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2021-02-05 12:34 27763316 Anonymous (mfw.gif 275x206 1781kB)
I hold a big chainlink bag for 1200+ days now
2 min later 27763510 Anonymous
do you think amc will go above $30 soon?
2 min later 27763557 Anonymous
how do I buy a bitcoin?
4 min later 27763663 Anonymous
sign up on exchange
send money to exchange
5 min later 27763793 Anonymous
Cool, thanks!
6 min later 27763852 Anonymous
Will you hold another 1200 days?
9 min later 27764067 Anonymous
9 min later 27764093 Anonymous
Do you plan on retiring or did you learn to enjoy wage slaving in the process of waiting?
10 min later 27764197 Anonymous
I’m new to Link, bought around 300 @ $23. Do you still have faith in Link?
11 min later 27764266 Anonymous
I was already retired in 2017
the Ethereum run made me
11 min later 27764325 Anonymous
How can I make it as a poorfag?
12 min later 27764449 Anonymous
Hows life?
20 min later 27765153 Anonymous
When are you and your friends going to stop suppressing the LINK price?
23 min later 27765414 Anonymous
Sergey knows how to grow a business and everything he does is beneficial to me and my networth
I dont even think about selling and we still have a long long way to go (up).
with education, learn about crypto, learn about chainlink, learn about oracles and decentralization and understand that chainlink is the place where your savings and profits should go long term.
as a poorfag its of course difficult but if you keep buying and accumulating Chainlink you will make it some day, maybe not tomorrow but in 10 or so years (maybe earlier) depending how poor you are.
there is also many opportunities in the market to pump your bags so keep an eye on that too.
really good my friend
I really cant complain, everything has been beautiful
I'm not selling, I'm only buying more.
25 min later 27765532 Anonymous
Do you have any other holdings?
26 min later 27765693 Anonymous
yes plenty, I dont just sit on the sidelines I'm active in the market
do you want me to list them?
27 min later 27765737 Anonymous
How do we know you’re not talking out your ass?
31 min later 27766021 Anonymous
Yes definitely curious to hear about them.
31 min later 27766059 Anonymous
thats a good question, I guess you just have to believe what I say.
41 min later 27766817 Anonymous
my next biggest bag is $AVAX, it has a similar background as Chainlink and is Sergey approved, I was in the ICO.
Its a useful Crypto because the delegation generates me passive income, that already works today and I love working products.
looking forward to DEXes that launch soon on it, will maybe sell my UNI for that ($png).
my other bags are AAVE because its also a working product and I was early because lucked into it and UNI.
I gamble on smaller defi projects too.
43 min later 27766969 Anonymous
how do you stop checking it everyday
44 min later 27767048 Anonymous
If you were a poorfag right now, what would you invest in?
46 min later 27767247 Anonymous
I dont its the first thing I do when I wake up
define poorfag? about how much are we talking here?
10k starting?
46 min later 27767257 Anonymous
>made from eth
>buys eth killers
nice larp faggot post public key or fuck off
48 min later 27767383 Anonymous
its not an ETH killer, its the solution to scaling and it runs the EVM.
50 min later 27767539 Anonymous
Interesting, thanks for sharing and providing reasoning behind the holds. Will look into them
51 min later 27767606 Anonymous
52 min later 27767697 Anonymous
How do you find out about defi projects early on? Anything I found already has been pumped to shit
53 min later 27767745 Anonymous
Im talking straight out of high school with maybe 3-5k
54 min later 27767850 Anonymous (cofee.png 1202x852 421kB)
do people know about your wealth? has your relationship with others changed, and if so, how?
do you spoonfeed people irl?
57 min later 27768023 Anonymous (1521068628961.png 516x279 283kB)
How do I get out of six figure hell fellow og linker.
59 min later 27768215 Anonymous
Interested in this as well
1 hours later 27768753 Anonymous
they are incredible projects and they already work for months without any big hickups.
imo thats the best way to invest, invest into the working products that have solid usecases.
haven looked into that so cant say anything about it.
through telegram bots, connected people you know and paying attention to the space.
sure isnt easy, never claimed it is.
I would go for AVAX if I only had 5k right now.
its an uncomplicated version of scaling Ethereum, right now its nowhere near the top 5 but it will get there in no time as its basically the EVM on steroids.
you can also delegate that AVAX to a node and get passive income without risking your staked coins.
so really low effort low risk passive income that you can use to accumulate chainlink and things like UNI/PNG or AAVE.
after Link its really the most promising one.
but you know thats just me and how I would do it.
1200 days and I guarantee you would make good money, keep that up for a couple more years and you made it.
1 hours later 27768880 Anonymous
can you fund a second season of GTO that finishes the manga?
1 hours later 27769189 Anonymous
>do people know about your wealth?
only my family knows but they are good trustworthy people
>has your relationship with others changed
I helped my family and made their lives better which they very much appreciate, I'll keep it secret from friends so on that front nothing really changed for them.
if you want to keep friends never talk about money or politics.
>do you spoonfeed people irl?
have never met anyone IRL who was into crypto like me.
I feel like if I had to explain to people I would start at 0 and would need to talk for 30+ minutes just to explain the basics.
you gamble or you just wait.
waiting is risk free all you have to do is to sit it out.
eventually you get there, believe me I know how you feel.
how much would that cost?
without knowing the pricetag I cant really tell
1 hours later 27769239 Anonymous
What's retirement like?
1 hours later 27769503 Anonymous
its comfy and I really cant complain, its as wonderful as I always imagined.
1 hours later 27770287 Chronos
Where you always based or did it take practice?
Also top non erc-20 coins that weren't ever built off ETH?
1 hours later 27770346 Anonymous
Opinion on API3?
1 hours later 27770460 Anonymous
I took the jump, i've had my eye on AVAX for a small while but I wasn't sure if it was too highly priced for my wallet size.
1 hours later 27770580 Chronos
Also I've been doing day trading in futures for the past couple weeks and have started to make an AVG positive pnl. Usually I'm in either in (ETH/DOGE/SAND/BTC/AVAX/ANKR) USDT perpetual. Would there be any benefit to me in switching to LINKUSDT perp' do you think?
Also I've only made losses from doge and sand. Turns out future trading on shit coins isn't a good idea. Who knew.
1 hours later 27771219 Anonymous
>Also top non erc-20 coins that weren't ever built off ETH?
that would be AVAX but I already talked about that in previous posts.
not good, basically honeycomb became API3
wouldnt hold it long term
its like buying Ethereum at 15 dollars.
was that a bad trade long term?
no and this is the same thing, the tokenomics are even better so there is no reason why AVAX couldnt reach the same price that ETH has today.
I see it as a sure 100x but the real money is in the delegating
Chainlink is a project that is here to stay and it will only continue to grow, its listed everywhere and trading a good asset that has good fundamentals is always a good thing.
its best for "long term networth & profit storage", I made that up but thats how I call it.
1 hours later 27771422 Anonymous
most likely yes but by then that Link will work for me through staking on a node or in a pool or providing liquidity or using it in whatever DeFi ways that are not even invented yet.
Chainlink has a very promising future.
1 hours later 27771634 Anonymous
What unforeseen event would make you sell Link?
1 hours later 27771982 Anonymous (port.jpg 540x1110 53kB)
Hi OP, I have two questions for you:
1) What do you do on a daily basis?
2) Any advice after looking pic attached? I like LINK and GRT, looking for long term investment, currently dropping $200 every 15 days, that's all I can do, I started this year btw.
1 hours later 27772328 Anonymous
Thoughts on PRQ? Very on the fence on that one
1 hours later 27772566 Anonymous
How many API3 have you hedged with?
1 hours later 27772604 Anonymous (15678897775777.jpg 571x761 27kB)
when will i be a free man
>10k stacklet
2 hours later 27772919 Anonymous
Sergey and Ari Juels dying in a plane crash (thanks to covid they are grounded and travel less and expose themselves to less risk)
extinction level natural disaster
what else dont know, guess thats the "unforeseen" part, you never see it coming to react in time.
>1) What do you do on a daily basis?
I read up on what happened in crypto while I was asleep, I talk to other traders and people like me and I actively manage my investments. I do my own research.
during bullrun times I try not to slack off too much, cant afford distractions when so many things are going on.
>2) Any advice after looking pic attached?
get rid of the doge, XLM, USDT and ADA and buy AVAX.
I think GRT is riskier than AVAX.
you could also use AVAX to delegate to a node and make some passive income, since you hodl it anyway.
if you keep investing into these you will make it. sure maybe not today or tomorrow but in 10 years this could be life changing money or a passive income that gives you more personal freedom.
havent looked into that one, I heard about it before but dont remember what it does.
none, actually I never bought into any Chainlink competition.
I always knew Sergeys project is superior.
how much do you need to be a free man?
like how many dollars a month do you need to live comfy?
2 hours later 27773071 Anonymous
OP - Thoughts on xrp?
2 hours later 27773076 Anonymous
how does a burger even buy AVAX :/
2 hours later 27773185 Anonymous
$3.5k passive to be free and comfy. or ~$40k/yr
2 hours later 27773266 Anonymous
I trade it sometimes but I dont see it as something I want to hold long term.
turn on vpn
sign up on binance
send funds
buy avax
its really easy
2 hours later 27773329 Anonymous
Hey, seen mention of Sergey before, recommended that one goes to his channel and watches his videos newest to old. What's his channel though? Seen him on many interviews, but is his channel just the Link youtube channel/telegram?
2 hours later 27773382 Anonymous
Gotta make it without being bent over
2 hours later 27773514 Anonymous
> >>1 ) What do you do on a daily basis?
>I read up on what happened in crypto while I was asleep, I talk to other traders and people like me and I actively manage my investments. I do my own research.
>during bullrun times I try not to slack off too much, cant afford distractions when so many things are going on.
Thanks for sharing anon, I hope one day I make it and stop wageslaving, I just want to live happy with my tradwife growing our own food and build a rural house.
>>2 ) Any advice after looking pic attached?
>get rid of the doge, XLM, USDT and ADA and buy AVAX.
>I think GRT is riskier than AVAX.
>you could also use AVAX to delegate to a node and make some passive income, since you hodl it anyway.
>if you keep investing into these you will make it. sure maybe not today or tomorrow but in 10 years this could be life changing money or a passive income that gives you more personal freedom.
Gotcha, I just checked and it's currently around $15, would you suggest me to wait for a dip to buy AVAX?
Thanks anon.
2 hours later 27773545 Anonymous
also do you hold LP shares
2 hours later 27773624 Anonymous
What do you think about putting your Link stack into celsius or gemini for interest?
2 hours later 27773793 Anonymous
Nice man, good for you OP.
2 hours later 27774089 Anonymous
At what point did you quit your job? Really starting to hate my wage cage programming job. At the same time, I'm only at just over $1 million in crypto, and have grown accustomed to a 80k+ income. Still... I can't decide, do I retire at $3 million? Do I tough it out until $5 million? Do I say fuck it and quite tomorrow?
If it helps to know a little about my portfolio, my two biggest bags by far are link and bitcoin, in that order. Every other position makes up around $125k of that $1.05 million I have. About $40k of that is an index of the top 20 coins. The other $80k are longshot shitcoins. The only trades I'm planning to make at this point are ones I use to exit the market or to sustain myself if I decide to say fuck it early and I run out of savings
2 hours later 27774119 Anonymous
I wish I had that big of a bag, currently only holding link and grt, dont think I'll make it
2 hours later 27774476 Anonymous
also, how much of a pain was it to move a large amount of value from crypto to a bank account/brokerage/whereever you moved funds to establish your retirement
2 hours later 27775168 Anonymous
>if you want to keep friends never talk about money or politics.
Very good advice OP
2 hours later 27775308 Anonymous
What do you recommend investing 25K in for linky type returns?
2 hours later 27775478 Anonymous
It will take some time but is absolutely achievable in the next 2 or so years.
I'm confident that Chainlink can achieve 3.5k usd per month with a 10k stack either through staking or as LP or other DeFi stuff.
you just need to wait a little bit longer
just go to youtube and type in sergey nazarov and sort the videos with the filter
go from newest to oldest there are tons of sergey nazarov interviews on youtube.
I have seen them all and its worth it.
Emin interviews are worth it too. big wisdom in these guys
>would you suggest me to wait for a dip to buy AVAX?
its just 15 bucks, grab that bag now and keep buying more. the tokenomics are extremely good with AVAX and its proof of stake thats needed for the validators.
once it moons a bit you will have more capital to invest into upcoming DeFi tokens.
if you play your cards right you can make it at least by next bullrun.
was early to it and could have gotten a bag but I decided against it and bought more Chainlink instead.
I feel like that was the better decision as the whole Chainlink staking part was still far away from actually working and the LP market was and is very dry with very low volume.
I think it will be successful tho
I keep mine in cold storage
thanks friend
2 hours later 27775826 Anonymous
You mentioned defi coins. What’s your opinion on bonded.finance?
2 hours later 27775920 Anonymous
>id goku
Check em
2 hours later 27776039 Anonymous
I quit my job fast, I literally just walked out when I saw the potential in crypto and that I could make more money there. I wasnt even rich at that point but wageslaving wasnt a pleasent experience for me.
"humans perform best when there is no plan B" I put this to the test and it worked out.
try it, you can always get a new wagecuck job if this doesnt work out for whatever reason.
also I think in your case its something psychological, like "I need that job to feel secure".
you should look into Avalanche, running a node is like 30k now but its low effort passive income.
passive income like this can help you cope better with stopping wagecucking.
you have enough money that you can live several years and focus full time on investing.
you should take that chance
2 hours later 27776053 Anonymous
Ive been holding since the corona crash am i going to make it?
2 hours later 27776531 Anonymous
2 hours later 27776553 Anonymous
2 hours later 27776639 Anonymous
do you consider yourself a patient person?
and how do you control FUDs and downs, or do you plain ignore it?
2 hours later 27776689 Anonymous
About how much does $30k of AVAX make you per month?
2 hours later 27776823 Anonymous
OP - Sorry for asking to spoon feed me but I have saved up $35K with my crypto and wageslaving hard work. I was planning on investing $25K into cryptos and leave the $10K in usdc in blockfi (8% interest). How would you invest the $35K?
Thanks for showing us the way.
2 hours later 27776889 Anonymous
damn. I'll think about it... would love to just shit it up until I get fired and can collect a bit of unemployment, but on the other hand working with people who think you suck really sucks
also, this
2 hours later 27777642 Anonymous
Check out clear value tax on YouTube, he shows how he makes 28% apr risk free lending USDT on kucoin
2 hours later 27778123 Anonymous
new to crypto and want to learn, where should I learn from?
3 hours later 27778457 Anonymous
me too pls help
3 hours later 27778675 Anonymous
but you are in a good position to make it, just keep buying more LINK and eventually you will make it.
my retirement is established in Chainlink
you mean whats the next 200x ?
I think it must be AVAX, its at x18 right now so still early.
delegate the 25k and you make a couple hundreds every month, maybe a couple thousands later.
and its low effort and completely passive.
I know I said it multiple times now but passive income is incredible and I love cryptos that enable that.
for many of these its still very early so hard to tell how legit they are.
>do you consider yourself a patient person?
yes I have to be, sergey is putting my patience to a test everyday
there really isnt that much FUD, only thing is sergey dumping massive amounts but thats all for the benefit of us all so is it really FUD?
>and downs
they are horrible but you get numb to it.
my portfolio fluctuates in very high numbers but I just dont give a shit, I know we will make it.
around 20 AVAX/$300 per month.
keep in mind its still extremely early for this so this number will become much higher soon.
avax and the rewards into chainlink
thats the make it way
3 hours later 27779066 Anonymous
>around 20 AVAX/$300 per month.
Is this from delegation or do we have to setup a node?
3 hours later 27779168 Anonymous
>my retirement is established in Chainlink
Im talking about making your capital accessible for buying food/luxuries/paying rent/mortgage. Or do you just sell a small amount of your link whenever your bank account starts to run low?
3 hours later 27779523 Anonymous
How do I buy AVAX from burgerstan? Currently on a waitlist from voyager as the rest don’t seem to deal with our kind
3 hours later 27779628 Anonymous
you need to learn the basics.
>Start with reading the Bitcoin Whitepaper.
>Then you read the Ethereum Whitepaper.
>after that you learn how to set up wallets, how to store private keys and how to send.
>read the Chainlink Whitepaper.
>read about DeFi.
>read the Avalanche Whitepaper.
>read about trading and how to read a chart.
>set up accounts on exchanges, tradingview and learn how to use twitter and telegram
>join Chainlink and AVAX and other DeFi communities
>become part of the 4th Industrial revolution
overall this will take you many hours, hundreds of hours if you want to master it but its achievable and something anyone can do.
if you read all this then you already know more than most people in this market and you will make it if you put that knowledge to work.
from delegation, you would only pay 2% of your reward to the node operator.
its really comfy.
I only cash out when I need it and really not much, I just dont see what I could buy that would appreciate in value more than my cryptos
3 hours later 27779686 Anonymous
I'm new to this and only have about $3K to put into it, is there any hope for me? I've been told that I should put it into a more "risky" coin that has the potential of a bigger pay-out. I'd only be able to buy about 200 AVAX. Do you have any advice?
3 hours later 27779799 Anonymous
get a VPN, any will do.
log in and sign into binance
send funds
buy avax
withdraw to your avax wallet
its insane how many people dont know about the VPN trick, if you do this you are guaranteed ahead of the majority.
most people from the US cant be arsed to set up a vpn which is basically 2 clicks.
3 hours later 27780414 Anonymous
If you are new and dont know what you are doing you are running risk of losing it all.
do what I said here >>27779628
to understand where crypto is right now.
if you want the lowest risk it would be a good play to buy the avax and delegate it.
then invest these rewards into a bigger delegation or into something with long term growth like chainlink.
if you keep doing this for a while you will make it.
3 hours later 27780918 Anonymous
Do you store your LINK on multiple tTrezors and ledgers? I need to have this sorted, would appreciate some advice.
Keep some directly on MEW and some on echamge currently
>t. 2,3k linklet 2017 end poorfag
3 hours later 27780923 Anonymous
What an elaborate shill. DYOR
3 hours later 27781022 Anonymous
OP - Which node are you seeing these numbers??? The highest rewards I see are 8avax/month for 1600avax (~$25K). That's like 6.25% interest a year...
3 hours later 27781041 Anonymous
Thanks m8. I already had an account, but misread something and thought it said I needed to verify my address before buying ANY amount of coins. Still have to get money in there first
3 hours later 27781131 Anonymous
There’s 99% dogshit on this board, and 1% gold nuggets. You are a gold nugget you based faggot
3 hours later 27781541 Anonymous
I build my own ledgers and I have a very elaborate security system
this! do your own research into Chainlink and into AVAX and into DeFi Usecases and the projects that build them.
dont just take my word for it.
sort by validators with 2000 avax that run for a month.
>That's like 6.25% interest a year
keep in mind that is in AVAX and not in USD, there is literally no reason why this cant reach prices like Ethereum and it is basically the EVM but on crack cocaine.
right now sure its not that impressive but you need to think ahead.
just make sure the vpn is on and set to a jurisdiction where its allowed to trade
thanks friend appreciate it
3 hours later 27781671 Anonymous
Whateven is this bitcoin thieveryones talking about, can you buy it in a store?
3 hours later 27781993 Anonymous
Thanks OP. It's a big difference between 25 avax and 8, hence my concern.
Do you delegate monthly or keep them over the long haul (3 months, 10 months etc)?
3 hours later 27782344 Anonymous
I figured 1 - 2 months is best.
3 hours later 27782375 Anonymous
Good posts man, you're literally me. I co sign on all you've said.
4 hours later 27782573 Anonymous
good to know that I am not alone
4 hours later 27782960 Anonymous (pepe4.jpg 618x597 65kB)
>avax is like eth vm but on crack cocaine
nice shill
4 hours later 27783053 Anonymous
How many stinkies you got OP? Give me a range if you don't want to reveal too much.
4 hours later 27783161 Anonymous
this kek
4 hours later 27783172 Anonymous
it is, all the ethereum stuff works on avalanche but fast and low fees.
chainlink is also working with avalanche
one of the Generals
4 hours later 27783319 Anonymous (1583694101467.jpg 1082x695 479kB)
Absolutely based, same here.
4 hours later 27783552 Anonymous
Thoughts on BAO, OP? It seems to be a long-term hold, from what I've seen
4 hours later 27783592 Anonymous
>You should understand that most beggars do not actually want to steal all your crypto
That might be comforting if most beggars weren't niggers and therefore fucking retarded and give fucking scam systems
> Still you can find how they try to tell about fake scam 500%1500% income
That’s why I don’t follow them and use my own pool on Poolz rofl
4 hours later 27783620 Anonymous
Single incompetent dev running a github carbon copy clone
Dont touch it
4 hours later 27784311 Anonymous
> from what I've seen
what have you seen?
4 hours later 27784327 Anonymous
Why does poop stink?
23.626 0.205