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2021-02-03 06:43 27572085 Anonymous which crypto will make me a milion with 10k in 5 years? (20210111_114222.jpg 1080x2065 191kB)
And explain why with 3 arguments. This is a graded test.

1 min later 27572168 Anonymous
>>27572085 dunno lol

1 min later 27572196 Anonymous
RSR. Reserve.org

2 min later 27572222 Anonymous
Defi of Thrones

3 min later 27572272 Anonymous
>>27572085 Utrust (UTK). Making crypto payments easy and widespread.

4 min later 27572367 Anonymous
>>27572168 >>27572196 >>27572222 >>27572272 These are shitcoins that won't last a years you dirty indians. F you all fail go shit in the street

9 min later 27572646 Anonymous
>>27572085 grt

18 min later 27573105 Anonymous
>>27572085 SPI WORLD

19 min later 27573180 Anonymous
>>27572085 SHIB but I ain't explaining shit to you.

20 min later 27573199 Anonymous
>>27572085 the only righteous path is through chainlink. to get to a million though go all in on transmute, cash out for 5k link and wait till link hits 200 this bullrun. you’ll have your million in less than 5 years i’ll tell you that much

21 min later 27573247 Anonymous
>>27572085 FTM

21 min later 27573265 Anonymous
HBAR, while its still sub-billion $ market cap

22 min later 27573314 Anonymous (1612256939725.png 548x568 378kB)

23 min later 27573349 Anonymous
You all suck. Check my numbers.

23 min later 27573383 Anonymous (1612298912333.png 603x1077 339kB)
>>27573180 This unironically

23 min later 27573387 Anonymous
>>27572085 Eth I guess

24 min later 27573434 Anonymous (IMG_2069.jpg 329x461 84kB)
>>27572085 0xBitcoin. It's the first mineable ERC20 token on Ethereum. It is the most immutable form of the Bitcoin project. It's turning 3 years old on February 6th 2021. It is a store of wealth on the Ethereum network. It will most likely be the token miners will mine after Ethereum goes full Proof of Stake.

27 min later 27573576 Anonymous
>>27572367 Already in for about a year and made over 20.000€ with 2k

28 min later 27573630 Anonymous
>>27573434 man, ZRX's lifetime chart seems either ngmi tier OR like it's just starting a run up to 10x. I can't decide which

29 min later 27573723 Anonymous
>>27573434 wait a sec 0xbitcoin still exists? i remember mining a few blocks few years ago

30 min later 27573781 Anonymous (IMG_20210202_142519_887.jpg 512x512 34kB)
>>27572085 CORE 1. Backed by an ever increasing pool of BTC, ETH, and DAI. 2. Locked liquidity allows for maximum capital efficiency. Nobody else has 50 million in permanently locked liquidity. Their dex will literally take over DeFi with low fees for users AND high APY for LPs 3. Top tier devs have what it takes to dominate this space. Imagine the price of Yearn if every product in their ecosystem generated fees directly towards it.

30 min later 27573786 Anonymous
>>27572085 Possibly Grt

32 min later 27573897 Anonymous
0xbtc is a sleeper. Don't go for coins with an over-saturated market

35 min later 27574082 Anonymous
>>27573723 It just can't be stopped or changed

38 min later 27574260 Anonymous
>>27572085 https://positivecrypto.medium.com/b itcoin-realized-hodl-ratio-9023db15 a559 you're welcome

40 min later 27574328 Anonymous (IMG_2024.png 2881x2602 2205kB)
>>27573630 Wrong token. You're think ZRX, 0x. My post was about 0xBTC, 0xBitcoin. >>27573723 It is alive and well. There is much support for this mineable token. >>27573897 The most fudded token in /biz/ history.

42 min later 27574438 Anonymous
>>27573314 Seconded the RBC

42 min later 27574484 Anonymous

46 min later 27574694 Anonymous
>>27572196 This is a great answer

47 min later 27574753 Anonymous
>>27572367 >Calls RSR a shitcoin You deserve to be poor.

51 min later 27574923 Anonymous (1612047755598.jpg 990x990 115kB)
>>27572085 donut sirs pleaes invest now

53 min later 27575047 Anonymous (AA_PSA.jpg 234x220 13kB)

59 min later 27575378 Anonymous
>>27574328 It's an interesting concept, but what exactly is the point though?

1 hours later 27575461 Anonymous
>>27572085 siacoin

1 hours later 27575476 Anonymous (rooooooooooooooobic.gif 270x270 885kB)
>>27572085 Rubic >better than uniswap in every way, DYOR >in all likelihood will be adopted by Sushiswap >if RBC achieves 1/10th of uni's marketcap, it will be $5 per token. it's currently 30 cents

1 hours later 27575528 Anonymous
ALPHA check out defipulse.com

1 hours later 27575792 Anonymous
>>27572085 Ampleforth. Dyor I'm not going to explain it to you brainlets

1 hours later 27575907 Anonymous (IMG_20210120_234253_762.jpg 1280x568 68kB)

1 hours later 27575960 Anonymous (1565236260451.png 929x1175 121kB)
>>27572085 i'm keeping it to myself

1 hours later 27577005 Anonymous
Alright... Here's the plan anon, but first some background about what's happening in crypto: In 2017, when BTC went to an ATH, it saw some pullbacks and ranges. When it ranged, alt coins pumps. Then it went on to pump again and alt coins sufferred. Then, suddenly, DOGE coins pumped. $33 million dollars flowed through DOGE and then flowed down into all the other alts. Everyone saw people make 20x on Doge and they invested more and more into crypto alts, chasing those pumps. Almost everything pumped at least 5x. Many hit 100x. This year, DOGE had 40 BILLION USD flow thru it. And BTC is gearing up for ANOTHER pump. So when alts finally get their serious pump, watch out. So, here's my game plan: Buy alts with small mcap with news incoming. But to do this, you need to learn how to use uniswap and sushiswap. Youtube it. Alright here's my idea: 1. Buy DRC Dracula Protocol. They have v2 launching this month. It is supposedly pretty revolutionary and they've partnered with a few big name/big mcap protocols. So this should suck some of their users over. Sell half of your DRC bag at 3x. 2. Move those funds into the next thing to pump. I'm personally watching DODO and ZORA. DODO is a new exchange that has revolutionary liquidity pools launching soon. ZORA is an oracle (like chainlink). You'll need to poke around these two and figure out which one has the most hype on the horizon. Hold and wait for a 3x. Sell half your bag. 3. Move those funds to the next thing ready for a pump. That's it anon. If one of your moonbags starts looking dead, sell it. If a dev delays launch, ditch it asap and move on to the next one. Don't get married to your bags. And if you sell something too early, don't stress on it. Everything will pump. Don't fomo back in. Just find the next thing.

1 hours later 27577178 Anonymous
>>27577005 Or I could just buy GRT. The fact that it's on coinbase makes it 10x more likely to 100X. No normie even knows what uniswap or a wallet is.

1 hours later 27577276 Anonymous
>>27572085 bitcoin

1 hours later 27577682 Anonymous
>>27572085 Listen guy, Here is the redpill you have to swallow... Bitcoin will be $1 million adjusted for inflation by the end of this decade, and after that it will probably reach evaluation above $10 million adjusted for inflation So right now you have the option to purchase 2020s future dollars at $0.03 on the dollar and you're not doing it with every spare dollar you have? Well then you're retarded or at best not yet versed in what bitcoin clearly is Ice2 accumulated 4 BTC at 24 yrs old (and some Chainlink), full disclosure and I will not sell until bitcoin is at least $1mil a piece and you shouldn't either Bitcoin goes in 4 year cycles (not related to the housing because the housing shifts by matter of months from year to year) and will top in 2021 while bottoming one year after the top +/- a few weeks)

1 hours later 27577985 Anonymous
>>27572367 thanks just bought another 10k stack

1 hours later 27578007 Anonymous
>>27577178 Not true. They might not know what it is but they do use them

1 hours later 27578080 Anonymous
>>27577682 Why does everyone else say 100k is max?

1 hours later 27578082 Anonymous
>>27577682 thanks just bought 100btc

1 hours later 27578180 Anonymous
>>27572085 Bitcoin, because its the only crypto that will survive 5 years

1 hours later 27578225 Anonymous (D164C6A8-9EED-4090-9C5D-C356A74BF207.jpg 606x729 98kB)
>>27572085 The next Link is Link, the next Link after that is Link. Link still has a 5000x in it if you wait long enough. In the meantime the the next link is shockingly another oracle, but not a competitor but a complimentary oracle. The most legit oracle since Link and it hasn't mooned yet so its like buying link at ico prices. Fully functional oracle with its own blockchain and ecosystem, market cap under 2mill and under 3000 supply. This is a YFI tier token at under 1k right now. I shouldn't have to say anymore and I'm getting tired of telling you idiots I should just let you fomo at 10k like the idiots who didnt buy link under $1 even though we told them every single day.

1 hours later 27578245 Anonymous
>>27572085 if you had put $10k in BAO when I did, you would have had 100M BAO Unironically would be a millionaire EOY

2 hours later 27578582 Anonymous
>>27578225 Alright anon, I'm sorry. If you tell me more I'll fomo in now

2 hours later 27578653 Retiree
>>27578582 He's talking about zoracles I believe

2 hours later 27578814 Anonymous
>>27575907 this

2 hours later 27578845 Anonymous (0316456E-17C7-49F1-8C1E-040C788D7A87.jpg 1200x565 112kB)
AVAX, and here’s 3 reasons why:

2 hours later 27578893 Anonymous (AF07107D-BDC9-4509-871D-2587F602A451.png 512x512 113kB)
>>27572085 Zoracles Protocol has embarked on an ambitious path to solve trust algorithmically. We have created a unique set of signals that will be combined into a mathematical formula that assesses on-chain creditworthiwness allowing borrowers to access confidential credit without having to useANYcollateral.

2 hours later 27578904 Anonymous (aergo pepe.png 401x305 80kB)
>>27572085 -backed by blocko, one of the biggest enterprise blockchain companies -has many working products with clients like samsung, cisco and hyundai on private blockchains, which will migrate to mainnet soon(hybrid) -connections with governments open for blockchain adoption (voting in korea, halal banking in the uae)

2 hours later 27578946 Anonymous
>>27572646 THIS

2 hours later 27579161 Anonymous
>>27572085 so many shitposts here I'd say DIP, parametric decentralized insurance. one of the markets that are going to be disrupted by smart contracts and decentralized oracles. put in 10k now, you'll get about 32k DIP. At some point this bullrun it will reach 30 buckaroonies. dump that shit and you got yourself a million

2 hours later 27579278 Anonymous (CD60F890-3458-467D-8A5E-B3AA7C196B09.png 1123x794 1106kB)

2 hours later 27579786 Anonymous
>>27573314 this is correct

2 hours later 27579828 Anonymous
>>27572085 have you tried laying bones and reading the coffee grounds yet

2 hours later 27579869 Anonymous
>>27572085 Anyone who doesn't say eth wants you to die poor like him...

2 hours later 27579904 Anonymous
>>27572085 SingularityNET

2 hours later 27579913 Anonymous
>>27578845 >imagine the smell

2 hours later 27579932 Anonymous
>>27572085 Do your own research

2 hours later 27580091 Anonymous
>>27572085 Rubic, here's my arguments: -Fuck yourself -Fuck your mother -And fuck this board

3.624 0.160