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2021-02-02 02:20 27475568 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210129-074540_Twitter.jpg 1080x1322 405kB)
>fell for gme >fell for amc >fell for shib I just want out of college debt bros.. Its only 30k.. But these scams alone lost me nearly a grande

6 min later 27476072 Anonymous
>>27475568 mine as well hold the shibs, and hope something happens. if it dips to below 80, Ill be buying more.

11 min later 27476482 Anonymous
>>27476072 You just might get ur wish, look at the charts https://chartex.pro/?symbol=UNISWAP %3ASHIB&interval=5&theme=Dark

14 min later 27476718 Anonymous
>>27476482 I bought .25 at peak. Should I just off myself?

18 min later 27476990 Anonymous
>>27476718 Losses happen, while there's no denying this a pajeet scam, they're planning another pump with #Shibswap, wait for this dip and throw in enough to gain but not enough to suffer from lossing. It can go anyway right now.

20 min later 27477150 Anonymous
why do autists of either gender like striped shirts? come to think of it, i don't think i've ever met someone with a striped shirt who wasn't at least a little bit on the spectrum

22 min later 27477293 Anonymous
>>27475568 m8 if you started getting into gme when it was already 300+ you need to invest in education

22 min later 27477337 Anonymous
>>27477150 Wheres waldo looking fucks.

22 min later 27477355 Anonymous
>>27477293 Based

23 min later 27477376 Anonymous
>>27476990 At this point I just want to break even and take my money to some safe dividend like MAIN or Coke. Getting rich fast doesn't seem plausible

23 min later 27477436 Anonymous (1608322573605.gif 420x431 3231kB)
https://rumble.com/vcrrlv-welcome-t o-the-rice-fields-.html Top Kek

24 min later 27477459 Anonymous
>>27477293 260$ and the issue is college. Wanted to win on a riskier stock to get out of college debt

25 min later 27477555 Anonymous
>>27477376 Don't think you can break even when buying at the peak, that not how this game works, buy low sell high. if it is already high wait for it to drop. patience is key

28 min later 27477838 Anonymous
>>27477555 How do we know? My fear is always seeing something explode and wanting in, and I feel the need to buy in asap because who knows if the next peak will be much higher then where it is already. Know what I mean? What if it keeps exploding and doesn't fall a bit until 100 dollars higher

28 min later 27477855 Anonymous
>>27477555 this, fomo is so hard to avoid, but you just need to remember, you don't need to take every moon ticket. just wait for the next one. every. single. time. you fomo, you will lose. I fomo'd on shiba yesterday, and lost all that money. It took me a long time to not fomo, once I fixed that I started making money not losing it.

29 min later 27477955 Anonymous
>>27477838 if that's the case you need to find coins with value, that are not just pumping cause they are memed. a meme coins life is short. If you don't get in early, then it's too late.

30 min later 27477980 Anonymous (hellostake.jpg 731x513 85kB)
>>27475568 I wanted to buy a couple hunny of amc but I got a message saying no. There is going to be another too big to fail situation isn't it. All I wanted to do was save some money from hyperinflation. Seems like the plan is to strip everyone of assets and money so then its the you own nothing and be happy era.

30 min later 27477996 Anonymous
>>27477855 Thanks anon. So for riskier stocks, do I just look for dips early and buy in there and hope it maintains momentum?

33 min later 27478219 Anonymous
>>27477838 That's human, the feeling of missing out. While its a good instinct to have it can also lead to risky and noncalculated desisions. When you get that feeling realize that other people who bought in are feeling the same thing, understand the human phycology of the game. and realize it's better to not lose anything than to lose it all.

34 min later 27478318 Anonymous
>>27477980 Just trade CFDs noob.

36 min later 27478476 Anonymous
>>27475568 Here is an simple tip: >by the time you are seeing it on /biz/ you are already too late

37 min later 27478578 Anonymous
>>27477996 riskier stocks are gambling, not investing. I just look for ones that are starting to be memed, and then look at the charts. also, set rules and guidelines. i.e. when the coin 3x's sell enough to get your initial investment back, (don't even consider it a part of your earnings, and that if you leave it in you will make more.) then you can ride it as long as you want, and you won't get burnt.

42 min later 27478975 Anonymous
But how can we find things like meme coins to invest in early?

45 min later 27479181 Anonymous
>>27478975 See >>27478476 This feels like the undergrounds of the internet to people that first get here, but it's basically just reddit tear, these days, and there are discord groups that meme everything.

46 min later 27479244 Anonymous

48 min later 27479387 Anonymous
>>27479244 Fuck your autism kys

48 min later 27479405 Anonymous
>>27475568 That girl is just pretending to be autistic and doesn't even do a good job of it either

48 min later 27479408 Anonymous
>>27479244 Well you shouldn’t of bought high

49 min later 27479502 Anonymous

49 min later 27479558 Anonymous
>>27479502 hard benis hands

50 min later 27479577 Anonymous
>>27479181 Pretty much yeah. If you see the first couple posts about something you can still make a nice profit of shit shilled here. But you have to make sure you are comparatively early by searching the archives. Obviously you won't beat the Discord/Telegram investment shill groups but you can maybe dunk on the normies browsing this board.

50 min later 27479661 Anonymous
>>27478578 if you want a sound investment strategy, I can offer you some advice on getting about a 10% return with very little risk, but you won't get rich quick from it.

51 min later 27479698 Anonymous (116839867101.png 502x504 150kB)
>>27475568 You need to get in before everyone else you dumbarse, if there's a million eyes on it before you there's no money to be made. Stop going for meme coins with no value other than pump and dump and focus on the tokenomics and look at previous coins with similar tokenomics. Pic and dexg for example.

51 min later 27479737 Anonymous
>>27475568 Unironic, safe, non-meme investment advice right now is either real estate related businesses like zillow or redfin, since they’ve taken a beating the past few months but almost always rebound in the Spring when homebuying and selling is more common, or invest in travel and wait for the restrictions to lift.

53 min later 27479855 Anonymous (justtips.jpg 680x968 142kB)

55 min later 27480100 Anonymous
>>27477838 as a rule i dont put my money in something that has pumped more than 50%

56 min later 27480188 Anonymous (9F37244A-A67A-41D1-B654-37A5625E3D87.jpg 320x240 33kB)
>>27475568 >people ITT with 20/20 hindsight shitting on OP OP there is nothing wrong with buying high, it’s simply gambling and you lost so recency bias retards are going to pretend to be holier than thou. I “bought the top” of Chainlink at $2, $4, $7, $10, $16, and $20. Every single time I had retards mocking me for buying at all time high. My gamble paid off and it kept going up, had I waited for a dump back to pre 2020 prices I would still be waiting as the cost of investing keeps going up. Investing is just gambling, you lost your gamble but you didn’t do anything inherently wrong. Find something else to gamble on and hope for the best.

56 min later 27480207 Anonymous
>>27475568 can somebody post the tiktok webm i need to get pissed off

57 min later 27480255 Anonymous
>>27478578 I'm pretty deep into nexo, I think it will be huge. so take that into account when I say the following: transfer money to USD Coin, then transfer it to a nexo account. Use that USDC to buy enough nexo token so that at least 10% of your portfolio value is nexo token. This will give you an inflated exchange rate for USDollar coin up to 10%. From there, move all of the nexo tokens to your "credit line wallet" and make sure all of your USDC is in your savings wallet. This is super important. click the borrow money button, and max out the "loan", and buy USDC with the loan amount. (this will just give you a nice earnings boost.)

57 min later 27480261 Anonymous
>>27479577 How do you find investments before they take off? >>27479855 Thanks anon. Appreciate you.

58 min later 27480321 Anonymous
Well if it makes anyone feel any better, none of you are more retarded than me. I bought GME at 85$ and got out at 120$ because I was scared it would crash. Then I FOMO'd into AMC at 14$

58 min later 27480343 Anonymous
>>27480188 link is not a pump and dump meme coin, it's totally different.

58 min later 27480347 Anonymous (8CC647E5-35B4-4789-92AC-5FF1AB83DF7F.jpg 2048x1536 395kB)
>>27475568 CCIV has yet to launch

58 min later 27480354 Anonymous
>>27480188 Thanks man, I figure I just need 1 big win and life and change but being broke Im broke regardless if I gamble a bit or not. I'll keep looking and hoping I guess

58 min later 27480370 Anonymous
>>27480261 >How do you find investments before they take off? That’s the Krabby Patty secret formula. You can only do your best to speculate.

59 min later 27480425 Anonymous
go all in $Akita

59 min later 27480434 Anonymous
>>27479181 >>27479577 I'm not on any investment discord. Will I never make it?

59 min later 27480438 Anonymous
>>27480188 are you retarded? it's not "gambling" to buy overhyped stocks that recently mooned, it's FOMO and it will always get your ass burnt. if you wanna make money, you buy shit nobody is talking or thinking about.

1 hours later 27480767 Anonymous
>>27480438 >buy overhyped stocks that recently mooned That’s literally what I did with LINK 5 times in a row and it paid off every time. I bought when it was at peak popularity and getting tweeted about by Barstool and the Winklevosses, just like OP did with his stock. My gamble just worked and his lost.

1 hours later 27480870 Anonymous
>>27480425 Not funny, bro

1 hours later 27481027 Anonymous
>>27480434 no anon, you should hang around, and watch what happens, and keep your money in something more stable or a company you have faith in, in the mean time. start playing around with smaller amounts, you won't get rich quick, but crypto isn't going anywhere. learning how to control your fomo, by holding yourself back is a much better skill to improve than trying find meme coins. when the oppertunity is right, you will know.

1 hours later 27481193 Anonymous
>>27480767 link is an actual coin, with a good business model and team behind it. maybe you lucked out that you chose link, but most people buy into link because they believe in the business.

1 hours later 27481266 Anonymous
>>27480870 It’s pretty funny

1 hours later 27481319 Anonymous
>>27480261 >How do you find investments before they take off? You get off /biz/ first and foremost. Then you need to start participating in crypto communities. Get on twitter and telegram. Follow projects, follow main blockchain accounts, follow exchanges (specially the shitty ones), follow DEXes. Read the posts, *read the replies*, chat with people. Alternatively, if that sounds like too much work just refresh: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ recently_added compulsively and research shit quickly and buy it quickly. That's how I got into Opium at $4.50 two days ago (now worth $18) but keep in mind its only somewhat early than /biz/ most of the time. That will get you leads. Then you need to research those leads to see if they seem like legitimate projects. Don't just buy, get involved, help newcomers. I've gotten airdrops and rewards just for doing that.

1 hours later 27482207 Anonymous
>>27475568 the final redpill is that the whole stock market&binance is an scam. its just an money ponzi scheme sink

1 hours later 27482523 Anonymous
>>27481027 Yeah I never wanted to get rich quickly. I just don't want to lose my money and play smart. I don't have fomo usually, either.

1 hours later 27482624 Anonymous (autisticbday.png 658x1210 486kB)

1 hours later 27482819 Anonymous
>>27482624 Stop that right now

1 hours later 27483286 Anonymous
>>27482624 Would you, /biz/?

1 hours later 27483685 Anonymous
>>27483286 In a heartbeat

1 hours later 27483726 Anonymous (cd3.jpg 467x325 21kB)
>>27483286 maybe, maybe not, i don't know her you filthy neurotypical coomer

1 hours later 27483752 Anonymous
>>27475568 >>27481319 Having said that. Look into JULD OP. I'm not telling you to buy it, but look at the price $0.0211. It has barely been talked about on this board, but its first in coingecko recently added list and is just got listed on MXC which is quicker than most. Check back in a week or two and see what I mean.

1 hours later 27483790 Anonymous
>>27481319 This will lose you lots of money. Do not do this.

1 hours later 27484018 Anonymous
>>27483790 Shit I've been found out. OP... the truth is... the only way to make it is to buy XRP which is the gold standard of crypto-currency.

1 hours later 27484412 Anonymous (118824247_10218459849828351_7909720246296745374_n.jpg 225x225 16kB)
imagine not knowing that by the time it's being talked about it's already over

1 hours later 27484994 Anonymous
>>27483726 I'm not a commercial just curious my dude.

1 hours later 27485634 Anonymous
>>27484994 Coomer* for fucks sake

1 hours later 27486764 Anonymous
>>27483752 Do I bite I on this? I'm scared after getting burned

1 hours later 27487047 Anonymous
>>27480343 Except that it was. >now it's not. but when it was 50 cents for like 2 years it certainly was.

1 hours later 27487058 Anonymous
>>27486764 I just fucking told you not to buy it cocksucker what the fuck.

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