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2021-02-02 12:27 27419599 Anonymous Routes to 100k (35350wujtwiejr903020.png 1032x1122 2059kB)
Can someone please help me. I see all these stories on people making X Y Z amounts of cash following biz, sometimes even over 100k. Right now im aiming for a goal of 100k. What are actual ways to reach this goal rather quick? I have over 20k and im 19, what should I do to build up 100k quick? I know the get rich quick schemes dont work, but over a year's time how could I go about doing this? Im fairly new, and id like some genuine advice to help a young newfag out. Thank you.
1 min later 27419707 Anonymous
spend 16 hours a day here and on countless TGs
1 min later 27419756 Anonymous
btc, eth, rubic and bao
do this and you'll be a millionaire eoy
1 min later 27419762 Anonymous
Built for BBC
1 min later 27419771 Anonymous
go back
1 min later 27419772 Anonymous
Put half of it in ethereum and forget about it for a year
2 min later 27419864 Anonymous
Put in 200k and lose half of it trading shitcoins.
2 min later 27419916 Anonymous (whyohwhy.jpg 700x508 32kB)
>you will never have a gf life that
4 min later 27420064 Anonymous
>its another post asking for more shilposts on a board driven entirely by shillposts
4 min later 27420066 Anonymous
Why would you even want that? Brown eyes are gross af and show that she is bottom tier.
5 min later 27420237 Anonymous
>Brown eyes are gross af
How can I tell you're 16?
7 min later 27420345 Anonymous
than what other forums can I go to for sound financial advise? Please help me out
7 min later 27420376 Anonymous
One on the left has much better milkers but right is top tier.
8 min later 27420505 Anonymous
The people on /biz/ don't want you to make 100k. They want to make 100k by fooling you into buying their bags. So whatever advice you get you have to take with a grain of salt.
8 min later 27420508 Anonymous
God I want the one on the left to visciously ride my dick until it's raw while the one on the right rides my face and they are making out god how I wish one them had small titties so the one with big tits could bully and humiliate her as she is getting fucked
13 min later 27420944 Anonymous (1612141298699.jpg 1003x1207 95kB)
pls tell me theres more here
13 min later 27420950 Anonymous (supersad.png 657x657 45kB)
wow the amount of horny people here make me sick. I just wanna make it bros and no one can point me in the right direction
14 min later 27421004 Anonymous
man you're the one who posted that, im still debating weather to give you adv
15 min later 27421097 Anonymous
15 min later 27421152 Anonymous (1592780764929.png 657x527 37kB)
I can't help it I see qt grils and I want to fug them
16 min later 27421189 Anonymous
I needed to get the attention of people, but not coomers. I want to make it so I can buy a cabin in the mountains and live comfy why is this so hard
16 min later 27421207 Anonymous
Those are men.
17 min later 27421302 Anonymous
they're not cute, they are whores and would not make good wives. its very easy to get laid, but impossible to find a caring mother for your future children.
21 min later 27421704 Anonymous
you posted it
what in the fuck did you expect
if you've been here long enough you'd know that almost every nigger here is horny as fuck
22 min later 27421792 Anonymous
best financial advice i can give you is that if you are not ready to lose money then stay the fuck out trading
22 min later 27421804 Anonymous
Sorry ladies it tome for rap
22 min later 27421815 Anonymous
I did and she was the most boring fuck, I had 10x better slam piggies back in uni.
23 min later 27421893 Anonymous (120370590_322709065497611_3120140328497821975_n.png 851x967 537kB)
Just all in orion protocol anon. God speed.
23 min later 27421927 Anonymous
how much for whores like OP? I will never get laid organically but now I have money, I want two big titted sluts to fuck all night and I will pay top dollar
24 min later 27421981 Anonymous (1612153979849.jpg 1080x1144 131kB)
25 min later 27422046 Anonymous
Buy sake ma dude!
25 min later 27422110 Anonymous
>posts coffee
>expects coffee addicts to not flock to his post
>amassing wealth
>burning it all on children for at the very least 18 years
Buy PRQ, then lend it when the IQ Protocol comes out this quarter
I really like breast envy
oh god i think im gonna
26 min later 27422203 Anonymous
god dayum dawg
26 min later 27422220 Anonymous (photo_2021-02-01_23-33-38.jpg 1034x982 58kB)
https://twitter.com/emilianobonassi /status/1356385211995553792
27 min later 27422283 Anonymous
yes I know that, what im wondering is if I can find a string of safe investments that can perhaps double my money and keep moving that earned gain into the next investment to double. Or rather, how I could find safer investments that are for sure to pay off.
28 min later 27422390 Anonymous (citadel.jpg 888x499 153kB)
15000 xsn will allow you to make it. Its about 6k right now. If you want to get 100k by eoy, I would buy at least 15000xsn
29 min later 27422451 Anonymous
29 min later 27422496 Anonymous (1611948313444.gif 450x359 364kB)
This past weekend I put $1500 into DOGE and that doubled to $3000. Then I put the $3k into SHIB and that doubled to $7500.
If you want to get rich quick you have a high amount of risk.
But if you want to get rich over the course of a year by holding you need to think logically. You have 20k now and want 100k, that means you need a 5x in profit. So you need to find coins that have potential to go that high, the only way to do that is to do your own research. Otherwise you will just get shilled someone else's bags on /biz/.
29 min later 27422528 Anonymous
read the post you replied to again until you understand what it means
32 min later 27422828 Anonymous
well to give you at least one honest answer in this thread
no, there is no safe and reliable way to 5x your money in a year
you have two strategies at your disposal:
1. investing
2. gambling
for 1 you can find info everywhere. pick up any investing book or resource, or FIRE or anything, they will tell you how to do it, its easy, its safe and it will net you about 4-8% depeding on markets and how you play it
for 2 do anything else, buy or trade shitcoins, participate in stock moonmissions, fomo shit like $GME
it might work or it might not work
the more you risk the higher your potential reward and the higher your potential loss
33 min later 27422859 Anonymous
Wignat detected
33 min later 27422886 Anonymous
>I have over 20k and im 19, what should I do to build up 100k quick?
Advance your career.
33 min later 27422901 Anonymous
god what I wouldn't do to the one on the left
34 min later 27422970 Anonymous
Buying $CATGIRL is the only based and redpilled way
https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outp utCurrency=0x244491E12faC24b0eE83D6 8B128aFc5E94B23f88
35 min later 27423108 Anonymous
save $1000, a hundred times. 100 months is only 8 years. to speed it up a little, save it in something that yields 1% and is safe. to speed it up a lot, save it in something that yields 3.5% and is safe.
to risk losing it, try literally anything else.
35 min later 27423133 Anonymous
Buy CFIIW, theyll have you at your goal within 3 months. Its not crypto and its not gonna pnd on you. I made $20k today and bought even more with that $ Pasta time
"Hey fello retard n fren, grab CFIIW and soon!
Ive shilled like 8 things on the chan and theyve all taken off
I was pushing THCB which just announced its DA today and the warrants are up like 100%+
And some fucking others
Now sit down and stfu and ill tell you why
-CFII is merging with View (Smart windows) via SPAC
-1050 patents
-80% market share
-500m+ backlog
-Windows save energy and improve worker health and is backed up by "science" so its an ESG play
-The windows auto tint and shit, so no more blinds needed
-The windows have their own fucking IP addresses :O
-They did the windows for Uber, Netflix, Regeneron, and many others and they loved it.
Now look, i dont give a shit if any of you buy in, its a billion dollar company so a couple retards buying here wont have any impact, but i do throw out gold nuggets to my frens from time to time. The merge is expected in Q1 so buy CFIIW and fuck off for 2 months."
36 min later 27423168 Anonymous
How can I tell you are a beaner or a mutt? Absolutely disgusting. Brown eyes are sick. Just nasty gross eyes. Very disrespectful. Blue eyes are the best eyes. Green is acceptable. All others should be gassed. Especially brown eyed mutts.
36 min later 27423173 Anonymous
You want actual advise? The stock market is a zero sum game meaning all those winners took money from losers and they aren't immune to losing everything on a bad investment tomorrow
The only real way to make money on the stock market is long long term
36 min later 27423228 Anonymous (523817E025AC4F459C2C82E7B0E4D6E1.png 649x542 33kB)
The first $100k is a bitch they all say
But don't forget, six figure hell is real
I forecast that Bitcoin will be at $1 million adjusted for inflation by 2037 at the latest, if not much sooner (stock to flow obviously predicts $1m bitcoin by 2024 but Idk about that)
In that case all you have to do is but .1 bitcoin
If it takes the full 16 years then you'll only be 35 to have $100k, and that's just holding, not even taking into account trading on a yearly basis across the 4 year cycle (selling near the top this year and buying back at the bottom in 2022-2023)
No need to bother with shitcoins that are 1000 times less sure of a bet than King Corn
So in short I would just keep stacking bitcoin, as much as you can, possibly some chainlink too
37 min later 27423269 Anonymous
Pick a normie coin and watch the chart fluctuation. Play the daily 5-10% swing and take profits and buy back in at the bottom of the pattern. Do this for a month or two and you’ll be 3x. You have a big enough starting stack that you’re blessed to be able to do this and make daily gains with little to no risk.
37 min later 27423279 Anonymous
Something else I forgot to add. Since you have a nice amount of start up cash you can try swing trading for fast money. Analyze charts of a coin that you think can swing, and experiment with like a hundred dollars or something. Only play with your winnings until you think you are confident enough to make accurate calls. This is only if you want to multiply your stack fast, but there is a high amount of risk.
40 min later 27423558 Sage
So why did you post it stupid fucking frogposter? Sage
42 min later 27423771 Anonymous
ignore her for the one on the right?
42 min later 27423773 Anonymous
Is this a cute kitty or a girl taking a shit?
53 min later 27424792 Anonymous
Thank you guys for some real advice, God bless you all.
59 min later 27425350 Anonymous (1594332873102.png 857x701 37kB)
The first post told you what to do you incompetent faggot.
59 min later 27425383 Anonymous (gib2.png 778x512 64kB)
1 hours later 27425473 Anonymous
Girl on the right is an instagram whore. Girl on the left is extremely hot in an ugly kind of way and looks exactly like my type of girl. Where do I acquire a gf like this.
1 hours later 27425561 Anonymous
Blue eyes are literal mutations, and people with light colored eyes are more likely to lose their sight before other people
1 hours later 27425757 Anonymous (1413629074065.jpg 405x412 31kB)
Not true I have blue eyes and I can see perfectly fine
1 hours later 27425773 Anonymous (1543769011803.jpg 260x194 13kB)
1 hours later 27425834 Anonymous
Ok anon, old fag here.
I wish someone gave me this advice when I started in crypto.
First of all, one of the hundreds of coins getting shill daily it's gonna explode price wise, the others are gonna be worthless in 4 years.
It's the same cycle all the time.
Last time it was Link, and before Link it was ETH.
For pure statistics you would have to be extremely lucky to find that gem (which Idk which shitcoin will be) and you would have to put a few thousands on it so you will make it.
My advice, to "play safe" in crypto, start dollar cost average BTC, in this bullrun you are not gonna make it assume it, think in the next one 4 years from now.
1 hours later 27425836 Anonymous (laughing girls.jpg 500x333 87kB)
You replied to the wrong person.
How embarrassing
1 hours later 27425929 Anonymous
Everything is a mutation
1 hours later 27426046 Anonymous
pathetic cope from streetsweeper caste gaylord
1 hours later 27426059 Anonymous
https://www.instagram.com/tayestrad a_/
1 hours later 27426066 Anonymous
What about XMR? I hear people say it's everything BTC was intended to be and is waiting to moon any time now
1 hours later 27426071 Sage
>talks about God and coomers and whores
>posts degenerate shit to trigger other men and make them fall
Legitimately go fuck yourself OP.
1 hours later 27426236 Anonymous (images (3).jpg 588x522 38kB)
1 hours later 27426238 Anonymous (sonic.png 489x363 360kB)
1 hours later 27426247 Anonymous
>Buy PRQ, then lend it when the IQ Protocol comes out this quarter
Tell me more anon. I am a complete newfag to crypto.
1 hours later 27426368 Anonymous
Built for RBC
1 hours later 27426458 Anonymous
Get a good job and live frugally for a few years.
1 hours later 27426461 Anonymous
umm based
1 hours later 27426472 Anonymous
Not a single thing about my post alludes to what you're suggesting. You're a very unintelligent individual. Fuck off back to /pol/.
1 hours later 27426557 Anonymous (1481925852299-fit.jpg 764x551 269kB)
Left is uglier and by rules of supply and demand is thus sluttier to compensate.
1 hours later 27426577 Anonymous
THANK YOU. Been looking for this chick's insta forever. Days off whack off material
1 hours later 27426665 Anonymous
blue eyes have a lower rate of macular degeneration compared to brown.
1 hours later 27426681 Anonymous
yeah, sixteen, as I predicted. Go back to instagram you normalfaggot.
1 hours later 27426798 Anonymous
Your the guy who wants to move move to Idaho? Find a pipeline job or frack for a year or something like that. If you really want to invest in the market call options are the quickest way to make money - but obviously risky. Find a cheaper stock with potential. I'm hoping for PLTR to dip after Feb lockout and then buying some calls.
1 hours later 27426834 Anonymous
You posted them
1 hours later 27426858 Anonymous
Can you take this /r9k/ shit back over there? The bigger my bank account gets the bigger my milker requirements.
1 hours later 27426962 Anonymous
brown eyes are shit eyes. very sad. many such cases
1 hours later 27426999 Anonymous (8E685F8C-3E84-4E5E-A650-50A6FE8DD0BB.jpg 746x880 114kB)
Start with 500k dollars, take /biz/‘s advice and end up with 100k dollars.
1 hours later 27427188 Anonymous
Left is my choice. Beautiful. So it will be. Now I will communicate with her through randomness software.
1 hours later 27427549 Anonymous
I wonder what the ratio of failure to success is for taking biz advice
1 hours later 27427708 Anonymous
Awful complexion. Dark rings around eyes. Probably has a dark gray bagina and don't even get me started on the elbows.
1 hours later 27427845 Anonymous
Thinking any coin is "bitcoin but better" a newfag mistake
This because bitcoin's value comes not from this silicon valley style "innovation" or whatever, but rather from its consensus of adoption
Essentially Bitcoin is a new tradition, and a tradition gets more worthy the more people observe it, the bigger it is, and the longer it lasts, unchanging
Monero kinda sucks at pumping really, it's basically at the same place it was in 2017 and that year it only topped at $400, I remember
It's a utility token, a functioning currency that fulfills a purpose and it's working doing what it's doing, but the market where privacy is an absolute need is not that big, and with what they're doing on the lightning network, bitcoin transactions might be close to as private in a couple years
I know the IRS put out a $625k bounty for anyone who can break monero or bitcoin's lightning privacy
1 hours later 27427848 Anonymous (DEE3EBAA-BF36-4634-AD71-3314D4B54322.jpg 1241x1697 107kB)
Unironically buy a coin with long term value like BTC or Chainlink and hold for the next 2-4 years.
1 hours later 27427878 Anonymous
1 hours later 27428082 Anonymous
The amount of chinese posters here makes me sick.
1 hours later 27428096 Anonymous
Why is linkie hyped so much here? (Yes I'm a dumb newfag)
1 hours later 27428169 Anonymous
OP - buy BAT, wait 2 years.
1 hours later 27428929 Anonymous
buy a coin like link but under 10m mcap, you won't find it but that's how you would have to do it
i recommend xcm
based prq chad
1 hours later 27429068 Anonymous
Penny stocks and such..
What would stop someone buying a ton of penny stocks, then the price rises then sell them immediately afterwards?
Rinse and repeat until you've made your target amount.
1 hours later 27429266 Anonymous
Because of people actually bought and held it for the long term, 2-4 years, they'd make insane gains. But everyone is obsessed with the short term pumps so they never listen. Link is actually well run and has some good marketing moves planned for it in the near future. It's gone up a tremendous amount in a single year; how would you like to double your investment over 12 months basically risk free? That's link.
1 hours later 27429463 Anonymous
So how much would you recommend to dump into BTC? 0.1 and just wait a couple years?
1 hours later 27430100 Anonymous
Just started, so I think I'm pretty late for it. I'll still buy a few and hold, but definitely missed out when it was dirt cheap
1 hours later 27430533 Anonymous (1607720190658.png 575x620 326kB)
Seek help or ngmi
https://www.webmd.com/sex/porn-addi ction-possible
2 hours later 27431124 Anonymous (124909240_430129344653427_4870297780832707783_n.jpg 1080x1144 102kB)
2 hours later 27431303 Anonymous
screenshotted for when XRP is made the standard by ZOG
2 hours later 27431316 Anonymous
the left suddenly looks better
2 hours later 27431323 Anonymous
2 hours later 27431362 Anonymous
For me it's lefty
2 hours later 27431406 Anonymous
You haven't missed out yet fren. $22~ is nothing compared to what it will be.
2 hours later 27431922 Anonymous (124877544_177700023974785_2953547699679146258_n.jpg 1080x1349 104kB)
2 hours later 27431966 Anonymous
he's just young and a newfag
2 hours later 27432141 Anonymous
For me it's the McChicken.
2 hours later 27432258 Anonymous
who the fuck are these ladies we gotta know
2 hours later 27432430 Anonymous
Christine Chandler from Ruckersville, Virginia.
2 hours later 27432665 Anonymous
disgusting saggy pancakes
2 hours later 27433025 Anonymous (big think.png 1000x908 806kB)
buy GME in august 2020 lel. no honestly, constantly scour the internet for research on stonks, commodities, crypto etc, and get in early with a small position on any play that seems compelling and add to your position if the play gathers evidence/momentum.
what most people don't realize about the GME story is that it's actually a sophisticated thesis that has a long term bull case in addition to the short squeeze thesis, both of which has been around since at least mid 2020. I started entering after earnings in December and entered BIG after ryan cohen got on the board. tripled my port to 300k with a 30k position.
inb4 go back to plebbit, plebbit spacing etc. enjoy your bags late entry faggots I sold already
2 hours later 27433142 Anonymous
I want to believe.
2 hours later 27433354 Anonymous
post the fucking names idiot
2 hours later 27433570 Anonymous (smugsoy.jfif.jpg 215x235 8kB)
>Wignat detected
2 hours later 27433815 Anonymous (1562005905685.png 546x506 233kB)
>no one checks
>no one refutes his sensible/logical argument
You hate to see it.
2 hours later 27434061 Anonymous
This. Girls this "hot" think they can just starfish because they're skinny and have D cup tits.
The chubby, busty girl, being not so attractive conventionally, knows how to ride the shit out of a cock while bouncing her (most likely large) tits in your face.
2 hours later 27434238 Anonymous
Mine is actually way hotter
Hate me all you want
2 hours later 27434248 Anonymous
2 hours later 27434752 Anonymous
99/1 probrobly
2 hours later 27434866 Anonymous
2 hours later 27435368 Anonymous
Unironically Muse will make you way more than 100k if you put that 20k in there and collect dividends from the nft dex.
2 hours later 27435503 Anonymous
10k BTC 5k DOT 5k ADA...your welcome
2 hours later 27435831 Anonymous
I'M FUCKING SICK OF THIS 'DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH' MEME. Do you people think there's some magical site that is immune from people trying to shill? Researching on /biz/ is as good as anywhere.
2 hours later 27435852 Anonymous
What is the best number of coins to own? I'm a poorfag and right now my portfolio is spread out over six different coins. I'm thinking I should consolidate my money in two or three at the most. Is that a good strategy for someone with less than 5k in assets?
2 hours later 27435909 Anonymous
Tay Estrada and Emily Ellanah
2 hours later 27435964 Anonymous
Put it all in HBAR. It'll be worth a million by EOY. Screencap this.
2 hours later 27436008 Anonymous
Maybe you could buy 20.000 1$ burguers and sell each one at 5$!!
2 hours later 27436022 Anonymous
about $1000 each a night
2 hours later 27436148 Anonymous
I bet you also think fat girls suck good dick
Have sex retard
2 hours later 27436158 Anonymous
>skinny and have D cup tits
45 year old virgin detected
2 hours later 27436160 Anonymous (1611811882235.jpg 1536x2048 328kB)
Buy and hold BTC and ETH. Look into new coins that solve current issues in the crypto world or represent new technology. Do your own research before buying any crypto, don't just buy anything which is shilled here (we've all made that mistake). Make sure you understand how cryptocurrencies actually work and stay away from meme coins lol. The most important thing you can do at your age is to just save your money and limit your expenses.
Personally, I'm looking into the whole Stakenet Masternode business to see if it's a scam or not, but that seems to have a lot of potential from what I've read so far.
2 hours later 27436205 Anonymous
Just to be clear, while not impossible you are asking for a 5x of your total wealth in a year.
To understand how likely that would be, such a pace over 15 years would amount to 610 trillion dollars starting with 20k
Your expectations are unreasonable and will set you up for failure long term, even if you manage to succeed.
3 hours later 27436218 Anonymous
bluray money in brazil
3 hours later 27436464 Anonymous
3 hours later 27436524 Anonymous
What sort of places do you recommend for research? Wasn't Gamestop a literally who stock? How did you come to the conclusion it was worthwhile before the reddit memes?
3 hours later 27436624 Anonymous (F3E0BC82-81D2-4018-9BCE-99BE464ABACA.jpg 1024x547 78kB)
Lum for you
3 hours later 27436685 Anonymous
What about that statement makes him sound like that? I don't understand this response.
t. 29 year old virgin
3 hours later 27436891 Anonymous
No, if you have that little in assets, you want to put it all in a few moonshots in hopes it grows bigtime. It's not so much about diversity but about market cap - moonshots have more room to grow than blue chips like BTC and ETH. Just be careful and make sure to buy at dips and sell at peaks/crabs, since hodling is a meme with too much survivor's bias.
3 hours later 27437142 Anonymous
i have a hot gf and she convinced me to quit my six figure job and sell my uni at $4 because she saw me getting stressed. never quit even if a hot girl tells you to. you will not be less stressed because you quit. only quit because it is the right decision.
3 hours later 27437158 Anonymous
Buy Request Network while it’s low, sell it when it’s high.
3 hours later 27437180 Anonymous
How is spending money on someone you care about burning it?
3 hours later 27437305 Anonymous (1608083444911.jpg 600x439 24kB)
3 hours later 27437336 Anonymous
What about Chainlink? It's shilled here a lot, but it genuinely seems promising
3 hours later 27437354 Anonymous (bondedfinance.jpg 1077x985 434kB)
i turned exactly $20k into $800k in 4 trades in 2020.
look for early shit that hasn't mooned. buy. wait. set sell target. sell when it hits it and don't fret about if it keeps going up. do it again.
i'd look into bonded finance DESU. still very low of a cap. will be huge.
DO NOT BUY ANYTHING THAT HAS PUMPED and for the love of god don't put it in ETH or BTC. you will just end up frustrated and want more.
https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap /pair-explorer/0x64c29aac69d3122f6e 5531ceca1b753f95350af4
3 hours later 27437451 Anonymous
https://gyazo.com/7159874b9232fae44 49ed7841a95c214
imagine wanting literal damaged unprotected mutant eyes you stupid waste of fucking oxygen
3 hours later 27437499 Anonymous
God damn it this is so hard to resist.
3 hours later 27437521 Anonymous
Collect cans
3 hours later 27437566 Anonymous (546456456456456.jpg 1280x720 232kB)
go back faggot
3 hours later 27437842 Anonymous
And sell me on bonded finance while we're at it.
3 hours later 27437968 Anonymous
And it looks like my morning shit whats your point?
3 hours later 27438252 Anonymous
Rubic already pumped, but is still $0.20. Is it worth getting in?
3 hours later 27438344 Anonymous
Yeah that's a hold for the long run, definitely get some.
3 hours later 27438528 Anonymous
what is your home board, newfag
if you are not a faggot I will give you my 10x
1.545 0.183