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2021-02-02 09:58 27527665 Anonymous (eth.png 882x616 36kB)
That was it, wasn't it?
1 min later 27527816 Anonymous
I hope so, I'd like to buy back in at 200.
2 min later 27527907 Anonymous
eth 2k eow
screencap this
2 min later 27528004 Anonymous
It'll probably crash to 1400 again, but if we're lucky it will get to 1200 and we can buy the dip cleanly.
Etherium isn't going anywhere. It's about as safe as a crypto can be.
3 min later 27528084 Anonymous
4 min later 27528195 Anonymous
unironically yes, it's crashing fucking hard now. textbook rejection pattern, expect big retrace.
19 min later 27529769 Anonymous
19 min later 27529824 Anonymous
It'll do whatever Bitcoin does with minor variation
22 min later 27530110 Anonymous
Will probably consolidate in the $1500s for a day or so, then do another leg up
23 min later 27530216 Anonymous
24 min later 27530392 Anonymous
its holding strong at ath you faggots stop it you should have bought in yesterday
25 min later 27530464 Anonymous
retarded faggots with no fundamentals think its gonna crash. Just cry and shut the fuck up please
26 min later 27530542 Anonymous (1595737001222.jpg 720x765 52kB)
>testing 1500
26 min later 27530609 Anonymous
We're going to $2k in the next 90 days nigger this is here to stay
27 min later 27530691 Anonymous (Capture.png 650x465 37kB)
brainlet here. is this a cup and handle?
29 min later 27530850 Anonymous (Duuv_sAW0AYfx5k.jpg large.jpg 720x912 84kB)
no it's a cup
handle hasn't formed yet
30 min later 27530934 Anonymous
thank you. so potentially the beginning of a cup and handle then?
it's the weekly candles btw
31 min later 27531039 Anonymous
tether up
correction incoming
31 min later 27531085 Anonymous
Gonna sell and buy more xrp
32 min later 27531171 Anonymous (1610727766620.png 646x680 233kB)
this desu
33 min later 27531250 Anonymous
will you shut the fuck up already
33 min later 27531270 Anonymous
realistically it's too long a timeframe for those kind of formations to really matter. don't make your moves based on weekly candles. in fact, don't make your moves based on TA at all.
I'm converting my ETH to BTC gradually as we go up. I'm about 60% ETH 40% BTC right now. will be 100% BTC if ETH makes it up to like 1650
33 min later 27531299 Anonymous
Since binance opened trade of BETH, it has gone up, wich is the opposite of my prediction. I think its gonna go up but i already made 200% so i sell for now
39 min later 27531860 Anonymous
It will form another cup and then warp back in time to form a dot above each dip. Screencap this post.
55 min later 27533379 Anonymous
Would be nice honestly, I'm thinking of buying back in at 500 and then again if it gets as low as 200
57 min later 27533527 Anonymous
Why so much larp? You sound like bears on btc 4k gap
58 min later 27533639 Anonymous
59 min later 27533736 Anonymous
ETH will dip to $500-$600 and form the handle. It needs to cool down
59 min later 27533789 Anonymous
it will be above 10k by December
1 hours later 27533853 Anonymous
>2/3 value lost
>during bullrun
I want it to dip too but goddamn are you stupid
1 hours later 27534022 Anonymous
it's 2k AUD !
1 hours later 27534104 Anonymous (IMG_1155.png 988x524 42kB)
>Etherium isn't going anywhere. It's about as safe as a crypto can be
sure retard
1 hours later 27534137 Anonymous
You're an idiot.
1 hours later 27534180 Anonymous
Zoom out. There's a massive RSI divergence on the daily
1 hours later 27534321 Anonymous
Yeah, I'd bet down $100 in the slow hours. Too much goin on to dip more.
1 hours later 27534778 Anonymous (1593041477087.jpg 1029x999 126kB)
1 hours later 27534855 Anonymous
i am financially utterly obliterated. fucking spaghetti code $1515 stablecoin DO I LOOK LIKE FRANCIS THE FIRST TO YOU VITALIK YOU RUSSIAN SCAMMER
1 hours later 27535457 Anonymous
>it's crashing fucking hard now
bump :)
1 hours later 27536126 Anonymous (1593581852610.png 868x893 36kB)
That's a fucking divergence if I ever seen one. Makes me feel less bad about selling into the top so soon.
1 hours later 27537098 Anonymous
Shhhh, let these retards thinking buying at 1200 will be smart
1 hours later 27537383 Anonymous
Each one of you is the special kind of 'tracking by the second' retarded.
1 hours later 27537501 Anonymous
These posts all ready did not age well.
1 hours later 27537705 Anonymous
1 hours later 27537876 Anonymous
Nope. not with btc holding >$32000
1 hours later 27537987 Anonymous
they're just mad they missed out and were pessimistic towards ethereum. zero analysis, just hate.
1 hours later 27538090 Anonymous
it already did that, fren. when it went tapped below $1000. you missed out
1 hours later 27538255 Anonymous
No. $2000 is inevitable
1 hours later 27538321 Anonymous
I hope it dips I want to buy it for the long term. I think it will easily be 10k if not worth even more than bitcoin by the end of this decade.
1 hours later 27538970 Anonymous
I dont understand you niggers.
All you had to do was but it when it was like 100 bucks and forget about it.
Instead you chase pajeet shitcoins and reddit memes.
Just accept that you sold too early/are a nocoiner/100% into shitcoins. Whatever your situation is, accept it and next time restrain yourself from making a shitty thread, your fud will not get you a better entry nigger.
1 hours later 27539293 Anonymous
bit early to go 100% btc fren. we might see 0.07-0.08 or more.
2 hours later 27539493 Anonymous
Who The fuck wants this shitcoin when it cost $50 to move it anywhere
2 hours later 27539662 Anonymous (1454801806279.png 604x600 31kB)
Do you have any good reason to believe that or is that just what you want to happen?
2.958 0.066