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2021-02-04 12:57 27654772 Anonymous been doubting this shit and now i feel left out (Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 2.19.39 AM.png 438x353 35kB)
0 min later 27654838 Anonymous
If BTC is digital gold, ETH is silver.
2 min later 27654945 Anonymous
Bold prediction I see 2500 by valentine's day.
5 min later 27655182 Anonymous
never doubt vitalik
6 min later 27655287 Anonymous
Why would you ever doubt Eth? Do you only trade shitcoins on normiebase or chinknance?
7 min later 27655411 Anonymous
Make sure to FOMO in now at 1675 and then panic sell at 1225
7 min later 27655416 Anonymous
That's a trash analogy.
8 min later 27655483 Anonymous (6B2C1FED-3E79-4786-98C5-9FD88DD45C80.jpg 489x1234 346kB)
P-please don’t do the needful, sers.
9 min later 27655500 Anonymous
how did you know my plan anon?!?
9 min later 27655552 Anonymous (retard.jpg 921x640 77kB)
>tfw sold around 700
I made profits but still. How long until the rugpull?
10 min later 27655589 Anonymous
first rule in crypto
never bet against btc and eth
10 min later 27655592 Anonymous (480ef3b7fe1eb0e2b74eb8fc4a729c64.jpg 600x697 42kB)
Been trading crypto since 2016, but kinda fucked up on shitcoins and scams. Tried to turn it around, bought back in and started bagholding ETH a year ago and consolidated 90% of my portfolio in ETH just last week. Feels like the first good play I ever made. Is this what success feels like?
10 min later 27655627 Anonymous
its made no discernable impact on anything of value in society. its promised ETTH 2.0 for 4yrs now
11 min later 27655665 Anonymous
take profits or you won't be successful
11 min later 27655705 Anonymous (allthapudding.jpg 639x362 36kB)
I hate my paper hands
>be me
>see profit
>"oooooo profit!"
12 min later 27655745 Anonymous
I'm so hopped up on adrenaline I'd ride this shit down to 1 dollar and still feel happy about it.
12 min later 27655747 Anonymous
>first rule in crypto
>never bet against btc and eth
Only rule in crypto.
12 min later 27655779 Anonymous
Eth is oil, newfag
12 min later 27655787 Anonymous
I sold at 1500, this rally is so inorganic, how I was supposed to know
12 min later 27655794 Anonymous
better than selling when you see loss
12 min later 27655820 Anonymous
do you usually take profits into usd, btc or some tether?
13 min later 27655852 Anonymous
Why would you sell before 2.0 gets released?
13 min later 27655869 Anonymous
Don't you dare usurp litecoin's rightful title you fucking nigger
13 min later 27655880 Anonymous
Been DCAing since $300ish.
Is it wise to skip this week and view it as "taking profit" then return to DCA next pay?
14 min later 27655937 Anonymous
ETH is digital platinum
14 min later 27655949 Anonymous
made a dumb play on NOK on monday and made everything back thank god
why has crypto been so bullish today
14 min later 27655968 Anonymous
If it keeps doing 10% a day, it'll be at 4350 by then, to get to 2500 by valentines it would need to only do 4%
15 min later 27656061 Anonymous
real question is why would you sell just after a break of ATH
16 min later 27656154 Anonymous
I sold the day before it pumped 50% and went over a 1000. I want to kill myself.
16 min later 27656157 Anonymous
ETH cannot sustain 10 percent pumps everyday for 10 plus days kek.
17 min later 27656174 Anonymous
ETH staking is kind of a big deal. I'm betting ETH will do good till March atleast.
17 min later 27656250 Anonymous
It was kinda obvious.
18 min later 27656327 Anonymous
I'm not selling, but that's when I'd do it if you wanted profits and don't care about staking.
19 min later 27656365 Anonymous
it still fucking stings man
I'd have so much more money right now if I held
I'm up over 50% this month and it still stings knowing how much more I could have
it's never enough is it?
19 min later 27656371 Anonymous
Never doubt. She's going to 10k this year
19 min later 27656381 Anonymous
The signs have literally been there for months. I'm not even larping either lol, just look at that positive momentum, the VPVR, and the obvious patterns breaking out.
20 min later 27656443 Anonymous
Fuck silver, eth is crude oil. Take all the gold you want and I'll take the thing that warships need to bomb you.
20 min later 27656494 Anonymous (drippyfeels.jpg 1000x666 205kB)
you're not alone fren
21 min later 27656538 Anonymous
I almost sold my ETH and BTC yesterday to cover $15K overdrawn checking account. Glad I didn't.
21 min later 27656543 Anonymous
ETH is a platform. BTC is a SoV. Both can be valuable, but comparing them to each other as if they were both digital precious metals isn't the most accurate comparison to be had. That being said, bitcoin will probably remain worth more than silver for the foreseeable future. Both are worthwhile long-term investments. I think the ROI short term on ethereum is greater than that of bitcoin, but that's just me talking out of my ass.
>t. guy who owns neither
22 min later 27656639 Anonymous
23 min later 27656686 Anonymous
get fucked retards. ETH to $2000 this week
23 min later 27656694 Anonymous
>BTC 250k EOY confirmed
26 min later 27656970 Anonymous
fuck it i FOMO'ed back in
27 min later 27657044 Anonymous
The problem is without 2.0 implemented the price growth like this absolutely destroys the use case... $50 in fees now? If we're at $10k who the fuck is going to pay $300 for a uniswap transaction? Let alone $5k in fees if you're doing any type of transaction that requires higher fees .... Normies fomoing on coinbase, paypal and RH without understanding what ETH is are going to cause severe stress on ETH ecosystem locking essentially themselves out of almost all of crypto
27 min later 27657045 Anonymous
the /biz/ way
make sure to sell again when it drops
28 min later 27657136 Anonymous
You need, like, a separate source of income so this is not such a huge problem lol
29 min later 27657180 Anonymous (1f68okhaqgBZiG.gif 600x500 310kB)
What do you use?
29 min later 27657207 Anonymous
yeah the /biz/ way is the only way
29 min later 27657239 Anonymous
This, exept when he plays chess
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7F D9elXqLs
30 min later 27657274 Anonymous
That's when u sell u see and buy back
30 min later 27657329 Anonymous
is there a roadmap for 2.0 or are eth holders just a cargo cult desperate for their saviour to arrive
31 min later 27657412 Anonymous
>he doesn't always have ETH in his wallet to jump in on the next P&D scam coin
el em ayy oh
32 min later 27657467 Anonymous
He’s excused for that
33 min later 27657524 Anonymous (6 (1).jpg 760x793 252kB)
Heres another one that you're gonna feel miss out if you dont get in now...$POLK...literally Aughur and Gnosis on steroids
33 min later 27657546 Anonymous
That was litecoin and it was retarded when I first heard of it a decade ago
33 min later 27657570 Anonymous
Will ETH2 fix the insane GAS fees?
33 min later 27657572 Anonymous
>doubting our lord and saviour Vitalik
34 min later 27657609 Anonymous
Why didn't you get at least 32?
34 min later 27657615 Anonymous
If you know anything about ERC20, you know that when you hold any uniswap coin, you are holding ETH aswell basically and that these coins price is 100 percent depended of ETH aswell means if no trades happen on these coins and ETH goes 10 percent up, these coins go 10 percent up. So most people here hold it
35 min later 27657687 Anonymous
eth is amazon the internet https protocol and 50 other things
36 min later 27657823 Anonymous
I use whatever brings in profit, which a lot of the time is uniswap or other small dexes on the Eth network.
37 min later 27657850 Anonymous
Yes, eth2 will solve gas fees and the scalability issues.
37 min later 27657852 Anonymous
The best way to trade ETH is to try and day trade it but secretly disable the sell button so you only buy dips.
37 min later 27657894 Anonymous
This is the reason ETH is going up right? It was always a bit difficult to buy before
https://cryptobriefing.com/visa-all ow-crypto-purchase-banks/
38 min later 27657987 Anonymous
>TFW lost 30 ETH with margin.
I have one left. It's all or nothing. Any advice?
39 min later 27658072 Anonymous
https://www.reuters.com/article/us- crypto-currency-ethereum-idUSKBN2A3 20J
This is
Sell on the 7th.
40 min later 27658120 Anonymous
hegic.co calls
40 min later 27658193 Anonymous
If bitcoin is an abacus, eth is the Intel 4004.
43 min later 27658413 Anonymous
Everyone angry but this guys right
47 min later 27658758 Anonymous
>Sell on the 7th.
No mention of the 7th in the article, why on that day?
51 min later 27659113 Anonymous
https://www.cmegroup.com/media-room /press-releases/2020/12/16/cme_grou p_to_launchetherfuturesonfebruary82 021.html
Look at what happend when CME futures were introduced for bitcoin
52 min later 27659164 Anonymous (smug boi.jpg 300x300 53kB)
52 min later 27659199 Anonymous
If BTC is gold, then ETH is a smelter and a mold.
52 min later 27659221 Anonymous
>now i feel left out
why? it's the worst shitcoin there is, even vitalik knew
54 min later 27659343 Anonymous
I'm buying ETH the second the Avalanche-Ethereum bridge goes live because fuck Vitalik's high fees
56 min later 27659486 Anonymous
This is gonna go back to a 1000 in two days right. I wanna jump this wave. This talk about this going up until Valentine is bullshit, right?
1 hours later 27659926 Anonymous
don't be like me
1 hours later 27660188 Anonymous
oh, thanks anon
1 hours later 27660376 Anonymous (Untitled.png 1114x612 20kB)
This ride isn't stopping
1 hours later 27660548 Anonymous
Think two steps ahead.
1 hours later 27660836 Anonymous
Ye I know, but zoomed in, there might be a small dip to hop on. I'm hoping something around 1.3k dollar.
1 hours later 27661046 Anonymous (cum.jpg 715x358 36kB)
You had 3 years. Then COVID gave you another once in a lifetime chance to buy at $80 just 10 months ago. You missed both.
1 hours later 27661057 Anonymous (EaR0xCLXsAEiRh0.jpg 1080x1350 439kB)
will you /biz/raelis help a retard out?
i have 3 ethereum that have double my initial investment. in my position what would you do?
1) take profit
2) hodl
3) buy one more (can only afford one atm)
if you say take profit - what is a good, basic profit taking strategy?
1 hours later 27661326 Anonymous
Just hold dummy. And don't say "hodl" it's fucking cringe and only normies say it
1 hours later 27661693 Anonymous (595756d3814a08637b6f57ddad1a1ea6641f5a04114a6a36c9ac293781468141.jpg 496x600 35kB)
Is it a bad time to buy right now? I'm kinda FOMOing, but right now even if it starts dipping I should be able to turn a profit if I hold for long enough, right?
1 hours later 27661993 Anonymous
I'll buy the 6th no matter what. It's true that this coin has just been going up for as long as my app can remember, so I don't see it changing soon.
1 hours later 27662002 Anonymous
i don't want to buy yet but i'm afraid it's not gonna dump for a while AAAAAAAAA
1 hours later 27662003 Anonymous
earlier I was gonna buy in at 1670 but the fuckers shot it up
1 hours later 27662204 Anonymous (jocko-bio-image-2-500x500-1.png 500x500 64kB)
Feel left out? Good.
1 hours later 27662228 Anonymous (Frustration Area.jpg 546x720 65kB)
1 hours later 27662316 Anonymous
bitcoin is digital nothing
1 hours later 27662350 Anonymous
1 hours later 27662354 Anonymous
noted. i'll hold then, that's what i was leaning towards doing too.
thanks anon.
1 hours later 27662458 Anonymous
In the same boat but I own 1.5 ETH that I bought last summer. I plan to hodl like 30%. and dump the rest after it reaches 2k.
1 hours later 27662499 Anonymous (1575346682024.png 300x300 103kB)
1 hours later 27662763 Anonymous (20210204_012931.jpg 688x1309 281kB)
Thanks anon
1 hours later 27662766 Anonymous
Tough to buy at it’s all time high in the middle of a pump unless you want to gamble on it continuing to climb without any retracement
1 hours later 27662917 Anonymous (20210204_013153.jpg 718x718 161kB)
>Pic rel
1 hours later 27663148 Anonymous
I sold at 1400, when's this shit gonna dump.
1 hours later 27663160 Anonymous
So sick of this meme.
If BTC is digital gold, LTC is digital fools gold cause it's literally a copypasta of btc's source code.
ETH is digital gold that you can run the next generation of the internet on
1 hours later 27663361 Anonymous (EbZYuleXsAUnALR.png 704x777 371kB)
small bag solidarity. we're still gonna make it bro.
enjoy those profits - it feels good.
1 hours later 27663658 Anonymous (89254A2A-B404-451E-8FCB-E3D6612B965A.png 496x550 230kB)
Hmmm yo hold my ETH or use it to try to make a quick 10x off some shit coin
1 hours later 27663990 Anonymous (1607314246488.jpg 1280x720 104kB)
>buy ETH in 2017 at 600
>atomic dump happens to double digits
>hold ETH that entire time because stubborn
>price goes back up in 2020
>sell at 600 to break evenand get out because I don't believe in this shitty coin anymore
>price still went up and up
it's not fucking fair...I was the one to HODL like no one had ever HODL'd before. Why was I the one to get shafted?
1 hours later 27664069 Anonymous
>almost about to hit 1.7k
1 hours later 27664170 Anonymous
I've had to reset my limit order 3 times already because of the absolute bulls.
1 hours later 27664174 Anonymous
if you sold because you didn't believe in the project, then you acted according to your strategy and you consider everything happening right now to be empty hype.
I don't know why you wouldn't believe the hype would continue at 600, given how forgetful people are, and how much they chase the moon, but you still acted with a justification at least. Good job.
1 hours later 27664212 Anonymous
oil, and the real estate the oil is on/under
1 hours later 27664276 Anonymous
Holy cringe.
Bitcoin isn't digital gold, it's a hedge against inflation, not a hedge against the market.
And even if we were to consider Bitcoin as "digital gold", Ethereum is a different investment entirely.
1 hours later 27664338 Anonymous
so close to being educated
1 hours later 27664566 Anonymous
It's GME.
1 hours later 27664589 Anonymous
You can't think like that. We all COULD have bought 600 dollars worth of dogecoin when it was .000013 and held it til it jumped to 8 cents and been millionaires, that's not what any of us did and if we were the types to do that we would likely have pissed away our money on other dumb shit before that. You CANNOT beat yourself up over things you had no way of expecting. Ethereum for the longest time was "just another shitcoin" I'm stoked for those who bought in, but I'm not jealous
1 hours later 27664711 Anonymous
No way it doesn't dump after this insane spike over ~2 days
1 hours later 27664757 Anonymous
>he doesnt know
1 hours later 27664788 Anonymous
1 hours later 27664830 Anonymous
babys first bullmarket
1 hours later 27665032 Anonymous
its gonna dip in the following days but it will go even higher next week after CME futures
https://www.cmegroup.com/media-room /press-releases/2020/12/16/cme_grou p_to_launchetherfuturesonfebruary82 021.html
due to gas prices its not worth it to dump during the dip, hold
2 hours later 27665463 Anonymous
I’m expecting a $3k this year, don’t know when but it will happen
2 hours later 27665689 Anonymous
CME pump is happening right now, dump comes 1 day before or exactly at feb 8th
2 hours later 27665738 Anonymous
at least you didnt sell at a loss
2 hours later 27665749 Anonymous
why dont you tell me then
2 hours later 27665935 Anonymous
Ya dun goofed. Swing btc and eth stacks while 10xing shitcoins.
2 hours later 27666001 Anonymous
2 hours later 27666294 Anonymous
Yup. Smart to exit to stable on the 6th. 2x by then.
2 hours later 27666329 Anonymous (ElSrLc3WMAImsOU.jpg 567x695 61kB)
>doubting ETH
hope you learned your lesson
2 hours later 27666364 Anonymous
I could see that, but will going by my fav youtuber said. will donate to reach the next patreon tier and ask him this coming paycheck
2 hours later 27666631 Anonymous
2 hours later 27666644 Anonymous
What prices are we looking at? Price already looks pretty high
2 hours later 27666787 Anonymous
Dubs behind 666, noice.
2 hours later 27667036 Anonymous
Back to 666 kek
2 hours later 27667144 Anonymous
Who knows? We are half a week away, only thing I feel safe about is a dump on CME day, sell the news style
2 hours later 27667309 Anonymous
Cope, Ethereum was never "just another shitcoin" if you paid any attention at all to it beyond the FUD you can read on Indonesian jellyfish ranching forums.
2 hours later 27667627 Anonymous
They talked about etherium on fox business this morning--and in a very positive way. It was interesting to see..a lot of new people in the market as well. Eth is gonna go over 2k...maybe $2500
2 hours later 27667697 Anonymous
pro tip, anytime something breaks ath it will have a nice run up relatively soon afterwards
2 hours later 27667698 Anonymous
Please stop sharing my investment strategy
2 hours later 27667823 Anonymous
>working for money
2 hours later 27668241 Anonymous
it was literally predicted by most popular TA
2 hours later 27668428 Anonymous
Ignored crypto until last week then got 11 of these at 1300. How much will this shit climb? I always hear outrageous claims and it's hard to believe. I need to get more but I can't until more money rolls in. If this shit takes a hit next Monday I won't sell, I'll buy more.
2 hours later 27668432 Anonymous
Because the chart broke years long resistance against BTC and people posted that here weekly?
2 hours later 27668489 Anonymous
2 hours later 27668665 Anonymous
>How much will this shit climb?
This "shit" does more than 4x the daily transactions Bitcoin does and generates more than 4x the daily transaction fees. ETH is massively underpriced vs. Bitcoin. 10k is a conservative prediction for ETH price this year.
2 hours later 27668766 Anonymous (pepeanalysis.jpg 500x404 57kB)
Did some math...I've been waiting patiently. Looks good. Feels good.
2 hours later 27669003 Anonymous
Do you think it's reasonable this could ever reach 100k? I see people saying bitcoin could hit 300k and it sounds absurd but I've only been paying attention for a week so I have no idea what's potentially possible.
2 hours later 27669042 Anonymous
I want to jump in on this but I feel like $1600 is too high. Should I wait for it to dip more anon?
2 hours later 27669129 Anonymous (eth-ath-breakout.png 1163x598 45kB)
>this rally is so inorganic, how I was supposed to know
ETH has been in a textbook ascending triangle formation for weeks, basically imitating what Bitcoin did in late November and early December. If you couldn't predict this, then you haven't been DYORing.
2 hours later 27669226 Anonymous
Im also curious
2 hours later 27669319 Anonymous
Slow down the moon mission, I need to buy some more
2 hours later 27669410 Anonymous
Look at it this way. It'll go over 2k. How much of a dip (if much at all) and when is not clear or certain.
2 hours later 27669564 Anonymous
>Do you think it's reasonable this could ever reach 100k?
Yes. By next year, once ETH 2.0 is fully implemented. Look at the growth of DeFi. TVL has grown from 10 Billion at the beginning of December to over 30 Billion as of today. Most DeFi runs on Ethereum and the value of the network has to outpace the value of the assets it protects, especially once proof of stake goes live. WallStreetBets has opened people's eyes to the manipulated state of the legacy finance system and that's going to make DeFi grow even faster. I expect ETH with 10x this year and 10x again next year, likely surpassing Bitcoin's market cap in the process.
2 hours later 27669608 Anonymous
I keep waiting for a red day in general, the market has been pumping for a while now
2 hours later 27669714 Anonymous
Can you brainlet me on this. So it's a decentralised computer? Or some shit?what is the value of that? Is it just a way for other coins to piggyback off of it to do work or what
2 hours later 27669745 Anonymous
I wouldn't wait for that right now. Some will go red though.
2 hours later 27669830 Anonymous
I had something similar happen. I sold enough to get my money back and then held the rest. I would have made more holding it all but at least I have the peace of mind I can never lose money on this.
3 hours later 27669877 Anonymous
yeah, I'm still DCAing
a nice fat red dildo is always so much easier to buy though
3 hours later 27669937 Anonymous
Thanks, I'm glad that's actually a realistic number.
3 hours later 27670281 Anonymous
Buy another and hold until 10k
3 hours later 27670310 Anonymous
>it's right there in the textbook magic lines
What I want to know is, what do you do when you make a bet based on the lines and news comes out, altering the environment and the prediction
3 hours later 27670461 Anonymous
about 50% of my folio is in ETH, it's been a wait but pretty /comfy/
question: point me to good places to put ETH to get some interest. ambiguous about 2.0 staking because of needing to deal with some poo exchange and i wanna be able to sell. specifically can someone please spoonfeed me on yield farming as i'm relatively new to that i.e. is there an ETH/wETH pair or something to avoid impermanent loss and what are the gains? i believe i have enough so that the gas fees would be worth it. other ideas also very welcome (aside from celsius/nexo/etc)
3 hours later 27670506 Anonymous (themostamazingta.png 1115x695 28kB)
pretty sure it doesn't take much perceptive power to see that TA "rules" hardly apply to crypto markets
3 hours later 27670595 Anonymous
Do what I do and sell when you have a decent profit. Wait for some red candles and then buy in again with your initial investment. You don't have to hold and wait.
3 hours later 27670714 Anonymous
that is exactly what I do
it still feels bad when I sell for profit and then it pumps an extra 30% the next day or something similar
can't win em all I guess
3 hours later 27670826 Anonymous
I had 112 gme at 40$, I sold Tuesday at 90$.
Same boat, other side of the hump though. Profit is profit though.
3 hours later 27670913 Anonymous
>doubted vitalik
3 hours later 27671227 Anonymous
There are a lot of great youtube videos on this, but..it’s not held in any one place or owned by any one person. Instead, it’s part of the blockchain. This implies it’s tamper-proof and very reliable. btc is like gold and is kind of clunky--a store of value in one sense, but eth has smart contracts, which have a lot of potential applications. Also, just supply and demand. Just immerse yourself and learn.
3 hours later 27671345 Anonymous
>what do you do when you make a bet based on the lines and news comes out
You pay attention to the news. The news and the TA for Ethereum have both been great for months now, so this wasn't a hard call for me. I have millions of dollars worth of it though, so I may be looking at it from a different perspective than others.
3 hours later 27671424 Anonymous
I'm just waiting to dump a shitload into the next dip and holding for the next 5 or so years, when will that be?
3 hours later 27671823 Anonymous
i don't get it. everything is built on eth but it's fucking expensive to do transactions using it. why is this scaling? don't get me wrong, my port is 90% ETH and i've been making massive gains.
that's the last fud i can't get over. "muh eth 2.0" - it's been years. sure they have stuff built on it, partnerships, branding, etc. etc. but it's just too damn expensive. a simple uni transaction could run you 50 dollars now.
3 hours later 27672536 Anonymous
When you introduce changes onto a network as valuable as Ethereum, you have to be sure they work. EIP-1559 and optimistic rollups are coming. And until then, just appreciate the fact that people are still willing to use Ethereum even with the expensive transaction fees. That means there's value on the chain. Also remember that Ethereum is already doing almost 5x the number of transactions Bitcoin can do in one day.
3 hours later 27672741 Anonymous (1582224660131.jpg 1029x999 126kB)
>sold .6 eth between 1.2 and 1.4k
3 hours later 27672797 Anonymous
This guy’s ID is literally ‘KEK’ please come ridicule him: >>27671702
He needs many (YOU)’s. This is literally history guys. Biz has found the ultimate KEK of the board. Come drop a (you) to mark yourself in the archive history books. Like 8 already have let’s keep the cuck train going.
3 hours later 27672837 Anonymous
this guy knows what he's talking about.
3 hours later 27673104 Anonymous (1611098946461.png 371x353 151kB)
Boys tell me a good reason to not FOMO in
3 hours later 27673198 Anonymous (1584178175379.gif 450x506 1384kB)
Do it. What's the worst that can happen?
3 hours later 27673299 Anonymous
best post in this thread
3 hours later 27673520 Anonymous (1608240520988.jpg 1292x721 165kB)
Can litterally anybody else respond before this guy makes me drop a fat stack on ETH. please.
3 hours later 27673570 Anonymous
This guy’s ID is literally ‘C .U. CK’ please come ridicule him: >>27671702
He needs many (YOU)’s. This is literally history guys. Biz has found the ultimate KEKold of the board. Come drop a (you) to mark yourself in the archive history books.... let’s get this to a record number of you’s don’t give the cu ck a break. Let’s get this to a record number of you’s
3 hours later 27673608 Anonymous
The worst that can happen is IRS knocking on your door cuz you made so much profits
3 hours later 27673684 Anonymous
Smartest investment of this decade. Not sure if we're at a top, but you won't regret it if you can hold
3 hours later 27673735 Anonymous
3 hours later 27673820 Anonymous
I hate this fucking board so much.
Buying tonight so i can see red tomorrow, thanks everybody !
3 hours later 27673915 Anonymous
If you intend to hold long time then it’s a good investment, though he can always DCA
3 hours later 27673987 Anonymous
3 hours later 27674056 Anonymous
what the fuck do you want to know. it's gone from $100 to $1600 in 8 months. we're in the late beginnings of a bull market. people are expecting it to go to $5,000-$20,000 potentially. you just have to have the guts to hold
3 hours later 27674114 Anonymous
Really dont think it matters senpai. I also think a lot people are supressing this price until 2.0 comes and they switch over for the exact reason you mentioned.
4.100 0.183