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2021-02-03 07:30 27623263 Anonymous Is Reef a safe bet right now for a poorfag? (reef.jpg 640x640 29kB)
Is this undervalued right now? Could it possibly go 10x anytime?

2 min later 27623526 Anonymous
100k suicide stack Don't let the supply scare you off just look at grt

4 min later 27623692 Anonymous
>>27623263 It’s going to go 10x this month. Buy before CT and reddit starts shilling. /biz/ was unironically early for once

4 min later 27623697 Anonymous
>>27623263 Yes its one of many tokens that can 10x. No one is baba vanga and can predict the future dude.

8 min later 27624115 Anonymous
>>27623526 >>27623692 so I'm still early for this? what about AVAX? >>27623697 I know, but i dont know i would not expect bitcoin to go 10x this year, for example, that's what I meant

8 min later 27624153 Anonymous
its not going to break 3 pennies within the year

12 min later 27624526 Anonymous
>>27624153 literally just touched 3 cents, what is your point?

13 min later 27624701 Anonymous (5624542265426.png 300x300 124kB)
>>27624526 laffin @ u

18 min later 27625186 Anonymous
it's not safe lol it's high risk and high reward might x20 and might lose it all if you want safe crypto buy eth or btc

22 min later 27625704 Anonymous
>>27624115 Yes but it’s up to you. I’m not saying it couldn’t retrace back to 2 cents in the near future. It just doesn’t look like that’s likely though. AVAX will be a top 10 coin in the very near future. Both good buys imo.

23 min later 27625795 Anonymous
>>27625186 You have to risk it if you wanna make it. LINK was also high risk high reward

26 min later 27626047 Anonymous
>>27625795 i'm very late to the link party, i just started putting money in, hoping to escape the wagie prison at some point, i've been living paycheck to paycheck for a while now, and this is not it

27 min later 27626223 Anonymous (1612289461518.jpg 600x450 67kB)
>>27623263 buy now, DYOR later faggot price won't wait for you

28 min later 27626283 Anonymous
>>27623263 Unless it 10Xs I ain't even making back the gas. I hate how you either buy 1000 dollar of something you don't buy at all.

29 min later 27626411 Anonymous
>>27626283 i'm not fucking with uniswap nor eth for the time being. as I said, I'm a big poorfag and it's just not the time to be losing money in fees. i'll stick to binance's 0.1%

30 min later 27626508 Anonymous
>>27625795 yes, I think the risk is worth it it's just that OP was asking if it's a safe bet it's not safe at all, but the risk vs reward is worth it imo

30 min later 27626541 Anonymous
>>27626411 Checked and I got no binance in the US so I didn't even think about that. lucky you.

32 min later 27626682 Anonymous
$AKITA will blow up soon next doge it got listed on coinmarketcap

32 min later 27626747 Anonymous
>>27626283 wtf my fees were like $9 for 1ETH of REEF

32 min later 27626772 Anonymous
>>27626682 gonna have to pass

33 min later 27626882 Anonymous
0.03 wall wont last

33 min later 27626891 Anonymous (1607946200908.jpg 792x658 48kB)
>>27626747 I paid 40 bucks.... did you wait for low congestion or something?

35 min later 27627063 Anonymous
>>27626747 Ok boomer. I'm guessing you also had a 6 bedroom mansion, 3 cars and a Filipino nanny on a part time janitors wage?

36 min later 27627168 Anonymous
>>27626882 Ya it's going right through 3 very soon.

36 min later 27627174 Anonymous
>>27626891 a crypto with traffic jams embedded in it ETH is gonna go places xD

38 min later 27627326 Anonymous
>>27627174 This worries me about the whole concept so much. It has a bright future IF we deal with gas fees today. Normies are gonna see a gas fees once and run from crypto alltogether right then.

38 min later 27627375 Anonymous
Gas is fucking insane right now. 2 days I grabbed my reef stack for $2. Btw, nothing about reef is a "safe bet". I think the risk is worth it, but I wouldn't put my rent on it.

39 min later 27627433 Anonymous
>>27624115 >what about AVAX? AVAX is gonna dump in March and July before going any higher, because that's when tokens unlock

40 min later 27627533 Anonymous
>>27627375 So obviously I'm right in assuming that eth fees are based on network congestion rather than the price of eth itself?

40 min later 27627571 Anonymous
>>27627433 so would march be a better time to buy in?

40 min later 27627582 Anonymous
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so close

41 min later 27627699 Anonymous
>>27627326 yeah, no, that sounds like me, i'm not running from crypto, just staying away from eth tokens just now

42 min later 27627820 Anonymous
>>27624153 >.303 See you Gents cheers!

43 min later 27627921 Anonymous
>>27627533 I'm way new to the eth ecosystem. I'd assume the actual price movement of eth impacts gas too, as the gas will be needed to move the eth around to new wallets. I could be wrong though.

44 min later 27627975 Anonymous
>>27626283 >>27627375 >>27627326 >gas >not using binance okretard

44 min later 27627990 Anonymous
EOD 0.035 min

45 min later 27628147 Anonymous (0135_-_IPSbLbx.png 396x377 173kB)
>>27627375 >>27626283 >>27626747 Explain, why wouldn't you use Binance spot with very small market fee BTC/USDT to REEF? it got listed

46 min later 27628255 Anonymous (1606165633313.jpg 228x221 9kB)
>>27627975 >>27628147 I'm in the US you eurofaggots.

47 min later 27628287 Anonymous
>>27627990 fucking nigger won't dip so I can buy

47 min later 27628331 Anonymous (1612211821060.png 270x344 72kB)
Oh shit starting the day with a 0.03 breakthrough buy more niggers

48 min later 27628416 Anonymous (107-1078126_pepe-pepe-the-frog-hitler-hd-png-download.png 860x770 160kB)
>>27628255 But my fee for 6k stack was like 0.02 cents

49 min later 27628534 Anonymous
>>27628287 Buy now or stay poor

50 min later 27628607 Anonymous
>>27628416 Binance isn't IN the US anon. Unless this is also available on Binance.us???

50 min later 27628649 Anonymous
>>27628147 US fag here. Can I trade my BTC in coinbase to binance? I only have around 16 dollars of ETH in metamask cus I'm a poorfag, but I really wanna get into a cheap coin

51 min later 27628740 Anonymous
>>27627820 limit bought at .030001 ;)

53 min later 27628884 Anonymous
>>27627975 >>27628147 Burger, homies. How bout that $.03 tho? Not that I'm even actually watching the chart for ma lil reef stock doin som

54 min later 27628997 Anonymous
>>27628607 It's not... What are you gonna do?

54 min later 27628998 Anonymous
thanks to the nig who bought my 124k stack at exactly 0.03 Gonna buy back once the price dips a bit. I'm a believer. Just wanted to have the cash for now

54 min later 27629075 Anonymous
>>27626223 I would lick their buttholes

55 min later 27629126 Anonymous
>>27628997 About what? I'm holding my tiny stack on the off chance it moons 10X.

55 min later 27629136 Anonymous
>>27628998 quoting for suicide

55 min later 27629145 Anonymous (2342626236.jpg 600x614 57kB)
>>27628884 what 3c?

57 min later 27629347 Anonymous
>>27628998 Swingies always get the rope anon

58 min later 27629419 Anonymous
>>27629075 who wouldnt?

58 min later 27629452 Anonymous
>>27627063 stick to the CEX's if your playing with your moms money kid

59 min later 27629467 Anonymous (1612211149377.jpg 692x691 53kB)

59 min later 27629534 Anonymous
>>27629419 Probably non reefers

1 hours later 27629626 Anonymous
>>27629145 Haha. We had a good run. Guys... stop price watching. You're gonna be that dude who bought pizza with 10k btc if our boy Danko pulls this shit together.

1 hours later 27629775 Anonymous
>>27628649 bruh, just use vpn to access binance com but BTC transaction jew from coinbase still would be like 2 bucks

1 hours later 27629813 Anonymous
>>27626891 idk my fees have been low recently i guess i just got lucky

1 hours later 27629924 Anonymous
>>27629126 it will.

1 hours later 27630002 Anonymous
here's the dip

1 hours later 27630004 Anonymous
>>27629347 you'll never catch me niggas

1 hours later 27630029 Anonymous
>>27629775 I am doing that. I'm just asking if binance will accept coins from a US exchange account. I'm a newfag

1 hours later 27630135 Anonymous
>>27623263 REEF is awesome, god I hope it dumps so I can get more. REEF + FTM aren't the next link, that's GRT. These are even better

1 hours later 27630382 Anonymous
>>27630135 Do you think both are suffering from price suppression? FTM in particular seems like it has a concerted effort to keep the sell wall pressuring it down before it moons violently again.

1 hours later 27630389 Anonymous
first biz train i've hopped on but why tf does is the fee 0.02 ETH to make a swap between ETH and Reef? i've got $60 of Reef, but it cost me $30

1 hours later 27630404 Anonymous
Any other decent lowcaps out there? I know reef isn't exactly lowcap, but we know the story there.

1 hours later 27630405 Anonymous (344CDB24-8525-4262-893C-BC9F9D8128F2.png 1376x820 673kB)

1 hours later 27630502 Anonymous
>>27630405 buy the dip

1 hours later 27630658 Anonymous (64646366.jpg 655x527 37kB)
>>27630029 It's crypto, how would they know the country origin? That's the point of crypto. coinjew wallet is DEX. Access to crypto is centralized but using is decentralized

1 hours later 27630697 Anonymous
>>27630405 Stop watching the price all day long is what's happening.

1 hours later 27630709 Anonymous
>>27630405 what is happening bobo?

1 hours later 27631304 Anonymous
>>27630389 wtf what where are you buying nigga?

1 hours later 27631557 Anonymous (1611225918127.jpg 600x534 40kB)
>i dont enter, shit flies >i enter, here come the rejections

1 hours later 27631776 Anonymous
>>27631557 Buy as it's dipping retarded, not when it's dipped.

1 hours later 27631864 Anonymous
If you fucking retards aren't buying the dip and are fomoing only when the price is going up you shouldn't be investing.

1 hours later 27631968 Anonymous
>>27631557 Son, you couldn't pay me to watch the ticker on a $.02x extreme risk investment. Peek in once a day to do an above zero check.

1 hours later 27632067 Anonymous
>>27631304 uniswap with MetaMask

1 hours later 27632177 Anonymous
Poors only buy huge green dildos

1 hours later 27632185 Anonymous
Holy shit why are there so many normalfags that freak out at any <0.01$ changes? Shut up and look at the big picture.

1 hours later 27632759 Anonymous
>>27632067 try 1inch next time

1 hours later 27633167 Anonymous
>>27632759 Doesn't metmask automatically check 1inch trade prices too?

1 hours later 27633253 Anonymous
>>27630404 SLP

1 hours later 27633559 Anonymous
Serious question, who the fuck are these devs? I couldn't find any information on them. I can deal with unknown devs, I can deal with no app, but no app + unknown devs? Too much for me.

1 hours later 27633669 Anonymous
>>27633167 yes, it does.

1 hours later 27633856 Anonymous
>>27633559 Wdym? You can just visit their Linkedin page This guy got his code audited, got millions from VCs and secured a deal with Binance

1 hours later 27633925 Anonymous
>>27633253 Haha. What is this thing? Is it like a Pokemon game?

1 hours later 27634067 Anonymous
>>27633856 So it's one nobody. He's not even FTM, he has a UI demo. I think this coin could do very, very well but it's not even without risk.

1 hours later 27634082 Anonymous
>>27630382 I think yes. But I'm yeeting spare money on crypto since last friday and that's about all my experience in trade so don't take it as a financial advice bruh.

1 hours later 27634175 Anonymous
>>27634067 sergay and cz shilled it on binance talk so it will take off definitely

1 hours later 27634331 Anonymous
>>27623263 ok how the hell do i buy this in the cheapest way possible?

1 hours later 27634392 Anonymous
>>27632067 bruh you ever heard of exchanges? that's what they're there for. So you don't pay crippling fees when trading and can easily convert between your alts, stables, btc even fiat you dumb nigger

1 hours later 27634498 Anonymous
>>27634331 Binance. BRO

1 hours later 27634609 Anonymous
Wow we might just unironically make it

1 hours later 27634617 Anonymous
>>27634175 IF they stick to their roadmap, definitely. Remember this thread is talking about risk for a poorfag.

1 hours later 27634710 Anonymous
>>27634498 what if you're in the US?

1 hours later 27634979 Anonymous
>>27634710 I'm not a fucking mutt

1 hours later 27635097 Anonymous
>>27634392 what do you suggest for someone in the u.s. binance?

1 hours later 27635123 Anonymous
Is the CEO the only developer on this piece of shit?

1 hours later 27635260 Anonymous (9z8089nj4iv01.jpg 1200x630 67kB)
Explain to me what Reef is, how it works, and why it's expected to go up, please

1 hours later 27635286 Anonymous

2 hours later 27635836 Anonymous
>>27635260 DYOR or stay poor. What do we care

2 hours later 27636054 Anonymous
>>27635260 reddit lol

2 hours later 27636570 Anonymous
>>27623263 How do I buy this in the US?

2 hours later 27636709 Anonymous (1611364183117.png 987x702 1112kB)
Missed me?

2 hours later 27636904 Anonymous (download_1.jpg 246x205 7kB)
>>27623692 I shilled this when it was under a cent very early on /biz/ Glad you faggots did the needful

2 hours later 27637108 Anonymous
>>27623692 biz is always early, but most coins are shit and you'll lose if you believe in all of them reef has a good chance

2 hours later 27637346 Anonymous
>>27635123 I found 2 more on LinkedIn, as well as a chief marketing officer and a bunch of vc advisors.

2 hours later 27637402 Anonymous
Just bought for 3000$

2 hours later 27637593 Anonymous
>>27636904 thank you dear sir for giving kind opportunity to stack some papers

2 hours later 27637969 Anonymous
>>27635260 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y_ 0CkoxSGc

2 hours later 27638161 Anonymous (Screenshot_2019-07-22 Chat pdf.png 204x223 87kB)
I bought at 0.03 Prepare to never see this coin over that price again. Sorry brahs.

2 hours later 27638903 Anonymous (reefapucomfy.png 1063x683 421kB)
>>27638161 wagmi bro wagmi

2 hours later 27639660 Anonymous
>>27626682 >$AKITA Very bullish on this one too. Once the retards from Reddit get shilled, this is gonna pump as hard as Doge.

2 hours later 27639983 Anonymous (STE236.jpg 620x620 59kB)
>>27636570 Anyone?

2 hours later 27640100 SAGE
>>27639983 uniswap or get a vpn and buy from binance

2 hours later 27640317 Anonymous
>>27640100 >get a vpn and buy from binance Be prepared to be banished to support hell if you do

2 hours later 27640577 Anonymous (Mulitlayer pepe Reef is going to the moon aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png 1080x1080 395kB)
Are we going to the moon chief?

2 hours later 27640656 Anonymous
>>27640100 Guess I’m not buying... time to check out Bao or GRT

2 hours later 27640792 Anonymous
>>27640656 just use uniswap newfag if the gas fees scare you away dont even bother looking at high potential tokens

2 hours later 27640799 Anonymous
>>27640656 NGL you're much better off with either of those

2 hours later 27640941 Anonymous
Imagine not buying REEF at these dips LMFAO

2 hours later 27641204 Anonymous
those sell walls at 0.3 , someone wants to keep this limited

2 hours later 27641307 Anonymous
>>27641204 it's going up 25% everyday even with the sell walls lol

2 hours later 27641346 Anonymous
>>27623263 doge was able to 10x. Any shitcoin can

2 hours later 27641571 Anonymous
and redditors and normies don't know about it yet if the real volume comes in, people who bought at 5c will be the geniuses

1.992 0.201