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2021-02-04 02:38 27663506 Anonymous (kleros.png 250x250 39kB)
Remember this? Yeah, me neither.

1 min later 27663633 Anonymous
>>27663506 10 years in kleros jail retard

2 min later 27663745 Anonymous
>>27663633 India holds no jurisdiction here.

16 min later 27664885 Anonymous
bros....cheer me up, we are just dumping every week its getting painful, any hope?

17 min later 27665012 Anonymous (1599263815758.png 1389x1202 204kB)
where to sell?

18 min later 27665109 Anonymous
>>27664885 Jack Dorsey followed it on twitter. why sell now?

19 min later 27665152 Anonymous
>absolute shitcoins are going parabolic for months on end with no correction >PNK is slowly inching out of the top 200 it's because I bought. Sorry everyone.

25 min later 27665659 Anonymous
Braindead retards are selling.

36 min later 27666474 Anonymous (siiiiiiirs.png 200x36 1kB)

37 min later 27666581 Anonymous
>>27666474 sirs...

37 min later 27666606 Anonymous

38 min later 27666666 Anonymous
>>27666581 >BuYz39Hf >BuYz >BuYz sirs it is a sign, go to uniswap and do the needful

39 min later 27666736 Anonymous
>>27666666 Checked but 666666 is probably how much it costs to swap uniswap shitcoins right now. Alts are dead until the bear market comes and wipes out the stimulus money.

39 min later 27666746 Anonymous
>>27666666 What a shit get

39 min later 27666748 Anonymous (1609349809916.jpg 417x350 36kB)
>>27666666 mamma mia those digits

39 min later 27666750 Anonymous
>>27666666 LEGENDARY

39 min later 27666762 Anonymous
>>27663506 literal tranny coin with a larp working product

40 min later 27666784 Anonymous
>>27663506 Ok, on unicef add Klerose contract adress No problem s irs

40 min later 27666809 Anonymous (F48836B7-E261-4BB5-B6DB-3405A96AF625.jpg 1125x909 687kB)
>>27666666 Will do. Thank for the advice mega-satan!

41 min later 27666913 Anonymous (1603250612436.jpg 598x574 26kB)

42 min later 27666973 Anonymous
>>27666666 jesus witnessed

42 min later 27666984 Anonymous
Most undervalued token in the market. Should be at least $10

42 min later 27666993 Anonymous
>>27666666 i have done the needfull

44 min later 27667096 Anonymous
Imagine how well it'd be doing if the frogs running this thing weren't a bunch of autistic pencil-necked academics and instead came back to reality and realized that exposure via major CEXes matter

44 min later 27667136 Anonymous (1606145413163.jpg 235x250 6kB)
>>27666666 Checked

45 min later 27667159 Anonymous
>>27667096 Why are you complaining retard. It leaves more time for you to accumulate.

47 min later 27667289 Anonymous
>>27667159 That's a cope. I'm holding my position but I certainly am not buying any more. It's far more lucrative to hold money in things like ETH and DeFi projects. If PNK isn't kill in 2022 after the current bull run cycle is over, I might start accumulating more then in the hopes that it takes off by the 2024 bull market.

48 min later 27667412 Anonymous
>>27666581 >>27666666 Absolutely legendary Buying more when I can.

49 min later 27667486 Anonymous
Help they've locked my cock in a cage after I got taken to kleros jail, please help me.

50 min later 27667524 Anonymous (1598162977835.png 1280x721 323kB)
>>27666666 Fuckkk

52 min later 27667685 Anonymous (pump and dump.png 713x619 233kB)
How can people say link isn't a scam when they partner with extremely blatant copy+paste scams?

53 min later 27667789 Anonymous
>>27666666 how many times does Kek need to bless pnk before you retards understand?

59 min later 27668349 Anonymous (4epb0u.jpg 597x418 53kB)
>>27666666 Ooooooooooooooooooooooo

1 hours later 27668483 Anonymous (1597668166030.jpg 250x250 33kB)
>>27666666 oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VERY NEEDFUL SIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUY BUY BUY ON UNISWAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY BIG MOONING SOON SIRS BUY NOW GET BIG BOOBY WOMAN!!!!

1 hours later 27668512 Anonymous (1600577739801.jpg 538x376 174kB)

1 hours later 27668584 Anonymous (1612341079149.jpg 1024x810 64kB)
>>27666913 >>27666666

1 hours later 27668627 Anonymous
>>27663506 I sold 100k PNK for GRT three weeks ago. WEW, dont forget ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

1 hours later 27668780 Anonymous
>>27668627 fuk yu blody bastrd bich do needful now fukr buy or i fuk yur mudder blody basturd bichh fukker

1 hours later 27668925 Anonymous
>>27667685 holy shit that writing reeks of curry

1 hours later 27669009 Anonymous
>>27666666 Praise doublesatan, the village will be feasting on the finest goats by EOY

1 hours later 27669428 Anonymous
>>27666666 why does kek love this coin so much

1 hours later 27669510 Anonymous (Screenshot_2.png 475x800 133kB)
Have you faggots even touched the Kleros tomb, Dispute Revolution? Didn't think so.

1 hours later 27669680 Anonymous
>>27666666 holy fuck. these digits. your ID. jack dorsey, naval, its all happening.

1 hours later 27669896 Anonymous (1597403746864.jpg 1080x1513 178kB)
>>27666666 HOLY FUCK. SIRS

1 hours later 27670115 Anonymous
>>27666666 Okay, I have been convinced Will sell my entire portfolio for Kleros

1 hours later 27670266 Anonymous (fucking stupid.png 721x401 94kB)
>>27668925 It's pretty unreal how full of scams crypto is these days. The PNK whale actually dumped a million of his stack to buy into this pump and dump, along with a few other scams.

1 hours later 27670664 Anonymous
>>27666666 Was gonna sell but i cant now

1 hours later 27670877 Anonymous
>>27670266 This is absolute dogshit

1 hours later 27671204 Anonymous
Funny thing: I read about Kleros and it got me into crypto. Then my eths were mooning and pnk was holding steady, so I held my eths. Then grt was all the rage, so I put my mooned eth into grt. But I’ll always remember you, pnk. And I’ll be back when I get some more monies

1 hours later 27671258 Anonymous
>>27670877 It gets better. Scroll down the CEOs twitter to find the paid marketers/""advisors"". This guy spends his whole day pumping this shitcoin and the github is barebones. https://twitter.com/kyle_chasse I'm more disappointed in Sergey to be honest. Ever since they tweeted they partnered with "ReBase", a project with the anonymous CEO who calls himself "Based McGee" it was pretty obvious that there are no fundamentals in crypto anymore. Bear markets are the only real markets.

1 hours later 27671321 Anonymous
>>27671204 you have good judgement anon, i'll be proud to work alongside you in the Kleros courts.

1 hours later 27671498 Anonymous
>>27671321 Thank you. I’m feeling super comfy. But I still really like pnk. But I’m worried about the management. It feels like a yahoo that could have a google eat its lunch.

1 hours later 27671739 Anonymous (E075F556-9657-4638-B9A1-56A518BB81F8.png 1363x853 899kB)
>>27671258 Absolutely disgusting. >>27671498 We already killed ANJ. Have faith

1 hours later 27671921 Anonymous
>>27671739 Fucking lol! Shall keep the faith

1 hours later 27672008 Anonymous
>>27671739 the great anj war of 2020 was epic. anj got blown the fuk out

1 hours later 27672295 Anonymous
>>27671739 I'm spending way too long looking at this. Signs of a market-wide top are everywhere. I just don't know how much long this can possibly go on for. https://twitter.com/kyle_chasse/sta tus/1356645396714565634 >scott melker has some shady marketing thing with $PAID (a lot of influencers are on the advisory board or seem to have marketing agreements) >someone calls him out and he makes a video about it >"it's not a scam because it's up 3.5x" >"anyone who says it's a scam is a virgin who will never have sex" I mean, I'm not a permabear, but the last 6 months have been pretty disheartening. It's just new paradigm after new paradigm. Fundamentals seem to matter the least. People like this guy are telling their youtube followers to go all-in on tesla and bitcoin and random shitcoins with no team and no project and are making millions of dollars as everything except PNK goes parabolic.

1 hours later 27672691 Anonymous
>>27670877 >>27671739 This is the kind of memes we need. The paneer bullshit has always been lame as fuck. Other than 4chan autism it isn't funny at all.

1 hours later 27672868 Anonymous
>>27672295 It echoes 2017 pretty well. Everything logically points to Kleros being a top 20 project, but logic has gone out the window while dogshit tokens 100x all around us. I honestly think we’ll be alright though.

1 hours later 27673097 Anonymous
>>27666666 Looks like I'm gonna have to buy more

2 hours later 27673407 Anonymous
>>27671204 my pink purchases got me 800 uni and 220 MIR

2 hours later 27673737 Anonymous
>>27672868 I imagine a lot of you guys are doing what I'm doing - not buying more crypto in this insanity but not selling PNKies either. Eventually all this shit will collapse and some people will sell their PNK along with their scams, and that's when it's time to buy.

2 hours later 27674035 Anonymous
>>27666666 I will do the needful and buyz 6666 more pnk sir

2 hours later 27674135 Anonymous
>>27672868 Faggots selling their pnk for dogshit like bao and rbc

2 hours later 27674417 Anonymous
>>27673737 Yeah, I’m not putting anymore fiat into shit, but I’m not selling a single PNK until the market wakes up and wants to pay me what they’re worth.

2 hours later 27674906 Anonymous (image0.png.jpg 892x653 40kB)

2 hours later 27675312 Anonymous
>>27666666 lmao checked.

2 hours later 27675813 Anonymous
>>27672868 Sounds like RSR

2 hours later 27676448 Anonymous (1583595590032.jpg 701x424 231kB)
>>27666666 checked will do sir

2 hours later 27676871 Anonymous
do you guys unironically think now is a bad time to accumulate? I feel like this years bull market will slowly pull up PNK, even if it does go up less than ETH, and what little organic growth PNK might get over this year might cause it to not drop below today's prices once the crash comes Unfortunately I wasn't keyed in to the potential of PNK before it pumped so I've been buying in the 10-14c range

2 hours later 27676936 Anonymous (KlerosKlerosKleros.png 950x533 536kB)
>>27663506 Good. We want you to forget. This is the precise moment when we cross $1 while you sleep after you haven't looked at it thinking you're smart and then head to straight to $4 with no breaks.

3 hours later 27677127 Anonymous
>>27674906 this is some good memeing, sir. anything with PNK and green areas works on me

3 hours later 27677213 Anonymous
>>27676871 Now is honesty not a bad time, we’ve been in accumulation range for a while, only problem is we’ve stayed there in dollar value while ETH has risen, but it’s only temporary.

3 hours later 27677491 Anonymous
>>27677213 honestly it's pissing me off that ETH is pumping because other PNK would be dumping and I could buy for cheap. I don't intend on selling any of this coin for at least a few years, naturally

1.735 0.217