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2021-02-02 04:17 27487698 Anonymous OUT OF MY WAY, NIGGERS (7A2EF47A-6082-46A5-BD36-19239FA82A78.jpg 185x273 5kB)

0 min later 27487784 Anonymous

1 min later 27487903 Anonymous
>>27487698 Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

2 min later 27487965 Anonymous

2 min later 27487967 Anonymous
>>27487698 is that the challenger?

2 min later 27487968 Anonymous (Binox.png 560x1014 801kB)

2 min later 27488014 Anonymous

3 min later 27488106 Anonymous
Rejection incoming

3 min later 27488154 Anonymous (peepe.png 250x228 11kB)
>>27487698 Look at those gas fees go. beautiful

3 min later 27488158 Anonymous (nodes.jpg 576x287 40kB)

3 min later 27488177 Anonymous
>>27488106 yeah, rejection at $3k

4 min later 27488320 Anonymous
>>27488106 Fuck you nigger I have held these bags long enough. I BOUGHT THIS SHIT AT $330 MONTHS AGO, DO YOU KNOW HOW I HAVE SUFFERED WATCHING LE EBIN DOGE AND TRASH MOON!?

4 min later 27488327 Anonymous (Swineberg.jpg 398x600 36kB)
bring me the chips gme bois

6 min later 27488482 Anonymous (fressehauen.jpg 480x360 8kB)
>>27487698 my lil efferium stock is doin sumn

6 min later 27488554 Anonymous
>>27487698 shieet my lil efferium doin some frfr

7 min later 27488613 Anonymous (1609292156130.webm 1280x720 2999kB)
>>27487698 >>27488320 Plz don't use the n word. 4channel is all inclusive.

7 min later 27488644 Anonymous
ETH is an eternal torture device. You keep thinking it will break ATH, but it never. You cant sell because its so close to break. Insanity

8 min later 27488762 Anonymous
1 5 0 0 E O D 5 0 0 E O D

8 min later 27488788 Anonymous
I want to buy, but im still waiting for Coinbase to approve my ID. How long does this usually take? Been 4 hours now.

8 min later 27488822 Anonymous
>>27488320 That trash all crashed and you're still up +400%..

8 min later 27488825 Anonymous (1612042023878.jpg 840x1000 105kB)

11 min later 27489160 Anonymous (stock rn.jpg 494x288 35kB)

11 min later 27489199 Anonymous (1607224562534.jpg 1182x754 53kB)

11 min later 27489228 Anonymous

13 min later 27489434 Anonymous
>>27489160 biggest sell signal of all time

14 min later 27489511 Anonymous
>shorted at 1330 haha

15 min later 27489670 Anonymous
>>27488644 It's an even worse torture device for the whales who keep trying shake off the weak hands at this price ad nauseum. Endless entertainment for hodlers.

15 min later 27489707 Anonymous
piece of shit

17 min later 27489957 Anonymous
>>27489707 And just like that it's over

17 min later 27489966 Anonymous (when your crypto goes up.png 640x502 410kB)
Why has he forsaken us?

17 min later 27489994 Anonymous
>>27489511 with how much leverage? post it plz, you must be close to liquidation and your loss can be our fun, take one for the team

18 min later 27490118 Anonymous
>>27488327 Checked ..god I love fat girls...I don’t know why I’m so attracted to the chub

19 min later 27490200 Anonymous (1610047897787.jpg 750x725 85kB)

22 min later 27490741 Anonymous
>>27490118 you have low testosterone, also you lost any hope of an attractive fit female looking your way without disgust a long time ago or maybe you're just a nigger

26 min later 27491300 Anonymous
>>27490741 I dunno man I’ve dated all sizes. Skinny and short, skinny and tall, one girl that was a redhead totally out of my league, and the best lays I had were the fat chicks

28 min later 27491486 Anonymous
It's pumping only to disappoint us again

31 min later 27491972 Anonymous
>>27491486 i sold one part at 1450

31 min later 27492012 Anonymous (1611697460306.jpg 750x546 150kB)
>>27491486 its crashing right now. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

32 min later 27492171 Anonymous
>>27491300 disregard this >>27490741 brainwashed turbo normie. skinny girls cant make babies and are almost universally terrible in bed. thick/chubby cuties are the best.

34 min later 27492345 Anonymous
>>27492012 it's gonna bounce at 1400 retard learn 2 read charts

34 min later 27492417 Anonymous (1602339990687.png 868x935 19kB)
>>27487698 I'm so tired of this shitcoin doing jack shit all the time.

35 min later 27492520 Anonymous
>>27491300 ok maybe i was too harsh, sorry chubbyfuckeranon >the best lays I had were the fat chicks that's just because they know they need to make an effort to compensate, but it isn't reason enough to prefer them imo, you can't deny that fat rolls bouncing around are a very disgusting sight

36 min later 27492691 Anonymous
i bought some eth for the first time yesterday. just now getting into crypto.

37 min later 27492769 Anonymous
Gee I wonder if it will go somewhere near ath then dump back down to like $1000. ETH is such a piece of shit now.

38 min later 27492902 Anonymous
>>27492171 >are almost universally women are, and want to be, whatever you make them be i won't expect a virgin to understand that tho

38 min later 27492933 Anonymous
Dropping $50k into ETH as soon as we break $1500 gonna ride the train to $2.5k before I take profit. Sold like 100 at $1100 and feel silly but I 3x'd my initial investment

39 min later 27493138 Anonymous (1611236869667.png 1111x597 910kB)
>>27492345 i'm annihilated after 1100% it's not allowed to drop 50$. I WANT MY MOOOOON NOW REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

42 min later 27493525 Anonymous
>>27492933 So you'll be holding it for the next ten years then.

43 min later 27493594 Anonymous (1612193906391.jpg 400x400 22kB)
push it zideways and zhen crash it

44 min later 27493742 Anonymous
>>27493594 fuck you ugly french FUCK

44 min later 27493794 Anonymous
>>27493525 You really think it's going to hit $1500 and crash? Oh wow

45 min later 27493956 Anonymous (maki.png 541x551 182kB)
sold all my ETH last night at $1375 why am I so FUCKING STUPID

46 min later 27493978 Anonymous
>>27492933 >1 entire month to accumulate around 900-1200 >I'll better buy at ATH Anon, I...

50 min later 27494636 Anonymous
>>27493978 >just know when its going to go up dude I'm not going to risk hundreds of thousands when it could've easily plummeted back to $700. Look at what BTC did after it broke $20k, you would have to be retarded not to think ethereum won't double as soon as it breaks $1500. Im fine with losing out on potential profit for the confirmation that's the way this works

52 min later 27494826 Anonymous (gas.png 1037x260 15kB)
Are gas prices the same regardless of transaction size?

57 min later 27495483 Anonymous
>>27492520 It’s ok, most of you act like pricks here, but are prob good dudes in real life.. There are pros and cons. I hate that they are self conscious sometimes and get apprehensive. Also TOO big is fucking damn near offensive. But yeah in think it’s because they wanna keep a fitter guy around.

58 min later 27495626 Anonymous (1608916638841.jpg 573x254 23kB)
>>27494636 just trolling anon, don't get mad.. no one actually knows the future but I bought back in as soon as btc established a consistent 30k support, and your $2.5k target would require it to hit a new ath > $60k imo..

59 min later 27495822 Anonymous (7DACB632-69AE-4133-BA4B-30BF58CFE44A.jpg 125x110 2kB)
Is 9 Eth a decent baguette

1 hours later 27496514 Anonymous
>>27488320 Imagine not thinking ETH has "mooned" when you do a 4x in half a year...

1 hours later 27496784 Anonymous
>>27495822 Sorry anon, need 32.

1 hours later 27497150 Anonymous
>>27495626 The ethbtc ratio is primed to blow up though man look at the charts. .08 with btc crabbjng at 36000 isnt unrealistic imo

1 hours later 27497406 Anonymous

1 hours later 27497772 Anonymous

1 hours later 27497802 Anonymous
ETH is gay but I own it anyway just to make money

1 hours later 27497900 Anonymous

1 hours later 27497995 Anonymous
>>27488014 mmm, thats goooood FUD

1 hours later 27498049 Anonymous (r3hUJe11.jpg 256x256 26kB)

1 hours later 27498068 Anonymous
gas fees on the way up tooo

1 hours later 27498114 Anonymous
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo

1 hours later 27498145 Anonymous
>>27488154 would this count as a cope? Or more as a seethe?

1 hours later 27498236 Anonymous

1 hours later 27498449 Anonymous
>>27487698 > Built a 15-function smart contracts (370 lines) > My simplest function call costs users $8 in gas > Deploying the contract initially costs 1200000 gas, $239.73 > literally unusable > using a layer 2 like xDai requires users to switch network on metamask, and to convert their Dai to xDai before the dapps > fucking hell it's going up while it's literally unusable, I just decided to leave the platform forever.

1 hours later 27498486 Anonymous
>>27493956 sold mine today at 1400, fuck

1 hours later 27498571 Anonymous
>>27498449 if it's literally unusable it wouldn't be the #1 most used platform

1 hours later 27498597 Anonymous
went 5x long an hour ago LFG

1 hours later 27498669 Anonymous
>>27498145 COPE...you bough something in 100 they charged you a tip of 1 dollar , now you try to buy the same thing for 1000 and you need a tip of 100 ....if you buyed for 100 is no problem... if you buyed for 1000 youll have a hard time coping for the tip.... ETH is not for poor assholes..

1 hours later 27498716 Anonymous
>>27498449 just because it's a piece of shit doesn't mean you shouldn't have some eth lol

1 hours later 27498894 Anonymous
>>27498571 Well, the market just hasn't realized it because speculation =/= actual use It's factual, I'm actually trying to build something simple on Ethereum, it's impossible, the fees make anything unusable. It's literally unusable, it's the top 1 platform, and it's true.

1 hours later 27499039 Muskrat (1611775119504.jpg 730x783 215kB)
>>27487698 2000 tonight

1 hours later 27499045 Anonymous
bros i'm about to fomo in tell me not to

1 hours later 27499135 Anonymous
>>27499045 do it nowwwwwww

1 hours later 27499137 Anonymous (drive ride.jpg 1200x798 263kB)

1 hours later 27499167 Anonymous
>>27488788 normally around 3 days, i'd prepare a rope while you watch ETH hit 2.5k EOW

1 hours later 27499170 Anonymous (0217C523-E2F7-44A8-B5F5-D19DC591F94D.jpg 600x450 27kB)
Fuuuuuuuuuk 1490 it’s never coming back is it?!

1 hours later 27499190 Anonymous
>>27498716 Oh for sure, gonna dump all my ETH at 2-3k for ADA/ALGO. In march, Uniswap, $200 dollar in fees for a trade? Fuck this shit, it's going to kill itself, no need for any Ethereum killer... it's 100% certain at this point

1 hours later 27499294 Anonymous
$1495 $1495 $1495 $1495 $1495 $1495 $1495

1 hours later 27499347 Anonymous (tuxedo pepe chess.png 427x576 317kB)
>>27499170 $1492.22

1 hours later 27499390 Anonymous (B714AC56-363A-4A31-BE09-1C2E08FDE687.jpg 223x226 4kB)

1 hours later 27499445 Anonymous
bros... look at the sell walls

1 hours later 27499447 Anonymous

1 hours later 27499453 Anonymous
>1498 hhhhhnnnnng

1 hours later 27499571 Anonymous
>>27499045 every time I get that feeling and do it, it stops pumping if you're like me, don't

1 hours later 27499644 Anonymous
Just like that never below 1500

1 hours later 27499697 Anonymous

1 hours later 27499710 Anonymous
>>27498486 decided to cut my losses at $1425 but it won't come down God I'm never doing this again

1 hours later 27499714 Anonymous
>>27499445 yup

1 hours later 27499790 Anonymous
>>27499571 I haven't yet, but i was about to yesterday night before it pumped

1 hours later 27499809 Anonymous

1 hours later 27499832 Muskrat
>>27487698 oooooooooo

1 hours later 27499847 Anonymous
solded, see you at 1300$

1 hours later 27499897 Anonymous
well that was a nice pump, wasn't it? see you at 1300

1 hours later 27499997 Anonymous
1488, Heil Ether!

1 hours later 27500032 Anonymous
>>27499790 story of my life brah, story of my life hindsight's a bastard

1 hours later 27500047 Anonymous (6743985643786.gif 220x127 283kB)
>>27498449 >Pooling $100k @ 1inch >gas costs $150 or whatever >tfw i'm earning more than that every day

1 hours later 27500252 Anonymous
>>27499997 So close

1 hours later 27500368 Anonymous (1611020460596.png 225x225 2kB)
Based money skelly is going to make us all rich.

1 hours later 27500381 Anonymous (burger_king.jpg 268x268 39kB)
>>27499847 >>27499897 Soon the Great Journey shall begin. But when it does, the weight of your heresy will stay your feet. And you shall be left behind.

1 hours later 27500392 Anonymous
>>27499997 1945 imminent.

1 hours later 27500480 Anonymous (1612200304717.jpg 1000x1000 185kB)
I WAS RIGHT >>27488762

1 hours later 27500489 Anonymous
>>27500381 there are other ships breh

1 hours later 27500493 Anonymous
$1499. OMG she's about to blow

1 hours later 27500502 Anonymous
>>27498145 > haha hay guiz which gay cliche should I use here? TELL ME HOW TO THINK AND SPEAK SO I CAN FIT IN WITH THE COMPLETE FUCKING LOSERS HERE!

1 hours later 27500643 Anonymous (1603815545370.png 1562x1562 1741kB)

1 hours later 27500667 Anonymous
ETH to 10,000+ this cycle

1 hours later 27500732 Anonymous
>>27500032 Don't wanna fomo in at ATH though, fucking hell

1 hours later 27500736 Anonymous
>>27498894 The fees are only as high as they are because peoples are using the network. By definition, higher fees mean more people than ever are finding the network useful.

1 hours later 27500763 Anonymous

1 hours later 27500803 Anonymous (1467657091603.jpg 240x232 6kB)
why does it keep hitting 1488?

1 hours later 27500813 Anonymous
selling now. time to swing like the best of them

1 hours later 27500871 Anonymous
>>27499999 >>27500000

1 hours later 27500882 Anonymous (1611941831353.gif 554x400 123kB)
she's going all the way boys!!

1 hours later 27500890 Anonymous
>>27494826 Yeah. smart contracts take more than just transfers though

1 hours later 27500893 Anonymous
>>27500643 20 efferium stocks here as well

1 hours later 27500919 Anonymous (_91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg 976x850 63kB)
So when do we sell guys

1 hours later 27500959 Anonymous (eth muslim chad 2.0.png 463x604 298kB)

1 hours later 27501007 Anonymous

1 hours later 27501008 Anonymous
>>27500919 $10k

1 hours later 27501020 Anonymous
>>27500813 >>27499897 >>27499847 >>27500919 thanks for selling guys. ;)

1 hours later 27501037 Anonymous
$1500 $1500

1 hours later 27501044 Anonymous
>>27488788 try biture you dont need all that bullshit

1 hours later 27501046 Anonymous

1 hours later 27501049 Anonymous
>>27500919 Never

1 hours later 27501062 Anonymous (shazam sip.gif 300x202 854kB)
>>27500643 >not having at least a 32eth sui stack

1 hours later 27501069 Anonymous (just.jpg 456x320 15kB)
>lost 5k on GME, AMC and PLTR today at least the 100 bucks I put in ETH last month is doing good...right?

1 hours later 27501071 Anonymous
I have 3.2 efferiumz will I make it?

1 hours later 27501090 Anonymous
>>27500803 the true purpose of eth is 1488 stablecoin

1 hours later 27501134 Anonymous
>>27500919 Never sell, you'll regret it later. Just accumulate and stake for passive income.

1 hours later 27501161 Anonymous
kshh ksshh kshhh This is Major Tom to ground control

1 hours later 27501163 Anonymous (1604312779167.png 760x680 235kB)
>>27492417 >>27493794 See if I complain then it goes up. I'm doomed to eternity of forced whining.

1 hours later 27501221 Anonymous (oooooo.jpg 250x228 5kB)
>>27487698 OOOOOOOOO

1 hours later 27501236 Muskrat
>>27501071 buy more

1 hours later 27501237 Anonymous (1611712608800.png 1033x670 946kB)
...shiii man eff bou hi $$1500 bruh

1 hours later 27501238 Anonymous (sadap.jpg 885x960 106kB)
>tfw only 500 ethereums because I fell for the diversify meme I had 1000 before, now my whole stack is only worth 800

1 hours later 27501241 Anonymous (1612280040116.png 442x446 240kB)
>>27487698 >30$ worth of etherium I had left over after I bought a fleshlight is now 200$, so I can buy even more fleshlights Feels great

1 hours later 27501254 Anonymous
>>27489670 the fees suck too

1 hours later 27501342 Anonymous
hey, I'm a hodler from back in 2017. I'm glad that I can finally see the true potential unlocked! Have a great day, everybody!

1 hours later 27501350 Anonymous
buying another $1000 of it to make it go up

1 hours later 27501469 Anonymous
comeon come on lets buy 0.01 ETH all to pass that fucking mark already

1 hours later 27501478 Anonymous
>>27500919 wait for the short squeeze

1 hours later 27501490 Anonymous
>>27500919 NOW, you fucking moron

1 hours later 27501517 Anonymous (david lynch weather.png 664x399 375kB)
>>27501342 >Have a great day, everybody! Thanks David

1 hours later 27501524 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210202-115639.png 2048x1284 691kB)

1 hours later 27501543 Anonymous
>>27501490 Wrong, closer to the CME futures launch on the 8th

1 hours later 27501590 Anonymous (images (3).png 268x188 7kB)
Who the fuck is selling at 1500 you motherfuckers

1 hours later 27501629 Anonymous
>>27501524 OooOOOOOOOOOOOO >robinhood not real prices tho, but it's a good start

1 hours later 27501651 Anonymous
>>27501543 Lol sure. Enjoy your drop back down to ~1,000. THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT HURRR

1 hours later 27501666 Anonymous
Just imagine the gainz when we revisit .1 BTC or even .2.

1 hours later 27501668 Anonymous
>>27501134 How much % do you make staking ETH anyway? Especially if you're poor and you're doing it in a pool

1 hours later 27501676 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210202-115745.jpg 1440x3120 482kB)
looks like my ethereum stock is doing a little some

1 hours later 27501706 Anonymous (1611956047873.jpg 1024x595 70kB)

1 hours later 27501725 Anonymous
>>27501629 was $1500 on coinbase

1 hours later 27501826 Anonymous
>>27501651 >BTC goes twice ATH >ETH only barely passes old ATH not likely

1 hours later 27501877 Anonymous
>>27501629 Efferiums go up.

1 hours later 27501886 Anonymous (B4599ABE-44EE-4AC6-8972-34460A39CB0B.gif 240x203 232kB)
Mr bodganoff stop the pum-

1 hours later 27501919 Anonymous (1610052815547.png 600x600 351kB)
>>27500919 $5K later this year

1 hours later 27502012 Anonymous (1612198434468.png 640x700 623kB)

1 hours later 27502017 Anonymous
>>27501919 At that price GPUs will go up 3x from where they are now lmao

1 hours later 27502037 Anonymous
>>27501668 Depends on how many people stake. Somewhere between 5-14%. But eth will be worth $10k by next year so stacking now with the goal of staking is the goal

1 hours later 27502047 Anonymous
That 1500 sell wall is looking to hold. Just tested it and got massacred. Fuck we're going back down

1 hours later 27502060 Anonymous (eth.jpg 250x250 9kB)
>>27501919 based

1 hours later 27502070 Anonymous
just sold at 1241 eur, waiting for the dip

1 hours later 27502137 Anonymous (161012102650-ivanka-sits-on-trump.jpg 1920x1080 463kB)
my dick is so hard right now

1 hours later 27502148 Anonymous (1500.png 267x139 4kB)
>>27501725 yep

1 hours later 27502162 Anonymous
>>27502017 people still play games?

1 hours later 27502201 Anonymous

1 hours later 27502265 Anonymous
bros I neeeeeed this shit to crash.... pls bros... do it for a fellow poorfag

1 hours later 27502305 Anonymous
>>27502017 ...and?

1 hours later 27502328 Anonymous
I have a transaction thats been sitting on the blockchain since last week Its for $100. The gas prices are now 110% of the value of the transaction Amazing job guys, really amazing

1 hours later 27502334 Anonymous

1 hours later 27502363 Anonymous
>>27502201 Quadruple tops don't exist in crypto. 1500 will shatter within the next hour.

1 hours later 27502389 Anonymous
>>27501826 Not likely yet it's happened like 8 times in the last few weeks. Please tell me no one here is still trying to apply traditional market analysis to crypto, right? Not sure if you've noticed, but these markets might be influenced by manipulation just a little bit, you fucking wizard. I wish someone would write a smart contract that would allow people to gamble on tokens. I'd make more money off you gullible retards than I ever had in any market.

1 hours later 27502397 Anonymous (5TcUUG0.png 400x416 42kB)

1 hours later 27502399 Anonymous
>>27502265 incoming

1 hours later 27502414 Anonymous (581b406283faa.image.jpg 700x641 47kB)
Its not gonna break 1500 is it bros...

1 hours later 27502415 Anonymous
>>27487698 Posting in historical thread

1 hours later 27502482 Anonymous
Why is this so fucking funny every time

1 hours later 27502520 Anonymous

1 hours later 27502549 Anonymous
>>27502414 once i sell it will

1 hours later 27502552 Anonymous
>>27502037 >stacking now with the goal of staking Intredasting. I'm mining it currently, you're telling me I could be moving my mined ETH into the staking pool to multiply it even further? Or would that somehow lock me out of mining?

1 hours later 27502663 Anonymous
>>27500919 ETH is in a constant pattern where it goes 30-40 dollars above its ATH and then dumps a few hundred dollars. So sell near an ATH then buy back what you sold a couple days later.

1 hours later 27502704 Anonymous
just swung my whole stack at 1500 i need to sleep but I can't LMAAAAAAAAAAAAO

1 hours later 27502709 Anonymous
>>27502305 Nvidia stock to the moon, they're sitting on a precious item the entire world wants now

1 hours later 27502713 Anonymous (Capture.png 1269x851 70kB)
>>27487698 here's your ATH bro.

1 hours later 27502800 Anonymous
>>27502713 wow that chart is bullish, just bought another 100k

1 hours later 27502871 Anonymous
>>27500502 No doubt about it, this one is textbook seethe. N

1 hours later 27502872 Anonymous (1467951737977.png 307x311 215kB)
I want to try and swing but I know it'll break $1500 as soon as I sell

1 hours later 27502877 Anonymous
>>27502713 Another reason going past 2k soon is plausible, lots of room to go up on eth/btc

1 hours later 27502883 Anonymous
>>27502704 go to sleep, anon, rebuy cheapies in two days

1 hours later 27502898 Anonymous (78D0B012-6679-4BA8-9749-7E73D664AD4A.jpg 1196x1194 225kB)
>>27487698 I love you Vitalika. Please let me breed you

1 hours later 27502931 Anonymous
>>27502549 well fuckin sell then, for us

1 hours later 27503042 Anonymous
didn't fomo in

1 hours later 27503055 Anonymous
>>27502162 Yeah in 2021 nonetheless. Fucking poorfag manchildren lol

1 hours later 27503070 Anonymous (1610535842461.jpg 400x600 342kB)
>>27502931 omg mooonign somg holy shit what the fuk mooooningggg

1 hours later 27503077 Anonymous
>>27502883 thanks anon you're probably right methinks this pump is losing steam

1 hours later 27503095 Anonymous
>>27502767 GPUs anon. 30xx GPUs costs 900 bucks currently and they can mine 1-1.5 ETH a year, at current prices that's 2x on your 900 buck investment. Do you not see why GPUs are extremely desirable currently. They're money printing machines

1 hours later 27503104 Anonymous (file.png 372x380 23kB)
based ETH

1 hours later 27503142 Anonymous
>>27502017 not only 3x but not available at all

1 hours later 27503153 Anonymous
>>27503077 this pump is only just starting bro

1 hours later 27503254 Muskrat (eth rocket.jpg 725x483 55kB)

1 hours later 27503263 Anonymous (adolf_hitler.jpg 640x360 28kB)

1 hours later 27503324 Anonymous
>>27503153 *yawn* yeah no

1 hours later 27503339 Anonymous (1611615295415.jpg 400x400 36kB)
Can't cash out my uniswap shit because of $10000 gas fees

1 hours later 27503364 Anonymous
>>27503142 Anything except for 3070 is pretty much impossible to find even now. And 3070 is 2x over MSRP

1 hours later 27503403 Anonymous
As a bear, I am financially ruined.

1 hours later 27503475 Anonymous
>>27493956 sorry swingie

1 hours later 27503589 Anonymous
>>27503324 Go short it then

1 hours later 27503646 Anonymous
>>27502414 of course not sweety this is a $1300 stablecoin

1 hours later 27503716 Anonymous
>>27502162 I use GPUs for 3D rendering of flow data, workstation users are also a thing. but we dont use those weird gamer features like DLSS and ray tracing, just raw computing power

1 hours later 27503811 Anonymous
I just wanna see all those shorts getting rekt, then we can bounce back to $1350

1 hours later 27503853 Anonymous

1 hours later 27503857 Anonymous
>>27502017 nigger ETH is moving to PoS

1 hours later 27503871 Anonymous (1601094742371.jpg 1588x1080 296kB)
Sold at $1488 Also took some profit in my market holdings. Will buy back once all this bullshit calms down and burnouts from highschool that I haven't talked to in a decade stop messaging me about stocks.

2 hours later 27503943 Anonymous
>>27502162 What else are we supposed to spend our time on between fapping and shitposting?

2 hours later 27504046 Anonymous
Bought last week at $1350 and sold at $1490 lol

2 hours later 27504074 Anonymous
>>27503857 A year from now at least, most likely 2 years. And you can make the price of the GPU back in half a year. And even then mining will still be super profitable, it's not only ETH that's mooning. If crypto prices don't go down expect $3k GPUs

2 hours later 27504089 Anonymous (1462818724890.jpg 800x800 92kB)
Sold at the second peak, see you at the dip

2 hours later 27504137 Anonymous (heart-attack.jpg 378x301 14kB)

2 hours later 27504141 Anonymous
>>27503853 YOU HAD 4 YEARS

2 hours later 27504166 Anonymous
>>27503871 Based hitler poster.

2 hours later 27504337 Anonymous
>>27502414 There was a wick that got to 1499 earlier then quickly dumped

2 hours later 27504393 Anonymous
>>27504089 same boat brotha

2 hours later 27504418 Anonymous
fucking $1470 stablecoin

2 hours later 27504544 Anonymous
Got absolutely dumped on trying to pierce $1500 then bitcoin shit itself. Time to go back down to goblin town

2 hours later 27504653 Anonymous

2 hours later 27504662 Anonymous
>>27504337 we're getting 2 more bounces 1420 and 1440 before 1450 will be accepted from there on 1500 will be ez see you in 10 hours

2 hours later 27504663 Muskrat (eth 1500.png 912x799 53kB)
>>27502414 it hit 1500 twice on CBP

2 hours later 27504704 Anonymous (NINTCHDBPICT000575424705.jpg 1200x1600 216kB)
yoi faggots need to stop selling

2 hours later 27504846 Anonymous
calm down faggots, BTC isnt moving and there is a massive sellwall at 1500. It will take a while, possibly another swing up and down, but we tested the 1500 level so the second time will be easier.

2 hours later 27505003 Anonymous
>>27490118 What are you checking? Go back.

2 hours later 27505429 Poorfag Anon (1611286833394.jpg 306x306 20kB)
>>27501238 >Only 500 ETH Shut up you humble Bragging Tranny

2 hours later 27505487 Anonymous
>>27490118 Get the fuck off my board reddit nigger

2 hours later 27505489 Anonymous (gasgas.png 1989x1188 33kB)
>>27487698 >>27487698 >>27487698 FUCK FUCK FUCK I'm a poorfag sometimes I play with gas fees on 1inch. Today I have done a transaction without realizing I was asking the same than yesterday at low vol (95 gas) but now the standard price is over 190! >Status: Pending >Time Last Seen: 00 days 01 hr 34 min 20 secs ago (Feb-02-2021 03:54:20 PM) >Estimated Confirmation Duration: 1 hr | Gas Tracker Theoretically, it could be pending until the ETH dips again, but not lost on the dark, right? By the way, when is it set the price exchange?

2 hours later 27505732 Poorfag Anon (1610758430775.jpg 750x938 86kB)
>>27502162 Yes.

2 hours later 27505780 Anonymous
>>27492691 Shut the fuck up go the fuck away

2 hours later 27505916 Anonymous
>>27505429 I deserved that

2 hours later 27506078 Anonymous (1611163667899.gif 840x488 523kB)
>>27492691 same, bought .6 eth now ready to reap my investment rewards

2 hours later 27506139 Anonymous (8CA5A437-7D1B-45F6-A495-8398AD0314D0.jpg 630x630 48kB)
>>27493956 Lmao I literally bought your bags

2 hours later 27506211 Poorfag Anon (1608591672569.png 378x378 126kB)
>>27506078 Jesus Christ you just now want to pay tribute to Vitalia at literally ATH. Why Didint you hear her call like we did? THANK YOU MONEY GODDESS

2 hours later 27506226 Anonymous
i did a swingy 0.0472 (sell) -> 0.0438 (buy) and made 0.004btc. Should i quit my job?

2 hours later 27506244 Anonymous (ds22.jpg 179x282 7kB)
>>27506078 >he just bought

2 hours later 27506286 Anonymous
>>27505780 your id is perfect blue

2 hours later 27506302 Anonymous (D0969241-31CE-410D-A86F-2C3220FF93E5.jpg 235x215 8kB)
Golden bull run

2 hours later 27506432 Anonymous
if trips 1550 EOD if quads 1350 EOD

2 hours later 27506474 Anonymous
>>27506226 >Should i quit my job? Sure. Anything is better than being a kike cum-eating wageslave.

2 hours later 27506489 Anonymous
>>27506432 $2k eod confirmed

2 hours later 27506696 Anonymous
Crabthereum, piece of shit

2 hours later 27506736 Anonymous (1586243982445.jpg 1062x1080 146kB)
>>27506211 >>27506244 i could've saved like $200 dollars if I had come in last week? not planning to make this my entire life. my master plan is to buy at least 1 eth and just completely forget about it and go on with my life then randomly remember this meme months from now and probably sell or something dunno

2 hours later 27506807 Anonymous
We're about to have another leg up

2 hours later 27506932 Anonymous (1607452042887.gif 314x323 2088kB)
Would you describe the sound made while taking a shit as a fart noise or a poop noise? I've never heard anyone use the term poop noise. So then taking a shit ushers in fart noises. So then if you fart before you poop, you're really just farting the whole time and pooping for part of that time. The farting has hit the point where the poop hits sphincter. We're about to take the most satisfying eth poop ever. ETH 4k EOW chekm

2 hours later 27506976 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210202-090839_Blockfolio.jpg 1079x550 119kB)
dare I say...Based?

2 hours later 27506983 Anonymous (file.png 146x151 3kB)
>>27506432 If singles

2 hours later 27507003 Anonymous (SmartSelect_20210202-114456_Delta.jpg 1080x579 143kB)
>six figure hell

2 hours later 27507035 Anonymous (frens.jpg 1387x702 87kB)
>>27507003 hang in there fren

2 hours later 27507039 Anonymous
>>27500919 okay fuck this I'm going to hold my ETH and go to bed. Good luck everyone and god bless the money skelly

2 hours later 27507168 Anonymous
>>27507003 poor guy

2 hours later 27507405 Anonymous
What does this mean for my shitcoins? Will they have lower volume because of retarded gas price and then drop?

2 hours later 27507450 Anonymous
inverse cup and handle on the 3min it's over boys

2 hours later 27507542 Anonymous (YZKuxaN2.jpg 460x288 17kB)
>tfw 5x margin long since $600

2 hours later 27507885 Anonymous
>>27507450 Thanks just sold 1m

2 hours later 27508048 Anonymous (117035122_1389007451487721_1089987501731090978_n.jpg 720x885 54kB)

2 hours later 27508390 Anonymous
>>27487698 3k$ EOM

2 hours later 27508699 Anonymous
>>27506932 Your meds schizo

2 hours later 27509586 Anonymous (7.png 750x665 21kB)
Get out of the FUCKING way

2 hours later 27509778 Anonymous (1610050494083.gif 1372x1024 897kB)

2 hours later 27510119 Anonymous

3 hours later 27510261 Anonymous
>>27498449 Your contract sucks Kodieren lernen

3 hours later 27510477 Anonymous
learned this investment tip from my gay aunt. When you buy ETH, dont just stare at your phone all day. evertime i buy a token, I gently squeeze my phone between my glute cheeks and set my phone to vibrate every time the price moves. the tingling keeps me grounded and focused on the present moment. I find my mind wandering on painful past memories or future anxiety, but my new meditation mantra gently reminds me to focus on the present moment and remain mindful of all the boof ETH I'm buying. namestay is the way. Also, and this is super serious, if you've never had a prostate orgasm, this method is great at relieving stress and relieving the backlog of prostate milk youve built while holding ETH. Your investment is more than a financial revolution, it's spiritual orgasmic sexual revolution. Sure these bears want your money, but they want even more than that. They want to repress your prostate milk. I'm talking pure spiritual energy that's inside all of you. Milk your prostate and release your tendies. Ladies can also tap into this raw spiritual orgasmic jet fuel by placing the phone on the front of your clitoral hood. My wife's gay boyfriend showed me where this is. many women apparently lack sensitivity in this nether region from Hitachi wand over use. This method can bring back that sensitivity and more. ETH isn't just going to the moon. Its going to the milky way.

3 hours later 27510919 Anonymous
bros how do we get trough the sellwall

3 hours later 27511197 Anonymous
>>27487698 to 5k we go

3 hours later 27511308 Anonymous
>>27510919 already through, just waiting for the market to notice

3 hours later 27511542 Anonymous
>>27510919 like you get through every sell wall by hitting it repeatedly or some big meme/news

3 hours later 27512049 Anonymous
>>27501676 Excellent portfolio. This is exactly what a high net worth crypto portfolio should look like.

3 hours later 27512117 Anonymous
>>27512049 >127 LINK

3 hours later 27512584 Anonymous
>>27512117 I had 1800 more LINK and 44 more ETH but I sold so I could put the money towards a house down payment a few weeks ago.

3 hours later 27513088 Anonymous
>>27487698 Thank you money skelly.

3 hours later 27513818 Anonymous (---.png 1000x700 109kB)

3 hours later 27513995 Anonymous (eth.png 1617x1038 149kB)
When is this shit gunna crash again? or is it actually gunna stay for good this time?

3 hours later 27514672 Anonymous
>>27513995 1500 stablecoin coming soon :)

3 hours later 27514755 Anonymous (Sexy Profile Pic.jpg 768x883 111kB)
>>27501676 TFW Ny pleb and cant get in on any worth while crypto programs (only coin base) Are there any ways around this? I need to generate capital outside of wage slaving

3.898 0.280