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2021-02-01 02:15 27298020 Anonymous /stellar/-XLM (POOOOMMP.jpg 318x159 11kB)

2 min later 27298215 Anonymous
>>27298020 100 GRT and 22 Stellar, should I just convert ETM to XLM?

2 min later 27298278 Anonymous (23512352345.jpg 827x614 47kB)
>>27298020 will it ? it's barely moved in a month though. I guess there's a bit more volume the last few days

3 min later 27298310 Anonymous
>>27298020 All in. This week will be wild

4 min later 27298404 Anonymous
>>27298020 God we have the best logo don't we Stellchads. LETS POOOOMP.

5 min later 27298519 Anonymous
>>27298278 It pumped last month and stayed crabby, don't worry being a x3 pumper and a stable coin at x2 is better than these other shitcoins that pump and dump 24/7. COMFY HOLD

7 min later 27298698 Anonymous
>>27298519 this is my long term comfy hold but I def would not mind if this shit pooooomped

8 min later 27298712 Anonymous
>>27298020 I'm happy with the Stellar Sdk, the Stellar Network can only get better with more nodes. Visa runs TERN over it and it'll become the true Bank Coin, XRP will be missing out while bogged down with the SEC and scaring bank partners.

14 min later 27299196 Anonymous (szusb.jpg 2248x1530 955kB)

20 min later 27299698 Anonymous (1610670137688.png 4392x2249 3992kB)
Unlike many other coins that get shilled here I actually want the world where this succeeds.

39 min later 27301249 Anonymous
>>27299698 agreed anon, its massively extensible and I'd imagine that once people realize how much work has already been done, there will be a neo-bank rush toward anchoring in major US immigrant counties

39 min later 27301287 Anonymous (1612037817745.jpg 200x200 6kB)

39 min later 27301300 Anonymous

40 min later 27301392 Anonymous (welcometothecumzone.jpg 602x481 48kB)
>>27301300 check em confirmed xlm 1300 eoy

41 min later 27301440 Anonymous
>>27301300 Check'd! This is it gang

41 min later 27301473 Anonymous
This triangle looks really fucking good. Are you in?

43 min later 27301569 Anonymous
>>27298020 Excuse me sirs. I was looking for the schizophrenic thread about the standard but I seem to have taken a wrong turn. Anyone?

44 min later 27301641 Anonymous
>>27298020 Why is this gonna pump? Marketcap is too big to do much

44 min later 27301658 Anonymous

45 min later 27301783 Anonymous
>>27301641 USDC integration. ETH that has more massive marketcap can almost double it's price when it's live

52 min later 27302330 Anonymous
>>27301783 hmm, better hodl then, I only have 337 anyway, thanks bro

53 min later 27302400 Anonymous
>>27301783 are you talking about this ? >USDC is expected to be live and available on Stellar by February 2021 https://stellar.org/blog/usdc-stell ar-faq

57 min later 27302727 Anonymous
1500 hodl here

59 min later 27302883 Anonymous
It's literally dumping faggots

1 hours later 27303017 Anonymous
>>27302727 20k here You need to invest in bigger hands, lad.

1 hours later 27303025 Anonymous
This will go back up to the high .30's, where I will short it again. Easy money from you fags.

1 hours later 27304332 Anonymous
>>27303025 When?

1 hours later 27304652 Anonymous
>>27304332 right now

1 hours later 27304682 Anonymous
>>27304652 Hope so I have been watching all fucking day.

1 hours later 27304818 Anonymous
>>27304682 you're going to drive yourself nuts watching this slow ass coin all day.

1 hours later 27304926 Anonymous
>>27304818 I only have a little bit between this and btc lol it is in fact killing me.

1 hours later 27304971 Anonymous (1611938908729.jpg 837x1024 239kB)
>>27304818 Don't hate the snake.

1 hours later 27305430 Anonymous (fill_me_in.png 995x641 498kB)
xlm is a great long term hold. idgaf i just think it's neat.

1 hours later 27305787 Anonymous
5145 stacklet here. When this moons am I gonna make it?

1 hours later 27305924 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK -NcRmVcw

1 hours later 27306235 Anonymous (1612061480304.png 1585x1631 1828kB)
Its fucking happening.

1 hours later 27306331 Anonymous (1508477043373.jpg 755x687 193kB)

1 hours later 27306360 Anonymous
>>27305787 that's a sexy stack. im hopeful it'll go $1-$3, anything extra would just be gravy for me personally.

1 hours later 27306544 Anonymous (xlm.png 232x160 9kB)
hello children

1 hours later 27306677 Anonymous
>>27306544 oh fuck is the guy that always dumps on us when the XLM starts to blast off

1 hours later 27306831 Anonymous
>>27305430 There's no such thing as a good long term hold in crypto. You either make money with P&Ds then cash out or you stay in and get fucked when bitcoin crashes. The technology is irrelevant 99.9% of the time.

1 hours later 27306877 Anonymous
>>27298020 Stable coin....

1 hours later 27306957 Anonymous
>>27306677 Not with 0.0001% of the market hes not.

2 hours later 27307861 Anonymous

2 hours later 27307934 Anonymous
>>27306831 so you don't see much potential in the long term adaptation of these types of technologies? genuinely curious

2 hours later 27308020 Anonymous (1612124576712.jpg 802x451 39kB)
>>27307861 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5R UXUyZorE LETS FUCKING GO

2 hours later 27308273 Anonymous
1133 stacklet here. Is $5 realistic by EOY?

2 hours later 27308304 Anonymous
What was that?

2 hours later 27308385 Anonymous
>>27298278 What website is this? App?

2 hours later 27308386 Anonymous
You're all late to this train. It's leaving the station.

2 hours later 27308454 Anonymous

2 hours later 27308683 Anonymous
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO8 9Ew-_FSM

2 hours later 27309360 Anonymous
>>27308386 It's a slow af train

2 hours later 27309396 Anonymous

2 hours later 27309461 Anonymous
>>27306544 >>27306544 you and me are the same. I have a bit more. holding for years

2 hours later 27309513 Anonymous

2 hours later 27309967 Anonymous (1611872588128.png 1607x1607 244kB)

2 hours later 27310260 Anonymous (f14_001.jpg 2373x1582 505kB)
0.33 LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siw pn14IE7E

2 hours later 27310347 Anonymous
>>27303017 We're trying

2 hours later 27310378 Anonymous
>>27310260 lets go .50 - $1

2 hours later 27310423 Anonymous
>>27310378 Fuck yes. XLM is so ludicrously undervalued lmao.

2 hours later 27310731 Anonymous
>>27310423 honestly

2 hours later 27310791 Anonymous
>>27307934 I do in some cases, ETH and XLM are great examples but the prices will fluctuate so much that there's no point holding anything for an extended period of time regardless of the project. Even if you bought in at 0.04 cents you're still better off just selling at the top of the next pump, wait for all the whales to dump and then increase your stack when the leddit crypto hype dies down over the summer. Rinse and repeat.

2 hours later 27310857 Anonymous
Need some whales to swing their dicks into this and truly start the pump to the moon going!

2 hours later 27310959 Anonymous
>it's dumping fuck, I FOMO'd in at the top

2 hours later 27311006 Anonymous (1605921790037.jpg 1024x1024 138kB)
>diet XRP

2 hours later 27311065 Anonymous
>>27310959 Don't worry fren, this is going high eom. The volume is nuts compared to 2 months ago. Tons of good news published. Buyers remorse after the XRP pump and dump.

2 hours later 27311121 Anonymous (baste.png 703x597 270kB)
>>27310791 I see what you mean, ty

2 hours later 27311151 Anonymous (1611900174567.jpg 1440x1434 474kB)
To the moon.

2 hours later 27311192 Anonymous
>>27310959 it'll be back to 0.33~0.34 tomorrow like it does every day. just hodl until it blows up

2 hours later 27311207 Anonymous (1607722012075.png 270x344 57kB)
stellar snek

2 hours later 27311259 Anonymous
>>27311006 What XRP wishes it was.

2 hours later 27311316 Anonymous
>>27298020 Who are you guys?

2 hours later 27311908 Anonymous (1611788728782.jpg 605x832 29kB)

2 hours later 27311959 Anonymous (xlm t.jpg 598x738 49kB)
>>27298020 Don't coom yourselves to this chart stellarbros. Looks incredible.

2 hours later 27312003 Anonymous (681D5405-F123-4CC5-B670-53F92E72E02D.jpg 1486x991 659kB)
>>27311316 Samir, Abdul & Babu pajeet to meet you

3 hours later 27312025 Anonymous
What part of stable coin don't you understand? I'm legit worried for your mental health.

3 hours later 27312189 Anonymous (1610934777666.png 220x220 6kB)
>.30 cent stablecoin has a general This shit has been 30 cents for literally years And you think its going to pump now?

3 hours later 27312421 Anonymous
>>27311959 Yeah OK

3 hours later 27312484 Anonymous
REFUELLED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-m E2ZB4wmU

3 hours later 27312651 Anonymous (1500570474824.gif 400x303 1640kB)
>>27312189 >years >has been hovering around .30 just this month

3 hours later 27312673 Anonymous
>>27312189 >.08 for most of 2019 and 2020, okay bud

3 hours later 27312902 Anonymous (1610872099233.jpg 802x840 98kB)
>>27312189 >this guy doesn't into charts

3 hours later 27313472 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210201-143208.png 2044x2048 1647kB)
We're on the final triangles now. Last chance to get in.

3 hours later 27313759 Anonymous
>>27313472 Bro, stop. It's not going to happen.

3 hours later 27314386 Anonymous (agree.png 1812x863 351kB)

3 hours later 27314485 Anonymous
>>27314386 those certainly are some squiggles

3 hours later 27314585 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210131-234453.png 760x1211 89kB)
>>27306544 Rick on brother! Even with my measly 4000+ shit coins. This one has been the kindest to me.

3 hours later 27314640 Anonymous
>>27314485 x0.166666666667 per month all year. >imagine

3 hours later 27314705 Anonymous
XLM has topped out 50% dump incoming. Sell this scam coin and buy XRP

3 hours later 27314766 Anonymous
>>27314705 XRP is on an artificial telegram/reddit pump, ahead of important news as to what actually happens with SEC.

3 hours later 27314871 Anonymous
>>27314766 do you honestly believe a bunch of poorfags have the capability of moving xrp?

3 hours later 27314940 Anonymous
XLM and BTC are fucking. XRP is the only one making me money.

3 hours later 27315012 Anonymous
>>27314871 Temporary small boost, sure. This isn't switch time for XRP though, its a pnd scam ahead of the actual NWO turn on.

3 hours later 27315118 Anonymous
>>27314640 *** x1.66666667

3 hours later 27315228 Anonymous
>>27314585 It's the only one that puts out 20% every couple of days

3 hours later 27315755 Anonymous
>>27314705 Nice try rabbi, I'm holding

3 hours later 27316056 Anonymous
>>27315755 see you in a few days when you sell your xlm bags at 20 cents and fomo into xrp at $1+

4 hours later 27316993 Anonymous
>>27316056 XRP reduced to a reddit scam coin.

4 hours later 27317490 Anonymous
just got 211 xlm, first crypto go. not a reddit fag

4 hours later 27318672 Anonymous
Fufhdhsgwywhe another false fucking start.

4 hours later 27319643 Anonymous (Screenshot_20210201-000001.png 1440x3120 311kB)
>>27313472 These wicks look delicious

4 hours later 27319793 Anonymous (1612159482058.jpg 464x463 41kB)
stellar is just... comfy

4 hours later 27319829 Anonymous
>>27310857 The institutions are coming. Early coin to get a pump from it.

4 hours later 27320098 Anonymous
>>27319829 I thought it was already held by institutions. Curious, what makes you think any more are gonna buy huge bags anytime soon?

24.768 0.104