0.186