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2021-02-03 11:50 27649226 Anonymous Top 5 cryptos over next decade (Screenshot 2021-02-03 164752.png 587x576 35kB)
Ok bros, be real with me. no shilling, no BS
For someone who doesn't have time to study crypto 24/7, what would be the top 5 picks for the next 10-20 years and with what percent distribution?
How does the following look:
1. BTC - 40%
2. ETH - 20%
3. LINK - 20%
4. GRT - 10%
5. NU - 10%
0 min later 27649305 Anonymous
All in on Rubic
2 min later 27649472 Anonymous
3 min later 27649521 Anonymous
>2.03 BTC
>86 ETH
>2000 LINK
>65,000 PNK
I will be a multi multi millionaire by 2022
4 min later 27649638 Anonymous
No NEAR ngmi
4 min later 27649652 Anonymous
you already making it bro
5 min later 27649685 Anonymous
How do you get to that point even?
12 min later 27650352 Anonymous
no avax
see ya ngmi
13 min later 27650427 Anonymous
the fifth... idk ask uncle Ben Cowen
15 min later 27650538 Anonymous (1583845006662.png 734x900 537kB)
You can cut out the bottom half of that list and still make it.
16 min later 27650651 Anonymous
Nothing else
16 min later 27650668 Anonymous
BTC, ETH, and LINK are all shit. sell
19 min later 27650895 Anonymous
literally the only actually good coins
19 min later 27650925 Anonymous
Literally how the fuck do you guys actually buy/sell/trade this shit? I heard about bitcoin in 2009 and when I saw how complex it was to actually mine and use it I thought "there's no way this will take off, this shit is way to complicated for normies to bother with". Yet, here we are.
Seriously, how the fuck do I start learning this stuff? What do you guys use?
20 min later 27650975 Anonymous (reef3.jpg 1920x1080 517kB)
Reef is going places, we found a new moon at the bottom of the ocean
20 min later 27651010 Anonymous
That’s literally all that will remain
21 min later 27651068 Anonymous
LINK 60%
RBC 20%
ETH 15%
BTC 3%
Shitcoins 2%
Total Market Cap of ALL CRYPTO COMBINED $1000T
21 min later 27651081 Anonymous
>Reef is going places, we found a new moon at the bottom of the ocean
Goddman, I know there is no such thing as a stupid question but you reddit newfags are always an exception.
21 min later 27651083 Anonymous
my problem with XMR is that it is difficult to buy for a USA citizen. Have to buy LTC, transfer to kraken and then convert to XMR. How can it ever be adopted mainstream if it remains "blacklisted" from all the most prominent exchanges?
22 min later 27651142 Anonymous
Harmony One is the official coin of the great reset
I know its fucking reddit but look at this shit niggers
https://www.reddit.com/r/harmony_on e/comments/lc10es/harmony_one_and_t he_great_reset/
22 min later 27651147 Anonymous
23 min later 27651191 Anonymous
very solid portfolio fren. i'd put some of the btc into more link if i were you but this is pretty based
23 min later 27651209 Anonymous
How much gas did you have to pay to transfer your Ethereum over to BlockFi?
23 min later 27651211 Anonymous
I am a retard and buy crypto. You can as well. If you are a USA citizen, just sign up at Gemini or coinbase pro, connect your bank account and buy the stuff. Learn about hard wallets etc later. Just start buying now. This is the future, the 4th industrial revolution at hand. Don't get left on the sidelines.
23 min later 27651251 Anonymous
60% LINK
30% GRT
10% ETH
is my current bag
23 min later 27651259 Anonymous
This takes no actual intelligence bro, just buy and hold. I don't even understand how options work
24 min later 27651263 Anonymous
I'm literally just starting and these threads just seem like places for idiots to try and convince other idiots to buy their shitcoins
Is there any other logic behind your recommendation other than "I bought it now help me please"
24 min later 27651278 Anonymous
I appreciate your input. Was thinking along the same lines. Recently read this article that made a strong impression on me for LINK
https://hackernoon.com/is-chainlink -the-one-ring-to-rule-them-all-lf16 3283
25 min later 27651375 Anonymous
Sir add RBC to your bag
25 min later 27651425 Anonymous
Over the next decade?
ETH v2
26 min later 27651437 Anonymous
if gas fees weren't out the ass I would have boughted @ 9c lol
26 min later 27651441 Anonymous
Did it a couple months back before ETH took off and was still around $700 so not much
27 min later 27651570 Anonymous
Meme coins are unironically a good asset, as long as its not your main portfolio. 75/25 is a good starter. Bitcoin and Ethereum will always dominate, with a honorable mention to Litecoin.
27 min later 27651579 Anonymous
You can’t tell the difference. That part is your job to do research and figure out what is a scam and what will make you rich.
29 min later 27651764 Anonymous
>all these shitcoins
literally just buy and hold LINK
BTC and ETH on the side sure why not
30 min later 27651805 Anonymous (1602691524230m.jpg 813x1024 56kB)
It'll be critical for atomic swaps (both the jerry-rigged version that's semi working right now and the in-client future-state model) to work if any state authority does try to ban it. This would cause it to skyrocket, and BTC has to activate Taproot for this to happen first (which has already been pushed). I see the feds accommodating more US exchanges to facilitate xmr trading solely to reduce the anonymity pool/increased metadata.
30 min later 27651841 Anonymous
You don't hold shitcoinsn and memecoins, you try to catch the wave early and sell off as it's going up
>m-muh 10x
Only the lucky ones ride that. You should be happy with 2x and 3x
32 min later 27651972 Anonymous
It'll be something like xmr/btc, link, grt, and eth/successful defi partner
32 min later 27651983 Anonymous
Every other answer is wrong.
33 min later 27652075 Anonymous
35 min later 27652250 Anonymous
eth was $100 like 10months ago, Newfags get dumped on get used to it.
See u next year
35 min later 27652280 Anonymous
unironically, FTM. Great partnershipd, on coinbase custody, working mainnet, building Afgan infrastructure, connection with Korea, Swiss, SAR, UAE,...
35 min later 27652301 Anonymous
>there is no such thing as coincidence in my frame of reference
36 min later 27652356 Anonymous (1-bsv-logo-full.png 2000x356 28kB)
Gonna overtake them all. Watch. Fast as hell, zero confirmations because it takes the first transaction in, instead of the highest mining fee and the # of transaction will over take what a miner can get from mining in the middle of this year.
It has a million use cases and we are seeing insane numbers now. 6.4 million transactions in a single block today.
37 min later 27652405 Anonymous
What do you guys use as a trading platform? I got a coinbase account 3 years ago but didn't do much with it. It seems pretty shitty though. Lots of transaction fees.
39 min later 27652589 Anonymous
use coinbase pro fren
39 min later 27652625 Anonymous
BTC 35%
ETH 25%
LINK 25%
UNI 15%
is good?
42 min later 27652877 Anonymous
BTC, ETH and LINK yes.
Don't forget DOT.
As a fifth, hard to say. Maybe ADA, UNI, AAVE, or any of the defi tokens. For now would put my money on uniswap.
44 min later 27653017 Anonymous (4E2B211B-0D1F-48EF-9EFC-FA4CAEABDC85.jpg 300x300 39kB)
55% ETH
15% BTC
10% BNT
10% BAL
10% GRT
48 min later 27653306 Anonymous
Rubic isn't on coinbase apparently. I want to get in and I'm not a total retard, I'm a network admin and make 80k a year. Even have done some programming and game development in the past. But I really don't understand crypto, block chain, "wallets" and the markets for this shit. What I DO know is that every few years I get a strong intuitive gut feeling that something is going to blow up, and EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME IT DOES AND I KICK MYSELF FOR NOT GETTING IN ON IT. I'm not doing it again. I'm learning this shit.
50 min later 27653473 Anonymous
bros i need help i cant tell the difference between a doge, a bitcoin, a rubic, a aave, a fantom, a eth, a link, or a defi. you guys got a retard guide laying around? why the fuck are there so many coins
53 min later 27653728 Anonymous
read this my fren
https://smartcontentpublication.med ium.com/completing-the-god-protocol s-a-comprehensive-overview-of-chain link-in-2021-746220a0e45
2.678 0.065