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2021-02-05 12:54 27809400 Anonymous tax evasion general /TEG/ (1612348475820.jpg 125x125 1kB)
can we get a tax evasion general going on? let's talk about tax havens and legal ways to evade taxes. i'll begin: In Germany, holding a shitcoin for over a year will not incur any taxes no matter how much gains you have.

5 min later 27809684 Anonymous
>>27809400 gifts to spouses

8 min later 27809821 Anonymous (1481078466116.jpg 590x972 44kB)
This is the first year I'm going to owe taxes instead of getting a refund

9 min later 27809889 Anonymous
>>27809400 nigga that's not tax evasion, that's called following the tax laws of Germany and accurately reporting your information to the tax people

12 min later 27810051 Anonymous
>>27809400 >let's talk about tax havens and legal ways to evade taxes. Well this is a topic dear to my heart and why I do somethings that on the surface seem illogical. If your money is on an account, any form of database, property register, livestock register, land register, exchange, wallet etc etc it can be measured and taken, fairly easily. If its in the form of things that demonstrably have held value above inflation like some categories of art, gold, silver, antique arms etc Then it can't. No one knows it is there. This is why you should have at least 50% of your wealth off market when you have made it kids.

13 min later 27810076 Anonymous (chips.jpg 183x275 6kB)
haha hello there my fellow bitcoin cryptocoin nazi friends. it would be totally 1337hax0rz if u all posted your eth addresses and show me examples of how u have evaded the jewish tax man haha

16 min later 27810236 Anonymous
I will pay taxes on any coins I own. It is my duty as a citizen! I love Joe Biden. Praise Israel

17 min later 27810308 Anonymous
>>27809889 isn't that how it works though? you look at loopholes in the law and use them for your benefit, otherwise how does big corporations get tax benefits all the time?

18 min later 27810385 Anonymous
>>27810308 Tax evasion is something illegal. It had a criminal definition

20 min later 27810451 Anonymous
Non tax payers are worse than pedophiles

21 min later 27810478 Anonymous
>>27810451 disgusting fucking jew hands typed this post

21 min later 27810511 Anonymous
>>27810385 >>27810451 please get out of my thread, thank you.

22 min later 27810541 Anonymous
Any danes had experiance avoiding SKAT If i don't cash out and dont use normie exchanges will they rip my balls off based off my fiat onramping

23 min later 27810600 Anonymous
>>27810541 >SKAT >SCAT top jej

23 min later 27810614 Anonymous
>>27810451 Fuck you kike.

23 min later 27810623 Anonymous (TARDED.jpg 457x457 35kB)
>>27810451 >Non tax payers are worse than pedophiles

24 min later 27810684 Anonymous
>>27809400 If you put 99% of your money into stocks or crypto without ever selling I don't think that is taxable. Continuing to work minimum wage you'll actually get money back from the government even if you have $1million in your name under stocks/crypto.

27 min later 27810841 Anonymous
>>27810684 what is the point if i don't sell though?

27 min later 27810862 Anonymous
>>27810541 Kekd pretty hard Based Danes calling shit as it is

28 min later 27810921 Anonymous (89e060bd14d79c626f3407f852a7885402f5021029526185db5c75aaac7123a3.png 500x417 67kB)
>be american >wageslave all day for poverty wage >government taxes it to pay for niggers' food and housing before giving me my check >use my check to buy shitcoin >it raises in value and I swap it for bitcoin >government taxes the swap to pay for niggers' food and housing >bitcoin raises in price and I cash out >government taxes the withdrawal to pay for niggers' food and housing >I decide to give the fiat I made to my son as a gift >government taxes it to pay for niggers' food and housing >tfw taxed 4 times on the same dollar, all to pay for niggers' food and housing Didn't Americans start a war over an unjust tea tax a couple hundred years ago? How did America become so cucked?

29 min later 27810997 Anonymous
>>27810308 No. That's tax avoidance. Tax evasion is a criminal offence.

29 min later 27810998 Anonymous
>live in France >have to pay 30% on all your gainz after first euro of capital gain >or you could ONLY pay the LOW LOW PRICE of 13% if you only invest in european stock market assets Wanna kill myself desu

30 min later 27811042 Anonymous
>>27810921 how much are you taxed of your income?

30 min later 27811045 Anonymous
>>27810997 >Tax evasion is a criminal offence. so is posting on this board now kindly fuck off

30 min later 27811047 Anonymous
>>27810451 This is the most Jewish thing I’ve read all day and I was redpiling my mom on Talmud quotes earlier

30 min later 27811052 Anonymous
Any Irish had experience with cashing out large sums?

30 min later 27811061 Anonymous
>>27809400 Bump for incredibly BASED thread

31 min later 27811111 Anonymous
>>27809400 Buy physical gold using BTC or Monero. Go to Dubai and sell that gold for cash (no questions asked in Dubai) and profit.

32 min later 27811123 Anonymous
>>27811045 Ok let me dumb it down for you. What OP is discussing is called TAX AVOIDANCE and not TAX EVASION. Do you get it now?

32 min later 27811142 Anonymous
>>27810451 i'm part jew and even for me this post is too jewish

32 min later 27811144 Anonymous
>>27810921 >How did America become so cucked? Liberals

33 min later 27811184 Anonymous
>>27811123 i am OP and i dont give a shit, i just want to stop paying taxes without getting caught. and this is the topic of the thread.

34 min later 27811259 Anonymous
>>27810451 Get the gas Hans, we missed one.

35 min later 27811286 Anonymous
>>27811184 I know and you're a fucking retard. What you described isn't tax evasion, you illiterate ESL monkey.

35 min later 27811296 Anonymous
>>27810998 >or you could ONLY pay the LOW LOW PRICE of 13% if you only invest in european stock market assets And if you don't touch any of that money for 5 years, you forgot that part

35 min later 27811332 Anonymous
>>27811286 get fucked you jewish puppet, i bet you declare your overseas income too.

37 min later 27811415 Anonymous
Well as long as you're not pulling thousands out at the same time then you shouldn't be worried. When you start pulling 5-10k is when you're gonna start raising red flags.

40 min later 27811573 Anonymous
>>27811415 Isn't that what everyone who makes it will need to do though?

41 min later 27811623 Anonymous
>>27811573 Are you in a position to worry about it? If you are, pay your fucking taxes.

41 min later 27811645 Anonymous
>>27811332 I'm not telling you what to pay, you retarded son of a whore, just how to speak fucking English.

42 min later 27811700 Anonymous
Alternatively do some money laundering with NFT's or something.

43 min later 27811760 Anonymous
Fellow burgers. Are you reporting your uniswap trades?

45 min later 27811837 Anonymous
>>27811645 suck my dick, how is that for english?

46 min later 27811883 Anonymous
>>27811623 Fuck paying taxes, that's for goyim NPCs Here's some pro tips >get family and friends to cash some out for you then pay you cash >use a crypto debit card to buy stuff directly >buy gold or silver from a dealer that accepts bitcoin then sell that tax free >get tax residency in a 0% crypto tax country for 6 months >use blockfi or similar to get a loan against your crypto, there is no tax payable as legally its a loan >cash out using local bitcoin >cash out on a dex into usdc/USD, not sure why you would with incoming hyperinflation but hey, then gradually move to your bank account over many years I'm not even planning on cashing much out as I'm waiting for total fiat collapse.

47 min later 27811978 Anonymous
>>27810541 I'm Danish and I doubt Skat or your bank will care unless you withdraw more than $8000 at once (50000 DKK). I'm planning on using a Binance Visa Card. I'M NOT PAYING A SINGLE ØRE TO OUR FAGGOT GOVERNMENT WE'RE ALREADY PAYING 2.5X FOR CARS, DRIVERS LICENSES COST $2.5K AND TAXES ARE ALREADY THRU THE ROOF

48 min later 27812014 Anonymous
The whole point of crypto is not to pay them lol

48 min later 27812034 Anonymous
>>27811760 Only a moron would report their Uniswap trades for tax purposes Only reason to do this is if you made a loss on Uniswap and you can offset it

50 min later 27812101 Anonymous
I don't want to start a new thread, but do you know if Swiss banks are just a meme or if you pay them you can evade taxes because nobody will know about your money?

50 min later 27812117 Anonymous
>>27812034 Very interesting friend. How much tax did you avoid this way last year?

51 min later 27812146 Anonymous
>>27810921 You only get taxed on the profit. It's not as bad as you're making it seem.

52 min later 27812216 Anonymous
>>27812034 I just don't want to get butt fucked in prison.

53 min later 27812264 Anonymous
>>27809400 Start a business. Lose it all. Also include mileage, supplies, food, office supplies, products, etc. and now with mlm, it’s even easier to start a business and lose it all. Join my down line! Lines are open!! If it’s busy, try again!!!

53 min later 27812266 Anonymous
>>27812034 What the fuck are you supposed to do when you cash out 10k+? Where did that money come from?

54 min later 27812318 Anonymous
>>27810841 Braggin rights and reddit moons

55 min later 27812352 Anonymous (DDD6BE81-BC81-4C91-A533-F62087CEADA9.jpg 1752x790 447kB)
>>27812216 >the matrix has you Too late. Better buy lube.

59 min later 27812559 Anonymous
>>27812266 crypto printer go brrrr

1 hours later 27812621 Anonymous
>>27809400 tax evasion is illegal, optimising your fiscality is not

1 hours later 27812666 Anonymous
>>27810997 >Tax evasion is a criminal offence. It's only a criminal offence because (((they))) said so. Oh.

1 hours later 27812771 Anonymous
>>27812146 Say that again when you start earning above the poverty line poorfag

1 hours later 27812772 Anonymous (Screenshot_20200804_103052.jpg 1116x1080 165kB)
suppose you make retarded gains, like literal millions. wat do?

1 hours later 27812914 Anonymous
>>27812772 Get a good fake id in a third world tax haven Open a bank account there Cash out Splatter some shit on a canvas Sell your modern art to a rich Thai collector for $50m Write off the sale

1 hours later 27812917 Anonymous (F9A2DE4C-77FA-4207-BBD5-D5FA895FD6EC.jpg 1125x1217 102kB)
Any advice for a pasta friend?

1 hours later 27813032 Anonymous
>>27810511 Have we tried just saying this to the IRS?

1 hours later 27813055 Anonymous
>>27812559 Underage please go, adults are talking.

1 hours later 27813075 Anonymous
For cashing out, just sell in person for cash. You can't use untaxed gains to buy traceable assets like houses, but you can enjoy life and party like you're a cocaine dealer. You have to be careful not to get robbed, that's about it.

1 hours later 27813088 Anonymous
>>27812917 stop being fags

1 hours later 27813235 Anonymous
>>27811978 2.5k for driving licenses? how the fuck?

1 hours later 27813248 Anonymous
>>27810841 Can't you borrow against it something? Also not sure how spending it works if you can give plausible deniability about where it came from.

1 hours later 27813304 Anonymous
>>27810921 >How did America become so cucked? Progressive Era. Unsurprising that they're now on a war path against remaining freedoms.

1 hours later 27813336 Anonymous
>>27809400 >legal ways to evade taxes "avoid" you mean? tax evasion is a penal crime almost everywhere tax avoidance is legal

1 hours later 27813533 Anonymous
If American, hold for at least year. Only realize gains so that total taxable income <40k per year. No tax.

1 hours later 27813563 Anonymous
>>27811111 Checked

1 hours later 27813577 Anonymous
I'm going through this thread systematically reporting users who have revealed their country, to their country's cybercrime tips website. You're all fucked. I did this back in 2017 to great success.

1 hours later 27813645 Anonymous
>>27812266 >Cashing out

1 hours later 27813694 Anonymous
>>27811111 Nice fuckin digits https://lbry.tv/@RetroPatriot:9/Ame rica-Freedom-to-Fascism-Aaron-Russo :e https://lbry.tv/@ChadChaddington:d/ Income-Tax-Voluntary,-I-Call-IRS:8 Taxes are voluntary, taxation without representation.

1 hours later 27813702 Anonymous
>>27813533 And lose millions in unrealized gains? Nah, I'm just going bite the bullet and pay taxes so that I can live with the peace of mind that the irs isn't going to audit me

1 hours later 27813721 Anonymous
>>27813645 Yes because I would like to be able to get real things like a home. Just pay the taxes it's not worth it. They will get you.

1 hours later 27813772 Anonymous
>>27809400 The EU is actually crypto tax heaven, really. One day it will end, though.

1 hours later 27813905 Anonymous
>>27813702 >And lose millions in unrealized gains? Couldn't you hold in a stablecoin?

1 hours later 27814401 Anonymous
>>27813905 Converting into stablecoins is a taxable event

1 hours later 27814515 Anonymous
Pay your taxes. They got Elmer Fud on tax evasion.

1 hours later 27814659 Anonymous
>>27814401 Who cares? Is every stablecoin wallet linked to a SSN? If your buttcoins can't let you move around in cyberspace with freedom, you've got bigger problems.

1 hours later 27814827 Anonymous
>>27810451 Kikeniggerfaggot

1 hours later 27814991 Anonymous
>>27813235 eurocucks, you wouldn't understand

1 hours later 27815393 Anonymous
>>27810841 borrow against a fixed portion of portfolio, sell what you need for payments. Write off interest paid as capital loss for tax deduction. The money you will save from shortchanging the gobament will easily outpay the interest on borrowed assets. Cash is still going to jews but better off to a lender of your choice than to the reptiles in charge

1 hours later 27815605 Anonymous (1536263744810.png 658x768 189kB)

1 hours later 27815644 Anonymous
Still zero answers. I trade stock options and would like to know (from US)

1 hours later 27815713 Anonymous
I would have gladly payed my taxes, it's just too bad i lost the wallet keys after exchanging my gains to XMR. It's a good thing i can write off that loss against future gains though.

1 hours later 27815739 Anonymous
>>27811111 You pay taxes where you're a tax resident. You can't just go to a zero tax country for a day, cash out and pay no taxes. You'd have to become a tax resident in Dubai, which (probably) would be done by staying there for >183 days in a year. To stay that long you need to have a job there. They might also have a residence by investment scheme, but you still need to stay there for 183 days. Also, if you're American you're still fucked unless you renounce citizenship. Also, some countries (including UK and Australia, I think) still require you to pay taxes for x years after you leave. So you'd have to leave your home country for years in that case.

1 hours later 27815772 Anonymous
>>27815644 Go back

1 hours later 27815805 Anonymous
>buy shitcoin at low price >it moons >swap to ETH before it dumps >even though its sitting as ETH I must now pay tax on those gains What kind of psychopath came up with this shit

1 hours later 27815851 Anonymous
>>27809400 Reported for illegal activity.

1 hours later 27815883 Anonymous
I mean ultimately just not cashing out it the best way to avoid taxes. Keep scaling your business with marketing and buying crypto with pretax dollars. I think we will get to the point where you can buy almost anything with crypto that isnt a house or car.

1 hours later 27816047 Anonymous
>>27815739 I didn't say live in Dubai. You can buy the gold in your native country and have it brought over to Dubai where they will buy it for cash.

1 hours later 27816075 Anonymous
>>27811978 >Binance Visa Card Enjoy getting KYC'd by the skatman.

2 hours later 27816155 Anonymous
>>27811052 Not personally but have a friend who works in Revenue and he said crypto isn't really on their radar too much. The banks are obligated to report you if theres deposits over a certain amount (think 5 or 10k but not sure). Gambling winnings are tax free in Ireland so I had an idea to route funds through an online crypto casino to give plausible deniability that you could say the money came from bets you won if you did get audited.

2 hours later 27816199 Anonymous
>>27810076 kek that got me

2 hours later 27816209 Anonymous
Im feeling anxious since ive made maybe 30-50 trades over the years and have not paid tax for any. I cannot track all of these trades so i feel all my crypto is grey money now and i wont be able to cash out ever. gg

2 hours later 27816241 Anonymous
>>27815883 >I think we will get to the point where you can buy almost anything with crypto that isnt a house or car. And when we get to that point you can be sure the taxman will do whatever it takes to get his piece of the pie.

2 hours later 27816376 Anonymous
>>27809400 at least learn the terminology retard, there is no legal way to "evade" taxes. its called tax avoidance if its legal. Tax evasion = illegal always Tax avoidance = legal, like loopholes, moving to cayman islands, dubai, etc. just watch nomad capitalist on youtube

2 hours later 27816451 Anonymous (pol - welfare use by ethnicity_1.jpg 1240x1142 185kB)
>>27810451 Not feeding the millions of niggers and shitskins you voted to import you boomer fuckstain. Die alone and unloved in a nursing home after Laqueefa accidentally knocks over your ventilator as her 300 pound gorilla ass tries to squeeze past your bed after changing your bedspread, leaving you to breathe your last gasps of stolen air from the country you took so much from as she drowns out your anguished cries with the pervasive sound of rap music from the employee lounge room.

2 hours later 27816529 Anonymous
Have your parents house in your name and theirs in your. Use your gains to buy something for the house for upgrades which will give you a tax credit. Return item for cash.

2 hours later 27816547 Anonymous
>>27810076 This is actually what is going on though. Anyone that posts their wallet for free money is a damn brain let

2 hours later 27817058 Anonymous
Paying taxes to a tyrannical government is not legal. But, just like the mafia ain't legal, if you don't pay up, they break your legs and burn your house down. Proceed accordingly.

2 hours later 27817387 Anonymous
For a tax haven, check out HAVEN ($XHV). Thank me later.

2 hours later 27817633 Anonymous
>>27810541 YEAH BRUH I GOT YA Localbitcoins withdraw only what you feel will go unnoticed make sure only to take orders from danes with fully verified profiles or you will scammerinoed Alternatively there's no tax if you use Bitcoin as it was intended, that is if you buy things with bitcoin there is no taxes.. Can do on Purse.io and other places, Bitcars blalbal Many options fellow danefuck

2 hours later 27817643 Anonymous
>>27810308 What you want is to evade taxes, tax evasion is a crime with a specific definition

2 hours later 27817982 Anonymous
Part that always confuses me is the crypto - crypto trades. For self-assessment forms, do you convert the value to fiat at the time of transaction i.e. to USD?

2 hours later 27818169 Anonymous
>>27816047 I know you didn't say that. I'm saying you would have to live there, otherwise you'd still owe taxes to whichever country you're tax resident in. Good luck bringing a large amount of cash through the airport. Or if cashing to a bank, having to explain the source of funds.

2 hours later 27818194 Anonymous (53AEFE96-4465-4183-91BE-A02523042339.jpg 976x850 77kB)
Anyone here have a part time job to keep sane? Cant really think of anything else but a restaurant/bar tending job. But errthing closed

2 hours later 27818331 Anonymous
>>27817982 You take the value of crypto 1 at the time you bought it and substract it from the value of crypto 2 at the time you make the swap. That's your taxable gains (in germany at least).

2 hours later 27818868 Anonymous
>>27818169 "Sir, why do you have 10 oz of gold in your luggage? And why should I not assume you're money laundering?" >>27818331 Thanks anon makes sense. Thinking I should start making a spreadsheet for records

2 hours later 27819080 Anonymous
>>27810451 taxation is theft

2 hours later 27819291 Anonymous
>>27818868 >Thinking I should start making a spreadsheet for records Most exchanges keep a ledger you can export, but if you trade a lot you should definitely keep some kind of record. It's also important because depending on your country you may not have to pay taxes on gains if you've been hodling a currency long enough (1 year in germany).

2 hours later 27819382 Anonymous
>>27809821 That's actually a good thing, it means your money was working for you instead of being a 0% loan to the IRS

2 hours later 27819483 Anonymous
>>27818169 You think airport security aren't used to huge sums of cash going to and from Dubai. I know uni students from Dubai who have entered the UK with £25k cash and apart from a few questions nothing came of it.

2 hours later 27819775 Anonymous
How does cashing out work in countries where if you hold for more than one year you don't have to pay taxes? Do you just send the taxman etherscan screenshots or what? I doubt it's just waiting a year and then straight up pulling millions to your bank account no problem

2 hours later 27819956 Anonymous
>>27812146 But when I'm up 2000% that's practically all of it

2 hours later 27820703 Anonymous
>>27819775 In germany you can just send in a printout of the ledger export with your tax forms. I assume they verify it with your exchange if it's huge sums so you can't just fake it but it worked for me.

2 hours later 27820743 Anonymous
>>27816209 Buy Gold with Monero Hold Gold or sell some in person when you need cash There's no way I'm going to get taxed for every single swap, it's fucking madness

3 hours later 27821535 Anonymous
>>27811978 >>27814991 holy fuck how do europeans not revolt over this? Are people really just happy living in cucksheds and taking the bus?

3 hours later 27821560 Anonymous
>>27813721 You’re gonna feel real dumb when homes are selling with smart contracts and none of the usual real estate middle me

3 hours later 27821869 Anonymous (fucked_by_the_dip.jpg 1284x622 94kB)
I'm currently a NEET and i have a lot of taxed savings from an old job that i've been slowly putting into crypto, and i want to start doing some stock investing as well. What's the best way to file for capital gains as a NEET. Is there a good guide/article on this you might know of?

3 hours later 27821983 Anonymous
>>27821535 why don't you revolt that you have to sell your entire house if you break your leg or something lmao

3 hours later 27822031 Anonymous
>>27811047 Based fren, mine just rolls here eyes, but she's getting there

3 hours later 27822762 Anonymous
>>27821535 >europeans The EU is a lot less united than most burgers think. Circumstances differ a lot depending on which country you live in. I'm german so this only applies to germany: You can get a used PoS car for a few hundred €. Even people who work minimum wage generally have one. Driver's licenses are that expensive but a lot of people get it paid for by parents/grandparents when they reach 18. On the other hand higher education is a lot cheaper so i guess it evens out. Cost of living is also cheaper than in the US i think. I live pretty comfortably off about 1k € a month, including car upkeep, phone, internet, rent, food, etc.

3 hours later 27822833 Anonymous
>>27811883 Based. All Western country fiat going to zero

3 hours later 27822933 Anonymous
>>27809400 Tfw you don't need to pay taxes when you're buying high and selling low

3 hours later 27823101 Anonymous
claim you found the btc in an old wallet. say you lost the wallet details. this is the best thing to do if you have made lots of crypto trades and maybe failed to pay taxes in previous years. you'll just pay cap gains on the total you cash out.

3 hours later 27823111 Anonymous
>>27810451 jews are both

3 hours later 27823499 Anonymous
>>27815393 Almost. Borrow against it and use that money to buy cashflow producing assets. High dividend funds, real estate, start a business, et cetera. Then pay off the loan with your new cashflow. Never sell your crypto, never pay taxes on it.

3 hours later 27823503 Anonymous
>>27812216 You are seriously overestimating the governments knowledge and ability to track your crypto trades. They depend on this fear to get you to be scared and pay >>27812117 An undisclosed amount fren >>27812266 10k is nothing, I've regularly moved 50k+ in single transactions into my bank with zero problems. Just go little and often if you're worried. They really aren't interested in some poorfag depositing 10k. It's not worth their time to investigate

3 hours later 27823758 Anonymous
>>27813075 But if you did buy something that wasn't edible for example, how would you justify it to the irs if they came knocking

3 hours later 27823949 Anonymous (1598525759126.png 521x937 229kB)

3 hours later 27824468 Anonymous
>>27810998 We should all coordinate a country to move to with favorable capital gains rates and such, then begin lobbying the government to make it even more favorable for market participants and turn it into Monaco II. There are some great places already that I'm strongly considering going to.

3 hours later 27824482 Anonymous
>>27812266 You bought Bitcoin when it was $100 and are now realizing long term capital gains on it

3 hours later 27824876 Anonymous (rori.jpg 1200x750 106kB)
>>27823949 cunny

3 hours later 27825441 Anonymous
>>27810451 >t. IRS

3 hours later 27825612 Anonymous (1598415512185.png 1366x768 145kB)
Mods! Mods! MOOOODDDDSSSSS! This is criminal activity anon. Have fun rotting in jail faggot.

3 hours later 27825700 Anonymous
>>27811111 Where can one buy gold for monero?

3 hours later 27825993 Anonymous
>>27812146 Bet you have a good argument on why you should be taxed for working aka contributing to society.

3 hours later 27826061 Anonymous
In my country you don't pay taxes if it's under 12k or something so if I send crypto under 12k to my mom,brother aunt etc and let them cash out would that work or is it illegal?

3 hours later 27826236 Anonymous
>>27815805 >exchange to monero >why yes, i did mine these moneroj in 2015

3 hours later 27826432 Anonymous
>>27809400 >2KB image

3 hours later 27826511 Anonymous (1606352901951.jpg 750x731 58kB)
>>27810051 mfw I own $50k of tools that will never go obsolete

3 hours later 27827040 Anonymous
If you pay taxes it supports military members with extreme right-wing ideas. That racist dude in the dodge ram, with the Q anon stick and don't tread on me flags are taking your crypto.

3 hours later 27827135 Anonymous
>>27810921 tax accountant here. this is wrong >it raises in value and I swap it for bitcoin you only get taxed on the difference between the current value, and the value you spent for it. So if you have $5000 in BTC, and now it's worth $6000 in BTC, you're only taxed for the $1000 gain. Let's say it then goes to $10,000 and you sell. Then you get taxes on that $4000 gain. Alternatively, if you bought ETH and you swapped it for BTC and that transaction wasn't taxed, and your $5k position went to $10k, you would still be taxed on the $5000 growth. Additionally, if you took a loss, you could deduct it. >I decide to give the fiat I made to my son as a gift gifts are not taxable in most states even in cucked states like California, gifts are taxed only in excess of $14,000 per year

3 hours later 27827258 Anonymous
>>27827040 What if I don't want to pay taxes, but want to support that extremist and more like him? Just buy them ammo with my gold?

3 hours later 27827290 Anonymous
>>27813772 how so?

4 hours later 27827806 Anonymous
>>27826511 do you use those tools for business? if so, you could use them for a pretty big deduction, either spread out as depreciation for several years, or as bonus depreciation all in one tax year. if you start a business, you could contribute these tools as owners equity and deduct them that way, as well

4 hours later 27828135 Anonymous
>>27810541 ahah enjoy your 42% taxes in Cuckmark

4 hours later 27828418 Anonymous
>>27826236 does monero hide the initial purchase date?

4 hours later 27828826 Anonymous
>>27827258 Send them Monero.

4 hours later 27829468 Anonymous
>>27828418 Monero hides the entire transaction history. You can reveal specific transactions if you're one of the participants though so this specific scam won't work unless they don't know and don't do the research. Which you shouldn't bet on with the tax man. Or they might just decide that if you can't proof it you have to pay taxes anyway. I'm not a tax accountant so i have no idea. My monero wallet keys keep getting lost so i've never had to pay tax on them.

4 hours later 27829606 Anonymous
>>27829468 >My monero wallet keys keep getting lost kek

4 hours later 27830470 Anonymous
>>27829468 >You can reveal specific transactions if you're one of the participants though so... >buy xmr on exchange >send to xmr wallet >send xmr to exchange and cash out that would mean the exchange could trace the transactions from the first purchase of xmr?

4 hours later 27830764 Anonymous
>>27830470 No, it knows you withdrew XMR from them and it knows you deposited XMR, but it doesn't know about any other transactions that may or may not have happened in the meantime.

4 hours later 27831121 Anonymous
>>27830764 >Swap ETH in my private wallet for XMR >Use XMR to buy gold, silver, etc. >Receive like-cash assets >IRS doesn't look at gold purchases below 10k in cash at one time, and crypto isn't even viewed as cash I'm failing to see how this would be an issue unless you tried to buy $500k at once or something stupid

4 hours later 27831186 Anonymous
>>27830470 >>27830764 More specifically the data the exchange has is that someone deposited XMR into your account and that someone withdrew XMR from your account. They can't even tell if it's the same wallet.

4 hours later 27831600 Anonymous
>>27831121 I have no idea how the IRS operates so i can't really comment on that. The only thing i'm vaguely aware of is that people have gotten fucked by them before simply because they were living beyond their apparent means, so i'd advise being careful. All it takes is someone noticing that you're more wealthy than you should be and ratting you out and you'll be asked some rather uncomfortable questions.

4 hours later 27831856 Anonymous (kraken.png 961x393 71kB)
Don't use Goybase Don't report crypto transactions

4 hours later 27832128 Anonymous
>>27831856 So they're basically saying "we won't tell if you won't", right?

4 hours later 27832227 Anonymous
>>27810478 Get baited nigga Now watch this green

5 hours later 27833166 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210205-085536_Chrome.jpg 1437x1505 520kB)
>>27810076 >>27816547 You reddit fags need to leave. NOW.

5 hours later 27833189 Anonymous
As an amerimutt dobi only pay capital gains tax on investments or do i also pay state and federal.

5 hours later 27834230 Anonymous (drain gang.gif 600x336 4028kB)
>>27809400 >legal ways to evade taxes Already posted it somewhere else, but: multiple small vtubers setup by yourself recieving superchats and memberships below taxable income. works like a charm.

5 hours later 27834310 Anonymous
>>27833166 Just because they can't steal your money doesn't mean they can't trace your transaction history. That kind of thing is the entire point of XMR ffs.

5 hours later 27834527 Anonymous
>>27810451 Post nose

5 hours later 27834991 Anonymous
>>27810451 I'm a tax payer, I pay tax on my wagie income, but now you want taxes on my internet funny money too? Fuck you

5 hours later 27835096 Anonymous
>>27834230 google takes 40% of superchats retard

5 hours later 27835351 Anonymous
good thing that money im pouring into crypto was already taxed once from my salary so it cant be taxed twice

5 hours later 27836233 Anonymous
>>27811144 The how is a bit more complicated than that. It all goes back to the constitutional congress, escalates with the illegal war on whiskey distillers under Washington, gets worse with the war of northern aggression negating the right of secession and installing federal tyranny over the states, continues with the creation of the federal reserve and legalization of income tax, and reaches peak degeneracy with the imposition of compulsory schooling (read John Taylor Gatto) and mass media propaganda operations (read Bernays) and occupation of the federal government by communist agents (read Blacklisted by History). America was literally always fucked.

5 hours later 27836331 Anonymous
So, I have a question: should I give Coinbase my tax info? Will this make it easier to file my statements, or should I just do it on my own?

5 hours later 27837525 Anonymous
>>27830764 do bullion dealers accept XMR? I know they accept btc

5 hours later 27837752 Anonymous
>>27835351 Woah dude that's insane.

6 hours later 27838412 Anonymous
>>27824468 What places?

6 hours later 27838686 Anonymous
>>27837525 I have no idea. DYOR.

6 hours later 27839073 Anonymous
>>27811978 First they kill the fucking minks then they kill my dreams Ty I'm probably moving back home to Australia soon so might not cash out at all but ty

6 hours later 27839212 Anonymous
Based thread

6 hours later 27839341 Anonymous
>>27833166 retard >>27834310 this

6 hours later 27839695 Anonymous
>>27837525 >Transfer BTC to xmr >Create new BTC wallet address >Send xmr to new address in small increments so it does not perfectly match previous amount GG

6 hours later 27839963 Anonymous
>>27821983 health insurance and social security are both a SCAM we are force to participe because some niggers are just too retarded to be responsible for themselves and their expenses The amount of value I have been given by health insurance doesn’t justify the amount I’ve paid. I prefer to have an emergency fund instead and use it when I need it

6 hours later 27840070 Anonymous
>>27837525 https://veldtgold.com/

6 hours later 27840340 Anonymous (1612316717094.jpg 552x414 45kB)
>>27825612 >this retard didn't even bother reading past the first sentence where he said legal ways to evade tax and even filed a stupid and pointless tip to the FBI

6 hours later 27840383 Anonymous
>>27827135 So by this logic I do not have to worry about every single transaction I only need to know that I entered the market with $X and Left with $Y?

6 hours later 27840554 Anonymous
>>27810451 Ironic statement, because taxes fund jews, who are pedophiles.

6 hours later 27840991 Anonymous (4555bf41a1c4843d96db1c69c8a1fbb0834f65e776db5fda325d0a01d3d2b501.jpg 750x963 602kB)
>>27840340 >this retard didn't even look at the other browser tabs from the screenshot

6 hours later 27841094 Anonymous (1608354374853.png 655x380 305kB)

6 hours later 27841319 Anonymous (1611344401372s.jpg 124x95 2kB)
>>27840991 your point? what does that nullify submitting an entire tip because he couldn't even read just long enough to see the one sentence he explicitly stated legal now?

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