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2021-02-05 02:42 27815397 Anonymous BRRRRRR (DD075E27-E3D3-430E-A049-94BE622075DE.jpg 1170x1855 778kB)
Quick leverage long on literally any top 10 coin and you’ll make jt

10 min later 27816054 Anonymous
how the fuck can the us economy survive this? you guys are literally going Weimar 2.0

12 min later 27816225 Anonymous
>>27816054 that's why we're going all in on crypto

13 min later 27816242 Anonymous
>>27816054 You say that like it is a bad thing. America is an anarchotyrannical nation of whores, drug addicts and psychos that exports its twisted culture everywhere. It needs to die. Saying this as an american. I stayed in a laotian village for a month and was happier and more fulfilled than I am while I'm here.

13 min later 27816282 Anonymous
>>27816054 Next hitler in 2024?

14 min later 27816305 Anonymous
>>27816054 Nukes, aircraft carriers and petrodollars.

15 min later 27816369 Anonymous
this is the end anons. buy bullets, land and gold.

15 min later 27816379 Anonymous
>>27816054 Just enjoy the ride while it lasts, m8

15 min later 27816402 Anonymous
Are cryptomining stocks the play for today with the stimulus news?

15 min later 27816404 Anonymous
>>27816242 Based and Lao-pilled

15 min later 27816417 Anonymous
they are talking about the same stimulus package for 6 months now

15 min later 27816427 Anonymous
Here comes the jesters. One two three. IT'S ALL PART OF MY FANTASY!!

17 min later 27816504 Anonymous
>>27816054 Turns out nothing you knew is true. There's different ways of understanding the economy. You can look up modern monetary theory if you're interested in a new perspective. >inb4 leftist faggot I'm not claiming to be an expert or that this is the correct way to look at things. I'm just providing a different point of view.

17 min later 27816512 Anonymous
>>27816417 Nah they keep passing trillion dollar packages, I think the first one was 2, the there was a few hundred billion dollars for small buisness, then there was the second one for the general populace and now there is this one.

18 min later 27816600 Anonymous
This all feels like a dream. I'm going to wake up aren't I?

18 min later 27816620 Anonymous
>>27816512 why USD is coming back against EUR then? no logic

18 min later 27816621 Anonymous
>>27815397 Did this really pass so quickly? Thought Manchin was breaking rank? Doesn’t even matter anymore, whenever I earn usd I convert it to real money, such as crypto or metals.

19 min later 27816663 Anonymous
>>27816054 not even coping like this faggot: >>27816504 but yea, 1.9 trillion is nothing. stock market is about to pump, and yea, crypto will do fine too.

21 min later 27816760 Anonymous (cuck the jews.png 640x793 750kB)
>>27815397 Bring forth the 2nd Dark Age.

21 min later 27816791 Anonymous
>>27816620 I think the euro is kept at a par with the USD, so the euro purposely weakens against the USD as the USD weakens itself to keep trade and the world order stable. I think, I might be retarded, i heard someone say that in a youtube video once.

21 min later 27816797 Anonymous
>>27816504 Its not a new perspective, its history repeating itself. Modern monetary theory is confidence in the government. People are losing confidence so modern monetary theory starts to breakdown.

22 min later 27816819 Anonymous
Why is America willingly destroying its economy?

22 min later 27816886 Anonymous
>>27816054 The sooner we get Hitler 2.0 the better.

24 min later 27817000 Anonymous (0DEA1EC9-D421-40B7-913D-61312B81D0B6.jpg 768x960 441kB)
>>27816242 Based Fuck globohomo

24 min later 27817001 Anonymous
>>27816054 Because bombs go boom

24 min later 27817017 Anonymous
>>27816791 it could be true, there is no more logic in this clown world

25 min later 27817045 Anonymous
>>27815397 This is how you know crypto will crash very soon. Sounds like a gamestop kiddos. >>27816054 >pumps 10% of yearly GDP into economy Wow how will we ever survive bottled water being $1.10

25 min later 27817050 Anonymous
>>27816242 mindless consumption rarely makes you happy. the simpler life is often better, given you aren't an extremely boring person who doesn't know what to do with their time and NEEDS partying and so on to burn some of it.

25 min later 27817054 Anonymous
Houses and your grocery shop just got 10% more expensive. Thanks Printer-San. Riots when?

25 min later 27817081 Anonymous
>>27816819 i can only suspect it is an effort by some globalists to destroy America inside out completely and remake it into another subservient euro-nation tier state everything these leftists do only destroys america further. an actual American would not do this.

26 min later 27817127 Anonymous
>>27817045 based retard

26 min later 27817128 Anonymous
>>27815397 Big if true

27 min later 27817164 Anonymous
>>27817054 >your grocery shop just got 10% more expensive Except that the gibs will be mostly gambled or blown.

27 min later 27817213 Anonymous
these massive pumps definitely coincide with stimmies

29 min later 27817342 Anonymous
>>27816402 i loaded up on MARA a few days ago

29 min later 27817348 Anonymous
>>27816369 your land gold and anal virginity will be taken by people with more bullets.

30 min later 27817381 Anonymous
>>27816797 Confidence doesn't have to be faith the government is good. Just faith that it's going to be around. And it's seeming that the government is very anti-fragile and not as easy to break as we might think.

32 min later 27817565 Anonymous
anyone else think we are heading towards a dystopian future like the hunger games? >low and middle class people get priced out of everything and become slave cattle with (((UBI))) >ultra rich live in megalopolis and watch us for entertainment

40 min later 27818125 Anonymous
>>27817381 There are many parts that make up that confidence in the government, the governments stance, faith by citizens, faith by other governments etc.. The US gov can take which ever stance it wants but that doesn't change the fact more and more countries are not trading with the US dollar for oil. We're starting to see a break down, building materials have skyrocketed but people want cheaper rent. Unemployment is at a very high level and people want more handouts. Small businesses are closing in droves. Something like 30-40% of US small businesses have shut down since Covid started. And the civil unrest is going to get more and more explosive, conversation is breaking down. I don't know how that doesn't translate to a lose of confidence.

40 min later 27818127 Anonymous (Stimulus FU.jpg 749x1283 225kB)
>>27815397 You will get what you deserve. Nothing because fuck you.

41 min later 27818192 Anonymous
>>27818127 blacks and welfare queens. got it.

43 min later 27818326 Anonymous
>>27817054 I already have noticed this last week. I guess it takes a bit of time for the stim to trickle down so most people don't tie 2 and 2 together.

44 min later 27818368 Anonymous
>>27816282 >>27816282 yes and he will make XMR the official crypto of the burger reich

44 min later 27818370 Anonymous
>>27816054 If the US collapses, then so does most of the rest of the world. Have fun.

44 min later 27818444 Anonymous
>>27818192 >blacks and welfare queens. got it. And we all will pay for it. Congratulations!!!

45 min later 27818473 Anonymous
>>27816504 >You can look up modern monetary theory if you're interested in a new perspective MMT was literally some dudes looking around, seeing what's going on, and writing it down. It's not a theory as much as it is a diagnosis.

45 min later 27818493 Anonymous
Fiat is finished

45 min later 27818502 Anonymous
>>27818127 Stimmie only for nigs. Buy FUBU

45 min later 27818520 Anonymous
>>27816242 >America is an anarchotyrannical nation of whores, drug addicts and psychos that exports its twisted culture everywhere. Based, too many european nations have degraded socially due to American influence.

46 min later 27818609 Anonymous
>>27818370 Nope. Dollar denominated debt gets cheaper and a new reserve currency gets issued. Think of it as the world flippening america.

46 min later 27818626 Anonymous
>>27815397 Thank you based Kamala

47 min later 27818678 Anonymous
I can't believe some of you fags in this very thread voted for this travesty of a regime. Unrealized gains tax soon.

48 min later 27818761 Anonymous (1523453465765764.png 805x651 85kB)
As a silver stacker, nickels are my shitcoin of choice.

48 min later 27818802 Anonymous
>>27816054 >THE SKY IS FALLING nigger shut up the system won’t collaspe unless the handlers want it too UBI soon

49 min later 27818867 Anonymous
>>27818678 >Unrealized gains tax soon. janet pls no

50 min later 27818953 Anonymous
>>27818502 >Buy FUBU >Implying niggers spend money instead of just rioting.

53 min later 27819126 Anonymous
>>27816242 i 100% agree as an american. the clownride known as our zionist occupied government must fucking end.

55 min later 27819290 Anonymous
>>27818192 Nice. Nogs like my eth stock

56 min later 27819411 Anonymous
I just want another check so I can buy more XOM

57 min later 27819446 Anonymous
>>27817348 go back to plebbit you dirty faggot

57 min later 27819463 Anonymous
>>27817045 Fuck you

1 hours later 27820181 Anonymous
>>27816369 Silver. Nobody will be able to afford gold, it will be useless for trading, you will only get shot or robbed.

1 hours later 27820347 Anonymous
>>27818127 So a Nike relief package?

1 hours later 27820695 Anonymous
>>27818127 Not even a bad thing because we know they won’t save it and will buy efferiums and iPhones. My assets will keep going up

1 hours later 27820873 Anonymous
>>27818678 Any white person who votes democrat is committing suicide

1 hours later 27820889 Anonymous (20210203_223907.jpg 1080x553 114kB)
Good. I need to buy more cryptos

1 hours later 27820918 Anonymous
>>27815397 What's in this bill that Republicans object to?

1 hours later 27821046 Anonymous
>>27820873 republicanism is just 'legal' genocide

1 hours later 27821182 Anonymous
>>27820918 Literally 75% of it goes to other countries. Tons of climate change slush fund money

1 hours later 27821445 Anonymous
>>27820918 dems are choosing welfare over tax reform. >BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR problem solved

1 hours later 27821664 Anonymous
>>27816242 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d_CaZ 4EAexQ

1 hours later 27823345 Anonymous
>>27816054 as long as we got the biggest dicks and the biggest bombs aint nobody going to do shit except uber incel neet-tards who are likely get thrown under the bus by society anyhow. people genuinely desire our products. >#USA#1

1 hours later 27823736 Anonymous
>>27823345 You're doing a pretty good job tearing yourselves apart. All the rest of the world has to do is watch.

1 hours later 27823780 Anonymous
Hahaha. I'm gonna be laffin when america gets even worse from it's nightmare state of affairs. I'm gonna go live in Japan with my Japanese spouse visa. All y'all who didn't think of an exit strategy are gonna be living in niggerland hahaha

1 hours later 27823842 Anonymous
>>27816054 Didn't the tranny shit already give that away?

1 hours later 27824026 Anonymous (1610773228475.jpg 1024x923 327kB)
>>27816054 >FED lights 2 trillion on fire to bump the dow for half an hour >sleep >FED injects 1.2 trillion into the consumer market >N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOURE GONNA CRASH THE HECKIN ECONOMIRINO

1 hours later 27824158 Anonymous
>>27817000 Well that didn't age well

1 hours later 27824332 Anonymous
>>27816054 what are you actually worried about? the ultra-rich will have marginally less money for a moment until it is siphoned back out of the working class. americans wont save this money. we are all debt slaves and/or consumerists. this money will go to our debtors and to corporations.

1 hours later 27824347 Anonymous
>>27815397 >party line vote This means that the stimulus package is loaded with liberal bullshit completely unrelated to stimi checks. WTF are you even doing anymore Murica?

1 hours later 27824380 Anonymous
>>27816242 Go back

1 hours later 27824415 Anonymous
>>27824026 >into the economy please tell us where the money is actually going anon. you DID read about the bill before posting this right?

1 hours later 27824628 Anonymous (1610013056431.png 651x616 128kB)
>>27815397 Most people are pissed that it's only $1400. Must suck to have missed the great bullrun of 2020 after shorting everything in February-early March. >t.amerimutt

1 hours later 27824741 Anonymous
>>27816427 >based bad company reference You're gonna make it anon.

1 hours later 27824883 Anonymous
>>27816054 Were already on like 5.0 my dude.

1 hours later 27825062 Anonymous
>>27815397 >>27816054 When this shitshow is over you can get 3 USD with 1 EUR. Holyshit you murricas or going full retard

1 hours later 27825422 Anonymous
>>27821046 Wtf I love Republicans now!?

1 hours later 27825570 Anonymous
>>27825062 >going full retard No anon, we've been retarded for my entire 23 years of life as an amerimutt. It's just on display in full force right now

1 hours later 27825607 Anonymous (1612331539616.jpg 625x833 62kB)
>>27824415 The majority is earmarked for shit like business stimulus and unemployment. Where are you retards getting this idea of "1 trillyin beeing sent to yurop!"

1 hours later 27826216 Anonymous
>>27816054 In the long run, somebody has to go bankrupt. In the short run, the USA is the world reserve currency so that's how we are able to print oodles of dollars (as coin, paper and digits,) and not immediately go to Weimar Levels Of Screwed.

2 hours later 27826410 Anonymous
>>27823736 this kind of violent in-fighting is normal desu. it wasn't publicized or was adopted last century because muh world wars, but think about violent societal trends life domestic violence, suicide, lynchings, segregation, alcoholism and d.a. etc., are clear indicators that life wasn't some fairytale happy place before the modern era. the males of the racial majority were at the top of EVERY power system across the world, now that's changing. the changes it brings don't happen overnight, they are once-in-a-lifetime events like the capitol raids or having a minority president. history shows that power struggles can take 100s of years to settle.

2 hours later 27826444 Anonymous
from states, which crypto wallet is best if they take down internet?

2 hours later 27826506 Anonymous
>>27826216 Next reserve will be a cryptocurrency USD reserve status will end within 10 years, most likely 5

2 hours later 27826712 Anonymous
Can t they just pump 10 trillion into crypto and make bubble go to 100 trillion?

2 hours later 27826826 Anonymous (E8A86F3F-E7D8-4E2F-A422-338FC2044320.png 483x581 261kB)
>>27816242 Good, fuck this hellhole. So many laws in this country, have to pay for every single fucking thing, can’t move up because so many expectations, and you can’t just leave because they own everything. Just collapse this fucking country already so we are free from it. From the ashes we will rise.

2 hours later 27826869 Anonymous
>>27826216 when China sells their USD reserves, US stops buying Chinese products, USD collapses and US will wage war with China in order to preserve their balance of power in the world. China has been steadily consolidating its economic, military and (geo)political power for a while now, kinda like pre-war Nazi Germany. The outcome will be a new world where US is no longer the dominant force in the world.

2 hours later 27827045 Anonymous
>>27826410 >this kind of violent in-fighting is normal desu. it wasn't publicized or was adopted last century because muh world wars, but think about violent societal trends life domestic violence, suicide, lynchings, segregation, alcoholism and d.a. etc., are clear indicators that life wasn't some fairytale happy place before the modern era. the males of the racial majority were at the top of EVERY power system across the world, now that's changing. the changes it brings don't happen overnight, they are once-in-a-lifetime events like the capitol raids or having a minority president. history shows that power struggles can take 100s of years to settle. 0/10

2 hours later 27827166 Anonymous
>>27826869 White American here (no DNA outside of Europe), good. Let the chinkerinos kill off all of the 52%ers, real white people will not go to war with China and we can have an ethnostate after

2 hours later 27827242 Anonymous
>>27826410 >this kind of violent in-fighting is normal desu. If you think what's currently happening in the US is normal or healthy you're beyond help.

2 hours later 27827353 Anonymous
So should I buy a gun [spoiler] and gun stocks? [/spoiler]

2 hours later 27827458 Anonymous
>>27816054 Only way to USA crash is China keep going growing.

2 hours later 27827500 Anonymous (1610553278631.png 860x703 47kB)
>>27818127 >tfw making 48k in Louisiana I like money

2 hours later 27827637 Anonymous
>>27818127 it's literally only going to go to non-whites. working class whites will get nothing and like it

2 hours later 27827960 Anonymous
>>27818127 >only to the hardest hit Has KFC a stock?

2 hours later 27828007 Anonymous
>>27827637 Cletus and his trailer park family will get it as well. It's going to everyone that makes less than 50k a year. That covers nigs, Mexicans, white trash, and a few flyover states that almost nobody lives in

2 hours later 27828411 Anonymous
>>27827637 I'm black and I didn't get a single stimulus check.

2 hours later 27828684 Anonymous
>>27816054 >Muh inflation >Muh debt Take an econ course, a nation state isn't like an individual household that needs to balance their budget. A nation prints it's own currency, it can literally never be insolvent due to debt. Also debt doesn't mean anything it just zeros on a computer. Currently the debt is in the trillions and the inflation rate over the last 10 years is only 1.5% stop being a deficit hawk retard libertarian.

2 hours later 27828899 Anonymous
>>27816282 one can only hope

2 hours later 27829303 Anonymous
>>27816242 Based. https://youtu.be/QNerjnwhbts

2 hours later 27829387 Anonymous
>>27827960 Yum brands

2 hours later 27829515 Anonymous
>>27816054 Buy our shit or we'll freedom you

2 hours later 27829521 Anonymous
>>27828684 >debt doesn't mean anything it just zeros on a computer Then why don't they just create infinite US dollars? It's almost like there's a limiting factor.

2 hours later 27829530 Anonymous
>>27828684 >muh modern monetary theory Literally propaganda from the central banks and federal reserve. Good goyim

2 hours later 27829605 Anonymous
>>27828684 >you can just continue to add more and more debt and it'll never be a problem Do normies really?

2 hours later 27829750 Anonymous (1605836457286.gif 100x100 19kB)
>>27828007 >less than 50k a year >That covers white trash thank fucking god. bless you sleepy joe can't wait to get my family's gibs

2 hours later 27830060 Anonymous
>>27816305 based, and truthful answer

2 hours later 27830156 Anonymous
>>27816504 Not really, we exported a lot of our inflation abroad. However even still quality of life has rapidly declined as tax burdens have increased. Now we are printing at actual Weimar rates while the world drops the dollar, and the federal government lost of much power in their coup that they are debating just starting the war economy domestically as they are unsure if they can trust the people that make up 80% of their combat roles and over 90% of their special forces. Anyone not holding valuable assets or sitting on fiat is about to have a bad time.

2 hours later 27830160 Anonymous (1608480343663.jpg 750x725 207kB)
>>27815397 what do I do with my btc when the dollar is gone? its going to fucking zero, we will have nothing to sell into, seriously what the fuck do I do? if everyone is in btc and wants to buy food will the miners be able to keep transactions up or do I need something else to buy food? there's no way I'm waiting fucking 2 weeks for groceries just because the mempool is flooded

2 hours later 27830767 Anonymous
>>27816054 This. The number makes no sense. We don't even have the resources to spend that money on

2 hours later 27830868 Anonymous
>>27830160 I don't know the answers to those questions but I will tell you that if you don't already have at least 2 months of food on hand at any given moment you are ngmi.

2 hours later 27830938 Anonymous
>>27830160 Either the national government or the local governments that will replace it will eventually issue new currencies backed by cryptos. People won't trade cryptos directly, except for very large transactions.

2 hours later 27830943 Anonymous
>>27816242 Good. Don't come back.

2 hours later 27831069 Anonymous
>>27818520 Nations so weak that they'd let themselves be influenced.

2 hours later 27831158 Anonymous
>>27830160 yuan

2 hours later 27831196 Anonymous
>>27828684 >Take an econ course It was at this point that I knew your post was shit

2 hours later 27831248 Anonymous (ADC7346D-A7CF-490C-A585-D87471771933.jpg 900x400 102kB)

2 hours later 27831250 Anonymous
>>27816504 Centralized power leads to corruption.

3 hours later 27831948 Anonymous
>>27829530 MMT is proven by the fact that we are trillions in debt and the inflation rate is only 1.5% over the last 10 years (below the expected value). Debt is a meme.

3 hours later 27831965 Anonymous
>>27830160 Use your BTC to buy material assets before that happens? Stock up on food, weapons, tools, medical supplies and some gold and silver. Or get out of the country and exchange your BTC for a fiat currency that still works.

3 hours later 27831972 Anonymous
>>27829530 I'm unironically uncertain at this point if MMT is deliberate propaganda or if they're just retarded.

3 hours later 27832317 Anonymous
>>27831948 All that proves is that the rest of the world is debasing their currency as well. The instant people doubt their money, they will use it to buy tangible goods which supply will not be able to keep up with.

3 hours later 27832487 Anonymous (1595811188044.png 800x600 622kB)
>>27830868 >>27830938 I looked it up >"exact upper bound for the maximal transaction throughput of the bitcoin protocol is 27 tps" so there is no chance of people using it to buy anything I have 24 meals in prep buckets (3 buckets, 8 meals each) but water will be more important, hopefully they'll keep the water running or will we have to fucking barter for water bottles? there's no way in hell my local, or even state government is going to do anything with btc most politicians/central bankers can barely operate a pc and how the fuck would they even get btc to begin with? they don't own any so they better start adding it to their balance sheets soon or they won't be able to create any crypto backed currencies and are we sure the miners will be able to pay their bills? the network needs to stay safe >>27831965 water will be the biggest problem, can't store it forever, maybe its possible to live on low alcohol wine will any fiat currency work if the dollar collapses? the problem with the dollar at the end of the day is that its backed by nothing, that goes for all other currencies as well, this thing might go global

3 hours later 27832518 Anonymous
>>27827166 It would be extremely humorous to purge all the white supremacists (read: all white people) from the military and then fight (and lose) WWIII.

3 hours later 27832561 Anonymous
>>27816054 $2T still is not as much as Weimar printed relatively The US is the largest economy with the strongest currency And one very important difference today is that the US$ is the world's reserve currency

3 hours later 27832588 Anonymous
>>27818127 I'm a neet so i'm happy the government will be sending me an efferium fo free n sheit

3 hours later 27832609 Anonymous
>>27816054 The only thing that protects the USD from being dumped is the global military control, that's the only reason.

3 hours later 27832611 Anonymous
>>27832487 >maybe its possible to live on low alcohol wine I think people in the middle ages basically lived on beer since water was shit,but im not really sure on that info

3 hours later 27832724 Anonymous (1612511508030.jpg 720x754 122kB)
>>27828411 Good. Finally I get to be the leech. >How does it feel to pay for my neet lifestyle?

3 hours later 27832734 Anonymous
>>27824883 lel this

3 hours later 27832814 Anonymous
>>27832611 This is true and in some European countries you have to get to like 5% alcohol before you get into real "beer" territories. Before that it's a soft drink.

3 hours later 27832824 Anonymous
>>27832611 yeah, I've heard something similar people were tipsy 24/7

3 hours later 27832835 Anonymous
>>27829521 Because then the goyim would be rich, retard They need to pretend to give a shit about us juuuuust enough to prevent mass chimpouts.

3 hours later 27832898 Anonymous
>>27816054 >2 trillion >US economy Nothing. Plus if us EU faggots can do more without tanking everything, they should be fine

3 hours later 27833022 Anonymous
>>27832561 Its been dumping compared to our kroner

3 hours later 27833024 Anonymous
>>27832611 Beer and tea were healthier to drink than water back then because the process to make either of those sterilizes the water.

3 hours later 27833066 Anonymous (1612509044020.jpg 740x1280 99kB)
>>27829521 Other countries. Why do you think push for globohomo one world government one economy etc is a thing? Then your infinite imaginary brrrr brrr limiting factors go away.

3 hours later 27833121 Anonymous
>>27824158 I don't know, it pissed a lot of people off

3 hours later 27833140 Anonymous
>>27818520 fuck, that's the case here in latin america. it wasn't enough to have proxy wars for 50 years, now you fuckwads export your gay ass (literally) agenda to the rest of the region.

3 hours later 27833142 Anonymous (woah.jpg 148x172 10kB)
It's not gonna be pretty, just looking at house shit alone. I was trying to shop for a place recently, and noticed we're in for another big housing crash soon, among whatever over things. >housing supply at an all-time low >property values increased 20%+ during the virus when everyone's supposed to be unemployed and poor now >people making insane 50K+ earnest offers sight-unseen on houses when everyone's supposed to be unemployed and poor now >rates super low among all this >looming tsunami of foreclosures for all the people who are unemployed and poor >overall US inflation bubble pumping and pumping as the dollar gets weaker Big 2008 vibes. I think it's going to happen at some point in the next 1-3 years. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the administration just keep pumping trillions and trillions of made-up dollars into the economy to avoid looking bad though, just forestalling this till 2024 and making the bomb all the more huge.

3 hours later 27833207 Anonymous
>>27816054 >>27816242 Majority of the senate has double citizenships with Israel. There's nothing normal citizens can do.

3 hours later 27833252 Anonymous
>>27816620 Because the ECB is printing trillions of euros as well

3 hours later 27833387 Anonymous
>>27818127 >tfw i'm poor Thanks for the free top of the line phone money

3 hours later 27833543 Anonymous
>>27816600 You’re in a purgatory type world that hasn’t been fully explained yet, you are being judged by the kind of life you lead during these circumstances. Trust in your heart.

3 hours later 27833636 Anonymous
>>27832724 this picture is so depressing it's motivational

3 hours later 27833641 Anonymous
>>27832487 >water will be the biggest problem, can't store it forever, maybe its possible to live on low alcohol wine There are plenty of options for long term storing water. Properly stored water doesn't have an expiration date. Search the internet, there are plenty of survivalist and prepper sites telling you how. Or you could just invest into some kind of water purification if you're really worried.

3 hours later 27833688 Anonymous
>>27817054 Didn't do shit the last two times.

3 hours later 27833750 Anonymous
>>27816305 Petrodollar is a meme now. The world's largest exporter of energy and world's largest importer dont use dollars anymore.

3 hours later 27833806 Anonymous
>>27816242 based and eastasianpilled

3 hours later 27833813 Anonymous
>>27816054 Literally every country has been churning out proper stimulus you fuck.

3 hours later 27833855 Anonymous (1612150834263.png 722x754 799kB)
>>27833636 You can make it Anon, all you gotta do is get good at the game.

3 hours later 27833914 Anonymous
>>27832611 Watered down wine or beer was the everyday drink of choice because the alcohol kills bacteria. You can achieve the same effect by boiling it or using some kind of purifier.

3 hours later 27833972 Anonymous
>>27832611 It was low alcohol beer, only 1.5 pecent. Wont store indefinitely but the process making it made it safe to drink and you could drink a lot of it.

3 hours later 27833989 Anonymous
>>27825607 These are the same fucking morons that thought December's omnibus bill was meant to be the COVID relief bill instead of having COVID stimulus tacked on because McConnell fucked around with it for the entire year.

3 hours later 27834074 Anonymous
>>27833972 I'm a muslim and I drink that

3 hours later 27834086 Anonymous
>>27833142 Literally billionaire jews have been buying up property left and right. Even deBlasio brought up buying property

3 hours later 27834151 Anonymous
>>27833142 hmm. what would that crash look like? with foreign investors becoming bigger and bugger players in US real estate, would priced even crash at all? watch foreign interests buy the dip on us real estate lmao

3 hours later 27834249 Anonymous
>>27826869 the US isn't stupid enough to engage in a real war with china. everyone knows our military is shit now

3 hours later 27834267 Anonymous
>>27818127 noice gon get me sum efferim

3 hours later 27834347 Anonymous
>>27834074 Based hypocrite.

3 hours later 27834436 Anonymous

3 hours later 27834442 Anonymous
>>27834086 >>27834151 It's pretty F for the regular person. The "crash" may just be us literally never being able to afford housing ever again. I agree with what one anon said in another thread, about how housing for millennials and later generations is gonna go: >1% and chinks buying all the houses already >all the boomers who bought their shit in the 90's, 00's, and early 10's die >1% and chinks just buy their houses and just rent them to millennials their whole entire life as they're permanently priced out

3 hours later 27834477 Anonymous
>be neet >mom forces me to get job at grocery store in 2019 >work like 20 hours a week >covid comes >mom says i gotta quit so she can’t die >yolo apply for unemployment cause 4chan told me >get approved i have like 4grand saved up from the last round and another 3k from this round and loooks like i’m getting more finally made it lads

3 hours later 27834526 Anonymous
>>27834442 most of the boomers will pass their houses onto their kids retard

3 hours later 27834727 Anonymous
>>27834526 doubt it. if they die while still living there, sure. i can't see any boomer willing to give their house to one of their kids (maybe they would sell at a slight discount or something lol) when they could cash out and chill until death.

3 hours later 27834749 Anonymous
>>27834477 Keep buying more more more crypto don’t stop Fuck stocks

3 hours later 27834767 Anonymous
>>27816054 >>27815397 Let’s not forget the “relief” for poor 10MILLION illigarinos. Dems don’t Need to cheat anymore GG

3 hours later 27834773 Anonymous
>>27834526 They're going to do the boomer thing and cash out in the next few years, because their property values are literally 100-500%+ depending how long ago they bought, spend most of the money on whatever late-lifers use it on, then leave their children maybe enough to afford a 1 BR jogger complex apartment

3 hours later 27834808 Anonymous
>>27834249 china's military has literally 0 engagement experience. they got btfo by fucking india. We'll send one navy seal team over to beijing and that's all it'll take

3 hours later 27834809 Anonymous
>>27834347 No its alright if its less than 5%

3 hours later 27834871 Anonymous
What the fuck do I throw my 1400 into?

3 hours later 27834874 Anonymous
>>27818127 Blacks and illigarinos

3 hours later 27834934 Anonymous
>>27834871 any of the top coins

3 hours later 27834958 Anonymous
>>27834477 >quit job >collect unemployment Have fun paying it back 1.5x when they figure out you didnt really qualify

3 hours later 27835045 Anonymous
>>27815397 What I don't get is how the rest of the world tolerates this and continues to use and buy US dollars. Each new dollar that is printed diminishes the value of all other dollars in circulation. So the US government is devaluing the reserves of many foreign nations. They've printed like, 8 trillion just because of the pandemic right? Why aren't nations dumping the dollar? Why are we allowing the Americans to take from our reserves and give it to their own people?

3 hours later 27835073 Legionary
>>27815397 Some of you wallstreet bet fags didnt take the hint when gamestop shit the bed

3 hours later 27835119 Anonymous
>>27834526 they will reverse mortgage it

3 hours later 27835129 Anonymous
>>27835045 America has the world hostage anon.

3 hours later 27835250 Anonymous
>>27834526 most boomers will give up their homes to nursing homes, their kids won't see shit

3 hours later 27835323 Anonymous
>>27818127 Aka only for shit colored people

3 hours later 27835335 Anonymous
>>27835129 How? Why can't we just use Euros or even create a currency similar to bitcoin that is only used for international trade. That would be fair.

3 hours later 27835341 Anonymous
>>27816054 2 trillion is nothing. They regularly spend hundreds of trillions on shit that never even sees the light of day.

3 hours later 27835453 Anonymous
>>27834526 Boomers are doing reverse mortgages and telling kids to go fuck themselves.

3 hours later 27835745 Anonymous
>>27835453 >reverse mortgage i had no clue what this is so i looked it up and it sounds dumb as fuck

3 hours later 27835934 Anonymous (1583206386742.jpg 250x241 7kB)
>>27816054 Not only that but all the stimulus is going straight into crypto. I doubt any normie who has any interested in investing is ever gonna touch wall street again after GME. Precious metals are gonna be equally fucked because their largest owners are banks. If you're not crypto right now, I'm sorry.

3 hours later 27835959 Anonymous
>>27835335 The industrial revolution happened too fast, friend. Every nation is trapped in a complex entanglement, one that largely centers around China and America at this point. We can't have the "society" we have if not for that entanglement.

3 hours later 27836035 Anonymous
>>27835745 I mean, what are boomers going to do with the house after they're dead? Might as well make money off it. You're a grown up, make your own money and buy your own house.

3 hours later 27836049 Anonymous
>>27835934 >investing in a sequence of digits on a computer Do you realize how stupid you sound?

3 hours later 27836087 Anonymous
>>27816242 What ocean?

3 hours later 27836110 Anonymous
>>27835745 it's peak boomer shit. That and telling their kids to just work and buy a house, when their kids are faced with paying $850K for the same shit their parents bought at $300K like 15 years ago

3 hours later 27836217 Anonymous
>>27834151 Foreigners shouldnt even be allowed to buy residential. It should be illegal.

3 hours later 27836397 Anonymous
>>27836035 my boomer parents actually care about me. must suck to have selfish + retarded parents

3 hours later 27836426 Anonymous
>>27836049 Let me guess, silverfag? Suck on these digits.

3 hours later 27836511 Anonymous
>>27836426 At least silver and gold are physical commodities. You're buying tulips and you don't even realize it.

3 hours later 27836566 Anonymous
>>27834767 10 million? more like 100 million. The population of this country is being replaced

3 hours later 27836797 Anonymous
>>27836511 Fuck you and your get. And these tulips have shown more stability and growth in the last 5 years than stocks and metals. The fact that crypto survived the march dip proves to me that it's the future.

3 hours later 27836893 Anonymous
>>27816225 They will make it illegal at some point.

3 hours later 27837019 Anonymous (ja.jpg 1024x639 69kB)
>>27816054 Good. Accelerate. Die

3 hours later 27837151 Anonymous
>>27836893 >They will make it illegal at some point. This is why we need to make a big crypto lobby.

3 hours later 27837174 Anonymous
>>27834767 If they pay taxes and contribute to the economy then why don't they deserve stimulus?

4 hours later 27837382 Anonymous
>>27837174 they're here illegally, literally any other country would give you the boot if you tried to pull the same shit anywhere else

4 hours later 27837637 Anonymous (immigrants_taxes.jpg 762x640 104kB)
>>27837174 >If they pay taxes

4 hours later 27837711 Anonymous
>>27837174 >pay taxes Yeah, minor amounts of sales tax, and they get paid in cash so they can lie about their income if they do pay income tax. They also breed and then the education off their offspring is subsidized by the citizen taxpayer to the tune of thousands per year per child. They are a net tax burden.

4 hours later 27837785 Anonymous (remittances.jpg 1600x1067 478kB)
>>27837174 >and contribute to the economy

4 hours later 27837787 Anonymous
>>27831248 Can't happen unfortunately.

4 hours later 27837873 Anonymous
>>27837637 That's literally made up numbers anon lmao

4 hours later 27838037 Anonymous
>>27836893 >the government made something illegal, guess I'll just roll over and comply like a good goy Slave mentality. You'll never become wealthy if you follow (((their))) rules

4 hours later 27838177 Anonymous
>>27816819 Because muh pandemic

4 hours later 27838216 Anonymous
>>27837785 They paid taxes on that before sending it away.

4 hours later 27838351 Anonymous
>>27836397 Money changes people anon Your parents are human

4 hours later 27838703 Anonymous
>>27837873 what are the real numbers, nigger

4 hours later 27838711 Anonymous
>>27834808 Navy Seals get BTFO'd by sand niggers lmao. Think again retard. US would most likely let their hubris get the best of them, as always.

4 hours later 27838772 Anonymous
>>27816054 It can't. The dollar is on its way to losing reserve status. nb4 muh shitcoin will be the new reserve currency, the only way out is a basket of currencies, something like a gold standard, or a global decentralized crypto that is already being adopted for corporate treasury reserves - BTC. If one of these 3 things doesn't happen, I hope you know mandarin.

4 hours later 27838792 Anonymous
>>27838216 Oh no no no

4 hours later 27838834 Anonymous
>>27828684 How an increase in paper pieces possibly make a society richer? If that were the case, explain to me why there is still poverty in the world… Isn’t every central bank in the world capable of printing as much paper as they want? And if they did, would society as a whole and the whole world be richer? -Hans Hermann Hoppe

4 hours later 27838935 Anonymous
>>27837785 This doesnt surprise me at all. I worked at a money transfer place during college. And all the fucking beaners come in sending money to mexico. Fuck these faggots.

4 hours later 27838949 Anonymous
>>27838711 China is over taking the US in newer ways to do battle; dead ass drones and bioweapons. We'll get the point in the next 50 years were fielding troops will be obsolete in favor of automated weapons.

4 hours later 27839016 Anonymous
>>27838216 oh wow how nice they pay taxes to our government well guess that makes it okay that money is flowing to other countries economies vs into the pockets of our own workers and business owners kill yourself

4 hours later 27839108 Anonymous
>>27839016 They paid transaction fees on the money as well.

4 hours later 27839114 Anonymous
>>27838216 Taxes are paid to the government, stupid.

4 hours later 27839187 Anonymous
>>27839108 once again how nice and thoughtful of them to contribute that money to our government and financial institutions! I'll sleep very well knowing that wall street and Kamala won't go hungry

4 hours later 27839208 Anonymous (1611958783053.jpg 304x280 42kB)
>>27815397 >Getting 4800 I NEED TO MAKE IT DAMMIT, WHAT DO I INVEST IN?

4 hours later 27839305 Anonymous
>>27816242 Ive been a self hating american since 2003. Cant stand this place

4 hours later 27839417 Anonymous
>>27839187 What do you want them to do with the money they make? Buy houses and fuel the housing bubble? You will whine about that too. When they send it away you get richer because they're poorer than you.

4 hours later 27839707 Anonymous
>>27832609 This has been my thoughts for a long time. But now that they’ve ruined the military over the last 30 years via demoralization, too many false flags—the citizens don’t want to join because they know they’re only serving the interest of lobbyists. The US might think importing a bunch of people will keep the military population a float, but they’re horribly mistaken. They lose more and more recruits every year. Huge projected losses in the coming decades even if they fill the country with millions of 3rd world peoples.

4 hours later 27839779 Anonymous
>>27836893 >Making digital chuck-e-cheese tokens useless

4 hours later 27839843 Anonymous
>>27839417 >When they send it away you get richer because they're poorer than you. ???

4 hours later 27839900 Anonymous
>>27816054 >From 1918 to 1923, the Weimar Republic faced numerous problems, including hyperinflation, political extremism (with contending paramilitaries) as well as contentious relationships with the victors of the First World War. From 1924 to 1929, the Republic enjoyed relative stability and prosperity. Those years are sometimes called the Golden Twenties. The world-wide economic crisis beginning in October 1929 hit Germany particularly hard. High unemployment led to the collapse of the coalition government and from March 1930 various chancellors ruled through emergency powers granted by the President. This period ended with Adolf Hitler's appointment as chancellor on 30 January 1933. >From 2018 to 2023, the American Republic faced numerous problems, including hyperinflation, political extremism (with contending paramilitaries) as well as contentious relationships with the victors of the Second World War, European Allies and China. From 2024 to 2029, the Republic enjoyed relative stability and prosperity. Those years are sometimes called the Golden Twenties. The world-wide economic crisis beginning in October 1929 hit America particularly hard. High unemployment led to the collapse of the Democrat government and from March 2030 various chancellors ruled the states through emergency powers granted by the President. This period ended with Anon McPepe's appointment as chancellor on 20 January 2033. Seriously, what the fuck?

4 hours later 27839934 Anonymous
>>27839843 When you give away money to your family back home, you get poorer

4 hours later 27839957 Anonymous
>>27834249 Now that they have kicked out all whites and conservatives out of the military, they can send all the libtards into the meat grinder... and that's a good thing!

4 hours later 27839981 Anonymous
>>27836217 They largely don't. They're mostly on the west coast taking over socal and the bay. Haven't seen very many Chinese anywhere else.

4 hours later 27840014 Anonymous
>>27816242 The USA has become a banana republic. Bail for rapists so long as they’re not white—political prisoners such as Kyle Rittenhouse. Free speech is none-existent anymore. That is the worst of all. I remember thinking when I was little how smart it was to allow people to say things you don’t like as a country. It was true freedom. Now we have China tier consequences for things that aren’t corporate approved talking points. Just questioning doctors can get you banned on all social media platforms

4 hours later 27840093 Anonymous
>>27827242 >this its like having one eye in the land of blind

4 hours later 27840120 Anonymous (waw.jpg 332x499 24kB)
Best book on the 1923 crash of the German economy from ground level https://1lib.eu/book/1293846/6dfba7 If you prefer nonfiction, Fergusons "When Money Dies" is pretty good.

4 hours later 27840164 Anonymous
>>27839417 poor people being poor doesn't make me richer fagget. Money going in and stimulating my local communities will make me much richer.

4 hours later 27840200 Anonymous (3E788834-E6FA-4DF9-91AE-BDC193D82F56.jpg 1200x1130 237kB)
>>27816054 Most ends back in the stock market but you are right it’s just going to take something to pop the bubble. BUY GOLD AND SILVER

4 hours later 27840439 Anonymous
>>27818127 Thank you white people. By the way, we should split this country up and fast. Its 2nd world now but it’s going to be 3rd world in 20 years—already is in some places.

4 hours later 27840456 Anonymous (1612514020142.png 1800x1488 1193kB)
>>27816242 Pretty much. All these "Trump haters" of the past 4 years have exposed evil and dark genetic undercurrent among "Americans" that need to be violently quashed out for the sake of humanity. When your own news media is proud of expressing hatred of your race And defending electoral fraud. Something has got to give.

4 hours later 27840459 Anonymous
>>27816242 Vang Vieng redbull and Lao Lao drunken tubing spastic. You should have drowned. >t worked in Vientiane.

4 hours later 27840462 Anonymous
>>27840164 Wrong

4 hours later 27840490 Anonymous
>>27836797 5 years vs. 10000 years I wonder which is a more reliable investment

4 hours later 27840529 Anonymous
>>27818127 >$1.9 trillion >90% of it goes to our jewish masters again Ready for that chinese century tb perfectly h

4 hours later 27840592 Anonymous
>>27837785 >maine Holy fuck. Is that my best chance to get a japanese gf?

4 hours later 27840604 Anonymous
>>27820695 >low clas >crytpo

4 hours later 27840734 Anonymous
>>27836566 That’s for later. It can happen under STRICT dem party management.

4 hours later 27840776 Anonymous
>>27828411 Are you filed as a dependent or have you just never file your taxes? The last two checks went to everybody who was an independent tax filer. There’s nothing wrong with getting the stimmy checks, no need to be insecure about it anon.

4 hours later 27840816 Anonymous
>>27816054 yup and the world is coming with us the elites will use this manufactured crisis to take it all buckle up buttercup

4 hours later 27840874 Anonymous
>>27837174 Tell that to isreal >close borders >Jewish dna test for citizenship >any non Jewish refugee only go up to residency level(so they won’t be able to change policies by voting) >if by any rare chance you become a non Jewish citizen, you have to give up your OTHER nation, unlike USA

4 hours later 27840916 Anonymous (1586679481879.jpg 742x745 75kB)
>>27840490 >Horses that have been around for 1000 years, Cars that have been around for 100 >Stone tablets that were around for 5000 years vs Computers that have been around for 50

4 hours later 27841032 Anonymous
>>27816054 weimar sounds fun

4 hours later 27841048 Anonymous
>>27816054 lol if you think it's going to be bad here...just wait till you see nearly every country depends on the us dollar...

4 hours later 27841188 Anonymous
>>27841032 Our “Weimar” is gay We don’t have child prostitutes selling their bodies after school. But we have endless transformers demanding to be called MAM.

4 hours later 27841197 Anonymous
>>27815397 What crypto should I start with? Eth a safe bet? Should I buy actual crypto or is investing through a broker fine? Basically same thing right?

4 hours later 27841233 Anonymous
>>27839707 >Huge projected losses in the coming decades even if they fill the country with millions of 3rd world peoples I suspect loses to take place this year.

4 hours later 27841376 Anonymous
>>27816242 America has been controlled since before WW2 As much as I hate the sheep for doing nothing about it, they have been brainwashed since birth an American citizen is really no different than any other citizen being controlled by dictators/tyrants Only difference the control is much more subtle and psychological i mean ffs we have people here who would rather their children be killed and raped then get called racist.

4 hours later 27841385 Anonymous
>>27815397 >collect unemployment until september >leave country How does my plan sound?

4 hours later 27841691 Anonymous
>>27816369 just buy crypto

4 hours later 27841756 Anonymous
>>27816242 Basiert und rotgepillt. Good luck from Germany

4 hours later 27841872 Anonymous
>>27816819 create crisis use it as an excuse to take more power/control

4 hours later 27841905 Anonymous (D67139BF-4FBA-4360-BB2F-BE26237623A5.jpg 2500x2500 2539kB)
>>27841188 > Our “Weimar” is gay So was the original. Remember that the piles of books that the Nazis burned were research into transgender surgeries and other related degeneracy

4 hours later 27841915 Anonymous
>>27833750 >russia/china

4 hours later 27842116 Anonymous
>>27817081 China is behind it

4 hours later 27842127 Anonymous (10F06D6C-54B6-4BAC-9940-562EFE587694.jpg 680x510 45kB)
>>27841376 When the US bizarrely tried to fight various thought systems like Communism and Islam for almost 100 years now the US was forced to become anti-racist to compete because those thought systems are non-racial. And if the US is going to rule the world the world will never accept a white supremacist ruler. Picrel is /k/ and /pol/. They talk a big game but are all welfare queens for globohomo.

4 hours later 27842199 Anonymous
>>27842127 >And if the US is going to rule the world the world will never accept a white supremacist ruler. That is retard logic.

4 hours later 27842227 Anonymous
>>27841905 Yes I remember that. But they had TONS OF lolis. We got none..

4 hours later 27842264 Anonymous
>>27821182 wouldn't doubt it gotta pay for those tranny education in Palestine

5 hours later 27842308 Anonymous
>>27817565 Too late. The rainbow hairs in Panem are no different from rainbow hairs in your average US city.

5 hours later 27842405 Anonymous
>>27842227 >But they had TONS OF lolis. >We got none.. What do you mean by that?

5 hours later 27842540 Anonymous
>>27841905 Source? Hitler was fighting sex abusing tavistock trannies?

5 hours later 27842608 Anonymous
>>27842127 >Islam >is non racial >arab slavery using the curse of ham >arabs treating of non Arabs as “lower” >various genocide in the name of Islam You are either uneducated, BRAINWASHED by global homo or have this WERID cope that USA is “secertly” nationalistic Nationalism died anon, it’s now bad to be “nationalist” (only apply to white majority countries)

5 hours later 27842611 Anonymous
>>27828411 did you vote for biden? if not then i dont think you are black anon just another one of those multiracial white supremist i have been hearing about

5 hours later 27842613 Anonymous
>>27841188 >We don’t have child prostitutes selling their bodies after school. No we just have jews forcing chemicals down the throats of children to sterilize them

5 hours later 27842680 Anonymous
>>27841188 >We don’t have child prostitutes selling their bodies after school. It's called Onlyfans and chaturbate

5 hours later 27842744 Anonymous
>>27842405 School girls used to sell their bodies after school for pocket money Not kidding >>27842540 https://hornet.com/stories/nazis-tr ans-rights/

5 hours later 27842773 Anonymous
>>27842680 Tiktok and ig groom kids in to becoming onlyfans cam hos

5 hours later 27842867 Anonymous
>>27842540 Check out the history of the building they made their HQ. Should make it pretty clear.

5 hours later 27842872 Anonymous
>>27842613 That’s why I say it’s just GAY >>27842680 Ye it cant COMPETE with 14 year old girls selling their bodies LEGALLY

5 hours later 27842925 Anonymous
>>27842744 Sounds like onlyfans and chaturbate girls today.

5 hours later 27842946 Anonymous
>>27834526 boomers have already betrayed their children selling out their future by flooding the country with trash for cheap labor

5 hours later 27843003 Anonymous
>>27842872 It's basically the same thing

5 hours later 27843108 Anonymous
>>27843003 >14 year old legal puss vs pictures Nope!

5 hours later 27843167 Anonymous
>>27834808 wouldnt be an issue but look what america is flooding their military with mentally ill trannies and 3rd worlders with an anti-american chip on their shoulder because of "muh oppression" America will lose the next big war

5 hours later 27843202 Anonymous
>>27842925 No anon. You comparing PICTURES to ACTUALY PUSSY That’s why I said our version is Gay!

5 hours later 27843352 Anonymous
>>27843167 Lol Look up how “Americans” reacted when Iran send some missiles toward one of their bases >several DROPPED THIER rifles and RAN away >endless stream of “mental issues” (milking government) for several weeks afterward

5 hours later 27843374 Anonymous
>>27835129 The elites have the world hostage they just use american military to enforce their bullshit

5 hours later 27843414 Anonymous
>>27842872 >>27843108 >>27843202 >FBI.gov

5 hours later 27843466 Anonymous
>>27836893 no they will just take control over it and turn it to shit

5 hours later 27843482 Anonymous
>>27843414 Kek Talking about it is LEGAL Look at your “media”

5 hours later 27843553 Anonymous
>>27817054 >Houses and your grocery shop just got 10% more expensive. already happened on both accounts. housing definitely. and i've noticed my usual grocery shopping went from $80 to $90.

5 hours later 27843561 Anonymous (1529025067519.jpg 2048x1726 141kB)
>>27816054 It'll all be spent on Nikes, Netflix, Doordash, video games, micro price hikes in the aforementioned and be reabsorbed in six months. The actual problem with Weimar Germany was never the money printing. It was the fact that the people who received the printed money weren't complete cattle that lived paycheck to paycheck. People actually holding on to money while the money printers spin, not having companies to act as centralized money dumps, and then allowing the economy time to adjust prices in response to the people all holding tons of monopoly money is how you actually end up with Weimar. The uneducated masses will actually be your savior. They always have been.

5 hours later 27843586 Anonymous
>>27843414 Not everyone is a burger in burgerland, faggot.

5 hours later 27843588 Anonymous
>>27837785 diversity destroyed america

5 hours later 27843593 Anonymous
>>27843414 Look up cuties!

5 hours later 27843627 Anonymous (reily.jpg 948x774 268kB)

5 hours later 27843634 Anonymous
>>27816242 Fuck anon I lived in a laotian village too. Never had more friends than I did there. Literally everyone would come daily to offer me free shit, ask if I wanted to play football, or just give me beer or tea and talk to me in a language I didn't understand at all. Every afternoon a guy drove through the village on a bycicle and sold homemade ice cream out of a metal cart for literally pennies. Fuck I wish I was back..

5 hours later 27843686 Anonymous
>>27816054 >the next Hitler is alive right now Wow love to see it.

5 hours later 27843798 Anonymous (61917CB5-FFC1-403D-B989-877FB4734BE9.jpg 787x1024 274kB)
>>27843586 >illegal immigrant given amnesty cuz muh democracy

5 hours later 27843806 Anonymous (1610648499324m.jpg 1024x576 85kB)

5 hours later 27843903 Anonymous (EFB73AE4-75FB-4FC1-BC6E-EC160EE16551.jpg 1200x680 50kB)
>>27816242 >stayed in a laotian village for a month Then why didn’t you stay?

5 hours later 27843973 Anonymous
>>27842744 glad i bought those dimes

5 hours later 27844105 Anonymous (C1D71781-8898-4B07-9C7E-4851F0FE1963.jpg 500x243 84kB)
>>27840014 >so long as they’re not white Lmao, keep spelling niggers and saying racist shit on here. See what happens.

5 hours later 27844106 Anonymous (1595947022340.gif 215x220 2101kB)
How can I short USD?

5 hours later 27844150 Anonymous
>>27816054 Everyone is doing it and money is relative to other stuff so it downs to matter. It just means stocks will go up more and so will home prices and everything else; it’s their stated goal. the broad market and home prices always go up so no big. It’s just gonna go up faster now. Home you own a house and stocks already.

5 hours later 27844240 Anonymous
>>27843352 its sad and dont forget that the US military are handing out ranks to people based on racial quotas and not skill America has been destroyed form within because its people dont want to be called "bigots"

5 hours later 27844335 Anonymous
>>27844150 I feel like I’m getting screwed because I own a very modest house. I feel like shut boxes like mine won’t go up as fast as the expensive ones I want to buy.

5 hours later 27844351 Anonymous
>>27818127 The poor are the easiest to manipulate. They can continue to crash the economy into hyperstagflation and make demands upon the poor to get their stimulus, such as vaccines and mask wearing and continuous tracking.

5 hours later 27844442 Anonymous
>>27842611 I dont know man, now that you said im not black, i guess im not black then. Why do you parrot things that dont make sense?

5 hours later 27844450 Anonymous
>>27844335 It’s the upper middle class houses that are going up most in my area. If avg house is 250, 600-800k are going up twice as fast. No one wants a cockroach motel, anon.

5 hours later 27844462 Anonymous
>>27836893 I hope so. That will be the final nail in the coffin for fiat money.

5 hours later 27844527 Anonymous
>>27844106 idk buy pesos?

5 hours later 27844626 Anonymous
>>27831248 Saving this for muskrat worshipping cringe

5 hours later 27844738 Anonymous
>>27818520 >European Lol, its fucking all the world, nigga. You have no idea how Hooywood and music industry influence everybody around this globe. Just travel to any 3rd world country and see it.

4.069 0.274