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2021-02-03 02:29 27552632 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210131-041312.png 1080x2160 124kB)
I am fucking insane > Invest already 25% of my savings into crypto > Still can't stop feeling FOMO I'm about to toss 2-3k$ more. I'm strongly considering consolidating my positions even further with 66%/33% ratio but have also been thinking about some coins like FTM and GRT but their market cap seems too large and it looks like they started pumping already even harder than these. This thread will more than likely be buried but can anyone lurking and has knowledge about these coins tell me if my FOMO is justified?

2 min later 27552841 Anonymous (6c783155b49eced982969c437b5d2746.jpg 236x190 8kB)
>>27552632 in december i started and told myself 20% of my savings only, as a hobby now im up to 65% of my savings in crypto and have to stop it's hard because thanks to crypto i'm up 40% than where I would be otherwise

2 min later 27552867 Anonymous
>>27552632 Ok. First of all, having a big portfolio and a small bank account is not necessarily bad. But you're investing in dogshit (LTO is oookaay I guess, but not such a big portion). If you get Bogged, it's your own fault.

3 min later 27552944 Anonymous
its gonna be painful but i wouldnt be buying anything more until this bullrun is over, stay strong. when the drop comes youll be able to buy 3x as much and u wont have bought the top

4 min later 27553001 Anonymous
>>27552867 I have almost 6fig in crypto and only 900 bucks in my bank account. Btc Eth Link

4 min later 27553019 Anonymous (1611895146926.png 1161x2220 34kB)
>>27552632 >no GRT

5 min later 27553109 The Bristolian
Get some REEF pussy, before it explodes

5 min later 27553111 Anonymous
>>27552632 >no ETH ngmi Also, investing 25% of your savings isn't insane.

6 min later 27553135 Anonymous
>>27552632 Dude if this isnt bait the dont put all your money in these fucking shitcoins buy blue chips and slowly stack. You fucking boomers have no clue

6 min later 27553154 Anonymous
>>27552632 rubic

7 min later 27553205 Anonymous
>>27552632 >no grt. ngmi

7 min later 27553297 Anonymous
>>27552632 my first crypto trade was when i went all on on ETH back in december panicked on first 10% dip and sold at a loss would be like x3 by now if I just held

8 min later 27553338 Anonymous
>>27552867 I'm not sure if you researched enough the aforementioned coins. I didn't have this much FOMO in a long time, and I survived 2017. There is no point in me investing in LINK when it's 20$ - that's not how you make it in this game. Could you suggest what you consider non-dogshit then? >>27553019 Already started pumping and it has almost 1 bil market cap. I don't consider it a good entry anymore and it being shilled this much proves that it's too late. >>27553111 Same as LINK argument, the returns on it wont make my investment worthwile - it's a gamble after all. >>27553109 I don't want to be bagholding projects I don't believe have solid fundamentals or long term value. >>27553154 Same as above. Can anyone who actually owns ROSE give me an input please. Thanks.

8 min later 27553377 Anonymous (1612287834805.jpg 911x1200 1041kB)
>>27553109 This

10 min later 27553494 Anonymous (94EC8E7E-4FA2-456F-A9E4-39B81F15DF3B.jpg 1125x2011 604kB)
>>27553338 baka if you bought in rubric instead of being a reddit fag about muh fundamentals you would of already made it. i would spoon feed you but your ngmi enjoy missing out alt gains then selling next year to miss when LTO and rose finally pumps

10 min later 27553524 Anonymous
>>27552632 dont buy fantom fucking scam coin it just pumps and dumps on newfags and then flatlines for a year

12 min later 27553658 Anonymous
>>27552632 What the fuck are those shitcoins? NGMi

12 min later 27553661 Anonymous
>>27553494 I don't mind missing on gains - most of the things are bound to pump eventually. I just don't want to have a risk of becoming a bag holder of things I don't believe in while the things I want to bag hold potentially pump in the meantime. >>27553524 Noted. PNK was giving me similar vibes.

12 min later 27553678 Anonymous
>>27553494 rubic is unironically a scam that /biz/ wrestled control of from whale shills who panic sold and now circlejerk eachother adding more /biz/relis thinking its the next link

12 min later 27553679 Anonymous
>>27553338 Based LTO chad. Stop talking about it I am still accumulating.

13 min later 27553758 Anonymous
>>27553001 I am five figures in crypto and 3000 bucks in all accounts. Just started 3 months ago.

14 min later 27553801 Anonymous
>>27553338 Reef is literally releasing an app in the upcoming months lmao. Please go back and don't buy reef, you don't deserve the gains.

15 min later 27553902 Anonymous
>>27553338 Yes I can recommend the one you said you missed: GRT. It is brand fucking new and has massive hype.

16 min later 27553964 Anonymous
>>27553661 enjoy bag holding your bags that won’t moon until next year kek

16 min later 27553993 Anonymous
>>27552632 Fomo is never justified. The first thing you need to do is learn to watch markets and not feel like your always MISSING OUT ON THE BIG ONE lol. There will always be opportunities. Is what you've been doing working? Do you have a good consistent strategy for moving forward? If so put a bit more in and watch/learn. You WILL get fucking spanked eventually and it will suck hard lol

19 min later 27554200 Anonymous
>>27553658 These comments are making me FOMO even harder holy shittttt >>27553679 Will do after this thread lad. Am already staking 15k I have to biz node. Considering buying 5k more at this price. Do you still think it's a decent entry point? >>27553801 Did this talk ever convince anyone? I literally don't care about it and the only reason it started being mentioned here is because of that Binance talk and people expected it to pump. >>27553902 Thanks for the advice, but I already adressed GRT here. >Already started pumping and it has almost 1 bil market cap. I don't consider it a good entry anymore and it being shilled this much proves that it's too late. >>27553964 I'm fine with waiting years if it brings me into 2017 LINK buyers position. >>27553993 Agreed, but I'm feeling FOMO while most of the people haven't even heard of these coins. I already survived 2017 with peak FOMO. I made this thread to get input from lads who bag hold the same coins as I do to get reassurance.

19 min later 27554254 Anonymous
>>27552632 rubic

20 min later 27554285 Anonymous
>>27553338 ETH is one of the safest crypto investments, it will grow for as long as the bull run continues. If you want to make more than 10x, then sure you can gamble on shitcoins, but with $8.8K you can almost guarantee yourself more profit for this bull run than you probably expect, rather than gambling

21 min later 27554422 Anonymous (1589302221480.gif 450x253 968kB)
>no grt not going to make it

22 min later 27554449 Anonymous
>>27554200 i don’t get it, you believe in these shit coins more than GRT , parsnips , bao and rubric? you realize 2020 is year of defi? how much of a new fag are you. last spoon feed. none of the coins you have will be link tier otherwise it would of pumped already

22 min later 27554500 Anonymous
Be careful man, caught that bug in late 2017. Gradually invested savings of 20k, traded up to 100k, all the way back down to 10k Of course then I swapped it all for 50k chainlink and am a millionaire now so what do I know

23 min later 27554542 Anonymous
>>27554200 Yes. Token burn will ensure that, and transactions are still growing. It may take a couple years but I expect it will steadily grow in value. I just wish it was easier for burgers to buy--I can't into Binance so I have to use uniswap and get fucked by gas fees

25 min later 27554716 Anonymous
>>27553001 Same 1k in the bank 300k in Chainlink Just be warned that there will be a brutal crash at the end of this cycle, don’t invest if you can’t afford to lose it

26 min later 27554798 Anonymous
>>27553338 >There is no point in me investing in LINK when it's 20$ You know it’s going to $1000 right?

27 min later 27554869 Anonymous
u are being spoonfed and won't take the help, some people can't be helped, GRT will moon higher, and when it does you'll be thinking .75 cent looking real good, im about to drop more on it

28 min later 27555024 Anonymous
>>27554449 I cannot spoonfeed you, sorry. Most of those are too late to get into (bad entry point for being OG holder) or are too 'meme' for my taste. I hope that by reading my responses by now that you should notice that I'm not some kind of mindless bumbling idiot. >>27554500 Appreciate the advice lad. I gambled in 2017. with my high school money between 7k LINK and 5K AMB - chose the wrong option. C'est la Vie. >>27554542 >>27554716 When do you expect cycle to end? I have 2.5k$ monthly wage so even though it will hurt I will survive. As mentioned before, it's glorified gambling after all. >>27554798 I consider it a bad entry point and do not want to chase pumps which LINK has done a lot already. >>27554869 Keyword being >im about to drop more on it You already have a good entry point in it, you're just DCA-ing now.

30 min later 27555197 Anonymous
>>27554200 Man, what do you mean "already started pumping"? BTC "already started pumping" when it moved from 10 to 15k last year. Chainlink "already started pumping" when it moved from $1 to $4 in the span of a month. I don't know what to tell you anon, it's like you don't want advice.

32 min later 27555369 Anonymous
>>27555024 >When do you expect cycle to end If you don’t even know about the btc meme charts (rainbow and s2f) you really shouldn’t be getting into crypto at all. > I consider it a bad entry point You’ve been investing for about a month and you suddenly think you know your shit huh? > do not want to chase pumps which LINK has done a lot already. Buying shitcoins is chasing pumps. Link will reach $300-$1000 this cycle. I’m going to link you to a thread in warosu where is sperged out at newfags instead of re-typing the same points.

34 min later 27555488 Anonymous (1519522311648.png 842x792 84kB)
>>27552867 >LTO >dogshit

35 min later 27555572 Anonymous
>>27555369 Thread here https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2735 5318#p27366082 Dishing out spoonfeeding to ungrateful bullmarket newfags is pretty unsatisfying since I’m sure most aren’t going to pay attention. They’d rather take advice from Dogecoin buyers who have been in crypto for less than 3 months.

35 min later 27555627 Anonymous
>>27555488 Read the literal second sentence of my three sentence post. I said it's okay, but I wouldn't wager half my portfolio on it.

36 min later 27555672 Anonymous
>>27555024 sigh okay couch scientist. i’m actually an engineer that works with statistical analysis and i’m pretty good with TAs. Those shit coins aren’t bad investments DESU, but they aren’t pumping this year. you’re better off investing in this defi craze and ride pumps to swing to your stack. i’m certified six sigma black belt

36 min later 27555699 Anonymous
>>27555572 Not just that post I linked by mistake, but the whole thread btw

38 min later 27555840 Anonymous
>>27555672 >Six sigma black belt They give that shit out like candy don't act so high and mighty

38 min later 27555871 Anonymous
>>27555197 >Man, what do you mean "already started pumping"? It's currently hovering around 2100 SATS. It was at around 1550 SATS literally few days ago. Compound interest is helluva thing. It also literally had nearly 1 billion market cap. Just how further are you expecting it to pump? It can x2 before entering top 20. >>27555369 > If you don’t even know about the btc meme charts (rainbow and s2f) you really shouldn’t be getting into crypto at all. I am aware that this is glorified gambling. I'm also of an opinion that this is mostly hype driven market based on momentum rather than meme graphs. >You’ve been investing for about a month and you suddenly think you know your shit huh? I've actually been here in 2016. - 2017. 20k to 4k BTC era. At least I gained some experience in everyone preaching about their bags and shilling projects that will be dead in few months / once drop starts. I am just saying given the amount of money I'm gambling with I would rather go for actual moonshots with chance of putting me into OG LINK holder position instead of entering into it now.

42 min later 27556158 Anonymous
>>27554285 Are you selling and buying dips or just hodling? And if so, what’s your target to sell? T. Guy with 5 eth and a dream to sell at 5k

42 min later 27556167 Anonymous
>>27555871 It is easily a top 20 coin. A x2 would put it 27th.

45 min later 27556455 Anonymous
>>27555871 >I am aware that this is glorified gambling. I'm also of an opinion that this is mostly hype driven market based on momentum rather than meme graphs No, what? Bitcoins price, long term, is NOT controlled by hype, it’s controlled by MINING, that’s what the s2f meme chart shows. Your opinion is fucking worthless. Read the thread I linked in its entirety, google s2f, and stop spreading worthless disinfo. For someone who claims to have been here since 2016/2017 you’re cocky and ignorant as fuck. Link will hit $300 minimum this cycle, it’s not my job to explain to you why that is so. Just know that link price predictions are actually based off adoption and not off FOMO and hype. And it WILL be adopted. You would know if you weren’t disgustingly new. Lurkmoar and stop posting.

47 min later 27556558 Anonymous
man this thread is infuriating OP asked for advice but does nothing but defend his shitty positions what a moron

49 min later 27556785 Anonymous
>>27556455 You are aware that huge percentage of LINK owners are the ones who bought it from the memes and not TAs, adoption or whatever you're trying to say, right? I'm trying to say that it's meme and hype driven market and it was even in LINK's case. I wish you 300$ LINK regardless. >>27556558 I am just explaining my position and I created this thread mostly to discuss with ROSE and LTO owners which are still pretty rare here (ROSE even more than LTO).

52 min later 27557001 Anonymous
>>27556558 None of the advice I received is actually helping me with moonshots. What am I supposed to do with RBC and several billion market cap coins? I'm going in full gamble mode, where either I get super comfy or I lose it all. I am doing this for potential life changing gains - I'm a SWE with x8 average salary in my country, x1.5 or x2 wont mean anything to me and will not alter my lifestyle in any significant way.

54 min later 27557126 Anonymous
>>27557001 I definitely think getting into RBC now is a worthless move. Most of the moves on this board are trash, everyone only posts after something x2s already, rare to get anything good anymore. but you trashed REEF, which I think has a high chance of x5ing at least this year, it isn't even close to a scamcoin

57 min later 27557364 Anonymous
>>27552632 Bro i have 90% of my saving in crypto, 19k GRT holder

57 min later 27557406 Anonymous
>>27553993 Wise words here. I would have a couple thousand dollar gains ytd instead of 400 if I thought this way

1 hours later 27557589 Anonymous
>>27557001 you will see the so hard when rubric is 10$ EOY

1 hours later 27557659 Anonymous
>>27553494 HAHAHAHAHAHA fucking rubic fag. You're gonna be pink wojaking it as soon as the scam is done with and the poos laugh at you.

1 hours later 27557739 Anonymous
>>27557001 >looking for moonshots >1-2x this month is not enough ok faggot, have fun losing 100,000 Swedish Krollars on coins like HOTDOG. KYS poorfag.

1 hours later 27557825 Anonymous (bounce.gif 220x394 1367kB)
>>27552632 you probably have a personality disorder. addictive personality traits for sure. you need to severely look at risk management. the more addictive and self destructive personality traits you have, the more careful you need to be. this has nothing to do with crypto, you have a problem with emotional regulation and probably distress tolerance. putting more and more of your savings into crypto is probably a maladaptive coping mechanism for the anxiety caused by your fear of missing out. i suggest a DBT book for anxiety because DBT will help you gain emotional regulation skills and help you self-identify when you are emotionally aroused. pls seek help

1 hours later 27557969 Anonymous
>>27557825 We're here to feed his addiction and ruin his life by suggesting scam coins. Idk what the fuck you think /biz is.

1 hours later 27558053 Anonymous
>>27555024 under a dollar is a good entry point if you think it could hit 20$ in a few years. I don't have the best entry point, its ok, like 55 cent, i was in earlier originally and sold my position because it was taking forever to do anything

1 hours later 27558058 Anonymous (3d2sd1.jpg 913x702 84kB)

1 hours later 27558217 Anonymous
>>27554200 Market cap is kind of irrelevant. If you use that as the primary indicator of anything you're ngmi

1 hours later 27558258 Anonymous
>>27557825 I will take this advice to myself. I'm degenerate alcoholic that is now abusing weed and holding LTO to cope. I'm also thinking of putting more of my money into cripto. wtf

1 hours later 27558468 Anonymous
>>27557001 I really hope you lose everything you worthless low IQ faggot

1 hours later 27558672 Anonymous (1608444687293.jpg 2722x4084 1548kB)
any newfag who wants to make it and just wants to read good advice, follow >>27555572 read every single one of his posts, in both this thread and the linked thread he's dropping gold for you newfags

1 hours later 27558807 Anonymous (1597112284902.jpg 1020x1996 127kB)
https://smartcontentpublication.med ium.com/completing-the-god-protocol s-a-comprehensive-overview-of-chain link-in-2021-746220a0e45

1 hours later 27559137 Anonymous
>>27553494 what app is this?

1 hours later 27559196 Anonymous
>>27556785 >huge percentage of LINK owners are the ones who bought it from the memes and not TAs not ta but fa, strong fa is how you get enduring memetics you're holding midwit dunning kruger bags btw, rose will underperform and fade into irrelevancy because nobody gives a shit about private scs or l1s, you're literally holding enigma instead of link in 2018 lol

1 hours later 27559251 Anonymous
>>27552632 why would you keep USD shitcoins in a fucking bank

1 hours later 27559331 Anonymous
>>27552632 Why 25% when you could go 95%?

1 hours later 27559549 Anonymous
>>27553678 >massive money pouring into Defi >Limited number of DeFi exchanges >Rubic is new, unique, most potential Anon, you do know that investing in ANY exchange this year is going to see massive gains right?

1 hours later 27560554 Anonymous
>>27552632 I'm very much with OP right now I bought $150 of 60 cent link in early 2018 and then $500 more link after it pumped to $4 at around $3 each average. Right now it's all worth about $10k. So buying it now just feels way too expensive to me. I recently got really into researching LTO, and got very very excited about it. I didn't have much cash at hand, so I had to debate how much link to give up to buy LTO. I thought for a whole day about it, because I was so attached to the dream of link as a true marine, but also had to accurately gauge the growth potential of keeping money in link vs transferring it to LTO. I ended up putting 20% of my link in it, but I'm probably gonna put more cash into link to make back up my original stack. Basically I concluded that I was more confident that LTO would 30x to $6 each than link would 30x to $700 each. But in the long run, I still feel like link could be bigger than btc. So it's a tough call. I have another $800, should I stack back up on my link like was staying before, or put even more into LTO? I'm conflicted for the same reason OP is right now. In the end no one knows. You just have to pick something you believe in and hodl.

1 hours later 27560653 Anonymous
>>27560554 I'll also add that I have the same opinions of shitty meme coins like rubic, reef, whatever. Sure haters, they'll moon at some point, but don't pretend you sell at the peak more than you baghold to an overall loss.

1 hours later 27560928 Anonymous (1611753273691.png 1024x832 305kB)

1 hours later 27561098 Anonymous
>>27555572 Thank you this is indeed gold.

1 hours later 27561240 Anonymous
>>27559137 Blockfolio, set it up with your API keys

1 hours later 27561525 Anonymous
>>27552632 What wallet is that?

1 hours later 27561911 Anonymous
Lmao at all the retards in this thread calling LTO a shitcoin. There's about 10coins in the entire market that actually provide value and LTO is definitely one of them. But hey, if you wanna gamble on pump and dumps, ignore me

1 hours later 27562177 Anonymous
>>27555627 Ngmi

2 hours later 27562336 Anonymous
>>27560554 Cheers lad, I'm waiting for tomorrow if LTO dips sub 21c to buy it. Saging this thread because a lot of people don't seem to even know about these coins and I'd rather not spoonfeed them. I will remember all flaming and insulting though - time will tell who is right.

2 hours later 27563393 Anonymous
Where does the newborn go from here?

2 hours later 27563591 Anonymous
>>27561240 >linking NSAfolio with anything else don't be a retard

2 hours later 27563887 Anonymous
>>27553678 it’s worse than that. rubic is a pump and dump.

2 hours later 27563932 Anonymous
>>27557825 Yes, hold fiat as the value gets diluted to nothing by banks having zero reserve requirements to make loans, stimmys, and minimum wage increase.

2 hours later 27564307 Anonymous (1516940063217.jpg 399x400 13kB)
>>27554716 >Just be warned that there will be a brutal crash at the end of this cycle, don’t invest if you can’t afford to lose it >>27555369 >Link will reach $300-$1000 this cycle.

2 hours later 27564565 Anonymous
>>27556455 Checked. Thoughts on avax, grt, and nucypher? And are you really saying its better to sell a long term hold just because it will crash at some point? Wouldn't it be better to hold?

2 hours later 27564629 Anonymous
I have 1000 link and $30 in my checking account. Will I make it?

2 hours later 27564760 Anonymous
>>27552632 why do you have ten thousand dollars in shitcoins?

2 hours later 27564966 Anonymous
>>27552632 literally all the money I have is in my metamask, only 100 dollars in the bank, I buy everything with crypto anyways

2 hours later 27564977 Anonymous (moron.png 887x448 58kB)
>>27564760 Because I'm a moron who instead of shutting up and buying had to make this thread.

7.961 0.176