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2021-02-03 07:06 27620714 Anonymous (ethereum-logo-vector-cryptocurrency-sign-smart-contract-future-technology-ethereum-logo-vector-cryptocurrency-sign-112576796.jpg 800x800 21kB)
is it too late to buy

0 min later 27620764 Anonymous
>5 years

0 min later 27620775 Anonymous

3 min later 27621143 Anonymous
>>27620714 It's a long term hold in a few years when it is worth $10K+ buying it at $1500 or $1600 won't matter. Eth will not move in a straight line it will have ups and downs but if you have a long term mindset can't go wrong.

4 min later 27621170 Anonymous (its happening.gif 320x213 588kB)
Buy EBULL instead. You're very early. https://www.ebull.org/

4 min later 27621223 Anonymous
>>27621143 unless cardano completely destroys this nigger blockchain

5 min later 27621282 Anonymous
>>27620714 wait until it inevitably collapses back down to 400 dollars where it realistically belongs.

5 min later 27621299 Anonymous
>>27621223 There are no ETH killers.

6 min later 27621358 Anonymous
>>27620714 ? dumb question. Eth is the most undervalued asset in history, this is a huge opportunity. Long term hold however

6 min later 27621384 Anonymous
Literally undervalued. I mean for fucks sakes it was 1.3k a few days ago. It'll go 1.7k tomorrow, then 1.9, then 2k and so on. Shit would reach 5k before BTC would reach 40k

6 min later 27621395 Anonymous
>>27620714 Definitely

7 min later 27621500 Anonymous
Also asking along with OP, how many ETH should I hold for long term gains? currently at 1 cause I'm cautious. Should I bump it to 6?

7 min later 27621506 Anonymous
No, but buy now.

7 min later 27621556 Anonymous
Thank you skelly

8 min later 27621644 Anonymous
>>27621358 >Eth is the most undervalued asset in history, >>27621384 >Literally undervalued. I mean for fucks sakes it was 1.3k a few days ago. It'll go 1.7k tomorrow, then 1.9, then 2k and so on. Shit would reach 5k before BTC would reach 40k aaaaand the top is in

8 min later 27621661 Anonymous
>>27621223 ETH has a first movers advantage and network effects. Literally the entire DeFi ecosystem is built on ETH. Cardano is just "ETH but faster!!!!11" so it won't win long term as ETH improves.

9 min later 27621682 Anonymous
>>27621299 Cardano will just molest it at family gatherings

9 min later 27621696 Anonymous
>>27621223 Yeah with their non existent smart contracts lmao

9 min later 27621732 Anonymous
>>27621223 Cardano is long gone when BTC and ETH are still going on and while these two cryptos will have shared marketcap over 10 trillion usd

9 min later 27621767 Anonymous
>>27621143 This. Every time ETH gets to ((price)) there's a shittonne of threads with people asking if it's too late to buy. Sure, it's too late. Don't buy. Just make another thread asking the same thing when it hits 2k/3k/5k/10k.

10 min later 27621851 Anonymous
>>27620714 you're probably the middle of the run

10 min later 27621854 Anonymous
>>27620714 you buy eth upto .1 btc. fine to buy

12 min later 27621983 Anonymous
>>27621299 Checked and truthpilled. It will never happen. Than God I saw that coming and bought at $90.

13 min later 27622168 Anonymous (retarded bizlet.jpg 903x241 42kB)

14 min later 27622237 Anonymous
>>27621358 Have you ever head of Algorand?

14 min later 27622249 Anonymous
There will be better gains to but cant complain on a comfy 5x

15 min later 27622328 Anonymous
>>27620714 it will be 10k$ EOY, you tell me?

15 min later 27622353 Anonymous
>>27621223 >fell for the Charles sales speech YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKES

17 min later 27622519 Anonymous
i literally bought today. i expect to get fucked in the coming weeks, but this is a 5-10 year plan. this thing could wipe out my student loans easily.

18 min later 27622662 Anonymous
>>27620714 No, it's going to keep going up. Will buy more once I get the money.

19 min later 27622761 Anonymous

20 min later 27622813 Anonymous
>>27620714 Nah bro, buy the literal top

20 min later 27622823 Anonymous
Gotta have some eth on deck for PnDs.

21 min later 27622910 Anonymous (1keom.png 2865x769 308kB)
>>27621223 ETH is trustless SoV ADA is another gambling device Not even considering the network effect due to smart contracts and developers. There are no chains out there that have another trustless asset like ETH. TPS are a meme. Now is game over. Ethereum is going into the trillions, this is an easy 10x at least

22 min later 27623070 Anonymous
>>27620714 for today's bull run, yes. wait for price consolidation at least but is going to 10k eventually

23 min later 27623114 Anonymous
>>27621223 cardano is literally a joke. 4 years and still vaporware. Charles should be imprisoned like that blood test bitch

24 min later 27623308 Anonymous (images (1).jpg 239x210 10kB)
>>27622910 Isn't ADA trustless? Also, isn't ETH useless since you have to pay 20$ for every transaction? Even the traditional banking system isn't that bad, lol.

28 min later 27623642 Anonymous
>>27623308 > 4 digits plebs detected The world is not built around you. Gas fees are acceptable right now and will be solved some months from now

30 min later 27623899 Anonymous (vali.jpg 2564x4096 698kB)
>>27623642 This, newfags with under 5 digit streetshitter try to fud just because they missed the boat

31 min later 27623947 Anonymous
i just sold whether it's too late to buy or not is for you to decide but ath is ath

33 min later 27624157 Anonymous
Cardano is the future! fuck ETH t. Eth holder

34 min later 27624245 Anonymous
>>27620714 Yes buy XLM

34 min later 27624321 Anonymous
hahahaha the top is in, goes up another $25 its going to $1760 then maybe a small correction then back up to $2k

35 min later 27624401 Anonymous
>>27623642 >>27623899 You can pay 20$ every time you want to buy a pizza. No one is trying to stop you, faggot. Imagine actually believing a system that is WORSE than traditional banks.

39 min later 27624840 Anonymous
I deposited $1k in my robinhood account to buy ETH, but they won't let me use it for crypto for some stupid reason. So I just sold my BTC to buy ETH AND THEY WONT LET ME SPEND. I am fucking done with this fucking brokerage cucking me. I already moved to fidelity for stocks. Time to go to kraken for crypto.

42 min later 27625138 Anonymous (9nj1-8bANM1vvFun.webm 902x720 518kB)
>>27624401 Ethereum is going to scale with L2 and 2.0 why you fudders refute this? this is going to happen in some months from now. By then every 4 digit pleb like you will be able to play the game as big players are actually doing right know. 4 digits plebs are biased by their portfolio. High gas fees is like the market sayn "fuck me hard". Of course this is not sustainable for internet 3.0, but as i said 2.0 and L2 will be a game changer. Drop your shitcoins and buy ETH there is more potential here than anywhere else.

44 min later 27625336 Anonymous
>>27624840 There's absolutely no reason to use Robinhood for crypto. Even KYC users can Coinbase.

48 min later 27625797 Anonymous (dsff44.jpg 798x1150 166kB)
>>27623899 Based Meme

49 min later 27625940 Anonymous
>>27620714 No

58 min later 27626919 Anonymous (4524673457.gif 297x276 733kB)
>>27620714 No. BTC is going to $140k so expect ETH to tag along to $5k.

1 hours later 27627127 Anonymous
>>27625336 I have a coinbase account but backed off when I saw they wanted me to verify my ID with a photo. Fuck that. I just realized I can just buy BTC and transfer it in, but I think I am going to do that with kraken instead since they have more shitcoins for me to choose from.

1 hours later 27627579 Anonymous
>>27625138 What does zk rollups refer to? Been in ETH for a long time but haven't really tracked its development. How do you track development done in DeFi?

1 hours later 27628216 Anonymous
>>27620714 too late to get rich. still early enough to make money

1 hours later 27628995 Anonymous (18637FF8-5D3C-4D21-8755-4984A797DDD7.jpg 1024x807 77kB)
About to get in @~$1634... 30k total, no wait 25k cap on coinbase... Any last warning before I pull the trigger and become a cryptohodler? I had precious metals etf's and stronks before this. My entire savings bros...kinda nervous

1 hours later 27629220 Anonymous
>>27628995 GL fren

1 hours later 27629337 Anonymous
>>27628995 Remember to sell around the time when btc reaches 100k and dont look back

1 hours later 27629543 Anonymous
>>27620714 Get in now and then panic sell at 1450. It'll be a learning adventure.

1 hours later 27629589 Anonymous (1612280087606.jpg 678x381 46kB)
>>27620714 Yes.

1 hours later 27629598 Anonymous
>>27628995 GL but yeah, you know you should be more diversified, you said it yourself in your post. Ditch shit precious metal ETFs for crypto, keep a little in index funds, and get ready to bag hold just in case.

1 hours later 27629681 Anonymous
>>27621223 What’s cardano?

1 hours later 27629707 Anonymous
>>27627579 Following the right guys on Twitter. Top tier are devs. Zk rollups is a new technology, i'll keep it simple is like an upgrade of Ethereum that will allow instant transaction like my previous pic for 0.001$

1 hours later 27629826 Anonymous
>>27629681 will be the first fully decentralised blockchain, big things coming

1 hours later 27629883 Anonymous
>>27628995 Use Coinbase Pro instead of regular coinbase. Regular coinbase is for normies lookin to get raped on fees. The Pro version is based.

1 hours later 27629988 Anonymous
>>27629826 Lmfao I was being sarcastic, normie don’t give a fuck about cardano man. You have like 5-8 years of growth before it catches up to ETH.

1 hours later 27630009 Anonymous
>>27629681 The coin that's going to steal all the gains due to low transaction fees.

1 hours later 27630057 Anonymous
>>27620714 no but at best you'll get a 1.5x to 2x.

1 hours later 27630159 Anonymous
>>27629707 Anyone besides Buterin you can recommend to follow? Whenever I follow people it quickly devolves into something that's impossible to track. I only care to look at notifications.

1 hours later 27630201 Anonymous (1597310714749.jpg 537x580 63kB)
>>27624401 bruh, nice spacing faggot. anyway, why are you here? I am in here for the money, dumbfag >tfw it's 7 figure folio soon

2.210 0.146