4chan archive /biz/ (index)
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2021-02-03 12:31 27542537 Anonymous (1611910933603.jpg 1400x1400 203kB)
I lurked over 4chan for 14 years and this is the first time i stayed so long time here ngl, this board its cocaine

0 min later 27542616 Anonymous (dm14.jpg 300x168 7kB)
>>27542537 you're here forever

1 min later 27542683 Anonymous
>>27542537 Welcome to /biz/

1 min later 27542701 Anonymous
>>27542537 this board is addictive as fuck you're right

1 min later 27542703 Anonymous (Cardano.png 225x225 8kB)
>>27542537 Do the needful sirs

2 min later 27542730 Anonymous
>>27542537 Welcome to the best board

2 min later 27542737 Anonymous
>>27542537 this is like 2016 election /pol/ big rush of newfags to dunk on plus reality providing endless content

2 min later 27542742 Anonymous
Lurk more, faggot

2 min later 27542791 Anonymous
>>27542537 I've lurked a couple times. I'm now emigrating from /qa/ Immigrating to here.

3 min later 27542810 Anonymous
>>27542537 I spend all day refreshing biz, lurking, and trying to find gems. Already got 3x returns on 14K initial investment. Should be 7 figures+ EOY. Best board on 4chan by far.

3 min later 27542851 Anonymous
lurk more faggot

3 min later 27542897 Anonymous
>>27542537 Buy rubic sir. It is our coin

4 min later 27542981 Anonymous
>>27542730 He's not joking -- this board can legit make you money if you're not retarded and actually know how to find good entry/exits on investments. Also gotta know how to spot Pajeet posting and Pump and Dump posting.

5 min later 27543079 Anonymous
>>27542537 I'm out of here the second GME tanks/moons. Please God, it's soon.

6 min later 27543171 Anonymous
>>27542737 me too exactly. was super into /pol/ 2016 but it's a dumpster fire now and hardly has any substance since the donald and q faggots overran it. ever since coming to biz last week i've been investing and actually making money. i'll probably never go back to faggot /pol/ again.

6 min later 27543199 Anonymous (1610915851136.jpg 640x427 48kB)
Should I invest in coffee?

7 min later 27543204 Anonymous
>>27542537 yup crypto + /biz/ is pretty addicting

9 min later 27543413 Anonymous
>>27543199 >Should I invest in coffee? Caffeine 200mg pills are way more cost efficient.

13 min later 27543809 Anonymous
>>27543413 I always tell normies this but they look at me like I'm suggesting they smoke crack.

14 min later 27543891 Anonymous
>>27542537 You had 14 years to buy BTC where were you?

14 min later 27543918 Anonymous
I've been on here like it's my job since 2017. I'm not sure how healthy it is but I'm a crypto millionaire now. Following the breadcrumbs and finding good projects, the intense price movement, the memes; I love it all. I'm like a drug addicted gambler that's always chasing the next high

14 min later 27543938 Anonymous
but are you /fitlit/

17 min later 27544154 Anonymous
>>27543171 Are you me? 2021 /biz/ is about to be the next 2016 /pol/. Fun times.

17 min later 27544187 Anonymous
>>27543918 What did you end up getting rich off of?

17 min later 27544231 Anonymous
i miss the corona days when the dow was crashing and burning everyday now that was a fun time to be in this board

18 min later 27544278 Anonymous
>>27543918 so true. making gains is a drug, I don't even spend the money I am making, just chasing the next dopamine hit of a 50% daily pump.

18 min later 27544286 Anonymous (b709ac6b066fd8ff1b4d1e9be490922e.jpg 720x900 94kB)
>>27543199 Insider told me a study comes out tomorrow that coffee IS good for you get in long

19 min later 27544414 Anonymous (azz.jpg 299x168 5kB)
I began browsing 4chan in 2009 when I had first got my pc in the 7th grade. I started on /b/ because at that time the porn there was grade A and /b/ was different back then too as oldfags know. Over my highschool years I moved onto /v/ and /fit/ and saw the bitcoin boom. I wanted to get in so bad but being 13/14 at the time I simply didn't understand how to get in on it and felt too young to. Around 17 my senior year of high school in 2014 I began browsing /pol/ because by that time /b/ was dead and faced the redpills. Got real interested in stocks because at that time I was in Finance class and it all seemed so easy. Put money in. value goes up, pull money out. Sounded like my dream, to make money doing nothing. If I had not discovered 4chan I've no idea how my life would be but I would imagine shittier. This place has taught me so much. It really seems we're here forever. Th-thanks 4chan...

20 min later 27544511 Anonymous (6_Jenna-Coleman.jpg 2000x1223 347kB)
It really is. I've been meaning to do 2 discussion posts for university for the past 10 hours and haven't gotten to it yet.

23 min later 27544698 Anonymous
It's not that addictive anon. Just realise that it is OK to go for a walk to close the tabs for a while. It is OK to miss the big ticket insider goss. It is OK to not buy the latest shitcoin when it comes out for guarantee'd 20x. It is OK to look away for a while. You just have to be comfortable with knowing might miss the next 100x.

25 min later 27544900 Anonymous
>>27542537 It's like /v/ but with money. While pol is like reddit but without updoots.

33 min later 27545596 Anonymous
>>27544414 /biz/ is the obvious final step of board progression once an anon reaches maturity.

37 min later 27545904 Anonymous
>>27542537 /b/ -> hobby board such as /v/ or /mu/ -> /pol/ -> /biz/

39 min later 27546063 Anonymous (1610903540284.jpg 960x685 170kB)
>>27545904 /biz/ -> make it (and finally be free of biz......... hopefully)

40 min later 27546144 Anonymous
>>27544414 I can't even imagine how shitty /b/ is in 2021. I haven't checked it in years and I don't want to. There is no way it is aging well.

40 min later 27546145 Anonymous (IMG_20210125_135100_083.jpg 574x657 44kB)
>>27543171 /Pol/ is a disgusting cesspool now. Let's make gains brother and never forget NS is key. Read Siege.

40 min later 27546170 Anonymous
>>27542537 What’s crazy is this board literally made me a millionaire. It’s like I’m living some sort of alternate reality and I can’t tell anyone irl so I stay here so I can talk about it.

41 min later 27546208 Anonymous (1551548987343.jpg 888x894 69kB)
>>27542537 Making money and shitposting with frens at the same time, what could be better? Welcome fren. t. trading crypto and shitposting on /biz/ since 2016

42 min later 27546285 Anonymous
>>27542537 /biz is the highest IQ of all boards

43 min later 27546364 Anonymous
>>27542537 Get some kneepads newfag

43 min later 27546424 Anonymous (IMG_20210104_234721_456.jpg 899x992 57kB)
>>27546144 I can only assume it's trannies and nigger porn now.

46 min later 27546720 Anonymous (1611751577514.jpg 1043x675 99kB)
>>27542981 No this board is legit. I first came here in 2017 and got burnt with bitcoin. I didn't give up though. I've been lurking and investing for years now and I feel like a confident trader. I have a 250k portfolio. I've made 10k this week. I made 9k last week on gme. You can ABSOLUTELY make money here. You can also get fucked in the ass. Depends how smart you are ad how much reading you do I guess.

47 min later 27546761 Anonymous
I’ve lurked this board forever, and only now am I actually taking the financial plunge and posting. I thought about doing it after watching some bizonacci videos, but after he dipped out I lost interest. But watching this GME shit unfold was just way too interesting. Time to buy some LINK and ETH. >>27543171 >i'll probably never go back to faggot /pol/ again. I dunno anon, it’ll probably get better once all the refugees get btfo by natsocs and oldfags. Most of the retards will file out and the ones who remain will blend in. I wouldn’t post there for at least a year though, though I do intend to lurk. >>27546145 Dangerously based anon.

48 min later 27546811 Anonymous

48 min later 27546827 Anonymous
>>27543171 Unironcially this, I cant go back to pol after consistently lurking here for a week.

48 min later 27546837 Anonymous
>>27546720 How much did you start with?

48 min later 27546841 Anonymous
>>27543204 It must be the gamified aspect of seeing big green numbers increase that fuels the dopamine.

49 min later 27546941 Anonymous (1595261215063.jpg 400x400 36kB)
>>27546145 Nick Szabo? Also, SN=SN

51 min later 27547116 Anonymous
>>27546827 Just buy LINK and shut the fuck up /pol/ack.

51 min later 27547145 Anonymous
>>27542981 The pajeet posting i can spot. I’ve been here for years tho and still can’t tell the good tips from the know nothing retards running their mouths.

57 min later 27547584 Anonymous (IMG_20201219_144411_679.jpg 1123x762 250kB)
>>27546720 I agree fully, you just can't fall for scams. I lurked /pol/ way more than /biz/ but check back from time to time. Might settle here again after what /pol/ has become. Telegram isn't bad either, lots of good discussions there. >>27546761 Praying we take back that board. Glad to see a fellow Natsoc here.

59 min later 27547817 Anonymous (1604943713056m.jpg 1024x581 130kB)
>>27546941 NGMI

1 hours later 27547869 Anonymous
Link posting was prime /biz but I'm getting similar vibes from Reef

1 hours later 27548027 Anonymous (C5B850AD-6087-41DB-8D37-D42B30278925.jpg 582x800 65kB)

1 hours later 27548088 Anonymous
>>27542810 /biz/ has made me so much money it’s fucking ridiculous

1 hours later 27548132 Anonymous
>>27542537 despite all the redditors flooding in, this board feels more to me like classic 4chan than the others, it's very quickly become my main board. which probably means it's gonna go to shit and plummet down to being the worst board by far, like post 2016 /pol/

1 hours later 27548319 Anonymous
how how does one make gains

1 hours later 27548480 Anonymous (34E538CA-5B23-4A31-B9CD-4948E8027F0A.jpg 640x640 70kB)
>>27548088 How anon? Help a poorfag out.

1 hours later 27548508 Anonymous
>>27542537 same will lurk more before shitposting in a more serious manner

1 hours later 27548531 Anonymous
>>27543809 Same. We are a special breed.

1 hours later 27548592 Anonymous
>>27542791 Can I still ask you questions?

1 hours later 27548608 Anonymous
>>27548132 So it's your fault? Things on /biz/ have financial consequences, lefties and commies can't survive here.

1 hours later 27548906 Anonymous
>>27545596 Not really, I'd say /lit/ is

1 hours later 27549049 Anonymous (1603139136553.jpg 677x960 210kB)
>>27548027 Based Mosley posting

1 hours later 27549554 Anonymous (ABAF6744-E79F-402D-B5C2-2C1BF64E6BAA.jpg 686x686 74kB)
>>27549049 Thanks you anon.

1 hours later 27550190 Anonymous
>>27542537 it's addictive because once you start making money from good advice, you keep thinking you might miss out on the next big advice but it's complete shit right now

1 hours later 27550213 Anonymous
>>27548480 Chainlink mostly but also I saw tqqq and fngu shilled a lot in /smg/ whereas everywhere else on the net says not to buy 3x leveraged funds because of muh theta decay but the dudes in smg were like that’s bullshit So ya, bought lots of link/tqqq/fngu and now I’m worth millions, crazy shit

1 hours later 27550691 Anonymous (1612307365997.jpg 1680x2048 202kB)
Love this board, buy some shib!

1 hours later 27551184 Anonymous
>>27550691 >1 post by this id Fuck off pajeet

1 hours later 27551402 Anonymous
>>27542537 It’s this /v/ or trap threads for me. I feel /biz/ is helping lessen my degeneracy.

1 hours later 27551450 Anonymous
>>27550190 Wait, there's good advice here?!

1 hours later 27551576 Anonymous (1612283150704.png 483x470 188kB)
>>27542537 >been on 4chan since ~2012 >thought this shithole website died after 2016 >coming of age and becoming more interested in personal finance >come to /biz/ during the gamestop shit and its kek You knew this was coming after the gamestop shitshow. ill lurk

1 hours later 27551854 Anonymous
>>27551450 Only if you’re high iq enough to recognize it without an upvote tally to lead you by the nose so it probably won’t work for you

1 hours later 27552637 Anonymous
>>27551450 the best you'll ever find, if you know how to filter it (intj/intp iq only)

2 hours later 27553080 Anonymous
>>27551184 Fuck you kike

2 hours later 27553362 Anonymous
>>27542683 i admire the fuck out of /biz/

2 hours later 27553741 Anonymous
>>27551450 There’s gems dropped here literally everyday by generous anons

2 hours later 27553760 Anonymous
>>27552637 why only 105-115 iq?

2 hours later 27553924 Anonymous
>>27548906 ok boomer. Books are useless in 2021

2 hours later 27553928 Anonymous
>>27553741 Things like: GRT on Thursday, grab and hold

2 hours later 27553940 Anonymous
>>27543413 >>27543809 Those actually fucking trip me out in a psychedelic kind of way. Can't stand those

2 hours later 27553986 Anonymous
>>27542537 How about fucking off.

2 hours later 27553994 Anonymous (1598259687980.png 756x604 97kB)
>>27542537 Man won't you just look how strong that signal is

2 hours later 27554079 Anonymous
ITT: Newfags The quality has been dropping steadily for the past 1,5 year, but this time /biz/ is fucking done.

2 hours later 27554088 Anonymous
>>27543413 meth is even more cost efficient, more efficient in general actually

2 hours later 27554089 Anonymous
Fuck off were full newfag.

2 hours later 27554092 Anonymous
>>27547869 redpill me on reef

2 hours later 27554103 Anonymous (1611164882461.jpg 597x559 21kB)

2 hours later 27554155 Anonymous (hq default.png 796x1026 894kB)
>>27542537 .

2 hours later 27554211 Anonymous
>>27542737 >>27543171 It's full of discord trannies and other commie shills to a point that it's ridiculous. So many first replies are shill replies, idk if it's bots or what.

2 hours later 27554214 Anonymous (1609384537972.png 654x619 873kB)
>>27550190 >>27551450 >>27552637 delet this

2 hours later 27554319 Anonymous
>>27546145 cringe

2 hours later 27554330 Anonymous
>>27546827 Definitely feeling similar vibes to 2017 during cryptos last rally.

2 hours later 27554342 Anonymous
>>27554079 Summer 2019,this board was done. After the first Chainlink pump to 4$. I distinctly remember how this board was flooded with newfags with unironical 250 links stacks. During the 2018 bear market and even before this board was so comfy. 10+ threads with 200 replies with high IQ discussions on Chainlink. This comfyness never really came back.

2 hours later 27554564 Anonymous (E75695AB-BCA8-49D6-98F6-59887FCD74DF.png 1656x1368 301kB)
>>27553940 thx for the protip, my man

2 hours later 27554593 Anonymous (1584573521344.png 547x265 18kB)
>>27550213 >dont invest long term because of muh decay what are they even talking about? what decay?

2 hours later 27554613 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210202-205050_Ledger Live.jpg 1080x2284 356kB)
Pic related is my gains from 2017 when /biz/ was shilling eth hard. I stopped coming to /biz/ and relapsed on heroin, but ibleastbi got to keep most of my stack kek.

2 hours later 27554668 Anonymous
>>27554564 Nice art fren.

2 hours later 27555011 Anonymous (1354855955236.jpg 600x450 34kB)

2 hours later 27555067 Anonymous (IMG_20201126_175915_079.jpg 724x1024 35kB)
>>27554319 Day of the rope is coming for you. >>27554564 Globohomo art posting time?

2 hours later 27556012 Anonymous
>>27543171 /biz/ is where /pol/acks go when they’re sick of complaining online and ready to build the 4th Reich with crypto gains

2 hours later 27556038 Anonymous
>>27543171 pol is actually full of bots

2 hours later 27556262 Anonymous
>>27546827 /pol/ is a lot of fun until you start to realize people just make the same jokes.. and it just is full of hatred and makes you hate living. i definitely become more depressed when i spend time on /pol/, which I must admit I was doing quite a bit since 2016. /biz/ is chill, still involved with current events, isn't a hate chamber and gives you something other than hunter bidens cock to discuss and think about

2 hours later 27556277 Anonymous (1605056600346.png 591x569 159kB)
This board unironically has the best memes. I've been here for 3 years and have contributed many. I hope you newfags enjoy them

2 hours later 27556441 Anonymous (60BC566E-FBFD-47CF-81EF-FDFD88849734.jpg 2160x1354 1168kB)
>>27542537 >AMC https://youtu.be/oIscL-Bjsq4

2 hours later 27557190 Anonymous
>>27553924 ngmi

3 hours later 27558010 Anonymous
/biz/ is the final boss of 4chan because it's the only board where people have skin in the game. money is on the line here. urbit will melt faces for this reason.

3 hours later 27558116 Anonymous
Same, haven’t been so addicted since 2009-2012 /jp/

3 hours later 27558670 Anonymous
>>27543171 we might just get /biz/ back on the original website again

3 hours later 27558681 Anonymous
>>27554211 Lel I always pretend to be communist on /pol/, it’s so easy to make them rip their hair out

3 hours later 27559048 Anonymous
>>27551402 If you're making money your degeneracy will only increase.

3 hours later 27560232 Anonymous
>>27555067 >>27554564 moar plox

3 hours later 27561213 Anonymous (1531742316695.jpg 525x644 202kB)
>>27545904 /b/ -> /mu/ -> /fa/ -> /fit/ -> /lit/ -> /biz/ I've spent a decade in this darkness and I think biz may be the way out.

3 hours later 27561850 Anonymous
>>27542537 once you make your first 5 figures from reading on here you'll be stuck 4ever

3 hours later 27561933 Anonymous (DD102E6D-5DE9-4CDC-8FB9-84FAB816AC22.jpg 558x550 121kB)
>finds biz >starts looking at charts >holy shit, they’ve all gone up >I can’t lose >goes all in >dumps >exit scammed- doesn’t know it >spends his last years shilling a dead project he knows nothing about to nobody Today it’s cocaine, tomorrow it’s antibiotics for a nasal infection Enjoy your stay fren!

3 hours later 27562284 Anonymous (1535217324916.jpg 960x960 63kB)
we used to be a comfy board with pajeets now all you reddit fags are here and you don't even know how to what option trades are. im not sure if any of us will make money now

3 hours later 27562413 Anonymous (1611090624069.jpg 1031x1600 198kB)
money is the worst drug ngl the first and the last thing I do every day is looking blackfolio and biz.

4 hours later 27563219 Anonymous
>>27542537 Same. I kick myself everyday knowing that if I just clicked /biz/ instead of degenerate /b/ I would be a fucking millionaire. There were times where I was even interested in crypto, but I didnt know where exactly to look and every other website looked scammy. Hell if only /b/ boardcasted a bitcoin thread I wouldve jumped on this board when I was like 16. 25, but at least I secured my LINK ss. At the very least I may make it after all

3.300 0.150