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2021-02-02 06:45 27450341 Anonymous (BeFunky-collage(1).png 3264x3264 292kB)
What coins are you holding? Any other non-scam coins I should look into? Picture related

2 min later 27450493 Anonymous (20201219_200540.jpg 636x482 77kB)
>>27450341 100% link and I'm too scared to buy any other pumping defi because my capital gains tax give me anxiety

3 min later 27450538 Anonymous

3 min later 27450559 Anonymous
>>27450493 An by "buy" I mean use my Link profits

4 min later 27450611 Anonymous
>>27450538 Seems pretty based but I dont know enough about AAVE yet to pull the trigger.

4 min later 27450633 Anonymous
The glowing normie from last season starter pack. Don't buy bags

5 min later 27450684 Anonymous
>>27450493 CG is gonna royally fuck me this year. I had to pull out a bunch for medical bills and I dont think I can right it all off. I am hoping there is some type of tax break for medical stuff.

5 min later 27450690 Anonymous
BenchMARK protocol. Dyor

6 min later 27450744 Anonymous
>>27450633 I ain't no CIAnigger What else should I look into?

7 min later 27450804 Anonymous
SUSHI, easy and safe bet

8 min later 27450847 Anonymous
>>27450744 gamble 5-10% of your folio on rugpulls especially if you live in a non capital gains tax country. HODL the rest on quality projects esp if you pay gains tax like in the good ol' land of the free

8 min later 27450862 Anonymous (Eq5at8mXUAE88M3.jpg 2000x1413 907kB)

9 min later 27450880 Anonymous
>>27450341 Eth Btc Dot

9 min later 27450906 Anonymous (xsncoin.png 900x900 513kB)
>>27450341 XSN. They are building out the lightning network and bridging BTC with ETH

9 min later 27450914 Anonymous
MUSE They just built an NFT DEX that's already making money. This is like buying Coinbase when it first got released. There will only ever be 1M muse coins. Each of these coins gives you a percentage of profits from the DEX. They are about to become too expensive to even consider buying. 100x EOM

10 min later 27450938 Anonymous

10 min later 27450940 Anonymous (currency.jpg 439x358 61kB)
>>27450341 I got a weird set , tell me what i need to move around to make it : (

10 min later 27450943 Anonymous
whatever i can buy.

10 min later 27451004 Anonymous
>>27450804 >>27450611 AHAHAHAHAHA just normies, not even glowies

11 min later 27451012 Anonymous

11 min later 27451038 Anonymous
>>27450341 reef snx coti

12 min later 27451065 Anonymous
>>27450341 $REN nobody is talking about it, everyone accumulating, next leg up is 2-3$

12 min later 27451072 Anonymous
>>27450341 literal textbook newfag here. My parents made good money with crypto so I started getting into it, got some money into bitcoin and ethereum, is there still room for growth for bitcoin? it pretty damm high rn, and it kinda has me nervous

12 min later 27451098 Anonymous

13 min later 27451149 Anonymous (m9.jpg 1554x1552 333kB)
Did you hear about BAEX(#baex) defi binary project? A lot of people try to bring referrals there, and I checked this opportunity. 80% of commissions and 4% of the tokens bought by your referrals, that can be good for passive income. There are a lot of stocks, indices, crypto, and fiat tools, and I want to trade Amazon and Disney shares, as I see, they are rising, so it will be easy to get profit with them

13 min later 27451159 Anonymous
>>27450341 DOT, ADA, FLETA, HANDY

15 min later 27451268 Anonymous
>>27451072 eth and bitcoin should be your main holdings imo. Their is infinite room for growth. But its unlikely you will see moon missions on them very often. It will be a slow roll.

15 min later 27451308 Anonymous
No RUBIC for your PUBIS?! You gay?

16 min later 27451372 Anonymous
>>27450341 GRT, BTC, BNB. GRT and BNB have had a decent growth and BTC will coom at any moment

21 min later 27451623 Anonymous
>>27450341 Just graph. $1.00 when?

22 min later 27451674 Anonymous

22 min later 27451698 Anonymous
>>27450341 1INCH

23 min later 27451730 Anonymous
>>27450341 Try eQuad

23 min later 27451737 Anonymous
I bought £40 of REEF that's now worth £50 wayhey!

24 min later 27451789 Anonymous (69272828-615A-4CA8-8405-D25E042D0E1F.jpg 1284x773 133kB)
MIR >airdropped to UNI holders who had more than 100 UNI 11/23 >GOOK SNX DYOR FAGGOTS

24 min later 27451797 Anonymous
>>27450341 add GRT to this

25 min later 27451823 Anonymous
>>27450690 Were you shilling it here the other day? I picked up a few thousand because I liked the name and they're up bigly. It was just shy of a buck and a half when an anon mentioned it. If so - thanks!

25 min later 27451847 Anonymous
>>27450341 I used to hold alot of shitcoins but consolidated everything into BTC, ETH, and XMR.

25 min later 27451853 Anonymous

26 min later 27451895 Anonymous
>>27450341 I actually just swapped my LINK stack for SNX and GRT Sweating a bit here, but feel mostly good It was hard to let go of muh LINKies Currently holding 80% SNX, AAVE, GRT 20% ETH, BTC

26 min later 27451929 Anonymous
BTC/ETH/XLM. Not really interested in anything else, not for long term use anyway.

27 min later 27451944 Anonymous

27 min later 27451967 Anonymous
>>27451012 kek

28 min later 27452014 Anonymous
>>27451268 how are you sure there won't be a repeat of the big crash?

28 min later 27452044 Anonymous (Enjoy.jpg 2000x1248 241kB)
>>27451895 Thanks for your sacrifice

29 min later 27452079 Anonymous (1611632259731.jpg 473x473 43kB)
I am EXCLUSIVELY holding bitcoin, ethereum and monero

30 min later 27452131 Anonymous (poorfolio.png 954x277 19kB)
>>27450341 unironically GRT

31 min later 27452212 Anonymous

31 min later 27452223 Anonymous
>>27450341 Coins are like the Beanie Babies of the 2010s

31 min later 27452230 Anonymous
high iq here: PICKLE MIR MARS 88MPH BOR

32 min later 27452268 Anonymous
>>27450940 Get rid of fun and ride the weekend pumps and monday dumps of GRT. Rest looks solid.

33 min later 27452295 Anonymous
>>27450341 Holding your moms tits in my hands as we speak. Currently liquidity mining if you know what I mean

33 min later 27452324 Anonymous
>>27450341 >Link >non-scam kek

33 min later 27452328 Anonymous
>>27452079 You must have a monster-sized cock huh?

35 min later 27452443 Anonymous
>>27450341 BTC ETH GRT ADA LTO Newfag who just fomo'd in $4k over the last 72 hours.

36 min later 27452509 Anonymous
>>27452014 Crash just means its time to buy more to lower the average cost.

37 min later 27452558 Anonymous
>>27452324 I was on the fence with link and stellar desu but my friend talk me into them. Should I move link?

37 min later 27452575 Anonymous
>>27450341 3 of those shitcoins are scams though.

38 min later 27452602 Anonymous

39 min later 27452629 Anonymous
>>27452575 Which ones?

39 min later 27452654 Anonymous
>>27452443 if you spend time lurking you'll come to realize you're too spread out with that amount of cash keep it to 1 or 2 with that amount

39 min later 27452664 Anonymous
Yes, dump GRT asap.... I wanna buy more.

41 min later 27452724 Anonymous
>>27452212 Shush

42 min later 27452794 Anonymous
>>27452629 No offence anon, but you sound a little naive. Put 90 percent of your crypto in BTC, LINK and ETH. Risk the remaining 10% on pump and dumps or advice from /biznessmen/

42 min later 27452801 Anonymous (BAO.jpg 150x150 5kB)
>>27450341 50,000 REEF 250,000 BAO 150 GRT I would not recommend GRT though, it's a crabbing pajeetcoin.

42 min later 27452818 Anonymous
>>27451967 Im gunna be a brazillionaire

43 min later 27452854 Anonymous (shitcoins.png 400x400 13kB)

43 min later 27452874 Anonymous
>>27452328 its just no use gambling on shitcoins if ur not playing with pebbles. buy and hold is guaranteed profit

44 min later 27452912 Anonymous
>>27452629 >>27452794 BTC and ETH aren't scams. The others are scams at worst or useless tokens tacked onto a working product at best.

46 min later 27453018 Anonymous

47 min later 27453072 Anonymous (1611968101682.png 680x674 816kB)
>>27450493 >paying tax on crypto

47 min later 27453106 Anonymous
>>27452654 even better advice would be to not spend $10k on hi fi equipment last year but wtf, sounds fucking slick.

48 min later 27453180 Anonymous
I like to pick the ones that have pretty logos

49 min later 27453190 Anonymous
>>27453106 kek I know that feeling too well . . . fucking hindsight, amirite? at least my priorities are sorted out now

49 min later 27453217 Anonymous

52 min later 27453358 Anonymous
Balancer, Filecoin, and AMP seem interesting.

58 min later 27453719 Anonymous
>>27450341 get some build $$

59 min later 27453750 Anonymous
>>27451895 Imagine being this retarded. You never trade your whole stack idiot

1 hours later 27453817 Anonymous
>>27450341 You’re missing GRT and NU

1 hours later 27453874 Anonymous
When is a good time to buy eth and link? Both seem so high right now

1 hours later 27453882 Anonymous
>>27452230 Literally all Pajeet tokens. And all are "token not needed"

1 hours later 27453919 Anonymous

1 hours later 27454089 Anonymous (CCFB6A51-D26B-4FA5-A467-E826A3FFA745.png 826x413 332kB)
>>27450341 Surf.finance. Airdrop will happen 2/14 for their ubi token. Only 6k available so be quick to claim. Will pay out daily rewards perpetually. https://discord*gg/nEpGuVpt

1 hours later 27454139 Anonymous
>>27453874 Right now faggot while there's a dip

1 hours later 27454274 Anonymous
>>27453750 >>27453919 whatever, I'll be staking, delegating, and minting synthetic assets while you're doing whatever link is supposed to do

1 hours later 27454297 Anonymous
>>27450493 Just pay the taxes and enjoy your profits. What's the issue?

1 hours later 27454334 Anonymous (Monero.png 640x868 837kB)
>>27450341 XMR

1 hours later 27454412 Anonymous
LTO obviously

1 hours later 27454447 Anonymous
>>27453750 I can get it back instantly if I want anyway I just got "a feeling" about SNX

1 hours later 27454528 Anonymous
>>27452268 Fun literally just pumped me 80% in a day, I saw the rise and im riding it . I'll stay awake until the dump..if it dumps, got alarms set. I'm not shilling just stating fact right now.

1 hours later 27454707 Anonymous
buy ORN, shit is gonna moon

1 hours later 27454714 Anonymous (ltc boomer.png 675x601 343kB)
How has nobody mentioned the digital silver that is Litecoin?

1 hours later 27454836 Anonymous
>>27454714 I used to own LTC but quit when I realised it was 97-98% correlated with BTC price. Why would I choose LTC over BTC?

1 hours later 27455054 Anonymous
Bridge mutual, you are still early

1 hours later 27455156 Anonymous
>>27454139 >dip >ath Ok

1 hours later 27455336 Anonymous (Oyogoi2rigih9.jpg 456x527 65kB)
>>27452602 I'm surprised you're the only one to mention ALGO. Been on a great heading, good long term hodl >>27450341 ETH GRT ALGO

1 hours later 27455520 Anonymous (584871d2e4e6f86ab5c3359e.png 800x720 66kB)
>>27451159 Follow the smart money

1 hours later 27455637 Anonymous
>protip $WORLD Put in an ETH and thank me in the morning when it's 2 ETH. https://info.uniswap.org/pair/0x6af B3d434ac3d0c92e5397895f17f1F9AF22A6 c2 We are rising to #1 anons! Great PUMP! >I'm x2 already Lets GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

1 hours later 27455651 Anonymous
>>27452558 Just get GRT. It's the new LINK. DYOR and check out the threads.

1 hours later 27455689 wlada kirichenko
nft staking money stufff fuck it. why would you put it all in one fucking thing? you’re dumb as dick. >my portfolio with playcent and you will lick this nibba balls with fucking scam you support

1 hours later 27455695 Anonymous
>>27455336 I'd like to say I'm surprised at the generally retarded choices on this thread but some would say I'm holding too many coins. I've got high hopes for this season as people begin waking up to the world of cryptocurrency. Yolo man they're all solid

1 hours later 27455765 Anonymous (dj billybool.png 640x625 340kB)
>>27451847 >>27454334 Based

1 hours later 27455777 Anonymous
>>27450684 There is but it’ll require you to itemize.

1 hours later 27455798 Anonymous
>>27450341 >he fell for the LINK meme

1 hours later 27455862 Anonymous
>>27450341 Take a look at RequestNetwork (REQ), finally product ready, breaking out marketing, and being used by CELO, MKR, and hundreds of other NDA clients.

1 hours later 27455875 Anonymous (5E2A66B9-7933-4E7A-840D-2334EA0EF257.jpg 205x246 9kB)

1 hours later 27455909 Anonymous
>>27450804 Sushi cannot compete with UNI, 99% of new erc20 tokens are supplied on uniswap only. Takes weeks to get on sushi and 1inch. Don't even waste your time. Erc20 will be bigger than btc this year, it already is

1 hours later 27455988 Anonymous (am_i_gonna_make_it.jpg 352x376 45kB)
>>27450341 See you on the moon, OP. We're all going to make it. Ordered by volume; my only complaint about the ATOM is that it's divisible.

1 hours later 27456028 Anonymous
>>27455988 Based uni holder. $50 by summer

1 hours later 27456094 Anonymous
>>27455777 checked and Yeah, I plan on saving every single bill. Its gonna put me back like $60,000+.

1 hours later 27456142 Anonymous

1 hours later 27456157 Anonymous (boomer litecoin.png 1925x1130 615kB)
>>27454836 It hasn't seen as much growth as BTC this bullrun - its a sleeping giant. Plus I have a feeling that the lower price per coin will be alluring to normies, making it pump even harder

1 hours later 27456179 Anonymous
>>27452558 XLM won't move much.

1 hours later 27456199 Anonymous
>>27451012 Spiciest meme coins nice anon

1 hours later 27456237 Anonymous
>>27456028 my only fault is that I didn't buy more. I'm too reluctant to give up my ATOMS, but I might axe polka and kava and redistribute them into UNIs.

1 hours later 27456305 Anonymous (Crypto notes.png 1216x694 99kB)

1 hours later 27456336 Anonymous
>>27455798 what the fuck is your problem? let people earn money

1 hours later 27456379 Anonymous
>>27451823 Yes it was me. Their product is great and marketing is good aswell. It will flip Ampleforth soon, unfortunetly biz will find out when it is too late. Enjoy your gains fren and wait for the BenchMARK threads, they will pop up soon.

1 hours later 27456392 Anonymous (Ufif9r9rifdjbrbs.jpg 649x604 29kB)
>>27455695 It definitely feels different compared to 2017. Lots of institutional capital now. It was obvious the big funds were FUDing the entire environment to buy themselves cheap positions and time to develop teams. I certainly hope you're right, I dont want to end up like pic related again

1 hours later 27456402 Anonymous
Does anyone have any thoughts on the following and why? REN BASIC ATTENTION RESERVE RIGHTS ?

1 hours later 27456458 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210201-233137_Blockfolio.jpg 1080x1087 146kB)
What does everyone think? Please help me. I'm so confused. Anyone got discord and can give me guidance? I need a mentor.

1 hours later 27456466 Anonymous
>>27451098 >>27454412 >>27453217 >>27452443 >LTO Yes.

1 hours later 27456497 Anonymous
Vechain. Supply management technology with real world adoption

1 hours later 27456551 Anonymous
>>27450341 well not a scam but I know you'll be happy with what's about to come on bonded.finance. I'm already comfy

1 hours later 27456601 Anonymous
>>27450906 yep, this has substantial potential

1 hours later 27456610 Anonymous

1 hours later 27456718 Anonymous
>>27456392 I have an inkling that a lot of these companies have solid fundamentals that possess the perfect scaffoldings for major institutions to escalate their technocratic agenda. All you have to do is look at the partners and investors involved in some of these projects. I am very hopeful for Injective, have a look at the partners on their main page. Direct competitor against UNI that doesn't charge any fees, it very well could obliterate UNI and they are only in BETA stage.

1 hours later 27456791 Anonymous
>>27450538 >>27450611 kek this board

1 hours later 27456811 Anonymous (1607585543791.gif 245x180 990kB)
>>27456458 >RBC

1 hours later 27456812 Anonymous
BTC/ETH/LINK/GRT/RBC. 5k invested total. Should I drop 2-3 coins? If so, which?

1 hours later 27456821 Anonymous
>>27450341 You forgot monero

1 hours later 27456836 Anonymous
>>27456305 yep, and this is why xsn exists

1 hours later 27456865 Anonymous
>>27456812 If you haven't profited from GRC and RBC would drop those cos they're gonna dump hard

1 hours later 27456922 Anonymous
>>27456865 Up 3x on GRT and 2x on RBC. But I was thinking about that too, I trust them enough to invest but I don't want to get burnt holding..

1 hours later 27456926 Anonymous (396AE945-EE42-417F-8C2B-7DC0522F1104.png 661x708 332kB)
I have 470 LINK for long term stable growth and 5k RBC for a gamble on a moon launch. Would buy into BAO but I'm too skeptical that I'll end up one of many bagholders when early adopters drop billions of BAO onto the market and make off with the profits.

1 hours later 27456934 Anonymous
>>27456865 Nah man, I believe in GRC. Rubrik can fuck off though.

1 hours later 27456967 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210202-083926_Delta.jpg 720x481 88kB)
Am I gonna make it Yes I know I'm poorfag

1 hours later 27457020 Anonymous
>>27456967 >Am I gonna make it No.

1 hours later 27457071 Anonymous
>>27456967 I was holding XLM for a while and finally got out on a recent dump. Don't see it doing much but fuck who knows.

2 hours later 27457163 Anonymous

2 hours later 27457318 Anonymous
>>27456934 Look, that's not the point. I believe there MIGHT be potential, tho some fudders have freaked me out bc of the lack of appeal to normies the project has. However - I also believe in Cardano, especially because of the f2pool shorting of BTC suppressing the price by the Chinese government + the lack of privacy involved in its circulation. I would also invest in Monero but the platform I use doesn't have it and I'm a lazy dumbfag. Could you tell me what you believe is so promising about GRT?

2 hours later 27457321 Anonymous
>>27450341 >pink faggot unicorn coin

2 hours later 27457374 Anonymous
>>27456967 dude. get a fucking job

2 hours later 27457442 Anonymous
>>27457318 Re: sorry with Cardano I've heard there's a pump and dump project in the works (sadly) so I'll be dumping my Cardano and buying back in after it dumps

2 hours later 27457454 Anonymous
>>27457374 I have a job

2 hours later 27457544 Anonymous
>>27457454 omg i'm so sorry good luck

2 hours later 27457579 Anonymous
I recently starting holding BTC, $100 worth every paycheck (2 weeks), its looking good so far. Also been buying silver, not rich enough for gold. I believe in BTC though, if it falls through, oh well.

2 hours later 27457660 Anonymous (cringe.jpg 225x225 3kB)

2 hours later 27457675 Anonymous
>>27450341 XSN for the possible moonshot / short term pump LINK ETH UNI Gonna get a bag of GRT soon

2 hours later 27457681 Anonymous
>>27457544 Yeah I know I'm poor as fuck, corona's been fucking me in the ass unfortunately. I'm not going all in but I hope I can profit a few hundred dollars and gradually build my portfolio

2 hours later 27457688 Anonymous (1598802081522.jpg 597x559 21kB)

2 hours later 27457890 Anonymous
>>27457660 What are you implying, BTC is cringe? The shits 30k+ and in a few years, who knows what it will be. Shit, Elon Musk just had good things to say about it, the normies will eat up whatever he has to say.

2 hours later 27457980 Anonymous
My first binance deposit ot 100 euros got cleared. What should I put it in? yesterday while waiting for it to clear I was thinking of going for XRP, but it seems fucked right now. A lot of people say go fot BTC and ETH and hold, but I wanted to try out some faster coins, instead of just watching the graph for years and the + and - jumping while changing colors. Or should I start with something safe like BTC and ETH and just look how other coins evolve? yes, i am a newfag and intend to lurk moar.

2 hours later 27458056 Anonymous
>>27457890 I think he's talking about your retard metals take anon

2 hours later 27458105 Anonymous
algo grt

2 hours later 27458191 Anonymous
>>27457442 faggot just flew in from reddit believes some discord trannies can move a 13.5 billion market cap coin drink bleach nigger

2 hours later 27458291 Anonymous (6 (1).jpg 760x793 252kB)
>>27450341 I am holding mostly eth now but am planning to put most of those into Polkamarkets....they just might take over Aughur and Gnosis when they launch

2 hours later 27458308 Anonymous
>>27450341 You wanna be in boomer alts for alt season Sys,Zen,Ark

2 hours later 27458388 Anonymous
PAYPAL 2.0 is back. REQ is finally marketing.

2 hours later 27459799 Anonymous
Poor fag here. 1.0 ETH .75 BCH 8.8 LINK 215.5 GRT 350. XLM 80. ALGO 10s of thousands of FUN that i bought years and years ago that im considering sellin. I realize im spread a lil thin considering how broke i am. I'll never sell my ETH in cold storage. I got back into Crypto this spring when i got stimmys. I FOMO'd into some bad shit in 2018 but also picked up ETH at like 400 so im glad i didnt panic sell. How should i reconfigure? I might dump my link into GRT because Sergey owns like 2/3s of them and apparently they pay people link to use their service.. seems scammy

3 hours later 27460101 Anonymous
>>27459799 someone criticize my hodlings plz

3 hours later 27460275 Anonymous
>>27458191 I hate reddit with a passion but I’m a cautious person and don’t like to underestimate the potential of retardation to fuck things up I hope you’re right

3 hours later 27460340 Anonymous
>>27450611 AAVE is a blue chip defi token along with YFI and SNX. Wake the fuck up newfag and do your god damn research bitch.

3 hours later 27460377 Anonymous
Zero mentions of Ampleforth (AMPL) in this thread. What the fuck is happening on this board? I’m going to have to make another schizo thread tomorrow.

3 hours later 27460400 Anonymous
>>27458308 If you want to stay poor that is correct.

3 hours later 27460467 Anonymous
>>27450341 ETH LINK UNI FTM

3 hours later 27460509 Anonymous
I feel sorry for you poorfags putting less than $1k in a coin. And when you do put your measly $50 investment into something it's in a largecap coin like Stellar. You guys are NGMI. Maybe next marketcycle in 2025 sorry buddy.

3 hours later 27460807 Anonymous
>>27460509 I lost my job, had to pay a lawyer, and move across the country in the span of a month. it cleaned me out. Im glad i held onto my coin, hopefully i cant make some amount of money to trade up.

3 hours later 27460879 Anonymous (dexgwhite1.jpg 900x600 35kB)
no brainer at 15m marketcap, only needs a X400 to catch up with uniswap and it's objectively superior.

3 hours later 27462187 Anonymous (shibassss.jpg 934x651 131kB)

3 hours later 27462798 Anonymous
>>27450341 I have big bags 4/5. Why Stellar op? Care to spoonfeed?

3 hours later 27463012 Anonymous
>>27450341 ARK

3 hours later 27463076 Anonymous
>>27450341 nano

4 hours later 27463100 Anonymous
>>27460400 been in the space since 2014. I think "Stay poor" does not apply. Now it's about keeping what I have and growing it slowly with the minimum amount of downside.

4 hours later 27463126 Anonymous (BAT-34-DD-pump-pump.jpg 1119x806 93kB)
BAT motherfuckers.

4 hours later 27463253 Anonymous (1597676219404.png 1082x695 459kB)
the Bitcoin of DeFi

4 hours later 27463397 Anonymous
AVAX MIR or stay poor

4 hours later 27463691 Anonymous (1_snTXFElFuQLSFDnvZKJ6IA (1).png 455x290 217kB)
ALGO, XLM, LINK, LTC, UNI, ETH, DOGE, SHIB, AKITA, BAO, BNB, XMR, XRP, VET, RCN, RLC, PRQ, RBC, DONUT Pic related but i somehow have 10x now than what i started with.

4 hours later 27463899 Anonymous
>>27450341 out of the ones non pic related, dHEDGE desu

4 hours later 27464499 Anonymous

4 hours later 27465036 Anonymous
>>27450341 link XSN ETH NKN XYO

4 hours later 27465115 Anonymous (1612135215629.png 1144x888 337kB)
>>27450341 unironically GRT.

4 hours later 27465153 Anonymous
>>27450684 Jamie?

4 hours later 27465238 Anonymous
i'm pretty deep in BOND right now. just waiting for the final blast off

4 hours later 27465277 Anonymous
>>27452801 its not made in india tho

4 hours later 27465331 Anonymous
Dfohub (BUIDL)

4 hours later 27465495 Anonymous
>>27457318 GRT = google of blockchain It’s a way to query the contents of the blockchain, like SQL for blockchain

4 hours later 27465775 Anonymous
>>27451268 >>27452509 >>27452558 >>27452629 >>27456094 >>27450611 >>27450684 >>27450744 do you happen to be named jamie?

4 hours later 27465834 Anonymous
>>27465775 if so all in REEF. :)

5 hours later 27466311 Anonymous
Your pic related is good. NuCypher and GRT are two other coins that will be big in the future.

5 hours later 27466356 Anonymous
>>27450341 grt pols ada qnt

5 hours later 27466460 Anonymous
>>27463126 I just hopped on this train and I’m never leaving

5 hours later 27466504 Anonymous
>>27466311 Checked. How big can grt get though? A shit ton of coins, not saying it won't but 75cents or so that this is sitting on looks about right.

5 hours later 27466799 Anonymous
>>27450341 btc, eth and link The holy trinity

5 hours later 27467119 Anonymous
>>27457681 If you only have that little money you should try some riskier investments at the start to actually get some significant capital.

5 hours later 27467409 Anonymous
>>27463126 Unironically this

5 hours later 27468516 Anonymous
>>27450341 unironically LINK + PRQ

5 hours later 27468700 Anonymous
>>27450914 how many do you have?

5 hours later 27468723 Anonymous
>>27450341 This is the truly chad portfolio.

5 hours later 27468810 Anonymous
You can get an index of top DeFi coins with CC10 and DEFI5 you can farm em too for NDX. Check it out.

5 hours later 27469154 Anonymous
>>27460879 Took a look at the whitepaper and it looks fucking good Only 15m mc for this gem? Dunno what to think, something's fishy lmao Gonna buy a (fat) stack tho. I already hold RBC and UNI, but this looks very promising indeed

6 hours later 27469727 Anonymous (k42r2.jpg 490x360 61kB)
>>27450341 LINK ADA VET

6 hours later 27469838 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210202-114811.png 1080x1920 167kB)
>>27450341 Injective. Expect it to steal most of Uniswaps market share over the next year

6 hours later 27469886 Anonymous
>>27450341 BTC ETH And shitcoins like: ZRX ICX etc ICX for the last 2 years. It has a shit tier marketing but it's as solid as they come and yet it hasn't go up in ages.

6 hours later 27469929 Anonymous
>>27450341 Statera, literally a scam-proof coin

6 hours later 27469997 Anonymous
>>27460101 atleast u got a whole eferrium

6 hours later 27470062 Anonymous
Is it possible that cryptos and blockchain technology will be a leading payment method sometime in the future, or will it always be treated like a stock and for pumps and dumps?

6 hours later 27470302 Anonymous
>>27469154 The upside is huge but the core technology (speculative AMM) is probably bullshit (unproven and made by a scammy-seeming chink). A small investment is reasonable.

6 hours later 27470344 Anonymous
>>27470062 It's literally happening with BTC and will continue to happen until it replaces fiat but we're talking in at least 20yrs from now

6 hours later 27470591 Anonymous
GRT REEF ETH LINK, the make it stack

19.741 0.202