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2021-02-01 04:52 27367227 Anonymous /XSG/ XRP Schizo General #630 (Buckle up (2).png 700x526 419kB)
previous thread >>27352757
Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
NY can swap crypto on Bitrue with USDC/XRP pair
>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:
https://twitter.com/s_alderoty/stat us/1355212298814693380
>Lawyer Explains:
https://www.youtube.com/c/LegalBrie fs/videos
>Flare/Spark Tutorial:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bM GWE6dJiw [Embed] [Embed]
>Flare/Spark Distribution:
https://blog.flare.xyz/further-info rmation-on-the-spark-token-distribu tion
>Flare Finance Intro:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA7 UN3RboLM [Embed] [Embed]
>Flare Finance FAQ:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9R s_DyuAq8 [Embed] [Embed]
>Flare Finance Website:
>Flare Finance GitHub:
>SEC Lawsuit:
https://www.sec.gov/news/press-rele ase/2020-338
>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Richlist:
>Past /XSG/ Threads:
>Insiders Threads:
>Insider/UHNWI/Mellon Threads:
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1659 5583
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1726 6853
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1791 4598
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1810 2776
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1841 7446
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1928 3439
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1991 9081
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S1998 0410
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2009 8041
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2042 9829
https://warosu.org/biz/thread/S2072 0991
>The Myth of Market Cap:
http://galgitron.net/Post/The-Myth- of-Market-Cap---Version-2
https://twitter.com/@looP_rM311_721 1
https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]
https://twitter.com/flrfinance [Flare Finance]
>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor
0 min later 27367335 Anonymous
https://www.finextra.com/newsarticl e/37387/ripple-formally-responds-to -sec-lawsuit
1 min later 27367389 Anonymous
Newfags got dumped on
1 min later 27367396 Anonymous (oooooooo.jpg 680x780 42kB)
2 min later 27367583 Anonymous
What the fuck happened lads , before I went on my bike ride I was up over 100%..
2 min later 27367598 Anonymous (chad coffin.jpg 852x480 76kB)
holding till i die
2 min later 27367632 XRP SStacklet (shaaakee.jpg 480x360 15kB)
2 min later 27367661 Anonymous
Stop posting this.
2 min later 27367663 Anonymous
Nice and quiet and comfy again.
Feels gud
3 min later 27367765 Anonymous
What exactly happened? Just P&D schemed?
3 min later 27367777 Anonymous
Please tell me you swung your bags anons
4 min later 27367893 Anonymous
So if I'm correct, the 33 million XRP anon predicted this 'mini moon'. What was the next thing to happen, according to him?
5 min later 27367982 Anonymous
As always
5 min later 27368006 Anonymous (asdasd.jpg 512x332 30kB)
5 min later 27368013 Anonymous
eternally based
lurk moar, newfag
5 min later 27368043 XRP SStacklet
No Swings...you respect the standard
5 min later 27368087 Anonymous
I shorted XMR.
6 min later 27368215 Anonymous
You got pumped and dumped, no mini moon
6 min later 27368236 Anonymous
you too, faggot. go back to plebbit
6 min later 27368241 Anonymous (333.gif 300x300 47kB)
Cheeky Dave i know you are lurking this general
7 min later 27368264 Anonymous
I WANT MY MONEY BACK! Get me the 4chan manager on the line RIGHT NOW!
7 min later 27368269 Anonymous
Shakeout successful. Bye, normies. Let's hope /xsg/ returns back to what it was.
7 min later 27368331 Anonymous
7 min later 27368342 Anonymous (external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg 730x783 119kB)
I shorted
7 min later 27368349 Anonymous
Fuck off
7 min later 27368378 Anonymous (rocket.png 261x243 143kB)
Always holding never selling.
8 min later 27368387 Anonymous
how is a 3x not a mini moon?
8 min later 27368460 XRP SStacklet (sshooook.jpg 1280x719 148kB)
I dont think so 0.10 incoming
8 min later 27368499 Anonymous
I think reddit has some new subreddits waiting for you.
8 min later 27368504 Anonymous
Because it dumped to below 2x
8 min later 27368522 Anonymous
Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Still not selling btw.
10 min later 27368758 Anonymous (frodo.jpg 500x500 139kB)
>late thread to make all the ADHDredditfags lose interest and go home
Bless the baker
We're BACK
10 min later 27368763 Anonymous
that doesn't negate the 3x if you sold the top; it was still a moon even if you didn't capitalize on it
>bitcoin didn't moon to 42k because it dumped back to 30k
11 min later 27368861 Anonymous (1606197352705.jpg 1280x1064 91kB)
11 min later 27368868 Anonymous
The most pathetic pump I have ever seen. It's like Gamestop going to 20$ and then crashing back down to 8$. Just goes to show how manipulated the price is
11 min later 27368881 Anonymous
It held that for awhile, wasn't a pump and dump
11 min later 27368923 Anonymous
God I hope so my bags are going to be 5x as heavy
11 min later 27368970 Anonymous
Pls moon again :(
11 min later 27368980 Anonymous
The whales just would not abide
12 min later 27369045 Anonymous
i'm in profit at this range
12 min later 27369071 Anonymous
le redditor forgot to take his so-y(tm) today
13 min later 27369150 Anonymous
If its clearly manipulated it should be easy to make money on
13 min later 27369161 Anonymous
again.....$.28 to $.75 in 2 days is a mini moon
this will be my last reply to this foolishness
13 min later 27369176 Anonymous
Time for some actual interesting information exchange.
Who knows what the exact difference between the Stellar network and RippleNet is? It is a fork, yes? but what have they changed?
13 min later 27369184 Anonymous
Anyone else considering suicide?
13 min later 27369189 Anonymous (for anon.png 514x1071 1017kB)
13 min later 27369241 Anonymous (ecab7cb8cf5c0e2a55c8ce30034a60fa.jpg 640x1280 290kB)
As promised, second and last time I will post this.
If you haven't told a friend or a relative about XRP, now is the time to do. DO NOT MENTION that you have thousands of XRP. Just give them an easy pill about the XRP and some YouTube videos taken from here.
Why is now the time to do? Because:
1. The reddit falseflag happened, they will be aware that XRP was below .25 and boosted to .70 this will give them some subliminal message into prices.
2. It might be the last time in this century that the opportunity to become a millionaire without having to be a jew or having to rely on nepotism, because after this you will be the nepotist and you will decide who gets what, when you make it, but do not tell him/her that. This is medium level redpill and if you think it won't help the discussion, don't.
3. There is nothing to lose, as long as you don't go all madman and recommend investing more than $3,000. MENTION THAT YOU ARE NOT A LEGAL ADVISER and TO DO HIS/HER OWN RESEARCH. If you care for the person, tell them you will help them.
4. Steps above can be either missed or modified accordingly to the relationship you have with the person.
13 min later 27369250 Anonymous
So, you just gonna be copy pasting this? Pretty lazy at your job, Chandresh
14 min later 27369291 Anonymous (pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.u6.jpg 1000x1000 124kB)
14 min later 27369324 Anonymous
That whale absolutely DUMPING on everyone minutes before the "pump" has the be the funniest thing I've ever seen.
14 min later 27369387 Anonymous (just some maintenance....jpg 932x1152 205kB)
https://twitter.com/BakkupBradley/s tatus/1356233883335929858?s=09
withdrawing this xlm is taking forever...
yeah sure thing buddy.
15 min later 27369484 Anonymous (Doom_Slayer.png 1004x1183 961kB)
15 min later 27369529 Anonymous (1606489657344.png 390x417 186kB)
That's fine tho, just buying the dip
15 min later 27369546 Anonymous
my XRP withdrawal from Binance took around an hour
16 min later 27369590 Anonymous
shill me your coin, when is the bottom?
16 min later 27369634 Anonymous
Lmao feels pretty good still being in profit because we're aren't pnd faggots who bought the top like retards, well hey retards, hold what you got even if it getting dumped on, bet half of u aren't even aware what you're holding
16 min later 27369640 Anonymous
Should I buy $200 worth of XRP?
16 min later 27369671 Anonymous
dead cat bounce incoming
17 min later 27369763 Anonymous
im buying 10,000 USD worth
17 min later 27369794 Anonymous
im starting to think they have none and are scrambling to fudge the markets and buy up some.
not liking it, i sent some in just to ride the wave in either which direction and add to my cold stack. this bullshit makes me want to sideline - amount of volatility and manipulation is retarded.
18 min later 27369841 Anonymous (literally me.jpg 558x614 17kB)
XRP is for the banks and XLM is for retail is what I can parse from it but I'm retarded so don't trust me completely.
One anon said XRP is the gold and XLM is the silver, I'm not so sure about that one though
18 min later 27369885 Anonymous (thiscoinismadeforme.png 546x533 499kB)
holding to the end of time
18 min later 27369899 Anonymous
Selling at $1?
18 min later 27369912 Anonymous
Why are my XRP showing as "blocked" in Binance? The fuck?
19 min later 27369963 Anonymous
Nobody spoonfeed the newie
19 min later 27369986 Anonymous
How low will we go?
$0.2 would be cool with me.
19 min later 27370027 Anonymous
Because you are a burger and it is about to get raped buy SEC.
20 min later 27370076 Anonymous
Is this crashing any further, what's a good price to buy back in
20 min later 27370090 Anonymous
The SEC will capitulate.
20 min later 27370112 Anonymous
It already happened retard. Stop the cope.
20 min later 27370194 Anonymous
because XRP is a security
21 min later 27370220 Anonymous
funds are safu
21 min later 27370229 Anonymous
Fucking piece of shit normie coin shouldn't have wasted my time aaaaaaaaaaaaah
21 min later 27370246 Anonymous
What dip. This coin will he worthless in 6 month.
21 min later 27370259 Anonymous
>t. SEC
21 min later 27370293 Anonymous (Elite 4.png 409x583 585kB)
Post Golden Bobos.
21 min later 27370314 Anonymous (download.png 225x225 6kB)
All the pajeets complaining losing $20 dollars
Are you fucking serious?
22 min later 27370350 Anonymous
22 min later 27370354 Anonymous
I mean, many of us called it as it was happening. But newfags know it all and dont read OP
22 min later 27370366 Anonymous
$.22 was price before pump, between $.22 - $.27 is fine
22 min later 27370375 Anonymous
I succesfully traded my $5000 xrp into $3000 FUCK ME
22 min later 27370384 Anonymous
How did David Schwartz lost his leg? Did he cut it off ? Just noticed his picture on twitter
22 min later 27370406 Anonymous
Can someone whitepill me here pls?
22 min later 27370407 Anonymous
SEC is in favor of hedgies and clearing houses not shitcoins.
https://cat-bounce.com/ for a demonstration of what is happening.
22 min later 27370412 Anonymous (nigroee.jpg 120x117 5kB)
Just leave
22 min later 27370447 Anonymous
did you set up a stop limit?
24 min later 27370599 Anonymous
Hey it's a lot of rubles aight
24 min later 27370643 Anonymous
The whitepill is that XRP deserved to fail [spoiler][/spoiler] and that multiple anons have mad bank by shorting it.
24 min later 27370718 Anonymous (zerperkang.png 946x1024 825kB)
kek, it's ok anon. we all make mistakes, but only some of us learn.
25 min later 27370782 Anonymous (9187fj3nyxz31.jpg 1062x1080 146kB)
I just bought $100AUD in XRP ask me anything.
25 min later 27370842 Anonymous
Newly created bag holder here. What am I in for lads?
27 min later 27371083 Anonymous
4 long years of pain before another pump where you forget to sell and instead fomo buy and get dumped on and have to wait another 4 years.
27 min later 27371099 Anonymous
I thought you faggots were gone
27 min later 27371150 Anonymous
Generational wealth. XRP 2k EOM.
28 min later 27371174 Anonymous
Im sure it will go down more, just wait
28 min later 27371186 Anonymous
its been stuck at 0.40 for the last 3 hours ZzZzZzZ
28 min later 27371195 Anonymous
I'm also a newly minted bag holder. Bought in at .28, .33, .48, and .60. And of course .48 and .60 were the larger of the buy ins.
How heavy are my bags?
28 min later 27371237 Anonymous (Bobo Taking Picture Of Fudder.jpg 1000x1199 206kB)
>Hi Anon
>Welcome to the brap buffet
>I heard you bought the dip on Feb 1st
>What a card
28 min later 27371274 Anonymous
I want to know the technical implementation details, this is not spoonfeeding since this information is hard to get. A link would suffice.
30 min later 27371447 Anonymous (yephim.png 1194x894 370kB)
For all his bullshit, he's not wrong about this one.
30 min later 27371474 Anonymous (9725E360-54EA-4FC9-AA4E-FFF20380EDA9.jpg 400x380 15kB)
Well, can’t say I’m surprised...
30 min later 27371491 Anonymous
Anyone know? The last thing related to his leg was some posts about him spraining his ankle, but then I see his whole leg cut? How does that happen? He's diabetic? Anyone know?
30 min later 27371493 Anonymous
this made me laugh in time of pain, where I am left bag holding
30 min later 27371503 Anonymous
Your fine, ignore the immense faggots. When the time comes, you will be in very good shape. Shakeout
30 min later 27371545 Anonymous (Feb 1st Pump Infinity Gematria.png 624x443 25kB)
OOOOO It's a pretty neat reading, schizos
30 min later 27371546 Anonymous (Compi.jpg 3680x2864 3194kB)
XRP can still moon
read this
31 min later 27371589 Anonymous (1612146641082.jpg 540x540 25kB)
Got as far as +55% profit, didn't sell... I was greedy and thought it would go to at least 0.80-0.90... now I am back to red and I regret not selling so damn much. My dissapointment is immeasurable And my day is ruined. Been holding 3 months btw.
31 min later 27371606 Anonymous
31 min later 27371616 Anonymous
Jed still has 3M xrp to sell here before we see the next leg up https://bithomp.com/explorer/rLkMJh SVwhmummLjJPVrwQRZZYiYQhVQ1A
31 min later 27371663 Anonymous
32 min later 27371707 Anonymous
guys guys dont panic look lets get down to the facts ok
1. new support at 40 cents
2. up 40% from being in high 20s for weeks
3. early buyers are hodling
4. pump and dumpers probably sold half a bag so expect the next pump to also be dumped by them selling the other half
5. exchanges are playing along because they all halted at 830 est
>I am sorr?
32 min later 27371755 Anonymous
32 min later 27371791 Anonymous
Buy on Newton. make sure you get a referral from someone tho. also recommend opening a bank account at somewhere like eq to connect directly through plaid.
32 min later 27371815 Anonymous
Between this and Shiba I have learned a lot, I didn't get in at too high a point but not low enough to make a profit dumping so I pretty much need to hold on some of these and not buy into things that will obviously dump from only doubling.
33 min later 27371942 Anonymous
>Today's Winners: XRP Holders
Well, that's a lot of winners today.
34 min later 27372010 Anonymous (1612056065696.jpg 383x591 17kB)
And since I already started ranting, why the fuck was there no pump at 8:30 EST? Ok sure pnd yada yada but it was supposed to get actually PUMPED first, now it just pumped 40 cents big deal. It was supposed to reach at least 1 dollar. FUCK. Got excited for nothing. Fuck these pajeets
34 min later 27372016 Anonymous
Exactly the same as me mate....so rekt
3.358 0.142