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2021-02-02 12:57 27422534 Anonymous (049852093485.jpg 678x710 32kB)
>25 >$50k net worth just terminate my existence

3 min later 27422897 Anonymous
How the fuck? Where does your money go bro? If you make min wage, unironically work 2 jobs. That's what I do kek. It's the only way unless you get lucky

4 min later 27423018 Anonymous
>>27422534 all in GRT QUICK

7 min later 27423277 Anonymous
>>27422534 I'm 34 and my networth is -7k. I have 28 chainlinks and credit card debt

8 min later 27423376 Anonymous
>>27423277 Based. Sounds like you have had sex. OP has never and is a faggot.

8 min later 27423388 Anonymous (36AF2A88-6B2B-4BDD-B066-709DDCFAA4BA.jpg 851x967 169kB)
>>27423277 Based king

9 min later 27423450 Anonymous
>>27423277 yeah im thinkin based

9 min later 27423492 Anonymous
>>27422534 >25 >-$25k debt yeah anon i think you're doing way better than me rn.

10 min later 27423590 Anonymous (1579650634188.png 804x802 140kB)
>26 >$115k net worth Investing in suicide mask

10 min later 27423603 Anonymous (SNEED FROG.jpg 976x1077 154kB)
>24 >200k I'm comfortable but it's still not enough. I know greed is evil but I can't fight nature.

11 min later 27423707 Anonymous
>>27422534 im 34 with only 14k...

12 min later 27423719 Anonymous
Turn 27 this month. Net worth about 125k but that’s because my grandfather left me mutual funds that are worth $30k and I lived rent free at my parents house for 3 years working a desk job. I should really have way more money but I have gone on a few extremely reckless spending sprees. Once I spent a few thousand on books, another time I spent $6k in a month on guns. I spend a lot on energy drinks, coffee, and protein bars too. Sometimes I wish I was more of a minimalist

13 min later 27423896 Anonymous (53f.jpg 196x250 7kB)
>putting a price on your fucking life You're not gonna make it cause you don't wanna make it Money is just money

14 min later 27423932 Anonymous
>>27423719 If you live in MN, you are expected to buy $thousands in guns when the planet of the apes hit last year around may...

16 min later 27424162 Anonymous
>>27422534 is this supposed to be bad?

16 min later 27424202 Anonymous
>>27423277 bro im just out the mental hospital, things can get worst.

18 min later 27424406 Anonymous
>>27422534 Pretty much the same but I'm europoor with lower wages and a lot higher taxes, so I'm pretty satisfied with the progress as I started from zero Probably going to spend a part of it on travelling once corona is over though

20 min later 27424599 Anonymous
>>27424406 corona will never be over bro, is a war against people. You don't decide when the war end, since everyone is a sheep

21 min later 27424607 Anonymous
>>27422534 literally me >>27422897 my student loan was $40k, so without that I'd be more like $100k by now. I just started investing seriously last year as well

22 min later 27424731 Anonymous
Most people your age have negative net worth.

24 min later 27424897 Anonymous
>19 >network of 1000€

26 min later 27425096 Anonymous (IMG_2068.jpg 640x1136 177kB)
im reading this board and i dont even invest. i wait until my adderall is refilled and i blow half of it beating off to trannies. then i use the other half normally and it makes me wanna invest in shit but then i run out

28 min later 27425233 Anonymous
>>27425096 Can you invest 10% of your paycheck the moment you get paid? Set a reminder and do it straightaway. Then just eat tinned beans if you have to.

28 min later 27425239 Anonymous (1610530294646.png 633x758 327kB)
>26 >£43k net worth

28 min later 27425265 Anonymous
>>27423277 do a flip

29 min later 27425324 Anonymous
>>27425233 my job is to beat my dick to trannies. real talk tho i have savings and im planning to invest it

30 min later 27425401 Anonymous
>>27424731 What %?

30 min later 27425430 Anonymous
>36 >-25k networth It can always be worse Also don't get married

34 min later 27425759 Anonymous (.jpg 820x446 93kB)
>>27425401 i bet 10-20%

35 min later 27425826 Anonymous
>33 >950k net worth Six figure hell. Going to kys myself

36 min later 27426009 Anonymous (1623470123576.jpg 800x704 48kB)
>26 >800k nw i'm so tired of waging bros...

37 min later 27426107 Anonymous
>>27423896 the fuck i'm gonna need to ponder this

38 min later 27426129 Anonymous
>38 >7k net worth Had 55k with Bitcoin Private a few years ago. lost almost everything with Tron. Just came back to crypto. Holding GRT.

42 min later 27426512 Anonymous (A41CEEFD-A8ED-408D-81D8-EFC9739A4140.jpg 617x411 29kB)
>>27422534 >33 today >in my overdraft >no savings >no job >no life Could be worse bro.

44 min later 27426697 Anonymous
Liquid/Crypto: 91k Assets: 305k >>27425826 >>27426009 Very jelly lads

48 min later 27427054 Muskrat
>>27422897 >work 2 job thats when i would kms

50 min later 27427226 Anonymous (1541315331784.gif 389x280 2837kB)
>25 >200k net worth I miss my dad :(

50 min later 27427242 Anonymous (1611960677521.jpg 744x736 75kB)
How do I know what my net worth is? Aren't human organs like 100k? So it's impossible to have a net worth less than 100k

51 min later 27427308 Anonymous
>>27427242 >So it's impossible to have a net worth less than 100k kek, learn about debt anon

51 min later 27427322 Anonymous (basedking3.jpg 208x310 26kB)
>>27423388 true based king coming through

51 min later 27427329 Anonymous
>>27422534 33 Sick most likely cancer or worse, >1k Net worth. Be happy.

51 min later 27427332 Anonymous
>>27427242 assets minus liabilities

51 min later 27427371 Muskrat
>>27427226 ill be your daddy if you split that 100k with me

52 min later 27427401 Anonymous
>>27427329 Fuck, sorry man. What type of cancer?

52 min later 27427482 Muskrat
>>27427332 >assets minus liabilities does that include hoes?

53 min later 27427500 Anonymous
im 27 with 70k cash in bank and a 20k car - no loans (living in apartment) but im a retard ape and literally never set up a 401k or IRA or anything, im trying to do that now

53 min later 27427528 Anonymous
>>27422897 what's the point of even living if you spend every waking moment at work

54 min later 27427590 JACK (pememe.png 800x600 263kB)
>>27422534 im 19 and I have 20k and i am putting it all into JACK first thing tomorrow and you should too

54 min later 27427592 Anonymous
>>27422534 26 here and just crossed over 1M Get off your lazy ass nigger

55 min later 27427680 Anonymous
30 with about 120k. I assume we are including retirement, house, car and everything of value you own.

55 min later 27427727 Anonymous
>>27427401 Most likely lymph node related, blood tests came back negative but since then I've lost 30 more lbs and my ability to move my right leg and feels like my blood is attacking me. And last test showed white blood cells abnormally high, I've gotta get a full scan to know but I've gone from 320 to 175. It's evident to me, that and massive infections keep appearing the size of baseballs and bursting, good shit.

56 min later 27427787 Anonymous
>>27427500 you really are a fucking idiot

56 min later 27427793 Anonymous
>>27423277 How many fingerboxes?

56 min later 27427798 Anonymous
>>27427528 retards think that granting their made up grandchildren with generational wealth somehow gives them vicariously a life worth living

56 min later 27427821 Anonymous
>>27427329 I HOPE YOU DIE

57 min later 27427841 JACK
>>27422897 imagine thinking this lmao

57 min later 27427890 Anonymous
>>27422534 >25 >90k It's so embarrassing, bros...

57 min later 27427910 Anonymous
>>27427821 I mean that's inevitable, and most likely less than 7 years so yeah you don't need to wish.

57 min later 27427932 Anonymous
>>27427798 I agree that it's a retarded mindset, though I guess if my ancestors had broke their backs for my sake I'd be rich right now..

58 min later 27427984 Anonymous
26 and over half my 130k network is in retarded nfa guns and autistic ammo

58 min later 27427997 Anonymous
One thing I’ve learned about people is that they always exaggerate any number Net worth, grades, men’s number of sexual partners, penis size So by how much are you all lying?

58 min later 27427999 Anonymous (douggei.jpg 337x326 13kB)
>35 >$25k networth >put $15k into doge at .06 i really really need it to moon guys

58 min later 27428040 Anonymous (1601055049474.jpg 550x422 34kB)
>24 >1.3m in chainlink

59 min later 27428048 Anonymous
>>27427727 Fucking hell, God speed brother. I hope you get better soon mate

59 min later 27428089 Anonymous
>>27423277 Based sex haver

59 min later 27428099 Anonymous
>>27427932 it's selfless but you learn in law school that trusts almost always are fully dissipated after 2 or 3 generations because it doesnt take much fuckery to spend 100 years of accumulation

59 min later 27428108 Anonymous
>>27423277 24. -20k from college on 2 lines of credit. Im doing my best

59 min later 27428137 Anonymous
>>27422534 if the movie "cars" was part of your childhood, you're too young to post here

59 min later 27428157 Anonymous (1529976261434 (1).jpg 400x400 91kB)
>24 >80k it could be worse

1 hours later 27428205 Anonymous (1610279266425.png 596x645 95kB)
>20 >$10k in crypto >in UNI but do nothing but attend boring classes >no job just sit at home on 4chan and listen to music all day could be worse. i have a serious laziness problem. i remember 2 years ago I said the same thing, yet here i am doing the same thing.

1 hours later 27428207 Anonymous
>>27428048 Appreciate it, highly doubtful but like I said on my first post, if you guys have your health your infinity wealthier than someone like myself. I had 50k in liquid cash 2010 and knew about Bitcoin but even had I took 2k and made myself a billionaire I'd still be dying. Be happy.

1 hours later 27428249 Anonymous
>27 >5k At least I'm making between 70%-120% returns a month thanks to my /biz/ frens

1 hours later 27428264 Anonymous
>>27422534 Is that supposed to be low? If you're debt free that's pure accumulation. You're only 25 dude. Relax.

1 hours later 27428268 JACK
>>27427984 sell your ammo now?

1 hours later 27428271 Anonymous (1610659638521.png 960x960 1270kB)
>49,699 years old >$100 octillian networth, several star systems subjugated under my rule >still the underachiever in my lineage My 50th millennia birthday is coming up soon and I feel like I've accomplished nothing bros... Should I rope?

1 hours later 27428276 Anonymous (80696500_p0.jpg 2025x2955 558kB)
>25 >45k Just fucking kill me. How do I make as much as all you?

1 hours later 27428306 Anonymous
24, I only have 247.85 in my bank

1 hours later 27428317 Anonymous
>>27428205 same here bro

1 hours later 27428320 Anonymous (100549548454.jpg 311x162 5kB)
>>27422534 >23 >€40k net worth JUST

1 hours later 27428327 Anonymous
>>27422534 >25 >like 5000$ Whatever man money isn’t real

1 hours later 27428355 Anonymous
>>27423719 Sounds like a good life, man. Enjoy it, don’t burden yourself with guilt

1 hours later 27428356 JACK
>>27428249 if that were true you would have more than 5k

1 hours later 27428364 Anonymous
>>27427997 44 $40,000 after 2 divorce rapes Never passed an exam left school at 14 Over 50 partners 5.5" No need to lie on anon board.

1 hours later 27428420 Anonymous
>>27428306 basado

1 hours later 27428448 Anonymous
>>27427997 That's why, whenever I see these threads, I claim I have slightly more than the OP, just slightly more. On occasion, they've actually replied; correcting their previous claim with one slightly bigger than my own. That's when I win. That's when I know I've gotten under their skin. t. >24 >65k net worth

1 hours later 27428485 Anonymous (F08CB215B5AB4EB095A36088FD86644A.png 211x231 15kB)
>18 yo >Make 350k a year >120k in debt

1 hours later 27428486 Anonymous
>24 >Full time NEET virgin >Not even 1k to my name Why should I continue

1 hours later 27428497 Anonymous
>>27428207 we all value most what we dont have at the present moment. i hope your health makes a turn for the better and you experience a seething central bank collapse soon

1 hours later 27428593 JACK
>>27427997 cope

1 hours later 27428625 Anonymous
>>27428364 Is it still possible to love after the second divorce or what is your perspective on marriage at this point

1 hours later 27428706 JACK
>>27428485 so what.... you're gonna pay it back? like a bitch? fuck them

1 hours later 27428709 Anonymous (1582158557488.gif 500x281 2039kB)
>25 >-80k >jobless You guys go on ahead without me, i don't think i'm ever going to make it.

1 hours later 27428713 Anonymous
>>27428497 Haha well they ruined my path in 08 by refusing to take my bank payments for my house right after my father passed a month before, Had to get the AG involved and they played ignorant until it foreclosed, setting me on a path of ruin and rebuilding which got me this far, which isn't terrible but lost a 450k house in a private neighborhood 1 year from being paid, was only 21 so didn't know how to sue. If I could see a collapse of the system before I die I could die happily. Although too weak or poor to do much besides spectate.

1 hours later 27428744 Anonymous
>26 >grad student full time >$20k >all my money comes from taxpayers >make little enough to basically get a 100% refund Anyone else get to suckle at the state teat?

1 hours later 27428753 Anonymous
>>27425096 why do you need adderall to beat off to trannies

1 hours later 27428766 Anonymous
>>27428249 hey i’m 19 and i have 5k

1 hours later 27428866 Anonymous (059015C0-78A7-4918-AAA5-98082523718B.jpg 640x480 100kB)
>>27422534 >27 >-30k >make 30k a year

1 hours later 27428932 Anonymous
>>27423277 >>27428108 How bad is your credit?

1 hours later 27428984 Anonymous
31 2k bank account, 70k crypto really wanted to do a phd in physics, worked crap lab jobs for 2 years to make up for bad gpa. Got into a top 5 school. Worked my ass of published a bunch. Got really fucking disillusioned with academia. Don't do a PhD in hard sciences, it's a scam! Graduated last year into a pandemic, i didn't have industry experience even though my entire phd was writing software, so entering the market was really hard. Just got a low 6 figure job. Gonna live with my parents for a few years and focus on my career. Not ideal but whatever...I don't expect much.

1 hours later 27429000 Anonymous
>>27428753 What is dopamine multiplier

1 hours later 27429013 Anonymous
>>27422534 >19 >40k It's over isnt it

1 hours later 27429037 Anonymous
>>27428753 makes you so horny you don't second guess it for being gay

1 hours later 27429080 Anonymous
>>27427727 fuck man, i wish you the best.

1 hours later 27429147 Anonymous
>>27429013 40k at 19? Where are you faggots getting this money your parents?

1 hours later 27429157 Anonymous
>>27422534 >25 >$300k net worth when does it get better?

1 hours later 27429166 Anonymous
>>27429080 Appreciate it friend.

1 hours later 27429276 Anonymous
>>27424406 >once corona is over though You think they're gonna let this iron grasp on the weak-willed population go? No way lol

1 hours later 27429334 Anonymous
>>27429147 I started investing as soon as I turned 18 and have a 200% return and that's all I have to show for it.

1 hours later 27429336 Anonymous (1581642628365.png 1498x904 1782kB)
All the people who are in the negative or positive like $300 are better off than the people with like $40k Having <$100k is difficult because you believe there is a chance when there isn't one having <$1k is easier because you don't even bother to dream

1 hours later 27429410 Anonymous
>>27429171 You must live in a cheap province

1 hours later 27429469 Anonymous
>>27428744 i'd rather my taxes go to someone like you than some sheboon and her kids

1 hours later 27429471 Anonymous
>>27429013 No you fucking dumbass you're 19

1 hours later 27429482 Anonymous
>>27429037 I mean, it's not fucking ecstasy. >>27429000 What is >Faggot

1 hours later 27429491 Anonymous
>>27429147 Also I worked a wagie an hour job for a year.

1 hours later 27429517 Anonymous
>>27428486 Thank you for restoring my faith. So many rich fags here :/

1 hours later 27429518 Anonymous
>>27429334 You still had 20,000$ at 18? from?

1 hours later 27429521 Anonymous
>>27428744 Also grad student >27 $95k mostly liquid Should be making $250k/year when I graduate though

1 hours later 27429533 Anonymous
>>27429336 this mindset is why you’re ngmi

1 hours later 27429534 Anonymous
>66 >216M >Replying to a datamine thread good luck niggers, you're going to need it.

1 hours later 27429558 Anonymous
>>27422534 25, networth 3k cash, 5k car and a few k crypto. I"ll be starting a job for 80k soon though.

1 hours later 27429564 Anonymous
>>27424731 Most people are losers

1 hours later 27429571 Anonymous
>>27422534 >26 >150k Beginning to think I'm not going to make it.

1 hours later 27429655 Anonymous
>>27429491 You net 20k as a wagie working a year from 17-18 while presumably in high school still or the year after. Working full time as what where a McDonald’s fry cook? And you net 20k for a year?

1 hours later 27429726 Anonymous
>>27429518 It was like 5k and it was from saving every dime I made off birthdays Christmas and mowing lawns.

1 hours later 27429733 Anonymous
>>27427226 I'm sorry to hear that bro, I'm sure he'd be proud of you

1 hours later 27429747 Anonymous
>>27429512 How much are you getting doing securicuck in BC?

1 hours later 27429821 Anonymous
26, ~5k in checking, ~10k in savings, ~10k in investments+crypto, ~15k in 401k. I could have been much, much smarter with my money, and with my life. But I think it's a good life. My job is comfy, my overhead is low, I buy the groceries I want, I have my health and thank God, my family is well and my mother's financial situation is secure. If I'd played my cards right I might be looking to buy a home by now, but in Illinois, who needs the headache, they're all overpriced shit-flips anyway. It could be better but it could be so much worse. I count my blessings.

1 hours later 27429825 Anonymous
>>27429521 Fuck, what's your field?

1 hours later 27429873 Anonymous
>>27429655 I don't understand the confusion.

1 hours later 27429931 Anonymous
>>27423590 a few heymaker bets and you might be able to climb out of crippling poverty by 30 anon

1 hours later 27429935 Anonymous
>>27429726 Jew glow in the dark why does your story keep changing was it 200% return on 20k or 400% return on 5,000 you cock sucking lying faggot get out of here you fucking psyop coon

1 hours later 27430020 Anonymous
>31 years old >still on this chinese cartoon enthusiast bulletin board website >only 250k in crypto >not enough for a house, not enough to quit my job, not enough for fucking anything when exactly is it going to be mine turn biz? everyone else gets x10 profits but I always end up getting 5%, 15%, 20% if I'm lucky on a trade. I just want to retire on 15mil at the end of the year, is that really too much to ask?

1 hours later 27430040 Anonymous
>>27429821 also lifetime sexual partners somewhere around 65-70, because it'll trigger you into reeeee'ing "wagie! cattle!"

1 hours later 27430124 Anonymous (fff.jpg 422x550 22kB)
>23 > >1K b-b-but im making a new genre of music anons

1 hours later 27430141 Anonymous
>>27429558 That's almost me. 25 and 2k cash and no crypto. 80k job starting hopefully this summer. Fucking 5yrs engineering degree is a meme. Am I too late to the party bros?

1 hours later 27430148 Anonymous
>>27428271 fucking moron, who stays in their home universe? the REAL speculative market is in parallel universes that never developed life, it's literally a money printer and you dont have to deal with anyone manipulating your markets either, it all goes straight into your pocket.

1 hours later 27430165 Anonymous
23 1.8m dont work, dont fucking need to. been here for 4 years, people know i have money but nobody knows how much

1 hours later 27430237 Anonymous
>>27430040 >>27429821 kek, nobody cared, asked, or read

1 hours later 27430244 Anonymous
>>27429935 Where did I say it was a 200% return on 20k There seems to be a lot of anger I hope you get through it.

1 hours later 27430270 Anonymous (179E0794-14E2-4BBD-9988-CE46C882C86A.jpg 1000x500 79kB)
>25 >6 figure hell at $915k

1 hours later 27430276 Anonymous
>>27430020 >everyone else gets x10 profits That's not how it works

1 hours later 27430415 Anonymous
>>27422534 >Only one other anon calling out the Cars blanket Holy fuck, Cars was easily the worst Pixar movie up to that point.

1 hours later 27430421 Anonymous
>>27430040 same except im around 40-50 and 21 sometimes i got to r9k just to hear incels ree anyways >21 >net worth like 4k counting only money on accounts / stocks i couldve been a lot smarter with my money desu. I splurged all my savings in 2018 on some stupid fucking vacation and although it was only 6k it was fucking retarded given my age thank god i come from a nice background so ill never have to worry about anything though

1 hours later 27430433 Anonymous
>>27427798 >BRO JUST LIVE IN THE NOW HAHA FUCK SUBSEQUENT GENERATIONS You are, and I mean this 100% unironically, a 30 year old boomer. KYS

1 hours later 27430437 Anonymous
Bro the median net worth for people under 35 is $13000

1 hours later 27430465 Anonymous
>>27429935 Also a 200% return on 20k is 60k friend.

1 hours later 27430474 Anonymous
I'm 23, I have $700, two GME shares, and a Ford fiesta

1 hours later 27430550 Anonymous
>>27430270 >counting 15k its ok that your poor dude stop being a faggot about it

1 hours later 27430596 JACK
>>27430165 can you sell me some btc i hit the daily limit

1 hours later 27430657 Anonymous
>>27428625 I hate women now but I'm trying not to. It will pass, the most recent was just last year. I'll get back to wanting another but no marriage. Women are evil, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

1 hours later 27430722 Anonymous
Also bait aside I could live comfortably off 200k and never work another day in my life, wtf is wrong with you fags.

1 hours later 27430785 Anonymous
>>27429013 >20 >Same amount as the 19 yo Kill me please anons, I'll thank you

1 hours later 27430836 Anonymous
Im 28 and have over $30,000 in credit card debt, which is all silver purchases. Debtmaxx

1 hours later 27430865 Anonymous
>>27430722 u really wanna live with your boomer parents the rest of your life?

1 hours later 27430979 Anonymous (1610011095074.jpg 798x644 42kB)
>>27422534 >29 >Roughly $500 net worth (no assets whatsoever, just cash) It could be worse, anon, you could be me.

1 hours later 27431004 Anonymous
>>27430722 I'm sorry anon but you're clueless. 200k won't even last 10 years.

1 hours later 27431057 Anonymous
>>27430865 I could rent out a shitty apartment where I'm from and literally pay the rent and food off the dividends I'd make. It wouldn't be luxurious or anything but I could shitpost full time. It's my goal by 20.

1 hours later 27431178 Anonymous
>>27431004 I'm not trying to fuck hoes on a yacht I'm just trying to eat lentils in my cold ass government assisted apartment.

1 hours later 27431198 Anonymous
>>27425430 rather be a penniless family man than a trillionaire virgin isolate

1 hours later 27431297 Anonymous
10k nw - 20 here kill me already If I had played it out better I would have had 6 figures but still 200 link in my wallet and some cash from summer jobs and saving

1 hours later 27431345 Anonymous
>>27431198 Name one trillionaire who doesn't have a family.

1 hours later 27431391 Anonymous
>5k >got out of debt last summer >802 credit score >37 >divorced Back at point zero At least I don’t have kids

1 hours later 27431397 Anonymous
I'm about to be 25 and have 4k net worth. Maybe I could sell some jewelery but that's it. I haven't been to jail nor do I do illegal drugs, but I am unemployable. Stocks are the only thing I can do for money.

1 hours later 27431426 Anonymous
So are we supposed to have 1mil+ by 25? Most people get out of college at 21-22

1 hours later 27431613 Anonymous (1547859129647.png 140x227 9kB)
This is a demoralization thread, right? >26 >50k networth, 99% of that in bitcoin There, here is some actual data, you faggots. Seriously, non of you faggots have a six figure networth, unless you gambled on the right shitcoins which isn't most of you. >>27428485 No one at age 18 makes six figures. Fuck off, you fucking nigger.

1 hours later 27431625 Anonymous
>>27426009 Tired of waging at 26? You must be out of shape. Young man like you should be in his prime jumping out of bed every morning

1 hours later 27431628 Anonymous
>>27431198 rather be a trillionaire nonvirgin isolate paying for sex slaves than a family man imagine the evil. delicious evil. >travel the world impregnating random women in third world villages as you please >spread your genes to every single continent >a child with every middle of nowhere tribe >families BTFO

1 hours later 27431634 Anonymous
>>27431426 white people really think that if not for the evil libs they'd all be millionaires. lol.

1 hours later 27431787 Anonymous
>>27431625 no, i'm just not cucked by the system like you post your nw faggot

1 hours later 27431801 Anonymous (assassass.gif 400x500 2506kB)
>>27422534 >33 >2k in savings >living day to day moving n shaking >not been (((employed))) for 8 years Yeeeeeeep. Any day soon my big win is gonna roll on in.

1 hours later 27431841 Anonymous
>>27427910 I hope you don't die, bro.

1 hours later 27431992 Anonymous
>>27429825 Electrical engineering, I do compression/machine learning/optimization algorithms type stuff. I know a guy in our CS department who just graduated with his phd and got a position at a FAANG company for $275k/year

1 hours later 27432410 Anonymous
>>27430020 is 15 mil the number?

1 hours later 27432497 Anonymous
>>27430020 3 people get x10 profits 300 people post pink wojaks

1 hours later 27432518 Anonymous (IMG_3643.jpg 640x480 127kB)
>>27432323 And no I'm not bullshitting this was from my surgery last March, removing precancerous growths on my spine but they are coming back.

1 hours later 27432534 Anonymous (ErWYF_sXUAE3JeW.jpg 551x558 47kB)
>26 (almost 27) >63k >burned out of a 6 figure job after graduating because of mental illness >now live with parents working shit job I've blown 20k because I don't know when to sell. Gave up today and put half my money in a fixed deposit. Still have 2k in doge (up 200%), if it moons maybe I'll try again.

1 hours later 27432905 Anonymous
27 $100k in cash, zero in market Truck worth $20k

1 hours later 27432936 Anonymous
>>27422897 Imagine wasting your prime years working most of your waking hours for someone else. We live in a time of unprecedented access to both entertainment and information. You could explore the greatest works of literature, learn about the human condition, or the mechanics of the economy, or participate in any number of hobbies or sports or connect with friends and family, but instead you work TWO bullshit jobs which drastically underpay you because of an over abundance of labor and the steady march of technology devaluing labor in general. You are wasting the most precious commodity you have, time.

1 hours later 27432994 Anonymous
>>27432905 Put all of that into Bitcoin, RIGHT NOW. ETH is also good.

1 hours later 27433020 Anonymous
>>27431345 Jeff Bezos nearly was.

1 hours later 27433058 Anonymous
>>27432534 Never sell at a loss. Better to hodl into eternity than admit failure and accept a loss.

1 hours later 27433096 Anonymous
How the fuck do you find a job that even pays 50k a year as a 24 year old? No one is fucking hiring

1 hours later 27433168 Anonymous
WTF, 4chan is eating half the stuff I post. What is going on?

1 hours later 27433320 Anonymous
>>27427727 my brother in law a few years ago was given two months to live with lymph node cancer. Still alive today, the trick was to make his body as alkaline as possible

1 hours later 27433356 Anonymous
>>27427727 God Bless.

1 hours later 27433507 Anonymous
>>27433096 get educated or read a book on how not to be poor.

1 hours later 27433508 Anonymous
>>27433320 That's awesome, I still am trying had to have surgery and thought that would help it but clearly not as I'm worse off today than before the surgery, I'll look into the alkaline thing I remember reading about it years ago. (Same guy new id)

1 hours later 27433530 Anonymous
>>27433356 test

1 hours later 27433623 Anonymous (images.png 212x238 5kB)
>>27433320 >the trick was to make his body as alkaline as possible

2 hours later 27433662 Anonymous
>>27432518 read this free book it will heal you pls give it a shot. look up the authors lecture if you want to get a feel for the guy. Ive tried so many diets and this is the first one that gives immediate and obvious results. https://b-ok.cc/book/3603854/7861df

2 hours later 27433669 Anonymous
31, approx $170k not including shit like guns/ammo, instruments and vehicles (nice diesel truck, 88 4Runner no loans.) Granted about 80k of that is in a house in a metro area that is too dark for my liking. Even if the area has gotten super gentrified. Need to return to the countryside.

2 hours later 27433894 Anonymous
>>27431057 hmmm, have u considered getting a job anon?

2 hours later 27433898 Anonymous
>>27423707 Based I'm 34 with 19k but crypto is gonna help me retire early. I have 1.12 Litecoin and it's only going up from here baby

2 hours later 27434040 Anonymous

2 hours later 27434060 Anonymous
>>27431198 He might be divorced anon, those bitches are leeches.

2 hours later 27434099 Anonymous
>>27427999 holy retard

2 hours later 27434169 Anonymous
>22 >600

2 hours later 27434181 Anonymous
>>27427821 May Christ have mercy on you

2 hours later 27434294 Anonymous
>>27427997 600$ in bank, 200$ in my wallet right now. 0, kissless virgin. 6 inches. 5'2. 25 year old college grad with a worthless English degree. fucking kill me please.

2 hours later 27434299 Anonymous (agony.png 128x100 14kB)
>>27422534 I'm 26 with £1300. I'd drown you in a muddy puddle for 50k.

2 hours later 27434356 Anonymous
>>27434299 hey dude...you can do it

2 hours later 27434511 Anonymous
30, 210k not including physical assets. I feel like I can save more but otherwise am in okay shape.

2 hours later 27434648 Anonymous
>>27434040 Wow calm down, you already got me banned once and in the process looks like the mods banned you to for wishing me to die. You need some soul searching brother.

2 hours later 27434672 Anonymous
>>27423492 go all in on the graph and u will erase that debt by the end of this yr

2 hours later 27434816 Anonymous
>>27427727 ill meditate tomorrow and concentrate on good health for you. god bless

2 hours later 27434853 Anonymous
>>27434816 Thank you, (Same Guy)

2 hours later 27434896 Anonymous
>>27433623 hey if you're given two months to live and all the doctors except one write you off as a lost cause who am I to knock the one that saves your life. >>27433508 Ill give you some deets about the bro in law as it might help you. Basically from what we were told you shouldn't cut anything out as a FIRST option, and you should generally focus on reducing the size of the cancer or tumor naturally. This is because when you start cutting shit out it leaves it more susceptible for future cancer to grow in that spot. Another thing is the treatment wasnt cheap at all. A lot of royals actually went to the guy im talking about and his programs involve multiple enemas and herbs you've gotta consume. If you want anymore tips just message me im at work now doing fuck all

2 hours later 27434952 Anonymous
28 $70k debt I just got a job that pays $50/hr but it's contracted and will only be for $2500 of time

2 hours later 27435047 Anonymous (sfaf.png 518x566 341kB)
>>27422534 >20 >400k net worth

2 hours later 27435073 Anonymous
>>27428486 I promise you get sun every day and meditate. your life will 180

2 hours later 27435236 Anonymous
>>27422534 If you have a positive net worth at 25, you're doing better than most at your age. In the long run, skills and the ability to add value is more important than current cash on hand. Just keep improving. You'll be fine

2 hours later 27435337 Anonymous (1607360125379.jpg 699x521 77kB)
>27 >67k net worth >Vitalik Buterin founded etherum and is probably a billionaire

2 hours later 27435469 Anonymous
>>27422534 You’re 24, invest in the right stuff such as Etherium, Link and GRT, start a Roth IRA (pre-tax) , be smart with your money. Don’t use a credit card unless sits for gas and groceries. Spend it then pay it off. Don’t buy new cars, buy used and with cash, then dump after 2-3 years. If you have to rent. Rent with roommates, buy a house or land to build when you have the money. Buy a computer that you can build. Spend wisely on quality items for your home , renovate it with your own design. Learn to grow your own food and become self sufficient.

2 hours later 27435482 Anonymous
>>27423277 ive got worse debt than that just from getting my wife pregnant too soon, buck up champ just ride it out and just on the scam coins early

2 hours later 27435645 Anonymous (brain damaged frog.jpg 364x264 21kB)
You guys have net worth? I'm 21, I live in Brazil and mine would be basically 500 dollars tops

2 hours later 27435679 Anonymous
>>27427500 You still have plenty of time. Start a Roth. But 20K of your savings in when you start . Invest in crypto and Tesla.

2 hours later 27435689 Anonymous (1382194537631.png 450x493 356kB)
>35 >$96k net worth >excluding 401k and roth money I'll never see, and $29K (((graduate degree))) debt I still have, it's more like $13k >$5K in GRT so far idk if I'm gmi sometimes, bros. like how the fuck does anyone afford a house in any area that's not dark as shit

2 hours later 27435744 Anonymous
>>27427329 You're gonna make it, anon.

2 hours later 27435767 Anonymous
>>27423603 and how did you make your 200k if your not larping?

2 hours later 27435795 Anonymous (1611734890919.jpg 640x640 86kB)
>all these lofty numbers >not a single bank statement kek

2 hours later 27435833 Anonymous
29 little over 200K net, this year focusing on doubling that

2 hours later 27435837 Anonymous
>>27435645 Tamo junto meu vascaíno

2 hours later 27435892 Anonymous (8C3D0CDF-DF25-4966-B842-D0A8EEB78FED.jpg 200x194 3kB)
>early 30s >don’t make that much >wife is about to have our first baby and doesn’t work I’m not going to make it bros

2 hours later 27436026 Anonymous (doger.jpg 1545x869 93kB)
>>27422534 >25 >$400 net worth NEET >I own nothing and I like it

2 hours later 27436031 Anonymous
>>27423719 You ever use lib gen? Virtually every book you can think of is on there for free.

2 hours later 27436107 Anonymous
>at 28 >-50k debt >dead end wagie >found out my kid was autistic now >33 >about 7k debt left >live off of government handouts thanks to brilliant disabled son >turning profits on crypto from handouts pretty happy now desu

2 hours later 27436110 Anonymous
>>27435892 maybe you can leave your modest gains to your son so he can make it where you could not. if you have a daughter tho you should prob end it.

2 hours later 27436186 Anonymous
>>27434896 Sorry some Pajeet keeps reporting me, I agree on not operating on it, watched my dad die a month after they biopsied his liver cancer. As for traveling to get help it's impossible I'm saving for a vehicle but being sick as I am it's a vicious cycle but I'm working on it as much as I can. I'm curious who the person is though.

2 hours later 27436196 Anonymous
> 28 > live in third country > maybe 40kdol worth of stuff I dont think i ever going to make it

2 hours later 27436287 Anonymous
>>27422534 >26 >$200k net worth I'm gonna go all in on $ROPE

2 hours later 27436367 Anonymous
>>27422534 >>27422897 >>27423018 >>27423277 >>27423376 THis is a troll thread You won't have 50k at 25 unless you're born rich.

2 hours later 27436427 Anonymous
>>27423277 I'll be seeing you at the lambo dealership

2 hours later 27436448 Anonymous
>>27436367 get into SW engineering faggot

2 hours later 27436483 Anonymous
>>27435236 LARP shitposts aside, any 25 year old with a positive net worth is in the 99.99th percentile in the US, let's be real. >>27435892 why do you normie breeders do that shit? Single ngmi salary AND THEN you decide to have 1 or more children. The added stress and hardship is just gonna tear you and your spouse apart in like 5 years, and then she'll take the kid and your money.

2 hours later 27436666 Anonymous
>>27422534 >27 >-65k+ in student gibs

2 hours later 27436781 Anonymous
>>27423896 Beyond based

2 hours later 27436783 Anonymous
>>27430433 >boomer >kys You newfaggots from twitter/reddit are so easy to spot. Why would you not live in the now you absolute mong? Keep working your minimum wage job cattle. Don't forget to heckin recylerino too!!! Gotta help the planet even though when im dead no one will ever care

2 hours later 27436983 Anonymous
>>27427482 Yes, he said liabilities

2 hours later 27437040 Anonymous
20 y/o US 60k cash/crypto/stock market 5-6k/mo income no secondary education so only debt is car payment

2 hours later 27437448 Anonymous (tc5g1ecuztm.png 380x349 79kB)
>>27422534 >29 >$350k net worth >99% of it was inherited >NEET >only ever had like 2 jobs

2 hours later 27437465 Anonymous
>>27423277 I maxed out a $8000 credit card for LINK at $.38. Us old dogs got some good cheat codes. I'm still riding that $8000, they can have their interest until I can give them 8 LINK for it.

2 hours later 27437518 Anonymous
>5 days old blastocyst >$50m networth Am I gonna make it bros?

2 hours later 27437593 Anonymous
>>27422534 No worries, turning 24 in a week and worth $2k

2 hours later 27437669 Anonymous (1023.jpg 620x450 28kB)
>25 >40k net worth I'll go through manic spells of obsessing over crypto, but I don't think I even care about having lots of money. I'm really just addicted to the hot flash of dopamine I get when I nail a 4x, but then it's right back to baseline. I'm no happier than I was when I had less money. I'm looking forward to getting into 6 figure territory (and maybe beyond) but I know no matter how big my numbers are, nothing will really change. I don't care for cars or attracting women or traveling. If I ever "make it" I'll probably just buy a house in the woods and kaczynski out for a while. The older I get the less it feels like I enjoy things. I just sit on my computer all day and try to find things to obsess over until I burn out.

2 hours later 27437737 Anonymous
>>27422534 I turn 25 this month and I’m worth less than 1k, get a hobby or rope yourself faggot

2 hours later 27437803 Anonymous
>>27436367 Yeah you need to have parents that at the very least pay off all of your schooling, pay for your living, and find you a job. I think the vast majority of people don't have that.

2 hours later 27437961 Anonymous
>>27423590 Is this post in earnest?

2 hours later 27438177 Anonymous
28 this 25th, got like 5k on my account but thats kinda a lot for mexicans

3 hours later 27438845 Anonymous
>>27436107 Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, does it?

3 hours later 27439170 Anonymous
>>27422897 >That's what I do kek Your existence is unironically worse than OPs by a mile

3 hours later 27439301 Anonymous
>>27432936 BASED

3 hours later 27439505 Anonymous
>24 >$30,500 I feel sick sometimes when I open my bank account. >65 Link >200 GRT I'm slowly buying more Link, but I feel like time is running out slowly.

3 hours later 27439506 Anonymous
>>27427226 :(

3 hours later 27439727 Anonymous
>>27432936 utterly based and red pilled

3 hours later 27439793 Anonymous
>>27422534 mine is 3k

3 hours later 27439864 Anonymous
>>27439793 -9k actually, i forgot about student loans

3 hours later 27440048 Anonymous
>>27436367 I have 63k at age 20. I wasn’t born rich, but my parents support me in every step of the way towards my personal development & success. They want me to thrive.

3 hours later 27440244 Anonymous
>>27440048 I also invested every dime I’ve gotten ever since turning 20. I’ve been working a part time job & going to college. I put all my income from my job and grant/scholarship money into crypto. I’m gonna make it.

3 hours later 27440273 Anonymous
>26 >30k net worth >no meaningful knowledge or job experience I'm thinking I'll go with plan S soon.

3 hours later 27440313 Anonymous
>>27440244 Lmao I meant to say ever since turning 18.

3 hours later 27440325 Anonymous
>>27439864 >student loans >mfw I went through four years of school, got 56k in student loans, paid it all off in 2 years, and then quit my job because I despised it and left the field entirely with only 5k still in the bank Man, what a waste of time that was.

3 hours later 27440331 Anonymous (1530320245222.jpg 1920x1080 393kB)
Money can make life very easy But it will not make you happy if you are not living Most of the things we want are literally made up

3 hours later 27440611 Anonymous
>>27440325 Then what did you do?

3 hours later 27440696 Anonymous
>>27440611 joined the army I don't recommend it

3 hours later 27440905 Anonymous (1609633259930.jpg 415x604 181kB)
I was in your shoes 2 years ago, 27 now and just above 200k It's even more hell, if you can believe it

3 hours later 27440986 Anonymous
>>27436367 unless you're born rich and/or not retarded

3 hours later 27441018 Anonymous
>>27436367 I'm 31. My parents were poor. Still are. At 25 I was debt free besides my mortgage including paying for my wife and I's first child's birth hospital bills. I prolly had a net worth of $70k ish

3 hours later 27441058 Anonymous
>>27434294 nice dth ratio

3 hours later 27441064 Anonymous
>>27436483 that's statistically incorrect lmao

3 hours later 27441097 Anonymous
>>27437448 Based lol

3 hours later 27441152 Anonymous
>>27427329 I’m sorry anon

3 hours later 27441167 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210201-223002_Robinhood.jpg 1080x2400 328kB)
>25 >still not in 7 figures Soon... soon

3 hours later 27441216 Anonymous (1610521321441.png 660x1380 86kB)
>>27422534 i literally have $48 in my checking account right now

3 hours later 27441273 Anonymous
>>27422534 30y/o, 0 net worth, not a virgin am i based?

3 hours later 27441354 Anonymous
>>27441167 Wait are you the same retarded cleveland cliffs poster in every thread? If so I remember seeing your portfolio over 1m You only have yourself to blame friend

3 hours later 27441376 Anonymous
>>27441273 nvm just read my post id

3 hours later 27441425 Anonymous
>26 >8k networth because I live in a third world country I really want to kill myself. I have a PhD and 2 works. I just hate Argentina

3 hours later 27441519 Anonymous (m61.png 2096x1570 1672kB)
Hi, guys. I wonder whether binary exchanges are better than crypto trading? As I get, it is much easier to predict price growth or falling for such indices like Apple, Tesla, Disney. Came across Baex (#baex), a defi binary system, and I am interested in their referral program and mathematical algorithm for regulation. Does anyone know about this exchange? What options do you use?

3 hours later 27441693 Anonymous
>>27432936 this

3 hours later 27441795 Anonymous
I’m 25 and my net worth is only 40k.

3 hours later 27442434 Anonymous
>>27436367 25 here. I have $25k in student debt and 52k in index funds. I threw in $12k when it dipped last year.

3 hours later 27442685 Anonymous (1612035806932.jpg 400x533 37kB)
>>27440331 this, at the end of the day all i have is me and the consequences of what iv done and no amount of fiscal wealth can buy me true happiness

3 hours later 27442899 Anonymous
>>27441425 PhD at 25? i got my masters degree at that age and i did everything as fast as possible eurofag here

3 hours later 27442994 Anonymous
>>27431613 if you went to uni, got 60-80k starting, by 26 you might be making at least 100k or more, and you should be able to save most of that every year after your loans are paid off, so $100k isn't that far off from what you could have at your mid 20s

3 hours later 27443058 Anonymous
>>27422534 its a good start just trade the shit and dont fuck it up

4 hours later 27443130 Anonymous
>>27422534 >21 >$60k kinda cool I guess, but still feels like nothing

4 hours later 27443156 Anonymous
>>27427997 here's my no larp stats >26 years old asian male >5'4 turbo manlet >6.0 inch long penis I don't know the girth but my ex said it was thick >300k net worth including home equity and retirement accounts. Only about 100k readily accessible >made 220k last year from tech job >no debt besides mortgage life's going pretty ok apart from being physically repulsive

4 hours later 27443300 Anonymous
>>27427226 :(

4 hours later 27443302 Anonymous
33 1.3MM I hold btc with iron hands and will just wagecuck until I make it. My job is comfy and I like it.

4 hours later 27443515 Anonymous
>>27422534 >37 >Made $170k last year at gov't wagie job >Portfolio worth $230k >Crypto worth $85k (got rugged, woulda been 6 digits if not) >Own house, 13 years left on mortgage >Own old civic, paid off >comfy I might not be making it yet but I def don't feel like the sky is falling anymore.

4 hours later 27443605 Anonymous
> 22 > 95k networth im unironically ngmi

4 hours later 27443629 Anonymous
>>27432905 you should really consider putting at LEAST half that into bluechip crypto projects

4 hours later 27443694 Anonymous
>>27422534 >27 >$50k between cash, stocks and crypto >2 rental properties worth like $250k that were mostly paid for by my mom (about 5% returns on those) i'd need like 1mm to retire in my country so i'll probably end up wagecucking forever

4 hours later 27444054 Anonymous
>>27432936 You can do that when you're 30 too you dork. Spend your 20s making it, you've got decades afterwards.

4 hours later 27444375 Anonymous
>>27428271 octilianaire mindset you've earned the right to buy yourself an avocado toast

4 hours later 27444542 Anonymous (imagesU6W42PBO.jpg 202x250 7kB)
>>27422534 Don't compare yourself to others. Someone can be an extremely shitty person with a lot of money. Another person could be an incredible and genuine person but be broke. Your actions and the way you treat others is what defines you anon.

4 hours later 27445266 Anonymous
>>27422534 I'm 24 my net worth is about $3K what do?

4 hours later 27445544 Anonymous
>25 yo Canadian >$8,000 in CS:GO stickers >55 ETH >15k RLC >14 shares of GME >$8000 in work retirement fund in boomer mutual funds > $500 bucks cash How am I doing bros?

4 hours later 27445550 Anonymous
>>27445266 take it and times it by 10 then take that and times it by 10 then take that and times it by 10. Now go find a coin so you can get the 10x gain.

4 hours later 27445636 Anonymous
>25 yo >eastern european >0.4 btc

4 hours later 27445792 Anonymous
23 almost 60k

4 hours later 27446044 Anonymous (385ABBDC-1CEA-4CF9-B61E-0B88D67200CC.png 930x679 1537kB)
>24 >20k I spend about 20 hours a week for the past 6 months on this board and only made $3k

4 hours later 27446233 Anonymous
>>27444542 most people on here aren’t close to being incredible and genuine if you’re posting here and broke, you’re most likely a loser faggot

4 hours later 27446274 Anonymous
These threads are always to cringe. 70% of people in the US have less than $1k to their name. Be thankful.

4 hours later 27446320 Anonymous
>>27445550 best way to lose everything

4 hours later 27446419 Anonymous
>>27446233 well at least their skin isnt the colour of shit

4 hours later 27446499 Anonymous
>>27446320 worked for me 25 65k in the bank 30k under a mattress 340k in crypto

4 hours later 27446558 Anonymous
>>27427841 >>27432936 >>27436367 >>27439170 Imagine being this poorfag minded

4 hours later 27446629 Anonymous
>>27428753 Amphetamines are a sexual stimulant. Brings out the fetish in people.

4 hours later 27446655 Anonymous (1597358172372.png 645x1260 450kB)
>28 >130k net worth

4 hours later 27446888 Anonymous
>>27446558 It's poorfag minded to think that "to make more money I work another job" and if you don't understand that than you are a poorfag.

4 hours later 27447043 Anonymous
>>27446558 Working 2 minimum wage jobs is absolutely the most retarded thing you could possibly do with your time.

4 hours later 27447088 Anonymous
I have about 200 dollars to my name, plus a ton of debt. I don’t want to bother making money because my gangstalkers will just steal it from me. I’m hoping at one point I can get on disability for my crippling paranoia and bipolar but the government doesn’t like giving people money if it thinks they can be safely enslaved.

4.400 0.326