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2021-02-01 12:18 27286968 Anonymous Best long-term crypto investment? (1588462920079.jpg 1080x1080 287kB)
I want to put $50,000 into a crypto long-term. Not the next pump and dump, something I can keep for at least 3 years.
What coin has the best chance of not collapsing and having consistent growth?
0 min later 27287061 Anonymous
high mcap, LINK
low mcap, REEF
1 min later 27287107 Anonymous
bitcoin and nothing else
1 min later 27287125 Anonymous
OP is clogging the catalogue up
1 min later 27287136 Anonymous
If you don't want to really look at it then Bitcoin & Ethereum with that amount.
2 min later 27287163 Anonymous
Give it to a stockbroker and ask them to do medium-risk investments with it
2 min later 27287189 Anonymous
But you're in the middle of a bullrun. Not a good time to invest very long-term in a coin.
2 min later 27287221 Anonymous
Honestly, BTC or ETH, over that time period they're going in one direction and likely to give you a x2 or x3
3 min later 27287320 Anonymous (download.jpg 229x220 7kB)
The answer is BTC, ETH, LTC, and Monero.
Never go long term on any altcoin
3 min later 27287344 Anonymous
BTC, that's it. I would suggest a 90% BTC 10% shitcoin portfolio if you're genuinely looking for long term store of wealth. If BTC does badly, all shitcoins get fucked
4 min later 27287415 Anonymous
While Bitcoin is high risk... alts are extremely super high risk
4 min later 27287436 Anonymous
>What coin has the best chance of not collapsing and having consistent growth?
unironically Coinmetro XCM
legit, regulated crypto and STO exchange that will become one of the big players within the next years. They aim to be Coinbase + Revolut + Nasdaq combined.
Their token is currently trading for about 14 eurocents, and will have a price floor at 12 cents. That means your downside is limited to about 15% while your upside is unlimited
5 min later 27287459 Anonymous
The only reasonable answer.
Crypto is for trading not investing, it's not even insured. You have no idea what will happen in 3 years, it could legitimately be outlawed.
5 min later 27287481 Anonymous (1607869515657.jpg 400x367 19kB)
5 min later 27287537 Anonymous
>all shitcoins get fucked
and fucked BADLY. You could easily lose 95%
5 min later 27287550 Anonymous
BTC, ETH, and LINK in that order if you want to be ultra conservative. Be prepared for autistic swings out of nowhere because of retardation having to do with delayed onset inflation from the fed printing stupid amounts of money.
6 min later 27287576 Anonymous
$50k in crypto seems foolish
6 min later 27287635 Anonymous
Not my threads guess I should've checked catalogue.
7 min later 27287722 Anonymous
Isn't every coin besides bitcoin an altcoin?
7 min later 27287733 Anonymous
>it could legitimately be outlawed.
Who is gonna outlaw it?
Let's say the US outlaws it (by making it illegal for crypto exchanges to exchange into fiat. But China and Europe keeps supporting crypto?
Would the US risk being left out? I highly doubt that.
8 min later 27287797 Anonymous
9 min later 27287887 Anonymous
>Isn't every coin besides bitcoin an altcoin?
Yes, but the words is losing grounds. ETH is noloonger really an altcoin....
9 min later 27287911 Anonymous
Dont be afraid to get BTC or ETH however. companies will look to start increasing their positions in the crypto market after GME.
11 min later 27288049 Anonymous
My portfolio is 75% BTC 25% Monero.
Bitcoin is the obvious one but I think people are sleeping on Monero.
The talk about privacy and anonymity is growing.
12 min later 27288159 Anonymous
14 min later 27288343 Anonymous
I have seen zec promoted as a privacy coin.
What has monero got that makes it better than zec?
14 min later 27288362 Anonymous
Get a nexo account.
Buy $5,000 dollars worth of nexo to get higher apy, then buy $45,000 worth of usdc.
Leverage the nexo balance to max out “their loan at 5.9%
Use all the borrowed money to buy usdc.
That’s the most stable way to be in crypto
15 min later 27288507 Anonymous (1611876008199.jpg 720x720 241kB)
monero, hold for 5 years.
16 min later 27288619 Anonymous (1612112801023.jpg 512x512 88kB)
It's still link. How many times do we have to tell you. It's link.
16 min later 27288634 Anonymous (1611883938932.jpg 788x699 47kB)
Real privacy.
18 min later 27288850 Anonymous
50% BTC 50% ETH
19 min later 27288889 Anonymous
Doesn't that require social engineering? I'm too autistic for that
19 min later 27288968 Anonymous
If silver keeps up, KVT
20 min later 27289003 Anonymous
The jew fears the STA holder. 20k stack feeling comfy.
20 min later 27289023 Anonymous
unequivocally GRT
21 min later 27289119 Anonymous
Based and not cracked
21 min later 27289121 Anonymous
Eth has kinda 'graduated' from Altcoin status due to how big and important it is.
21 min later 27289145 Anonymous
What's the difference between a shitcoin and an altcoin?
22 min later 27289272 Anonymous
no true answer imo shitcoins are just pump and dump dogshit no use case absolute joke coins [DOGE, SHIB +1,000,000 other], usually are ERC20 tokens, altcoins have some kind of purpose
23 min later 27289335 Anonymous
How are you going to tell me a coin that hasn't even existed for a year is a good investment?
24 min later 27289421 Anonymous
Got it, makes sense
26 min later 27289599 Anonymous
Yeah, have fun. but also keep in mind every ERC20 token is not a shitcoin and you should research and evaluate if you think you like it for the tech etc.etc.etc.
26 min later 27289657 Anonymous
If you're looking to invest and don't want to risk losing money then I wouldn't invest in crypto at all.
27 min later 27289739 Anonymous
DeFi is the future fren. Just because its new and you like to buy inflated currency dosent mean its bad.
27 min later 27289810 Anonymous
Sometimes I feel like half of the game in shitcoins is trying to learn the psychological aspects of the hivemind mentality. That and having the fortitude to cash out at 2x and not get sucked into waiting for more when there are whales in a telegram waiting to dump
30 min later 27290069 Anonymous (EkLq-g_UwAAk_gv.jpg 647x588 95kB)
lmdao I'm feeling greedy as fuck I've been sitting on SUSHI for like 60 days now and BAO for about 10 and I feel like at any moment all my profits are gone. but that's the game. honestly i like to try and beat the psychological aspect by completely ignoring anything anyone says.
33 min later 27290328 Anonymous
Long-term investing is such a weak mind set to me. You're ok with storing $50,000 away so you can cash out $75,000 in 5 years?
You could make those gains in a single fucking day. What good is waiting it out if you could die in a year anyway?
Live for the thrill you fucking faggot.
Be safe, stay broke.
33 min later 27290364 Anonymous
Algo dude. Super cheap right now, staking rewards, comfy and has use.
34 min later 27290480 Anonymous
Get on the XLM train whilst you still can.
35 min later 27290614 Anonymous
>completely ignoring anything anyone says
Definitely this, the only thing that makes me lose confidence is trying to believe that there are people out there more retarded than I am. That said, do you think BAO is a good project to get started in farming/staking if I've never done it before? I've only got 200,000 but thinking about getting more
36 min later 27290688 Anonymous (1590004606128.jpg 680x717 76kB)
Hello, based department?
36 min later 27290720 Anonymous
Yeah that's true, PnD are one of the few times I feel emotions these days so it's not all bad
37 min later 27290765 Anonymous
LINK, obviously. Next question, moron
37 min later 27290781 Anonymous
1inch. low fee exchange coin that is steadily gaining. It's gonna reach $20 in a month
https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ 1inch
37 min later 27290794 Anonymous (pfgay.jpg 1080x1051 124kB)
I was going through my old leddit account yesterday and found this lol
39 min later 27290925 Anonymous
100% LINK
39 min later 27290976 Anonymous (5f0.png 521x937 272kB)
40 min later 27291083 Anonymous
41 min later 27291091 Anonymous
or just buy dai and put it into Aave or CRV
41 min later 27291127 Anonymous
That place is for poor people who need to learn how to manage their finances.
It's about how to live the most dull and meaningless life possible.
You tried to tell them. YOLO
42 min later 27291224 Anonymous
Airdrop was nice aswell got 608 token.
43 min later 27291287 Anonymous
>New coins and Defi are bad, I'd rather have a moribund shitcoin that's still over 70% down from its ATH 3 years ago even though BTC and ETH have fully recovered
ETH, BTC and Defi are the only coins worth a shit
45 min later 27291472 Anonymous
alot of people have said farming is not worth because alot of it is locked for 3 years + gas fees, if you don't have $1k to throw it probably isn't worth. I haven't farmed only bought despite the dev saying not to buy and hodl. but i have made only profit. I believe in SUSHI and they're partnered so I like it.
48 min later 27291815 Anonymous (11209898g89j.png 727x822 166kB)
Listen to all of these retards at your own peril.
Stakenet is the best passive income coin you can find.
54 min later 27292267 Anonymous (Roulette-seo.jpg 1200x800 253kB)
>investing in crypto
Fly to Vegas and put it all on black. Trust me it never misses.
Easiest $50k you'll ever make
54 min later 27292270 Anonymous
I dunno if this is going to the best but if the STO thing takes off and staking works out then I can see xcm being a safer hold than most
a lot of shit will probably outperform it but at least you know you can take your eyes off it for a couple months and not realize you're down 80%
58 min later 27292612 Anonymous
so what is the effective apy?
58 min later 27292639 Anonymous
I'd put 1/3 in ADA and 2/3 in bitcoin.
ADA is the most legit project in crypto imo. It's a massive undertaking with tons of people working on it. Not something where someone else could come along and just copy the whole thing with minimal effort. It's being built carefully and thoroughly to be as future-proof as possible. ETH? ETH sucks ass, we just use it because everyone else is but that will change eventually.
You can buy ADA and stake it very easily. You can have 150,000 now and come back in 3 years and you'll have 165,000, not to mention the value probably doing a 5-10x.
How long will that last for, a week?
59 min later 27292766 Anonymous
bruh what if you get caught?
Anyway I'm greedy, link to tutorial?
1 hours later 27292892 Anonymous
>I can see xcm being a safer hold than most
I mean it already is, do you know of any other crypto with a limited downside? And yes it will probably not even be close to the top performer, but I think it has the best risk-adjusted returns of any crypto. It can still easily 30x or more if they manage to deliver everything they are planning
1 hours later 27293112 Anonymous
but what if it lands on red
1 hours later 27293233 Anonymous
Small risky investments:
MUSE: An NFT DEX. Could be the foundation of the NFT economy. It's tiny right now but the devs have created two functioning products already on a shoe string budget. Very impressive.
GRT: Look up The Graph. Very useful.
1 hours later 27293642 Anonymous
It won't.
1 hours later 27293921 Anonymous
Yeah, long term is terrible for bitcoin......
1 hours later 27293999 Anonymous
is this simple to do?
1 hours later 27294127 Anonymous
My long term hodls are LRC and GRT
What’s the general sentiment on LRC here on /biz/?
1 hours later 27294267 Anonymous
use BlockFi instead
no KYC & offers 8.6% for USDC & GUSD
1 hours later 27294383 Anonymous
You can't be serious.
What could possibly make you think it'll only last for a week?
1 hours later 27294496 Anonymous
BTC, it's the mainstream (see: popular) one.
1 hours later 27294500 Anonymous
what is this
1 hours later 27294586 Anonymous
obviously 100% bitcoin, is this even a question?
1 hours later 27294748 Anonymous
On one hand a bunch of retarded teenagers were able to pull it off and they were so fucking stupid they just made Jack Dorsey say nigger instead of running a scam that could turn a profit. But on the other it's also probably harder now because of them, with all the media attention SIM swapping got I have to assume phone carriers changed protocol or gave their operators new instructions on how to prevent them. But I'm not sim swapper so what do I know, maybe wagie phone operators are too underpaid to give a fuck.
1 hours later 27295314 Anonymous
BTC, ETH, LINK and LTO if you really want to make it
1 hours later 27295425 Anonymous
In the quick google search I just did I saw that an early Bitcoin investor got burned when someone bribed a retail worker with $100, lmao. What's the legality of this anyway?
1 hours later 27295490 Anonymous
u /biz/ niggas have the absolute worst taste in women. she looks like an ugly jew that dyed her hair blonde so she can tell herself she's white. disgusting. i swear the women y'all post are all 7s at best
1 hours later 27295591 Anonymous
EGLD, but unironically
1 hours later 27296313 Anonymous (s407dyavhle61.jpg 1219x681 62kB)
Pump 50k into shibe on feb 4th you complete and utter faggot,
1 hours later 27296358 Anonymous (Crassus_Louvre_OA_1761.jpg 1280x960 282kB)
Ada is a redditor meme, go full dot instead, thank me later
1 hours later 27296440 Anonymous
BTC and put $10,000 in Namecoin and hold till coinbase list it
1 hours later 27296458 Anonymous
bitcoin but buy 1 coin, then do the rest as dollar cost averaging at $1000/day or if you see a massive incoming dip buy more heavily.
1 hours later 27296514 Anonymous
The answer is Link. Everyone else is trying to keep you from buying
1 hours later 27296582 Anonymous (1__Hixlhg6L67IFyTu0gXObA.png 625x320 7kB)
Hey fren,
Check out KardiaChain or ShareRing :-)
1 hours later 27296682 Anonymous
Bitcoin is the best long-term buy. If you want a bit higher risk for higher reward, then try and mess with XRP, LINK, ETH, etc. for short term gains
1 hours later 27296826 Anonymous
GRT long term mane.
1 hours later 27297267 Anonymous (1595605868490.jpg 1080x1344 441kB)
She's a 4chan classic. I get what you're saying but calling her ugly is some neckbeard level cringe.
1 hours later 27297540 Anonymous
girl on the left is super cute. girl on the right looks like a typical 56% american goblina ambiguous race. nice body though
3.234 0.129