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2021-02-04 06:41 27681256 Anonymous Sick Poorfag from a few nights ago... (1612078373443.jpg 500x333 20kB)
https://archived.moe/biz/thread/274 39361 >Original Thread. I wanted to reach out to the Two Anons who helped me, I made a few threads reaching out hoping you would be there. I wanted to say Thank you, you showed me more generosity than anyone has in my entire life, and you helped me more than you know. To most of you here it would have been nothing but to me it really did help. If I make it through this bullshit and get my affairs in order I will pay you back, luckily some anons taught me that I could see who paid me through the history so I'll find you. But I mean it Thank you again.

10 min later 27681885 Anonymous
Well that's nice. I gave an anon $25 because he said he'd be my best friend but he never wrote me again. Hope my best friend is doing well.

17 min later 27682289 Anonymous
>>27681885 Not my style to beg made it this far in life without doing it. But desperate times call for desperate measures, hopefully he used that $25 and you helped him out even if he was ungrateful.

23 min later 27682619 Anonymous
I dont usually beg but being in third world shithole makes you do really desperate things need some help with money...any help will be much appreciated Eth - 0xd762d387b6e0f3c1d15743dec9031d74e eb3be4d Btc- 17CfguDwBo5ddcb7hZk9fH6XX7BFLT4pLG

25 min later 27682743 Anonymous
>>27681885 I’ll be your best fren for free best fren

26 min later 27682802 Anonymous
>>27682619 What country?

27 min later 27682867 Anonymous
>>27682619 PS- Just an small amount will be ENOUGH for me for months

29 min later 27682951 Anonymous (sdfsfsfs.png 675x752 169kB)
>>27682802 I can only assume with who's currently raiding the forums with Mcdonaldcoins.

29 min later 27682966 Anonymous
>>27682802 Philippines

31 min later 27683077 Anonymous
help me fix my teeth so i dont off myself before 30 eth: 0xBf5421f44f8A69532D1862A0990745FBe 1342FD3

32 min later 27683159 Anonymous
>>27682966 Sorry frendo, there’s poor whites who need it more. I will however continue to fuck your prostitutes next time I am there for business. One of my clients will hire out an entire brothel and we lock the doors and live like kings.

33 min later 27683229 Anonymous
>>27683159 Cool man just don't go raw

37 min later 27683450 Anonymous
>>27682966 Got any cute young healthy female relatives who enjoy dogsex? Asking seriously, I'm looking for a wife.

38 min later 27683481 Anonymous
>>27682951 No man i cant even post a picture in thread dont know why

38 min later 27683539 Anonymous
I need money to pay rent or I'll be homeless I'LL TAKE ANYTHING, please bros eth/erc20: 0x6809fc1BA1196c8B45c2989b9bbf78A1f 78BECa0

39 min later 27683556 Anonymous
>>27683450 i am begging bro not a pimp

40 min later 27683649 Anonymous
>>27683229 Of course. The cunts who leave there rape babies all around Angeles deserve the ropez

41 min later 27683716 Anonymous
>>27683556 Well do you think if you showed a bit more hustle you might not be poor? You could easily get a 10% finders fee on this anons wife.

42 min later 27683783 Anonymous
>>27681256 >not using warosu instead, where you can click on the images to view fullsize pleb What happened to your asshole? Also, what happened to the pussy in your OP image? (By which I mean cat, even though I thought it was some sort of crotch shot -- did it fall down some sort of shaft in a building? Looks like wood siding and concrete.)

43 min later 27683811 Anonymous
>>27683716 I already stooped low in life dont qant to go any lower

45 min later 27683916 Anonymous
>>27683811 I don't know if your telling the truth or not but regardless if I had money I could spare I'd donate to you poorfags, probably the reason I'm a poorfag myself.

47 min later 27684059 Anonymous
>>27683811 I like you fren. 1500 peso btc sent.

47 min later 27684081 Anonymous
>>27683811 Do learn a trade of some kind, I have a few myself I'm too sick and poor to do it right now but if my condition gets better I plan on reopening my business. Trades can make great money, I know being on an island make things harder.

48 min later 27684098 Anonymous
>>27683916 Its okay anon dont expect anyone too i hope you too make in life someday cheers

49 min later 27684137 Anonymous
>>27684059 That was very nice of you fren. I hope it goes further than it would in our country.

49 min later 27684149 Anonymous
>>27683556 I'm looking for a wife not a prostitute. I just want someone who can understand *my* sexual proclivities, is that too much to ask from life? Straight/humans, bi/dogs, cryptorich Amerifat seeks hot little slut who likes taking it in at least two of her three holes from humans, dogs, and optionally farm animals, I don't discriminate on the basis of species, even if I don't understand the horsecock crowd, FFS that's gotta hurt, much less the women like Bodil Joensen who enjoy pigs.

49 min later 27684193 Anonymous
>>27684059 Thank you anon may good bless you

50 min later 27684220 Anonymous (652.jpg 250x250 13kB)

51 min later 27684281 Anonymous
>>27684081 I am trying to start a shop to sell cosmetics to women not the expensive kind but coronavirus fucked most of my plans and i have to pay interest also on my loan

52 min later 27684328 Anonymous
>>27684137 I've had a rough but interesting life and wouldn't trade it for all the riches here. (well maybe some parts) but I can't say it hasn't been a wild ride.

52 min later 27684335 Anonymous
>>27684193 No probs bro, not sure if that’s of any value just seemed like a nice around number without encouraging begging. >>27684137 It was a good day on the markets, why not.

53 min later 27684387 Anonymous
>>27681885 I'll be your fren. Email me gull-and-bull-@protonmail.com

53 min later 27684401 Anonymous
>>27683811 checked and relatable. Finally hit my rock bottom a few weeks back. Trying to quit drinking first, find a second job, and pay off my debts. You just cant ever quit. But fuck man sometimes us stubborn assholes really need a slap in the face. We will survive

55 min later 27684483 Anonymous
>>27684335 Anon does bitcoin transfer takes time because i haven't received anything

1 hours later 27684750 Anonymous
>>27684281 Oh anon. You're gonna need a gimmick for that shit, or else really unusual ingredients. Do you have either?

1 hours later 27684852 Anonymous
>>27683539 posting btc address in case some kind anon wants to help 13YuN5Sq9qHUYNTtb2G6eFJQW3eDUhxEpR

1 hours later 27684856 Anonymous
OP here got jannied, Dunno how pest control is on your island but it's a very profitable business here in the states.

1 hours later 27684875 Anonymous (3D87B69F-4908-4FB0-AAA0-64A0166A27DD.jpg 1152x648 37kB)
>>27684483 Yeah it can take some time. Don’t worry it’s on it’s way.

1 hours later 27684896 Anonymous
>>27684750 My sister will be helping me being a women she can understand how the buyers mentality is

1 hours later 27685012 Anonymous
>>27684896 As am I. So I'll ask again: do you have either of those two things? Or else really nice, eye-catching packaging? Ladies are suckers for nice packaging, even if the product is totally shit.

1 hours later 27685057 Anonymous
>>27684875 Thanks brother i will surely pay it forward when things turn better for me

1 hours later 27685158 Anonymous
This thread is comfy.

1 hours later 27685165 Anonymous
>>27685012 Its not as fancy as you are imagining remember 3rd world shithole but its good enough so yeah i think it just can work plus there is no shop of that kind around our area

1 hours later 27685238 Anonymous
I will send Philippines anon 1 ETH if he posts naked photos of his sister (timestampped)ITT

1 hours later 27685292 Anonymous
>>27685238 Nah man you can shove that eth up your ass sorry

1 hours later 27685324 Anonymous
>>27685238 Shit sick OP here, I'll show you my boobas.

1 hours later 27685391 Anonymous
>>27681256 wow I thought this picture was some sort of ass sitting on a micropenis porn has literally ruined my brain

1 hours later 27685409 Anonymous (CEB57162-51D8-425A-9E88-559AE01562B8.jpg 552x556 20kB)
>>27685292 You talk tough online but we all know if I met you in real life and waived $1,700 in front of your monkey face you would be BEGGING me to ravage your sister

1 hours later 27685420 Anonymous
>>27685391 lol it's why I originally used it (Op here) It gets your attention and then you go "oh"

1 hours later 27685475 Anonymous
>>27685409 I may be poor and desperate but i fucking kill any creep like you if they even look at her

1 hours later 27685608 Anonymous (1612221830090.jpg 746x914 78kB)
>>27684875 1BPQUpuVXHbXQ1KyViMACbyT8rkM5gcw8t btc tummy poster here, e europe, severe depression. Need hope!

1 hours later 27685616 Anonymous
>>27683077 Oh come on nigger. It can’t be THAT bad. Lot of insurances now cover some cosmetic dental things. Get a job at starbucks or something man. Begging for cosmetic surgery, how shameful!

1 hours later 27685638 Anonymous (2948E22E-494B-4C28-A2D3-ADBAE20504C6.png 640x1136 145kB)
>>27685475 Alright kid I like your spunk. Timestamped nudes of your sister and I’ll send you 3 ETH, likely half a years salary for you correct?

1 hours later 27685684 Anonymous
>>27684896 Does she enjoy white cock? How about dog cock?

1 hours later 27685688 Anonymous
>>27685638 Op here, I hate my sister I would totally give you nudes of her for less than that lol. Jesus I'm desperate :/ nice stack though.

1 hours later 27685712 Anonymous
>>27685638 I WISH I HAD A SISTER

1 hours later 27685721 Anonymous
>>27685638 I told you already man shove eth up your ass it might double who knows

1 hours later 27685793 Anonymous
>>27685638 If anyone is selling their sister it's me damnit! BTC> 3DucakAPUvkMcQRe1YLAQRw18wat3wPJtz ETH> 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478 DBa1Fbe I am the OP you can see the wallet to confirm. 3 Eth would literally buy me a fucking car to goto my treatments. Not gonna possibly pass up even on the meme, also check your Uni might have 8k in there.

1 hours later 27685796 Anonymous
>>27685638 pls notice me rich anon >>27683539

1 hours later 27685869 Anonymous
>>27685638 >>27685409 This cunt will never pay but the baller move here flip bro is rushing down to the brothel and getting nudes of some random pro.

1 hours later 27685872 Anonymous
>>27685721 Honorable. If I had enough to share with you, I would. I have my own problems though. Jannies if you fucking ban me for replying to this thread I WILL hunt you down like dogs and turn your skulls into cups for fine wine.

1 hours later 27685901 Anonymous (maxresdexcvxcfault.jpg 1280x720 52kB)
>Janniebanned >Thread Hijacked >KMS

1 hours later 27685930 Anonymous
>>27683539 Did you drop your rent on GME?

1 hours later 27685955 Anonymous (11157678_fullsize.jpg 3000x2290 2791kB)
>>27685872 Don't suppose you'd ever want some art done, crypto prince?

1 hours later 27685964 Anonymous (1602831976654.png 860x880 233kB)
>>27685475 I'll pay you to let your sister kill me

1 hours later 27685989 Anonymous
>>27685869 >>27685638 snapmeDOTrs 1BPQUpuVXHbXQ1KyViMACbyT8rkM5gcw8t btc Valuable intel right here. Coomers unite and help!

1 hours later 27685997 Anonymous
>>27685955 Checked and nice art bro.

1 hours later 27686006 Anonymous
>>27685869 >>27685872 >>27685872 I wish you all the best for your future anon

1 hours later 27686020 Anonymous (cryptobirbwip.jpg 650x700 497kB)
>>27685997 LOL that ain't mine. Here's what I'm working on right now.

1 hours later 27686048 Anonymous
>>27686020 Still good shit, I can't draw a stick figure.

1 hours later 27686075 Anonymous
>>27685964 She wouldn't hurt a fly my friend

1 hours later 27686089 Anonymous
>>27681256 You already posted this thread, how much more money do you need

1 hours later 27686106 Anonymous
The whole point of this thread was to thank the guy who helped me get to my doctor not to get hijacked :/ 4chan for ya.

1 hours later 27686126 Anonymous
>>27686048 Thank ye kindly anon. I'm looking to join one of those NFT artsy marketplaces like superrare so I need to make some cool art for the application.

1 hours later 27686155 Anonymous
>>27685616 it's far more than cosmetic

1 hours later 27686191 Anonymous
>>27686126 Do it man I know a lot of artists that make very good money for their work online and offline. I don't have that talent but always appreciated those who do.

1 hours later 27686226 Anonymous
>>27686106 Dude you already posted a thank you thread stop begging srsly look what you’ve done now

1 hours later 27686243 Anonymous
>>27686155 He's not wrong my teeth are shit because my health is shit but those come way down on the list of things I need taken care of. But dental work is ungodly expensive.

1 hours later 27686312 Anonymous (1498255174794.png 509x619 7kB)
>>27685930 No, I went all in on a shitcoin and I literally bought the top and now I'm down 90% I'm still holding it hoping it'll pump again

1 hours later 27686384 Anonymous
>>27686226 I'm trying to get in contact with those two people so I can give them a thank you, I might be sick but I'm not just taking gibs I have every intention of paying them back much more than they gave. Something I haven't said is yes I'm dying but I have an oil inheritance that cannot be bought and I don't have any heirs, those who have helped me are most likely getting something nobody will obtain. There is a reason to this post, I do need help but I'm also seeing who would take the time to trust someone like myself and they might inherit only something born into the royal oil bloodlines of America can. That good enough answer for you?

1 hours later 27686390 Anonymous (3gnqzq.png 600x600 189kB)
>>27686243 thanks fellow shit teeth anon 5 procedures aimed at helping the dental health before you can even think about the 3 cosmetic ones you need which you can't afford, per issue...

1 hours later 27686501 Anonymous
>>27686390 I have just yanked my shit ones out, and hopefully get the cosmetic front ones fixed for my sake. But I'm sicker than fuck and it's kinda pointless to worry about my teeth when I'm fighting something much more serious. But teeth can make your life hell.

1 hours later 27686517 Anonymous
Says the guys who is ready to sell his sister nudes

1 hours later 27686544 Anonymous
>>27686312 >all in on a shitcoin at ATH with money he doesn’t have I can’t possibly give you money when you’re clearly irresponsible with it.

1 hours later 27686545 Anonymous
>>27686501 hope you get all that shit worked out man - being unable to smile and hiding your teeth as best you can day in day out is so mentally exhausting

1 hours later 27686554 Anonymous
>>27686390 Anon do you have some kind of rare tooth disease? What did you do to your teeth? Post pic of smile.

1 hours later 27686558 Vitalij_K
literally looks like a shill, stupid nigga scam > do u think we are dump retards here? >I got bot ocean tokens and wait for full project for dex trading launch clever ass knows what tools to use for top trading

1 hours later 27686637 Anonymous
>>27686554 grew up poor with 0 hygiene, no insurance for a long time, does wonders to the health of your gums and teeth

1 hours later 27686662 Anonymous (1509566207721.jpg 750x642 66kB)
>>27686544 I know I'm retarded but I learned my lesson please reconsider

1 hours later 27686737 Anonymous
>>27686517 Mind your business my sister devastated my family. and she strips for work so who cares.

1 hours later 27686750 Anonymous
>>27686384 Dude what the fuck shut ya lying ass up lmao. If you just need moolah then say that lmao.

1 hours later 27686768 Anonymous
you ever asked yourself why /biz background color is light blue? its cause /biz is a sentinel board

1 hours later 27686797 Anonymous
>>27686750 Goldsmith-Landreth Mineral rights in the permian basin. Go fuck yourself.

1 hours later 27686856 Anonymous
>>27686737 Still not cool and sorry for not minding my own business

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