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2021-02-03 02:05 27550785 Anonymous Be honest (open.png 300x400 78kB)
Did you actually make money/profit from this board or is it all just one big meme circlejerk? If so what's the highest you've ever made here?

1 min later 27550897 Anonymous
>>27550785 imagine replying seriously to a datamine like this. back to hardjew.edu kike.

2 min later 27550976 Anonymous
>>27550785 I lost a lot of money buying 1inch on binance launch and of course it exploded upwards after I sold

2 min later 27550996 Anonymous
>>27550785 I made money and lost money. Basically broke even kek

4 min later 27551102 Anonymous
>>27550785 this board, like everything OP, is what you make it

4 min later 27551105 Anonymous (1573520161390.png 480x361 265kB)
>>27550785 Started with 3K and /biz/ turned it into 10K in a year, then I re-rolled that shit into 30K in 6 months, sitting at 20K rn after a dip, >hold >sell >repeat. Idfk why it works, throughout the ages of 16-18 I was taught about boomer gains, and boomer blue chip faggoty faggot shit, and about how 17% return was really really good and I'd retire in no time, but... if this keeps up I'll be a billionaire at the age of 150 if I'd live that long. Fuck savings.

4 min later 27551139 Anonymous
>>27550785 160$ on link pls no bully I new

4 min later 27551168 Anonymous (8b3.png 1000x885 607kB)
I made $5,000 after uniswap gave me a free $8,000. I'm busy losing the rest to gamblers highs off low market cap schemes right now

5 min later 27551213 Anonymous
I made more money buying stock by instinct than by listening to you tards

5 min later 27551244 Anonymous
>>27551105 Any tips for crypto or are the essentials on /smg/ enough?

6 min later 27551261 Anonymous (bandicam 2021-01-29 17-16-02-195.jpg 1055x390 98kB)
>>27551105 I was that YOLO donut fag. I got out with 5% return after I held through a bunch of pumps, expecting reddit to jump in at any time. I should of sold for the 2x I had when I had it.

6 min later 27551267 Anonymous
>>27550785 I started buying crypto in December and I've made $1500 so far. Check back with me EOY though, I just figured out what the fuck I'm doing.

6 min later 27551285 Anonymous
>>27550785 I've been here a few weeks and have made about $1000 so far

7 min later 27551347 Anonymous
>>27550785 I come here to masturbate to other people's losses and suffering

8 min later 27551426 Anonymous
>>27550785 negative 2 million :(

8 min later 27551434 Anonymous
>>27550785 Go mine your synagogue you stinky rat

8 min later 27551465 Anonymous
I made 30$

9 min later 27551513 Anonymous
>>27550785 I was just losing money in the stockmarket, and this board got me into crypto where I make gains on. Small gains, but at least they are gains.

9 min later 27551523 Anonymous
>>27551261 What app is this?

11 min later 27551710 Anonymous
>>27550785 I've made all my money through my own DD. Only been to /biz/ a few times but figured I'd stop by to see the AMC GME memes.

13 min later 27551810 Anonymous (1583168047094.png 641x731 464kB)
>>27551244 The only thing I did right was buy into LINK and hold, and then the bullrun started happening so I all-ined to ETH, and sold the top. (you sell the tops with a limit order higher than what you think the top is in case it goes back into price discovery) if you successfully sell the top you're lucky, congrats. I sold a local top on GRT & ETH. made me happy. I'm a bagholder for LCX because I fell for that scam, (still buying dips on that, the worst thing they can do is take everything I've put into it) and I have rolled most of my winnings into 0Chain ATM because the tech is solid, they are open about the project, and it's a spicy spicy low low market cap with a good foundation. The 10K i put into it hit a 1.27 when I got in at .50, I knew it was pretty safe to sell but this is my next LINK. I'll ride with these 0Chain fuckers for a couple years. Another great project I believe IS GRT. That's a solid hold. LINK is still a solid hold. Polkadot QUANT or some ETH killer shit would be verrrrry useful in the future. I was paying 30 bucks a transaction fee any time I wanted to move around some ETH or shit token, and if this keeps up ETH is going to become bloatware. GL!

13 min later 27551819 Anonymous (19450363-1603-4F95-9123-B9C3E150FC6A.jpg 1125x2011 604kB)
i got rug pulled with three scams then switched to reddit which led to super slow growth and me buying tops. then i did the opposite of what /biz said and made money. total investment was probably around 15k over the last year

14 min later 27551892 Anonymous
>>27550785 Started at the beginning of last month. Tossed some money into stable altcoins at first, then jumped into uniswap last week. Made $600 on DOGE/SHIBA, could have been closer to $k on SHIBA but I got out early with a 10x that could have been a 80x or something retarded like that. Tried to swing a big SHIBA pump a couple days ago and would have made another $600 if I sold when I wanted, but the volatility was so high that the transaction kept failing and I didn't understand why, and I got hit with the dump instead and lost $300 instead. I guess it's a cheap lesson about the importance of adjusting slippage and gas fees when you're trading in super high volatility situations. I lost money but it wasn't really my fault, so I don't feel too bad about it. Quitting my job once I can go 2 months in a row with consistent $5-600 gains a week, or once I hit $40k, whichever comes first.

15 min later 27552039 Anonymous
Yes. I scan for hype (volatility) and it has paid off. Day trades or 1-day swings. use technicals from that point to determine a good entry/exit and use tight risk management. I rarely lose money and when I do it's negligible. This is the way.

17 min later 27552189 Anonymous
>>27550785 Yes. I did my own research but I used it as an aggregator of things to research.

17 min later 27552215 Anonymous (1572398278219.jpg 334x506 28kB)
>>27551523 it's uniswap. search any coin on coingecko and they'll give you the ETH/yourcoin trading pair. (for uniswap and other exchanges). you sync up your metamask wallet with uniswap, (click connect wallet top right corner), and then send ETH to your wallet through Coinbase. And walla. You purchase shitcoins. sometimes coins are so low market cap you'll move the price 5% if you wanna yolo 10K, so you'll need to set a slippage percent of a couple percents letting the exchange know that you're down to lose some money buying in. watch a tutorial for metamask. Coinbase is easy pz. If you wanna day trade higher volume higher liquidity shitcoins use coinbase pro. Felt like warren buffet raking in wins just reading the market psychology. iz fun.

20 min later 27552371 Anonymous
>>27550785 I’ve made $500k from this board. It’s all in link and bnt

20 min later 27552381 Anonymous
>>27551105 But but 17 return is really good. It'll get you from 100K to a million in a few years

20 min later 27552400 Anonymous (d643c08668152052ad51bd6873ecdbcf.jpg 750x1150 585kB)
>>27552215 Thx for the genuine answer fren. Have a Tae.

21 min later 27552499 Anonymous (1584760884072.jpg 833x707 64kB)

22 min later 27552607 Anonymous
>>27550785 Back in 2016/17 I made an absolute shit load of money thanks to this board.

23 min later 27552669 Anonymous (1550279497697.gif 178x119 782kB)
>>27552400 chequed. have a gif of the WTC collapse.

23 min later 27552673 Anonymous (FD5462DB-B5F6-4D51-B028-E29C5E2B75CF.png 512x512 147kB)
>>27550785 fuck off fed

24 min later 27552708 Anonymous
>>27550785 I turned $250 into $416. It ain't much, but it's honest work. Going forward I'll play with a bigger % of my monthly paycheck.

24 min later 27552757 Anonymous
I am new and was able to get uniswap airdrop, buy link under 10$, and eth below 400.

28 min later 27553075 Anonymous (1597024065613.png 188x149 37kB)
>>27552757 >tfw missed the uniswap airdrop because I rarely visit this board Fuck you are all so lucky

30 min later 27553206 Anonymous (1602726770531.jpg 303x351 37kB)
I started both browsing /biz/ and investing in crypto this January. I don't know why I didn't get into crypto earlier. I have mental issues that often distract me and make it difficult to focus. I previously used to browse mostly /v/ and /pol/ which I only visit occasionally now. That being said, I started with around $21K and have turned it into around $29K. Can't complain. Have holdings in BTC, ETH, LINK, AAVE, GRT, RBC, BAO, ENJ, and SAKE. Some of these are long-term holds, some medium, and some short-term. I do look for swinging opportunities on Uniswap, but I'm too hesitant to go in with more than 1 Eth at a time. My best coins have been RBC and BAO which I learned about thanks to this board. I was initially just going to cash out after 2x with each, but they just keep going up so I'm hanging tight for now.

30 min later 27553251 Anonymous
>>27551261 nice, fellow yolo DONUT fag here but im a poorfag and made out with $400

30 min later 27553273 Anonymous
>>27550785 Nobody is coming here with the goal of making you rich.

31 min later 27553304 Anonymous
>>27550785 I'm up 30% on CRBP so far, and that was skilled too me on here. If it hits $3 I'll cash out.

34 min later 27553553 Anonymous
>>27550785 Newfag, made money with XRP and DOGE pumps

36 min later 27553745 Anonymous
Bought 300 or so link for 3$ cause of these fucks.... so yeah listen sometimes. Only thing im buying is GRT ADA LINK BTC

38 min later 27553846 Anonymous
>>27550785 I've never made money from this board and probably never will. I'd much rather just wait for good trade entries than throw money at shitcoins that get shilled here

41 min later 27554153 Anonymous
>>27550785 I lose all my coin money when i transfer in coinbase. So I switched to Kraken but they want like 35 bucks to transfer money. So I bought on coinbase but it takes days to get enough to transfer so i made a coin base pro.. but then that shit like hurts my eyes and you still have to wait to transfer frorm coinbase to coinbase pro because i dont fucking know why. Anyway ended up getting a shit coin with metamask and hoddled over my instant 500 dollar profit so now im back to even. Then in stocks I was making steady money and even found a really good up and comer thats been paying out but biden signed shit and everything went red for the weekend then gme happened and it all went red again my good stock went to shit for a week and in the middle of that i bought 3 shares of gme around 250. So that moneys gone. I also found that every time you buy something it will go down and everything you sell something it will go up.. so patience really is the key here. Gme is so low now I'm just going to wait it out because I might as well. But after all of this I've pretty much just broken even. Oh xrp spiked too and I didnt cash that either. shrug Can anyone recommend the best exchange/brokers? I'm going to try out binance.us but wonder if i should be using vpn for regular binance. And I kind of like robinhood despite the bs but I'll probably open another broker if you guys know one that didnt put any limits down.

44 min later 27554356 Anonymous
>>27551810 yeah those gas fees are ridiculous especially for small transactions during heavy traffic.

45 min later 27554453 Anonymous
>>27550785 Every time I make some profit I buy back in after a dip hoping to make more and lose most if not all of it

45 min later 27554506 Anonymous (1610158056957.jpg 273x357 13kB)
>>27550785 I ignore what everyone says here and only invest in things I think have the potential for long term payoff. I'm highly risk averse and hate putting money in things I don't understand. I have never invested in crypto because I don't know shit about it. I don't want to get rich quick, I just want to make my money make money while I make more money.

46 min later 27554519 Anonymous
>>27551892 can you go into detail on the slippage/gas fees. I'm assuming you want to be in the green on gas in that moment but what about slippage?

47 min later 27554636 Anonymous
>>27550785 i put $500 into BTC when it was like $3000 back in early 2018 and people were saying crypto was DONE and OVER. checked last week and it was like $5000. i could have put in so much more too but i was too conservative.

58 min later 27555596 Anonymous
>>27550785 I got into eth at 7and link at 1. Various ups and downs and trades i am doing good.

1 hours later 27555819 Anonymous
I've been here since 2016 and lost $400 dollars in total gains

1 hours later 27555919 Anonymous
>>27550785 Made a couple thousand in 2017, got back into it last fall now I'm up $25k

1 hours later 27556004 Anonymous
>>27554519 I don't really know enough to give you an exact answer. I assume it's going to vary a lot based on volatility. The pump I bought into was going up so fast that I tossed $600 in and it was up to $1300 in a few minutes, so I don't really know what the right slippage would have been there, but mostly I just didn't understand the problem. I had a ~5 minute window where I could have gotten out instead of just trying the transaction over and over and having it fail. I guess the right move is to just keep incrementally adjusting the slippage higher until it goes through? Pumping the gas higher probably doesn't hurt either, I guess it might have gone through at a lower slippage if I just threw $100 in gas at it.

1 hours later 27556094 Anonymous
>>27554519 >>27556004 Also, I'm so fucking ready for something to kill ETH already, the entire gas system is beyond retarded. I really hope one of these ETH killer hopefuls that run cheap transactions in the order they're placed takes over soon.

1 hours later 27556303 Anonymous
>>27550785 Does anyone having coping or relaxation methods to wind down from missed gains? I bought $GME at 34 and "diamond handed" it through pure greed at $400+ and now it's dropped down to 90 and I fucking sold the majority of the shares to break even and have a small profit. My IRA was at 120k and i didn't want to sell for some reason now it's at 25k. Feels like I just really fucked up even though I came out better than a lot of the retards. I'm in a horrible depression like someone died and I don't want to feel this way

1 hours later 27556419 Anonymous
>>27550785 yeah /biz/ has tripled my net worth, just dont be a low iq tard

1 hours later 27556438 Anonymous
>>27556303 >not holding for the next big squeeze Oof

1 hours later 27556481 Anonymous
>>27550785 iv'e made about 2k profit from bitcoin + ethereum. angry that I sold it back in 2017/18 but what're you gonna do?

1 hours later 27556522 Anonymous
>>27550785 you must go back

1 hours later 27556994 Anonymous
>>27556303 >I'm in a horrible depression like someone died and I don't want to feel this way ths is how you learn , the efficient way, embrace it u little bitch

1 hours later 27557105 Anonymous
>>27550785 Made a heap of money off my stinkies and GRT just recently Thanks biz :-)

1 hours later 27557359 Anonymous
I always make great calls when investing. I identify the best companies that will grow and patiently wait to buy them on dips. Then after 6 months I paper hand and go back to index funds because I’m a fucking idiot. I’ve made money but I cant hang on long enough to make the kind of money that would actually change my life

1 hours later 27557505 Anonymous (thanks 2.png 196x111 3kB)
>>27550785 yeah thanks retards who fomo'd into amc

1 hours later 27557925 Anonymous
>>27557359 Similarly, i never put enough into things i think are going to boom, so i never get big gains.

1 hours later 27558100 Anonymous
>>27556094 REEF should kill the gas fees

1 hours later 27558244 Anonymous
>>27551810 (you sell the tops with a limit order higher than what you think the top is in case it goes back into price discovery Sorry, braindead here. Simplify?

1 hours later 27558385 Anonymous
>>27550785 Yeah, but that's because I didn't just blindly jump into whatever stock is being shilled and I got out when I figured it wasn't going to go up anymore

1 hours later 27558669 Anonymous
>>27557359 >>27557925 What's the next boom boys, I'll diamond with ya

1 hours later 27558694 Anonymous
>>27550785 I am up 60 cents. You cannot even comprehend the gains i wield you DISGUSTING HOOK. NOSED. FORESKIN STEALING. KIKE!

1 hours later 27558700 Anonymous
>>27558100 It fucking better. The idea that the computing/energy power required to process a single transaction is anything CLOSE to $20-30 dollars is insane. There are a lot of people out there getting rich as fuck off gas fees.

1 hours later 27559167 Anonymous
I was in debt and kind of at a loss for what to do. I prayed for an opportunity. I came here the next day, saw a Chainlink thread and started buying as much as I could with my credit card and cash. I told my friends and family about buying some. My family hit $1M in holdings the other day from our initial investment, me being the majority of it. Prayer and Chainlink work.

1 hours later 27559240 Anonymous
>>27551168 How the FUCK did you get 8k?

1 hours later 27559357 Anonymous
I lost 10k because I went for a shower once, some real world shit caused a dump on what was otherwise going to be an easy 10% I never tell my partner what I lose

1 hours later 27559366 Anonymous
>>27550785 Bought a bag of 500 000 FTM at $0.004. /biz/ made me double it, making it 1 000 000 FTM. That's about a $75 000 profit so far. Some decent gains from VIDT and RSR too. I put like $500 - 600 which is now $8 000 from those ones. But this was almost 2 years ago, I haven't bought any project they've shilled the latest year. It's mostly complete garbage. I actually think I haven't invested in any other projects that /biz/ have shilled, 3 projects and all of them have been 15 - 30x. But I filter very hard through all the bullshit and look for high IQ arguments with good valuations.

2 hours later 27560858 Anonymous (1599579009191.jpg 700x836 178kB)
>>27550785 I lost it all so many times... hold me bros..

2 hours later 27561003 Anonymous
>>27550785 yes, I broke $1.3MM in my portfolio in 2 years starting with $30k

2 hours later 27562663 Anonymous
>>27559357 key info right here pay attention fellas

2 hours later 27562775 Anonymous
Make 3-10k every time on all the shit coins PnDs that get shilled on here, take out my initials usually then let some of it ride before i take profit again. Just have to actually be earlyish and dont get too attached and dump that shit once you hit your green goals

2 hours later 27562906 Anonymous
I've been here since December and I've already made $1600 off of GRT. That'll be 100k in 2, 3 years tops.

2 hours later 27563001 Anonymous
>>27550785 Yeah i made like 50k

2 hours later 27563186 Anonymous (1609972019584.png 812x812 807kB)
>>27559240 I had no idea that uniswap was even giving away 400 uni until it was $20 Thanks /biz/

2 hours later 27563297 Anonymous (EsKYzoYVQAEfiWv.jpeg.jpg 1476x2048 333kB)
>>27551244 What's /smg/? Id like to learn more about crypto but I don't want the bullshit ''it's for the future and to improve society''. I just want to make money and avoid wageslaving.

2 hours later 27564630 Anonymous
>>27563297 >What's /smg/ not crypto. It's the stock market general

3 hours later 27565344 Anonymous
>>27550785 so far, I have over 200k worth in chainlink because of this hellhole.

3 hours later 27565522 Anonymous
>>27561003 What was your strategy?

3 hours later 27566816 Anonymous
>>27554506 what are you holding. help a poor investlet out

3 hours later 27568372 Anonymous
>>27565344 Is it too late to get into Link now? It seems to be good for long hold.

3 hours later 27568456 Anonymous
Made 20K this month because BAO was posted here early

3 hours later 27568791 Anonymous
>put it all in crypto mid 2020 (about 8k) >have about 9k cad in crypto now >and a nice used car that I paid 6k for >and a little in stonks >and some cash >and been able to afford groceries, a phone, bills, etc for me and my brother I'm definitely on the up and up but let's hope this ball keeps rolling

3 hours later 27569345 Anonymous

1.489 0.152