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2021-02-04 03:58 27669981 Anonymous SERGEY CAME UP WITH THE IDEA FOR DEV PROTOCOL 3 YEARS AGO (F115EBEC-2CCD-44F6-A50E-053C25C1B4A2.jpg 750x431 166kB)
Now that dev is working with Microsoft, tokenizing oss and github is a reality!

1 min later 27670081 Anonymous (9D684D4D-5A21-41B2-B1BA-28D4D9789772.jpg 750x1066 414kB)
Liquidity mining geyser round 2 just started with 60% apy

2 min later 27670178 Anonymous
>>27670081 Correction: 60% apy PER MONTH

5 min later 27670441 Anonymous (F3EC72BA-DB04-4715-859D-9CCA9B46F594.jpg 750x889 196kB)

9 min later 27670798 Anonymous
>>27670441 Their community manager says their first targets will be Signal, Wikipedia, and Python. They basically created a new marketing scheme. Users lock their stake with a prominent open source project for a high apy. This will accumulate millions in interest for that project. If the OSS project creates a pool to redeem the interest, stakers get a ton of $dev. If they turn it down the staked dev is returned, you just lose the interest accrued. This is going to make a landslide of shills that will rival the link marines.

13 min later 27671061 Anonymous (E14AC9BE-6214-46CE-AA31-C27CA818F4A1.jpg 543x815 410kB)
Microsoft tweeting about DEV. Not a big deal at all. Not in the slightest

15 min later 27671219 Anonymous
>>27670798 So how do I get into this now?

19 min later 27671523 Anonymous (9CE1BFC0-FD0A-446F-BD16-8107813ADC46.jpg 1080x1080 114kB)
>>27671219 Solid liquidity on uniswap due to the geyser. DYOR but I think this is going to transform the open source software sector and crypto entirely. No more contrived tokenomics or expensive middleware that should really be free. People can turn down corporate gigs and just live off their dev pool.

22 min later 27671756 Anonymous
>>27671523 Yes, naturally. I usually put small bits and pieces in shit coins waiting for pnds or just to have fun in crypto communities. But I have a few HOLDs on projects I really care about and this seems particularly interesting.

28 min later 27672186 Anonymous
>>27671219 I honestly think big heads at Microsoft are involved in this and they just want to build quietly. Some of the decisions the developers made have too much insight for a small team. ie: they’re moving to Switzerland for their ieo and they have the top lawyer in crypto. This incubator program is going to get copied by every project. You will see a chance for higher apy to entice users and bigger projects/integrations all over crypto. It revolutionizes marketing and creates grassroots shill communities. Also the withdraw limit for projects based on the amount they have staked keeps funds in the ecosystem. These are like mechanisms big companies wish they could enforce in regular finance, that only can be created using smart contracts.

29 min later 27672285 Anonymous (94961045-FC5A-4A12-8093-A1713E37687F.jpg 750x1249 426kB)
>>27672186 Also Microsoft is heavily involved in open source. Maybe more than any other company on earth. Pic related

30 min later 27672353 Anonymous
Imagine if sergey didnt randomly dump millions of Links to fund his addiction to fabrege eggs

30 min later 27672370 Anonymous (107DF973-429B-43FA-88F3-DC9FAAF54106.jpg 750x1140 372kB)
>>27672285 Continued

37 min later 27672923 Anonymous (Screenshot 2021-02-04 143400.jpg 974x800 170kB)
>>27669981 >>27671061 >>27672186 Not bad, it seems legit. >Twitter account with 62k followers, Tweet link below: https://twitter.com/msdevjp/status/ 1322132905301319682?s=20 Hmm, might pick up a small bag. >>27670441 Can you redpill me on the incubator program?

38 min later 27673017 Anonymous
>>27671756 I’m the same. I’ve become a little disillusioned with erc 20s. Seems like everyone is focusing on leveraging schemes. Dev can literally create an entire open source software funding environment. You don’t have to go to slimy VCs anymore. Imagine if this was around when Peter theil and Elon musk made PayPal. They would have built what they wanted without having to report to anyone, and still keep their funding through their dev pool. Once completely they would distribute shares based on who staked with them. This is going to transform startups.

41 min later 27673214 Anonymous
>>27669981 >>27670081 >>27670441 >>27670798 >>27671523 >>27672285 >>27672186 >>27673017 Guys my balls are tingling here, we might have a winner on the cards. Fomo in 3, 2, 1.

42 min later 27673235 Anonymous
>>27673017 Yup. VCs send their MBAs who just end up absolutely destroying any sense of creativity and innovation any startup has. This project is a must imho.

43 min later 27673361 Anonymous
>>27672923 Literally the only reason this hasn’t mooned or been shilled by sassal,eric, leshner, stani/other big influencers is because they are a small quiet team in Japan. I don’t think they’ve been to one eth meetup. No moloch dao/metacartel back room deals. Here’s the summary in another post > Users lock their stake with a prominent open source project for a high apy. This will accumulate millions in interest for that project. If the OSS project creates a pool to redeem the interest, stakers get a ton of $dev. If they turn it down the staked dev is returned, you just lose the interest accrued. This is going to make a landslide of shills that will rival the link marines. They are targeting wikipedia/signal/python first.

45 min later 27673524 Anonymous
>>27669981 Greedy fucking bolshevik. Thank god none of that happened.

48 min later 27673693 Anonymous
>>27669981 Can you explain that moon on August 2020.when it was selling for 18 usd and then crashed again?

49 min later 27673787 Anonymous
>>27673361 What's your big size and/or % of portfolio? >They are targeting wikipedia/signal/python first. ELI5: The team is marketing the Dev Protocol to those to those open source platforms so the devs who currently work on a donation basis can tokenize the development of features for those platforms? The incentive for someone to donate using DEV instead of $$ is so because they will earn DEV from the stake. The supply of DEV inflates when stakers claim interest earned from a stake, the developer earns the DEV staked.... I'm kinda retarded so not sure if I have that correct or if it makes sense

52 min later 27673950 Anonymous
>>27672353 sergey is so ridiculously based.

52 min later 27673966 Anonymous
>>27673693 It only went to $12USD but $18USD in sats, only double the current price which is VERY easy to move to at MC levels this low. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencie s/dev-protocol/

53 min later 27674028 Anonymous
>>27673693 One of the crypto youtubers caught wind of this too early and shilled it to his followers. Bit boy, mr bit or something idk those guys freak me out. This was before their liquidity programs, before the yfi vault. I think it was Even before vyper was onboarded.thats the biggest project so far(language behind curve and uniswap). Current price seems to be organically growing now.

55 min later 27674155 Anonymous
>>27673950 One of the few idea guys who is actually legit

55 min later 27674207 Anonymous
>>27669981 Pajeet scam

55 min later 27674224 Anonymous (186.gif 500x500 1045kB)
ITT: linkies still living in a pipedream while their mcdonald lord buys his dad lambos and gorges on bigmacs all day

57 min later 27674343 Anonymous
>>27674224 i can take 10K USD from my link gains and put it into DEV right now and give zero fucks. tell me more about these pipe dreams? the person pictured in OP above is the reason I can pay rent. go fuck yourself.

1 hours later 27674588 Anonymous
>>27673235 Defi is slaughtering all Ethereum creativity. Everyone is yolo-ing into collateral debt position protocols and are completely unfamiliar with banking. The market sizes are at community bank/credit union levels. Some of these leveraging protocols should have crossed 10 billion a while ago. These are the first projects that will be forked by centralized finance.( rich people are already offered cdp’s. If jpmorgan opened one of these protocols it would eclipse them in a day)

1 hours later 27674647 Anonymous
>>27669981 >SERGEY CAME UP WITH THE IDEA FOR DEV PROTOCOL 3 YEARS AGO while on a toilet because of big macs

1 hours later 27675602 Anonymous
>>27673787 That’s exactly it. Everyone is so immersed in defi they are missing the simple tokenomics breakthroughs Ethereum allows. Im starting to understand the “why did no one think of that” feeing when looking at ideas early internet companies missed out on. People are just excited and lost in the leveraging yield farming hysteria. A coin that has to be staked to earn interest, that benefits the user and the pool owner. Pool owners reward stakers how they would like. Token distribution, share distribution, nfts, perks whatever they want. This is so new it’s hard to explain the spirit it’s capturing. The closest I can think of is the feeling in The Social Network. They all just start building Facebook and while not giving a fuck about ownership, the future, monetization. Focus on innovation and building a product you like. Funding should be an afterthought. That’s what dev allows. That’s what dev captures on chain.

1 hours later 27675971 Anonymous
>>27675602 Honestly feel kinda retarded for missing DEFI hype train, so much opportunity cost from not participating in the hype but also i still dont really get the whole farming thing, maybe im retarded but it seems really scammy, all these tokens pump on the promise that it will farm you X% yield from staking or whatever and its just like where is the profit supposed to come from if its not new people buying in? Anyways, that leads me to my concern with DEV - it might be over the heads of the masses or not be relevant to current hype train and therefore will get forgotten in the sea of Defi hype. I don't wanna get stuck bagholding an idealistic product like I did with RLC for years lol.

1 hours later 27676025 Anonymous
>>27669981 Imaging if crypto”currencies” weren’t valueless memes

1 hours later 27676422 Anonymous
>>27674343 I’d still do your own research fren. Think of this thread as an introduction. Anyways, Let me put it this way. Vyperlang created a python-like language for Ethereum. Billion dollar protocols have been built using it.(curve/uniswap) the founders of these protocol’s children’s children’s children will never have to work a day in their life. The people who created the language are stuck begging for pathetic grants, meanwhile people that now have oil-Baron money cheer them on from the sidelines, projecting this image that “we’re all in it for the tech.” I’m already seeing this unfold so early in crypto. I can’t fucking imagine how people like brendon eich and other internet pioneers felt watching Microsoft and Apple take the glory. The way in which people who actually were in it for the tech are thrown to the wayside is a disgrace. Other projects in crypto could have changed that. Dev will change that.

1 hours later 27676435 Anonymous
>>27672285 Trusting the company that invented "embrace, extend, extinguish"

1 hours later 27677120 Anonymous
>>27675971 This is way to relevant to my life lol I got lucky here and there but definitely missed out on some hype trains. I believe in dev, I think it’s altruistic angle will really drive adoption. That said, it isn’t in the current wave of defi so there is that risk. >>27676435 How have I never heard of this. That’s fucked. I can totally see current builders using this strategy and pretending to like the protocols whose ideas they stole.

1 hours later 27677457 Anonymous
dev is tokenizing github. i know of a decentralized github

1 hours later 27677937 Anonymous
>>27677120 I've been around for a while, I will never forget how Microsoft sabotaged opengl

1 hours later 27677998 Anonymous
>>27677457 What’s it called? Nearly all crypto projects are on github. They don’t see a reason for it to be decentralized

1 hours later 27678036 Anonymous
This sounds great, I will pump and dump every /g/tard who tokenizes their github

1 hours later 27678168 Anonymous
>>27676422 Based and devpilled

1 hours later 27678170 Anonymous
>>27677998 if its decentralized you can have repos governed by token holders and upgradeable contracts by voting in proposals 100% on chain

2 hours later 27678729 Anonymous
>>27678170 Sounds like a huge undertaking. What happens if a hot fix is needed because of an exploit?

2 hours later 27678853 Anonymous
>>27677937 Embrace, extend, extinguish. I’m convinced there is a psyop going on if it took me this long to hear that phrase. Lol explains so much

2 hours later 27678955 Anonymous
>>27678729 there will be incentives for development teams to hold large amounts of tokens and propose fixes and upgrades. like how ethereum has multiple dev teams contributing. also its designed to be modular to suit this

2 hours later 27679049 Anonymous
>>27676422 based

2 hours later 27679424 Anonymous
>>27678955 Good idea. Sometimes hot fixes are needed in an hours time. If governance can accomadate that, I don’t see why it can’t succeed

2 hours later 27679594 Anonymous
>>27679424 oh well it's dfohub (buidl) anyway no need to be cryptic

2 hours later 27679724 Anonymous
>>27669981 When do you recommend I buy?

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