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2021-02-01 07:47 27388385 Anonymous (1597031182023.jpg 478x475 57kB)
>have 2M in crypto >unironic shoeshiners with $300 portfolios are trying to give me advice on /biz/

5 min later 27388942 Anonymous
>>27388385 Your hubris is your downfall.

7 min later 27389138 Anonymous
>>27388385 I was a shoeshiner with $300 when I bought LTC for 9 cents stay humble OP

11 min later 27389685 Anonymous
>>27388385 nobody in biz has more than 5 figs

13 min later 27389883 Anonymous
>>27389685 Imagine being poor enough to believe this. I'm mid 6 figs and it's very obvious to me that this place runs the spectrum from literally in debt to 8 figures.

15 min later 27390107 Anonymous
>>27389883 no

16 min later 27390252 Anonymous
>>27388385 my 300USD portfolio is more worth thzan your 2M shit

16 min later 27390260 Anonymous
>>27388385 >>27389883 Stating your wealth on the internet oh deary me

18 min later 27390486 Anonymous (D0539237-8C3F-4B83-B4AA-4E4C54021B2C.jpg 1125x2103 656kB)
I create portfolios based on coins shilled here and compare them against my own. The shilled portfolios ALWAYS do worse.

20 min later 27390611 Anonymous
>>27388385 >>27389883 I have a little over 10k. Am I richer or poorer than average /biz/ poster?

21 min later 27390749 Anonymous
>>27389883 Definitely this

21 min later 27390767 Anonymous (pepe.jpg 306x306 20kB)
>>27390611 richer. also everyone who boasts of having high 6 figs or 7 figs is exaggerating by at least 20%

23 min later 27391071 Anonymous
>>27389883 I remember less than a month ago being trapped in 6 figure hell was common as fuck on /biz/. Are we so diluted by newfags that even six digits is hard to believe? I'm holding six figures of crypto and recognize that it's pretty much nothing.

23 min later 27391076 Anonymous
>>27390486 Is that because the shills are fools, or you're smart?

24 min later 27391211 Anonymous
>>27390611 A month ago you were poorer. Now you're way richer.

25 min later 27391339 Anonymous
>>27391071 Good point, I never thought of it that way. We've gone from 300 post '>tfw 6 figure hell' threads to "no one on /biz/ has more than 5 figs" in literally two weeks. You all have to go back.

26 min later 27391361 Anonymous
the average networth of biz has probably dipped 80% with the recent influx of redditards >t. mid 6 figure hell oldfag

27 min later 27391547 Anonymous
>>27390486 >FOMO into every pump >wtf why am I not making money????

27 min later 27391555 Anonymous
>>27390486 That’s clever as fuck

29 min later 27391709 Anonymous (1610979614524.png 963x1264 283kB)

30 min later 27391874 Anonymous
>>27390611 average biz user has a networth of 600$.

30 min later 27391881 Anonymous
>>27391071 This

31 min later 27392009 Anonymous
>>27388385 Let’s get some oldfag 6-fig + picks ITT to differentiate us from newfags: LINK BNT BOND (bb)

31 min later 27392050 Anonymous
>>27388385 personally i been slipping the mrs the roger 24/7, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. can you say the same? no? then youre gay. /end of.

32 min later 27392142 Anonymous
>>27388385 >1 post by this ID

33 min later 27392238 Anonymous
this fucking thread again. just kys nigger. NOBODY is gonna believe your larping pos story.

34 min later 27392310 Anonymous
>>27392142 >1 post by this ID

35 min later 27392469 Anonymous
>>27392238 cope

36 min later 27392581 Anonymous
>>27388385 >crypto soon you'll have far less

38 min later 27392882 Anonymous
>>27391071 >i remember when 4chan was full of larps huh weird I cant ever think of a time where it was like that

39 min later 27392985 Anonymous
>>27390486 What would be your opinion on Reef?

40 min later 27393038 Anonymous
>>27392310 I'm not the larping OP

45 min later 27393638 Anonymous
>>27389685 >>27390260 newfags people are trying to set themselves up for life, 6 figures IS a lot of money for the majority of us but youd have to be braindead retarded to pull it all out in such an early stage of crypto when your portfolio could be worth tens of millions in a 3 - 5+ years. Kill yourselves. >t. 25k portfolio newfag

48 min later 27394059 Anonymous (1611567692435.jpg 640x640 176kB)
So many mid 6 figure fags here that I feel comfy posting as a newfag mid 6 figure peasant. I've never really felt like I belong to the "linkmarines" with my meager ~20k link stack. I only bought link because I wanted to be rich and the memes were hilarious. I bought a lot of stupid shit in 2017 and 18. I know this is a lot of money but I honestly feel insecure about it. I get confused when seeing 5 figure portfolios posted here, it seems like people are joking around and acting retarded. But then again in 2017 I had 5 figures in crypto. I've even seen people post 4 figure portfolios but if those are real it just shows a lack of ambition and risk tolerance. Unironically ngmi.

49 min later 27394154 Anonymous
>>27389685 KEK My gains from GME alone are five figures.

51 min later 27394361 Anonymous
>>27388385 What advice are they giving you? >>27394059 Six figure hell is real Repent Also stop redditspacing

52 min later 27394490 Anonymous
>>27393638 what's it in though anon? gotta have at least some bitcoin

53 min later 27394639 Anonymous
>>27388385 2m in crypto. Nigger you aint shit.

55 min later 27394807 Anonymous
>>27388385 but the real question is, do you hold RUBIC?

57 min later 27395048 Anonymous
>just sold some ETH feels good bros

58 min later 27395173 Anonymous
Not a shoeshiner, just a car mechanic that has 70$ worth of crypto and 30$ worth of AMC stonk

1 hours later 27395528 Anonymous (ddwazck-27417cc9-48f1-4446-9273-06de0c5d398a.jpg 567x850 247kB)
>>27388385 Recommend me a good crypto wallet anons

1 hours later 27395895 Anonymous
>>27394059 Some of us just missed the boat, I had less than 100 to my name two years ago, I put it in link and forgot about it until I started really investing last year, I have 5 figures between stock and crypto. I only this week swapped some of my link into new projects which constitutes my entire crypto portfolio. I also bought a house last year. I realize I'm really behind but I'm making moves now. Fuck you captcha, I will have one of those boats soon.

1 hours later 27397400 Anonymous
>>27391874 I don’t see trips of truth but this is the most believable thing I ever read on the internet

1 hours later 27397512 Anonymous
>>27388385 Buy Rubic sirs

1 hours later 27397884 Anonymous (25dollars.png 2307x598 63kB)
imo the best part of gamestop dumping in price now is that biz didn't associate itself with it. for normies if gamestop was biz organized there would be non stop newfags coming for months. redditors can all fuck off back when their lunch monies are all gone and they realize they were too proud for their own good

1 hours later 27397919 Anonymous
>>27391071 Maybe its the influx of redditors? I am newfag to /biz/ but its not hard to believe board obssesed with link should have a lot of people with 6 or 7 digits accounts

1 hours later 27398078 Anonymous
I'm giving all kinds of advice with my negative portfolio and none of you can stop me.

1 hours later 27398245 Anonymous
>>27388385 >in crypto So you don't know what you're doing either. Nice.

1 hours later 27398918 Anonymous
>>27389685 My wife’s boyfriend has a house I can crash in. Does that count?

1 hours later 27399141 Anonymous
>>27398918 Lucky. My wife's boyfriend kicked me out of my house.

1 hours later 27399409 Anonymous
>want to get into crypto after knocking it out of the park with several NYSE deals >ask /biz/ for the best crypto broker >get recommended Binance >made by a Chinaman >based in China >ask for my utility bill or license to deposit cash You're insane if you use that.

1 hours later 27400071 Anonymous
It's interesting to see just how normalized it's become to hold a 6 figure portfolio here on /biz/ compared to 2017. Back then you'd get called a larper if you had over half a million. But like mentioned above, I guess it makes sense due to LINK's success. I wonder how many autistic losers crypto has made multi-millionaires.

1 hours later 27401155 Anonymous
>>27390260 lol most the older fags on biz are stuck in 6 figure hell, it's pretty common

1 hours later 27401354 Anonymous
>>27391071 this fucking normies need to get out

2 hours later 27402649 Anonymous
>>27388385 1 post. It's make believe day, pretend you are a crytonaire.

2 hours later 27403250 Anonymous
>>27388385 Faggot. Real money is made with large chunks of early stage private equity. Crypto is a hobby.

2 hours later 27403664 Anonymous
>>27399141 >>27398918 Lurk more

2 hours later 27404155 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210201-160113_ADPMobile.jpg 1079x499 75kB)
>>27389685 Speak for yourself. The problem is /biz/ has to many shills and pajeets. It is hard to find a corn husk in a mountain of actual shit.

2 hours later 27404583 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210201-130621_Blockfolio.jpg 1440x3040 341kB)
>>27389685 not yet but at this rate it won't be long

2 hours later 27404675 Anonymous
>>27388385 i have 2M in oxygen and i'm not bragging

2 hours later 27405043 Anonymous
>>27394059 >I've even seen people post 4 figure portfolios but if those are real it just shows a lack of ambition and risk tolerance. Unironically ngmi. What a dumbass statement. You have to start somewhere. My current 7 figure portfolio was 4 figures in 2017.

2 hours later 27405163 Anonymous
how do i get like you in a few years i have 10k

2 hours later 27405569 Anonymous
>>27403250 >Crypto is a hobby. Get off /biz/ retard it isn't our fault you didn't buy link, btc ect while it was cheap you fucking idiot

2 hours later 27405955 Anonymous
>>27388385 your going to lose it all if you don't humble up anon maybe not in gambling on crypto but def on getting stabbed by someone outside when you walk out with your gold watch

2 hours later 27406502 Anonymous
>>27388385 >>27389685 Go get your fucking shinebox.

2 hours later 27406859 Anonymous (1535119436295.jpg 200x200 13kB)
>>27390611 Dirt poor. What are you risk averse? Are you a faggot or woman? There are only two ways to live; either make it or $ROPE. I will never be a wagie, swallowing Jewish cum by the bucketload every single day. t. Rode $ETH from $3, $LINK from $0.03, then segued into real estate. Now hold $RBC since $0.05

2 hours later 27407035 Anonymous
>>27406859 prove it post your portfolio fag

2 hours later 27407067 Anonymous
>>27389685 What a muppet. Theres neets here who bag held link to 6 figures and all they did was meme. Despite the crypto surge theres plenty of day traders

2 hours later 27407113 Anonymous
>>27390486 I doubt its true. The only really shilled coins on 4chan were neoshares, eth, link and req. And other than req you should be millionaire already if you followed up /biz/

2 hours later 27407235 Anonymous
>>27390486 I considered a shitcoin run. 1000 into every shit coin I read about. See outcome after 3 years. As a sort of angel investing spread move

2 hours later 27407245 Anonymous
>>27404155 >Speak for yourself. The problem is /biz/ has to many shills and pajeets. It is hard to find a corn husk in a mountain of actual shit. this

2 hours later 27407295 Anonymous (1600924457730.webm 384x288 1383kB)
>>27397884 You'll probably get stiffed by cz and his army of chinks. Word to the wise anon, get that $BTC out of there before you get CHINKED

2 hours later 27407474 Anonymous
>>27406859 nobody who bought ETH and LINK that cheap would be dumb enough to buy RBC, faggot

2 hours later 27407942 Anonymous (3FB4F086464A405D84E14D1F93D3D008.jpg 2048x1365 327kB)
>>27407035 >well, show...show us your cock then Unironically ngmi My ego is not that fragile, and I get my validation elsewhere, I dont trawl for it on the Internet like a dopamine fiend

2 hours later 27408364 Anonymous
>tfw 23k portfolio Why did I have to be asleep at the wheel in March

2 hours later 27408625 Anonymous
>>27397919 /biz/ always was a polarized board There's some relatively wealthy people and there's some literal underpaid pajeet crypto shills Rest of middlemen are most likely into larping This is probably common among many boards

2 hours later 27408649 Anonymous
>>27390486 >I made a portfolio of coins that have already had massive pumps after being shilled on biz. Or as you could say >Anon is too dumb to understand the concept of mcap.

3 hours later 27408889 Anonymous (IMG_20210201_141414.jpg 2746x3079 1840kB)
>>27407474 >small market cap; even a 1k transaction dubs on $RBC >Working product that provides value; albeit its spaghetti code, still better than most of crypto which is littered by fancy logos and literal vaporware >competitors market caps range from 10-100X; $RBC is not perfect, but it beats $UNI and others in some areas hands clean. And the dev team proves itself over and over that its reliably If I lose on $RBC, I dont mind. It will be a literal fart in the wind relative to my portfolio. But if I win, which is highly likely, I get more financial security. The potential risk/reward ratio is insane. All the while you sit on the sidelines, wanking to your FUD $NOK is also a good hold Fucking /biz/ best finance board on the planet, where you find everyone from troglodytes to respectable minds.

3 hours later 27409139 Anonymous
>>27388385 2M of pajeet money is worth fuck all dumbass

3 hours later 27409292 42 (D1E19AF8-17C3-4765-AA8B-AECF71A35DD5.jpg 480x360 33kB)
>>27388385 >have 2M in crypto >unironic shoeshiners with $300 portfolios are trying to give me advice on /biz/ hahahaha

3 hours later 27409484 42 (64B4B060-C3C4-41E1-9D63-AC44AD5C7AE8.jpg 720x545 45kB)
>>27391339 >We've gone from 300 post '>tfw 6 figure hell' threads to "no one on /biz/ has more than 5 figs" in literally two weeks. >You all have to go back.

3 hours later 27409551 Anonymous
>>27389685 Cope

3 hours later 27409590 Anonymous
>>27388942 There should be a Hubris General, fellow anons.

3 hours later 27409882 Anonymous
>>27389685 Search google for "six figure hell". The only results that come up are biz. Its not a phrase used anywhere else on the internet or real life, but this specific message board. And its used enough here that we are all familiar with the concept. Yeah I'd say theres 8,7, and 6 figure net worth anons that browse this board.

3 hours later 27409942 Anonymous
>>27389685 >actually believing this

3 hours later 27410026 Anonymous
>>27389685 tfw I'm a poorfag with a 100k link bag worth 2mm$.

1.677 0.135