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2021-02-01 04:44 27366130 Anonymous XRP BOUNCE (c7c141e377c2678686c5713231042415.png 400x400 7kB)
I hate ripple just as much as the next guy, but this bounce is to easy to pass on.
Easy 30% gain in the next 2 hours imo.
0 min later 27366215 Anonymous
1 min later 27366330 Anonymous
1 min later 27366353 Anonymous (1535927680040s.jpg 225x225 8kB)
I got dat Bitcoin Cash
3 min later 27366703 Anonymous
Dead cat bounce I assume?
3 min later 27366713 Anonymous
very edgy.
Once 44 cents gets breached we'll see 55 cents in no time.
4 min later 27366841 Anonymous
lmao, the PND is over bro, its back to crabbing at 0.3
4 min later 27366862 Anonymous
probably, i dont care what it does after 55 cents desu.
I'll be out.
6 min later 27367038 Anonymous
Had the same idea. It will bounce. It always has.
7 min later 27367288 Anonymous
Yep. It's a shitfuck scam coin that bounces from 'dead' all the time. It's low right now, so I bought some to make off with the next pump and dump bullshit. Don't buy if you read this when it's green, it's a shitass dumbfuck coin, just buy it while it's low as fuck.
10 min later 27367668 Anonymous
It's not 'low as fuck' in general terms.
Just wrt the peak of a couple of hours ago.
If it somehow doesnt bounce in the next few hours i'm out again, but everything seems to be lining up.
Bitstamp (which is a bit exchange for XRP due to jed mccaleb using it) saw the biggest volume in over a year in this dip.
No way it doesnt bounce from such a high volume dip imo.
15 min later 27368456 Anonymous
Dont want to see it going under 41 cents though.
18 min later 27368864 Anonymous
22 min later 27369361 Anonymous
Must be close now.
23 min later 27369540 Anonymous
are you longing or just bought?
25 min later 27369850 Anonymous
I bought.
What do you mean with longing?
Leverage? Nah I'm sweating bullets as is, desu.
27 min later 27370058 Anonymous
which exchange bro
28 min later 27370206 Anonymous
29 min later 27370331 Anonymous
30 min later 27370460 Anonymous (download (27).jpg 221x228 9kB)
31 min later 27370619 Anonymous
How the fuck does this drop 45% and then just decide to go crabbing.
Fucking shitcoin.
33 min later 27370966 Anonymous
Fack WTF where are you going?
GO UP!!!
35 min later 27371215 Anonymous
41 min later 27371973 Anonymous
You missed the dump boys. Play again.
41 min later 27372053 Anonymous
42 min later 27372157 Anonymous (doge.png 1142x552 586kB)
there are worse things, friend
43 min later 27372231 Anonymous
Should I sell at $0.50
43 min later 27372319 Anonymous
2 Million XRP bid on bitstamp.
This is good.
44 min later 27372453 Anonymous
Shit wall is gone.
This is BAD.
45 min later 27372579 Anonymous
46 min later 27372659 Anonymous
49 min later 27373002 Anonymous
51 min later 27373340 Anonymous
Can someone tell me where I can learn all the cryptocurrency terms?
51 min later 27373359 Anonymous (Not+hallucinate+an+entire+life+but+a+happy+one+_fe9e7de36583145982a990384074f09f.jpg 645x773 58kB)
Ok, ok.
We're through the worst, I think.
Low volume test of the bottom, didn't even make it to the bottom.
Now we'll just go up.
52 min later 27373431 Anonymous
52 min later 27373509 Anonymous
53 min later 27373542 Anonymous
literally just search "cryptocurrency terms" you dumb fuck
53 min later 27373569 Anonymous
I hope so fren. as u said, dont wanna hold this shitcoin longer than necessary. but the bounce is obvious
53 min later 27373572 Anonymous (1595686203840.jpg 213x236 9kB)
Felt a bit sad about my paper losses but seeing this clown act cheered me up again. Thanks OP, welcome to the asylum!
54 min later 27373790 Anonymous
I hope you die of AIDS on a San Fransisco sidewalk
55 min later 27373810 Anonymous
How much did people lose buying @ 0.7?
55 min later 27373855 Anonymous
newfag here, bought xrp before browsing this site. Why is it considered the worst shizo thing ever?
56 min later 27373930 Anonymous
what's wrong with BCH?
56 min later 27373939 Anonymous
56 min later 27374002 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-01 17-40-51.png 859x684 38kB)
We're gonna make it, brother!
57 min later 27374131 Anonymous (1564932818821.jpg 750x571 311kB)
Pls keep on kumping
58 min later 27374256 Anonymous
Maybe the true pump is the friends we make along the way.
59 min later 27374390 Anonymous
I'm happy my misery brings you joy.
59 min later 27374391 Anonymous
i feel much more comfy in this swingtrade now brother. were gonna make it
1 hours later 27374678 Anonymous
God damn, I feel like I'm in a bizonnacci episode.
1 hours later 27374736 Anonymous
I don't think so. Only few hours before Asians wake up and realize they got dumped on.
1 hours later 27374925 Anonymous
Chart is not forming as I want it to, so I wouldn't go in now probably but I'm in so that's that.
The cryptogods will take me to my destiny.
1 hours later 27375038 Anonymous
no chance lol
delusional bagholders
please sell your bags into something worthwhile
not a retarded pump and dump
1 hours later 27375065 Anonymous
Besides Ripple makes the weirdest charts in crypto so there's still a chance.
1 hours later 27375133 Anonymous
>It always has.
it never does
this is a shill
1 hours later 27375195 Anonymous
yes. it probably will make a sharp 50% spike out of nowhere. it's a bagholder hell right now already tho, fml
1 hours later 27375202 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-01 17-51-06.png 1734x851 90kB)
Behold my analysis.
1 hours later 27375211 Anonymous (bizonacci.jpg 900x900 142kB)
He really needs to make a reapperance
1 hours later 27375570 Anonymous (1579407714685.png 557x382 330kB)
>He think's he's about to make eet
1 hours later 27375634 Anonymous (Screenshot_474.png 1386x391 71kB)
>bought $1000 worth on 29/01 @ $0.32
>sold today @ $0.625 for $1000 profit
>just bought another $1000 worth @0.409
i have no doubt I will make at least 50% profit on XRP within a few days
1 hours later 27375751 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-01 17-55-24.png 1447x894 76kB)
What a piece of shit.
Not once a higher high.
1 hours later 27375977 Anonymous
>50% profit
60+ cents?
It's possible but I don't think I'm going to wager that high.
Where will you sell if it does bounce?
1 hours later 27376132 Anonymous
ye if it dips into 0.35 range i have more money ready to avg$cost.
shit will pump to 0.60 for sure
1 hours later 27376154 Anonymous
1 hours later 27376508 Anonymous
Told ya. Below 1k sats by tomorrow.
1 hours later 27376780 Anonymous
How can one group manipulate the third largest crypto as if it was some 1 million marketcap uniswap rug pull?
1 hours later 27377085 Anonymous
temporary bottom should be in. this gonna shoot to $0.50 now, grab ur bags now
1 hours later 27377266 Anonymous
Pump and fucking duuuuuump
XRP kids never learn.
1 hours later 27377348 Anonymous
Wrong. 1 more day of dumping then we will see that green dildo. I'm setting my buy order at $0.28.
1 hours later 27377506 Anonymous
it already dumped 50%, dont wanna miss the juicy bounce. good luck sir
1 hours later 27377531 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-01 18-10-44.png 1723x839 129kB)
Fucking insane volume though
7.1 Billion XRP on binance,
620 on Bitstamp
620 on Bitfinex
All historical records with 1/4th of the day remaining.
1 hours later 27377679 Anonymous
Social media hype is a powerful thing.
1 hours later 27377761 Anonymous (1600809507391.jpg 251x251 35kB)
How does it feel to lose 80% in 6 hours?
1 hours later 27378300 Anonymous
I only lost 13% in 2 hours but uhmmm, not very good.
I hate this coin.
1 hours later 27378509 Anonymous
This is a manufactured exit for the original, super disappointed, XRP bag holders.
1 hours later 27378618 Anonymous
just opened a short see you at .20
1 hours later 27378737 Anonymous
>opened a short AFTER it dropped >50% in one red candle. ngmi
1 hours later 27378895 Anonymous
Call me schizo but I really don't think retail plebs are burning through an extra 20 billion in volume.
This is whales moving around fuckhuge amounts under the helpful guise of a few retards pumping their telegram bags.
1 hours later 27379127 Anonymous
i already made 150 on the pump. seems like a safe bet that xrp holders are paper handed faggots that will sell at a huge loss
1 hours later 27379307 Anonymous (1522636408178.jpg 318x313 11kB)
>put buy order 1.2k sat
>think it's pretty low
>still hit it
>still losing money
Where's my deignated tinfoil hat?
1 hours later 27379441 Anonymous
>Americans wake up
>shit their pants and sell to claw back what they lost
>30% plummet
thanks yanks.
1 hours later 27379481 Anonymous
just hold. it will melt faces in next bounce leg
1 hours later 27379903 Anonymous
Xrp exists to enrich it’s founders and perform perpetual ball torture upon it’s bag holders
1 hours later 27380054 Anonymous
What was the discord/telegram that was behind the recent XRP dump and dump lads
1 hours later 27380101 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 9.33.37 AM.png 474x126 23kB)
I click bton
did i do right?
1 hours later 27380314 Anonymous (1511266140995.gif 408x303 724kB)
I hold it back in 2017 but sold it all. Is there any reason why this coin is all over the place?
1 hours later 27380422 Anonymous
Imagine being retarded enough to catch falling XRP knives. This shitcoin always goes straight back down to baseline after it pumps
1 hours later 27380807 Anonymous (1597759269893.jpg 602x506 183kB)
Um sweetie is that a green dildo on the chart?
Munchkin, are we going to be, dare I say, the standard?
Snookums, are you going to FOMO in?
1 hours later 27380909 Anonymous (crash1minuteXRP.png 1751x905 89kB)
2 hours later 27381331 Anonymous
was literally in the process of cancelling my order when that giant dump came. Unfortunately got caught FML and my slow fingers
2 hours later 27381343 Anonymous
Jed just finished selling for the day, so bounce time https://bithomp.com/explorer/rLkMJh SVwhmummLjJPVrwQRZZYiYQhVQ1A
2 hours later 27381471 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-01 18-29-39.png 467x390 176kB)
Fucking finally!
A higher high.
The bounce has started, later and lower than anticipated so we'll have to see if I'll make some money out of it.
RIP, kiddo.
That buy order will get filled in a week just before another 6 months of crabbing as a 20 cent stablecoin.
We're gonna make it, lads.
I can now step away from the screen for a while and go make me a nice sandwich.
Any guesses on how high we'll bounce?
2 hours later 27381561 Anonymous
Pump in 12 mins
2 hours later 27381567 Anonymous (Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 9.46.53 AM.png 266x136 15kB)
>imagine not making that quick 5% at 3x on the reg
stay poor brainlet
2 hours later 27381568 Anonymous
picrelated was from the previous pump back in november.
2 hours later 27381650 Anonymous
>later and lower than anticipated so we'll have to see if I'll make some money out of it.
if youve been watching XRP for a while, youd know the bots always depress the price when Jed sets his sell orders. It's known he must sell, so it's an easy way to lower entry price for longs. for a long part of the day, his selling was paused.
2 hours later 27381739 Anonymous (1612062997616.jpg 850x944 108kB)
We're going past a dollar.
Enjoy your sandwich anon.
2 hours later 27381828 Anonymous (1612128405728.jpg 1357x960 105kB)
WTF WAS THAT?????????!!!!!!!!!11
2 hours later 27381846 Anonymous
idiot you are lat to the party
2 hours later 27381934 Anonymous
either way. Was painful. Luckily in just fooling around with 500-600 dollars. getting a feel for how things work. Was not aware of the absolute bullshit institutional dumping haha
2 hours later 27381958 Anonymous
2 hours later 27382038 Anonymous
um OP? you said, and I quote "Easy 30% gain in the next 2 hours imo".
However, the stated 2 hour period has elapsed, and you have lost around ~8%. What happened?
2 hours later 27382063 Anonymous
lets go, literally just want my losses back
2 hours later 27382157 Anonymous
Sirs, shall I sell at $0.50 or let it ride to $1.00+? bought the dip today
2 hours later 27382186 Anonymous (1478516636756.jpg 300x300 17kB)
I have more trust on xrp than on doge.
2 hours later 27382302 Anonymous
>putting your money in a crashing shitcoin to possibly make 5% if you time it perfectly
jesus christ you people are beyond help
2 hours later 27382388 Anonymous
>the dip
That's a funny way of spelling "The Dump" friend.
2 hours later 27382635 Anonymous
it hit resistance. plebs panic cascaded it down.
it will rebound with immense force. im just not sure if i should hold for longer than the obv 0.50 bounce
2 hours later 27382664 Anonymous
I don't care about crypto, I just come here to watch the seething and coping of people losing thousands of dollars due to their bad decisions
2 hours later 27382837 Anonymous
buy and hold. there are no others
2 hours later 27383388 Anonymous
2 hours later 27383399 Anonymous
Normal fags know about only a few coins. BTC ETH DOGE and XRP.
As long there is interest, I don't see XRP go down much more. A short rally back to 0.50 is very likely.
And whales could pump it again and again.
Look at DOGE. who would have thought it
would stay at this level? That 's EVEN A more shit shitcoin than XRP
2 hours later 27383623 Anonymous
>As long there is interest, I don't see XRP go down much more.
>delisting from major US based exchanges
>SEC lawsuit
>anon is bullish
There is no hope for these people.
2 hours later 27384009 Anonymous
I don't give a shit about those things because normal fags don't care either. I think xrp goes back to 0.50 cent Just because it's a trending name.
2 hours later 27384068 Anonymous
xrp on average recovers 40% of its drop after crash.
2 hours later 27384156 Anonymous
Sandwich made and eaten, frens. Was nice to read through the thread whilst doing so.
It was delicious. Salmon btw, good for Vitamine D during these dark wintermonths. Keeps you safe from the rona.
Great to see the pump is on it's way. Let's gooo!
Thank you, but sad to see you got the mindvirus. Ripple is not going anywhere beyond a dead cat bounce I fear, my schizo fren.
Well I'm in Europe so you have to take account for the time difference.
I don't think this is going to do more than a cat bounce, but I do hope higher than 0.50, definitely after all this suffering. Hoping for 0.53-0.55.
Exactly, this was a dump and this is a powerful dead cat bounce (hopefully).
Here I am, pussy.
2 hours later 27384180 Anonymous
its pooomping
2 hours later 27384197 Anonymous (XRPumped.jpg 828x1072 96kB)
oops sorry
2 hours later 27384281 Anonymous
Ah wifi disconnected now on different wifi.
2 hours later 27384546 Anonymous
>great to see the pump is on its way
>down 4% since time of posting
top kek, stay poor faggot
2 hours later 27384679 Anonymous
wtf is that about. surely it was some big institutional investor that dropped those sales?
2 hours later 27385099 Anonymous
2 hours later 27385221 Anonymous
no dude, you're just dumb.
literally, stay poor™
2 hours later 27385231 Anonymous
What a bunch of disgusting fucking niggers. Good job though, another point for SEC against Ripple.
2 hours later 27385326 Anonymous
its dumping again kek. OP the rope beckons
2 hours later 27385566 Anonymous (brainlet1.png 645x729 79kB)
>trying to scalp 5% off a dumping shitcoin
>calls other people dumb
2 hours later 27385620 Anonymous
2 hours later 27385636 Anonymous
It's just a test of the breakout.
But I'm glad you're here to hold my hand while I get rich.
2 hours later 27386171 Anonymous
giga cope. thanks for the entertainment
2 hours later 27386305 Anonymous
Stay a while, anon.
It will not be the same if you'd miss it.
2 hours later 27386356 Anonymous
As stated previously: >>27378509
2 hours later 27387789 Anonymous
do i buy in again or lick my wounds lads? Accidentally bought at 0.65. Only lost 150 but still
2 hours later 27387942 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-01 19-41-33.png 918x900 52kB)
Buy in.
Look at my TA.
Tells you all you need to know.
3 hours later 27388518 Anonymous (keeeeeeeeeek.png 7184x5944 218kB)
i gotch´ you bobo
3 hours later 27388880 Anonymous
3 hours later 27390326 Anonymous
It's a fucking scam you idiot.
3 hours later 27390461 Anonymous
made an uphold wallet, transferred from kraken, dumped that fucking bag for a hundred and something dollar profit. Fuck US government from getting it delisted, fuck kraken for leaving me holding a bag while it plummeted, and fuck XRP for being XRP.
3 hours later 27390580 Anonymous (18715534e00a8c9fc0c03e26f7670e72.jpg 480x360 24kB)
No it ain't, you little bitch.
Wripple to the MOOOOOOOON!
3 hours later 27390866 Anonymous
I see the bad moon arising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today
3 hours later 27390973 Anonymous
DOGE and XRP PnDs did so much damage to crypto reputation, it won't be easy to get new money.
3 hours later 27391009 Anonymous
when is the bounce, OP?
3 hours later 27391807 Anonymous
>>Americans wake up
>>shit their pants
Oh you mean after seeing what the Europoors did after they woke up and tanked the climb that was in effect as they always do. Europe isn't Europe any more. It is just More North Africa than North Africa.
3 hours later 27391808 Anonymous
3 hours later 27391941 Anonymous
All downward trend has been broken.
TA traders and trend bots will all jump on this.
Moon Soon.
3 hours later 27392274 Anonymous
I bet I lost more than anyone here on this piece of shit.
3 hours later 27392691 Anonymous (Screenshot from 2021-02-01 20-23-05.png 1109x894 65kB)
This 1.5 cent move sees almost no pullback.
True chad staircase to heaven.
Yes, I'm still in the red and yes this has taken way longer than expected but I'm still confident in my position.
3 hours later 27392874 Anonymous
Still confident, but....
1.283 0.118