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2021-02-02 09:37 27459712 Anonymous Any ex-poorfags here that made it? (vnLAgnqeNNFqHzD3ONB0Zr0WeDaXKVtUvF7hS4yrQBA.jpg 1080x1350 137kB)
I wanna hear stories from former poorfags that actually made it in life. No richfags that accumulated using daddy's wealth.
I need inspiration so that I don't end up roping in the near future.
1 min later 27459785 Anonymous
No one on /biz/ has actually made money.
now fuck off!
2 min later 27459800 Anonymous
2 min later 27459830 Anonymous (Erjmci7W4AIkEfp.jpg 603x602 40kB)
still waiting...
2 min later 27459836 Anonymous
Dat neck lmao
3 min later 27459861 Anonymous
Not me but my father, he was born in a village, studied to become a doctor, bought assets continuously (real estate mostly but also some precious metals) rather than memecoins shilled on an animeimageboard. And now he has a modest amount of wealth.
Biggest investment is to yourself, get educated, get a good job, live below your means, don't fall into meme schemes
3 min later 27459870 Anonymous (1612251389874.png 1000x577 262kB)
b-b-bbbut BOOBA
7 min later 27460025 Anonymous
immediately disregarded. tattoos are for criminals, slaves, and barbarians.
8 min later 27460068 Anonymous (EpQGpnAWEAAt7EV.jpg 680x518 52kB)
you have been given the easiest opportunity to make generational wealth with fake internet money take it
10 min later 27460169 Anonymous
>Started with $2500, a lot of money at the time
>Got lucky on Statera with a 5x
>Took that $12.5k and went all in on TRB at $6, sold at $60
>Left $50k to trade, cashed out the rest to neet and quit my shithole job
>Day traded here and there, lost and made a little, eventually went into GRT
>Made it to $75k, now all in ETH
Hoping to ride ETH to around $125k if possible, then all in Link until $50 and get $250k, then all in BTC until $500k, which is enough to retire in my shithole country
11 min later 27460224 Anonymous
Yeah fomo is always there but that hard work also makes you value what you already have even more. I'm also quite frugal so my life style will not change that much from 1 mil to 10 mil, maybe I will buy a new pc every year instead of waiting 3 thats about it.
Both me and my father also have what I call "middle class cowardice" constant aversion from taking risks.
I remember him buying a "painting" for about 4200 euros...basically getting scammd by some art gallery owner. That shit will never going to break even, and man even 4.2k euro hurts.
12 min later 27460259 Anonymous
What shithole country do you live in?
12 min later 27460268 Anonymous
i'm in a position similar to how you started
maybe we are all gonna make it after all
14 min later 27460331 Anonymous
Not really a poorfag I work for a family company... 12 hours/day 6 days a week, 7 days during peak covid hysteria (march-july) because noone else could cover for me. I make about 20k USD a year after taxes with room and board covered. I haven't had time off for 2 years now and I've been doing the work of 2 execs that make (and continue to) more than quintuple my salary but "can't" work due to visa issues. Covid has let them get away with whatever they want just getting hookers and drinking til 4 am not showing up to work for weeks at a time and whenever its discussed in meetings its just "yeah visa issues", starting to think they have dirt on my Dad or something.
I'm at 140k usd now put most of my money into Link, FTM, and AVAX. Got in GRT at 18 cents sold it at 55. Very little day trading. I spend virtually all of my currency on crypto.
I think as long you don't have a kid/wife and you aren't window washer at the gas station full-time level poor anybody has a decent shot at making it.
14 min later 27460350 Anonymous
15 min later 27460366 Anonymous
Goddamn I hate tattoos so much, they look dirty and trashy.
16 min later 27460419 Anonymous
big if true
> hard work also makes you value what you already have even more
yeah you're right
23 min later 27460765 Anonymous
> family company
> more than quintuple my salary
Do you even nepotism?
24 min later 27460837 Anonymous
I wanted to buy some AVAX a few days ago when it was still around $11 but I think I missed the train...praying it dips to around there midweek though.
26 min later 27460941 Anonymous
35 min later 27461375 Anonymous
why do you care so much about money?
i think that's a better question
37 min later 27461514 Anonymous
I just want to have enough to take care of my immediate family so that they don't have to suffer financially any longer than they need to
41 min later 27461669 Anonymous (1520372507064s.jpg 104x124 2kB)
>hiring someone you know rather than a random stranger is bad
it might not be fair but who said life was fair
42 min later 27461739 Anonymous
Say you meet the woman of your dreams. She has one tattoo. What do you do?
43 min later 27461773 Anonymous
43 min later 27461801 Anonymous
44 min later 27461840 Anonymous
If she has tattoos, she's not the woman of my dreams. Simple
46 min later 27461923 Anonymous
didn't made it yet, but i made more money the last 3 years than i made my whole life
>t. 30+ yo
46 min later 27461949 Anonymous
based and truthpilled
49 min later 27462092 Anonymous
He saying that anon is retarded for only getting 1/4th of the pay while working for his dad. Reverse nepotism
50 min later 27462133 Anonymous
we're all gonna make it
51 min later 27462226 Anonymous (1612138386005.png 480x480 114kB)
52 min later 27462253 Anonymous
I worked waitering jobs and did things like uber eats to make ends meet before, was not even making min wage after factoring everything in.
I started doing ecom part time then full time, currently saved near 300k which isnt making it in the usa. But i live in a 3rd world country now living it up, still making low 6 figures in usd.
Im happy here, i got friends, get hookers when i need it
57 min later 27462530 Anonymous (A1F80A24-EE51-4983-9F55-6A6780EAD8BA.jpg 720x401 80kB)
Not a total poorfag but I got into crypto after I had already graduated college with a bs degree and was basically just working some minimum wage job going out drinking every night with no real future plan. Was raised middle class but my family broke apart and by 23-24 I was living in a $1200 a month apartment with 2 roommates and still living paycheck to paycheck. Anyway I got lucky and inherited a bit of cash from grandparents. Used whatever was left over after paying debts to buy eth. Also used some btc from winning a bet on Trump 2016 election. I made good shitcoin trades until I went all in Link in 2018. Sitting on over 4 mil usd currently after buying a nearly million dollar house. Also have a steady job and am working until generational wealth and staking. Will likely never sell the entirety of my crypto at this point. Feels good.
57 min later 27462546 Anonymous
yeah i just noticed her neck she might be part giraffe
based hard working anon
58 min later 27462606 Anonymous
although it does sound like you just got lucky gambling
1 hours later 27462673 Anonymous
I make 5k a month taking care of my grandma life isn't too bad sometimes, it's really who you know desu, but i suck at investing which is why i use my dads hedge fund manager to invest.
1 hours later 27462704 Anonymous
Barbarian chicks are hot though, fucked a chick wearing a traditional Mongolian costume once and even though she smelled a touch weird that shit was amazing
1 hours later 27462754 Anonymous
Who is she and what makes you think she is related to /biz/?
1 hours later 27462778 Anonymous
Shes fucking hot thoe. sauce is 171jun1999 in case you were looking for moar.
Thanks for this thread OP. It's a comfy break away from thread after thread of /pol/tards and reddit newfags screeching about jews and GME
1 hours later 27462870 Anonymous
1 hours later 27462974 Anonymous
1 hours later 27462977 Anonymous (cryptogainz.png 940x438 573kB)
I was broke at 29, now I'm 40 and closing in on my 10th million - thanks to Bitcoin and Ethereum.
I managed to find a decent job in 2009, which allowed me to save some money up. When 2014 rolled around I started to look into Bitcoin and put a large amount of the money I had into it, because I believed in it.
Got into Ethereum relatively early as well when it was around $30 because of the bitcointalk forum.
Now I have good chunks of several cryptos, /biz/ shilled me chainlink when it was around 50 cents, so I will forever be grateful for this place no matter what.
Point is, once you've had a good start (which is entirely within your power) things can snowball quickly if you stay disciplined, especially at the beginning.
It's all still early days in crypto, still a lot of time left to turn a few thousand into a few million.
1 hours later 27463124 Anonymous (big boy pepe.jpg 457x494 50kB)
i made $2
1 hours later 27463154 Anonymous (AEF35067-7323-458D-B9CA-FCC5A97E3E96.jpg 770x756 171kB)
I think about it occasionally and it’s a yes and no. A lot of things definitely lined up. From ever meeting the person who told me about crypto, to being able to throw a dart at any random project in 2017 and still profit. I think the biggest hurdle was with Link. When everything was crashing in early 2018 I sunk over 100k+ usd into Link after sifting through the breadcrumbs and fud, realizing the potential. Then watching my entire stack STILL fall nearly 95% of its ath, and stick through it when I could have just cashed out and had 30-40k as a semi decent savings for a temporary time. I’ll never let anyone tell me I got lucky AFTER I had already sat here for weeks and deciding Link was the next big thing then having the fortitude to sit through nearly 2 years before it did anything significant. Those were some brutal times and anyone else holding through them will tell you the same and say they were rewarded accordingly
1 hours later 27463236 Anonymous
When I make it I'm paying a girl like this to kill me
1 hours later 27463266 Anonymous
Crypto is pure luck.
1 hours later 27463288 Anonymous
1 hours later 27463333 Anonymous
Basically, for the retards who can´t read, be careful when investing, don´t YOLO it all and be smart.
1 hours later 27463364 Anonymous
You still think it's early for crypto? I feel like I've missed literally every ship
Isn't it doomed and I'm gonna remain a poorfag for life
1 hours later 27463409 Anonymous
poorfag cope, you are either a doomer or brainlet to think that
1 hours later 27463427 Anonymous
I literally can't know if I'm attracted to someone unless I know she has no tattoos, and if I were ever to get married, there would have to be a "never get tattoos" clause in the prenup.
1 hours later 27463468 Anonymous
Every time I post in one of these threads I get called a larping faggot. Probably because my success story is something only 1/10,000 people can do but anyways. I was born poor af. As a kid I lived in trailer parks, I’ve been on foodstamps, I didn’t have a bedroom for 2 years and slept on a couch every night. I got a bachelors in computer science. I worked 2 years as a code monkey then quit to start my own business at 24. I was a self made millionaire by 30.
1 hours later 27463504 Anonymous
Based diamond hands.
Thanks for the story anon.
1 hours later 27463522 Anonymous
1 hours later 27463553 Anonymous
I wasn´t berating it you twat, it´s good but unless you have a good understanding of it and just use these board because "pump here boys" THEN you are pretty much gambling your arse, be smart about it, otherwise is just pure luck.
1 hours later 27463656 Anonymous
Buy Rubic (check my IdColor)
1 hours later 27463674 Anonymous
I havent quite made it yet, but this year after dipping deep into my 18k savings ive been hovering around 100-110k in my portfolio which is more than I have made through 5 years of waging and will be around x4 of my savings after taxes if not slightly more. Ive never really felt so optimistic and it will give a good foothold in life now.
1 hours later 27463769 Anonymous
I agree with that. I would say 90% of people in crypto treat it as such. Buying meme coins, PnDs, have no understand of the markets and lack the big picture. Just look at XRP and Doge as an example. But as with all markets DYOR and you can make a lot.
1 hours later 27463822 Anonymous
dude I was comfy going to sleep at 5c and those tards dumped it as soon as I closed my eyes
this burned my brains, seems like I will lose every time
only poolz finance gives me profit now with their liquidity system
1 hours later 27463825 Anonymous
i used to work at a bar cleaning dishes, cooking, and other mundane shit. Got into stock and crypto a few years ago. Now i dont work a 9/5 anymore, just watch the market and play vidya
1 hours later 27463832 Anonymous
>woman of your dreams
>has a tattoo
lmao what
1 hours later 27463865 Anonymous
Sneed me $1
1BPQUpuVXHbXQ1KyViMACbyT8rkM5gcw8t btc
1 hours later 27463869 Anonymous
I feel like you've made it if you quadruple your savings in <1 year, keep going anon.
1 hours later 27463910 Anonymous
even though they're flowers these are very masculine placements for tattoos. this is a man isn't it?
1 hours later 27463919 Anonymous
1 hours later 27463943 Anonymous (66386165_663008630871706_572807962179498449_n.jpg 640x800 110kB)
I just came here to post some more asian sluts with big stinkers
1 hours later 27463959 Anonymous (monkepep.png 228x221 45kB)
1 hours later 27464047 Anonymous
1 hours later 27464051 Anonymous
>unless you have a good understanding
how does one acquire good understanding? Or just play around til you get a feeling? Genuine question, please don't harass me. I started finding crypto interesting and would like to learn more.
1 hours later 27464076 Anonymous
Mark her with my brand on the spot of the tattoo
1 hours later 27464177 Anonymous
asian booba gf
1 hours later 27464261 Anonymous (1558114341356.gif 212x225 92kB)
Make a baby.
1 hours later 27464321 Anonymous (FF81DEF7-977D-4A36-87CB-B800C00E7901.jpg 508x516 102kB)
Defitniely not as good of gains to be made on those in particular, but they’re still an excellent foundation for anyone DCA’ing whatever extra money they have. Especially if you’re young and plan to spend it recklessly on hedonistic shit like bars, drugs, clothes, etc. use it instead to set a basis for the future. I hate to make price predictions but seeing how this space has gone over the last 5-6 years, it’s no longer out of the realm of possibility to see $100k btc, $5k eth, and $100 Link within a conservative 5 year time period from now. Those alone are all 3-5x that you’d likely never see in traditional avenues like an ira or mutual fund. Then it’s up to you to go into more risky ventures. I had a normie friend who I got into crypto early last year buy aave and make a nice chunk of change. But he did the research. You don’t need to be some basement neet autist, you just need to understand the space and the risk associated (though basement autists have more time to pool their collective ideas together, I suppose). There’s still a ton of money to be made, I’m just blessed I don’t have to take those risks anymore.
No worries. It’s nice to shoot the shit in threads like this. Besides a handful of close friends irl, there’s no one else I can talk to about this because of how esoteric this whole space is for those who have been here a while.
1 hours later 27464390 Anonymous
$1200 rent.. the price of being a third class first worlder
1 hours later 27464541 Anonymous
1 hours later 27464561 Anonymous
If I hadn't been dumb I could've gotten 10k out of statera as well, now I'm waiting for it to pump back up. It's a long wait
1 hours later 27464673 Anonymous (Ei8sExlXcAUy1tI.jpg 2048x1152 235kB)
>be me
>grow up in low income household
>study graphic design, mom goes in debt to pay for my tuition
>realize you never want to work in the hellhole that's called ad agency thus barring you from a moneymaking career
>find work in the biggest rail-transport-modelling exhibition in the world as graphic designer/model builder/minion worker bee
>almost minimum wage
>2017 bullrun, buy btc at 12k
>/biz/ talking about chainlink nonstop
>2 years later have scraped together 6000€, all in link, have 18k
>quit job, move to different city
>lose job, leverage trade my linkies at aave
>stimmy checks, unemployment checks
>muster up the courage to try and swing myself back to the top
>august comes
>from 5k to 16k LINK, but 120k in debt
>dont pull out before the dump
>getting fukkkkd again
>little less than 3k link left, 10k debt
>moon bags consist of 10k dip, 10k grt, 6M bao, 500 snx, 20 aave, 150 uni
it's a little sob story I guess, roast me if you want, I don't care. life has always consisted of financial struggles and resulting feelings of inadequacy, but suddenly I am so much further, smarter regarding finance and wealthier than all of the people I know. I'm gonna fucking make it, no matter what.
3.210 0.150